All available
documents are distributed with the agreement of the author. You are FREE to
copy and use anything you desire in any way .
There is also a mirror
(online version). Try it only if you find something missing:
site : CYBERGURU 2004 - LIBRARY 1.
Presently most documents
are in word format, but one day I hope to convert everything to direct
web format...
my university years I strongly believed that academic literacy would be
my way. Only after long years of ignorance did I stop academic writing.
The library is a collection of documents by me and close family members.
Once they have been created why let them be wasted. They might still carry
some value for others...
Tarr : Amritsar - The Nectar Lake . [ELTE CAD, 1996.] - [«
it ] Bence
Tarr : Buddhism and Capitalism . [ELTE CAD 1997.] - [«
it ] Bence
Tarr : The Cult of the Adi Grantha in Amritsar . [ELTE CAD BA
Thesis, 1998.] - [« read
it ] (offline version only)
Tarr : The Doctrine of the Nyingma-pa . [GDBC BA Thesis, 1997.]
- [« read
it ] (offline version only)
Tarr : Ladakh - The Power of Circumstance . [ELTE CAD, 1996.]
- [« read
it ]
Tarr : Murti - The true form of idolatry . [ELTE CAD, 1996.]
- [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The Aghori Ascetics . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} -
[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr :Chenrezig .
[Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} - (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) Ethno-regional
Research Center, Workbook 10., 1996) - [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The Cult of Siva .
[Spring 1999] {ELTE CAD MA Thesis} - [«
it ] (offline version only) Daniel
Tarr : Hindu Tantra . [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1996.] Daniel
Tarr : Indian Asceticism .
[Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD BA} -[[«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Indian Ascetics .
(Exhibition Plan Outline) [Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD Museology} - [«
it ] (offline version only) Daniel
Tarr : The Indian Cast System
. [Autumn 1997] {ELTE CAD} -[[«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra . [Spring
1997] {GDBC MA Thesis} - (Library of
the Museum of Ethnography (1997)) -[[«
it ] (offline version only) Gábor
Takácsy : Khailasanatha
. [2002] {GDBC
Early Indian Culture} -[[«
it ] (offline version only) István
Kara : Kapalika
Sadhana . (GDBC BA Thesis) [2001]
-[[« read
it ]
Tarr : Toraja - Death Rites . [ELTE CAD MA Thesis, 1999.] - [«
it ] (offline version only) Bence
Tarr : Buddhism and Capitalism . [ELTE CAD 1997.] - [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr: Franz
Boas . [Spring 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr: How I do my Research . [Autumn 1997] {ELTE CAD} -
[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr: The Internet Myth . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE
CAD} - [in The Internet Myth {Kodolányi Füzetek 3.} [Kodolányi
János Főiskola (1999) ISBN 9630384329]-
[« read
it or » Check out the on-line
version ] Daniel
Tarr : 'Nam
on the Net . [Spring 1996] {ELTE DELL}
- [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Nationalism and National Minorities
. [Spring 1994] {ELTE DELL} - [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The Vision of Apocalyptic Trends . [Spring 1997] {ELTE
CAD} - [« read
it ]
Tarr : Amritsar - The Golden Temple and the Nectar Lake . -
[« read
it ]
Tarr : Benares - The City of Ascetics . [Magyar Hírlap - Világszám
2. (1997 April)] - [« read
it ]
Tarr : Indian Drug '95 . - [Törökfürdö (1/1996) & Magyar
Narancs VIII/28 (11/06/1996) & VillanyMancs (04/07/2003)] - [«
it ]
Tarr : Kashmir '95 - War in the Himalayas . [«
it ]
Tarr : Khajuraho - Sex temples of India . [Magyar Hírlap
- Világszám 1. (1997 March)] - [« read
it ]
Tarr : Ladakh - The Last Shangri-la . - [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Lappland . (documentary film commentary) -
[« read
it ]
Tarr : Manali - The World of Cannabis . - [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Paris Nouveau [Autumn 1997] - [Max 1997/4
(1997 November)] - [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Scotland . (documentary film commentary)
- [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Thailand
[Autumn 1997] - [Max 1997/2 (1997 September)] - [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Valencia and Granada . (documentary film
commentary) - [« read
it ]
Tarr : Indian Drug '95 . [Autumn 1995] {ELTE CAD} - [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Kashmir '95 . [Autumn 1995] {ELTE CAD} - [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Manali '95
. [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Tunisian Drug '96. [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [«
it ]
Tarr : The
Camera Hungary '99 Television Festival
- [in The Future of the Media [Média Hungária (1999)]
Tarr : 3 Short Essays on Film : Comedy
of the 1920s [« read
it ] ; The US in the 1930s [« read
it ] ; Harold Pinter - The Dumb Waiter [« read
it ] {ELTE DELL} Daniel
Tarr : 4 Short Essays : Bright and
Beautiful - Environmental Problems [« read
it ] ; Freedom of Speech [«
read it
] ; Religion or Faith? [«
read it
] ; Capital Punishment [« read
it ] {ELTE DELL} Daniel
Tarr : Bias in the Media . [Autumn
1994] {ELTE DELL} - [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : 'Nam
on the Net . [Spring 1996] {ELTE DELL}
- [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Nationalism and National Minorities
. [Spring 1994] {ELTE DELL} - [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Personal Relationships in the U.S.
- based on the films "Manhattan" and "When Harry met Sally"
. [Autumn 1994] {ELTE DELL} - [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : William Holman Hunt - The Lady of
Shalott . [Spring 1996] {ELTE DELL} - [«
read it ]
Tarr : Applied Linguistics Glossary
. [Autumn 1994] {ELTE DELL} - [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : English affixes . [Autumn 1993] {ELTE DELL} Daniel
Tarr : The etymology of paradise, dough, and fiction
. [Autumn 1994] {ELTE DELL} - [«
read it ] Daniel
Tarr : Heads (Linguistic difficulties of Percolation) . [Spring
1995] {ELTE DELL} - [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Parts of Speech . [Spring 1995] {ELTE DELL} - [«
read it ]
Tarr : Stress in the English language . [Autumn 1994] {ELTE DELL}
- [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Textual analyses of "Intended Lease for Life"
(1420) . [Spring 1996] {ELTE DELL} - [«
read it ]
Tarr : 2 Short Essays on Poetry : Poetic Forms [«
read it ] ; The Death
of Poetry [« read
it ] : Margareth Piercy - Unlearning not to Speak ; Naula Archer
- Whale on the Line ; Sidney Keyes - The Gardener ; George Barker
- Poem XXVI ; William Carlos Williams - Between Walls ; Sylvia Plath
- Lady Lazarus ; [Autumn 1995] Daniel
Tarr : Contemporary British Mosaic (5 short essays)
: Kazuo Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day [«
read it ] ; Timothy
Mo - Sour Sweet [« read
it ] ; John Agard - English Girl Eats Her First Mango [«
read it ] ; Stephen
Poliakoff - Coming into Land [« read
it ] ; Salman Rushdie - The Satanic Verses [«
read it ] [Autumn
1995] Daniel
Tarr : The Psychology of Crime in Edgar Alan Poe's writings .
[Autumn 1995] {ELTE DELL} - [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : H.P. Lovecraft - The Cthulhu Myth . [Spring 1994] {ELTE
DELL} -[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Milton's
Paradise Lost - The Fall of Man . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE DELL} -
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Percy Bysshe Shelley : Ode to the West Wind . [Autumn
1993] {ELTE DELL} Daniel
Tarr : Walt Whitman - The new era of America . [Autumn 1994] {ELTE
DELL} - [« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : W.B. Yeats -Purgatory . [Spring 1994] {ELTE DELL}
- [«read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : William Blake - The Book of Urizen . (MA Thesis) [March
2000] {ELTE DELL} - (Web
[« read
it ] (MS Word) [«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : William Shakespeare -Sonnet XCIV . [Spring 1994]
{ELTE DELL} - [« read
it ]
Available in Hungarian:
Drew: The Buddha at Kamakura [1995] {poems in English}
-[[« read
it ] Robin
Maxwell: The Queen's Bastard (Chapters 1-3.) [2002] {a romantic,
historic novel}
Tarr : Bardo
Tödol - Tibetan Mediations on Death . [1998] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Bodhisattva
. {GDBC Mahayana} -[[«
read it ] Bence
Tarr : Buddha
family analogies . [1999] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra course notes} -[[«
it ] Bence
Tarr : Congkapa:
Lam-Rim . [1997] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra} -[[«
it ] Bence
Tarr : Kalachakra
Tantra . [2000] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra course notes} -[[«
it ] Bence
Tarr : The
Origins of Nyingma . [1999] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra course notes} -[[«
it ] Bence
Tarr : Lankavatara
sutra - on alaya-vijnana . {GDBC Yogacara} -[[«
it ] Bence
Tarr : Mind
Only Philosphy . {GDBC Yogacara} -[[«
read it
] Bence
Tarr : Yogacara
and Realism - An Addition to Naive
Realism . {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Chenrezig
. [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [MTA Etno-regional Research Centre, Workbook 10.,
1996] -[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Buddhist
Epistemological Glossary . [1998] {GDBC Buddhist Epistemology} -[[«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Hinayana
Buddhism . [Autumn 1997] -
[Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1997]
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Lin-chi . [Spring 1994] {GDBC Zen Buddhism} - [«
readit ] Daniel
Tarr : Mahayana
Buddhism - The History of Mahayana Schools
. [Autumn 1994] - [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 2001.] -[[«
read it ] Daniel
Tarr : Selflessness
and Emptiness . [Spring 1995] {GDBC Mahayana
Buddhism} -[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Vasubandhu
- The Teaching of the Three Selves
. [Spring 1996] {GDBC Yogacara Buddhism} -[[«
it ] Emese
Héjjas : Buddhist
and Psychological Epistemology . (GBDC
BA Thesis) [1999] -[[«
it ] István
Kara : Yoga
- Mastering the Mind . [2000] {GDBC Classic Joga} -[[«
it ] Klaus
Mylius:Buddhist Literature - The History of Ancient Literature
in India . (translation by Emese Héjjas) [1996] {from German}
-[[« read
it ] Lodrö
Sonam : The
Perfection of Wisdom . [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 2001]
-[[« read
it ] Russel
Webb : The Pali Canon - Structure and brief content. (translation
by László Farkas) [1994]
-[[« read
it ]
Philosophy :
Tarr : Wang-Pi
and Parmenides
The question of Existance in pre-taoist and presocratic philosophy . [Spring
1994] {GDBC Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy} -[[«
read it
] Daniel
Tarr : Introduction to Chinese Philosophy . [Autumn 1993] {GDBC
Chinese Philosophy} Daniel
Tarr : The Philosophy of Lost Order . [Spring 1994] {GDBC Ancient-
and Chinese Philosophy} -[[«
read it
Philosophy :
Tarr : Alchemy
. [Autumn 1996] {ELTE PHIL}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Magic
- definitions . [1999] {Szintézis}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The
Concept of Creation in Jewish Esoteric . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE PHIL}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Dictionary of Magic . [1999-2004] - {under constant construction}
-[[« read
it ] (offline version only) Daniel
Tarr : Drugs in Magic . [Spring 1996] - [Törökfürdő 1996/2-3]
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The Foundations of Magic . [Autumn 1999] - [Szintézis Open
University (1999-2002)]
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Tarot
analogies . [1999] {work file}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Magic
and Occultism . [Autumn 1998]
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The
Science of Magic . [Spring 1999] - [Elixír 124. & 125. (1999 June
& July) - [Szintézis Open University (1999)]
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Universal
Symbolism in Human Culture . [Autumn 1998]
- [Szintézis Open University (1998 Nov.)]
Available in English:
Tarr : Milton's
Paradise Lost - The Fall of Man . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE DELL} -
it ] Daniel
Tarr : William Blake - The Book of Urizen . (MA Thesis) [March
2000] {ELTE DELL} -
[« read
it ] (MS Word) [«
it ]
Philosophy :
Tarr : The
Secret Doctrine of the Upanisad . [1993]
{GDBC Upanisad Philosophy} -[[«
read it ] Daniel
Tarr : The
Cult of Siva . (ELTE CAD MA Thesis) [Spring
1999] -[[«
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The
followers and practices of Hindu Tantra
. (GDBC MA Thesis) [Spring 1997]
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Hindu
Tantra . (Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1996.)
[Autumn 1996] -[[«
read it
] Daniel
Tarr : Prana-Atman
. [Autumn 1993] {GDBC Upanishad Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] István
Kara : Kapalika
Sadhana . (GDBC BA Thesis) [2001]
-[[« read
it ]
of Religion :
Tarr : MER
- The Pyramid . [Spring
1994] {GDBC Philosophy of Religion}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
- On Jesus . [Spring 1994] {GDBC Philosophy of
Religion} -[[«
read it ] Daniel
Tarr : Rabbi
Jesus . [Autumn 1994] {GDBC Philosophy
of Religion} -[[«
read it
] Daniel
Tarr : The
Role of the Egyptian Religion in Early Greek Thought
. [TMHS Philosophy 1993] Daniel
Tarr : The Vision of Apocalyptic Trends
. [Spring 1997] {ELTE CAD}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Ziqquratu
. [Spring 1994] {GDBC Philosophy of Religion}
-[[« read
it ]
Philosophy :
History of Philosophy
Tarr : The
"Philosophy of Nature" in Heracleitus' fragments . {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Heracleitus
: "Philosophy of Nature"
. {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Parmenides
and Wang-Pi -
The question of Existance in pre-taoist and presocratic philosophy .
[Spring 1994] {GDBC Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy} -[[«
read it
] Bence
Tarr : Pyrrho
and Buddhism . {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Aurelius
Augustinus . [Autumn 1995] {GDBC History
of Philosophy} Daniel
Tarr : Aurelius Augustinus: Confessions
. [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László} Daniel
Tarr : Descartes:
Discourse on Method . [1993] {ELTE
PHIL Nagy László} Daniel
Tarr : Hesiod
and Ji-King - The Philosopy of Lost Order
. [Spring 1994] {GDBC
Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy} -[[«
read it
] Daniel
Tarr : Hume: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
. [1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László} Daniel
Tarr : Individualism
and modern philosophy . [1992] {ELTE PHIL
Nagy László} Daniel
Tarr : Plato
. [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László} Daniel
Tarr : Plato:
Phaedo . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy
László} Daniel
Tarr : Pre-Socratic
Thought - The Philosophy of ONE . [Autumn 1993] {GDBC Ancient Philosophy} Daniel
Tarr : Rousseau:
Social Contract . [1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Available in Hungarian:
Tarr : The
External World in light of Hume's Radical Scepticism
. {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Hume's
Scepticism in
light of Kantian Crtiticism
. {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Kant:
Ding An Sich . {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Plato's
Chora - The problem of "Space"
in Plato's Timaus . {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Wittgenstein's
Docta Ignorantia . {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Wittgenstein's
ontology - The world as logical
space . {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Yogacara
and Realism - An Addition to Naive
Realism . {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ]
Available in English:
Tarr : The
Question of Induction in Hume's Enquiry
. {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : The Theory of Direct Realism
. [1999] {ELTE Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Cognition
and Freedom in 17-18th century philosophy
. [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László} Daniel
Tarr : The Theory of Direct Realism - In
the light of Theories of Perception . [Autumn 2001] {CEU Empiricism}
-[[« read
it ]
Available in Hungarian:
Tarr : Plato's
Enlightenment - The concept of phronesis
. [1993] {GDBC Ancient Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ]
Available in English:
Tarr : The
Concept of Metempsychosis in Early Greek Philosophy . [Autumn
2001] {CEU Philosophy and Religion}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Plato's
Enlightenment - The concept of phronesis
. [Autumn 2001] {CEU Ancient Philosophy}
-[[« read
it ]
Available in Hungarian:
Trugpa: The Roar of the Lion - Wisdom and Craziness . (translation
by Bence Tarr) [2001] {from English}
-[[« read
it ] Heracleitus:Fragments. (translation by Bence Tarr) [1996] {from Sanskrit and
-[[« read
it ] Jonathan
Parry: Sacrificial Death and the necrophagous ascetic .
(translation by Daniel Tarr) [1997] {from English}
-[[« read
it ] Klaus
Mylius:Buddhist Literature - The History of Ancient Literature
in India . (translation by Emese Héjjas) [1996] {from German}
-[[« read
it ] Russel
Webb : The Pali Canon - Structure and brief content. (translation
by László Farkas) [1994]
-[[« read
it ] Vajrasattva
prayer. (translation by Bence Tarr) {from Tibetan and English}
-[[« read
it ] Vasubandhu:
Tri-svabhava-nirdesa- "The Teaching of the Three
Selves". (translation by Daniel Tarr) [1996] {from Sanskrit and English}
-[[« read
it ] Vasubandhu:
Vijnapti-matrata-siddhi - "The Proof of the Mind only".
(translation by Daniel Tarr) [1996] {from Sanskrit}
-[[« read
it ] The
Wise and the Fool - Tibetan Buddhist stories from the "Wdzangsz-blun
zsesz bja-bai'i mdo". (translation by Daniel Tarr and many others) [1993-94]
{from Tibetan} [published by: Palatinus, 1998.]
All documents
were written for the Hungarian Ministry of Education
» Check out my
work there
Available in Hungarian:
Tarr : The Quality of Education in the EU - [National Conference
of Quality Development and Education of Art (23/02/2001)]. [Watch the presentation
« view
it ] (offline version
Documents :
White Book on Education (Sections:
"Culture & Quality of Life", "Lifelong Learning & Key
Competences" & "Quality Assessment")
-[[« read
it ] Education
and Science - The work of the
Hungarian Ministry of Education and its correspondence with the Government's
-[[« read
it ] Educational
Policy Development - Strategic
Ideas for 2001
-[[« read
it ] National
Development Plan - Human Resource
Development (Sections on "Education and Training") Phare
2000 Roma Equal Fiche
- Promoting Social Integration of Disadvantaged Youth with Particular Emphasis
on the Roma Minority
-[[« read
it ] Proposal
for the Hungarian Government -
The Reconciliation Process of the National Development Plan with the Regional
and Social Partne
Education and Vocational Training Policy in the European Union Higher
Education Policy in the European Union
-[[« read
it ] The
making of Regional Development Plans and the National Development Plan in Portugal The
2001 OECD Meeting of Ministers of Education Quality
Assessment and Quality Development in Education
Learning Tools Development [« read
it ] E-Learning
implementation strategy [« read
it ] Educational
Quality Development Knowledge Portal ("Közokos") for
the Hungarian Ministry of Education's Teacher Training Institute (PTMIK): project
manger for the development and implementation. [
Watch the presentation « view
it ] (offline version only) Knowledge
Linker Enterprise [Sabedu (2003)] - [«
view it ]
(offline version only) Sabedu
company CD [Sabedu (2003)] - [«
view it ]
(offline version only) Sabedu
company film [Sabedu (2003)] - [«
it ] (offline
version only) Sabedu
Educational Division - powerpoint summary [«
view it
] (offline version only)
. [2000] {Multisoundd} - [« view
it ] (offline version only) Multisoundd
Web Flash Collection . [2000] {Multisoundd} - [«
it ] (offline version only) Szitas
Ltd . [2000] {Multisoundd} - [« view
it ] (offline version only) Tristan
Verboven . [2001] {FutureSync} - [« view
it ] (offline version only)
design :
Training Center . [2003] (»check
site) - [«
view it
] (offline version only) ZENtendence
. [2003] (»check
site) - [«
view it
] (offline version only) Munkaugyi
Honlap promo . [2002] (»check
site) - [« view
it ] (offline version only) Sierra
2000 Ltd. . [1999] - (lost in cyberspace) Danubius
Language School . [1999] (»check
site) (redesigned) -
(lost in cyberspace) The
Gate of Dharma Buddhist College . [1998] (»check
site) (redesigned) -
(lost in cyberspace)
Tarr : Buddhist epistemology . [1997] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ] Bence
Tarr : Buddhist Tantra . [1996] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Basic Buddhist Teachings . [1997] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Hinayana Buddhism . [1997] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Hindu Tantra . [1996] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Classic Yoga . [1997] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : Mahayana Buddhism . [1996] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ]
Cultural Anthropology
Tarr : Introducion to Cultural Anthropology . [1996] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The Theory of Cultural Anthoropology . [1996] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The Anthropology of Asia . [1996] {ELTE CAD &
-[[« read
it ] Daniel
Tarr : The Anthropology of India . [1997] {ELTE CAD &
-[[« read
it ]
Hermetic Philosophy
Tarr : Heremetics . [1996] {GDBC}
-[[« read
it ]
- E-Learning curriculum . [2003] {Müszaki Könyvkiadó}
-[[« read
it ] Ethics
- a religious comparison . [1994] {Tarab Institute}
-[[« read
it ]
Day of Sorrow - Plot 301. [Budapest, Hungary (1996)] (will be digitalized
one day) Equinox
[Lake Balaton, Hungary (1998)] - national broadcast by the Hungarian National
Television (Csak Ma (MTV1 20/03/2000 & MTV2 09/04/2000) (will be
digitalized one day)
article about me at the time [2000] - [«
view it