"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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  Frater Defensor

Magick Sigils & Mandalas

- Esoteric and Hermetic Mandalas -

CyberGuru Yesod Sigil

One of my occult names is Frater Defensor = "One who defends". I have been helping people for many years, by using my occult knowledge and powers. I am well informed in most aspects of the hermetic arts, especially in the creation of talismans and sigils. My sigil magick was recognized as having effective outcomes, so a few years ago I started creating sigils for specific purposes. These include protective spells, banishings, strikes or attractions, but each and every sigil is slightly different according its magickal purpose.

Graphic design and the modern digital art tools that go with it has enabled me to create layered variatons of these sigils, so I can reach out to more people.

As to this offer: Many of the problems you are facing in life are not your fault, and there is no reason not to easily solve them by creating a personalized magickal sigil that is able to cast an extremely powerful spell, which will enable you to get on with your life the way you want. l can create this spell for you and enclose it in a magickal sigil for you, which will make your wish come true!




Astral Chakra Elemental Job Lamen Love
Protective Prosperity Tantric Specific Tree of Life Zodiac

A Magick Sigil is like an esoteric or hermetic 'mandala', but it is rather an "object of meditation" that will have an effect on your own subconscious mind, triggering magickal powers for a certain effect. It is your own magickal powers that are unleashed towards the desired goal... After the Sigil is created you have to print it and place it somewhere where you can see it, so every time you see it you are "magickally reminded" of your intention. Also you can light four candles on the corners to boost its power or use it as the central piece of your altar or ritual ...

These mandalas are "clear frames" designed for the purpose of triggering a certain effect. To turn them into an even more powerful Magickal Sigil personal content can be added. Accordingly the magickal mandalas can be customized. Customization includes adding personal a Lamen, symbol, photo, name and words or any specific content...


You can purchase these Sigils or get your own personal Sigil at the bottom of this page.

Magick Mandala (Facebook)

Magyarul (in Hungarian) : A Mágikus Szigillium olyan, mint egy ezoterikus vagy hermetikus mandala, de valójában olyan "meditációs eszköz", amely a saját tudatalatti működésünkre hatva felszabadítja a bennünk szunnyadó mágikus erőt egy adott cél érdekében. Saját mágikus képességünkkel hatunk a kívánt irányba és teremtjük meg a vágyott eredményt... Miután a Szigillium elkészült, ki kell nyomtatni és egy olyan helyre tenni, ahol jól látható, így minden egyes esetben, amikor ránézünk "mágikusan emlékeztet" bennünket a szándékunkról. Mi több lehet mécseseket gyújtani a négy sarkán, illetve közepén, hogy ezzel is növeljük az erejét. Tehetjük a házi oltárunkra is.

Ezek a Mandalák "tiszta keretek", melyek egy bizonyos hatást képesek kiváltani. Úgy változnak még erősebb Mágikus Szigilliummá, ha feltöltjük őket személyes tartalommal. Ennek megfelelően a mágikus mandalákat személyre lehet szabni. A személyre szabás azt jelenti, hogy a mandalát kiegészítjük egy Lamen-nel, szimbólummal, fotóval, névvel, mondattal vagy bármilyen személyes tartalommal...






Specific Magick Sigils

Many of the problems you are facing in life are not your fault, and there is no reason not to easily solve them by creating a personalized magickal sigil that is able to cast an extremely powerful spell, which will enable you to get on with your life the way you want. l can create this spell for you and enclose it in a magickal sigil for you, which will make your wish come true!

AIM Sigil
Booster Sigil
Clarity & Focus Sigil
Come To Terms Sigil
"AIM" Sigil
"Booster" Sigil
"Clarity & Focus" Sigil
"Come To Terms" Sigil
Easy Pass Sigil
Holy Cross Sigil
Dream Sigil
Focus on the Path Sigil
"Easy Pass" Sigil
"Holy Cross" Sigil
"Dream" Sigil
"Focus on the Path" Sigil
Enlightenment Sigil
Exchange Sigil
Rising Higher Consciousness v2 Sigil
Freedom To Thrive Sigil
"Enlightenment" Sigil
"Exchange" Sigil
"Rising Higher Consciousness" (v.2)
"Freedom To Thrive" Sigil
Happiness Sigil
Harmony Sigil
Temperance Sigil
Health Sigil
"Happiness" Sigil
"Harmony" Sigil
"Temperance" Sigil
"Health" Sigil
Home Defence Sigil
Increase Power Sigil
Influence Sigil
Radiate Sigil
"Home Defence" Sigil
"Increase Power" Sigil
"Influence" Sigil
"Radiate" Sigil
Leader Sigil
Lean Sigil
Luck Sigil
No Debt Sigil
"Leader" Sigil
"Lean" Sigil
"Luck" Sigil
"No Debt" Sigil
Pure Self Sigil
Reconcile Sigil
Rising Higher Consciousness Sigil
Root Sigil
"Pure Self" Sigil
"Reconcile" Sigil
"Rising Higher Consciousness" Sigil
"Root" Sigil
Powers of the Sphinx Sigil
Justice Sigil
Skylight Sigil
Merkabah Star Sigil
"Powers of the Sphinx" Sigil
"Justice" Sigil
"Skylight" Sigil
"Merkabah Star" Sigil
Success Sigil
Thai Home Protection Sigil
Three Circles Sigil
Thrust Sigil
"Success" Sigil
"Thai Home Protection" Sigil
"Three Circles" Sigil
"Thrust" Sigil
Birth Of Light Sigil
True Will Sigil
Hope for Freedom Sigil
Planets Sigil

[» detail «]

"Birth Of Light" Sigil
"True Will" Sigil
"Hope for Freedom" Sigil
Self Confidence Sigil
Pleiadian Sigil
All Rounder Victory Sigil
"Self Confidence" Sigil
"Pleiadian" Sigil
"All Rounder Victory" Sigil
"Planets" Sigil
Remove Obstacles Sigil
Scrying Sigil
Yin Yang Sigil
Healing Sigil
"Remove Obstacles" Sigil
"Scrying" Sigil
"Yin Yang" Sigil
"Healing" Sigil
Self Esteem Sigil
Omnipotence Sigil
Fountain of Life Sigil
Endurance Sigil
"Self Esteem" Sigil
"Omnipotence" Sigil
"Fountain of Life" Sigil
"Endurance" Sigil
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Or you can have your own custom made Sigil made for you by contacting Frater Defensor here:

[ Contact us by e-mail! ]



Astral Magick Sigils

Want to venture into the astral realm? Want to open up your third eye? Want to go astral travelling? Want to explore the spirit world? These Sigils will open the doors to your psychic abilities...

OBE Sigil
Third Eye Open Sigil
Astral Vision Sigil
Third Eye Sigil
"OBE" Sigil
"Third Eye Open" Sigil
"Astral Vision" Sigil
"Third Eye" Sigil
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Chakra Magick Sigils

A chakra (Sanskrit cakra, "wheel") is thought to be an energy point or node in the subtle body. Chakras are believed to be part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such, are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels called nadi. Nadi are believed to be channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) (non-physical) or vital energy (non-physical) moves. Various scriptural texts and teachings present a different number of chakras. It's believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body, according to the tantric texts, but there are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones.

Throat Sigil
"Throat" Sigil
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Elemental Magick Sigils

Many philosophies and worldviews have a set of classical elements believed to reflect the simplest essential parts and principles of which anything can consist or upon which the constitution and fundamental powers of everything are based. Most frequently, classical elements refer to ancient concepts which some science writers compare to the modern states of matter, relating earth to the solid, water to liquid, air to gas and fire to plasma.

Sun Fire Sigil
Earth Dragon Sigil
Water Eye Sigil
Celtic Rainbow Sigil
"Sun Fire" Sigil
"Earth Dragon" Sigil
"Water Eye" Sigil
"Celtic Rainbow" Sigil
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Job Magick Sigils

Having difficulty to find a good job? Having trouble at work? These Sigils will help to get over the troubled waters...

Find a Job Sigil
Well Paid Job Sigil
Get a Job Sigil
Freetime Passion Sigil
"Find a Job" Sigil
"Well Paid Job" Sigil
"Get a Job" Sigil
"Freetime Passion" Sigil
Business Success Sigil
Limitless Business Sigil
Business Success - Custom Magick Sigil
Creative Work Sigil
"Business Success" Sigil (v.1)
"Limitless" Sigil
"Business Success" Custom Sigil
"Creative Work" Sigil
  — this Sigil can also be customized — — this Sigil is to be customized —  
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Love Magick Sigils

Having trouble finding love? Having difficulty finding the right partner? Looking for love? These Sigils will help you attract love and light your fire...

Eternal Love Sigil
Love Sigil
Focus on Love Sigil
Emotional Intimacy Sigil
"Eternal Love" Sigil
"Love" Sigil
"Focus on Love" Sigil
"Emotional Intimacy" Sigil
Coincidentia Oppositorum Sigil
Love Unite Sigil - Custom
Love is a Never Ending Circle Sigil - Custom
Attraction - Magick Sigil - Custom
"Coincidentia Oppositorum" Sigil
"Love Unite" Sigil
"Attraction" Sigil
  — this Sigil is to be customized — — this Sigil is to be customized — — this Sigil is to be customized —
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Protective Magick Sigils

If you are concerned about being cursed than you most probably are. Don`t let it destroy your life! I can remove the curse by creating a Magickal Sigil that can provide protection to give you time for safe recovery and keep you from further harm. By creating a personalized magickal sigil that is able to create an extremely powerful spell, which will protect you and enable you to get back on your feet and carry on with your life the way you want. 

l can create this protective spell for you and enclose it in a magickal sigil for you!

Protection Sigil
Protection Sigil
Protection Sigil
Protection Sigil
"Protection" Sigil (v.1)
"Protection" Sigil (v.2)
"Protection" Sigil (v.3)
"Protection" Sigil (v.4)
Disperse Evil Sigil
Disperse Evil Sigil
Disperse Evil Sigil
Magick Protection Sigil
"Disperse Evil" Sigil
"Disperse Evil" Sigil (v.2)
"Disperse Evil" Sigil (v.3)
"Magick Protection" Sigil
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Prosperity Magick Sigils

Looking for wealth and prosperity? Want to attract more money? Want to be successful at business? Want to have abundance? These Sigils will help you bring prosperity and wealth...

Wealth Sigil
Infinite Wealth Sigil
Ultimate Prosperity Wealth Sigil
Business Success Sigil
"Wealth" Sigil (v.2)
"Infinite Wealth" Sigil
"Ultimate Prosperity Wealth" Sigil
"Business Success" Sigil (v.3)
Wealth Sigil
Prosperity Sigil
Money Magnet Sigil
Wealth Protection Sigil
"Wealth" Sigil (v.1)
"Prosperity" Sigil
"Money Magnet" Sigil
"Wealth Protection" Sigil
Abundance Sigil
Abundance Sigil
Abundance Sigil
Business Success Sigil
"Abundance" Sigil (v.1)
"Abundance" Sigil (v.2)
"Abundance" Sigil (v.3)
"Business Success" Sigil (v.2)
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Tantric Magick Sigils

Want to boost your sexual energy? Want to be sexually attractive? Want to concieve a baby? These Sigils will help you activate and boost your sexual powers and create a sexual attraction...

Seduction Sigil
Lingam Sigil
Lingam Sigil
Womb Sigil
"Seduction" Sigil
"Lingam" Sigil (v.1)
"Lingam" Sigil (v.2)
"Womb" Sigil
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Planetary Magick Sigils

In antiquity, the classical planets or naked eye planets were the seven non-fixed objects visible in the sky. The classical planets were, therefore, the Sun and Moon and the five planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The name planet comes from the Greek term πλανήτης, planētēs, meaning "wanderer", as ancient astronomers noted how certain lights moved across the sky with the other stars. They called these objects asteres planetai, or wandering stars. Together they form the seven classical planets or Seven Planets of the ancients.

Saturn Sigil
"Saturn" Sigil
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Tree of Life Magick Sigils

The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים‬‎) in Hebrew, is a classic descriptive term for the central mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism, also known as the 10 Sephirot. Its diagrammatic representation, arranged in 3 columns/pillars. The tree, visually or conceptually, represents as a series of divine emanations God's creation itself ex nihilo, the nature of revealed divinity, the human soul, and the spiritual path of ascent by man. In this way, Kabbalists developed the symbol into a full model of reality, using the tree to depict a map of Creation.

The symbolic configuration of the 10 spiritual principles consist of: Malkuth : "Kingdom" (10) - Yesod : "Foundation" (9) - Hod : "Splendour" (8) - Netzach : "Eternity" (7) - Tiferet : "Beauty" (6) - Gevurah : "Severity" (5) - Binah : "Understanding" (4) - Chesed : "Kindness" (3) - Chokhmah : "Wisdom" (2) - Keter : "Crown" (1)

Malkuth Sigil
Yesod Sigil
"Malkuth" Sigil
"Yesod" Sigil
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Zodiac Magick Sigils

In both astrology and historical astronomy, the zodiac (Greek: ζoδιακός, zōidiakos) is a circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year. Although the zodiac remains the basis of the ecliptic coordinate system in use in astronomy besides the equatorial one, the term and the names of the twelve signs are today mostly associated with "horoscopic astrology".

Zodiac Sigil
Taurus Sigil
Aquarius Sigil
Leo Sigil
"Zodiac" Sigil
"Taurus" Sigil
"Aquarius" Sigil
"Leo" Sigil
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Magick Lamen

A LAMEN has been described as "a sort of Coat of Arms, which expresses the character and powers of the wearer." Its uses vary but generally a lamen is a "commandment of authority". The magician wears a lamen which is a symbolic representation of his relation to his godhead.

Lamens can have multiple uses: Lamen can function as a magickal TALISMAN as a storehouse of some particular kind of energy, the kind that is needed to accomplish the task for which it has been constructed. A talisman is believed to bring the benefit it encompasses and it can offer protection as well. Lamen can function as a magickal PENDANT worn around the neck so that it hangs upon the breast over the heart. A pendant is a charm that hangs from necklaces. Lamens however are NOT designed to be used as amulets or pentacles.

l can create a magickal lamen from any word, so that it becomes a spell and encloses the power of the word, which will than make the desired effect come true!

Thelema Lamen
Leader Lamen
Limitless Lamen
Thrivalism Lamen
"Thelema" Lamen
"Leader" Lamen
"Limitless" Lamen
"Thrivalism" Lamen
Examples of personal Lamens:
Evolution Lamen
Power Lamen
Serendipity Lamen
Agape Lamen
"Evolution" Lamen
"Power" Lamen
"Serendipity" Lamen
"Agape" Lamen
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You have four choices of purchase:

  • Option No 1. = You can buy the Sigil in high resolution (1400x1400 px) digital format (JPG and PNG) and the file is sent to you via e-mail.
  • Option No 2. = You can buy the Sigil and have it customized with your personal content (photo, spell, lamen, etc.). The modified Sigil is then re-created in high resolution (1400x1400 px) digital format (JPG and PNG) and the file is sent to you via e-mail.
  • Option No 3. = You can buy the Sigil in a laminated print in size A4 (22x22 cm / 8x8 inch) and the print is sent to you via post.
  • Option No 4. = You can have your completely unique own design according to what YOU WANT. Order your own personal Magick Sigil and I will design it for you. Please get in touch to discuss the details about your own design!

  • Copyright notice

    This website and its content is copyright of Daniel Tarr CyberGuru © Frater Defensor 2015. All rights reserved.

    Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:

    • you may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only
    • you may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material

    You may NOT, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.



    You can purchase the Sigils here:

    Format + Delivery
    Add NAME OF SIGIL as indicated
    E-mail or Postal Address

    You CAN add your personal content. If you wish to have the Sigil customized mention it with the name of the Sigil. I will contact you via e-mail for further details.



    These mandalas are the "empty shells" designed for the purpose of triggering a certain effect. To turn them into an effective Magickal Sigil personal content should be added.

    Accordingly the magickal sigils can be customized.

    Customization includes adding personal a Lamen, symbol, photo, name and words or any specific content...

    You can have your own custom made Sigil by contacting Frater Defensor here:

    [ Contact us by e-mail! ]

    Please be patient! Magicians are busy people. I will answer and deliver as soon as possible.

    [ Cannot order? Contact us by e-mail! ]

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    Sigil Magick


    » Magick Sigils

    A Sigil is an "object of meditation" that will have an effect on your own subconscious mind, triggering magickal powers for a certain effect. It is your own magickal powers that are unleashed towards the desired goal... After the Sigil is created you have to print it and place it somewhere where you can see it, so every time you see it you are "magickally reminded" of your intention. Also you can light four candles on the corners to boost its power or use it as the central piece of your altar or ritual ... Thus you can place the Sigil somewhere where you can see it, so every time you see it you are "magickally reminded" of your intention.

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    Copyright © 2015-2020 Frater Defensor. All rights reserved.
    published by Daniel Tarr CyberGuru

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