"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

                         Professional Life



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— This page is part of the personal archives and is no longer maintained —

(A brief chronology of my professional areas of activity between 1995-2011.)

Name: Daniel M. Tarr - CyberGuru

"Daniel Tarr: Cyberguru, Post Logic Studio, Hungary; "Cyberspiritual weaver of the Web and an illuminated upholder of reality"; Speaker for digital cryonics, lobbying for the creation of the first cyber cemetery of personal Web pages, a database and Web museum for researchers of the past of cyberspace and humanism."

[WTA - Transvision 2004]

Permanent job: Post Logic Studio, Hungary - general manager [« go there ]

Professional areas of activity:

» IT technologies, computers, internet and web

» Consultant management
» Multimedia, Graphic and Web Design

» Human Arts

» Oriental philosophy and cultural anthropology
» Literature, linguistics and language teaching
» Social politics and international affairs

» Media

» Journalism, television and radio

dot» Spiritual activism

» Philosophy and Religion
» Spirituality, transcendence and tantra
» Transhumanism, futurology and ufology



The fact is that most of my professional life has been a sequence of searches. Over the many years of my working history I have been busy trying to find the "right job" - I have applied to more than 1000 different jobs with varying success. As a consequence I have pretty much given up looking for a job and live off my own enterprises. As distance in time grows these efforts on the job market seem completely irrelevant and were more part of the learning process of breaking free from dependence on others.

I am a 21st century Leonardo da Vinci, with little hope of this age recognizing my skills and potentials...




Personal achievements

dot» Creator of the very first weekly digital iPad magazine in Hungary: DHVG (2011)

dot» Founding member and IT professional of the No.1 visited website in Hungary: Startlap (2005-2009)

» Founding member of the Hungarian Chapter of the World Transhumanist Association [now: Humanity +] (2004)

» Founding member and head of the Studio21 Training Center specializing in 3D Animation (now: Mesharray) (2003-2004)

dot» Creator of the First Hungarian Whitebook on Education for the Hungarian Ministry of Education (2001)

» Founding member of the Hungarian Cultural Anthropology Society and a teacher of the ELTE Department of Cultural Anthropology (1997)

dot» Founding member of the Gate of Dharma Buddhist Church and a teacher of the Gate of Dharma Buddhist College (1993-2003)


Short history

I have been most active in the following professional areas :

mush Information Technologies and Computing [« go there ]

I set up my own IT enterprise - Post Logic Studio - which has been in operation since 2003 [« go there].

Between 2010-2011 I was working for HVG Online Division [« go there] as an IT project manager. My first major project was the development and implementation of the first iPad Digital Magazine in Hungary, called DHVG which hit the market at the end of the year.

Between 2009-2010 I returned to free-lance work, supervising the marketing and PR of the Medic-Poliklinika [« go there] (an enterprise specializing in holistic medicine) and supporting the launch of the Kogart Academy [« go there] in internet areas. I also had several IT projects within the framework of my own enterprise Post Logic Studio [« go there].

Between 2005-2009 I was working for Sanoma Publishing Inc. - New Media Division as the site development manager for Startlap, the No.1. visited website in Hungary at that time. [« go there].

I started working in the IT sector as a system administrator and graphic designer. I did it as a part time job between 1997-1999, but also did it full time as a macromedia designer at the Multisoundd 2000 Ltd. in 2000 [« go there]. Finally financial constraints have led me to working for a number of companies in the information technology business [« go there]. These included: in 2002 - consultant IT & sales management for the InterPC Holding Ltd. , but due to bad financial conditions I soon took a new job at the Sabedu Ltd. working in the e-learning business [« go there]. Quite paradoxically the company didn't see a future in the educational division, so in 2003 I was forced to leave and soon took another new job at the Infinity Ltd. [« go there]. Unfortunately the job was far too administrative in nature, therefore yet again I took another job at the Studio 21 Ltd. [« go there], specializing in the education of 3D graphic design. I was working here until the end of 2004.

mush Consulting and Coaching

Since 2011 I have been actively involved with Napkapu [« go there] as an associate and senior consultant.

mush Travel and Tourism

Since 2010 I have been actively involved in tourism. [« go there]

mush International Communication and Foreign Affairs

As teaching classes gets tiresome after a while I was trying to get away from teaching. As one attempt, I worked as an assistant for international affairs, something I started at an early age at the Hungarian Scout Association [« go there]. I was working as an executive civil servant for the Hungarian Ministry of Education as the head of the Policy Development Task Force in 2001 [« go there].

mush Education and Teaching [« go there ]

I started my professional carrier as a teacher, working as an English teacherbetween 1995-2002 and running my own teaching enterprise - the Language Teaching Educational and Tertiary Corporation- operating between 1998-2003 [« go there]. I was also a lecturer of philosophy and oriental studies at the Gate of Dharma Buddhist College between 1995-2003, where I was working full time between 1997-2000 and was appointed an associate professor of philosophy in 2000 [« go there]. I was also giving lectures on cultural anthropology at ELTE University in 1997-98 and doing my own research as a cultural anthropologist [« go there]. For personal reasons I have stopped most of my teaching activities from 2004 onwards.

Know a real job for me? Please contact!

Last updated: 11-11-2011



Professional areas of activity

- Chronology -



IT technologies, computers and web

[» go there «]

IT Consulting


General management

dotPost Logic Studio (2003-) [« go there]

Consultant management

dotNapkapu - Online marketing and sales management (2011-) [« go there]
dotKároli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary - Online marketing and IT consultancy (2011-2012)
dotHVG Publishing Inc. - IT project management (2010-2011) [« go there]
dotSanoma Publishing Inc. - Site development management and coordination (2005-2009) [« go there]
dotQualysoft Information Technology Inc. - Information Technology Consulting (2007-2008 & 2010) [« go there]
dotStudio 21 Ltd. - 3D Graphics Education Consulting (Educational Division) (2003-2004) [« go there]
dotInfinity Ltd. - Information Technology Consulting (2003) [« go there]
dotSabedu Ltd. - E-learning Technologies Management (Educational Division) (2002) [« go there]
dotInterPC-Holding Ltd. - IT Education Consulting (Educational Division) (2002) [« go there]

» Check out the Napkapu website
» Check out the Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem website
» Check out the HVG website
» Check out the Sanoma Budapest website
» Check out the Qualysoft website
» Check out the Studio21 Training Center website
» Check out the Infinity Ltd. website
» Check out the Sabedu Ltd. website
» Check out the InterPC Holding Ltd. website (No longer)

Multimedia and Design

Post Logic Studio (2003-) - Web-design and internet [« go there]
dotMultisoundd 2000 Ltd. (2000) - Multimedia programming [« go there]
dotFutureSync Studios (1997-1999) - System administration and Web-design 

smiley For detailed reference on Information Technology Consultancy follow this » link.




Human Arts

[» go there «]

Buddhism Philosophy and Cultural Anthropology

Oriental and Western Philosophy and Related Studies

dotThe Gate of Dharma Buddhist College (1995-2003) [« go there]
dotSzintézis Open University (1998-2011)
dotLogos Open University (1999-2000)

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology

dotEötvös Lóránd University of Sciences, Cultural Anthropology Department (1997-98) [« go there]
dotThe Gate of Dharma Buddhist College (1998-2000) [« go there]
dotNovus High School (1998)

Language Teaching Literature, linguistics and language teaching

General management

dotLanguage Teaching Educational and Tertiary Corporation (1998-2003) [« go there]

English as a Foreign Language

dotPrime Minister's Office - Dr. Lajos Pál - Secretary of State (1998-2002)
dotSupreme Public Prosecutor's Office - Dr. Erzsébet Gulyás et.al. (2002)
dotMinistry of Social Affairs - Dr. Anna Kozma et.al.(1998-2000)
dotMinistry of Interior - Dr. Ferenc Dudás - Secretary of State (1998)
dotEuropean Union PHARE Program - teacher retraining program (1996-97)

dotInternational House, Budapest (2002) 
dotDanubius Language School (1995-1999)

dotOTP Bank (1999)
dotTakarék Bank (1997)
dotBOSCH Company (1995)

Social Politics Social Politics and International Affairs

dot Hungarian Ministry of Education (2001) - Assistant for International Affairs [« go there]

State Secretariat of International Cooperation and Strategic Planning
Head of Department of Policy Development Task Force

dotHungarian Scout Association (1990-1993) - Assistant for International Affairs [« go there]

International Department - Correspondent for England and Wales

» Check out The Ministry of Education Website
» Check out The Scout Association Website





Media References

Journalism, television and radio


dotMTV Csak Ma (Margit Ráduly): scientific advisor and reporter (1999-2000)
dotMTV2 Kincsestár (Margit Ráduly): scientific advisor (1998)
dotMTV1 Hello Világ (József Vinkó): scientific advisor and editor (1997)


dotQ-Radio (2009) - “Ayurveda” program - broadcaster
dotParaRadio (2000) - “The Global Collective” program - broadcaster
dotRadio Tilos (1995-1998) - "Fûrész", "Határsértõ" and "Drug" program - broadcaster

Journalism (1995-1997) & (2009-)

dotMagyar Hírlap
dotMagyar Narancs
dotSikeres Nők

    » Check out the Magyar Hírlap online Website
    » Check out the Magyar Narancs Website
    » Check out the Elixír Magazin Website
    » Check out the Természetgyógyászat Magazin Website




Spiritual activism



Spiritual activism refers to activities taking place mainly on a spiritual level. It is a bit like meditation, when one's spiritual energy radiates and penetrates the physical world in a subtle way. Yet there are certain manifestations on the physical plane too. Such instances are:

dot» Founding member and associate of the Napkapu alternative coaching company (2010)
dot» Founding member and activist of Tűzönjárás - the International Firewalking movement [FIT] in Hungary (2010)
dot» Founding member and teacher of the Kogart Academy spiritual school (2009)
» Founding member of the Hungarian Chapter of the World Transhumanist Association [now: Humanity +] (2004)
» Founding member and teacher of the Szintézis Szabadegyetem Open University spiritual school (1997)
» Founding member of the Hungarian Cultural Anthropology Society and a teacher of the ELTE Department of Cultural Anthropology (1997)
dot» Founding member of the Gate of Dharma Buddhist Church and a teacher of the Gate of Dharma Buddhist College (1993-2003)

» Check out the Library contents:

Philosophy and Religion

dotOccultism & Hermetic Traditions
dotPhilosophy of Religion
dotWestern Philosophy
dotThelema & Magick

Spirituality, transcendence and tantra

dotSpiritual realization
dotGaia awareness
dotSexual sublimation
dotNeo-Tantrick practice

Transhumanism, futurology and ufology

dotMind Uploading
dotArtifical Intelligence
dotExtraterrestrial research
dotGalactic diplomacy & Exopolitics
dotSpace Exploration


Web Matrix

Want to know more?

» Check out my Education and Studies and my References.




Professional Life                         



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