Daniel Tarr (et.al)
Lunar Anomalies
by Richard Hoagland
- A Review -
Richard Hoagland presents » Lunar Anomalies

Ancient Alien ruins on the Moon? Is it possible? The Moon/Mars Connection uses NASA's own data to make a compelling scientific case for the existence of ancient alien artifacts on the earth's nearest neighbor in the Solar System. As no one has done before, Hoagland uses state-of-the-art computer image processing and other analytical techniques to take the viewer into an extraordinary world of possible gigantic structures where NASA says there are none. Have some officials within the U.S. Government, for over 30 years, been hiding the truth? The Moon/ Mars Connection opens the mind to these amazing possibilities.
» DARK MISSION: Ancient ET Moon Discoveries Video
3-Hours - Digitally Restored - From UFOTV®, accept no imitations.
This presentation was given and filmed at Ohio State University in 1994 and to this day remains a vitally important source of research about ancient extraterrestrial artifacts discovered on the Moon.
Richard C. Hoagland, author of The "Monuments of Mars," is a former science consultant to NASA and CBS News.
©1994-2011 Enterprise Mission and UFOTV, a UFO Video, Inc. Company

NASA Apollo 10 image AS10-32-4822 (click for full resolution)
The above image is the source photo of the anomaly. This photo, regardless of the "castle" tower is absolutely bizarre. Judging from the lighting in the craters on the lower left corner it is apparent the sun coming from the upper right side of the photo. If you look at the immense unlit area in the right half of the photo, it begs the question, "where is the sunlight on the surface." The logical conclusion is that something above the surface is blocking the sun. It is in this area we find the "castle" tower. Close scrutiny by legitimate scientists place the "castle" some 9 miles above the surface of the moon.
When I first became aware of this anomaly some 11 years ago, I obtained the original photograph from NASA to verify for myself that it was real, and it is. I have since learned a great deal about Mr. Richard C. Hoagland. I believe this man to be a crusader for all of us, to deliver the truth of our wondrous past.
The nay-sayers on here can not have seriously looked at the overwhelming body of evidence that proves NASA has been lying to us for all these years about the true nature of man and his past. The greater question is why? What is going on at the upper echelons of power in this world that they do not want you to know. I know the answer to this question and it is evil, evil, evil. If I told you you would not believe it, so I won't bother. Now if you spend some time, as I have (20 years) looking into it, you will come to the same evil conclusion that I have. Fortunately, these days with the Internet and so many people having awakened to the truth, it will not take you as long to figure it out.

The "Castle" on the Moon
"The Castle" (NASA image AS10-32-4822)
This UNENHANCED version of it shows the remarkable stacking of it's segments and belies a natural explanation, especially when you consider it is hanging several miles high in the Lunar sky.
EM enhancements show a supporting structure, including a drooping cable passing through the tip, like a suspension bridge.
This strange object, photographed during an Apollo mission, has been named "the castle" by Richard C. Hoagland of » The Enterprise Mission. It seems to have a definite structure, like the remnant wall of some ancient building. The bottom looks as if it has rows of support columns, above which is a high spire. Whatever it is, it's much brighter than the surrounding landscape. Is it just a trick of light and shadow? A photographic anomaly? Or is it all that remains of some rich Martian's get-away retreat?
This extraordinary object comes from AS10-32-4822, an Apollo hand held Hasselblad photo. The "Castle" is extremely bright and plainly visible at normal magnification, making it nearly impossible for the astronaut taking the picture to have missed it.
Close-up of the "Castle"
On enlarging one of the small reflective specks in frame 4822 (taken during the manned Apollo 10 mission) a stunningly complex object is revealed. Nicknamed "The Castle" due to its shape, this object is suspended miles above the lunar surface!
This enigmantic object from frame AS10-32-4822 is literally hanging some seven miles above the Lunar surface. This side by side comparison is from 2 different versions of the same Apollo 10 photographic frame, one obtained by Hoagland and the other by another researcher.
In fact, Hoagland has now identified some nine versions of this photo in various archives around the world. |

Analyses of "The Castle" from 4822
"Hoagland's Castle" Video

This enigmatic object from frame
AS10-32-4822 is literally hanging some seven miles above the Lunar surface.
This side by side comparison is from 2 different versions of the same Apollo 10 photographic frame, one obtained by Hoagland and the other by another researcher. In fact, Hoagland has now identified some nine versions of this photo in various archives around the world. Evidently part of "power winder" sequence of photo's taken by the Astronauts, this allows for positive verification of the reality of this object.
Not only does the "Castle" change position relative to the spacecraft - exactly as a real suspended object would - strange, glass-like "panes" evidently pass between the spacecraft and the "Castle".
This is strong confirmation of a "glass" dome in the Sinus Medii region of the Moon. Note also in the enhanced image on the right a "cable" passing thru the tip of the "Castle". It droops under the weight of this object, precisely as a real suspension cable would. The unenhanced version on the left corroborates the cellular structure of the "Castle".
These close-ups show the highly anomalous and clearly constructed aspects of the "Castle's" composition ...
Note the similar construction to the "Tower" and "Shard".

The "Castle" is similar in position to the Apollo 13 "floating UFO" - only the image is not so clear as in NASA image AS13-61-8755.
NASA Appolo 13 Mission AS13-61-8755 (click for original larger image)
[ » Apollo 13 Image Atlas , » NASA Apollo 13 Image Library , » Kennedey Space Center AS13 image archive ]

The "Shard" and the "Tower"
The Shard is an obvious structure which rises above the Moon's surface by more than a mile. Its overall irregular spindly shape (containing a regular geometric pattern) with constricted nodes and swollen internodes, if natural, has got to be a wonder of the Universe. No known natural process can explain such a structure. Computer enhancement with about 190 feet (60 meters) resolution shows an irregular outline with more reflective and less reflective surfaces. The amount of sunlight reflecting from parts of the Shard indicate a composition inconsistent with that of most natural substances. Only crystal facets and glass can reflect that much light (polished metallic surfaces are unnatural). Single crystals the size of city blocks are currently unknown. I concur with Hoagland that the Shard may be a highly eroded remnant of some sort of artificial structure made of glass-like material. Other larger structures and their reflectivity in the area support this theory.
"The Shard" (NASA image AS10-32-4822)
Poor resolution images like this one of the "Shard" have led some to conclude it is an ephemeral "outgassing" event. However, the Enterprise Mission enhancements reveal no "spray" or splatter which would be consistent with such a conclusion. The object appears to be solid , though badly battered by meteors.
This image is a photo snapped by the Lunar Orbiter, has been named "the shard" or "the tower," by Richard C. Hoagland, who comments on this photo at "Richard Hoagland's Lunar Anomalies." Taken from a distance of about 250 miles, the strange structure (if that's what it is) would be enormous - seven miles high, by Hoagland's calculations. (The star-like shape above the tower is a camera registration mark.)
It's difficult to believe that such a huge structure actually stands on the moon... so what are we seeing in this photo? Is it a plume of "smoke" from some lunar gaseous emission? Are we seeing the ejecta from a meteorite impact? What is it?
This image is an overexposed 44x enlargement of Lunar Orbiter frame LO-III-84-M. Taken with the medium resolution camera at a distance of at least 250 miles, it shows an object dubbed by Hoagland the "Shard". The star-like object above the "Shard" is a camera
registration mark.
The "Shard" has a shadow cast in the correct direction for it to be a real object on the Moon and is aligned with the local vertical rather than the grain of the film, decreasing the chance it is an emulsion abnormality.
Close-up of the "Shard"
Close-ups reveal a cellular-like internal structure. Above and behind the "Shard" is the "Tower", a massive 7 mile high structure with a central "cube" suspended by a tripod like base. Enhancements of the "Tower" show a similar cellular construction to the "Shard", but with a distinctly hexagonal pattern.
See » Mystery of "The Shard" Video |

"The Shard" and the Lunar Orbiter
The Lunar Orbiter 3 was a spacecraft launched by NASA in 1967, designed primarily to photograph areas of the lunar surface for confirmation of safe landing sites for the Surveyor and Apollo missions. It was also equipped to collect selenodetic, radiation intensity, and micrometeoroid impact data. The Lunar Orbiter took another famous picture (LO-III-84M) that also depicted the "Tower".
NASA Lunar Orbiter LO-III -84M |
NASA Lunar Orbiter image LO-84M-III (click for larger image)

Analyses of "The Shard"
The "Shard" was the first object
spotted by Hoagland on frame LO-III-84M.
Sticking some 1.5 miles above the Lunar surface, it is truly an inexplicable (by current theories) wonder of the universe. Casting a shadow across the Lunar plane, alignment with the local vertical rather than the "grain" of the film, and it's proximity to the "Tower" all argue
strongly for it's artificial origin.
Although no cross-confirming images of the "Shard" have been found, it's vicinity to the "Tower", which has been cross-confirmed, is a factor favoring it's existence as a "real" object. It has been suggested that the "Shard" may be a transient "out gassing" event. |
The "Shard" in close-up
This highly enhanced close-up of the tip of the "Shard" displays characteristics of a cellular, regular and geometric construction. |
While this cannot be totally discounted, the absence of any "spray" around the "Shard's"
sharply defined edges work against this explanation.
The absence of any spray tends to diminish the "outgassing" theory, and the presence of a comparable glass like haze on the horizon behind "Shard" argues that it is amongst a field of artificial structures.
The "Shard" (left) and the "Cube" (right) on the top of the "Tower" in close-up

Analyses of "The Tower"
The "Tower" from LO-III-84M is easily the most stunning and convincing artifact presented so far by Hoagland. Stretching some 7 miles above the Lunar surface, this enigmatic object defies all natural explanation. The supporting tripodal structure is clearly evident in these Enterprise Mission enhancements, as is the stunning "Cube", the top of the Tower.
The "Cube" in close-up |
The overlapping, multi-layered reflective glass-like panes are evident in this close up of the "Cube". Note also the symmetrical geometry of the object and the odd whips
highly reflective material around it.
"The Tower" (NASA image AS10-32-4856) |
The "Tower" is also cross confirmed in several other frames taken years later on a different mission, with a different camera and film ...
This image, AS10-32-4856 shows the "Tower" from some 45 degrees to the side of LO-III-84M. The same multi-paned internal geometry is evident, as is the geometric "haze" rising from the surface.
These two frames constitute proof that the "Tower" is a real Lunar feature and not a photographic defect.
Also the "Hoagland Tower" resembles the "Moon Tower of Babel" taken on the far side of the Moon by Zond-3 soviet moon probe in 1965.
"Hoagland Tower" and "Moon Tower of Babel" |

The Ukert Crater
This large area near the crater Ukert is strikingly rectilinear and has a very distinct and unnatural
looking boundary. This area, roughly the size of the Los Angeles basin, displays a highly anomalous rectilinear pattern across the Lunar landscape. The arrangement is reminiscent of a ruined city, and close-up views reveal a variety of
unexplainable features.
Among them are the "paperclip", the "crystal palace" and what Hoagland calls "Arcology Row", the deep carved linear pattern across the mountains in the foreground.
The "paperclip" appears to be mounted on a shaft or pole and may be some sort of antenna assembly. Clearly, this cannot be a natural object if current Lunar geologic theories are correct. Given the scale of frame 4822, this object is immense, literally a sky scraper among the ruins.
The "crystal palace" is an enormous (on the order of several miles), glass like, highly reflective structure hanging over a valley in the "LA" mountain chain. It's internal configuration evokes a multi-paned, layered glass like composition.
Hoagland has compared this to the shattered remnants of an "arcology", a formerly contained enclosure similar to the recent earth bound "Biosphere" experiments.

Analyses of the Ukert Crater
The Ukert crater, located near the center of the moon as it is viewed from the Earth, contains this amazing equilateral triangle. According to "Luna: Arcologies on the Moon," each side of the triangle is 16 miles in length. And note the three bright objects around the perimeter of the crater - if they are joined by straight lines, they too would from an equilateral triangle. Is this evidence of intelligent design, or merely a fantastic coincidence?
This is the original image from a North
American Lunar atlas that caught Hoagland's eye.
Clementine satellite image |
Raw Clementine low res UV-VIS image |
Taken from the ground based Lick observatory, the crater Ukert is virtually dead center in the Lunar disk from an Earthbound perspective, and it's dark floor is a nearly perfect 16 mile equilateral triangle at full Moon. Imagery from the » Clementine Lunar Image Browser
These images confirm the basic triangular shape of this crater. It should be noted that Ukert is not a natural looking feature in any way, and it is difficult to imagine how it could have achieved this shape due to a meteoric impact. Even an "impact-collapse" scenario would not likely create a triangular configuration.
High res images from » Clementine would help resolve issues of artificiality, but the matching hi-res pictures are mysteriously blacked out on the various Clementine file servers. This is a common occurrence concerning features of interest to this investigation.
[Source: Biblioteca Pleyades ]

Update on the Ukert Crater
Ikert Crater True Image Closeup
The Ukert crater on Moon: The best triangle and one of the most artificial-looking objects in the solar system other than on Earth or Mars is Ukert crater on the Moon. The inset shows the Lunar Orbiter image, making the crater interior appear triangular. The main image is from the Clementine spacecraft, showing that the sides are not linear nor the vertices sharp. The higher-resolution view revealed this to probably be a natural feature.
These images above are of the Ukert Crater clipped from an image taken with a 10" Telescope by Mike's Astro Imaging in the UK.
The picture above is Ukert Crater clipped from the Clementine Satelite Full Color 0.1 k/p image.
A second crater that has a similar shape. {To the left of Copernicus Crater} |
[Source: The Living Moon]

Strange structures around the Ukert Crater
Images showing a huge areas often described as the ruins of an ancient city, and much more. The darker region is the Mare Crissium area.
Original Image 19438s-2 (click to enlarge)
Original Image AS10-32-4822 (click to enlarge)

"Los Angeles"
(NASA image AS10-32-4822)


The "Dish" at the Greaves Crater at Mare Crissium
[Source: The Living Moon]

NASA Cover-up Exposed: Ancient ET Cities Discovered on the Moon
After two years of intensive analysis of the Moon, Richard C. Hoagland, head of The Mars Mission team (TMM), has now repeated a remarkable achievement by collecting compelling evidence which strongly indicates the existence of ancient ET ruins on the Lunar surface.
There are many strange facts about the Moon, and one of the strangest is that we haven't returned to our nearest neighbour for 23 years. At least that was the case up until Spring of 1994, when the Pentagon - not NASA - sent an unmanned 'military' probe called Clementine back to photo-mosaic (a composite of numerous separate image components that are combined to give an image of the Lunar surface covering a very large area) the entire Lunar surface.
Much has been learned about the Moon from NASA's three previous Lunar missions: starting with the Lunar Orbiter series in the mid 60's, followed by the Surveyor series, placing the first unmanned probe on the Moon, and ended with Apollo, which was seen as the golden age of space exploration and culminated in putting the first humans on the Moon.
The combined data obtained from these missions has shaped scientist's and our own perceptions of the Moon as a desolate, waterless, lifeless and totally empty planet. After the initial euphoria of the Apollo landings faded, it's probably this perception that contributed to the fact that we took so long to return.
Paradoxically, it's from this same data - plus an exceptionally important 'single-frame mosaic' of the Moon 'leaked' to Hoagland from inside the military - that a staggeringly different picture of the Moon is now emerging.
In substantiating their Lunar evidence, TMM have been confronted with the same problems they faced when trying to establish that the artifacts at 'Cydonia' (on Mars), were of artificial origin. The key difference between establishing the 'Cydonia' hypothesis and the existence of Lunar ruins, lies in the fact that within Cydonia there is a large, sphinx-like structure. This Martian 'face' is humanoid-looking, and therefore a glaringly obvious anomaly that anyone can spot instantly. With the Lunar evidence however, TMM are looking at anomalies that indicate the possible evidence of ancient, extraterrestrial 'cities'.
Substantiating these in the public's eye is more difficult as it involves the use of a great deal of complex computer imaging technology. (But as Hoagland has stated, there is more advanced imaging technology available to the individual on a personal computer now than the entire facilities that NASA had available to them 25 years ago).
Fortunately, this computer imaging technology has become so sophisticated it's now possible to identify the tiniest anomaly in an image and provide empirical evidence of what appears to be innocent looking craters or unusual 'shapes' above the surface of the Moon. These may not be the products of Lunar geology, but could be 'ET artifacts'. Artifacts which Hoagland believes to be the shattered remains of incredibly ancient cities once protected by massive glass-like, geodesic-type domes. He said, "There's something up there that just shouldn't be there" The answer to this lies in geometry.
Hoagland cites astrophysicist Carl Sagan's "Criteria for remotely determining intelligence," in reference to orbiting probes around a planet. To determine the presence of intelligent life on a planet - past or present - one would see that at 100 meter resolution, everything changes. The images would reveal a planet covered with straight lines, geometric shapes, squares, rectangles and circles..." Here he is referring to satellite images of Earth, but the criteria should apply to any planet. He continues, "...Their regularity, complexity and distribution would be hard to explain except by the existence of intelligent life..."
TMM were first alerted to the possibility of artificial structures on the Moon by an anomaly that has been puzzling scientists for ages. In an area of the Moon called Sinus Medii (Central Bay) is a crater called Ukert which when observed, even from Earth, contains an equilateral triangular shape. Even more strange, Ukert is at the 'sub-Earth point,' which means it is centrally located on the Moon's surface and at the point nearest the Earth.
In 1967, NASA sent Lunar Orbiter to photograph the Moon as a prelude to Apollo. It was from a series of these black and white images near Ukert that really started the ball rolling: one frame showed a huge 'artifact' towering up one-and-a-half miles above the Lunar surface, which TMM have dubbed 'the Shard'.
According to the established scientific model of how the Moon is eroded, TMM claim the existence of the Shard is an impossibility: geological differences between the Earth and Moon are enormous. Unlike erosion of the Earth, the Moon has no water cycle, no volcanic activity and most importantly - no atmosphere, which means it's been exposed to millions of years of constant meteoric bombardment.
The Moon's surface is divided into two main areas: dark and light. Light areas are called Terra and are the highlands, dark are called Mare (or seas) which are the low ground areas. Anyone who has seen images of the Moon will be familiar with the fact that the entire surface is basically flat. Highlands were at one time mountains, which due to the constant meteoric bombardment, have been flattened into smooth, low curving hills. Therefore, the existence of a natural, vertically-oriented 'rock' - standing like a mile-and-a-half high skyscraper - is inconceivable, given that millions of years exposure to meteorites would have long ago smashed it flat!
TMM obtained a variety of black and white prints of this area and discovered something even larger and more bizarre. In one print, standing behind the Shard, is something that looks initially like a comet with its tail pointing down. (See FIGURE 3 above). TMM called this 'land form' the Tower, because like the Shard, it is also a 'solid' tower-like structure which soars a staggering 6-7 miles above the Lunar surface. When both these anomalies were subjected to a series of computer enhancement techniques, TMM made a shattering discovery. As Hoagland explains, "... it unveiled what NASA seemed so keen to hide..." One of these techniques converts grey scale images to colour, a method enabling three-dimensional features to be seen more clearly, as it shows how light is reflected off the object in varying degrees of brightness.
"Early analysis showed that the most reflective areas were not on the outside, as would be expected if it was a rock, but on the inside. So this indicates we are looking at some kind of internal crystalline or glass-like material, which is arranged in layers and has a specific geometry."
When TMM were mysteriously leaked the image mosaic from the Clementine probe, which covers an area 30,000 square miles and contains the whole Sinus Medii region, their struggle to analyse previous 23-year-old data became a great deal easier, and their claims a great deal more convincing. The » Clementine probe contained an array of high-tech 'multi-spectral' cameras, one of which operated in the near-infrared region (NIR), which was used to analyse the composition and distribution of minerals, materials and provide insights into the geological processes across the Lunar surface. It was therefore the ideal tool to analyse and explore the existence of anything constructed on the surface. TMM believe, that due to the politics surrounding » Clementine, that was its most likely primary objective. Using this » new data from Clementine confirmed TMM's initial hypothesis that they were looking at intelligently constructed multi-layered units, and refer to them as 'mega-cubes' of glass, (or a similar transparent material). This transparency effect enables one to 'look inside' and this partially unveils the existence of other regular, geometrically-interlocking structural elements.
The Tower and other vertical artifacts TMM have discovered are of massive dimensions, defying all models of Lunar geology, and since they have been severely eroded by meteoric bombardment over a very long period, they must have been much taller. If artificial, they would also by inference, have once been protected in some way from these meteoric bombardments. Consequently, the idea is that these structures lay under vast geodesic domes - constructed along similar lines to Buckminster Fuller's design of a trapezoidal interlocking truss - that is pound for pound the strongest structural arrangement possible. It is also known from NASA's own studies that glass, in a Lunar environment, has the structural strength of steel. Hoagland says, "We can see what's left of a protecting structure."
The pre-Clementine evidence came from a series of NASA pictures taken during the Apollo 10 mission over the area containing the Treisnecker/Ukert and Manitius craters.
NASA Apollo 10 picture frame AS10-32-4822 is a close-up that was obtained by TMM because it appeared as a black or missing frame in the » Apollo 10 catalogue. What the image reveals is astounding. Firstly, the area to the top right is dark, when in fact it should be as bright as the surrounding area.
When this frame was enhanced, it unveiled what NASA seemed so keen to hide. Hoagland's explanation for the darkness is because this area is covered with what's left of a structural frame or interlocking glass panels. The meteoric bombardment has destroyed much, but sufficient is left to see what it is composed of. The darkness is a result of the 'venetian blind' effect, where reflected light is scattered by the truss, so looking down, one is actually looking through the remains of the structure and this obscures a clear view of the surface.
When you look at the photo below the same area but with the lunar horizon visible, there are what look like hazy patches above the surface. These are not photographic flaws, although the image reproduced here is of poor quality. This 'haze' is caused again by light scattering as it passes through the structural 'dome'. With further enhancement, astounding details can be seen. A series of solid objects are suspended miles above the surface, which are connected on a grid-like pattern, indicating the original geometrical structure of a 'dome'.
One of these suspended objects was even further enhanced revealing a piece of devastating evidence. This is what TMM have dubbed 'the Castle' This object appears to be part of the structure that is hanging down off the truss. It not only shows it's composed of straight 'structural' elements and is hanging miles above the surface, but as the Clementine enhancements reveal, has transparent, or glass-like material inside it.
Strangely, when TMM originally requested the negatives of this series of pictures, they had mysteriously 'disappeared.' When prints of this area were finally obtained through various sources, these 'anomalies' had been removed from the images.
"It is clear to me," Hoagland said, "that NASA and the astronauts must have been aware of these structures. Frankly, I'm amazed none of them were killed accidentally colliding with some of them." This scenario might well explain the suspicious nature of Clementine's demise. After taking the images of the Moon, it suddenly malfunctioned and was unable complete its 'public science mission'.
» The "Clementine conspiracy" a.k.a. "Project Golden Dragon"
The whole aura of secrecy surrounding the » Clementine mission, the fact that the Pentagon were going to release the millions of images it took to the public - and have so far reneged on that promise - clearly indicate that NASA and the US government are extremely keen to keep this information secret. Fortunately, due to TMM's work on the early data and leaked Clementine image, this is no longer possible. The analysis of the vastly superior data contained in the Clementine mosaic has made it possible for TMM to confirm many of the theories which evolved out of the early NASA data. It also lends credibility to their assertion that a series of huge areas on the lunar surface - or even below it - were once protected by vast and environmentally encapsulated structures, similar in concept but not scale, to the one we have built on Earth called Biosphere 2. This glass and steel trapezoidal building was designed to keep its enclosed ecology totally cut off from the outside environment. These early experiments in archologies, as they are called, are for the very purpose of seeing if we can build something similar on another planet.
Hoagland believes that what was built on the Moon was a series of vast archologies, probably thousands or even millions of years ago, and are now battered into ruins.
Who built them and why, remains a profound mystery, one we can only begin to answer if we return to the Moon, which after all is only a few days away in terms of space travel. Although TMM are currently in the process of organising financial backing to the tune of $15M, so that they can put together the first ever independent mission to the Moon, Hoagland is convinced he has all the evidence to prove his claims.
The political repercussions so far have sent shock waves through American society, leading to the exposure of NASA's covert commissioning of the Brookings Institution. In the late 50's, the institution evaluated what would happen to society if they discovered ET artifacts in the Solar system: their recommendations - possibly based on religious paranoia - as that any such discoveries would be withheld from the public! This scenario has continued until today, leading to a political crisis and a series of possible congressional hearings to investigate a public institution that has seemingly corrupted itself, either through its own paranoia, or some covert agenda. This exposure, in and of itself, has widespread implications for the whole UFO/Extraterrestrial situation that possibly goes right back to Roswell. Are we finally witnessing the initial 'un-covering' of what surely must be the biggest cover-up of all time? We certainly seem to be at the turning point of this whole 'Cosmic Watergate.' What seems utterly fantastic now, will soon become widespread public fact. As Hoagland States, "... if we return to the Moon we will find wonders and treasures beyond imagining. It is up to us."
Sources: Based on an article by Tim Coleman, "Monument to Life II" UFO Magazine, November/December 1995, pp12-16, and Martian Horizons, Volume 2, No. 5, Summer 1995, (C) by Richard C. Hoagland & NASA Archives
[Source: Project Avalon]

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