

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The Probationer Grade

The Initiatory Structure of the A∴A∴
The Order consists of eleven degrees or levels, organized into three groups, the Orders of the SS, the RC and the GD respectively set forth in One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX. In the A∴A∴, blind is not blind guide and progress is measured by this series of degrees. The Order of A∴A∴ adheres more or less strictly to the guidelines set forth in Liber Collegii Sancti sub figura CLXXXV by Aleister Crowley.

Probationer 0° = 0□
The Robe
of a Probationer
The Probationer shall wear a Robe of White Linen or Wool or Silk in the Shape of the
Tau, trimmed in Gold at the neck, sleeves and hem. On the front of the Robe in Scarlet
shall be the Upright Pentagram; on the back, the Hexagram of Nature with the golden
Tau in the midst, for "the blue triangle that descendeth is Nuit, and the red triangle that ascendeth is Hadit." There is no Hood. [Liber Vesta vel פרכח sub figurâ DCC]

The Robe of the Probationer
The Oath of a Probationer:
"I, _____, being of sound mind and Body, on this _____ day of _____ (An _____ Sun in _____ degrees) do hereby resolve: in the Presence of _____, an Neophyte of the A∴A∴: To prosecute the Great Work: which is, to obtain a scientific knowledge of the nature and powers of my own being. May the A∴A∴ crown the work, lend me of its wisdom in the work, enable me to understand the work! Reverence, duty, sympathy, devotion, fidelity, trust do I bring to the A∴A∴, and in one year from this date may I be admitted to the knowlegde and conversation of the A∴A∴! Witness my hand: _____ Motto: _____"
The Task of a Probationer:

"Probationer" Summary
The Great Work, for the Probationer, is defined as "obtaining a scientific knowledge of the nature and powers of my own being."
"Probation" is defined as an experimental period, during which the individual is tested. The word comes from the Latin, probare , "to prove". In Liber 185 the Probationer is warned to
"be aware that the word Probationer is not a term in vain, but that the Brethren will prove it in many subtle ways when he least expects it."
In relation to the Tree of Life, the Probationer is lost in Qliphoth.

"After three months, the Student is examined ... and if his knowledge ... is considered satisfactory, he can become a Probationer " (Book Four). The Probationer (0° = 0□) is received by an initiate who is at least one Neophyte (1° = 10□).
The aspirant to A∴A∴ you should listen to the Lesson (Liber LXI) and this note of your function; IF HE WANTS, he must then get the robe of a Probationer; should choose with a deep premeditation and intense solemnity a motto. Upon admission he shall receive the robe, sign the form provided and repeat the oath as appointed, and receive the First Volume of the Book. (Liber 185).
The "First Volume of the Book" contains Liber LXI (Liber Causae) and Liber LXV (Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente), "The Book of the Heart Girded with a Serpent").
The candidate must be guided by a superior in order, at least one Neophyte, who will pass a series of tasks chosen by him allied to one that the candidate himself will impose himself, being also tested in the test of Holy Obedience to his Instructor.
When signing the oath, the candidate must choose a motto that suits him best.
The Probationer's robe is a white Tau-shaped robe (without a hood), with gold accents along the bottom hem, the sleeves, and near the neckline. At the front is a scarlet staff. On the back is a hexagram, formed from a blue descending triangle interlaced with a red rising triangle, and with a golden Tau in the center.

Probationer Work
Probationer. - Your main job is to start the practices you may prefer, and write a careful record of them for a year. (One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX).
The essential purpose of the probationary degree is thus that the aspirant will explore a wide variety of instructional materials and, above all, find his own methods and work styles. Thus, any attempt to pre-specify tasks should be vague. The Probationer is given an extensive curriculum of study materials, consisting mainly of all Class B publications of the A∴A∴. "He may choose whatever practices he chooses, but in any case he must keep an accurate record so that he can discover cause and effect in his work, and so that A∴A∴ can judge his progress and direct his further studies ".
He is to memorize a chapter of Liber LXV ... (Liber 185)
Liber LXV is Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente, "The Book of the Heart Girded with a Serpent."
In addition to all this, he should perform any tasks that A∴A∴ appropriate to entrust it. (Liber 185)

The Probationer's Journey
In Eight Lectures on Yoga , Aleister Crowley describes how the work of the early phases of A∴A∴ was developed:
"The question for me is also to describe a method of procedure which will be sufficiently elastic to be useful to every human being. I have tried to do this by combining the two paths of Magick and Yoga. If we perform the preliminary practices, each according to his capacity, the result will surely be the acquisition of a certain technique. And this will become much easier as we advance, especially if we bear it well in mind not to attempt to discriminate between the two methods as if they were opposing schools, but to use the one to help out the other in an emergency. [...]
You are expected to spend three months at least on the study of some of the classics on the subject. The chief object of this is not to instruct you, but to familiarise you with the ground work, and in particular to prevent you getting the idea that there is any right or wrong in matters of opinion. You pass an examination intended to make sure that your mind is well grounded in this matter, and you become a Probationer. Your reading will have given you some indication as to the sort of thing you are likely to be good at, and you select such practices as seem to you to promise well. You go ahead with these, and keep a careful record of what you do, and what results occur. After eleven months you submit a record to your superior; it is his duty to put you right where you have gone wrong, and particularly to encourage you where you think you have failed." (IV.22+24.)
The basic instructions on "the two paths of Magic and Yoga" are, respectively, the documents in Class B Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae and Liber E vel Exercitiorum . These practical instructions are the foundation of the A∴A∴ Scientific Enlightenment system. GH∴ Frater OM emphasized its importance clearly in an editorial in Equinox Vol. I Nº 7:
"I am authorized to say that no one will be admitted as a Neophyte unless his year of work [as a Probationer] yields considerable skill tests in the fundamental practices, Asana, Pranayama, Assumption of God-Forms, vibration of divine names, rituals of banishment, and invocation, and the practices set forth in Sections 5 and 6 of Liber O. Although he is not examined in any of these, elemental experience is necessary so that he can intelligently assist those who will be under him."

Advance to Neophyte
The minimum probation period shall be one year. Probationary Degree lasts at least a year or so. The shortest date for advancement is "The next time the sun should enter the sign in which it was received." (Liber 185)
When the sun is again under the sign of the commitment assumed, the Probationer must submit his diary and submit to the Ritual DCLXXI. The Probationer is to deliver a copy of his Diary from this period to his Neophyte and then recite the chosen chapter of Liber LXV. This must occur one month before the end of the probationary period (ie, at least eleven months after admission).
According to (Liber 185), "any Probationer who has completed his task to the satisfaction of A∴A∴" will be prepared for the advance to Neophyte.
He must remain chaste, and reverent toward his body, for the ordeal of initiation is not light. This is of peculiar importance in the last two months of your Probation. (Liber 185)
The Probationer shall remain free of all other appointments for a whole week (which is the duration of Neophyte initiation).
In some cases, the Probationer may be eligible for six months there and then may submit to a special ceremony, Ritual XXVIII, Liber Septem Regnum Sanctorum.
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Syllabus of the Probationer Grade
Publications in Class A
– The Holy Books of Thelema –
Publications in Class B
– Scholarship of Thelema –
Number |
Class |
Title |
core |
core |
6. |
B |
Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae sub figurâ VI - (» in Hungarian) – ("Book O" or "The Book of the Hand & the Arrow") |
A∴A∴ |
Instructions given for elementary study of the Qabalah, Assumption of God-forms, Vibration of Divine Names, the Rituals of Pentagram and Hexagram and their uses in protection and invocation, a method of attaining astral visions so-called, and an instruction in the practice called Rising on the Planes. |
9. |
B |
Liber E vel Exercitiorum sub figurâ IX - (» in Hungarian) – ("Book E" or "The Book of Exercises") |
A∴A∴ |
This book instructs the aspirant in the necessity of keeping a record. Suggests methods of testing physical clairvoyance. Gives instruction in asana, pranayama and dharana, and advises the application of tests to the physical body, in order that the student may thoroughly understand her own limitations. |
21. |
B |
Khing Kang King – ("The Classic of Purity") |
By Ko Hsuen. A new translation from the Chinese by the Master Therion. |
30. |
B |
Liber Librae sub figurâ XXX - (» in Hungarian) – ("The Book of the Balance") |
A∴A∴ |
An elementary course of morality suitable for the average person. |
Liber LVIII |
58. |
B |
Qabalah – ("Gematria") |
This is an article on the Qabalah in "The Temple of Solomon the King," EQUINOX V. |
64. |
B |
Liber Israfel sub figurâ LXIV - (» in Hungarian) |
An instruction in a suitable method of preaching. An example of ceremonial invocation of a God-force. (Formerly called Liber Anubis.) |
71. |
B |
The Voice of the Silence - The Two Paths - The Seven Portals |
With an elaborate commentary by Frater O.M., 7=4, the most learned of all the Brethren of the Order, who had given eighteen years to the critical study of this masterpiece. |
78. |
B |
On the Tarot
– (A Description of the Cards of the Tarot) |
A complete treatise on the Tarot, giving a description of the correct designs of the cards with their attributions and symbolic meanings on all the planes. Also includes a method of divination by their use. |
84. |
B |
Liber Chanokh
– ("The Book of Enoch") |
A Brief Abstract of the Symbolic Representation of the Universe derived by Doctor John Dee through the skrying of Sir Edward Kelly. |
96. |
B |
Liber Gaias - A Handbook of Geomancy – ("The Book of the Earth") |
Gives a simple and fairly satisfactory system of divination by Geomancy. |
111. |
B |
Liber CXI vel Aleph – ("The Book of Wisdom or Folly") |
An extended and elaborate commentary on The Book of the Law, in the form of a letter from the Master Therion to his magical son. This book contains some of the deepest secrets of initiation, with a clear solution of many cosmic and ethical problems. |
157. |
B |
The Tao Teh Ching |
Translated, with a commentary, by the Master Therion. This is the most exalted and yet practical of the Chinese classics. |
165. |
B |
A Master of the Temple |
An account of the attainment of a Master of the Temple: given in full detail by Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. This is the Record of a man who actually attained by the system taught by the A∴A∴ |
207. |
B |
A Syllabus of the Official Instructions of the A∴A∴
– (Curricula of the Grades) |
A∴A∴ |
An enumeration of the Official Publications of the A∴A∴ with a brief description of the contents of each book joined to the assigned curricula of the various Grades. (Class B designation, and the present form of Liber CCVII, are distinctive to one lineage of A∴A∴ It is based on a combining and updating of two traditional documents.) |
216. |
B |
The I Ching
– ("The Book of Changes") |
A new translation, with a commentary, by the Master Therion. Confucius said that if his life were to be prolonged by a few years, he would give fifty of them to the study of this book. |
489. |
B |
One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX |
A∴A∴ |
A glimpse of the structure and system of the Great White Brotherhood, A∴A∴ The best description available of the Tasks of the Grades of the Orders R.C. and S.S., and the practical substitute for Liber Collegii Interni. (Originally, neither catalogue number nor Document Class was assigned to One Star in Sight. These have been assigned internally within one lineage of A∴A∴ A "classic" list of official documents would not include this Document, except through its inclusion in Magick in Theory & Practice.) |
500. |
B |
Sepher Sephiroth sub figurâ D οαριθνοσ |
A dictionary of Hebrew words arranged according to their numerical value. |
536. |
B |
Liber Βατραχοφρενοβοοκοσμομαχια sub figurâ DXXXVI
– ("The Book of the Battle of the Frog, the Mind, the Roar, and the Universe") |
An instruction in expansion of the field of the mind. |
666. |
B |
Liber Artemis Iota vel de Coitu Scholia Triviæ sub figurâ 666 - (» in Hungarian)
– ("The Book of Artemis Iota" or "On Sexual Union, Commentaries on Trivia") |
An essay on sex-morality, and the relationship of its instincts and forces to the Path of Attainment. |
LIBER 777 |
777. |
B |
Liber 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticæ Viæ Explicandæ, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicum Sanctissimorum Scientiæ Summæ |
(A∴A∴) |
Subtitled, "A Compilation of Symbols, Towards a Systematization of the Skeptical-Mystical Way Set Forth. A Hieroglyphic Foundation of the Most Holy Things of the Higher Knowledge." A complete dictionary of the correspondences of all magical elements, reprinted with extensive additions, making it the only standard comprehensive book of reference ever published. It is to the language of occultism what Webster or Murray is to the English language. |
868. |
B |
Liber Viarum Viæ sub figurâ DCCCLXVIII
– ("The Book of the Byways of Life") |
A graphic account of magical powers, classified under the Tarot trumps. |
913. |
B |
תישארב, Liber (ThIShARB) Viæ Memoriæ sub figurâ CMXIII
– ("The Book of the Journey of the Memory") |
Gives methods of attaining the magical memory or memory of past lives, and an insight into the function of the aspirant in this present life. |
1264. |
B |
The Greek Qabalah |
A complete dictionary of all sacred and important words and phrases given in the Books of the Gnosis and other important writings, both in the Greek and the Coptic. |
B |
The Book of Thoth |
A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians. |
B |
The Heart of the Master - (» in Hungarian) |
A visionary and poetic summary of Thelema, the Holy Qabalah, the Tree of Life and the Tarot. |
B |
Little Essays towards Truth |
Publications in Class AB
– Holy Scholarship of Thelema –
Number |
Class |
Title |
core |
core |
415. |
AB |
Opus Lutetianum
– ("The Paris Working") |
The Book of the High Magick Art that was worked by Frater O.S.V. 6=5 and Frater L.T. 2=9. |
418. |
AB |
Liber XXX ÆRUM vel Sæculi, sub figurâ CCCCXVIII – ("The Vision and the Voice") = Liber CDXVIII |
Being the Vision and the Voice of the Angels of the thirty Aethyrs. Besides being the classical account of the thirty Aethyrs and a model of all visions, the cries of the Angels should be regarded as accurate, and the doctrine of the function of the Great White Brotherhood understood as the foundation of the aspiration of the Adept. The account of the Master of the Temple, in particular, should be taken as authentic. The instruction in the 8th Aethyr pertains to Class D; that is, it is an official ritual. The same remarks apply to the account of the proper method of invoking the Aethyrs given in the 18th Aethyr. |
963. |
AB |
Liber ΘΗΣΑΥΡΟΥ ΕΙΔΩΛΩΝ, sub figurâ DCCCCLXIII – (Thesaurou Eidolon) – ("The Treasurehouse of Images") = Liber CMLXIII |
Ecstatic hymns to the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, by Fra. N.S.F. They are a most astonishing achievement in symbolism. The effect is to carry away the performer into the sublimest ecstasy. It possesses all the Magick of oriental religious rites, but the rapture is purely religious. It is not to be confused with eroticism, and that although many of the symbols are of themselves violently erotic. (Only the short note pertains to Class A.) |
Publications in Class C
– Suggestions of Thelema –
Number |
Class |
Title |
core |
core |
33. |
C |
An Account of A∴A∴ sub figurâ XXXIII |
A∴A∴ |
First written in the language of his period by the Councilor Von Eckartshausen, and now revised and rewritten in the Universal Cipher. An elementary suggestive account of the work of the Order in its relation to the average person. |
325. |
B/C |
The Bartzabel Working – (An Evocation of Bartzabal, the Spirit of Mars) |
Its nature is sufficiently explained by its title. (Originally, neither catalogue number nor Document Class was assigned to "An Evocation of Bartzabal". These have been assigned internally within one lineage of A∴A∴ A "classic" list of official documents would not include this Document.) |
474. |
B/C |
Liber Os Abysmi vel DAATH sub figurâ CDLXXIV – ("The Book of the Mouth of the Abyss" or "The Book of Da'ath") |
An instruction in a purely intellectual method of entering the Abyss. |
Publications in Class D
– Official Rituals and Instructions of Thelema –
Publications in Class E
– Public Statements of Thelema –
Unclassified Documents of Thelema
Number |
Class |
Title |
core |
core |
4. |
U |
Liber ABA (Magick) |
A general account in elementary terms of magical and mystical powers. In four parts: (1) Mysticism (2) Magical Theory (3) Magical Practice (4) The Law. |
U |
Postcards to Probationers |
Principles of Yoga and Magick. |
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Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.
[ » Primary Source: Ordo A∴A∴ « ]

Love is the law, love under will.