| “Indian Ascetics (Sadhus)” -
Embassy, Budapest (10/05/2001)]. |
 | “High
Civilizations in the Himalayas” -
Cultural Anthropology Department (20/04/2001)]. |
 | “Tibet
and Nepal”
- [Vista Coffee House (30/08/2000)].
 | “Tibet” -
Cultural Anthropology Department (10/03/2000)]. |
 | “Tibet
and Nepal”
- [Columbus High School (10/11/1999)].
 | “Hinayăna Buddhism”
- ["Aquarius Day", Veszprém (23/10/1999)]. |
 | “Tibet” -
Cultural Anthropology Department (23/04/1999)]. |
 | “Tantric Buddhism”
- [World Music Club (MOM) (18/03/1999)].
 | “Tibet”
- [Columbus High School (02/02/1999)].
 | “The TANTRA `98
Expedition” - [Szimbiózis Club
 | “Basic Teachings of
- [Buddhist Community in Nagyvárad (Spring 1997)].
 | “INDIA”
- [University of Economics, Budapest (Autumn 1997)].
 | “Buddhism”
- [Kőrősi Csoma Sándor High School, Budapest (Autumn 1996)].
 | “Northern India”
- [ELTE BTK Cultural Anthropology Department (Autumn 1996)].
 | “Ladakh”
- [Tibet Support Group (Spring 1996)].
 | “Indian Buddhism”
- [Gates of Dharma Buddhist College (Autum1995)].
 | “Hermetic
- [Szintézis Open University (07/01/2001)].
 | “The Foundations of Magic”
- [Szintézis Open University (13/11/1999)].
 | “Magic and Occultism”
- [Szintézis Open University (10/01/1999)].
 | “Magical Symbolism”
- [Szintézis Open University (16/11/1998)].
 | “Magic and Occultism”
- [Szellemi Búvárok Egyesülete (Spring 1998)].
 | “The Hermetic Tradition”
- [Hamvas Béla Circle (Spring 1997)].
 | “The Science of
Hermetics” - [School of Tradition
(Spring 1997)]
 | “Hermetics”
- [Buddhist Community in Nagyvárad (Spring 1997)].
 | “Witchcraft” - [Gábor Dombovári Radio
Calypso (19/08/2001)].
- [Darell Campbell Para
– The Global Collective Program (31/03/2001)].
- [Tim Grabham Para
– The Global Collective Program (16/06/2000)].
- [Tim Grabham Para
– The Global Collective Program (24/03/2000)].
“Cthulhu” - [Attila Stefanovics Radio
Tilos – TEKI Program (December 1996)].
“Hermetics” - [Bakos&Farkas&Tarr
Radio Fix – (Autumn 1996)].
 | “Drugs in Magic” -
[Balász Fejér
Radio Tilos – Borderline Program (Spring 1996)].
 | “Sufi” -
[Gábor Csonka Radio
Fix– (1996)].
 | William Blake – The Book of Urizen (MA
Thesis) [March 2000] |
 | Milton’s Pradise Lost
- The Fall of Man [Autumn 1996]
 | The Psychology of Crime
in Edgar Alan Poe’s writings [Autumn 1995]
 | The new era of America :
Walt Whitman [Autumn 1994]
 | W.B. Yeats - Purgatory
[Spring 1994]
 | H.P. Lovecraft - The
Cthulhu Myth [Spring 1994]
 | William Shakespeare -
Sonnet XCIV [Spring 1994]
 | Percy Bysshe Shelley -
Ode to the West Wind [Autumn 1993]
 | Contemporary British
Mosaic (5 short essays) : Kazuo Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day ; Timothy
Mo - Sour Sweet ; John Agard - English Girl Eats Her First Mango ; Stephen
Poliakoff - Coming into Land ; Salman Rushdie - The Satanic Verses [Autumn
 | ‘Nam on the Net
[Spring 1996]
 | William Holman Hunt -
The Lady of Shalott [Spring 1996]
 | Bias in the Media
[Autumn 1994]
 | Personal Relationships
in the U.S. - based on the films Manhattan and
Harry met Sally [Autumn 1994]
 | 4 Short Essays : Bright
and Beautiful - Environmental Problems ; Freedom of Speech ; Religion or
Faith? ; Capital Punishment
 | Nationalism and National
Minorities [Spring 1994]
 | The Cult of Siva (MA
[Spring 1999]
 | Indian Ascetism (BA)
[Spring 1998]
 | Indian Ascetics [Spring
1998] - (Exhibition Plan Outline)
 | The Indian Cast System
[Autumn 1997]
 | Franz Boas [Spring 1997]
 | The Vision of
Apocaliptic Trends [Spring 1997]
 | How I do my Research
[Autumn 1997]
 | The Aghori Ascetics
[Autumn 1996]
 | The Internet Myth
[Autumn 1996]
 | Tunesian Drug ‘96
[Autumn 1996]
 | Manali ‘95 [Spring
 | Chenrezig [Spring 1996]
 | Kashmir ‘95 [Autumn
 | Indian Drug ‘95
[Autumn 1995]
followers and practices of Hindu Tantra (MA Thesis) [Spring
1997] |
 | Hinayăna Buddhism
[Autumn 1997] - [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1997]
 | Hindu Tantra [Autumn
1996] - [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1996]
 | Vasubandhu - The
Teaching of the Three Selves [Spring 1996] {Yogacăra Buddhism}
 | Selflessness and
Emptiness [Spring 1995] {Mahayăna Buddhism}
 | The History of Mahayăna
Schools [Autumn 1994] - [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1994]
 | Lin-csi [Spring 1994]
{Zen Buddhism}
 | Prăna-Ătman
[Autumn 1993] {Upanishad Philosophy}
 | The Philosophy of Lost
Order [Spring 1994] {Antic- and Chinese Philosophy}
 | Introduction to Chinese
Philosophy [Autumn 1993] {Chinese Philosophy}
 | Rabbi Jesus [Autumn
1994] {Philosophy of Religion}
 | Ziqquratu [Spring 1994]
{Philosophy of Religion}
 | Aurelius Augustinus
[Autumn 1995] {History of Philosophy}
 | Presocratic Thought -
The Philosophy of ONE [Autumn 1993] {Antic Philosophy}