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During my college years I have been on two expeditions to the Himalayas both carrying interests for my » Buddhist studies and » cultural anthropology research.
A part of my first journey took me to Western Tibet, to the Buddhist kingdom of Ladakh in 1995.
A part of my second journey took me to Western Tibet again, to the Buddhist kingdoms of Lahaul and Spiti and Zanskar in 1998.
Politically these areas all belong to India, therefore survived the devastating effects of the Chinese intervention in Tibet and since represent an ideal research area of relatively untouched Buddhist culture.
I have also studied some of the monasteries and settlements of Tibetan refugees in Himachal Pradesh (India) and the Kathmandu-valley (Nepal).
I have visited a high number of Tibetan settlements studying Tibetan Buddhist culture.
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I have visited more than a 130 Hindu temples in Northern-India and the Kathmandu-valley in Nepal.
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My research involved documentation (film and photo) of a number of Hindu and Buddhist topics.
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I have visited more than 50 Buddhist monasteries, observing the monastic way of life:
Tsuglagkhang - Dharamsala (HP, India) Sankar - Sankar (Ladakh) Dip Tse-Chok Ling - Dharamsala (HP, India) Tikse - Tiksey (Ladakh) Gadhan Thekchoking - Manali (HP India) (Basgo) - Basgo (Ladakh) Khardong - Khardong (Lahaul & Spiti) Rizong - Rizong (Ladakh) Tayul - Stingri (Lahaul & Spiti) Julichen - Rizong (Ladakh) Shashur - Leh (Ladakh) Shara - Shara (Ladakh) Jokhang (Soma) - Leh (Ladakh) Matho - Matho (Ladakh) Lehchen Spalkhar - Leh (Ladakh) (Stagna) - Stagna (Ladakh) Lakhang - Leh (Ladakh) Spitok - Spituk (Ladakh) Namgyal Tsemo - Leh (Ladakh) Shey - Shey (Ladakh)
Hemis - Hemis (Ladakh)
Zangla - Zangla (Zanskar)
(Phyang) - Phyang (Ladakh)
Changchup - Zangla (Zanskar)
(Lamayuru) - Lamayuru (Ladakh)
Swayambhunath - Swayambunath (Nepal)
(Serdung) - Mulbekh (Ladakh)
Rigzing Phadrang - Goraknath (Nepal)
(Rangdum) - Rangdum (Zanskar)
Guru Rinpoche - Goraknath (Nepal)
Stagrimo - Padum (Zanskar)
Dongak Chöling - Goraknath (Nepal)
Sani - Sani (Zanskar)
Kopan - Kopan (Nepal)
Karsha - Karsha (Zanskar)
Sechen Tennyi Dargyeling - Bodnath (Nepal)
Bardan - Bardan (Zanskar)
Chinya-Lama - Bodnath (Nepal)
Thonde - Thonde (Zanskar)
Ka-Nying Sheldrup Ling - Bodnath (Nepal)
- Mahabodhi temple & Bo Tree
- Thai Bodhi Kham monastery
- Tamang monastery
- Indosan Nipponji Temple and Daijokyo monastery
- Birla Dharamsala
- Tibetan Sakya and Karma monasteries
- Burmese Vihara
- Tibetan, Chineese, Nepali, Thai and Bhutanese monastery
Writings and Publications
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Available in Hungarian:
Buddhist Philosophy :
Hinajána buddhizmus (Hinayana Buddhism):
Tarr Dániel : Dharmabeszéd . (A Speech of Dharma) . [2001] {GDBC Mahayana} - (MS Word) [« read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Hinajána Buddhizmus . (Hinayana Buddhism) . [Autumn 1997] – [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1997] - (MS Word) [« read it ]
Mahajána buddhizmus (Mahayana Buddhism):
Tarr Dániel : Mahajána Buddhizmus . (Mahayana Buddhism – The History of Mahayana Schools) . [Autumn 1994] – [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 2001.] - [« read it ]
Tibeti buddhizmus (Tibetan Buddhism):
Tarr Dániel : Csenrézi . (Chenrezig) . [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} – [MTA Etno-regional Research Centre, Workbook 10., 1996] - (MS Word) [« read it ]
Zen buddhizmus (Zen Buddhism):
Tarr Dániel : Lin-csi . (Lin-chi) . [Spring 1994] {GDBC Zen Buddhism} - (MS Word) [« read it ]
John Drew : A Kamakurai Buddha . (The Buddha at Kamakura) . [1995] {poems in English} - [« read it ]
Jógacsára buddhizmus (Yogacara Buddhism):
Vasubandhu: Vijnapti-matrata-siddhi - "The Proof of the Mind only". (translation by Daniel Tarr) [1996] {from Sanskrit} - [« read it ]
Buddhista ismeretelmélet (Buddhist epistemology):
Tarr Dániel : Vaszubandhu - A Három Önvaló Tanítása . (Vasubandhu - The Teaching of the Three Selves). [Spring 1996] {GDBC Yogacara Buddhism} - [« read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Éntelenség és üresség . (Selflessness and Emptiness). [Spring 1995] {GDBC Mahayana Buddhism} - [« read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Buddhista episztemológiai szójegyzék . (Buddhist Epistemological Glossary). [1998] {GDBC Buddhist Epistemology} - [« read it ]
Chinese Philosophy :
Tarr Dániel : Bevezetés a Kínai Filozófiába . (Introduction to Chinese Philosophy) [Autumn 1993] {GDBC Chinese Philosophy}
Tarr Dániel : A felborult rend filozófiája - Hesziodosz és a Ji-King . (The Philosophy of Lost Order - Hesiod and the Ji-King) [Spring 1994] {GDBC Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Hindu Philosophy :
Tarr Dániel : Siva Himnusz . (A Hymn to Siva) . [1999] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Upanisadok (Upanishad):
Tarr Dániel : Prána - átman . (Prana - Atman) . [1993] {GDBC Upanishad Philosophy} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Hindu Tantra (Hindu Tantra):
Tarr Dániel : A Hindu Tantra követői és gyakorlata . (The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra) .(GDBC MA Thesis) [Spring 1997] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Siva Kultusza . (The Cult of Siva) . (ELTE CAD MA Thesis) [Spring 1999] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Jonathan Parry : Az Aghori Aszkéták . (The Aghori Ascetics) . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Indiai Aszketizmus . (Indian Asceticism) . [Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD BA} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Hindu Tantra jegyzet . (Hindu Tantra Notes) .(Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1996.) [1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Western Thought :
Philosophy of Religion :
Tarr Dániel : Ziqquratu . (The Zikkurat) . [Spring 1994] {GDBC Philosophy of Religion} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Jézus Rabbi . (Rabbi Jesus). [Autumn 1995] {GDBC Philosophy of Religion} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
History of Philosophy
Tarr Dániel : A felborult rend filozófiája - Hesziodosz és a Ji-King . (The Philosophy of Lost Order - Hesiod and the Ji-King) [Spring 1994] {GDBC Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Aurelius Augustinus . [Autumn 1995] {GDBC History of Philosophy}
Daniel Tarr : Aurelius Augustinus: Confessions . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Descartes: Discourse on Method . [1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Hume: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding . [1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Individualism and modern philosophy . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Plato . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Plato: Phaedo . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Pre-Socratic Thought – The Philosophy of ONE . [Autumn 1993] {GDBC Ancient Philosophy}
Daniel Tarr : Rousseau: Social Contract . [1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Available in English:
Daniel Tarr : Cognition and Freedom in 17-18th century philosophy . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : The Theory of Direct Realism – In the light of Theories of Perception . [Autumn 2001] {CEU Empiricism} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
DanielTarr : The Concept of Metempsychosis in Early Greek Philosophy . [Autumn 2001] {CEU Philosophy and Religion} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Plato's Enlightenment – The concept of phronesis . [Autumn 2001] {CEU Ancient Philosophy} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Interested? All written documents are available for reading in the » Library.
» You can check out my work on » The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra .
» I also wrote my Cultural Anthropology thesis on » The Cult of Siva .
I stopped giving public lectures in Autumn 2003 almost entirely.
"Indian Sadhus" - [ELTE BTK Folklore Department (06/10/2003)].
"Passionate Buddhism" - ["Sziget 2002", Shambala, Budapest (05/08/2002)].
"Tantric Buddhism" - ["Valley of Arts 2002", Taliándörögd (01/08/2002)].
"Indian Ascetics (Sadhus)" - [Indian Embassy, Budapest (10/05/2001)].
"High Civilizations in the Himalayas" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (20/04/2001)].
"Tibet and Nepal" - [Vista Coffee House (30/08/2000)].
"Tibet" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (10/03/2000)].
"Tibet and Nepal" - [Columbus High School (10/11/1999)].
"Hinayăna Buddhism" - ["Aquarius Day", Veszprém (23/10/1999)].
"Tibet" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (23/04/1999)].
"Tantric Buddhism" - [World Music Club (MOM) (18/03/1999)].
"Tibet" - [Columbus High School (02/02/1999)].
"The TANTRA `98 Expedition" - [Szimbiózis Club (12/03/1999)].
"Basic Teachings of Buddhism" - [Buddhist Community in Nagyvárad (Spring 1997)].
"INDIA" - [University of Economics, Budapest (Autumn 1997)].
"Buddhism" - [Kőrősi Csoma Sándor High School, Budapest (Autumn 1996)].
"Northern India" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (Autumn 1996)].
"Ladakh" - [Tibet Support Group (Spring 1996)].
Want to know more?
» Check out my Oriental Studies and References too.
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