human arts | field work | academic studies | travels | anthropology library Eötvös Lóránd University of SciencesDepartment of Cultural Anthropology
My research focuses on "CyberTantra" - how various tantric religious forms, traditional rituals, practices and initiations are transformed in cyberspace.
[To be explained more explicitly one day...]
Field Work
During my college years I have been on two expeditions to the Himalayas both carrying interests for my » Buddhist studies and cultural anthropology research.
My first journey took me through Kashmir, Ladakh (Western Tibet), and North India in 1995.
My second journey took me to Ladakh & Zanskar (Western Tibet) again and to Nepal in 1998.
I have also studied some of the oasis in the Sahara in Northern Africa near the Chott el Jerid in Tunisia in 1996.
Find out more about my Fieldwork or about the details of a specific research:
Field Work 1.
Field Work 2.
Field Work 3.
Field Work 4.
Writings and Publications
Personal selection listed only
Available in Hungarian:
Tarr Dániel : Hogy kutatok én? . (How I do my Research) . [Autumn 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Hindu-buddhista kultúra (Hindu-Buddhist Culture)
Tarr Dániel : Az indiai kasztrendszer . (The Indian Cast System) [Autumn 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Indiai Aszkéták - kiállítási forgatókönyv . (Indian Ascetics - Exhibition Plan Outline) [Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD Museology} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
A hindu könyvtárban olvasható:
Tarr Dániel : Hindu Tantra jegyzet . (Hindu Tantra Notes) . (Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1996.) [1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Indiai Aszketizmus . (Indian Asceticism) . [Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD BA} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : A Hindu Tantra követői és gyakorlata . (The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra) . (GDBC MA Thesis) [Spring 1997] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Siva Kultusza . (The Cult of Siva) . (ELTE CAD MA Thesis) [Spring 1999] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
A buddhista könyvtárban olvasható:
Tarr Dániel : Csenrézi . (Chenrezig). [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} – [MTA Etno-regional Research Centre, Workbook 10., 1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
» Drog Linkgyűjtemény (Drugs Link Directory)
Tarr Dániel : Indiai drog '95 . (Indian Drug '95) [Autumn 1995] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Kashmir '95 . (Manali '95) [Autumn 1995] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Manali '95 . (Manali '95) [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Tunéz drog '96. (Tunisian Drug '96) [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Franz Boas . (Franz Boas) [Spring 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Más könyvtárakban olvasható:
Tarr Dániel : Az internet mítosza . (The Internet Myth) . [ELTE CAD 1996] - [in The Internet Myth {Kodolányi Füzetek 3.} [Kodolányi János Főiskola (1999) ISBN 9630384329] - [(MS Word) « read it or » Check out the on-line version ]
Daniel Tarr : 'Nam on the Net . [Spring 1996] {ELTE DELL} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Nationalism and National Minorities . [Spring 1994] {ELTE DELL} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Az apokaliptikus áramlatok világképe . (The Vision of Apocalyptic Trends) . [Spring 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Amritsar - The Golden Temple and the Nectar Lake . - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Benares - The City of Ascetics . [Magyar Hírlap - Világszám 2. (1997 April)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Indian Drug ‘95 . - [Törökfürdö (1/1996) & Magyar Narancs VIII/28 (11/06/1996) & VillanyMancs (04/07/2003)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Kashmir '95 - War in the Himalayas . [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Khajuraho - Sex temples of India . [Magyar Hírlap - Világszám 1. (1997 March)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Ladakh - The Last Shangri-la . - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Lappland . (documentary film commentary) - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Manali - The World of Cannabis . - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Paris Nouveau [Autumn 1997] - [Max 1997/4 (1997 November)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Scotland . (documentary film commentary) - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Thailand [Autumn 1997] - [Max 1997/2 (1997 September)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Valencia and Granada . (documentary film commentary) - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : The Camera Hungary '99 Television Festival - [in The Future of the Media [Média Hungária (1999)]
Interested? All written documents are available for reading in the » Library .
» You can also read the full work » The Cult of Siva .
» I also wrote my Oriental Studies thesis on » Hindu Tantra .
I stopped giving public lectures since 2003 because of my retreat.
"Indian Sadhus" - [ELTE BTK Folklore Department (06/10/2003)].
"Passionate Buddhism" - ["Sziget 2002", Shambala, Budapest (05/08/2002)].
"Tantric Buddhism" - ["Valley of Arts 2002", Taliándörögd (01/08/2002)].
"Indian Ascetics (Sadhus)" - [Indian Embassy, Budapest (10/05/2001)].
"High Civilizations in the Himalayas" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (20/04/2001)].
"Tibet and Nepal" - [Vista Coffee House (30/08/2000)].
"Tibet" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (10/03/2000)].
"Tibet and Nepal" - [Columbus High School (10/11/1999)].
"Tibet" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (23/04/1999)].
"Tantric Buddhism" - [World Music Club (MOM) (18/03/1999)].
"Tibet" - [Columbus High School (02/02/1999)].
"The TANTRA `98 Expedition" - [Szimbiózis Club (12/03/1999)].
"INDIA" - [University of Economics, Budapest (Autumn 1997)].
"Northern India" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (Autumn 1996)].
"Ladakh" - [Tibet Support Group (Spring 1996)].
"Traditional drug usage" - [Bárci Gusztáv Remedial College (16/03/2000)].
"Internet Dependence" - [Pszinapszis ‘99 (Psychologist Conference Budapest) (19/03/1999)].
"The Internet Myth" - ‘Myth Conference' - [Cultural Anthropology Society (Autumn 1997)].
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Last updated: 09-09-2009