"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."




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I was working in the » Internet Development sector for the following companies: » HVG, » Sanoma, » Qualysoft and Sabedu (an e-learning business):


pulse Job description

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Job description


In 2002 I was working as an e-learning manager for the » Sabedu Ltd. heading the educational division. In addition to the managerial and administrative duties, my main responsibilities involved the full spectrum of project management: coordination of employees, management of orders, administration, professional supervision and monitoring.

My responsibilities also included: 

dotclient sales representation  and personal relations: establishing co-operations with schools, educational companies, governmental agencies and organizations
dotstrategic planning and launching projects in the educational division & evaluation
dotproject management to introduce e-learning management systems and develop e-contents 
dotparticipating in tender writing (especially in connection with governmental funds)
dotpreparation of outgoing offers and contracts for clients by keeping close contact with the Legal, Technical, Marketing and Sales departments



Company Profile

E-learning is a new Internet-based training method which refers to the integrated system of information and communication technologies that support the automated management of the learning process between training coordinators, instructors and students. E-learning is the interaction between educational methodology, electronic contents and a learning management system which provides the controlled environment to automate the learning process.

The Sabedu Ltd. - opened in Graphisoft Park Budapest in July 2002 - provides solutions of the highest quality, thanks to our employees who brought their numerous Hungarian and international references and their expertise to the company, and continue their R+D activities at Sabedu, establishing new partnerships with other experts. Most of our customers are from the corporate and public sectors, but the company also offers lower-priced products to the non-profit sector, e.g. vocational training schools and other institutions of the higher and secondary education.

Our objective is to play a key role in the development of Hungarian e-learning standards, and we seek strong cooperation with companies and organizations on the Hungarian market, as well as with the government agencies in charge of the regulatory processes. The high quality of our services with such a young company is ensured by the fact that most of our colleagues have been working together as a team for over four years in the area of e-learning. Furthermore, our technologies and contents development directors joined us from well-known Belgian and German e-learning companies to guarantee that our products will meet the highest international standards.

Sabedu logo



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The main strategy for SABEDU was to become the market leader in Hungary and to have a prominent role in the Central-European area.

By Fall 2002 the company started out with two versions of its Learning Management System (LMS), the Knowledge Linker on the Hungarian market: in September 2002 we introduced the lower-priced Knowledge Linker Express for smaller or mid-size companies, and institutions in the higher or secondary education; and in October 2002, the company  released Knowledge Linker Enterprise, developed for Sabedu Ltd. by Grepton Informatics Corp., for multinational companies, large companies and the public sector.

The next product was the unique “Integrated Knowledge Portal” in which a later version of our Knowledge Linker Enterprise is integrated into a Portal Management application developed by one of our partners. IKP combines the functionalities of internet- and portal-based applications with the features offered by intranets.

Knowledge Linker Enterprise has been designed to host all learning activities as the core member of our learning portal solution. It facilitates the integrated management of students, instructors, trainings, and contents. Its database is used both by the web module and by the portal management module. It implements the full corporate training process.

The e-learning services include consultation, content development, content distribution, LMS implementation and  technical support. Sabedu’s private investors support both our strategic visions and operational plans. By the end of October 2002, more than 130 million HUF have been invested into Sabedu Ltd. to guarantee product development and day-to-day operations, as well as innovative expansions.

» Fur further information visit the Sabedu Website.




    dotDigital Learning Tools Development [« read it ]
    dotE-Learning implementation strategy [« read it ]
    dotEducational Quality Development Knowledge Portal ("Közokos") for the Hungarian Ministry of Education's Teacher Training Institute (PTMIK): project manger for the development and implementation. [ Watch the presentation « view it ] (Director exe 1.9 Mb)
    dotKnowledge Linker Enterprise [Sabedu (2003)] - [« view it ] (Director exe 2.6 Mb)
    dotSabedu company CD [Sabedu (2003)] - [« view it ]
    dotSabedu company film [Sabedu (2003)] - [« view it ] (Mpg video 22 Mb)
    dotSabedu Educational Division - powerpoint summary [« view it ] (PPT 3.3 Mb)

» Visit the Kozokos Website.

Web Matrix

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Last updated: 25-01-2025

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