

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


"In the Name of the Initiator, Amen. - In the beginning was Initiation. The flesh profiteth nothing; the mind profiteth nothing; that which is unknown to you and above these, while firmly based upon their equilibrium, giveth life. - In all systems of religion is to be found a system of Initiation, which may be defined as the process by which a man comes to learn that unknown Crown. - Though none can communicate either the knowledge or the power to achieve this, which we may call the Great Work, it is yet possible for initiates to guide others. - Every man must overcome his own obstacles, expose his own illusions. Yet others may assist him to do both, and they may enable him altogether to avoid many of the false paths, leading no whither, which tempt the weary feet of the uninitiated pilgrim. They can further insure that he is duly tried and tested, for there are many who think themselves to be Masters who have not even begun to tread the Way of Service that leads thereto. - Now the Great Work is one, and the Initiation is one, and the Reward is one, however diverse are the symbols wherein the Unutterable is clothed." [Liber LXI vel Causæ]
The Initiatory Structure of the A∴A∴
The Order of A∴A∴ adheres more or less strictly to the guidelines set forth in Liber Collegii Sancti sub figura CLXXXV by Aleister Crowley.
The Order consists of eleven degrees or levels, organized into three groups, the Orders of the SS, the RC and the GD respectively set forth in One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX. In the A∴A∴, blind is not blind guide and progress is measured by this series of degrees. A person is admitted by an Instructor who is at least one degree ahead in the system. This person in turn responds to his instructor and so on in sequence along the degrees.
Those who apply should be at least 18 years of age. After a minimum of three months, the Student may request an Exam. If his knowledge is found satisfactory, he may become a Probationer, receiving Liber LXI and the secret holy book, Liber LXV. The principal point of this grade is that the Probationer has a master appointed, whose experience can guide him in his work.
He may select any practices that he prefers, but in any case must keep an exact record, so that he may discover the relation of cause and effect in his working, and so that the A∴A∴ may judge of his progress, and direct his further studies.
After a year of probation he may be admitted a Neophyte of A∴A∴, and receive the secret holy book Liber VII.
The Order of the S. S.
Ipsissimus |
10° = 1□ |
Magus |
9° = 2□ |
Magister Templi |
8° = 3□ |
The Order of the R. C.
(Babe of the Abyss — the link)
Adeptus Exemptus |
7° = 4□ |
Adeptus Major |
6° = 5□ |
Adeptus Minor |
5° = 6□ |
The Order of the G. D.
(Dominus Liminis — the link)
Philosophus |
4° = 7□ |
Practicus |
3° = 8□ |
Zelator |
2° = 9□ |
Neophyte |
1° = 10□ |
Probationer |
0° = 0□ |
Student of the Mysteries |
The most attentive will notice that the division of the orders is given by the relation of the Three Trinities of the "Tree of Life", with the exception of "Malkuth" embodied in the First Order. However, a separation ratio is still implied, since the middle pillar, the transition between each sephirah is made of three veils that separate trinities: the "Nephesh Veil" (World limit qabalistic of "Assiah"), the "Parroketh Veil" (limit of the Kabbalistic world of "Yetzirah") and the "Veil of the Abyss" (boundary of the cabalistic world of "Briah").
The structure was assembled by the creators based on the "Golden Dawn", more specifically, belonging to the Second Order called "Order of the Rose of Ruby and the Golden Cross". Such a step had a practical character as well as relating to the Kabbalistic world of "Yetzirah". Frater OM and Frater DDS took the first five subdivisions of the Adeptus Minor degree (including the Portal) and set up elemental degrees from Neophyte to Dominus Liminis - leaving the Neophyte at Assiyah and the remainder at Yetzirah - with the remainder subdivided into Briah. The third order in the Golden Dawn was only conceptual being in A∴A∴ related to the world of Atziluth.
(These figures have special meanings to the initiated and are commonly employed to designate the grades.) The general characteristics and attributions of these Grades are indicated by their correspondences on the Tree of Life, as may be studied in detail in the Book 777.
The grades are set forth in One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX. A brief summary follows:
- Student. — His business is to acquire a general intellectual knowledge of all systems of attainment, as declared in the prescribed books.
The Grades of THE ORDER OF THE G. D. are fully described in Liber Collegii Sancti sub figurâ CLXXXV
- Probationer. — His principal business is to begin such practices as he my prefer, and to write a careful record of the same for one year.
- Neophyte. — Has to acquire perfect control of the Astral Plane.
- Zelator. — His main work is to achieve complete success in Asana and Pranayama. He also begins to study the formula of the Rosy Cross.
- Practicus. — Is expected to complete his intellectual training, and in particular to study the Qabalah.
- Philosophus. — Is expected to complete his moral training. He is tested in Devotion to the Order.
- Dominus Liminis. — Is expected to show mastery of Pratyahara and Dharana.
The Grades of THE ORDER OF THE R. C.
- Adeptus (without). — Is expected to perform the Great Work and to attain the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.
- Adeptus (within). — Is admitted to the practice of the formula of the Rosy Cross on entering the College of the Holy Ghost.
- Adeptus (Major). — Obtains a general mastery of practical Magick, though without comprehension.
- Adeptus (Exemptus). — Completes in perfection all these matters. He then either (a) becomes a Brother of the Left Hand Path or, (b) is stripped of all his attainments and of himself as well, even of his Holy Guardian Angel, and becomes a Babe of the Abyss, who, having transcended the Reason, does nothing but grow in the womb of its mother. It then finds itself a [Magister Templi.]
The Grades of THE ORDER OF THE S. S. is composed of those who have crossed the Abyss; the implications of this expression may be studied in Liber XXX ÆRUM vel Sæculi, sub figurâ CCCCXVIII, the 14th, 13th, 12th, 11th, 10th, and 9th Aethyrs in particular.
- Magister Templi. — (Master of the Temple): whose functions are fully described in Liber 418, as is this whole initiation from Adeptus Exemptus. See also "Aha!". His principal business is to tend his "garden" of disciples, and to obtain a perfect understanding of the Universe. He is a Master of Samadhi.
- Magus. — Attains to wisdom, declares his law (See Liber I, vel Magi) and is a Master of all Magick in its greatest and highest sense.
- Ipsissimus. — Is beyond all this and beyond all comprehension of those of lower degrees.
But of these last three Grades see some further account in The Temple of Solomon the King, Equinox I to X and elsewhere.
It should be stated that these Grades are not necessarily attained fully, and in strict consecution, or manifested wholly on all planes. The subject is very difficult, and entirely beyond the limits of this small treatise.
[Read more about the progress in the A∴A∴ Curriculum section.]

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Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

Love is the law, love under will.