All written documents
are available for reading in the » Library.
too long ago I strongly felt the need to express myself and my views to
as many people as possible. As a result I have been pushing myself along
the lines of publicity taking every opportunity to present myself to public.
I now see this table of reference as a chronology of this need for publicity.
Since Autumn 2003 I have given up most of my public appearances and mainly
continue my cyber publicity.
Sadhus" - [ELTE BTK Folklore Department (06/10/2003)]. "Passionate
Buddhism" - ["Sziget 2002", Shambala, Budapest (05/08/2002)]. "Tantric
Buddhism" - ["Valley of Arts 2002", Taliándörögd (01/08/2002)]. "Indian
Ascetics (Sadhus)" - [Indian Embassy, Budapest (10/05/2001)]. "High
Civilizations in the Himalayas" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department
(20/04/2001)]. "Tibet
and Nepal" - [Vista Coffee House (30/08/2000)]. "Tibet"-
[ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (10/03/2000)]. "Tibet
and Nepal" - [Columbus High School (10/11/1999)]. "Hinayăna
Buddhism" - ["Aquarius Day", Veszprém (23/10/1999)]. "Tibet"
- [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (23/04/1999)]. "Tantric
Buddhism" - [World Music Club (MOM) (18/03/1999)]. "Tibet"
- [Columbus High School (02/02/1999)]. "The
TANTRA `98 Expedition" - [Szimbiózis Club (12/03/1999)]. "Basic
Teachings of Buddhism" - [Buddhist Community in Nagyvárad (Spring 1997)]. "INDIA"
- [University of Economics, Budapest (Autumn 1997)]. "Buddhism"
- [Kőrősi Csoma Sándor High School, Budapest (Autumn 1996)]. "Northern
India" - [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (Autumn 1996)]. "Ladakh"
- [Tibet Support Group (Spring 1996)]. "Indian
Buddhism" - [Gates of Dharma Buddhist College (Autum1995)].
Hermetic Philosophy
Universe" - [Szintézis Open University (06/06/2004)]. "A
Short History and Fundamentals of Hermetic Tradition" - [Szintézis Open
University (13/03/2004)]. "Dreams"
- [Városmajor High School (04/04/2003)]. "Cognitive
Models - [Szintézis Open University - roundtable discussion (08/06/2002)]. "Magical
Arts" - [Szintézis Open University - roundtable discussion (02/02/2002)]. "Hermetic
Foundations" - [Szintézis Open University (24/11/2001)]. "Hermetic
Philosophy" - [Szintézis Open University (07/01/2001)]. "The
Foundations of Magic" - [Szintézis Open University (13/11/1999)]. "Magic
and Occultism - [Szintézis Open University (10/01/1999)]. "Magical
Symbolism" - [Szintézis Open University (16/11/1998)]. "Magic
and Occultism" - [Szellemi Búvárok Egyesülete (Spring 1998)]. "The
Hermetic Tradition" - [Hamvas Béla Circle (Spring 1997)]. "The
Science of Hermetics - [School of Tradition (Spring 1997)] "Hermetics"
- [Buddhist Community in Nagyvárad (Spring 1997)].
Internet and Cyberspace
- Reality and Myth" - [Infoera 2004 (IT Conference Szombathely) (19/11/2004)].
Check out the site . "The
cyberguru project" - [Transvision 2004 (Transhumanist Conference Toronto)
(05-08/08/2004)]. »
Check out the site
or the archive
or the project description . "Internet
Dependence" - [Pszinapszis '99 (Psychologist Conference Budapest) (19/03/1999)]. "The
Internet Myth - 'Myth Conference' - [Cultural Anthropology Society (Autumn
Quality of Education in the EU" - [National Conference of Quality Development
and Education of Art (23/02/2001)].
» Check out the Microsoft
Powerpoint presentation (offline version only) "Traditional
drug usage" - [Bárci Gusztáv Remedial College (16/03/2000)].
[MTV2 - TV Sziget : Rieger Johanna & Novák Péter (29/07/2004)] "Birds"-
[RTL - Delelő : Kovács István Koko & Barabás Éva (25/02/2003)] "Carnival"-
[RTL - Reggeli : András Csonka & Györgyi Láng (29/01/2003)] "Fish"
- [RTL - Delelő : Kovács István Koko & Barabás Éva (14/01/2003)] "Astrological
formula for 2003" - [ATV - New Year's Hysteria Show (31/12/2002 & 06/01/2003)] "Baldness"
- [MTV1 - Naprakész (23/04/2002)] "Witches"
- [MTV1 - Naprakész : Gábor Dombóvári (02/08/2001)] "Nudity"
- [MTV1 - Naprakész : Gábor Dombóvári & Dorottya Geszler (23/01/2001)] "Cats"-
[MTV1 - Naprakész : Balázs Galkó & Dorottya Geszler (31/10/2000)]
» Check out what The
MTV Website has to say about it... "The
Eye- [MTV1 - Csak Ma : János Fodor (20/03/2000 & MTV2 09/04/2000)] "Witchcraft
- [MTV1 - Csak Ma : Miklós Győrffy &Dorottya Radványi (09/03/2000)] "Leap
Day" - [MTV1 - Csak Ma : Dorottya Radványi (24/02/2000)] "Fire"
- [MTV1 - Csak Ma : János Fodor (07/01/2000)] "Christmas"
- [MTV1 - Csak Ma : János Fodor (23/12/1999)] "Divination"
- [MTV2 - Kincsestár : Gábor Dombóvári (23/03/1999)] "The
Celts" - [MTV2 - Kincsestár : Gábor Dombóvári (12/03/1999)] "The
Moon" - [MTV2 - Kincsestár : Miklós Győrffy (26/08/1998)] "Miracles"-
[MTV2 - Kincsestár : Judit Endrei (June 1998)] "Laughter"
- [MTV2 - Kincsestár : Miklós Győrffy (Spring 1998)] "Honey"
- [MTV2 - Kincsestár : Judit Endrei (Winter 1997)] "Hungarian
Buddhism"- [TV2 (Spring 1997)]
Ascetism" - [Kriszta Tűz RadioFix - Dongó Program (07/03/1999)].
Magic of Tibetan Sounds" - [Tamás Paulinyí RadioCivil - Szintézis
Program (Winter 1998)]. "TANTRA
'98" - [Kriszta Tűz RadioFix - Dongó Program (Autumn
1998)]. "TANTRA
'98" - [Tibor Jankovics RadioTilos - The Midnight Yeti Program
(Autumn 1998)]. "Tantrism"
- [Gábor Csonka RadioFix - (Spring 1997)]. "India
'95" - [RadioCivil - (Autumn 1996)]. "Northern
India" - [Gábor Csonka RadioFix- (Spring1996)]. "Ladakh"
- [Botond Szatmári RadioTilos- The Midnight Yeti Program (Spring
Cultural Anthropology
- [RadioCafé (29/07/2004)]. "Swords"
- [RadioCafé (18/03/2004)]. "Piercing"
- [RadioCafé (27/05/2003)]. "GAIA
- Earth's Day" - [RadioCafé (22/04/2003)].
Fools Day" - [RadioCafé (04/01/2003)]. "Fool
Moon" (on the cultural relevance of) - [RadioCafé (18/03/2003)].
- The Canary Islands" - [RadioEst FM - "Canary"
Program (2001/03/16)]. "The
Human Genome" - [Tim Grabham ParaRadio - The Global Collective
Program (21/07/2000)]. "Shamanism"
- [ Tamás Tóth RadioFix - Tudattágító Program (09/01/2000)].
the anthropologist..." - [János Fodor RadioCalypso (07/01/2000)].
of the Dead" - [Enikő Sárdi RadioSláger (31/10/1999)]. "Tunesia"
- [Kriszta Tűz RadioFix - Dongó Program (24/01/1999)].
Mystic and the
Obscure :
- [Gábor Dombovári RadioCalypso (19/08/2001)].
Sex" - [Darell Campbell ParaRadio
- The Global Collective Program (31/03/2001)]. "Full
Moon" - [Tim Grabham ParaRadio - The
Global Collective Program (16/06/2000)]. "Dreams"
- [Tim Grabham ParaRadio - The Global Collective Program (24/03/2000)].
- [Attila Stefanovics RadioTilos - TEKI Program (December 1996)].
- [Bakos & Farkas & Tarr RadioFix - (Autumn 1996)]. "Drugs
in Magic" - [Balász Fejér RadioTilos - Borderline Program
(Spring 1996)]. "Sufi"
- [Gábor Csonka RadioFix - (1996)].
Aghori Ascetics [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} Chenrezig
[Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} The
Cult of Siva (ELTE CAD MA Thesis) [Spring 1999] Indian
Asceticism (ELTE CAD BA) [Spring 1998] Indian
Ascetics (Exhibition Plan Outline) [Spring
1998] {ELTE CAD Museology} The
Indian Cast System [Autumn 1997] {ELTE CAD} The
followers and practices of Hindu Tantra (GDBC
MA Thesis) [Spring 1997]
Boas [Spring 1997] {ELTE CAD} How
I do my Research [Autumn 1997] {ELTE CAD} The
Internet Myth [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} 'Nam
on the Net [Spring 1996] {ELTE DELL} Nationalism
and National Minorities [Spring 1994] {ELTE
Vision of Apocalyptic Trends [Spring 1997]
Drug '95[Autumn
1995] {ELTE CAD} Kashmir
[Autumn 1995] {ELTE CAD} Manali
'95 [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} Tunisian
Drug '96 [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD}
All written documents
are available for reading in the » Library.
Short Essays on Film : Comedy of the 1920s
; The US in the 1930s ; Harold Pinter - The Dumb Waiter {ELTE DELL} 4
Short Essays : Bright and Beautiful - Environmental
Problems ; Freedom of Speech ; Religion or Faith? ; Capital Punishment {ELTE
DELL} Bias
in the Media [Autumn 1994] {ELTE DELL} 'Nam
on the Net [Spring 1996] {ELTE DELL} Nationalism
and National Minorities [Spring 1994] {ELTE
DELL} Personal
Relationships in the U.S. - based on the films
"Manhattan" and "When Harry met Sally" [Autumn 1994] {ELTE
DELL} William
Holman Hunt - The Lady of Shalott [Spring 1996]
Linguistics Glossary [Autumn 1994] {ELTE DELL} English
[Autumn 1993] {ELTE DELL} The
etymology of paradise, dough, and fiction
[Autumn 1994] {ELTE DELL} Heads
(Linguistic difficulties of Percolation) [Spring
1995] {ELTE DELL} Parts
of Speech [Spring 1995] {ELTE DELL} Stress
in the English language [Autumn 1994] {ELTE
DELL} Textual
analyses of "Intended Lease for Life" (1420)
[Spring 1996] {ELTE DELL}
Literature :
Short Essays on Poetry : Poetic Forms ; The Death of Poetry : Margareth
Piercy - Unlearning not to Speak ; Naula Archer - Whale on the Line
; Sidney Keyes - The Gardener ; George Barker - Poem XXVI ; William
Carlos Williams - Between Walls ; Sylvia Plath - Lady Lazarus ; [Autumn
1995] 5
Short Essays (Contemporary British Mosaic)
: Kazuo Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day ; Timothy Mo - Sour
Sweet ; John Agard - English Girl Eats Her First Mango ; Stephen Poliakoff
- Coming into Land ; Salman Rushdie - The Satanic Verses [Autumn
1995] The
Psychology of Crime in Edgar Alan Poe's writings
[Autumn 1995] {ELTE DELL} H.P.
Lovecraft - The Cthulhu Myth [Spring 1994]
{ELTE DELL} Milton's
Paradise Lost - The Fall of Man [Autumn
1996] {ELTE DELL} Percy
Bysshe Shelley -Ode to the West Wind
[Autumn 1993] {ELTE DELL} Walt
Whitman - The new
era of America [Autumn 1994] {ELTE
Yeats -Purgatory [Spring 1994] {ELTE
DELL} William
Blake - The Book of Urizen (MA Thesis)
[March 2000] {ELTE DELL}
- (Web version)
[« read
it ] William
Shakespeare -Sonnet XCIV [Spring 1994]
All written documents
are available for reading in the » Library.
[Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} Hinayana
Buddhism (Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1997.) [Autumn
1997] Lin-chi
[Spring 1994] {GBDC Zen Buddhism} Mahayana
Buddhism - The History of Mahayana Schools
(Schoolbook of the GDBC, 2001.) [Autumn 1994] Selflessness
and Emptiness [Spring 1995] {GBDC Mahayana
Buddhism} Vasubandhu
- The Teaching of the Three Selves [Spring
1996] {GBDC Yogacara Buddhism}
Chinese Philosophy
to Chinese Philosophy [Autumn 1993] {GBDC Chinese
Philosophy} The
Philosophy of Lost Order [Spring 1994] {GDBC
Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy}
Hermetic Philosophy
Concept of Creation in Jewish Esoteric [Autumn
1996] {ELTE PHIL} The
Foundations of Magic [Autumn 1999] Magic
and Occultism [Autumn 1998] The
Science of Magic [Spring 1999] Universal
Symbolism in Human Culture [Autumn 1998]
Hindu Philosophy
Cult of Siva (ELTE CAD MA Thesis) [Spring 1999] The
followers and practices of Hindu Tantra (GDBC
MA Thesis) [Spring 1997] Hindu
Tantra (Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1996.) [Autumn
1996] Prana-Atman
[Autumn 1993] {GDBC Upanishad Philosophy}
Philosophy of Religion
Jesus [Autumn 1994] {GBDC Philosophy of Religion} The
Role of the Egyptian Religion in Early Greek Thought
[TMHS Philosophy 1993] The
Vision of Apocalyptic Trends [Spring 1997]
{ELTE CAD} Ziqquratu
[Spring 1994] {GBDC Philosophy of Religion}
Western Philosophy
History of Philosophy
Augustinus [Autumn 1995] {GDBC History of Philosophy}
Augustinus: Confessions[1992] {ELTE
PHIL Nagy László} Descartes:
Discourse on Method[1993]
{ELTE PHIL Nagy László} Hume:
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding[1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László} Individualism
and modern philosophy [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy
László} Plato
[1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László} Plato:
Phaedo[1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Thought - The Philosophy of ONE [Autumn 1993] {GDBC Ancient Philosophy}
Social Contract[1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Concept of Metempsychosis in Early Greek Philosophy [Autumn 2001]
{CEU Philosophy and Religion} Plato's
Enlightenment - The concept of phronesis
[Autumn 2001] {CEU Ancient Philosophy}
and Freedom in 17-18th century philosophy [1992]
{ELTE PHIL Nagy László} The
Theory of Direct Realism - In the light of Theories of Perception
[Autumn 2001] {CEU Empiricism}
All written documents
are available for reading in the » Library.
(All documents
were written for the Hungarian Ministry of Education
Check out my work there)
Documents :
White Book on Education (Sections
on "Culture & Quality of Life", "Lifelong Learning &
Key Competences" and "Quality Assessment") Education
and Science - The work of the
Hungarian Ministry of Education and its correspondence with the Government's
Program Educational
Policy Development - Strategic
Ideas for 2001 National
Development Plan - Human Resource
Development (Sections on "Education and Training") Phare
2000 Roma Equal Fiche
- Promoting Social Integration of Disadvantaged Youth with Particular Emphasis
on the Roma Minority (Phase II.) Proposal
for the Hungarian Government -
The Reconciliation Process of the National Development Plan with the Regional
and Social Partne
Education and Vocational Training Policy in the European Union Higher
Education Policy in the European Union The
making of Regional Development Plans and the National Development Plan in Portugal The
2001 OECD Meeting of Ministers of Education Quality
Assessment and Quality Development in Education
All written documents
are available for reading in the » Library.
[Spring 1996] - [MTA Etno-regional Research Centre, Workbook 10., 1996] Hinayăna
Buddhism [Autumn 1997] - [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1997] Mahăyăna
Buddhism - The History of Mahayăna Schools [Autumn 1994] - [Schoolbook
of the GDBC, 2001.]
Hermetic Philosophy
in Magic
[Spring 1996] - [Törökfürdő 1996/2-3] The
Foundations of Magic [Autumn 1999] - [Szintézis
Open University (1999-2002)] The
Science of Magic [Summer 1999] - [Elixír 124. & 125. (1999 June
& July) The
Science of Magic [Spring 1999] - [Szintézis Open University (1999)] Universal
Symbolism in Human Culture [Autumn 1998]
- [Szintézis Open University (1998 Nov.)]
[Spring 1997] - [Magyar Hírlap - Világszám 2. (1997 April)] Indian
Drug '95 [Autumn 1997] - [Törökfürdö (1/1996) & Magyar Narancs VIII/28
(11/06/1996) & VillanyMancs (04/07/2003)] Sex
temples of India [Spring 1997] - [Magyar Hírlap - Világszám 1. (1997
March)] Paris
Nouveau [Autumn 1997] - [Max 1997/4 (1997 November)] Thailand
[Autumn 1997] - [Max 1997/2 (1997 September)]
Camera Hungary '99 Television Festival
- [in The Future of the Media [Média Hungária (1999)] The
Internet Myth [Autumn 1996] - [in The
Internet Myth {Kodolányi Füzetek 3.} [Kodolányi János Főiskola
(1999) ISBN 9630384329] » Check out the
version if you like...
All written documents
are available for reading in the » Library.
Mylius: Buddhist Literature (The History of Ancient Literature in
India) [1996] {from German} Jonathan
Parry: Sacrificial Death and the necrophagous ascetic [1997] {from
English} Vasubandhu:
Tri-svabhava-nirdesa("The Teaching of the Three Selves")
[1996] {from Sanskrit and English} Vasubandhu:
Vijnapti-matrata-siddhi ("The Proof of the Mind only")
[1996] {from Sanskrit} The
Wise and the Fool (Tibetan Buddhist stories from the "Wdzangsz-blun
zsesz bja-bai'i mdo") [1993-94] {from Tibetan} [published by: Palatinus,
English Literature
Drew: The Buddha at Kamakura [1995] {poems in English} Robin
Maxwell: The Queen's Bastard (Chapters 1-3.) [2002] {a romantic,
historic novel}
All written documents
are available for reading in the » Library.