The Cipher Manuscript
— of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn —
The script from Johannes Trithemius’ "Polygraphia"
Translated and Transcribed by J. S. Kupperman
Additional work and design by John Griogair Bell

The "Cipher Manuscripts" are a collection of 56 folios containing the structural outline of a series of magical initiation rituals corresponding to the spiritual elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire. In 1888 the Cipher manuscript became the first order of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (comprising the Neophyte (0-0), Zelator (1=10), Theroricus (2=9), Practicus (3=8) and Philosophus (4=7) grades). Wynn Wescott claimed to have obtained these manuscripts from A.F.A. Woodford, who had found them in a secondhand bookstall on Wellington Road in London, and who gave them to his friend Westcott to be decoded. The cipher folios are drawn in black ink on cotton paper watermarked 1809.

Below are the pages, known as the Cipher Manuscript, from which the original Golden Dawn initiations were derived. Using the key to unlock these original outlines provides an invaluable experience to the serious Golden Dawn practitioner.
The Key of the Cipher Manuscript:

Cipher Manuscript — Folio 1.
1. Hebrew names of Order & Grades
2. Order of & Golden Dawn
4. 1=10 = Zelator = 
5. 2=9 = Theoricus = 
6. 3=8 = Practucus = 
7. 4=7 = Philosophus = 
8. 0=0 = Neophyte = 
9. Brother = 
10. Brothers = 
11. Sister = 
12. Sisters =  |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 2.
1. Philosophi |
East |
2. Practici |
South |
3. Theorici |
Sit In |
West |
4. Zelatores |
North East |
5. Neophytes |
North West |
6. Adepts sit on a raised placet
7. with the Hierophant
8. Incense should be burning
9. in the temple at all ceremonies
10. Three chiefs each 5=6 should
11. hold a templet
12. one of whom must be present
13.at all ceremonies
14. Change officers every 6
15. months
16. Avoid Roman Catholics
17. but with pity |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 3.
1. Nought = Nought
2. Opening
3. All assemble & put on sashes, collars, lamans
4. H. / . Fratres & Sorores of this temple of the
5. Golden Dawn assist me to open in the
6. grade of neophyte
7. K. 
8. H. See to guarding & who is present
9. H. Who are the officers
10. Hs. They are H. Hr. & Hg. principal
11. H. What have these in common
12. Hs. The letter H emblem of breath & life
13. H. What other officers
14. Hs. Stolistes, Dadouches, & Kerux & a Sentinel
15. who is outside & armed
16. Dad. I am in the South with the sneser & am heat
17. Stol. I am in North with water & am cold & moisture
18. K. I am inside door. Arrange hall. I carry
19. lamp. Announce, report, & lead all circumambulations
20. Hi. I am between pillars & preside over
21. symbolic gate of occultism
22. I reconcile light & darkness
23. my white robe is purity I carry a
24. mitre headed sceptre = religion & a guide
25. & regulate life & guide higher aspirations
26. of soul |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 4.
1. Nought = Nought
2. Hs. I am in West. I am darkness
3. my robe is black. I carry a sword = judgement &
4. my banner = twilight
5. I am fortitude
6. H. I am on throne of East = rising sun
7. I rule & govern hall & members
8. of all grades
9. my robe is red I hold sceptre & banners
10. of East. I expound mysteries
11. I am Power, Light, Mercy & Wisdom
12. H. Fra. Stol. purify with 
13. Fra. Dad. consecrate with 
14. H. Let all circumambulate in Light
15. H. It is accomplished let us adore
16. H. Holy arth thou Lord of the Universe whom
17. nature has not formed, the vast & the
18. mighty one lord of light & darkness
19. H Frater K. Prolcaim temple open
20. K. I proclaim Sun has arived
22. Hs. KNOX Hg. OM H. PAX
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 5.
1. Close
2. H. /. Hekas. Hekas este Bebeloi
3. H. Sores, Fratres que assist to
4. close temple
5. Hs. /. 6. K. Sees hall guarded
7. Hs. Sees none but neophytes be present
8. Stol. purifies with 
9. E. S. W. & N.
10. Dad. purifies with 
11. H Circumambulate reverse
12. not the H., K., Hg., Hs., St., Dad.
13. H. Let us adore Lord of Universe
14. H. Let us take the mystic repast of 4
15. elements . Rose = , silence
16. K last finishes wine. It is finished
17. H. 
18. H. May this assist us in search for
19. quintessence. Summum Bonum
20. wisdom happiness
22. Hs. KNOX Hg. OM H. PAX
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 6.
1. Nought = Nought Grade
2. Admission
3. H. By dispensation I order Hg. to prepare
4. the candidate. Binds her or him 3 ropes
5. H. Admit ____, loses name. Takes motto
6. K. refuses admission until censed & crossed
7. marked by Dad. & Stol.
8. Can. asking for Light is taken to altar
9. and forced to take an oblicagion to
10. secrecy under threats of expultion
11. & death or palsy from hostile current of will
12. Can. put in North. H. tells her or him to pass
13. from dark to Light. Circumambulation darkness
14. H. leading with red lamp
15. Cand. stopped in N.E. until purified &
16.  consecrated
17. Hg. leads C. to W.
18. Hs. Pass not til you know my name
19. C. Darkness
20. Hs. Fear not. Pass on
21. C. stopped in N.E. Stol. & Dad. again
22. H. Pass not til you know my name
23. C. Light dawning art thou
24. H. Avoid this is unbalanced
25. kneel & pray |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 7.
1. H. Hs. Hg. & C. stand around altar
2. emblems on high. Light restored
6. K. stops up H. shows K. & lamp to C.
7. as hidden light of occult science
8. H. Let Hs. give signs of a neophyte
9. saluting sign = both hands out in front
10. silence sign - left fore finger on lip
11. token = seize fingers only at second time
13. Hs. also gives a changeable password
14. in use for 6 months
15. Hs. places her between pillars
16. H. Let final consecration be done
17. Hg. invests with Neophyte sash 
18. H. congratulates
19. H. explains hoodwink & cord. Altar a double
20. cube = black. White & red on it
21. also on altar. Two pillars of
22. Hermes. Seth. Solomon = eternal equilibrium |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 8.
1. H. Active & passive. Severity & mercy
2. “ fixed & volatile
3. ” a lamp on each
4. “ pillars should have texts of ritual
5. ” of dead on them. Between them is the
6. “ path of occult science
7. ” note triad of life
8. “ Hs. throne, robe, sword
9. ” Hg. between pillars. White mitre sceptre
10. “ he is a reconciler
11. ” K. with her wand & lamp
12. “ Stol. cross cup = cold. Dad. cross censor = heat
13. K. proclaim new Neo.
14. Hs. addresses Neo. & exhorts to memory
15. to honor God a our Light
16. never condemn other religions
17. be secret
18. study equilibrium each
19. unbalanced is evil. persevere
20. H. tells subjects of necessary study
21. 4 elements, zodiac sign, planets, houses
22. exaltation, triplicities, letters & numbers
23. in Hebrew, the ten sephiroth
24. H. No advance except by permit of second order |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 9.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 10.
1. 1 = 10
2.  Closing
3. Hs. Zelators assit closing
4. K. Sees & guarden
5. Hs. Let us adore the Lord and King
6. of 
7. Hs. Depart ye in peace 
8. Hs. in the name of I close
9. this temple of Zelators
10. Hs. IIII III I I I
11. Hg. IIII III I I I
12. He. IIII III I I I |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 11.
1 = 10
2. Admission
3. Hs. announces permission to advance
4. the Neophyte
5. Hg. prepares Neophyte
6. Neo. is blinded. Carries knocks
8. Neo. Let me enter
9. K. I will
10. Hs. psalm 127:1 by what aid seek
11. entry
12. Neo. by , knowledge, permission,
13. secrets of 0 = 0. by 
14. H. Give Signs, words
15. H. pledges Neo.
16. Neo. I pledge
17. kneels swears by 
18. H. congratulates on progress
19. H. read Genesis 2:8, 9, 10 gives allegory
20. of two paths. .  |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 12.
1. 1 = 10 Addmission cont.
2. H. Kllippoth below. Souls above
3. Neo. enters path of evil
4. Hier. Stops Neo. who claims by 
5. “ . as Samael speaks as darkness
6. Neo. Evil. Neo. retires
7. Neo. advances to Heg. 8. Heg. stops Neo. as stops Neo.
9. because too bright
10. Neo. retires
11. Neo goes up middle
12. H. as Sandalphon with sign of 1=10
13. checks Hi. and Heg.
14. H. I am reconciler. I am left Kerub
15. as Heg. is right Kerub and male
16. H. Genesis 2:24
17. H. step left then right beyond it
18. sign as 1=10
19. grasp lands thumbs make over
20. . Pass = 
21. H. gives sash —→  |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 13.
1. 1 = 10 Admission
2. cont.
3. H. describes PATHS three 
4. . . .
5. from to higher sphirut
6. H. explain pictures of
7. of Krubim
8. H. Altar has red inside 
9. H. is the Earth grade. Shews Earth tablet
10. as in old MSS.
11. H. is 17 squares out of 25
12. squares
13. these are and Zodiacs
14. H. Quit temple
15. Neo. re-enters by IIII III I I I
16. H. addresses Neo. Dad. censes
17. H. before you is the laver of
18. brass
19. it means waters of creation |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 14.
1. 1 = 10
2. continued
3. Stol. makes 
4. Neo. enters holy place
5. Hi. stops Neo. who signs as a Neo.
6. Heg. stops neo. who signs as a Zelator
7. Heg leads Neo. to north Neo explains
8. 12 circles
9. which are Zodiac and tribes
10. and the 12 changes of the name 
11. tells of 22, 12 sets of Hebrew
12. letters then 4 elements
13. which are lion, man, bull, eagle
14. = the whole = rose of creation
15. Hiereus. takes neo. south shows
16. 7 pointed star = 7 branced candle
17. stick
18. = heptagram = 7 planets. Palaces of
19. Assiah = material worls = 7 churches
20. a in each of 7 circles with names
21. = creative idea. Days of week. 7 stars |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 15.
1. 1=10 Admission
2. continued
3. Hirophant. takes Neo. to altar center
4. Hs. This is altar of incense
5. double cube = 10 squares
6. = only one seen
7. God is behind altar black not gold
8. on altar were 3 things , , incense
10. I name you Paraclinus de Faustus
11. or Zalathor = Zelator
12. K. proclaims
13. H. explains , , = 10
14. = gate = in full
15. path 10 = Resplendant Intelligence
16. sits on Binah = Splendor of Lights
17. gives influx to Mettatron
18. H. declares 15 necessary studies
19. 3 principles, metals, alchemical, King, Queen, 12 houses
20. aspects, querent, 4 classes astrology, Tree of Life,
21. 3 pillars, elements, Kerubim, laver, altar
22. Klippoth, 1- heavens Assiah, 4 worlds, 22 tarot
23. trumps |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 16.
1. 2 = 9 Theoricus
2. Officers - H, Hs, Hg, Kx
3.Opening - arrange as for 32 Path
4. H. calls to order. See guarding. Who present
5. sign given
6. Hg. 2 grades = 
7. Hs. 2 grades = luna 
8. Hg. Its Path = 32 = 
9. H. Prayer to 
10. all pass to East
11. H. makes for 
12. active passive
13. H. Let Sylphs adore and 
14. signs , Man, Raphael
15. H. with in name of ORO IBAH AOZPI
16. on great east tablet and Rataivah
17. all go to places.
18. H. declares open III III III
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 17.
1. 2 = 9
2. Close
3. H. calls to order. Guard. Who present
4. H. Prayer adore lord of 
5. all to East
6. H. Prayer of Syllphs as in old MSS.
7. H. dismisses Sylphs
8. in name of 
10. Admission
11. Path 32
12. H. calls to order
13. Hg. blinds Zel. who bears 
14. H. has . Hs. has , Hg. has , Kx. has 
15. salt
16. Zel. admitted and put in East
17. gives 1=10 signs. Obligated 
18. Hs. dark. Zel. swears by Sylphs
19. Shows portals only open |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 18.
1. 2 = 9
2. K. as Anubis guides
3. Zel. goes with and Banner of
4. East
5. Zel. Round hall 
6. Hs. The Sphinx said I am the
7. synthesis
8. H. stops Z. with mask of Osiris
9. K. & Z. Thou art air & sun I come
10. with 
11. H. signs as man
12. Hs. I am Osiris
13. Hg. with mask of lion stops Z.
14. H. & Z. Thou art Leo I come with 
15. Hg. signs 
16. Hs. passed throu gates of heaven
17. oh Lord of Truth
18. Hg. stops Z. with saying I as dark
19. of Eagle stop you
20. Mistress of and are
21. you
21. Z. I come as  |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 19.
1. 2 = 9
2. Hs. signs . Pass on
3. Hs. Oh Lord of Light. Darknss fleeth
4. K. stops Z. as Priest with mask of 1
5. in North
6. Hs. & Z. Bull of Earth art you & Sun at
7. night
8. We come with , , . Banner & 
9. K. signs 1 Pass on
10. H. describes of 22 squares
11. & Path & 31 key of tarot with 72
12.circles round Queen Isis = Sandalphon
13. bears wands has crossed legs
14. 7 pointed star. 4 Kerbim at corners
15. Hs. takes Z. shews Eden. A circle with
16. K. Shews Gehenna 7 infernals & 4 seas
17. H. confers name of Lord of 32 Path |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 20.
1. 2 = 9
2. Z. Reatmitted with Hg. by III III III
3. H. gives summary of earlier grades
4. This shows Sanctum Sanctorum & Ark & Kerubim
5. Z. put in West
6. Z. presents 
7. Hs. explains it by a picture
8. H. shows altar with Tree of Life
9. serpentine figure & letters
10. on the Paths.
11. 2=9 = Yesod = the Path of 
12. sign = altar word = 
13. and past Path explained
14. badge 
15. the right portal goes to 4=7
16. the left path goes to 3=8
17. the central goes to higher |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 21.
1. 2 = 9
3. H. shows Tablet of Air & Kamea of Luna
5. note also Hod Elim Chashmodai
6. shows on Tree of Life
7. Hs. shows alchemic Sephiroth
8. two forms of 
9. Hg. shows lineal figures & planets
10. K. shwos figures of geomancy
11. H. You are now Poraios de Rejectus
12. K. proclaims her or him
13. H. describes subjects for
14. 3=8 |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 22.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 23.
1. 3 = 8
2. Closing
3. H. Guard the Temple
4. Let us adore the Lord and King of 
5. H. Let be praised
6. prayer of Undiens in old MSS
7. H. 
8. H. & P. rt & may bless you
9. H. Hs. Hg. I II
10. Advancement
11. H. Candidate is admitted with 
12. Hg. His throne was flame & his wheels
13.were as 
14. H. Give sign and word
15. Can. swears secrecy by the Sun by staff
16.“Call Water to witness.”
17. H. Place Can. before path 31 |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 24.
1. Path 31 3 = 8
2. H. Tat:: T & follow Axiokersa Kabir
3. H. as Axicros speaks in the oracles in
4. Zoroaster as ideas & intellectual
5. Hs. continues as Axiokersas. I am the
6. left basal angle of of Flame
7. Hg. I am the right basal angle
8. astral & fluid fire
9. H. speaks. Stoop not——–
10. nature persuades ———
11. Strophalos
12. Mnizourin
13. Change not names
14. Voice of fire
15. H. explains , & 31 Path = Perpetual
16. Intelligence
17. H. shows & explains Key 20
18. which is much more than the Last
19. Judgement
20. Hs. shows 10 Sephiroth is 7 Palaces
21. “ ” “ ” fixed in 
22. Hg. “ Heavens of Assiah & averse Sephiroth |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 25.
1. 3 = 8
2. Path 30.
3. Cand. is admitted by Greek Cross of
4. 13 Squares 
5. Frater poraios enter Path 30
6. H. I am the Sun in greatest height
7. Hs. I am the sun in greatest depression
8. Hg. at Axiokersa I am Sun at Equinox
9. H. lecture on 
10. H. explains Greek Cross
11. & 30 Path = = Collecting Intelligence
12. H. shows Key 19 of tarot
13. Hs. shows symbols made of 
14. “ tarot trumps on Hebrew letters
15. Hg. ” Olympic spirits
17. figures
18. H. I name you Lord of 30 Path |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 26.
1. 3 = 8 ceremony proper
2. H. Admit Can. with 
3. Hs. This is the badge of a stolistes, it is
4. like the Laver of Moses & Sea of Solomon
5. & is also 
6. H. shows diagram of Eden, with 4 rivers
7. & . Eve below & Adam on the 
8. 3 = 8 = & 30 & 31 Paths = 
9. H. Sign = = sign 
10. word = = 45
11. it is referred to eighth path = Absolute
12. Perfect Path
13. badge is 
14. 3 = 8 belongs to . See water tower
16. on the altar the is above the = power
17. & reflecting the triune therein |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 27.
1. 3=8 also . See its kamea of
2. sixty four squares
3. See also sigils of 
4. 8 = 
5. Sixty = & 
6. Two Thousand = Taphthartharath
7. Hs. See on Tree of Life
8. “ 7 planet on Tree of Life
9. ” 4 “ ” “ ” “
10. Hg. See resume of planets
11. & alchemical on Tree of Life of 1 form
12. H. I name you Practicus &
13. Monokeros de Astris
14. I give you the symbol of 
15. H. I proclaim you 3 = 8
16. Be sure to study well and make progress |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 28.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 29.
1. Knowledge necessary to pass from
2. Practicus to Philosophis
3. Forming planets signs from , & 
4. corrosive
5. red alchemic “
6. white ” nature
7. = = 
8. notice red becomes green
9. Theory of alchemy is purge matter
10. & exalt it
11. Alc. Language may be religious
12. or philosophic
13. or natural = sun
14. Oialah gives origin of al
15. Explain drawing a figure
16. How to judge it
17. Explain accidental dignity
18. “ Hylech. Anarita
19. 32 paths on a picture
20. Paths of the soul
21. = Yechidah
22. = Chiah
23. = Neschamah
24. & five others = Ruach
25. = Nephesch |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 30.
1. Orders 8 angels of the 10 sephiroth
2. Cheioth H Qodsh
3. Auphaeim
4. Aralim
5. Chashmalim
6. Seraphim
7. Melechim
8. Elohim
9. Beni Elohim
10. Kerubim
11. Ishim
12. Sepcial numbers & magic squares
13. of the planets
14. 3 = 4 = 5 = 
15. 6 = 7 = 8 = 9= 
16. Names of Olympic planet and spirits
17. Mercury on the Tree of Life
18. 19. Planet symbols united in 
20. Cup of Stol. On Tree of life  |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 31.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 32.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 33.
1. Notes on
2. 4 = 7 Opening and Closing
3. Notes on the Paths 29, 28, 27
4. Philosophus, 4 = 7
5. Three months must have passed in
6. he grade of Practicus
7. 4 = 7 sit in the East
8. Grade belongs to . . Fire
9. And in . And in 
10. To open catechism as usual
11. and in closing recite prayer
12. of the salamanders
13. open and close in name of
15. The paths are 29
16. 28
17. 27
18. Each is full before the
19. Ceremony of 4 = 7 |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 34.
1. 4 = 7 Philosophus
2. Includes paths 29
3. 28
4. 27 & then 4 = 7 proper
5. 4 = 7 = grade
6. Open in temple of path 29
7. Opening
8. H. Finds all secure, & only 4 = 7 are present
9. Hg. 
10. Hs. 
11. Hg. Paths are 29, 28, 27
12. H. What is path 29
13. Hs. 
14. The reflection of in 28
15. Hs. 27 = reflection of 
16. H. Adoration of 
17. H. Calls on , Michael
19. Edepepna
20. Making 
21. H. I III III
22. Hs. I III III
23. Hg. I III III |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 35.
1. 4 = 7
2. Closing
3. H. Sent to guard & to rank of those present
4. H. Adoration of Lord of 
5. H. Speaks salamandrine prayer as in ancient MSS
6. H. Dismisses sals. In name of 
8. Hs. I III III
9. Hg. I III III 
10. Close Passives Actives Banishes 
11. Path 29
12. H. Gives notice of a 3 = 8
13. H. admits with blinded
14. The 3 = 8 gives signs & words, mystic
15. title & symbol of , is then pledged
16. & swears by . Light restored
17. Se. waves incense & is put in East
18. & is shewn portals of 31, 32, 29
19. once round. H. stops with red lamp as Osiris
20. As stagnant . Stopped by Hs. As Horus
21. turbid troubled . Stopped by Hg. As Isis
22. H. speaks to 29 as lord of all water |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 36.
1. H explains the calvary of 12 squares = zodiac
2. Embracing Nu & also river of Eden
3. which divided into 4 parts
4. Path 29 = is the Corporeal Intelligence
5. & refers to Pisces, by it the waters of
6. Dsh flow down
7. H. Points West, on altar the 18 key of the
8. tarot 
9. Note = two lunas 
10. Cray fish - Cancer. Scarab =
11. Khepra
12. H. then shows Nohushtan 
13. The Mosaic serpent
15. Type of Christ
16. Brass = = Venus = 
17. Hs. Shows qaballah of 9 chambers 
18. in 2 forms & the tree of life in the
19. tarot
20. Hg. shows diagram of three pillars
21. 90 talismans made from
22. geomantic figures
23. I name you Lady or Lord of 29 Path |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 37.
1. 4 = 7
2. Path 28
3. Can. Is admitted by badge of a solid
4. Pyramid.

5. Hg. The rivers of Eden flow from
6. A central source
7. The 3 circumambulations
8. H. with lamp I am rain, cherisher
9. & harvest yielder, I am Isis
10. Hs. I am Nephthys - dew
11. Hg. I am Athor mist = cloud of Autumn
12. H. Hs. & Hg. Recite sentences of Zoro.
13. About the monad & duad & fountains
14. & matrix & matter
15. H. describes 
16. H. The 28 path = = Natural Intelligence
17. & = = man = the Adam = Restored World
18. H. shows key 27 of tarot

20. = Isis
21. , at her feet |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 38.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 39.
1. Path 27
2. 3. Hs. Admitted by 10 squares
3. Hg. By river Kishon
4. Going Can. Of Lord of Armies
5. H. recites kabbalistic view of
6. Creation. Edom kings
7. Hs. gives divides 5. Each aiou & Kishon
8. Hg. continues
9. Hs. Habbakkuk 3:3
10. H. explains 
11. Path 27 = = Exciting intelligence
12. H. shows on Tree of Life 
13. H. shows on Tree of Life 
14. Hs. Shows 
15. Trinity
14a. Hs. shows image of
15b. Nebuchadnezzar |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 40.
1. 4
2. Hg. shows name of fourty two letters
3. on 7 palaces of sephiroth
4. Hg. shows qlippoth & twelve princes
5. H. Rise Lady or Lord of Path 27
6. Ceremony of 4 = 7
7. 3 Hs. Admitted by badge of
8. Hs. explains it Hg.
9. H. explains a picture of the fall
10. The goddess who in 3 = 8 supported
11. Microprosopus
12. Hs. Fall in & with her Adam
13. Great dragon arose
14. Second Adam is needed
15. This 4 = 7 = = 
16. Sign = = = fire
17. Word = 
18. To this = 27 path of Yetzirah - Recondite
19. Intelligence
20. Badge =  |
[ « back to TOC ]

Cipher Manuscript — Folio 41.
1. 4 = 7
2. Belongs to - H. shows fire tablet
4. H. on altar see = = sulpher
5. H. shows kamea of forty nine squares
6. = 
10. H. shows on Tree of Life
11. Hr. shows paths with 
12. Hs. shows table of 10 sephiroth on 4 worlds
13. Hg. shows Solomon's altar
14. Hg. shows brazen sea
15. H. I name you Pharos Illuminans
16. & 
18. H. explains to study
19. & call her or him Honored
20. End of first order |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 42.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 43.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 44.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 45.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 46.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 47.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 48.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 49.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 50.
1. Candidates to carry
2. In each grade
3. Tenor 1______ of seventeen squares
4. 32 path solid
5. 2______caduacus 
6. 31 path pyramid 
7. 30 path thirteen squares
8. 3 = 8 - cup 
9. 4 = 7 - badge of Hiereus
10. 29 path ten squares
11. 28 path square pyramid
12. 29 path 
13. End of 1st Order |
[ « back to TOC ]

Cipher Manuscript — Folio 51.
1. Tarot Lecture
2. The 22 atus of tarot
3. Tarot trumps = Hebrew letters
4. Yetziratic paths
5. Learn now O Practicus of our
6. ancient order the true meaning
7. of . Thirty & two are the paths
8. 22 = letters & the 10 sephiroth
9. Cards of each suit
10. The 4 suits are the 4 worlds
11. the 16 cards are the lower fold
12. Tetragrammaton
13. the 22 leters are the 22
14. atus or mansions of Thoth
15. the 22 letters are divided
16. into 3 Mothers
17. 7 Doubles
18. 12 Singles or Simples
19. = 3 elements, 7 planets, 12 signs |
[ « back to TOC ]

Cipher Manuscript — Folio 52.
1. So it is also with the
2. 22 atus therein are
3. the planets, elements
4. and the signs for the
5. Book of Thoth is the
6. universe which is the
7. Veil of God.
8. Learn then O Practicus
9. to know the universe and
10. thyself. Seek in the manifest
11. for the divine One and
12. when found veil the eyes
13. in adoration.
14. Behold the true attribut-
15. ion of tarot. Ponder it
16. in thy heart, reaveal it
17. not to the profane
18. here by the 22 atouts |
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 53.
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Cipher Manuscript — Folio 54.
1. First cometh the
2. numbered. The of the
3. heavens = negative
4. then 1 = the opened out
5. into a right light - the
6. positive. These two
7. numbers have corrupted
8. Egyptian titles to the
9. Mat. To the 1 patan
10. these are maut - mother
11. goddess, and Pekht = extension
12. Maut of all extended through
13. the universe extended and about the
14. shoulders of that great
15. goddess is nature in her
16. vastness exalted
17. note the last atu is called
18. The Universe
19. VIII Justice = and 
20. And XI Strength - and which |
[ « back to TOC ]

Cipher Manuscript — Folio 55.
1. causeth a transposition
2. for these are cognate symbols
3. but at one time the sword of
4. Justice was the Egyptian
5. knife symbol of the sickle
6. of Leo while the scales
7. meant the having 8. quitted the balance point
9. of highest declination.
10. To the female and the lion
11. gave the idea of Venus
12. Lady of repressing the
13. fire of Vulcan ( in 
14. exaulted. But earliest was
15. the lion goddess to and Ma
16. to with her scales. And this
17. is better. Also was given
18. to & her is at one time
19. to unto the Fool is given
20. air moveable and never
21. permanent. The Juggler |
[ « back to TOC ]

Cipher Manuscript — Folio 56.
1. is the natural symbol of
2. Mercury the god of tricksters
3. and also the deeper
4. knowledge. The High
5. Priestess finds her nature
6. in the . Venus - Empress
7. = Emperor. For in that sign
8. is the Sun exalted
9. and so on with the others
10. in each shalt thou find
11. its natural attribution |
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The Truth About the Golden Dawn Cipher Manuscripts
by Robert Zink
How did Westcott and Mathers actually come across the Cipher Manuscripts?
Some have pointed out that there is really nothing in the Cipher Manuscripts that shows any connection to Rosicrucianism except at the end where a "Hermetic Rose Cross" is included. However if the historic Golden Dawn was an Outer school for a true Inner Order, then we should not expect too much early Rosicrucian symbolism. Others have theorized that these notes taken by Lytton may have been passed along to Fredrich Hockley. He was an occultist and a collector of rare and unusual manuscripts. The theory continues that Hockley may have added the Enochian material to it. In 1885, his papers were inherited by Woodford, who may have given the Cipher Manuscripts to Westcott. (This seems doubtful in that William Westcott and Robert Woodford were not on the best of terms.)
In actuality, another theory seems even more plausible. Keep in mind that this is just a theory. S.L. MacGregor Mathers and Westcott were secretly initiated into the sister lodge in London. There, they quietly studied and learned the rites. They combined their own notes and the ciphers, which may have been modified to keep more in time with English Masonic society. It is likely that they also added the Enochian portion to the ciphers. Of course, as Rosicrucians, they were under the strictest of oaths never to admit their Adeptship or the fact that they were Rosicrucian. To do so would be severe indeed. Remember the rule of any Rosicrucians - anyone claiming to be a Rosicrucian is not one!
Thus, a story was created by Westcott and Mathers to explain how these documents came into their hands, and why they possessed the authority to create the Order. It is also possible that the few members remaining from the early London lodge were quite old, and like any true Rosicrucian, wanted to remain anonymous. They may have felt a strong need to pass along these seeds of knowledge, in that an occult revival was underway in England. They concluded the time was ripe for a more fully functioning Temple in London and the growth of this fraternity. Remember, Westcott was already involved in a working lodge called the S.R.I.A. which had no ties to antiquity . He would have had little if any motivation to form another school unless it was "chartered" to do so!
So, were the ciphers fogeries as many, including Howe, have concluded? The answer can be both yes and no! They were possibly notes compiled by Lytton and modified by Mathers based on his own knowledge and exposure to the rites himself. One thing is for certain - they are based on a tradition that finds its way to Frankfurt and in all likelihood beyond.
One final question remains, Soror S.D.A., Fraulein Sprengel; was she real or a code word derived from the German Masonic word "sprengelrecht?" This word basically means "territonal jurisdiction." If Westcott and Mathers were actually given a direct charter, then it is possible they would have been exposed to the word "sprengelrecht."
There is one other possibility that exists as well. She really did exist. There is no reason to believe she did not exist and may have actually been a secret Adept in London or in Germany. More research needs to be done in this area.
This paper is not complete. I am, however, confident that much of Westcott's historical information will not be included in forthcoming books on the Cipher Manuscripts. More research must be done, or maybe those in the know (the Inner Adepti), are again not talking. One thing is certain: The motherload of Golden Dawn and Inner Order material is still safely buried and out of the false light of those who would profane it.
Howe, E., The Magicians of the Golden Dawn, London 1972.
Regardie, I., What You Should Know About the Golden Dawn, Phoenix 1983.
Suster, G., Modern Scholarship and the Origins of the Golden Dawn in Regardie OP.CT. PP 159-178
Prinke, R.T., The Hermetic Journal 1987 36-16 Deeper Roots of the Golden Dawn.
[Source: The Golden Dawn Ancient Mystery School]
Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.
[ » Primary Source: The Cipher Manuscript « ]

