"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."




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Scouts logo
I was very actively involved in scouting for seven years and it played an important part of my life at that stage. Whereas I also participated in regular scouting activities, such as scout group activities and later as a group leader, I also worked for the Hungarian Scout Association as an international assistant and correspondent for England and Wales.


Scouting History

Dani scout


dotJoin the British Scout Association
    - 8th N.W. Leeds St. Georges Scout Group lead by Gunner and Ann McKenna
dotArtist (18/06/86) and Athlete (08/08/86) badge


dotPennine Mountains trek
dotLake District Scout Camp


dotJoin the Hungarian Scout Association
    - 205. Zrínyi Miklós Scout Group [» visit online ]
dotPatrol Leader


dotPatrol Leader Scout Camp 1. & 2. at Ceglédbercel
dotScout Group Camp at Tar, Hungary


dotScout Group Camp at Ladánybene, Hungary (07/91)
dot"Haarlem Jamborette"
    - International Jamboree near Haarlem, Holland (21/07-01/08/91)
dot"Danske Spejdercorps Jamboree" on Spa Fynn, Denmark (03-12/09/91)


dotI work for the Hungarian Scout Association
    as international assistant and correspondent for England and Wales
1992 dot"Youth Organization Management" training course in Northampton, England (03-11/04/92)
dotStudy visit to the Welsh Scout Council at Overton-on-Dee, Wales (12-21/04/92) with secretary Alan P.Jones
dot "Youth Organization Management 2."training course in Budapest, Hungary (20-30/06/92)
dotHiking Camp in the Börzsöny Mountains with my own Scout Pack (10-20/07/98)
dot"Magyar-Cymru" - Joint Welsh-Hungarian Camp in Scout Park near Budapest, Hungary (28/07/92-10/08/92)
dot'Adult Training and Management' training course by the Welsh Scout Council near Wrexham, Wales (07-14/11/92) with secretary Alan P.Jones
dotWoodbadge Award as Scout Commissioner & Administrator in Cardiff.
1993 dotParticipate in the preparation and conduct of a "Scout Commissioner training course 1." in Budapest, Hungary (10-17/05/93)
dot"Magyar Jamborette" - Joint Danish-Hungarian Jamboree near Lilafüred, Hungary (10-20/07/93)
dot"Jamboree Cymru" - Welsh Jamboree in Glanusk Park, Wales (24/07-10/08/92) with secretary Alan P.Jones
dot Study visit to the British Scout Association in London (Gillwell Park) and visiting the "Scout Commissioner training course 2." for Hungarians in Northampton, England (12-16/08/93) with national commissioner Stuart A. Little



Picture Gallery

scout group
scout group
Stuart and Dani
Dani scout
Dani and Mike
scout group
scout group
study group
scout group


scout membership card
Scout Membership
scout membership card
Wood Badge Scout Commissioner
Wood Badge Scout Commissioner

Web Matrix

Want to know more?

» Check out my work at the Ministry of Education .

» My Travels relate too.







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