Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Below are links to various resources and sites that many of us enjoy, some of which are well established within the Thelemic community, while others are less known. The A∴A∴ groups are listed in alphabetical order and not by relevance and comprise a great variety of lines. We make no claims of validity – nor may we attest to the quality of another’s work, that is simply not our place; instead we aim only to provide resources so that others may discover their own path.

Regarding the lineages of the A∴A∴, to override the human tendency towards division, we prefer to take the attitude advocated by Frater O.M.
“The Brothers of the A∴A∴ refuse none. They have no objection to anyone claiming to be of themselves. If he does so, let him abide by it”. [Liber LXXI III:24]
“As soon as exterior societies wish to transform a temple of wisdom into a political edifice, the interior society retires and leaves only the letter without the spirit”. [Liber XXXIII - An Account of A∴A∴]
We recognise that the Order is One, and that there is One Eye in the Triangle. Nonetheless, there is a tendency towards conflict, among the various branches of the Holy Order, and rather than manifesting the light of the Supernal triad, we too often see the contending heads of Thaumiel. For this reason we have determined to operate in complete independence from other lineages, but always under the watchful gaze of the eye in the triangle.
We nonetheless extend fraternal greetings to Brothers and Sisters of other lines of descent, and invite all to join us in the Great Work in a spirit not of competition but of spiritual accord and cooperation.

Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

Love is the law, love under will.