Magick and the Occult
Medieval and modern neoplatonists have formed the ancient Greek philosophy, combining Jewish mysticism and Christian doctrines with occult doctrines (Agrippa, Paracelsus, Eliphas Lévi, John Dee). In the modern age - partly based on the philosophical principles of Roger Bacon, Giordano Bruno and Emmanuel Swedenborg - occult tendencies such as the Rosicrucian movement, Freemasonry, the Theosophical system of Count Saint Germain or the mysticism of Alessandro Cagliostro appeared. The conceptual system of some small churches and new religious movements that emerged in the 19th century was also influenced by occultism, in connection with the western expansion of the Eastern doctrines and the New Age movement; these include spiritualism, anthroposophy, scientology, and various modern esoteric trends (eg parapsychology, bioenergy).
I consider Magick the most ellaborate system of magic of the 20th century, which is based on the doctrines and practices of MacGregor Mathers & Israel Regardie (Golden Dawn) and Aleister Crowley (A∴A∴ and O.T.O.), thus I have a seperate library dedicated to » THELEMMAGICK. It is my Opus Magnum.
If we want to explain what Hermetics means within the esoteric concept of "Magic and Occultism", that is, in the "different hermetic sacred traditions" of mankind, then we must first call upon a universal system dealing with the Universal Tradition of Humankind = Hermetics. Hermetics is a religious-philosophical system that examines the total spiritual tradition of mankind and collects similar elements and thoughts by analytical, comparative methods that form the basis of its own system, which is called Tradition. Tradition is an absolute principle that is a universal organizing principle that is the ultimate basis of all further historical, religious, artistic, or even scientific phenomena, and hides behind it. So there are no tangible limits as it permeates all the phenomena of the whole world. [...]
In order to understand the exact concept of Hermetics, we must put it in the European spiritual history. We can say that Hermetics embraces European Hermetism, Mysticism, Esoteric and Tradition, as well as non-European esoteric traditions (such as Islamic Sufi, Hindu Tantra, Chinese Ji-King, Taoist Alchemy, etc.), and also the religious and mythical traditions of different cultures (eg from Egyptian magic, Sumerian Akkadian religion, Greek myths, etc.). Still, European tradition, including Hermetism, is a decisive element. Of course, Hermetics considers not only the thoughts of the great figures of Hermetism, but also the work of (former and) later authors. So for the sake of completeness, we have to consider the complete European esoteric heritage, showing the works of authors on whose work Hermetics is based.
The Collection in English
» THELEMAGICK - A seperate library focusing on the magickal system of the A.A. and the O.T.O. as well as other manifestations of the thelemic currents.
» MAGICK SIGILS & MANDALAS - Esoteric and hermetic mandalas by Frater Defensor.
» TAROT DIVINATION - Various interactive tarot spreads with explanations and analogies based on the Thoth Tarot of Aleister Crowley.
Available in English:
Alchemy (Alkímia):
Daniel Tarr : Alchemical Symbols . (Alkimista szimbólumok) . [2010]
Goetia (Goécia):
Daniel Tarr ( : Goetia Demons . (Goéca Démonok) .
Abramelin : The Book of the Sacred Magic . (Abramelin Mágia) .
Aleister Crowley : The Goetia of the Lemegeton of Solomon the King . (Goécia Salamon Mágia) .
Lemegeton - The Lesser Key of Solomon
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
Kabbalah (Kabbala):
Magic (Mágia):
Éliphas Lévi : Transcendental Magic - Dogma and Ritual of High Magic. (Transzcendentális Mágia) .
Éliphas Lévi : The Key of the Mysteries - La Clef des Grands Mystères. (A Misztériumok Kulcsa) .
Sacred Geometry (Szakrális Geometria):
Tarr Dániel - Nagy Domonkos : True Measures of The Pyramid . (Piramidológia) .
Talismans (Talizmánok):
Wolf : Talismans . (Talizmánok) .
Tarot (Tarot):
Daniel Tarr : Tarot Divination . (Tarot jóslás) . {interactive divination tool}
Daniel Tarr & Raven's Tarot : Tarot Correspondences . (Tarot analógiák) .
Raven's Tarot : Tarot & Elements . (Tarot & Elemek) .
Raven's Tarot : Tarot & The Tree of Life . (Tarot & Élet Fája) .
Teurgia (Theurgy):
Daniel Tarr ( : Angeology . (Angyaltan) .
Daniel Tarr ( : Archangels . (Arkangyalok) .
Thelema (Thelema):
» THELEMAGICK LIBRARY . (Frater D.M.T.'s Library on Magick & Thelema) .
Literature (Irodalom):
Daniel Tarr : Milton's Paradise Lost - The Fall of Man . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE DELL}
Daniel Tarr : H.P. Lovecraft - The Cthulhu Myth . [Spring 1994] {ELTE DELL}
Daniel Tarr : William Blake - The Book of Urizen . (MA Thesis) [March 2000] {ELTE DELL}
Available in Hungarian:
Hermetic Literature |
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