Golden Dawn Lectures
1°=10° Zelator Initiation Ritual
According to the traditional teachings of the Order

1°=10° Zelator Grade
— Part I —
Hierophant: Red Robe, Red & White Nemyss, Gold Shoes, Lamen, White Collar, Scepter
Hiereus: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Red Collar, Sword
Hegemon: White Robe, White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar Scepter
Kerux: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar, White Lamp, Wand
Stolistes: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar, Cup of Water.
Dadouchos: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar, Censer
Sentinel: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar, Sword
Candidate: Black Robe, Red Shoes, Sash, Red Rope, Hoodwink
Red Cross And White Triangle
Red Lamp
Diagram of The Flaming Sword
Fylfot Cross
Banners Of The East and West
Temple Pillars
Hebrew Letters: Tau, Shin, Qoph
Enochian Earth Tablet

Part I
(The members, having assembled and robed, each is seated in his proper place).
All rise.
(Sitting) Fraters and Sorors of the Zelator Grade of the Golden Dawn, assist me to open the Temple in the Grade of Zelator. Frater Kerux, see that the Temple is properly guarded.
Knocks, without opening the door.
Very Honored Hierophant, the Temple is properly guarded.
Honored Hiereus, see that none below the Grade of Zelator is present.
Fraters and Sorors, give the signs of Zelator.
All give signs of Zelator.
(Gives sign.) Very Honored Hierophant, no one below the Grade of Zelator is now present.
(Gives sign.) Purify and consecrate the Temple with Water and with Fire.
Advances between the Pillars.
Moves to North side of Black Pillar.
Moves to South side of White Pillar.
Move together to the center of the Hall and face East. All salute.
Makes sign of the cross with censer and swings forward 3 times and says: I consecrate with Fire.
Makes Cross with Cup, and sprinkles with water three times towards East, saying: I purify with Water.
Salutes Zelator sign.
The Temple is cleansed.
Return to place, Kerux leading and passing with Neophyte sign.
Let the Element of this Grade be named that it may be awakened in the spheres of those present and in the sphere of the Order.
The Element of Earth.
(Knocks) Let us adore the Lord and King of Earth.
All face East.
ADONAI HA-ARETZ. ADONAI MELEKH. Unto Thee be the Kingdom and the Power (cross on self) and the Glory. (He makes Cross and Circle with Scepter before him as he says MALKUTH, etc.) MALKUTH, GEBURAH, GEDULAH. The Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley, Amen.
All give Zelator Signs.
Moves to altar picks up salt and goes to North, and sprinkles Salt before the Tablet, saying:
Let the Earth Adore Adonai!
Places salt before the Tablet of the North.
Leaves his place and goes to North. He stands facing the center of the Tablet of the North.
Falls in behind Hierophant.
Moves to the right of Hiero.
Moves to left of Hiero.
Falls in behind Hiereus.
Falls in behind Hegemon.
All Officers face North.
Makes sign in front of, and concentric with Tablet of the North, an invoking Pentagram of Earth, saying:
And the Elohim said, Let us make Adam in our Image, after our likeness and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth over the Earth. And the Elohim created Eth Ha-Adam in their Own Image, in the Image of the Elohim created they them. In the name of ADONAI MELEKH and the Bride and Queen of the Kingdom, Spirits of Earth adore Adonai!
Hands his Scepter to Hiereus and, takes the Sword of Hiereus, makes the Ox in center of Pentagram, saying:
In the Name of Auriel, the Great Archangel of Earth, and by the sign of the head of the Ox - Spirits of Earth, adore Adonai!
Returns Sword to Hiereus and takes Miter-headed Scepter from Hegemon and makes Cross in the air, saying:
In the Names and letters of the Great Northern Quadrangle, Spirits of Earth, adore Adonai!
Returns Scepter to Hegemon, and takes Cup from Stolistes, making Cross, and sprinkling thrice to North, saying:
In the Three Great Secret Names of God, borne upon the Banners of the North - EMOR DIAL HECTEGA - Spirits of Earth, adore Adonai!
Returns Cup to Stolistes and takes Censer from Dadouchos, and making three forward swings, says:
In the name of IC ZOD HEH CHAL, Great King of the North, Spirits of Earth adore Adonai!
Returns Censer to Dadouchos, and takes back Scepter from Hiereus, returns to Throne.
All Officers return to places.
In the name of ADONAI HA-ARETZ, I declare this Temple duly opened in the Grade of Zelator.
(Knocks 4, 3, 3)
(Knocks 4, 3, 3)
(Knocks 4, 3, 3)

(Hierophant sits East of Altar, Hiereus sits North, and Hegemon sits South, Stolistes sits North West, Kerux sits West and Dadouchos sits South West)
Fraters and Sorors, our Frater (Sorer) having made such progress in the Paths of Occult Science as has enabled him (her) to pass an examination in the required knowledge, is now eligible for advancement to this Grade, and I have duly received a dispensation from the Greatly Honored Chiefs of the Second Order to admit him (her) in due form. Honored Hegemon, superintend the preparation of the Neophyte and give the customary alarm.
Salutes with the Zelator sign, and leaves the room by South and West.
Prepares Neophyte who wears sash of Neophyte grade and is blindfolded. He carries the Fylfot Cross in right hand.
Instructs Neophyte in knocks of the Grade.
Opens the door to be just ajar.)
Let me enter the Portal of Wisdom.
I will.
Opens door and admits them.
Turns down lights.
Except Adonai build the house, their labor is but lost that build it. Except Adonai keep the City, the Watchman waketh in vain. Frater (Sorer) Neophyte, by what aid dost thou seek admission to the Grade of Zelator of the Golden Dawn?
(For Neophyte) By the guidance of Adonai; by the possession of the necessary knowledge; by the dispensation of the Greatly Honored Chiefs of the Second Order; by the signs and tokens of the Zelator Grade. By this symbol of the Hermetic Cross.
Takes Cross from him places it on the Altar and returns to place.
Give the step and signs of a Neophyte. (Neophyte gives them).
Frater Kerux, receive from the Neophyte the Token, Grand Word, and Password of the Neophyte Grade.
Places himself in front of Neophyte and says:
Give me the grip of the Neophyte.
Give me the Word.
Give me the Password.
Having received it, he turns to Hiero, gives Grade Salute, and says:
Very Honored Hierophant, I have received them.
(To Hegemon) Lead the Neophyte to the West and set him between the Mystic Pillars, with his face towards the East.
Places Neophyte between the Pillars, and remains behind him.
Frater (Sorer).. .will you pledge yourself to maintain the same secrecy regarding the Mysteries of this Grade as you are pledged to maintain regarding those of the Neophyte Grade - never to reveal them to the World, and not even to confer them upon a Neophyte without a dispensation from the Greatly Honored Chiefs of the Second Order?
I will.
Then you will kneel on both your knees, lay your right hand on the ground, and say: - I swear by the Earth whereon I kneel. (Done) Let the symbol of blindness be removed.
Unbinds Neophyte's eyes.
Turns up lights.
Goes back to his proper place.
Remains kneeling between the Pillars with his hand on the ground.
Takes the Salt from before the Tablet of the North, and passing round the Altar with Sol stands in front of Neophyte facing him and holds the Salt in front of him.
Take Salt with your left hand and cast it to the North; say Let the Powers of Earth witness my pledge.
Replaces Salt, and returns to his place.
Let the Neophyte rise and let him be purified with Water and consecrated with Fire, in confirmation of his pledge, and in the Name of the Lord of the Universe.
Moves forward round South Pillar, stands before Neophyte and makes three forward swings of censer, saying:
In the name of the Lord of the Universe I consecrate thee with Fire.
Returns by way he came.
Moves round North Pillar, stands before Neophyte, makes cross on forehead, sprinkles thrice, saying:
In the Name of the Lord of the Universe. I purify thee with Water.
Returns to place as he came.
The Zelator Grade is a preparation for other Grades, a threshold before our discipline, and it shows by its imagery, the Light of the Hidden Knowledge dawning in the Darkness of Creation; and you are now to begin to analyze and comprehend the Nature of that Light. To this end, you stand between the Pillars, in the Gateway where the secrets of the Neophyte Grade were communicated to you. Prepare to enter the Immeasurable region. And Tetragramaton Elohim planted a Garden Eastward in Eden, and out of the ground made Tetragramaton Elohim to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food; the Tree of Life also, in the midst of the Garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and of Evil. This is the Tree that has two Paths, and it is the Tenth Sephira Malkuth, and it has about it seven Columns, and the Four Splendors whirl around it as in the Vision of the Mercabah of Ezekiel; and from Gedulah it derives an influx of Mercy, and from Geburah an influx of Severity and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and of Evil shall it be until it is united with the Supernals in Daath. But the good which is under it is called the Archangel Metatron, and the Evil is called the Archangel Samael, and between them lies the straight and narrow way where the Archangel Sandalphon keeps watch. The Souls and the Angels are above its branches, and the Qlippoth or Demons dwell under its roots. Let the Neophyte enter the Pathway of Evil.
Takes his place in front of Neophyte, leads him in a N.E. direction towards the Hiereus, halts and steps out of the direct line between Hiereus and Neophyte.
Whence comest thou?
I come from between the two Pillars and I seek the Light of the Hidden Knowledge in the Name of Adonai.
And the Great Angel Samael answered, and said: I am the Prince of Darkness and of night. The foolish and rebellious gaze upon the face of the created World, and find therein nothing but terror and obscurity. It is to them the Terror of Darkness and they are as drunken men stumbling in the Darkness. Return, for thou canst not pass by.
Leads Neophyte back as he came, to between the Pillars.
Let the Neophyte enter the Pathway of Good.
Leads Neophyte S.E., and halts opposite Hegemon, stepping aside from before Neophyte.
Whence comest thou?
I come from between the Pillars, and I seek the Light of the Hidden Knowledge in the Name of Adonai.
The Great Angel Metatron answered, and said: I am the Angel of the Presence divine. The Wise gaze upon the created world and behold there the dazzling image of the Creator. Not yet can thine eyes bear that dazzling Image. Return, for thou canst not pass by.
Turns and leads Neophyte back between the Pillars.
Let the Neophyte enter the straight and narrow Pathway which turns neither to the right hand nor to the left hand.
Leads Neophyte directly up center of Hall until he is near the Altar, halts, steps aside from before Neophyte, leaving him to face Altar unobstructed.
Cross Scepter and Sword before altar.
Whence comest thou?
I come from between the Pillars and I seek the Light of the Hidden Knowledge in the Name of Adonai.
Advances to East of Altar with Scepter, which he thrusts between Sword of Hiereus and Scepter of Hegemon and raising it to an angle of 45 degrees.
But the Great Angel Sandalphon said: I am the reconciler for Earth, and the Celestial Soul therein. Form is invisible alike in Darkness and in blinding Light. I am the left hand Kerub of the Ark and the Feminine Power, as Metatron is the right hand Kerub and the Masculine Power, and I prepare the way to the Celestial Light.
Step back to South and North of Altar respectively.
Takes Neophyte by right hand with his left, and pointing to the Altar and diagram says:
And Tetragramaton placed Kerubim at the East of the Garden of Eden and a Flaming Sword which turned every way to keep the Path of the Tree of Life, for He has created Nature that Man being cast out of Eden may not fall into the Void. He has bound Man with the Stars as with a chain. He allures him with Scattered Fragments of the Divine Body in bird and beast and flower, and He laments over him in the Wind and in the Sea and in the birds. When the times are ended, He will call the Kerubim from the East of the Garden, and all shall be consumed and become Infinite and Holy. Receive now the secrets of this Grade. The step is thus given 6 by 6 showing you have passed the threshold. The Sign is given by raising the right hand to an angle of 45 degrees. It is the position in which the Hierophant interposed for you between the Hiereus and the Hegemon. The Token is given by grasping fingers, the thumb touching thumb to form a triangle. It refers to the Ten Sephiroth. The Word is ADONAI HA-ARETZ, and means Adonai the Lord of the Earth, to which Element this Grade is allotted. The Mystic Number is 55, and from it is formed the Password Nun He. It means Ornament, and when given is lettered separately. The Badge of this Grade, is the sash of the Neophyte with the narrow white border, a red cross within the Triangle, and the number 1 within a circle and 10 within a square, one on each side of the triangle.
Invests Neophyte with the sash, and points out the Three Portals, saying:
The Three Portals facing you in the East, are the Gates of the Paths leading to the three further Grades, which with the Zelator and the Neophyte forms the first and lowest Order of our Fraternity. Furthermore, they represent the Paths which connect the Tenth Sephirah Malkuth with the other Sephiroth. The letters Tau, Qoph and Shin make the word Quesheth a Bow, the reflection of the Rainbow of Promise stretched over our Earth, and which is about the Throne of God.
(Hegemon points out the Flaming Sword, saying:)
This drawing of the Flaming Sword of the Kerubim, is a representation of the Guardians of the Gates of Eden, just as the Hiereus and Hegemon symbolize the Two Paths of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and of Evil.
In this Grade, the red Cross is placed within the White Triangle upon the Altar, and it is thus the symbol of the Banner of the West. The Triangle refers to the Three Paths and the Cross to the Hidden Knowledge. The Cross and the Triangle together represent Life and Light.
Points out the Tablet of the North, saying:
This Grade is especially referred to the element of Earth, and therefore, one of its principal emblems is the Great Watch Tower or Terrestrial Tablet of the North. It is the Third or Great Northern Quadrangle or Earth Tablet, and it is one of the four Great Tablets of the elements said to have been given to Enoch by the Great Angel Ave. It is divided within itself into four lesser angles. The Mystic letters upon it form various Divine and Angelic Names, in what our tradition calls the Angelic secret language. From it are drawn the Three Holy Secret Names of God EMOR DIAL HECTEGA which are borne upon the Banners of the North, and there are also numberless names of Angels, Archangels, and Spirits ruling the Element of Earth.
Comes forward retrieves Fylfot Cross from Altar and hands it to Hierophant.
The Hermetic Cross, which is also called Fylfot, Hammer of Thor, and Swastika, is formed of 17 Squares out of a square of 25 lesser squares. These 17 represent the Sun, the Four Elements, and the Twelve Signs of the zodiac. In this Grade, the lights on the Pillars are unshaded, showing that you have quitted the Darkness of the outer world. You will leave the Temple for a short time.
Escorts Neophyte out of Temple, instructs Neophyte in knocks and returns to Temple entrance.

1°=10° Zelator Grade
— Part II —
Hierophant: Red Robe, Red & White Nemyss, Gold Shoes, Lamen, White Collar, Scepter
Hiereus: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Red Collar, Sword
Hegemon: White Robe, White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar Scepter
Kerux: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar, White Lamp, Wand
Stolistes: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar, Cup of Water.
Dadouchos: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar, Censer
Sentinel: Black Robe, Black & White Nemyss, Red Shoes, Lamen, Black Collar, Sword
Candidate: Black Robe, Red Shoes, Sash of 1=10
Red Cross And White Triangle
Red Lamp
Diagram of The Flaming Sword
Fylfot Cross
Banners Of The East and West
Temple Pillars
Hebrew Letters: Tau, Shin, Qoph
Table of Shewbread
Table of Candlesticks
Enochian Earth Tablet

— Part II —
Frater Kerux, when the Neophyte gives the proper alarm, you will admit him. Fraters Stolistes and Dadouchos, assist the Kerux in the reception.
Take up positions so as to face Neophyte as he enters Hall.
Opens door and admits Neophyte, but does not stand in front of him.
Frater, as in the Grade of Neophyte, you came out of the World to the Gateway of Hidden Knowledge, so in this Grade you pass through the Gateway and come into the Holy Place. You are now in the court of the Tabernacle, where stood the Altar of Burnt Offering, whereon was offered the sacrifices of animals, which symbolized the Qlippoth or Evil Demons who inhabit the plane contiguous to and below the Material Universe.
Makes Cross in air with Censer, and censes Neophyte in silence with three forward swings.
Between the Altar and the entrance into the Holy Place, stood the Laver of Brass wherein the priests washed before entering the Tabernacle. It was the symbol of the Waters of Creation.
Makes cross with water on Neophyte's forehead and sprinkles thrice in silence.
Having made offering at the altar of Burnt Sacrifice, and having been cleansed at the Laver of Brass, the Priest then entered the Holy Place.
Takes Neophyte behind Pillars to North and removes the chair.
Return to their places.
Takes his stand between the Pillars facing Neophyte. He guards the Path with his Sword and says:
Thou canst not pass the Gateway which is between the Pillars, unless thou canst give the Signs and Words of a Neophyte.
Instructs Neophyte to advance to a position between the Pillars.
Returns to his place.
Comes forward, stands East of Pillars, facing Neophyte, and bars the way into the Temple with Scepter, saying:
Thou canst not enter the Holy Place, unless thou canst give the Sign and Grip of a Zelator.
Resumes his seat after handing Neophyte over to charge of Hegemon. Hegemon leads Neophyte to North, and says:
To the Northern side of the Holy Place, stood the Table of Shewbread. The drawing before you represents its occult meaning. On it twelve leaves were laid as emblems of the Bread of life, and it is an image of the Mystery of the Rose of Creation. The 12 circles are the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, while the Lamp in the center is symbolic of the Sun, which is the source of heat and life. The four Triangles whose twelve angles each touch one of the 12 circles are those of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, and allude to the four Triplicities of the Zodiacal Signs. The Triangle inscribed within each of the 12 circles, alludes to the 3 Decanates, or phases of ten degrees of each sign. On one side of each Triangle is the Permutation of the Divine Name YOD HEH VAU HEH, which is referred to that particular sign, while in the opposite side of it is the name of one of the 12 Tribes which is also attributed to it. Now the 22 sounds and letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are the foundation of all things. Three Mothers, Seven Double and Twelve Singles. The Twelve Single letters are allotted to the 12 directions in space, and those diverge to Infinity, and are in the arms of the Eternal. These Twelve Letters He designed and combined, and fortified with them the Twelve Celestial Constellations of the Zodiac. They are over the Universe as a King upon his throne, and they are in the revolution of the year as a King traversing his dominions, and they are in the heart of man as a King in warfare. And the Twelve Leaves are the images of those ideas, and are the outer petals of the Rose; while within are the Four Archangels ruling over the Four Quarters, and the Kerubic emblems of the Lion, Man, Bull and Eagle. Around the great central Lamp which is an image of the Sun, is the Great Mother of Heaven, symbolized by the letter Heh, the first of the Single letters, and by its number 5, the Pentagram, Malkah the Bride, ruling in her Kingdom Malkuth, crowned with a crown of Twelve Stars. These Twelve Circles further represent the 12 Foundations of the Holy City of the Apocalypse while in Christian Symbolism the Sun and the Twelve Signs are referred to Christ and His Twelve Apostles.
Leads Neophyte to Hiereus and then returns to his place and is seated.
Leads Neophyte to the South, and says:
On the Southern side of the Holy Place stood the Seven Branched Candlestick, wherein was burned pure olive oil. It is an image of the Mystery of the Elohim, the Seven Creative Ideas. The symbolic drawing before you represents its occult meaning. The Seven Circles which surround the Heptagram, represent the Seven Planets and the Seven Qabalistic Palaces of Assiah, the Material world - which answer to the Seven Apocalyptic Churches which are in Asia or Assiah - as these again allude to the Seven Lamps before the Throne on another Plane. Within each circle is a triangle to represent the Three Fold Creative Idea operating in all things. On the·righthand side of each is the Hebrew Name of the Angel who governs the Planet; on the left side is the Hebrew name of the sphere of the Planet itself; while the Hebrew letter beneath the base is one of the duplicated letters of the Hebrew Alphabet which refer to the Seven Planets. The Seven Double letters of the Hebrew alphabet have each two sounds associated with them, one hard, and one soft. They are called Double, because each letter represents a contrary or permutation, thus: Life and Death; Peace and War; Wisdom and Folly; Riches and Poverty; Grace and Indignity; Fertility and Solitude; Power and Servitude. These Seven letters point out 7 localities: Zenith, Nadir, East, West, North, South, and the Place of Holiness in the midst sustaining all things. The Archetypal Creator designed, produced, combined and formed with them the Planets of the Universe, the Days of the Week, and in Man, the Gate of the Soul. He has loved and blessed the number 7 more than all things under His Throne, The powers of these 7 letters are also shown forth in the 7 Palaces of Assiah and the Seven Stars of that Vision are the 7 Archangels who rule them.
Leads Neophyte to W. of Altar, and returns to his place, and is seated.
Moves to East of Altar, takes censer from Altar, and holding it with chain short, makes cross and three forward swings, replaces it, and says:
Before the veil of the Holy of Holies, stood the Altar of incense, of which this altar is an image. It was of the form of a double cube, thus representing material form as a reflection and duplication of that which is Spiritual. The sides of the Altar, together with the top and bottom, consist of ten squares, thus symbolizing the Ten Sephiroth of which the basal one is Malkuth, the realization of the rest upon the material plane, behind which the others are 'concealed. For were this double cube raised in the air immediately above your head, you would but see the single square forming the lowest side, the others from their position being concealed from you. Just so, behind the material Universe, lies the concealed form of the Majesty of God. The Altar of Incense was overlaid with Gold to represent the highest degree of purity, but the Altar before you is black to represent the terrestrial Earth. Learn then, to separate the pure from the impure, and refine the Gold of the Spirit from the Black Dragon, the corruptible body. Upon the Cubical Altar, were Fire, Water, and. Incense Three Mother Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet; Aleph, Mem, and Shin. Mem is silent, Shin; is Sibilant, and Aleph is the tongue of a balance between these contraries in equilibrium, reconciling and mediating between them. In this is a great Mystery, very admirable and recondite. The Fire produced the Heavens, the Water, the Earth, and the Air is the reconciler between them. In the year, they bring forth the hot, the cold, and the temperate seasons, and in man, they are imaged in the head, the chest, and the trunk. I now confer upon you the Mystic Title of Periclinus·de Faustis, which signifies that on this Earth you are in a wilderness, far from the Garden of the Happy. And give you the symbol of ARETZ which is the Hebrew name for Earth, to which the Grade of Zelator is referred. The word Zelator is derived from the ancient Egyptian Zaruator, signifying Searcher of Athor, Goddess of Nature; but others assign to it the meaning of the zealous student whose first duty was to blow the Athanor or fire which heated the Crucible of the Alchemist.
Resumes seat on Dais.
Leads new Zelator to seat in North West.
Frater Kerux, you have my command to declare that our Frater has been duly admitted to the Grade of Zelator.
Comes to N.W of Hierophant, faces West, raises Wand and says:
In the name of ADONAI MELEKH, and by command of the Very Honored Hierophant, hear ye all that I proclaim that Frater (Name) has been duly admitted to the Grade of Zelator, and that he has obtained the Mystic Title of Periclinus (Pericline) de Faustis and the symbol of Aretz.
Returns to his place by E. saluting, and by S. and W.
In the Zelator Grade, the symbolism of the Tenth Sephirah Malkuth is especially shown, as well as the Tenth Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Among other Mystic Titles, Malkuth is called SHAAR, the Gate, which by metathesis becomes ASHUR, meaning the number Ten. Also, in Chaldee it is called THRAA, the Gate, which has the same number as the Great Name ADONAI, written in full: Aleph, Daleth, Nun, Yod, which both equal 671 in total numeration. It is also called the Gate of Death, The Gate of Tears, and the Gate of Justice, the Gate of Prayer, and The Gate of the Daughter of the Mighty Ones. It is also called The Gate of the Garden of Eden and the Inferior Mother, and in Christian symbolism, it is connected with the Three Holy Women at the foot of the Cross. The Tenth Path of the Sepher Yetzirah which answereth to Malkuth is called The Resplendent Intelligence, because it exalts above every head and sitteth upon the Throne of Binah. It illuminateth the Splendor of all the Lights, the Zohar ME-OU ROTH and causeth the current of the Divine Influx to descend from the Prince of Countenances, the Great Archangel Metatron. Frater (Name) before you can be eligible for advancement to the next Grade of Theoricus you will be required to pass an examination in certain subjects. 1) The names and alchemical symbols of the three principles of nature. 2) The metals attributed in alchemy to the seven planets. 3) The names of the alchemical particular principles, the Sun and Moon of the Philosophers, the Green Lion, the King and Queen. 4) The names and astrological value of the Twelve Houses of Heaven. 5) The names, astrological symbols and values of the aspects of the planets. 6) The meaning of the Querent and Quesited. 7) The four great classes of astrology. 8) The arrangement of the ten Sephiroth, Hebrew and English, in the Tree of Life. This is especially important. 9) The three pillars of the same. 10) The names of the four orders of Elemental Spirits. 1) The names and descriptions of the Kerubim. 12) The meaning of the Laver and Great Altar of Burnt Offerings of the Sacrifice and of the Qlippoth or Shells. 13) The names of the ten Heavens of Assiah, in Hebrew and English. 14) The names of the four Qabalistic Worlds, Hebrew and English. 15) The names of the twenty two Tarot Trumps and Four Suits. A manuscript on these will be supplied to you. When you are well satisfied that you are well informed on these, notify the Officer in charge.
Fraters and Sorors, assist me to close this Temple in the Grade of Zelator.
All rise.
Frater Kerux, see that the Temple is properly guarded.
On inner side of the door, knocks.
Very Honored Hierophant, the Temple is properly guarded.
Let us adore the Lord and King of Earth.
All face East.
ADONAI HA-ARETZ, ADONAI MELEKH, Blessed be Thy Name unto the countless ages. Amen.
All give sign and face East.
Leaves his Throne and passes to the North, standing before the Tablet of the North.
Moves to right of Hierophant.
Moves to left of Hierophant.
Moves behind Hierophant.
Falls in behind Hiereus.
Falls in behind Hegemon.
Let us rehearse the prayer of the Earth Spirits. O Invisible King, Who, taking the Earth for Foundation, didst hollow its depths to fill them with Thy Almighty Power. Thou Whose Name shaketh the Arches of the World, Thou who causest the Seven Metals to flow in the veins of the rocks, King of the Seven Lights, Rewarder of the subterranean Workers, lead us into the desirable Air and into the Realm of Splendor. We watch and we labor unceasingly, we seek and we hope, by the twelve stones of the Holy City, by the buried Talismans, by the Axis of the Loadstone which passes through the center of the Earth. O Lord, O Lord, O Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer. Expand our hearts, unbridle and upraise our minds, enlarge our natures. O Stability and Motion! O Darkness veiled in Brilliance! O Day clothed in Night! O Master who never dost withhold the wages of Thy Workmen! O Silver Whiteness - O Golden Splendor! O Crown of Living and Harmonious Diamond! Thou who wearest the Heavens on Thy Finger like a ring of Sapphire! Thou Who hidest beneath the Earth in the Kingdom of Gems, the marvelous Seed of the Stars! Lire, reign and be Thou the Eternal Dispenser of the Treasures whereof Thou hast made us the Guardians. Depart ye in peace unto your abodes and habitations. May the blessing of Adonai ha-Aretz be upon you.
Makes Banishing Pentagram of Earth.
Be there peace between us and you, and be ye ready to come when ye are called.
All return to their places and face East.
In the Name of ADONAI MELEKH, I declare this Temple closed in the Grade of Zelator.
(Knocks 4, 3, 3)
(Knocks 4, 3, 3)
(Knocks 4, 3, 3) Candidate is led out by Hegemon.

[ Read also: » RITUAL OF THE 1°=10¤ GRADE OF ZELATOR « ]
Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.
[ » Primary Source: Golden Dawn Lectures - Zelator Grade « ]

