"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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Astrum Argenteum
Do What Do Will


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

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The Adeptus Exemptus Grade



The Initiatory Structure of the A∴A∴

The Order consists of eleven degrees or levels, organized into three groups, the Orders of the SS, the RC and the GD respectively set forth in One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX. In the A∴A∴, blind is not blind guide and progress is measured by this series of degrees. The Order of A∴A∴ adheres more or less strictly to the guidelines set forth in Liber Collegii Sancti sub figura CLXXXV by Aleister Crowley.

[Read more about the initiations in the A∴A∴ Initiation section.]

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The Order of the G. D.

(Dominus Liminis — the link)

4. Philosophus 4° = 7□
3. Practicus 3° = 8□
2. Zelator 2° = 9□
1. Neophyte 1° = 10□
0. Probationer 0° = 0□

The Order of the R. C.

(Babe of the Abyss — the link)

7. Adeptus Exemptus 7° = 4□
6. Adeptus Major 6° = 5□
5. Adeptus Minor 5° = 6□

The Order of the S. S.


10. Ipsissimus 10° = 1□
9. Magus 9° = 2□
8. Magister Templi 8° = 3□

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Adeptus Exemptus
7° = 4□

The Robe of the Adeptus Exemptus

The Robe of an Adeptus Exemptus, is identical to Adeptus Major, being only lilac.

The Robe of the Adeptus Exemptus

The Robe of the Adeptus Exemptus

Adeptus (Exemptus). — Completes in perfection all these matters. He then either (a) becomes a Brother of the Left Hand Path or, (b) is stripped of all his attainments and of himself as well, even of his Holy Guardian Angel, and becomes a Babe of the Abyss, who, having transcended the Reason, does nothing but grow in the womb of its mother. It then finds itself a [Magister Templi.]

  • The Grade of Adeptus Exemptus confers authority to govern the two lower Orders of R. C. and G. D.
  • The Adept must prepare and publish a thesis setting forth His knowledge of the Universe, and his proposals for its welfare and progress. He will thus be known as the leader of a school of thought.
  • (Eliphas Levi's Clef des Grands Mysteres, the works of Swedenborg, von Eckarshausen, Robert Fludd, Paracelsus, Newton, Bolyai, Hinton, Berkeley, Loyola, etc., etc., are examples of such essays.)
  • He will have attained all but the supreme summits of meditation, and should be already prepared to perceive that the only possible course for him is to devote himself utterly to helping his fellow creatures.
  • To attain the Grade of Magister Templi, he must perform two tasks; the emancipation from thought by putting each idea against its opposite, and refusing to prefer either; and the consecration of himself as a pure vehicle for the influence of the order to which he aspires.
  • He must then decide upon the critical adventure of our Order; the absolute abandonment of himself and his attainments. He cannot remain indefinitely an Exempt Adept; he is pushed onward by the irresistible momentum that he has generated.
  • Should he fail, by will or weakness, to make his self-annihilation absolute, he is none the less thrust forth into the Abyss; but instead of being received and reconstructed in the Third Order, as a Babe in the womb of our Lady BABALON, under the Night of Pan, to grow up to be Himself wholly and truly as He was not previously, he remains in the Abyss, secreting his elements round his Ego as if isolated from the Universe, and becomes what is called a "Black Brother". Such a being is gradually disintegrated from lack of nourishment and the slow but certain action of the attraction of the rest of the Universe, despite efforts to insulate and protect himself, and to aggrandise himself by predatory practices. He may indeed prosper for a while, but in the end he must perish, especially when with a new Aeon a new word is proclaimed which he cannot and will not hear, so that he is handicapped by trying to use an obsolete method of Magick, like a man with a boomerang in a battle where every one else has a rifle.
  • [One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX]

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"Adeptus Exemptus" Summary

The "Adeptus Exemptus" is the last degree of the Second Order and the last degree before the Abyss.

The Latin word Exemptus is past participle of exemption and has the meaning "to remove" "to separate" "to liberate". We can sum it up in "the adept who becomes free".

The Adeptus Exemptus has his consciousness in Chesed, the "king in time of peace and generosity." After the turbulent sephirah of Mars, where the initiate conquers his Karma, here he reaches an odd level: the adept will no longer reincarnate. It crossed the Way of Kaph, the Wheel of the Renaissance. He left the Wheel of Samsara.

The next step is the final attainment of the Great Work: jump into the abyss of Daat, the home of Choronzon, the demon of dispersion collector of fans, he lets the hand of his angel and dives in the final inner journey. Based on the Book of "The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage", he invokes the Four Princes of Hell of this plan and dominates them. If you are "lucky," you will be reborn in the Third Order, the Silver Star at A∴A∴

As it is said in the One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX: "The Adept must prepare and publish a thesis setting forth His knowledge of the Universe, and his proposals for its welfare and progress. He will thus be known as the leader of a school of thought. (Eliphas Levi's Clef des Grands Mysteres, the works of Swedenborg, von Eckarshausen, Robert Fludd, Paracelsus, Newton, Bolyai, Hinton, Berkeley, Loyola, etc., etc., are examples of such essays.)"

In the history of A∴A∴, this was used as a reason for non-recognition of later degrees, like in the case of the Magical Son of the Beast, Frater O.I.V.VI.O.

Study also: AHA!, Liber Thisharb, The Vision and the Voice, Æthyr 11 and Abyss.

For a better understanding, read the instructive letter of Marcelo Motta to Hermann Metzger that outlines the perfect picture on the subject.

Letter from Marcelo Motta to Hermann Metzger

At the request of Karl Germer, Motta writes this letter to H.J. Metzger, head of the O.T.O. in Switzerland, due to an adulteration during the German translation of the "Book of the Law" . He wrote "capital" you, different from the original spelling, disrespecting Liber Al himself.

March 29, 1963.

To the head of the Swiss "Thelemites" - as you call yourselves.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

This letter is my Equinox Greeting to you.

Although I have asked you to stop sending me your literature, you continue and bombard me with evidence of your folly - less foolishness, please! I do not know if this is a challenge on your part. If so, you have gone beyond your rampant dreams, for in your last symptoms of insanity - your translations of the 666 letters to a sister with a "DU" in the sacred verse - you have proven to have fallen precisely to the level I have warned you against. And so the External Head of the Order will make one final effort, one last attempt, to show you how much what you think is a change is nothing more than a demonstration of blindness - spiritual blindness.

In short, I intend to speak with common sense, so - called horse sense; and thus expect to awaken what is left of the sense of humor — which is the sense of balance, which is "common" sense — in you. You may or may not know that Karl Germer passed away last year, a death in which the last drop of blood left his body. You may or may not know what this means, and to what degree that Man has struck. I do not know if you knew - and I do not even know if he even told you - that he was the successor to AC, and BAPHOMET to everyone. He did not tell me either; I had to find out for myself. This was the man you disobeyed, whose initiatory translation of The Holy Books of Thelemafor the German language you have changed, but whom you have wished to replace - I speak to you, sir! - at this moment, someone in South America holds an honest mirror before his silly face.

You complained to him about being accused of being in collusion with Oskar Schlag, which he says is untrue. But what you do not know is that Schlag's influence that has inflamed your ego to the point that you unknowingly become a traitor to every WORD you plan to keep. Schlag is an "Evil Adept" - this simply means that he is a man who, when he performed the work of  5° = 6□, joined his Evil Person , instead of joining his Holy Guardian Angel , and it is now a slave of Choronzon - Dispersion- in the form of a demon of Abramelim. He is, being an Adept, magically powerful - far more powerful than you can imagine - and has the assistance, moreover, of the Four Princes, who, in passing from the old Aeon, took over leadership and personified the spiritual founders of the principal religions of the last Aeon: Osiris Christianity, Brahmanism, Buddhism and Islam.

Think for a moment, sir, how powerful these Entities are that you doubtless have foolishly thought to control-their little servant! It is possible - it is scarcely possible - to really be the "child", and for this reason I write this letter. For if you are a son of BABALON and BESTA, that is, if you are now a Baby of the Abyss, it is necessary to give you some meanings by which you can mark your course, and get out of the abyss of Why to the Portal of the City of Pyramids.

Know then, my poor child, that every simple thelemite who crosses the Abyss, and a large number of those who never realized it, thinks to be that "son" of AL . And with perfect right to think so. We are all children of Therion - the Christ - born of Virgina Mundi , who is the real name of the Great Whore, the Woman Dressed with the Sun, Our Lady BABALON of the City of the Pyramids. Now, if you are the particular son who will decipher AL II, 76, it will only be proven when and if you decipher it. It may be certain that the mystery once deciphered will be evident and simple to all, just as it was the key 31 discovered by the poor OIVVIO, about whose deplorable case I warned him to ponder carefully before continuing on his current path.

You are - if you really are a Baby of the Abyss - greater than all the kings of the earth, because the Magister Templi is really - even if the man in which it manifests is a street sweeper, or, as One I met, an old man without legs rolling in a small wooden cart along the streets, all seeming to be a beggar - though a beggar responsible for work and vision - spiritual sight - of all those attached to him. I refer to LXV: " And the Lord Adonai delighteth in me, and I bear the Cup of His gladness unto the weary ones of the old grey land." If you are one of the "chosen" it is not your responsibility, for He is not to be bought by the ransom of the whole Universe. Remember Sir Palamedes the Saracen - he did prodigies, he struck the most high trances, performed the maximum feasts - but only when he confessed his failure to "buy it" for the ransom of the entire Universe the Beast came to sit by his side ... Now, please, my poor friend, I point out the symptom of schizophrenia - the beginning of Dispersion, which there is Restriction in the Name of BABALON! - the symptom of schizophrenia in its behavior: You can not make the cake and eat it at the same time.

You claim to be the "child" prophesied in AL. So this means that you accept AL as a Sacred Book, the only Law and regulator of divinely inspired life, the work not of a man but of a God - I am using this word in your technical sense of Initiation to Divinity, or what it can mean. But if you truly accept AL as such, how can you, man, possibly ever disobey the most solemn injunction of the Book, ever repeated in each of the Chapters under the command of Nuit, Hadit, and Ra-Hoo-Khuit of no change even the simple style of a letter. You can only have one of these alternatives. You can not have both. This is a simple premise, my friend. AL is a reasonable book.

Any reasonable book can not be the work of the insane (= 'people of the earth', in the sense of those whose Reason - Daath- instead of being the servant of the high faculties - attempts to usurp the place of the Most High, thereby truly becoming the "Swastika bastard"). Remember that the ancient Teutonic Kings wore a necklace around the neck, the symbol of slavery - to signify that Daath - whose place is the neck - is chained, bound, and restrained by the high faculties symbolized by his crowns. "That you do the same." That necklace is the Green Line that circles the Universe - the Star Astarte Belt. The above is basic. I ask you to consider it carefully, to perceive the irrational nature of your behavior, and if you think - as it surely does - "but above the Abyss nothing is true except in terms of the contradiction implied" - I beg you to remember that, though, this is so above the Abyss, AL (think about it), despite being warned by OHO, Frater Saturnus, who also happens to be a Magister Templi of A∴A∴ and Head of the Order of Thelema. If at a later time you think, "he is dogmatizing while I am only concerned with the spirit," I warn very seriously to read paragraphs 28 and 29, especially the latter, by Liber CLXXV Astarté vel Berylli, who falls perfectly into his case.

I will now turn to other considerations as to why his DU is an improper translation of the passage in question (I must again remind you that, above all, to any true Thelemite, it is a blasphemy). I suppose his reason, in writing it like this, was to imply: "See, when I say, do what thou wilt, I do not mean that you should do what your dirty, impure, and smelly lower selves wish to do : I mean that you must do what your Higher Self wants you to do. "

In a sense, by doing this, you are apologizing for the Law - you are ashamed of it. Although it should be remembered that it is written that the Scarlet Woman should be shameless before all men - if you are truly a Magister Templi, you will understand what this means, but I will give you a clue, remember that the first ordeal is of silver, remember that the Foundation is called a Stone, remember that Aspirants of A∴A∴ they are men, but the brothers of the A∴A∴ are women ; remember that the purified Nephesh is the Virgin of the World, this is one of the symbols drawn in the book of the Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians: see diagram 33, "The Garden of Eden."

Surely you have this. But, there is another, and more important, sense in which "DU" is misleading. How can you possibly presume and determine how any man will interpret this line? Are you making your interpretation the interpretation for every German-speaking people? Do not you realize you're restricting your fellow man? Repressing the orbit of other stars? That is, in fact, casting the gigantic shadow of his inflamed ego upon the Universe, rather than keeping it in what it must be - the instrument through which you relate to the Universe. Do not you realize that this is a Syndrome composed of vanity and fear - the clearest symptom of identification with - that lies behind this initiative of yours? For see, a star can choose to interpret do what you want to do what your little one wants to do. Another star can interpret how to do what anyone else wants her to do. You say this is wrong? It's none of your business! Every number is infinite; there is no difference! "That there is no difference made between you between anything else & & anything else ... "" ... do not argue; do not convert; do not talk too much." Think about the times to come, when your wrong translation may be the only one accessible to other people, who will translate it from German into your own language, and thus multiplying the error. the wheels of your car.

This is the work of a black magician , not the work of a Knight of the Sun-Host. He also thinks of the karma you are creating. Think of the plague and curse of Christianity when the Roman Church took over all the others existing, choosing the path of material growth, and spread the infection of Choronzon and spiritual slavery in all parts of the world. Think about OIVVIO Think about Franker, and what he did to the ordo templi orientis believing to be following instructions from his Guardian Angel ! Think about Krumm-Heller (the father), and the damage he caused to the ordo templi orientis and to anything in touch with the True Rosicrucian, believing, too, that he was obeying his Guardian Angel, whom he thought to be the Count of Saint Germain - which was one of my past incarnations, and which is only truly described in the excellent biography made by M. Paul Charconac, which, several times, I warned you to read.

Do what you want is the Law of Freedom , although you have to serve me! - you would say loudly. But, my friend, we are not free in the sense of being irresponsible. We are bound by Our Pledge to serve. We are servants of the Star & the Serpent . We are servants of Heru-Ra-Ha . We are servants of VVVVV We must build ourselves stones that we are, like the great wall that protects humanity - our little brotherhood - against the furious attack of the abyss. True, we are not "free"!

We serve; we must humble ourselves; we need to give everything we are and everything we have; we need to become nothing; we need to work in the dark and take care of our gardens; we must repress our egos with the triple chain around our necks, and we must wait for Consummation-which will come when He desires Who is Destined for this End, and not when we think it ought to be. Really, we must die; but dying, the seed that we are, we must bear much fruit. We are Isis Rejoicing; we carry the son, we feed him with our substance; and our job is to feed the child; we are not the son!

He is the Son in us, or rather, in us. The ego must die. This is the mystery of Osiris, and because Osiris is a black god. You must become Osiris before you can worship Hoor. You must be crucified, dead, and erect before you can claim your joy before the new rising sun. In short, brother, if you are an Abyss Baby , soon you will become a Zelator of A∴A∴ , a Stone of the Universal Towers, a Guardian of the Mysteries. This Initiation transcends Assiah, for the first time, in Yetzirah, the Angelic World. The Initiation of Adeptus Minor which you think you have attained before Tiphareth of Malkuth, and in Assiah. The Work of Achieving the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angelextends before you - not behind. You need to get it in total in the can and light described in the Book of Holy Magic and in "John St. John" in Equinox I, 1. The True Orgy of Theurgy, the Great Work, extends into Tiphareth of Tiphareth - and do not forget that the Magus of the Aeon, CHRIST , Lord THERION , is crucified in Tiphareth of Chokmah, and Adeptus drinks His blood and eats His flesh for sustenance. And the Great Work - the Crossing of the Abyss between Kether of Chesed and Malkuth of Binah - is still far from you. Or me.

Do you understand, child? You got a lot; but it will be very little if you do not realize how much more you need to achieve. Please act from the perspective of your new acquired point of view. Obey your superior, that I am now. What does he ask? Does he ask something disgusting to his pride as a man ?, or his right as a brother? He asks you to obey, not him, but the Book of the Law; he asks you, the next time you edit the Canonical Mass of the ordo templi orientis , the red and gold binding, which are the heraldic colors of the Rose Cross (the ordo templi orientis is a Rosicrucian Order, one of the few - did not know ?) instead of the black of the Romans and their bastard children Protestants. And he asks you nothing else.

If you do not mind my authority, I do not intend to impose it on threats or coercion. But I warn you, once again, that you are wronging yourself and your followers for forgetting AL , and now also Master THERION . If it continues like this, it will surely be destroyed; and since it once boasted, in circumstances similar to our then Superior, Saturnus, that "his publications now go on in forty different countries," or similar number, I remind you that hoarding goods in Malkuth is not the same as making a Stone in Yesod - that the formula for manipulating matter on only one plane is the formula of ALIM, not ELHIM- and that the Roman Church has also grown to become the strongest temporal power in the world - and see what it has done to mankind as a result of this! "What will it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his eternal soul?" You can only act efficiently on a plan if you work from a plane above it. It is only then that you introduce a new, truly creative factor into the equation.

Otherwise, you will only be exchanging existing terms. You're stuck with the Samsara Wheel - get out of it. The karma of the lunar man (see the Upanishad for this "lunar" man) is always a vicious circle. But the serpentine force is a Spiral! The Dark Brotherhood, the demonic Legions and Choronzon can only attack through the ego ... I repeat this so you can understand why disobedience is not a symptom of independence, but of personality disorder.

You are also proud of the material growth of your organization; but no chain is stronger than its weakest link. And see what you, the leader of your movement, are doing when you blaspheme AL , incorrectly quotes Master Therion, and ignores the Heraldry Colors of the Host of the Sun! Please try to realize that this is the effect of the constant waves of the demonic current daily attacking your ego; Do not you realize that there are Jesuit priests determined to approach you, trying to subdue you? You do not know that the Masses of "Jesus" - that is, the Great Prince of the Evil of this World whom Abramelin calls Satan-are they daily, perhaps every hour, being prayed" to his soul "? are useful to you in the sense in which they provoke symptoms indicating what points of the Ego still need to be destroyed, what portion of matter is still attached to the Solar Body which by its aspiration and work you are beginning to form within your human crystalline. for the Waters beyond Death and beyond Life. It is no coincidence that Schlag is living in Switzerland. I know you have sent him material.Another example of his blindness. Don't you realize that this means that you have voluntarily formed a link with him?

Do not you realize that you're giving satisfaction to what you do? Did he send him material for you? He is making much more fanfare about Thelema than he can here in Brazil; and when I started my own work here, I wanted to put people interested in ordo templi orientisin contact with you - but how could you? I have been forced to warn you against you because of your blasphemy and foolishness, and because you are doing exactly what the demonic world wants you to do. I yours that your father was Chief of the Swiss Secret Police, and that so you are able to keep a binder on the activities of Schlag. I ask you to send me a copy of this binder: I intend to publish it in a small book about the means of work of the Black Lodge. Schlag walks around brandishing a copy of AL, handwritten by AC, written when AC did not know much and gave it as a gift to a disciple, claiming to be the original of AL (Schlag bought the manuscript for a large amount - you say you knew it). Because? I point you to AL III, 39, and 47. As you can see, Schlag evidences greater faith in AL - in his own way - than you. He wants to corrupt the Book - and you are helping him.

He wishes to destroy Thelema , for he thinks himself to be the reincarnation of St. Germain - the "Master R." of the Theosophists - Of course, it was his "Mala-Persona" who appeared in his astral body to Tranker and Arnold Krumm-Heller, and pretended to be his Guardian Angel. On this subject, read the Book of Holy Magic on the subject of the "mighty-looking man" that appears at the beginning of the Operation and "promises many wonderful things." I repeat to you that I am the "reincarnation of St. Germain", and most of the "stories" regarding my life are mostly lies. Charconac's book is the most honest on the subject.

Do not think that Schlag in itself is important. He is only the naive and the marionette of his Evil Angel - an Abramelian demon, as I have already said. In " The Vision and the Voice," Equinox I, v, Supplement, page 143, paragraphs 1 and 2, it is written:

"And Satan is worshiped by men under the name of Jesus"; and Lucifer is worshiped by men under the name of Brahma; and Leviathan is worshiped by men under the name of Allah; and Belial is worshiped by men under the name of Buddha." (This is the meaning of the passage in Liber Legis, Chapter III.)

"Meditate then, my friend, upon the power of these four Entities called the Four Princes of the Evil of this World by Abramelin the Magician." Imagine the Task of the Adeptus Minor, to superimpose and subdue these forces through the intercession of their Holy Guardian Angel. these forces disposed against us include practically all mankind and the "spiritual" leaders of mankind, the most powerful eglégoras formed through generations and generations of worshipers, the demons of the Qliphoth , and our own egos in addition. except by the presence and blessing of Ra-Hoor-Khuit ?

And even so you blaspheme against Him and against the Book of the Law. How do you expect to do some good work for THELEMA under these circumstances? And if that was not enough, you have quoted THERION incorrectly. You are a member of the Christian Order - and you insult Christ. You are confusing the plans in your present work - with mortal results for mankind, which - if you are a Brother of A∴A∴ you are sworn to help.

This is my last letter to you. I will not write any more unless you receive some kind of evidence that you have returned to yourself - your True Self - finally. Remember that the true symptom of the first ordeal - of silver - is what is happening to you; and remember that triumph in the ordeal is shown by desiring to serve. You may be of great value to Thelema , to yourself, and therefore to myself, if you fulfill your will. But be sure to no longer quote Therion wrongly, and that insulting the Blood and Gold of the Sun can not be your Will, or the Will of your Guardian Angel , or the will of any single living thing in the Universe.

Love is the law, love under will.

Fraternally (for now),

Marcelo Motta - The Sun in the South

[Source: Astrum Argentum]

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Advance to Magister Templi

To attain the Magister Templi Degree, he must perform two tasks; 

  • the emancipation of thought by the comparison of every idea with the opposite idea, and refusal to prefer one to the other; 
  • and the consecration of himself as a pure vehicle for the influence of the Order to which he aspires. 

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Syllabus of the Adeptus Major Grade

Publications in Class A
– The Holy Books of Thelema –

The Holograph Manuscript of Liber L vel Legis
– ("Book L." or "The Book of the Law")
      This book is the foundation of the New Aeon, and thus of the whole of our Work.    
Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni sub figurâ CLVI - (» in Hungarian)    
      A perfect account of the task of the Exempt Adept considered under the Symbols of a particular plane, not the intellectual. Sexual magick veiled in symbolism.    
Liber AL vel Legis sub figurâ CCXX - (» in Hungarian)
– ("The Book of the Law")
      The Book of the Law - which is the foundation of our whole work, and the commentary thereon by the Master through whom it was given to the world.    

Publications in Class AB
Holy Scholarship of Thelema

Liber XXX ÆRUM vel Sæculi, sub figurâ CCCCXVIII - The Vision and the Voice

Publications in Class B
– Scholarship of Thelema –

תישארב, Liber (ThIShARB) Viæ Memoriæ sub figurâ CMXIII    
      Gives methods for attaining the magical memory, or memory of past lives, and an insight into the function of the Aspirant in this present life. (So to enable the Aspirant to calculate his True Orbit in eternity.)    

Publications in Class C
– Suggestions of Thelema –

Liber Os Abysmi vel DAATH sub figurâ CDLXXIV    
      Gnana Yoga. An instruction in a purely intellectual method of entering the Abyss.    

Publications in Class D
– Official Rituals and Instructions of Thelema –

Liber Collegii Internii
– ("The Book of the Inner Society")
      (Unpublished.) See One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX. (This catalogue number and Document Class were assigned internally within one lineage of A∴A∴, to which the extant edition is distinctive. According to one archivist, Crowley tentatively designated Liber Collegii Internii as Liber 811, a number already assigned to another official instruction. A "classic" list of official documents would not include this Document, or would list it as inextant.)    

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Adeptus Exemptus

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Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

[ » Primary Source: Astrum Argentum « ]


Love is the Law

Love is the law, love under will.




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