The somewhat dubious history of the foundation of the Golden Dawn begins with the mysterious "Cipher Manuscript". The first version says that an encrypted manuscript was delivered to Westcott in 1887 by the Reverend and Freemason AFA Woodford, who, in turn, that of a merchant. Westcott then commissioned another mason and occult expert Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers to decipher it based on a key found in a book by the abbot Johann Trithemius. The manuscript revealed a series of rituals and precise descriptions of the pink - crucified degrees of neophyte, zelator, theoricus, practicus and philosophus, similar to the degrees of a German order of the XVIIIth century, the Order des Gold und Rosenkreutz.
Among the manuscript was a letter from a German lady named Anna Sprengel (Soror Sapiens Dominabitur Astris whose translation would be "The Wise Will Be Starred") which contained her address for those who could decipher the documents. Westcott then went on to make contact with the woman who turned out to be an initiate in a secret order called Die Goldene Dammerung, or The Golden Dawn, who authorized him to open a temple and gave him full power of ownership of the organization.
The second and most widely accepted version is that this manuscript was written by Kenneth Mackenzie, an English occultist and disciple of Eliphas Levi, author of the Royal Masonic Encyclopaedia and member of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA). Mackenzie would have written the manuscript for a friend, Frederick Holland, to use in creating an order founded in 1883 by his group, the Society of Eight, and after his death Westcott seized the documents and inserted Anna's letter Sprengel in order to assert his authority. There are other versions claiming Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, author of Zanoni, or an influential cabalist named Johann Friedrich, but both without support.

Introduction to the OSOGD Curriculum
This curriculum was compiled by the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn and has gone through several major revisions in the history of the Order. — Quote:
In the past we had thought of bringing the work of the Second Order more into the First. This approach is present in a variety of orders still extant however, I’ve not yet seen a fully successful application of 2nd order material within the first order. I believe this is due to the nature and purpose of the first order, namely intellectual preparation and the purification of the soul in preparation for the arising of the Augoeides Soma which is the fully articulate Soul. The 2nd Order is the community of Adepts and its purpose is the cultivation of magickal power and knowledge, especially with regard to the Holy Guardian Angel. The Third Order is most especially dedicated to the use of that knowledge and power for the benefit of all beings and has the ability to establish lines of initiation and to found orders.
Experience has shown that when 2nd order material is inflicted upon members of the 1st order, it tends to be a burden rather than a help. Therefore with the below, such transpositions are minimized and all are taken from the Portal work. To wit:
The task of making the ‘Complete Diagram of the Tree of Life’ has been moved to the 2°=9° to aid in the study of the Qabalah. To this has been added the Middle Pillar exercise. Placing the Tree of Life in the Aura is now in Practicus and the Control of the Aura is in Philosophus. These moves are in keeping with the Iamblichan path, which dedicates this phase of the work to purifying and strengthening the soul in preparation to its transfiguration as the Augoeides Soma. (This produced the general requirement of 30 days of 3 LBRs per day and 30 days of Middle Pillars.) In line with this goal a new major piece of work has been added to the Portal tasks: the first elemental cycle. Using the technique of structured invocation, the Portal will begin to establish the Pentagram above the Cross. In preparation for this, Tatwa card construction is being demoted to the elemental halls so that they will be ready at the Portal. The Portal is also being restructured to focus more on the death part of it. It will be the ‘slain’ phase of the slain and risen cycle where the 5°=6° is the ‘risen’ or reborn phase. For this reason the INRI formula will be introduced in Portal. The 5°=6° will have its own new ‘key word’.
The last remaining change in the first order is the inclusion of Refuge and the Dedication of Merit from the practice of the Buddhadharma in the Neophyte. The reasons why we have found this so important are developed in the ‘Pagan Dharma” articles, part 1 and part 2, and in the “Dharma Wrapper” essay itself.
As to the 2nd Order, our approach is to simplify. We are removing the adept sub-grades, returning the grades to their functional purpose, major steps along the path of an adept. As developed below, the purpose of the Adeptus Minor is to attain to that which is called Knowledge and Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel. The Adeptus Major grade can only be entered when this realization has been achieved. Then under the guidance of the ‘Angel’ the Adept truly learns the great art of magick. The place of the Order is to consecrate the aspiring Minor Adept to the life-long task of learning and to provide a community of fellow practitioners to learn with and from. All of the senior officers of the Order, save one, should properly be of at least this grade as they can fully articulate the system and current of the Order and bear the burden of its administration. A fully realized Adeptus Major is a Master of Magick. When the Major Adept has acquired sufficient depth and breath of skill in the Art, systemic realizations will arise. To articulate the grade of Adeptus Exemptus, the Major Adept and Master Mage will begin the development of a new system of magick which may lead the Adept to form a new order or to add to the wealth of our Order’s knowledge. The Master Mage may appeal to the college of Adepti to be relieved of responsibility to the Order’s administration in order to cultivate this new flowering on the Tree. Success makes this adept a Doctor of Magick, one who is able to produce new doctrine. This grade is also the proper grade of the Chief Adept who is responsible for cultivating the current, the doctrine, and the practice of the Order.
Of the 3rd order it is inappropriate to speak here. Let the interested consult Liber B vel Magi in The Holy Books of Thelema.
[Source: OSOGD Curriculum - Introduction]

General Instructions
Each grade has its own Lecture, written test, and meditation, and, most of the time, something to make.
Once the student feels ready, the student may take the test using the file from the OSOGD website, proctored by a member of the order (ideally) or some other person of honor. The proctor is to assert that the student has taken the test from memory, without recourse to notes or texts. The written test passes with 75% correct. Completed tests are to be submitted to the Praemonstrator General for recording.
The ritual, reading, meditation and other practices are to be discussed with the Praemonstrator by live voice, and any items to be made are shown at that time. This is the “Inter-Grade Conversation.” Contact your Preamonstrator to set an appointment.
To improve preparation for the Inter-Grade Conversation and to develop the skill of writing about magickal experience which is required for the "Portal Thesis", the student is to write-up their experience and their reading into two essays. Each is to be between two and five pages long. One is a summary of the student’s experience of the meditations, the other essay is on the reading, noting what was learned and what was of special interest to the student. They are to be submitted to the Praemonstrator at least one week before the Inter-grade Conversation.
Students are required to attend three Education Meetings between advancements OR submit three 2 to 5 page essays on aspects of the grade work deemed acceptable by the Praemonstrator. Get approval from your Praemonstrator first.
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— Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn —

The grades of Neophyte through Philosophus comprise the First, or Outer Order. A grade called the "Portal" comes between 4°=7° and 5°=6°, and this contains some very powerful symbolism on the transition between the Outer and Inner "Mysteries." The three Adept grades comprise the Second, or Inner Order (Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis), and are normally only open to those who pass rigorous examinations and are chosen on other qualifications. The final three grades (which refer to the "Supernal" sephiroth) comprise the Third Order of Masters. There is considerable disagreement among Order sources as to whether living human beings can attain these final mystical grades.
The paired numbers attached to the Grades relate to positions on the Tree of Life. The Neophyte Grade of 0°=0° indicates no position on the Tree. For the others, the first numeral is the number of steps up from the bottom (Malkuth), and the second numeral is the number of steps down from the top (Kether). The First Order Grades are related to the four Classical Elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire, respectively. The Aspirant to a Grade received instruction on the metaphysical meaning of each of these Elements, and had to pass a written examination and demonstrate certain skills to receive Admission to that Grade.

0°=0° The Grade of Neophyte
The first grade of the Golden Dawn. The grade of Neophyte, was sometimes called in tradition the probationers grade. The initiate is introduced to the Golden Dawn “current” while being given certain fundamental information to study and basic key rituals such as the “Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram” to practice. The teachings of this grade, while considered simple by some, lay the groundwork for all further practices. In the Neophyte initiation, the initiate is brought out of the darkness of a dying world and takes their first step onto the path of Light. As this is considered an “introductory” grade, the grade of Neophyte is not associated with any Sephirah- existing below the Tree of Life. The initiate is however brought to the Gateway of the Path of Light at the very base of the Tree.

Neophyte Oath
"I, _____________________ in the presence of the Lord of the Universe and in the presence of my Higher Self, the Divine Guardians of this Order, and this assembly in this Hall of the Neophyte of the Order of the Golden Dawn Universum, do of my own free will, hereby and hereon most solemnly promise to keep secret this Order, the names of its members, and any and all proceedings that take place at its meetings from every person in the world who has not been initiated into it.
Nor will I discuss Order proceedings with any member who has not the current password, or who has resigned, been expelled, or in general has fallen away from Order attendance and participation and Morning Star studies.
I undertake to maintain a kindly and benevolent relation with all Fraters and Sorors of this Order. I will treat all members as if they were a brother or sister, as if we shared the same mother, the same father.
I solemnly promise to keep secret any information I may have gathered concerning this Order before taking this oath. I will neither copy nor allow to be copied any manuscript, except for personal use, until I obtain permission from the Chiefs of the Second Order.
I solemnly promise not to suffer myself to be placed, nor place myself in, a state of passivity through nether mesmerism, drugs, alcohol or any other method of deep induction. I will maintain control of my mind at all times, less others influence me or manipulate me into purposes of serving their own greed or lust.
I solemnly promise to preserve and defend this Order with courage and determination in the labor and study of the Divine Science and I shall always uphold the integrity of this Order through the virtues of the infinite pillars upon which this Order is built - Love, Truth, Knowledge. I will not debase my mystical knowledge in the labor of evil magic at any time, tried or under temptation.
I, in addition, promise to uphold the decisions of the Chiefs of the Second Order as final in the governance of this Order. Neither will I encourage schism nor encourage or suggest other members abstain from Order participation or membership under a heavy penalty exacted by the Chiefs of the Third Order - the Divine guardians of the Mysteries.
Finally, I foremost pledge myself to Divine Light, to the magical way of life, to the principles of brotherly love and to the future development of the spiritual through the greater understanding of the Mysteries and the Order of the Golden Dawn Universum.
I pledge this secret.
I pledge a sacred oath with my mighty and secret soul.
I do so swear."
[Source: OGDU Neophyte Oath]

Requirements for Initiation into the 0°=0° Grade of Neophyte
Pre-Initiation Requirements
You will need:
- Black clothing or tau (“T”) shaped robe; red shoes or socks.
- A new Name: a title or motto, preferably not in English, to be used in ritual. This should express your aspirations in joining the Order.
- To memorize beforehand the following:
“My Soul wanders in Darkness and seeks the Light of Hidden Knowledge, and I believe that in this Order Knowledge of that Light may be obtained.”
The Order will need:
- Your pledge to keep sacred everything that relates to this Order
- Your sincere aspiration to penetrate the Mysteries of the Initiations

0°=0°: The Neophyte Curriculum
- The Neophyte Knowledge Lecture
- The Neophyte Meditation
- Be able to describe the grade ritual from memory
- Make: Make or have made your birth horoscope
- Reading (required):
- “Gold Brick Commentaries” from Het Nuit website, Zero Series:
- Gold Brick 0 — Ever building the standard model
- Gold Brick 0 — Divine Anthropology
- Gold Brick 0°=0° — Commentary on the Officers
- Gold Brick 0°=0° — Commentary on the Ritual
- “The Golden Dawn” by Israel Regardie: Introduction
- ”Self-Initation into the Golden Dawn Tradition” by Cicero — Knowledge Lecture Info
- Essays & Shorts:
- Read one book of a list of three:
- “Chicken Qabalah” by Lon Milo DuQuette
- “Mystical Qabalah” by Dion Fortune
- “A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism” by Gareth Knight
- “The Golden Dawn” by Israel Regardie — Neophyte Ritual and Z-Document (in particular the First Knowledge Lecture)
- “Self-Initation into the Golden Dawn Tradition” by Cicero — Intro 0°=0° Explanation
- “Shape of Ancient Thought” by Thomas McEavilly
- “Golden Dawn Rituals & Commentaries” by Pat Zalewski
- “Seth, God of Confusion: A Study of His Role in Egyptian Mythology and Religion” by H. Te Velde
- “Giordano Bruno and Hermetic Tradition” by Francis Yeats
- “Theurgy and the Soul: The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus” by Gregory Shaw,
- “Promethia” by Alan Moor, et al.
- “Structural Implications in the Sepherot” by Sam Webster
- “Kabbalah Of The Golden Dawn by Pat Zalewski
- “Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind & Magic” by Israel Regardie
- “Secret Knowledge Of The Neophyte” by S.L. Macgregor Mathers
- “Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt” by R. T. Rundle Clark
- etc.
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1°=10° The Grade of Zelator
Having passed through the grade of Neophyte, the initiate then moves on to the grade of Zelator. This advancement continues on from where the Neophyte ceremony leaves off. It begins at the Gateway of the Courtyard of the Tabernacle and from this point on, the initiate is now fully invested on the Tree of Life, starting with the grade of Zelator which is associated with the last of the Sephiroth- Malkuth and the element of Earth. This grade is the foundation upon which all future works will be based. Great care has to be taken at this point to thoroughly lay this groundwork, as it states in the Zelator advancement- “Unless Adonai build the house, the house will crumble, it will fall.” As this grade is associated with the element of Earth- which is a synthesis of all the other elements, The beginnings of elemental magics are taught here such as the Lesser Invoking Pentagram Rituals and communing with the Archangels as well as the building of the elemental tools. Much of the fundamental ritual work that will continue throughout the career of the magician is begun here.

1°=10°: The Zelator Curriculum
- The Zelator Knowledge Lecture
- The Zelator Meditation
- Be able to describe the grade ritual from memory
- Make: Read and perform constructions from A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe.
Contemplate the shapes formed therein.
- Reading (required):
- Gold Brick Commentaries from Het Nuit website, One Series:
- Gold Brick 1 — General Commentary on the Elemental Advancements
- Gold Brick 1°=10° — Commentary
- Self-initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition, Cicero: Knowledge Lecture Information
- Essays & Shorts:
- Read One Book of a list of Three:
- The Inner Sky by Steven Forest
- Astrologic by Antero Alli
- Planets Within: The Astrological Psychology of Marsilio Ficino by Thomas Moore
- The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie: Zelator Ritual
- Earth Divination Earth Magic: A Practical Guide to Geomancy by John Michael Greer
- The Geomancer’s Handbook by John Michael Greer
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2°=9° The Grade of Theoricus
Next, our initiate moves out of the sphere of Malkuth to the sphere of Yesod- from the Gateway of the Tabernacle to the Greek Kerubim. This grade is associated with the element of Air, the Moon and the astral plain. Whereas in the grade of Zelator, our initiate has dealt with the more tangible, elemental magics, he/she now begins the workings of the astral plain- embarking for the first time on the Paths of the Tree of Life and learning the fundamentals of astral travel. Additionally, the initiate begins to examine the theories behind magical formula. The Theoricus begins to examin their own thought process- making it into a precise tool. More advanced forms of divination are also begun in this grade.

2°=9°: The Theoricus Curriculum
- The Theoricus Knowledge Lecture
- The Theoricus Meditation
- Be able to describe the grade ritual from memory
- Make: Complete black and white diagram of the Tree of Life (color optional) The minimum required data to include on each Sepheroth are the Number, the Name, God-Name, Archangel, Choir, Planet (all names in Hebrew lettering). On each Path: Number, Letter, Yetzeratic Attribute, and Tarot Trump. Also include The Ains, Sword, Serpent, Pillars, Veil, and the Abyss.
- Reading (required):
- Gold Brick Commentaries from Het Nuit website: Grade Commentary
- Self-initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition, Cicero: Knowledge Lecture Information
- Essays & Shorts:
- Read One Book of a list of Four:
- Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot by Lon Duquette.
- Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners by Joan Bunning (Weiser, 1998). “It uses the Rider-Waite-Smith deck and is organized as a series of lessons, plus reference materials on each card, with practice in readings.” —Sr. PMM
- The Tarot by Paul Foster Case.” It only covers the trumps using the BOTA deck, a modified version of the Waite deck. It’s strength is that it includes excellent commentary on the symbolism and the Qabbalistic and Yetziratic correspondences of each card.” —Fra ODL JW
- Reading (suggested):
- The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie — Theoricus Ritual
- The Caldean Oracles, Ruth Majeric
- The Book of Thoth by Alester Crowley
- The Tarot Revealed by Eden Grey — ”I’m not sold on Grey’s Tarot book (even though it’s the book ‘I’ first learned from), but I can’t think of a better beginner’s level basic text to use instead.” —Fra P.555
- Choice Centered Tarot by Gail Fairfield. “For using the tarot as a divinatory tool, I know of no more accessible source of instruction. Contains some information on the symbolism, but focuses primarily on reading the cards. I have found the interpretations of the card meanings to be amazingly on target. ” —Fra ODL JW
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3°=8° The Grade of Practicus
This grade is associated with the Sephirah Hod, the element of Water and the planet Mercury. Here the initiate begins to delve beyond their conscious thoughts into the realm of the subconscious. The airy aspect of Mercury begins to interact with the watery nature of Hod and we learn to identify and examine our emotions and hidden motivations. We also at this point, begin to work more actively on the cultivation of our spiritual state. Among other things, the study of spiritual alchemy is explored in this grade and work begun in the grade of Theoricus, such as astral projection and more advanced forms of divination and scrying are continued.

3°=8°: The Practicus Curriculum
- The Practicus Knowledge Lecture
- The Practicus Meditation
- Be able to describe the grade ritual from memory
- Make: A set of Tattwa cards.
- Reading (required):
- Gold Brick Commentaries from Het Nuit website: Grade Commentary
- Self-initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition, Cicero: Knowledge Lecture Information
- Essays & Shorts:
- Tetractys in Pythagorean Sourcebook compiled and translated by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie and Introduced and edited by David Fideler
- Mathers’ Notes on the Tarot (in Regardie’s The Golden Dawn)
- Westcott’s Chaldean Oracles
- Liber vel Magi
- Read One Book of a list of Three:
- The Lover Within by Julie Henderson
- Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantac Chia & Michael Winn
- Healing Love Through the Tao: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia & Maneewan Chia.
Choose one of these two; each is specialized per gender.
- Essential Reiki by Diane Stein. “Liked in no small part because she’s a Pagan. Her approach is readily accessible, and there’s a minimum of BS. However, she has imposed her bias for deosil energies on the Reiki which is inaccurate and misleading.” —Sr. A. & Fra ODL JW
- Reading (suggested):
- The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie — Practicus Ritual
- Pythagorean Sourcebook
- Magical Tattwas by John Mumford — ”Mumford is a bit Newage-y, but he’s easy for Westerners to wrap their brains around. McCoy’s a bit fluffy too, but still it’s a good basic beginner’s text.”
- Astral Projection For Beginners by Edain McCoy
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4°=7° The Grade of Philosophus
This is the final grade of the Golden Dawn. It is associated with the Sephirah of Netzach, the element of Fire and the planet Venus. Here, the initiate begins to synthesize the material and tangible aspects of his/her nature from Zelator, the intellectual and conscious focus of Theoricus, The deeper aspects of the subconscious, spiritual and emotional states of Practicus- under the tempering force of the initiate's Will to bring about the magical philosophy of the magician. In this grade, physical alchemy is studied and work begun in previous grades is explored on a deeper level- continually refining and revising what has gone before in preparation for the grades beyond.

4°=7°: The Philosophus Curriculum
- The Philosophus Knowledge Lecture
- The Philosophus Meditation
- Be able to describe the grade ritual from memory
- Reading (required):
- Gold Brick Commentaries from Het Nuit website: Grade Commentary
- Self-initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition, Cicero: Knowledge Lecture Information
- Essays & Shorts:
- Essay on Cabalah: Speigel der Kunst in Alchemyia
- Liber Porta Lucis
- Liber Tau
- Alchemy: Alchemical Tincturing. “This article provides a clear procedure for creating a simple spagyric tincture, and introduces the Philosophus to the three Principles as they are manifest in plant alchemy.” —Fr. ODL DM
- Read One Book of a list of Three:
- Real Alchemy: A Primer of Practical Alchemy by Robert Allen Bartlett (Highly Recommended).
- The Path of Alchemy by Mark Stavish. “Good introduction, a little preachy, but offers a sensible (and affordable) entry point into practical alchemy.”
- The Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy by Marcus Junius. “Harder to read, but lots of good information. More details on advanced alchemical work in the plant kingdom.”
- The Alchemist’s Handbook by Frater Albertus
- Reading (suggested):
- The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie — Philosophus Ritual
- Alchemy Resources:
- Alchemy Lab = “Dennis Hauck’s course is good (it started me off very nicely), but I have since discovered that it repeats a lot of what you find in the P.O.N. course and elsewhere. It was good for me because he supplied a small set of lab glassware, minimizing the up-front work I had to do, but this course was very expensive for what you get. Frankly, he’s been so busy that I never got any of my test results back, so… sadly, I can’t recommend his course at this time. Of course, you can get lots of nifty glassware & supplies from his website, and there’s some good reading material there too.”
- The Alchemy Website = This site is organised by Adam McLean, the well known authority on alchemical texts and symbolism, author and publisher of over 80 books on alchemical and Hermetic ideas. Extensive online of information on alchemy in all its facets. Divided into over 2700 separate topics and providing tens of thousands of pages of text, over 3000 images, over 300 complete alchemical texts, extensive bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts, numerous articles, introductory and general reference material on alchemy. This is essentially a reference library on the topic of alchemy.
- The Alchemy web site on = “Go here for a truly vast treasure trove of alchemical literature.”
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The Portal Grade
This grade, like the grade of Neophyte, is not associated with any of the Sephirah on the Tree. Instead, it is associated with the Veil that separates the spheres of the lower part of the Tree of Life with the middlemost- which comprise the grades of the Second Order and is associated with the element of Spirit. It is a bridge between the two orders and as such, the Portal initiation is comprised of symbolism from both- the more pantheistic imagery associated with the mystery schools and the Outer Order and the Rosicrucian imagery of the Inner Order (though largely veiled.) Here, the initiate continues to complete the work begun in the Outer Order- (a last chance to refine and strengthen their microcosm) While beginning to learn some of the more advanced ritual work in preparation for the greater obligations that come with entrance into the Inner Order.

The Portal Curriculum
- The Portal Meditation
- Be able to describe the grade ritual from memory
- Write a Thesis on the Rituals: Between 10 and 20 pages in length, state a thesis about the rituals and then, using information from or about the rituals, prove or disprove the thesis.
- Elemental Cycle – One month per element, total immersion.
(Balance / Imbalance / Rebalance cycle.)
- Daily practice of the INRI formula
- Astrology: Analyze your own natal chart and those of two other people (written).
- Divination: Write up 12 divinations in at least 2 media.
- Attend the Second Order monthly meetings.
- Reading — one book from each of three categories:
- Enochian:
- Enochian Vision Magick: An Introduction and Practical Guide to the Magick of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley by Lon Milo Duquette
- Your Choice after approval
- Theory:
- Theurgy & the Soul, the Neoplatonism of Iamblichus by Gregory Shaw
- Magic in Theory & Practice (Book 4 Part B) by Aleister Crowley
- Your Choice after approval
- History:
- Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition by Frances Yates
- Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and Priestesses by Mary K. Greer
- Your Choice after approval
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The Second Order is not, properly, part of the "Golden Dawn", but a separate Order in its own right, known as the "R.R. et A.C.". The Second Order directs the teachings of the First Order, and is the governing force behind the First Order. After passing the Portal, the Aspirant is instructed in the techniques of practical Magic. When another examination was passed, and the other Adepts consented, the Aspirant can attain the Grade of Adeptus Minor (5°=6°). There are also four sub-Grades of instruction for the Adeptus Minor, again relating to the four Outer Order grades. A member of the Second Order has the power and authority to initiate aspirants to the First Order, though usually not without the permission of the Chiefs of his or her Lodge.

The 5°=6° Curriculum
- The Task (Holy Guardian Angel, &c.)
- Essays:
- “Concerning the Tree of Life (Path of the Chameleon)”
from The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie, page 95
- “The Microcosm-Man”
from The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie, page 100
- Make and consecrate:
To pass beyond this Grade, the 5°=6° applies to the college of Adepti, affirms Knowledge and Conversation with the HGA, and has performed a noted act of service to the Order.
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The 6°=5° Curriclum
General Study of the Arts of Magick under the guidance of the HGA. To pass beyond this grade, the 6°=5° applies to the college of Adepti, produces a work that demonstrates mastery of the magickal arts, and has performed a noted act of service to the Order.
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The 7°=4° Curriclum
Create a new system of magick, significantly adding to the knowledge of the Order.
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Of the Third Order it is inappropriate to speak here. Let the interested consult Liber B vel Magi in The Holy Books of Thelema.
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