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Daniel Tarr

ULOs - Unidentified Lunar Objects
by Allan Sturm

- A Review -


Allan Sturm presents » Lunomaly Research Group and » Lunar Sightings

ULOs: Unidentified Lunar Objects Revealed In NASA Photography
is best described as a visual catalog of structural anomalies found in Apollo era photographs taken of the Moon.

ULOs - Unidentified Lunar Objects

ULOs are Unidentified Lunar Objects - anomalous shapes that appear artificial to the lunar landscape and resist identification as known geological features.

Digitally clarified and highlighted, the ULOs resemble towers and spires, domes, stacked geometry, pathways leading to and from clusters of objects, pipes and pipe grids, wheel-shaped objects, and ziggurat looking structures with annexes just to name a few. Are there artificial structures and objects on the Moon? The answer is right in our backyard and we’ll only know for sure if we return to the lunar surface and see for ourselves.

Allan Sturm started his image search on the Internet for sources of high resolution, print worthy photos of the Apollo missions. HeI soon found that there are literally tens of thousands of photos taken of the Moon by NASA and the vast majority were not readily available in high resolution. His criteria for inclusion in the book required as wide a selection as possible, so he established contact with some of the official NASA photo archives and other private collections such as Keith Laney (www.KeithLaney.net). The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is just one of the official archives and he began digging through their huge database of photos looking for appealing and rarely seen images.

His curiosity also led Allan to search the Internet for more examples of what others claimed they had found. Among the array of lunar anomaly websites, he surfed onto Glenn Steckling’s site (www.gafintl-adamski.com) promoting his revised edition of his father’s book titled, “We Discovered Alien Bases On The Moon “, first published in 1981.

With 16 years experience in graphic design and photography, Allan Sturm planned to bring these rarely seen images back to life. Zoomed in and cruising around in high resolution, Allan started to discover things that didn’t make sense. Near perfect white hexagons on or near crater edges, linear white lines over craters that ended with a cross, and strange rocks in close-up photos of rubble that looked more manufactured than natural.

A few lunar geology books and searching the Internet didn’t shed any scientific light on these strange objects. No one but the conspiracy theorists had described anything like what Allan was seeing. Was he really seeing evidence of artificial structures and objects on the Moon?

Allan Sturm defines ULOs as anomalous shapes that appear artificial to the Moon’s landscape and resist identification as known lunar geological features. It would be irresponsible to describe these objects as alien bases, crashed starships or giant Tupperware containers because we can’t resolve that level of detail in these photos and we certainly can’t take a casual stroll on the surface of the Moon to see for ourselves.

Allan has found literally hundreds of ULOs with some appearing as towers or spires, domes near terraced vertical walls, stacked geometry with spheres sitting on top, pathways leading to and from objects, clusters of objects resembling industrial operations, highlights forming geometric patterns, pipes and pipe grids intertwined or wrapping over each other, wheel-shaped objects with support arms, and ziggurat looking structures with annexes just to name a few. The main photos presented here are in chronological order by Apollo mission. Not every mission made the cut for this publication. Within each main photo’s section are various contrast-enhanced enlarge-ments of a single or group of ULOs with both a colored and uncolored version. The colored versions will assist you in seeing some of the ULOs that Allan has found.

[Source: www.lunomaly.com]

ULO Structure

VOLUME 1 - INTRODUCTION (from the book)

This project started out as a coffee table book of the amazing photographs of the Moon. My goal was to offer the public one last look at what humans had photographed before Japan, China, and the United States sent their new imaging satellites to the moon in 2007 and 2008.

After adjusting the high resolution public archive photos in preparation for print, I quickly realized that I could see 'things' that didn't look like craters, apparently weren't rubble, and (from a laymen's perspective) certainly didn't look like the result of high-speed meteor impacts. They had unique shapes and forms. I started looking closer at the images before me. There's a big difference between speculation and evidence. All I needed was just one. Could I find the 'Needle In The Haystack'?

I sat back from my monitor. I could hardly breath. I got up, paced the sidewalk outside my house for a good 10 minutes and then sat back down to have another look. I naturally suspected foul play, so I checked another archive source. There it was again! Well, not quite exactly the same, but sure enough the major and minor features were all there. Reality came crushing in as I located the same features from 3 different angles taken on the same NASA mission. It was at this point that my eyes became tuned. I could now spot 'things' on many of the photographs that I had already examined. I then decided to compile my findings into a book titled, "Lunar Sightings - Volume 1, The Needle In The Haystack".

Individually, the images are subject to heavy scrutiny. Collectively, the images are hard to ignore. This is a controversial topic and I hereby make no claims of conspiracy, cover-ups, or the like by governments, organizations, or individuals. Instead of pointing fingers, let's instead offer amnesty to anyone that may be aware of this or other supporting evidence. No harm, no foul to those that come forward. Together we can embrace an amazing future.

I hereby claim that all images in this book are faithfully reproduced and not altered in any way other than by cropping, adjusting contrast levels, de-saturation, or enlargement. No sharpening or coloring has been applied. I have also included line art that will assist the casual viewer to quickly see what I can so easily identify as being different from the surrounding landscape. It is up to you to research the images presented in this book and arrive at your own conclusions. If you dig up these same high-resolution archive images, I guarantee that you will see that the images presented here are not a hoax.

Our mission is to stimulate conversation and debate in public and academic circles by publishing new photographic evidence of what are commonly referred to as "Structures on the Moon". We call these structures and other lunar anomalies "ULOs" (Unidentified Lunar Objects).




Geometric analysis of the ULO

Mushroom Crater  Mushroom Crater

Mushroom Crater

Twin Spheres  Twin Spheres

Twin Spheres


Arch at Pyramid Crater  Arch at Pyramid Crater

Arch at Pyramid Crater

Broken Pipe  Broken Pipe

AS11-40-5956 "Broken Tube"


Butterfly Craft

Alien Winged Craft


AS17-145-22182 "Doohickey #1"


ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object  ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object

ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object  ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object

ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object  ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object  ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object
ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object  ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object  ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object
ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object  ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object
ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object  ULO: Unidentified Lunar Object

Utility Structure #1 "The Barn" - Archive Source 2

Utility Structure #1 "The Barn" - Archive Source 2

Aristarcus Research

Aristarcus Research


Mining Operation #1 - Archive Source 1

Mining Operation #1 - Archive Source 2

Mining Operation #1 - Archive Source 2

Mining Operation #1 - Archive Source 2


[Source: www.lunarsightings.com - More exaples at: Lunar Sightings]


ULOs and Lunar Anomaly Video:

ULOs - Unidentified Lunar Objects Revealed in NASA Photography - Autor Allan Sturm

The highly regarded "ULOs: Unidentified Lunar Objects Revealed In NASA Photography"
high-resolution eBook with hundreds of cataloged "structures on the Moon" and other anomalies is now available!


For further explanation please visit the original site at » Lunomaly Research Group and » Lunar Sightings

Related sites: » NASA LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)


» Ufology - Lunar Anomalies
» Ufology - The Lunar Spaceship



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