"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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Golden Dawn Lectures

3°=8° Practicus Initiation Ritual

According to the traditional teachings of the Order

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

3°=8° Practicus Grade

— Part I —


Hierophant: Red Robe, R&W Nemyss, Gold Shoes, White Collar, Lamen, Scepter.
Hiereus: Black Robe, B&W Nemyss, Red Shoes, Red Collar, Lamen, Sword.
Hegemon: White Robe, White Nemyss, Black Collar, Red Shoes, Lamen, Scepter.
Candidate: Black Robe, Red Shoes, Sash, Red Rope, Hoodwink.


2 Blue Tapers
Red Tetrahedron
20th Key of the Tarot


Banners Of The East And West
Temple Pillars
Hebrew Letters: Shin
Diagram Of 7 Heavens In Assiah
10 Adverse Sephiroth
Enochian Water Tablet
3 Red Lamps
4 Chairs
2 Sephirotic Tablets
Tablet Of 10 Sephiroth In 7 Palaces
4 Worlds Of The Tree Of Life
4 Worlds Of The Tree Of Life Showing 4 Holy Names
Macroprosopus Diagram
Cup of Water


— Part I —


(Arrange the Temple for the 31st Path. Members are assembled and Robed.)

 Fraters and Sorors of the Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer, assist me to open this Temple in the Grade of Practicus. Honored Hegemon, see that the Temple is properly guarded.


Very Honored Hierophant, the Temple is properly guarded.

Honored Hiereus, see that none below the Grade of Practicus is present.

Fraters and Sorors give the Sign of Practicus.


 Very Honored Hierophant all present have attained the Grade.

Honored Hegemon, to what particular Element is this Grade attributed?

To the Element of Water.

Honored Hiereus, to what Planet does this Grade especially refer?

To the Planet Mercury.

Honored Hegemon, what Paths are attached to this Grade?

The 31st and 30th Paths of Shin and Resh.

Honored Hiereus to what does the 31st Path refer?

To the reflection of the Sphere of Fire.

Honored Hegemon, to what does the 30th Path allude?

To the reflection of the Sphere of the Sun.

Gives one knock.

All rise and face East.

 Let us adore the Lord and King of Water. ELOHIM TZABDOTH, Elohim of Hosts, Glory be unto the RUACH ELOHIM who moved upon the face of the Waters of Creation. Amen

All salute.

Quits his throne and proceeds to the West. Gives one knock.

All face West.

Standing before the Tablet of Water, he makes with his Scepter the invoking circle and Pentagrams before it in the Air.

And the Elohim said, Let us make Adam in our Image, after our Likeness, and let them have dominion over the Fish of the Sea. In the Name of EL, Strong and Powerful, and in the name of Elohim Tzabaoth, Spirits of Water adore your Creator.

Taking Cup of Water from before Tablet and making therewith the Sign of the Eagle in the Air before it.

In the Name of Gabriel, the Great Archangel of Water, and in the Sign of the Eagle, Spirits of Water adore your Creator. (Making the Cross with Cup of Water) In the Names and Letters of the Great Western Quadrangle revealed unto Enoch by the Angel Ave, Spirits of Water adore your Creator. (Holding Cup on high.) In the three Great Secret Names of God, borne on the Banners of the West, EMPEH ARSOL GAIOL, Spirits of Water adore your Creator. In the Name of Pa AGIOSEL Great King of the West, Spirits of Water adore your Creator.

Replaces Cup and returns to place.

All face East.

In the Name of Elohim Tzabaoth I declare this Temple opened in the Grade of Practicus.

(Knocks 1, 3, 1, 3)

(Knocks 1, 3, 1, 3)

(Knocks 1, 3, 1, 3)


GD Cross


(Temple arranged for Ritual of 31st Path. The Temple is darkened).

Fraters and Sorors our Frater (Soror) XYZ having made such progress in the Path of Occult Science as has enabled him (her) to pass the Examinations in the requisite knowledge is now eligible for advancement to the Grade of Practicus, and I have duly received a dispensation from the Greatly Honored Chiefs of the Second Order, to advance him in due form. Honored Hegemon, superintend the preparation of the Theoricus and give the customary alarm.

Rises, salutes the Hierophant, quits the Temple and sees the Theoricus is thus prepared. Wearing sash of Theoricus, hoodwink and with the solid triangular pyramid formed of4 elements in right hand, Hegemon takes Theoricus by left hand and gives an alarm of 8 Knocks.

His throne was like a fiery Flame, and the wheels as burning Fire.

Opens door and admits them, returns to his place.

Conducts Theoricus to the North West facing the seat of Hiereus. Hegemon takes pyramid.

Give me the Sign, Grip or Token, Grand Word, Mystic Number and Password of the Grade of Theoricus.

Word SHADDAI EL CHAI, No. 45, Password Mah.

Give me also the Mystic title and symbol which you received in that Grade.

Poraios de Rejectus. Ruach.

Frater XYZ do you solemnly pledge yourself to maintain the same strict secrecy regarding the Mysteries of the 31st and 30th Paths, and of the Grade of Practicus which you have sworn to maintain respecting those of the preceding Grades?

I do.

Then you will stretch forth your hands in the position of the saluting sign of a Neophyte and say I swear by the Abyss of the Waters.

Candidate Repeats

Removes Hoodwink. Places in his hand the Cup of Water from before the Tablet.

Sprinkle with your hand a few drops of Water towards the Tablet of Water in the West and say, Let the Powers of Water witness my Pledge.

Replaces Cup.

Conduct the Theoricus to the East and place him before the Mystic Pillars.

 Before you are the Portals of the 31st, 32nd and 29th Paths. Of these as you already know, the central one leads from the Zelator Grade to the Theoricus Grade. The one on the left hand now open to you is the 31st which leads from the Grade of Zelator to the Grade of Practicus. Take in your right hand the Pyramid of Flame and follow your Guide AXIOKERSA the KABIR who leads you through the Path of Fire.

Leads the Theoricus between the Pillars turns to right and circumambulates hall once.

As they approach, takes Red Lamp in his hand and rises. Hegemon and Theoricus halt before him.

Axieros the First Kabir spake to Kasmillos the Candidate and said I am the Apex of the Triangle of Flame. I am the Solar Fire pouring forth its beams upon the lower world. Life giving. Light producing. By what symbol dost thou seek to pass by?

By the Symbol of the Pyramid of Flame.

Hear thou the Voice of Axieros the First Kabir. The Mind of the Father whirled forth in re-echoing roar, comprehending by invincible Will Ideas omniform, which flying forth from that one fountain issued; for the Father alike was the Will and the End; by which yet are they connected with the Father, according to alternating Life, through varying vehicles. But they were divided asunder, being by Intellectual Fire distributed unto other Intellectuals. For the King of all previously placed before the polymorphous world, a type intellectual, incorruptible, the imprint of whose form is sent forth through the World, by which the Universe shone forth decked with ideas all various of which the foundation is one, One and Alone. From this the others rush forth distributed and separated through the various bodies of the Universe, and are borne in swarms through its vast Abysses, ever whirling forth in illimitable radiation. They are Intellectual Conceptions from the Paternal Fountain, partaking abundantly the brilliance of fire in the culmination of unresting Time. But the primary self-perfect fountain of the Father poured forth these primogenial Ideas. These being many ascend flashingly into the shining Worlds, and in them are contained the three Supernals. Because it is the Operator, because it is the Giver of Life-bearing Fire; because it filleth the Life producing bosom of Hecate; and it instilleth into the Synoches the enlivening strength of Fire, embued with mighty power. The Creator of all formed the World, and there was a certain mass of fire and all these self-operating He produced, so that the Kosmic body might be completely conformed, so that the Kosmos might be manifest and not appear membranous. And he fixed a vast multitude of inwandering Stars, not by a strain laborious and hurtful, but to uphold them with a stability void of movement, forcing Fire forward into Fire. Hereunto is the Speech of Axieros.

Leads Theoricus round to seat of Hiereus in N.W.

As they approach takes Red Lamp in his hand, rises.

Hegemon and Theoricus halt before him.

Axiokersos the Second Kabir spake to Kasmillos the Candidate and said: I am the left Basal Angle of the Triangle of Flame. I am fire volcanic and terrestrial, flashingly flaming through the Abysses of Earth; Fire rending Fire penetrating, tearing asunder the curtain of Matter; Fire constrained, Fire tormenting, raging and whirling in lurid storm. By what Sign dost thou seek to pass by?

By the Symbol of the Pyramid of Flame.

Hear thou the Voice of Axiokersos the Second Kabir: For not in matter did the fire which is the beyond first enclose his power in acts, but in Mind; for the Former of the Fiery World is the Mind of Mind, who first sprang from Mind, clothing the one fire with the other Fire, binding them together so that he might mingle the Fountainous Craters while preserving unsullied the Brilliance of his own Fire. And thence a fiery whirlwind drawing down the brilliance of the Flashing Flame penetrating the Abysses of the Universe, for thence from downwards all extend their wondrous rays, abundantly animating Light, Fire, Ether and the Universe. From Him leap forth all relentless thunders, and the whirlwind wrapped, storm enrolled bosom of the All Splendid strength of Hecate, Father begotten and He who encircleth the Brilliance of Fire, and the strong Spirit of the Poles, all Fiery beyond. Hereunto is the Speech of Axiokersos.

Leads Theoricus round to Hegemon's seat in South West.

Takes Red Lamp and thus addresses Theoricus.

Axiokersa the Third Kabir spake to Kasmillos the Candidate and said I am the Right Basal Angle of the Triangle of Flame; I am the Fire Astral and Fluid, winding and coruscating through the firmament. I am the Life of Beings, the vital heat of Existence. By what Sign dost thou seek to pass by?

Prompts Theoricus and then returns to his.

(For Theoricus) 
By the Symbol of the Pyramid of Flame.

Hear thou the Voice of Axiokersa the Third Kabir. The Father hath hastily withdrawn Himself, but hath not shut up his own Fire in His intellectual Power. All things are sprung from that one Fire. For all things did the Father of all things perfect, and delivered them over unto the Second Mind, whom all races of men call First. The Mind of the Father riding on the subtle girders which glitter with the tracings of inflexible and relentless Fire. The Soul being a brilliant Fire, by the Power of the Father remaineth Immortal, and is mistress of Life, and filleth up the many recesses of the Bosom of the World. The channels being intermixed therein she performeth the works of incorruptible Fire. Hereunto is the Speech of Axiokersa.

Places Theoricus in a seat in the West between himself and Hiereus and facing Hierophant, takes Pyramid from him.

Stoop not down into the darkly splendid world, wherein continually lies a faithless Depth, and Hades wrapped in clouds, delighting in unintelligible Images, precipitous, winding, a black ever rolling abyss ever espousing a body unluminous, formless and void. Nature persuadeth us that there are pure Demons, and that even the evil germs of Matter may alike become useful and good. But these are mysteries which are evoked in the profound Abyss of the Mind. Such a Fire existeth extending through the rushings of Air or even a Fire Formless whence comes the Image of a Voice or even a flashing Light abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud. Also there is the vision of the Fire flashing Courser of Light, or also a Child borne aloft on the shoulders of the Celestial Steed, fiery or clothed with gold, or naked or shooting with the bow shafts of light, and standing on the shoulders of the horse. But if thy meditation prolongeth itself thou shalt unite all these Symbols in the form of the Lion. Then when no longer are visible unto thee the Vault of the Heavens, the mass of the Earth, when to thee the stars have lost their Light and the Lamp of the Moon is veiled when the Earth abideth not, and around thee is the Lightening Flame, then call not before thyself the Visible Image of the Soul of Nature. For thou must not behold it ere thy body is purged by the sacred Rites. Since ever dragging down the Soul and leading it from Sacred things, from the confines of matter, arise the terrible dog-faced Demons, never showing a true image unto mortal gaze. So, therefore, first the Priest who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the Lustral Water of the Loud resounding Sea. Labor thou around the Strophaios of Hecate, when thou shalt see a terrestrial demon approaching cry aloud, and sacrifice the Stone MNIZOURIN. Change not the barbarous names of Evocation for they are Names Divine having in the Sacred Rites a Power ineffable. And when after all the Phantoms are banished thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe Hear thou the Voice of Fire. Hereunto is the speech of the Kabiri.

Turns up Lights and then conducts Candidate to foot of Hierophant's throne, and hands Theoricus the solid Triangular Pyramid.

The solid Triangular Pyramid is an appropriate hieroglyph of Fire. It is formed of 4 triangles, 3 visible and one concealed, which yet use the synthesis of the rest. The 3 visible triangles represent Fire Solar, Volcanic and Astral, while the 4th represents the Latent Heat. The three words AUD, AUB, AUR refer to the three conditions of Heat, Aud, active; Aub, passive; Aur, equilibrated; whilst Asch is the Name of Fire. The 31st Path of the Sepher Yetzirah which answereth unto the Letter Shin, is called the Perpetual Intelligence, and it is so called because it regulateth the Motions of the Sun and Moon in their proper order, each in an Orbit convenient for it. It is therefore the reflection of the Sphere of Fire, and the Path connecting the material Universe as depicted in Malkuth, with the Pillar of Severity on the side of Geburah, through the Sephira Hod.

Hierophant, Hegemon and Theoricus come to West of Altar.

Before you upon the Altar is the 20th Key of the Tarot, which symbolically resumes the ideas. To the uninitiated eye it apparently represents the Last Judgement, with an angel blowing a trumpet and the Dead rising from the tombs. But its meaning is far more occult and recondite than this, for it is a glyph of the Powers of Fire. The Angel encircled by a Rainbow whence leap coruscation’s of Fire, and crowned with the Sun, represents Michael, the great Archangel, the Ruler of Solar Fire. The Serpents which leap in the rainbow are symbols of the Fiery Seraphim. The trumpet represents the influence of the Spirit descending from Binah, while the Banner with the Cross refers to the four rivers of Paradise and the letters of the Holy Name. He also is Axieros, the first of the Samothracian Kabiri, as well as Zeus and Osiris. The left hand figure below, rising from the Earth is Samael, the Ruler of Volcanic Fire. He is also Axiokersos, the 2nd Kabir, Pluto and Typhon. The right hand figure below is Anadl, the Ruler of the Astral Light. She is also Axiokersa, the third Kabir, Ceres and Proserpina, Isis and Nephthys. She is therefore represented in a duplicate form and rising from the Water. Around both these figures dart flashes of lightning. These 3 principal figures form the Fire Triangle, and further represent Fire operating in the other three Elements of Air, Earth, and Water. The central lower figure with his back turned and his arms extended in the Sign of Theoricus is Arel the Ruler of Latent Heat, he is rising from the Earth, as if to receive and absorb the properties of the other three. He is also Kasmillos the Candidate in the Samothracian Mysteries, and the Horus of Egypt. He rises from the rock hewn cubical tomb, and also alludes to the Candidate who traverses the Path of Fire. The three lower Figures represent the Hebrew Letter Shin to which fire is especially referred. The 7 Hebrew Yods allude to the Sephiroth operating in each of the Planets and to the Schem-hamphorasch.

Returns to his place.

Leads Theoricus to West.

Comes forward and explains the two Sephirotic Tablets.

The Tablet before you represents the 10 Sephiroth combined in seven palaces. The first Palace contains Kether, Chokmah and Binah, the 2nd Chesed, the 3rd Geburah, the 4th Tiphareth, the 5th Netzach, the 6th Hod, the 7th Yesod and Malkuth. This second Tablet represents the attribution of the 10 Sephiroth to the 4 letters of the Holy Name. Kether as you will observe, is not included therein, but it is symbolized by the uppermost point of Yod. it is MACROPROSOPUS or ARIKH ANPIN, the Vast Countenance. Chokmah is attributed to Yod, or the Father Abba; Binah is attributed to Heh or Aima, the Mother; Vau embraces the six next Sephiroth, which together form MICROPROSOPUS or ZAUIR ANPIN, the Lesser Countenance. Malkuth is referred to the Heh final or the Bride of the Apocalypse.

Leads Theoricus to Tablet of 7 Heavens of Assiah in South.

These are the 7 Heavens of Assiah, the 1st is Ghereboth, referred to Chesed, wherein are the Treasures of Blessings. The 2nd is Mekon referred to Geburah, wherein are the Treasures of the Spirit of Life. The 3rd is Maghon referred to Tiphareth, wherein are Angels. The 4th is Zebel, referred to Netzach, wherein is the Supernal Altar, whereon Michael the great High Priest sacrificeth the Souls of the Just. The 5th is Shachaqim referred to Hod, wherein is the manna. The 6th is Raquie wherein are the Sun and Moon, the Stars and Planets and all the 10 Spheres; it is referred to Yesod. The 7th is Velun referred to Malkuth. Following this is Shamayim containing 18,000 Worlds, and also Gehennah, and the Garden of Eden. The 9th is 18,000 more Worlds wherein abide Shekinah and Metatron. And the 10th is Thebel wherein standeth the earth, between Eden and Gehennah.

Leads Theoricus to Tablet of 10 Averse Sephiroth in North.

Before you are the 10 Averse and Evil Sephiroth of the Qlippoth or Shells, collected into 7 Palaces wherein is the Apocalyptic mystery of the 7 heads and 10 horns. The Qlippoth of Kether are called Thaumiel or the two contending Forces, the Shells of Chokmah are the Ghogiel, or Hinderers. Those of Binah are the Satariel or Concealers. Those of Chesed are the Gagh Shekelah or Breakers in pieces. To Geburah belong the Golahab or Burners. To Tiphareth the Tagariron or Disputers. To Netzach the Gharab Zereq or Ravens of Death, dispersing all things. To Hod the Samael or deceivers, to Yesod the Gamaliel or Obscene. And the Shell of Malkuth is Lilith the Evil woman. But these have also many other appellations.

I have much pleasure in conferring upon you the Title of Lord (Lady) of the 31st Path. You will now quit the Temple for a short time, and on your return the ceremony of your passage of the 30th Path will take place.

GD Cross

3°=8° Practicus Grade

— Part II —


Hierophant: Red Robe, R&W Nemyss, Gold Shoes, White Collar, Lamen, Scepter.

Hiereus: Black Robe, B&W Nemyss, Red Shoes, Red Collar, Lamen, Sword.

Hegemon: White Robe, White Nemyss, Black Collar, Red Shoes, Lamen, Scepter.

Candidate: Black Robe, Red Shoes, Sash.


2 Blue Tapers
Greek Cross Of 13 Cubes
19th Key Of The Tarot (Sun)


Banners Of The East And West
Temple Pillars
Hebrew Letters: Resh
Astrological Symbols Of Planets
Diagram Of Tarot Cards To Hebrew Letters
Enochian Water Tablet
3 Red Lamps
4 Chairs
Table Of Geomantic Figures And Ruling Intelligences
Telesmatic Symbols To Each Geomantic Figure
Kamea Of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury And Moon


— Part II —


Honored Hegemon, you have my command to present the Theoricus with the necessary admission Badge and to admit him (her).

Rises, goes to door, opens it, presents Theoricus with the Greek Cross of the 13 squares and admits him.

Behold he hath placed his Tabernacle in the Sun.

Leads Theoricus to North East and places him before and facing the Pillars.

 Frater XYZ (Sorer) before you in the East are the Portals of the 30th, 25th, and 26th Paths, leading from the Grade of Theoricus to those Grades which are beyond. Of these the only one now open to you is the 30th which leads to the Grade of Practicus. Take in your right hand the Solar Greek Cross, and follow your guide through the path of the Sun. Unto the Intellectual whirlings of Intellectual Fire all things are subservient, through the Will of the Father of All.

Leads Theoricus between Pillars turns to right and halts at foot of Hierophant's throne.

Rises and takes Red Lamp in his hand.

Axieros the First Kabir spake to Kasmillos the Candidate and said I am the Sun in greatest elevation, bringing upon the Earth the ripening Heat, fructifying all things, urging forward the growth of vegetable Nature. Life giving, Light producing, crowning summer with the golden harvest and filling the lap of plenteous Autumn with the purple vintage of the Vine. Thus far is the voice of Axieros.

Leads Theoricus round to seat of Hiereus and halts before him in the N.W.

Rises with Red Lamp in his hand.

Axiokersos the Second Kabir spake to Kasmillos the Candidate and said, I am the Sun in greatest depression beneath the Equator, when Cold is greatest and heat is least, withdrawing his light in darkening Winter, the dweller of Mist and the Storm. Thus far is the Voice of Axiokersos.

Leads Theoricus round to his own seat in the West and takes Red Lamp.

Axiokersa the Third Kabir spake to Kasmillos the Candidate and said I am the Sun at Equinox initiating Summer and heralding Winter, mild and genial in operation, giving forth or withdrawing the vital heat of life. Thus far is the Voice of Axiokersa.

Places Theoricus in a seat in West between himself and Hiereus, facing Hiereus and takes from him Solar Greek Cross.

The Father of all congregated the 7 Firmaments of the Kosmos circumscribing the Heaven with Convex form. He constituted a Septenary of wandering existences suspending their disorder in well disposed zones. He made them 6 in number and for the 7th he cast into the midst thereof the Fire of the Sun; into that center from which all lines are equal. That the swift Sun may come round that center, eagerly urging itself towards that center of resounding Light. As rays of Light his locks flow forth, stretching to the confines of space. And of the Solar Circles, and of the Lunar clashings and of the Aerial recesses; the Melody of Ether, and of the Sun and of the passages of the Moon, and of the Sun is in the Supramundane Orders, for therein a solar world and endless Light subsist. The Sun more true measureth all things by time, for he is the time of time. And his disc is in the Starless above, the Inerratic Sphere, and he is the center of the Triple World. The Sun is Fire and the Dispenser of Fire. He is also the channel of the Higher Fire, Aether, Sun, and the Spirit of the Moon, ye are the Leaders of Air. And the Great Goddess bringeth forth the Vast Sun and the Brilliant Moon, and the wide Air, and the Lunar course and the Solar Pole. She collecteth it receiving the Melody of Ether, and of the Sun, and of the Moon, and of whatsoever is contained by Air. Unwearied doth Nature rule over the worlds and works, so that the periods of all things may be accomplished. And above the shoulders of that Great Goddess is Nature in her vastness exalted. Thus far the Voice of the Kabiri.

Conducts Theoricus to Hierophant's Throne and hands to Theoricus the Solar Creek Cross.

The Solar Creek Cross is formed of 13 squares, which fitly refer to the Sun's motion through the Zodiac. These signs being further arranged in the arms of the cross according to the four Elements with the Sun in the center, represent that luminary as the center of the The 30th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Which answereth unto the letter Resh is called the Collecting Intelligence, and it is so called because from it astrologers deduce the judgement of the stars, and of the celestial signs, and the perfections of their science according to the rules of their revolutions. It is therefore, the reflection of the sphere of the Sun, and the Path connecting Yesod with Hod, Foundation with Splendor.

Hierophant, Theoricus and Hegemon come to West of Altar.

Before you upon the Altar is the 19th Key of the Tarot which symbolically resumes these Ideas. The Sun has 12 principal rays which represent the 12 signs of the Zodiac, they are alternatively waved and salient, as symbolizing the alternation of the masculine and feminine natures. These are again subdivided into 36 rays representing the 36 Decanates or sets of 10 degrees in the Zodiac, and these again into 72 typifying the 72 Quinaries or sets of 5 degrees and the 72 fold name SHEM- HA-MEPHORASCH. Thus the Sun itself embraces the whole Creation in its rays. The·7 Hebrew Yods on each side falling through the air, refer to the Solar influence descending. The wall is the circle of the Zodiac and the stones are its various degrees and divisions. The two children standing respectively on Water and Earth, represent the generating influence of both brought into action by the rays of the Sun. They are the two Inferior or passive Elements, as the Sun and the Air above them are the Superior and Active Elements, of Fire and Air. Furthermore, these two children resemble the sign Gemini, which unites the Earthly sign of Taurus with the Watery sign of Cancer and this sign was by the Greeks and Romans referred to Apollo or the Sun.

Returns to place.

Leads Theoricus to West.

(Showing 1st Tablet)
 The Astrological symbols of the planets are derived from the 3 primary forms of the circle, the crescent and the cross, either singly or in combination. The circle denotes the Sun and gold, the crescent the Moon and silver, respectively, analogous to the Red and the White alchemical natures. The cross is the symbol of corrosion and the corrosion of metals is usually of the complementary color to that which they naturally approximate. Thus, copper which is reddish becomes green in verdigris etc. Mercury is the only one which unites these primary forms in one symbol. Saturn is composed of the Cross and the Crescent, showing that lead is corrosive externally and Lunar internally. Jupiter is the reverse, Mars is solar internally while Venus is the opposite, for Copper is externally of the nature of Gold, but internally corrosive. Wherefore, also the Name of the Sphere of Venus Nogah, denotes External Splendor.

Shows Theoricus the 2nd Tablet.

This shows the true and genuine attribution of the Tarot trumps to the Hebrew alphabet which has long been a secret among the Initiates and which should be carefully concealed from the outer world. As a MSS. lecture on this subject is circulated among the Members of the Grade of Practicus, I shall not further enter into its explanation.

Leads Theoricus to Tablet in the South.

Before you is the Tablet of the Olympic or Aerial Planetary Spirits with their Seals, Arathror of Saturn, Bethor of Jupiter, Phalegh of Mars, Och of the Sun, Hagith of Venus, Ophiel of Mercury and Phul of the Moon.

Leads Theoricus to Tablet in the North.

This shows you the Geomantic Figures with their ruling Intelligences, and Genii; also the talismanic Symbols allotted to each Geomantic figure. These are derived from them by drawing lines to the points composing them, so as to form mathematical figures therefrom. A MSS. lecture on Geomancy is circulated among the Members of Practicus Grade.

I have much pleasure in conferring upon you the Title of Lord (Lady) of the 30th Path. You will now quit the Temple for a short time and on your return the Ceremony of your reception into the Grade of Practicus will take place.

GD Cross

3°=8° Practicus Grade


— Part III —


Hierophant: Red Robe, R&W Nemyss, Gold Shoes, White Collar, Lamen, Scepter.

Hiereus: Black Robe, B&W Nemyss, Red Shoes, Red Collar, Lamen, Sword.

Hegemon: White Robe, White Nemyss, Black Collar, Red Shoes, Lamen, Scepter.

Candidate: Black Robe, Red Shoes, Sash.


Red Cross And White Triangle
3 Red Lamps At Corners Of Triangle
Cup Of Water
Diagram Of Eden Before The Fall
Diagram Of Eden After The Fall
Lamen Badge Of Water


Banners Of The East And West
Temple Pillars
Hebrew Letters: Shin, Resh, Mem, Peh, Ayin
Kamea Of Mercury
2 Diagrams Of Daath
Enochian Water Tablet
7 Planes Of Tree Of Life To 7 Planets
Diagram Of 4 Worlds And Letters Of Holy Names
Alchemical Symbols Of Mercury, Sulphur, And Salt
Mercurial Figures
4 Chairs
Cup Of Water


— Part III —

Honored Hegemon, instruct the Theoricus in the proper alarm, present him with the necessary admission badge and admit him (her).


Place the Theoricus before the Portal of the 31st Path, by which he (she) has symbolically entered this Grade, from the Grade Zelator.

Leads Theoricus to N.W. corner of Temple.


Place the Theoricus now before the Portal of the 30th Path by which he has symbolically entered this Grade from the Grade of Theoricus.

Leads Theoricus to S.W. corner of Temple.


Leads Theoricus S.W. then forward to Hiereus.

By what symbol dost thou enter herein?

By the peculiar emblem of the Stolistes, which is the Cup of Water.

The Cup of the Stolistes partakes in part of the symbolism of the Laver of Moses and the Sea of Solomon. On the Tree of Life it embraces nine of the Sephiroth, exclusive of Kether. Yesod and Malkuth form the Triangle below, the former the apex the latter the base. Like the Caduceus it further represents the 3 elements of Water, Air and Fire. The crescent is the Water which is above the firmament, the circle is the Firmament and the Triangle the consuming fire below, which is opposed to the Celestial Fire symbolized by the upper part of the Caduceus.

Places Admission badge aside and leads Theoricus to Hierophant and then returns to his place.

Rise and face inwards towards the Altar.

(Rising and facing inwards to the Altar.)
 Before you is represented the symbolism of the Garden of Eden. At the summit are the Supernal Sephiroth summed up and contained in Aima Elohim, the Mother Supernal, the Woman of the 12th chapter of the Apocalypse clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet and upon her head the Crown of 12 Stars, Kether. And whereas the Name Tetragrammaton is joined to the Elohim when it is said Tetragrammaton Elohim planted a Garden Eastward in Eden so this represents the power of the Father joined thereto in the Glory from the face of the Ancient of Days. And in the Garden were the Tree of Life, and the Tree of the Knowledge of good and Evil, which latter is from Malkuth, which is the lowest Sephira between the rest of the Sephiroth and the Kingdom of the Shells, which latter is represented by the Great Red Dragon coiled beneath, having 7 heads (the 7 infernal Palaces) and ten horns (the 10 Averse Sephiroth contained in the 7 Palaces). And a River Nahar went forth out of Eden, (namely the Supernal Triad) to water the Garden (the rest of the Sephiroth) and from thence it was divided into four heads in DAATH whence it is said In Daath the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down dew. The first head is Pison which flows into Geburah where there is Gold, it is the River of Fire. The second head is Gihon the river of Waters, flowing into Chesed. The third is Hiddekel the River of air flowing into Tiphareth. And the fourth River which receiveth the virtue of the other three is Euphrates which floweth down upon Malkuth, the Earth. This River going forth out of Eden is the River of the Apocalypse, of Waters of Life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the Throne of God and the Lamb on either side of which was the Tree of Life bearing 12 manner of Fruit. And thus do the Rivers of Eden form the Cross, and on that cross the great Adam the Son who was to rule the Nations with a rod of Iron is extended from Tiphareth and his arms stretch out to Gedulah and Geburah, and in Malkuth is Eve, the completion of all, the Mother of All, and above the Universe she supporteth with her hands the Eternal Pillars of the Sephiroth. As it was said to you in the 30th Path. And above the shoulders of that great Goddess is Nature in her Vastness exalted. The grade of Practicus is referred to the Sephira Hod, and the 30th and 31st Paths which are those of Resh and Shin are bound thereto. The sign of this Grade is thus given; stand with the heels together, raise the arms till the elbows are level with the shoulders bring the hands across the chest touching the thumbs and tips of fingers thus forming a triangle apex downwards. This represents the element of Water to which this Grade is attributed, and the Waters of Creation. The Grip or token is the general grip of the First Order. The Grand Word is Elohim Tzabaoth which means the Elohim of Hosts and of Armies. The mystic number is 36 and from it is formed the Pass Word of this Grade, which is Eloah, one of the Divine Names. It should be lettered separately when given. Unto this Grade and unto the Sephira Hod, the Eighth Path of the Sepher Yetzirah is referred. It is called the Absolute or Perfect Path because it is the means of the Primordial which hath no root to which it may be established, except in the Penetralia of that Gedulah (Magnificence) which emanates from the subsisting properties thereof. The distinguishing badge of this Grade which you will now be entitled to wear is the sash of a Theoricus with the addition of a purple or violet cross above the white cross and the numbers 3 and 8 within a circle and a square, respectively, left and right of its summit, and below the numbers 32, the numbers 30 and 31 in purple or violet, between narrow parallel purple lines. This grade is especially referred to the element of Water and therefore, the great Watch Tower or Terrestrial Tablet of the West forms one of its principal emblems. (Hierophant goes to West in front of Water Tablet followed by Theoricus.) It is known as the second or Great Western Quadrangle, or Tablet of Water, and it is one of the four Great Tablets delivered unto Enoch by the great Angel Ave. From it are drawn the 3 Holy secret names of God EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL which are borne upon the Banners of the West. And numberless divine and angelic names which appertain unto the Element of Water. The meaning of the Tablet of Earth and Air were explained to you in the preceding Grades.

Proceed to East. Hierophant indicates Cross and Triangle on the Altar.

The Cross above the Triangle represents the power of the Spirit of Life rising above the Triangle of the Waters, and reflecting the Triune therein, as further marked by the Lamps at the angles. While the Cup of Water placed at the junction of the Cross and Triangle represents the maternal letter Mem. The Portals in the East and South East are the Paths which conduct to the Higher while that in the South leads to the Grade of Philosophus, the highest Grade of the First Order. This Grade is also related to the planet Mercury. Its Kamea or mystical square is formed of 64 squares containing the numbers from 1 to 64 arranged so as to show the same sum each way. Its ruling numbers are 8, 84, 260 and 2080. This Tablet (indicating it) shows the mystical seals and Names drawn from the Kamea of Mercury. The seals are formed from lines drawn to certain numbers upon the square. The name answering to 8 is Asboga, those answering to 64 Din, Judgement and Doni, that answering to 260 is Tiriel the Intelligence of Mercury and lastly, that answering to 2080 is Taphthartharath the name of the Spirit of Mercury. On this Tablet (indicating it) is shown the meaning of the symbol of Mercury when inscribed upon the Tree of Life. It embraces all but Kether and the horns spring from Daath, which is not properly speaking a Sephira, but rather the conjunction of Chokmah and Binah.

Resumes his seat.

Leads Theoricus to Hiereus and they·go forward to West.

(Indicating it)
 This Tablet before you shows the 7 Planes of the Tree of Life answering to the 7 Planets. Thus, Saturn answers to Kether, Jupiter to Chokmah, and Binah; Mars to Chesed and Geburah; The Sun to Tiphareth; Venus to Netzach and Hod, Mercury to Yesod and Luna to Malkuth. While this second Tablet (indicating it) shows the Four Planes corresponding to the elements; the four Worlds and the letters of the Holy Name.

Leads Theoricus to Tablet in South.

This Tablet shows you the meaning of the alchemical Mercury on the Tree of Life of the first form of the Alchemical Sephiroth. Here again it embraces all but Kether. The Radix Metallorum, the triple foliation at the bottom of the Cross refers to Fire symbolized by the addition of the sign Aries thereto; and it further alludes to the 3 principles of Sulphur, Mercury and Salt.

Leads Theoricus to Tablet in the North.

The Tablet before you represents the symbol the Planets resumed in a Mercurial Figure. In gradual descent we obtain Luna, Mars, Sol, Venus, and below Saturn and Jupiter, right and left.

Places Theoricus in a seat in West facing Hierophant and returns to his own place.

I now congratulate you on having passed through the ceremony of the Grade of Practicus and in recognition thereof I confer upon you the Mystic title of Monokeros de Astris which means the Unicorn of the Stars, and I give you the symbol of Mayim which is the Hebrew Name for Water. Take your seat in the South. (Knocks) In the Name of Elohim Tzabaoth I now declare that you have been duly advanced to the Grade of Practicus, and Lord (Lady) of the 30th and 31st Paths. Before you are eligible for advancement to the Grade of Philosophus you must be thoroughly and genuinely perfect in certain subjects, and have been at least 3 months engaged in the contemplation of the mysteries revealed in this Grade. When you are thoroughly and genuinely perfect, you must signify the same by letter to the Scribe as in the preceding Grade. A MSS. lecture on those subjects is circulated among the members of this Grade.


 Assist me to close the Temple in the Grade of Practicus. Honored Hegemon see that the Temple is properly guarded.


Very Honored Hierophant, the Temple is properly guarded.

Let us adore the Lord and King of Water.


All face East.

Let Elohim Tzabaoth be praised unto the Countless Ages of Time. Amen.

Quits his place and goes to Tablet of Water in West.

All face West.

Let us rehearse the Prayer of the Undines or Water Spirits. (Knocks) Terrible King of the Sea, Thou who holdest the Keys of the Cataracts of Heaven and who enclosest the subterranean Waters in the cavernous hollows of Earth; King of the Deluge and of the Rains of Spring; Thou who openest the sources of the Rivers and of the Fountains, Thou who commandest moisture which is as it were the blood of the earth, to become the sap of the plants, we adore Thee and we invoke Thee. Speak thou unto us Thy mobile and changeful creatures in the great Tempests of the Sea, and we shall tremble before Thee. Speak to us also in the murmur of the limpid waters and we shall desire thy love. O Vastness wherein all the Rivers of Being seek to lose themselves, which renew themselves ever in Thee, O Thou Ocean of infinite perfections, 0 Height which reflectest Thyself in the Depth, O Depth which exhalest thyself into the Height, lead us into the true Life through Intelligence, through Love. Lead us unto Immortality through sacrifice, so that we may be found worthy to offer one day unto Thee, the Water, the Blood and the Tears, for the remission of Sins. Amen.

Makes Banishing Circle and Pentagrams in the Air in front of Tablet with his scepter.

Depart ye in peace unto your abodes and habitations, may the blessing of EL be upon you. Be there ever peace between us and you, and be ye ready to come when ye are called.

Knocks and returns to place.

All face East.

In the Name of Elohim Tzabaoth I declare this Temple closed in the Grade of Practicus.

(Knocks 1, 3, 1, 3)

(Knocks 1, 3, 1, 3)

(Knocks 1, 3, 1, 3)

Rose Cross

[ Read also: » RITUAL OF THE 3°=8¤ GRADE OF PRACTICUS « ]


Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

[ » Primary Source: Golden Dawn Lectures - Practicus Grade « ]

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