"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

                         Cultural Anthropology Fieldwork



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Cultural Anthropology - Field Work

pulseDetails of Field Works

I have been on two expeditions to the Himalayas and North India both carrying interests for Buddhist research and Cultural Anthropology and I have also studied some of the oasis in the Sahara.

dotMy first journey took me through Kashmir, Ladakh (Western Tibet), and North India in 1995.

dotMy second journey took me to Tunisia (Northern Africa) to the Chott el Jerid in in 1996.

dotMy third journey took me to Ladakh & Zanskar (Western Tibet) again and to Nepal in 1998.




Please check out the details of

Field Work 1.



Field Work 2.



Field Work 3.



Field Work 4.






My research involved documentation (film and photo) of a number of Hindu and Buddhist topics such as:

    Ladakh & Zanskar & Lahaul and Spiti (Tibet)

- Tibetan Buddhist monasteries

- Buddhist tantric ceremonies (Mahăkăla puja, fire ritual, etc.)

- Tibetan Buddhist Festivals - The festivities at Shashur (Mask-dance (cham))

- Festivals in Ladakh (folk dances and costumes of Ladakh)

- Everyday life of a ladakhi family

    Kathmandu-valley (Nepal)

- Kathmandu - The holy city on the top of the world

- Animal Sacrifices for the God of Death [Kathmandu & Daksinkăli]

- Ascetics and hermits – sădhu tantric practices

- The burning of the dead in Pashupatinathban [Nepal]

Ganesh Documented Hindu tantric forms:
Asceticism: - Ascetics (sadhus)
  - Ascetic practices (yoga, tapasya)
  - Fire-keeper ascetic (dhúni-wálá)
  - The home of a Saiva ascetic (kuti)
Magic: - Gatekeeper-gods & protective signs
Ritual: - Various rituals & offerings
  - The burning of the dead
  - Vedic fire-ritual
  - Offerings (Vedic offering)
  - Preparation of food-mandala
  - Offerings to the gods (puja)
Fertility cults:
- Phallic worship (lingam-cult)
  - Full Moon Animal Sacrifice
  - Káli Shrine – Animal Sacrifices
Animist items:
- Holy Monkeys
  - Holy Cows
  - Snake-charming
Prayer Wheel Documented Buddhist tantric forms:
Magic: - Evocation – masked lama-dance (Csham)
  - Banishing (Mahákála puja (2.))
  - The preparation of prayer-flags
  - Various prayer-wheels and prayer-stones (mani-walls)
  - The use of magic syllables (mantra)
Ritual: - Various rituals (drumming, singing, dancing, etc.)
  - Ritual offerings (Mahákála puja (1.))
  - Butter-sculptures (torma)
  - The creation of a sand-mandala
Fertility cults: - Phallic worship
  - Fertility fire-offerings
Animist items:  - Bone heaps (obo), chortens and stupas
  - Mummies – mummification
  - Ghost- and Demon-traps
  - Shamanic elements (Worship of trees, fountains, etc.)




of the INDIA '95 and TANTRA '98 Expeditions

Presentations and Lectures:

INDIA'95 :

dot"INDIA" - University of Economics, Budapest [Autumn, 1997]
dotELTE University, Cultural Anthropology Department [19/11/1996]
dotThe Gate of Dharma Buddhist College [Autumn, 1995]
dotTibet Support Group [Spring, 1995]


dotVista Coffee House [30/08/2000]
dotCultural Anthropology Society [Szimbiózis Club, (12/03/1999)]
dotWorld Music Club [MOM (18/03/1999)]
dotCentral European University (CEU)  ["Conference on Tibet", (07/03/1999)]
dotInstitute for Pedagogy [18/12/1998]
dotSzabó Ervin Library [09/12/1998]
dotDanubius Language School [20/11/1998]
dotTibet Support Group [31/10/1998]
dotThe Gate of Dharma Buddhist College [21/10/1998]
dotELTE University, Cultural Anthropology Department [09/10/1998]

Radio Interviews:

INDIA'95 :

dotTantrism” - [Gábor Csonka Radio Fix – (Spring 1997)].
dotIndia '95” - [Radio Civil – (Autumn 1996)].
dotNorthern India” - [Gábor Csonka Radio Fix– (Spring1996)].
dotLadakh” - [Botond Szatmári Radio Tilos – The Midnight Yeti Program (Spring 1996)].


dotIndian Ascetism” - [Kriszta Tűz Radio Fix - Dongó Program (07/03/1999)].
dotThe Magic of Tibetan Sounds” - [Tamás Paulinyí Radio Civil – Szintézis Program (Winter 1998)].
dotTANTRA '98” - [Kriszta Tűz Radio Fix - Dongó Program (Autumn 1998)].
dotTANTRA '98” - [Tibor Jankovics Radio Tilos – The Midnight Yeti Program (Autumn 1998)].


dotTibetan Photo Exhibition - Museum of Applied Arts (photos by Botond Szatmári and Tibor Jankovich) [09/03/1999 - 21/03/1999]
dotThe Culture of Tibet (Ethnographic Exhibition) – Pest Center Gallery (collection by Botond Szatmári and Tibor Jankovich) [12/03/1999 - 02/04/1999]


dotThe TANTRA '98 Exhibition – for Duna TV (Miklós Szederkényi) – no response


Hungarian Available in Hungarian:

Articles and Publications:

dotDaniel Tarr : Amritsar - The Golden Temple and the Nectar Lake . - [« read it ]
dotDaniel Tarr : Benares - The City of Ascetics . [Magyar Hírlap - Világszám 2. (1997 April)] - [« read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Indiai drog '95 . (Indian Drug '95) . [Törökfürdő 1996/1 & Magyar Narancs VIII/28, 1996/06/11] - [« read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Kashmir - War in the Himalayas . (Kashmir '95). - [« read it ]
dotDaniel Tarr : Khajuraho - Sex temples of India - [Magyar Hírlap - Világszám 1. (1997 March)] - [« read it ]
dotDaniel Tarr : Ladakh - The Last Shangri-la . - [« read it ]
dotDaniel Tarr : Manali - The World of Cannabis . - [« read it ]
dotKriszta Tűz : Tibet and Nepal . [QG Magazin (03/1999)]

Academic papers:

dotTarr Bence: Amritsar - A Nektár-tó . (Amritsar - The Nectar Lake) [ELTE CAD, 1996.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Bence: Az amritszári Adi Grantha kultusza . (The Cult of the Adi Grantha in Amritsar) [ELTE CAD BA Thesis, 1998.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Bence : Murti - Az idolátria valódi formája . (Murti - The true form of idolatry) [ELTE CAD, 1996.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Bence : Ladakh - a körülmények hatalma . (Ladakh - The Power of Circumstance) [ELTE CAD, 1996.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

dotTarr Dániel : Az indiai kasztrendszer . (The Indian Cast System) [Autumn 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Indiai Aszkéták - kiállítási forgatókönyv . (Indian Ascetics - Exhibition Plan Outline) [Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD Museology} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Szádhu képgaléria . (Sadhu Picture Gallery) . [2007]

A » hindu könyvtárban olvasható:

dotTarr Dániel : A Hindu Tantra követői és gyakorlata . (The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra) . (GDBC MA Thesis) [Spring 1997] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Siva Kultusza . (The Cult of Siva) . (ELTE CAD MA Thesis) [Spring 1999] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotKara István : Kápalika Szádhana . (Kapalika Sadhana) . (GDBC BA Thesis) [2001] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotJonathan Parry : Az Aghori Aszkéták . (The Aghori Ascetics) . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Indiai Aszketizmus . (Indian Asceticism) . [Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD BA} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Hindu Tantra jegyzet . (Hindu Tantra Notes) . (Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1996.) [1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

A » buddhista könyvtárban olvasható:

dotTarr Bence : A Nyingma Kialakulása . (The Origins of Nyingma). [1999] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra course notes} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Csenrézi . (Chenrezig). [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} – [MTA Etno-regional Research Centre, Workbook 10., 1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Drogok (Drugs)

dotTarr Dániel : Indiai drog '95 . (Indian Drug '95) [Autumn 1995] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Kashmir '95 . (Kashmir '95) [Autumn 1995] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
dotTarr Dániel : Manali '95 . (Manali '95) [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [MS Word) « read it ]

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Want to know more?

» Check out my work at the ELTE BTK and the Buddhist College.

» My Oriental Studies relate too.


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