"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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Frater IO

Golden Dawn Meditations

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

The Golden Dawn has bequeathed us a number of meditations to go along with each of the grades. Unfortunately they are sketchy and were probably supported by additional verbal instructions or lectures. In the form that we have them from Regardie’s GD book they have been found difficult to use.

In order to overcome this barrier and to render the meditations more effective the following elaboration of them has been developed. To the received materials have been added practices to round out the regimen and develop the mage.

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, the Middle Pillar, the Dissolution into Shunyata, the Four Immeasurables, and INRI practices need each a full 30 days practice. The other practices should be done for at least one week each.


I - The Neophyte Meditation

II - The Zelator Meditation

III - The Theoricus Meditation

IV - The Practicus Meditation

V - The Philosophus Meditation

VI - The Portal Meditation

GD Cross

0°=0° Neophyte

The Neophyte Meditation

Required as part of the curriculum for advancement to the Zelator Grade

Take Refuge.

  1. First read the Dharma Wrapper essay and become proficient in taking refuge and dedicating merit. All practice sessions should begin with taking refuge and end with the dedication of merit.
  2. Learn, regularly practice, and master the following simple technique of the Fourfold Breath:
    1. Having taken Refuge, empty the lungs and remain thus while counting to four.
    2. Inhale, counting to four so that you feel filled with breath to the throat.
    3. Hold this breath while counting to four.
    4. Exhale, counting to four till the lungs are empty.
      This Fourfold Breath technique should be practiced while you are composed in a basic posture or Asana, counting slowly or quickly until you obtain a suitable rhythm. This simple technique will help to still the body and quiet the mind.
  3. Having acquired skill in the Four-fold Breath, concentration is to be cultivated. Make a white letter ‘A’ on a black background. Click here to download a PDF of the diagram. Hang this just beyond arm’s reach in front of you at eye level (if you are agitated lower it a bit, if sleepy raise it a bit). Set a timer and stare at it for two minutes letting the image fill your mind and crowd out all other thoughts. When your thoughts wander just bring them back to the image. Do not chase after your thoughts. Take a break for a minute and then concentrate for another two minutes for a total of five minutes’ practice. After you are comfortable with doing this once per day, do it twice per day. Once that is comfortable, extend the practice to ten minutes total, alternating between two minutes of concentration and one minute of rest.
  4. Having attained this, consider a point as defined in mathematics — having position, but no magnitude. Concentrate your attention on it and see how long you can hold it there. Take note of any thoughts or feelings that arise during this simple meditation.
    This process of concentrating on a subject and then seeing what arises in the mind will be used extensively in these meditations. It teaches the fundamental skill that when practiced and calibrated will reveal the natures of the signatures we contemplate. These signatures and symbols become the roadmarks on your journey back to wholeness and integration with the Cosmos.
  5. Having done the concentration on the Point for some time, next add to the contents of your mind, while holding the Point, the aspiration to realize the Immanence of the Divine Wisdom throughout Nature, in all Her aspects. Take note of any thoughts or feelings that arise during this meditation.
  6. Learn the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Vigorous practice achieves quick success. Three times daily for thirty days will be required in Zelator. This is the principal rite of purification in our system.

Dedicate the Merit.

The Qabalistic Cross And Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

Introduction to the Ritual

There is a much employed Ritual which utilizes the symbol of the Pentagram as a general means to banish and invoke the elemental forces. This Ritual is called the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram. However, it should not simply be regarded as a mere device to invoke or banish, for it is really the Stone of the Wise and incorporates within its structure a high magical formula of Self-Initiation. It is, to all intents and purposes, a Ritual of Self-Initiation. This ritual is given to the Neophyte of the Order as a means for him/her to come into contact with the invisible forces of Nature and to learn how to direct those elementary forces.

Please note that traditionally the name of the Hebrew God ‘Yahweh’ is used in the East. As many of our members are Pagan, we have a negative relationship with Yahweh, or none at all. However, we do know his Mother/Sister/Consort Asherah and as Her name is a Tetragrammaton ‘AShRH’ (Aleph-Shin-Resh-Heh) it serves well as a replacement. We leave the student to explore the Qabalah of Her Name.

  1. Touching the forehead, say Ateh (Thou art)
  2. Touching the breast, say Malkuth (The Kingdom)
  3. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah. (And The Power)
  4. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah. (And the Glory)
  5. Place the two palms of the hands together upon the breast, and say le-Olahm, (Forever)
  6. Fingers pointing up, say Amen.
  7. Advance to the East, trace the Pentagram with the proper weapon (Wand to invoke, Dagger to banish). Give the Sign of the Enterer saying (i.e., vibrating) Ashera imagining that your voice carried forward to the East of the Universe. Resuming standing position, catch the reflux by giving the Sign of Silence.
  8. Turning to the South, the same, but say Adonai
  9. Turning to the West, the same, but say Eheieh
  10. Turning to the North, the same, but say Agla
  11. Return to the East, completing the Circle, extend the arms in the form of a Cross, and say:
  12. Before me Raphael;
  13. Behind me Gabriel;
  14. On my right hand, Michael;
  15. On my left hand, Auriel;
  16. Before me flames the Pentagram,
  17. And in the Column shines the Six-rayed Star.
  18. Repeat 1 through 6, the Qabalistic Cross. For Banishing use the same Ritual but reversing the direction of the lines of the Pentagram.



The Uses of the Pentagram Ritual:

Opening and Closing any Magical Work

The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram can be used to open and close any magical or mystical work, such as a ceremony or meditation.

As an Exorcism

The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram can be used by the Neophyte as a protection against impure magnetism, and as a practical form of exorcism, to eliminate obsessing or disturbing thoughts. In this the Neophyte should first formulate a mental image of the obsession or disturbing thought, then s/he should project the image outside of his/her Aura with the Sign of the Enterer (Sign of Horus) — sometimes called the Sign of Projection — and when the image is approximately three feet away, the Neophyte should give the Sign of Silence (Sign of Harpocrates) to prevent the image from returning unto him or her. With the image of the obsession or disturbing thought in the East, the Neophyte should then perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram to disintegrate the image, seeing it in his/her mind's eye dissolving on the further side of the Circle of Flame which is formulated in the Pentagram Ritual.

Sign of the Enterer
Sign of the Enterer
Sign of Silence (Harpocrates)Sign of Silence

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GD Cross

1°=10° Zelator

The Zelator Meditation

Required as part of the curriculum for advancement to the Theoricus Grade

Take Refuge.

  1. Construct a straight line. Then, take a ruler and pencil and by moving it a distance equal to its length, outline a square.
  2. Having done this, after quieting your mind with the rhythmic breathing taught in the first meditation, mentally formulate a cube, and endeavor to discover the significance of this figure and its correspondences.
  3. Contemplate the mineral kingdom. Meditate upon minerals and crystals, choosing especially a crystal of SALT, and entering into it, actually feel yourself of crystalline formation. Imagine yourself as immersed in cold moist earth or hard stone, better still imagine yourself as made of earth or stone or crystal. Soak in the Spirit of Earth.
  4. Looking out on the Universe from this standpoint, identify yourself with the EARTH SPIRITS in love and sympathy, and recite their prayer as said in the closing of the Zelator Grade.
  5. Be ready to call to mind the glyphs of the Earth Triplicity of the Zodiac. Study and have ready to mind their basic meanings from an astrology manual or other resource, especially noting their Cardinal, Mutable and Kerubic natures.
    Then, in black on a white background, imagine the Glyph of Capricorn intensely as you can for two minutes. Intoning the name or Hebrew letter of the sign to start will help. Then, as you relax, let the glyph imagined before you dissolve into your body. Note what you think and how you feel. Do the same for Virgo and Taurus.
  6. Become skilled in the Lesser Banishing ritual of the Pentagram by practicing it 3 times per day for 30 days.

Dedicate the Merit.

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GD Cross

2°=9° Theoricus

The Theoricus Meditation

Required as part of the curriculum for advancement to the Practicus Grade

Take Refuge.

  1. After taking refuge, practice the Moon Breath, while saying mentally the word AUM. (Moon Breath is through the left nostril only, using the thumb of the right hand to close the nostril.) Do this until stabilized in comfort and effect.
  2. Construct crescents, a pentagram and a pentagon with a compass. Next, add to the Moon Breath contemplation of the waxing and waning crescents of the Moon, while visualizing them, one at a time, as a silver crescent upon an indigo background. The waxing crescent is shaped like a “D” (as in Diana) and the waning like a “C” (as in Crone). Similarly contemplate the numbers nine and five and therewith the forms of the Pentagram and the Pentagon.
  3. Contemplate the Vegetable kingdom. Rise in imagination above the mineral world into the world of trees and flowers and identify in love and sympathy with the Powers of the Elements behind these. Imagine yourself as a tree or plant drawing energy from the sun, water and minerals from the earth, to create yourself. Feel the wind in your leaves and shift your attention to being as the Wind and Air. Imagine yourself as cold and dry as the air and made of nothing but vapor. Soak in the Spirit of Air.
  4. Looking out on the Universe from this standpoint, identify yourself with the Air SPIRITS in love and sympathy, and recite their prayer as said in the closing of the Theoricus Grade.
  5. Be ready to call to mind the glyphs of the Air Triplicity of the Zodiac. Study and have ready to mind their basic meanings from an astrology manual or other resource, especially noting their Cardinal, Mutable and Kerubic natures.
    Then, in black on a white background, imagine the Glyph of Libra intensely as you can for two minutes. Intoning the name or Hebrew letter of the sign to start will help. Then, as you relax, let the glyph imagined before you dissolve into your body. Note what you think and how you feel. Do the same for Gemini and Aquarius.
  6. Envision the mental world where mind rules over matter, and meditate upon the ideas of appearance and reality.
  7. Practice the Middle Pillar.

Dedicate the Merit.

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GD Cross

3°=8° Practicus

The Practicus Meditation

Required as part of the curriculum for advancement to the Philosophus Grade

Take Refuge.

  1. Construct the Rhombus and the Vesica with compass and straight edge. While using in different practice sessions the 4-fold breath and the Moon breath, contemplate these symbols as before.
  2. Contemplate the Animal kingdom. Rise in imagination above the vegetable world into the world of motile creatures and identify in love and sympathy with the Powers of the Elements behind these. Imagine yourself as each and all animals seeking through sympathy to understand the world in their experience. Seek out and study the understanding that traditional peoples, especially the Egyptians, have with their animal neighbors and remember the great prayer of the Turtle Islanders, “Oh! All my relations!” Contemplate the differences in form and consciousness between insects, reptiles, avian and mammals.
  3. Imagine yourself as warm and moist as the tropical ocean, better still imagine yourself as made entirely of water. Soak in the Spirit of Water.
  4. Looking out on the Universe from this standpoint, identify yourself with the Water SPIRITS in love and sympathy, and recite their prayer as said in the closing of the Practicus Grade.
  5. Be ready to call to mind the glyphs of the Water Triplicity of the Zodiac. Study and have ready to mind their basic meanings from an astrology manual or other resource, especially noting their Cardinal, Mutable and Kerubic natures.
    Then, in black on a white background, imagine the Glyph of Cancer as intensely as you can for two minutes. Intoning the name or Hebrew letter of the sign to start will help. Then, as you relax, let the glyph imagined before you dissolve into your body. Note what you think and how you feel. Do the same for Pisces and Scorpio.
    Do this also for the Mercury glyph and contemplate the meaning of the number eight.
  6. Practice control of the emotions, on no account giving way to anger, hatred and jealousy, but to turn the force hitherto expended in these directions towards the attainment of perfection, that “the malarial marsh of [your] nature may become a clear and limpid lake, reflecting the Divine Nature truly and without distortion.”
  7. Practice the Dissolution into Shunyata, the Void Ground Absolute, the Ain. (See documentation here.)
  8. Practice the Control of the Aura

Dedicate the Merit.

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GD Cross

4°=7° Philosophus

The Philosophus Meditation

Required as part of the curriculum for advancement to the Portal Grade

Take refuge.

  1. Construct the Triangle with compass and straight edge. Using in different practice sessions the 4-fold breath and the Moon breath contemplate this symbol as before.
  2. Contemplate the Human kingdom. Rise in imagination above the animal world into the world of humanity and identify in love and sympathy with the Powers of the Elements behind them. Imagine yourself as each and all people seeking through sympathy to understand the world in their experience.
  3. Practice the 4 Immeasurables. See documentation here
  4. Imagine yourself as warm and dry as the sun, better still imagine yourself as made entirely of fire. Bask in the Spirit of Fire.
  5. Looking out on the Universe from this standpoint, identify yourself with the Fire SPIRITS in love and sympathy, and recite their prayer as said in the closing of the Philosophus Grade.
  6. Be ready to call to mind the glyphs of the Fire Triplicity of the Zodiac. Study and have ready to mind their basic meanings from an astrology manual or other resource, especially noting their Cardinal, Mutable and Kerubic natures.
    Then, in black on a white background, imagine the Glyph of Aries intensely as you can for two minutes. Intoning the name or Hebrew letter of the sign to start will help. Then, as you relax, let the glyph imagined before you dissolve into your body. Note what you think and ho you feel. Do the same for Sagittarius and Leo.
    Do this also for the Venus glyph and contemplate and identify with the Universal Love which would express itself in perfect service to all sentient beings and which embraces Nature both visible and invisible.
  7. Contemplate the Fire of Purification, Consecration and Sacrifice, severally and united. Consider especially the necessity and prevalence of sacrifice throughout nature and religion, and where it is not.
  8. Place the Tree of Life in the Aura.

Dedicate the Merit.

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GD Cross

The Portal Meditation

Required as part of the curriculum for advancement to the Adeptus Minor Grade

Take refuge.

  1. Draw or construct all of the Crosses in their various forms and aspects as shown in the Admission Badges and elsewhere throughout the Grades. Contemplate their several meanings.
  2. Contemplate the transformation of the Cross into the Pentagram.
  3. Pentagram Meditations:
    1. Pentagram Posture
    2. Pentagram Elemental Cycling
    3. Fairy Iron Pentagram
    4. Fairy Pearl Pentagram
  4. Endeavor to realize your own place and relative importance in the Universe, striving to stand outside yourself and allowing only such claims as you would allow to another.
  5. Carefully abstain from talking of yourself, your feelings or experiences that you may gain continence of speech, and learn to control the wasteful activities of your mind. See also Liber III vel Jugorum, but be certain to get the initiated interpretation from your Hierophant.
  6. Contemplate the Sun as thinly veiled in clouds.
  7. Perform the Great Elemental Cycle – One month per element, total immersion. Balance/Imbalance/Rebalance cycle.
  8. Practice the INRI formula.

Dedicate the Merit.

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Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

[ » Primary Source: The Opens Source Order of the Golden Dawn « ]

Law Lamen





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