"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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- Tarot Analógiák -


» CUPS «

Click on the cards for full description of that particular tarot card!



Here you can find the meanings of all 78 cards of the Tarot deck, with the focus on the Thoth-Crowley Tarot.

Please note that this section is a part of my Tarot Divination and so designed that you can click on every tarot card in order to get the meaning of a card on a new tab while dealing with the divination or study of a particular section on a different page.

The Major Arcana & the Minor Arcana

The Tarot cards are set together of two parts - the Major Arcana which includes the 22 trump cards representing the archetypes or the classic 'trionfi', and the 56 cards of the Minor Arcana, which consists of the four suits Cups, Disks, Swords and Wands, each suit containing four court cards and ten numbered cards (the Ace is counted as 1).

While the trump cards are representing the paths connecting the ten Sephirot of the Tree of Life, the suits are attached to the four elements Fire, Air, Water and Earth as follows:


the element of Fire, standing for the spiritual, for creativity, mysticism, imagination (world of Atziluth)


the element of Water, standing for emotion, feeling, relationship (world of Briah)


the element of Air, standing for the intellectual, the logical and scientific (world of Yetzirah)


the element of Earth, standing for the materials, the body, the 'down-to-earth-matters' (world of Assiah)

The court cards are the Knight, the Queen, the Prince and the Princess - in the Thoth deck. This can get a bit confusing when using other decks, where the court cards are called King, Queen, Knight and Page (or Child), especially when the Thoth deck calls 'Knight' what most others call 'King' and 'Prince' what most others call 'Knight'.

Here it might be helpful to remember the 'traditional' view to sort it like 'Father of the element', 'Mother of the element', 'Son of the element' and 'Daughter of the element'.

The ten numbered cards represent the ten Sephirot, i.e. the ten steps of the element from Kether (Ace) to Malkuth (Ten).

As for the meanings, always remember the one rule that someone might tell you a lot of the card, but only you yourself will really know what it means for you.

"Prediction is extremely difficult. Especially about the future..." (Niels Bohr)


[Source: Raven's Tarot Site]




The Major Arcana Tarot cards represent the life lessons, karmic influences and the big archetypal themes that are influencing your life and your soul's journey to enlightenment. The Major Arcana card meanings are deep and complex – in beautiful ways! Theses Tarot cards truly represent the structure of human consciousness and hold the keys to life lessons passed down through the ages.

Also known as the "Trump Cards", the Major Arcana cards include 21 numbered cards and 1 unnumbered card (the Fool). The Fool is the main character of the Major Arcana and makes his journey through each of the cards, meeting new teachers and learning new life lessons along the way, and eventually reaching the completion of his journey with the World card. This is known as the "Fool's Journey" and is a helpful way of understanding the story line of the Major Arcana Tarot card meanings.

When you see a Major Arcana card in a Tarot reading, you are being called to reflect on the life lessons and themes that are currently being experienced at this time. A Major Arcana card will often set the scene for the entire Tarot reading, with the other cards relating back to that core Major Arcana meaning.

When a Tarot reading is predominantly made up of Major Arcana cards, you are experiencing life-changing events that will have long-term effects. There are important lessons that you must pay attention to in order to progress further in your spiritual and personal quest. – If many of the Major Arcana Tarot cards are reversed, however, it may be a sign that you are not paying enough attention to these important life lessons and you need to first master the lesson before being able to move forward.

The Fool

[ » Fool « ]

The Magus

[ » Magus « ]


[ » Death « ]

The Priestess

[ » High Priestess « ]

The Empress

[ » Empress « ]

The Emperor

[ » Emperor « ]


[ » Lust « ]

The Star

[ » Star « ]

The Aeon

[ » Aeon « ]

The Universe

[ » Universe « ]

The Hierophant

» Hierophant «

The Lovers

» Lovers «

The Chariot

» Chariot «


» Adjustment «

The Hermit

» Hermit «


» Fortune «

The Hanged Man

» Hanged Man «


» Art «

The Devil

» Devil «

The Tower

» Tower «

The Moon

» Moon «

The Sun

» Sun «

[« top ]





The Courts Cards are a very special part of the Minor Arcana, and ever since Tarot readers went and interpreted persons into them - such as 'a dark stranger will come into your life' etc - especially on flea markets. This might be somewhat romantical but will not at all serve the Court Cards right or even well.

Court cards indeed have a strong personal touch. Unlike the numbered cards who show the elements against the background of the 10 Sephiroth and are more likely defining various steps of a process, the Court Cards reflect personal human attributes within the elements, and the elements within the elements. So a more frequently appearing of court cards within a reading implies that personal feelings and emotions are more important than various steps of an ongoing process, wether for the person who is asking or for the cards that are answering.

The differentiation between a personal feeling and a step of a process is very important in reading the cards. For example the famous question 'Does he love me?' will hardly ever get answered by any court card - since it asks for a process - therefore the Two of Cups in the answering position is sure good news. It won't say that *he* loves *her* or vice versa, but that love has the best chances to blossom.

As for the Court Cards, it should be remembered that Tarot cards reflect the subconscious rather than any 'outside happenings', even when the borders might get blurred simply because the subconscious has a far deeper presentiment of the 'outside' than the consciousness could ever figure out. Questions regarding other persons will more likely show the own expectations and opinions than the others themselfes, often the instinctive, unconscious perception that in most cases bears far more truth than what the conscious prefers to see and/or figured out for itself.

It should be fairly examined in how far a card reflects the picture that one has from another person or the reaction/feeling/expectation that the other person causes in the own inside.

The best way to figure this out is studying the cards fairly and also studying the own inside. Unlike common rumours going, Tarot cards won't provide a comfortable 'how-to-live-and-what-to-do-manual' - what they do is give advices and help clearing the views into the own inside, where the answers usually can be found when only looking close enough.

Below is just a short summary of what all court cards have in common, the 'normal' explanations can be found within the suits.

The Knights represents the fiery side of the element, so for example the Knight of Wands is the fiery side of the Fire, The Knight of Cups the fiery side of the Water etc. Knights are strong and powerful, but their eruptions won't last too long. The Knight of Wands is like a flash, the Knight of Cups like a strong rain, the Knight of Swords a storm and the Knight of Disks an avalanche. Knights are the fathers of their elements - but not a father who cares for his family dayin, dayout, but the father who generates a child and then is on his way again.

The Knights in the Thoth deck stand as the Kings in other decks.

It has lately come up that the Knights of the Thoth deck were not at all the Kings, but the Knights or Pages, while the Princes were the Kings. Here I vehemently disagree.

In the order of the Thoth deck the line 'Knight - Queen - Prince - Princess' represents the line 'Father - Mother - Son - Daughter'.

Crowley writes in his Book of Thoth:

The Qabalists, devising the Tarot, then proceeded to make pictures of these extremely abstract ideas of Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and they called them King, Queen, Prince and Princess. It is confusing, but they were also called Knight, Queen, King and Princess. Sometimes, too, the Prince and Princess are called "Emperor" and "Empress".

The reason for this confusion is connected with the doctrine of the Fool of the Tarot, the legendary Wanderer, who wins the King's daughter, a legend which is connected with the old and exceedingly wise plan of choosing the successor to a king by his ability to win the princess from all competitors. (Frazer's Golden Bough is the authority on this subject.)

It has been thought better, for the present pack, to adopt the term "Knight", "Queen", "Prince" and "Princess", to represent the series Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, because the doctrine involved, which is extraordinarily complex and difficult, demands it. The Father is "Knight" because he is represented as riding on a borse.

The Queens represent the watery side of each element, the daughters of the old Kings that were replaced by the stormy Knights. The Queens are thus the complements of the Knights, they will receive the seeds from them, ferment, and transmit the original Energy and give birth to the children of their elements, complementing Fire and Water, Yin and Yang, the bright flames with the dark seas, they are the mothers of their elements.

The Princes are the sons of the Queens and the Knights, representing the airy side of their elements. The princes have the combined powers of their parents, they are the active issue of their union and its manifestation, they are the intellectual combinations of both. So for example the Prince of Swords is the airy side of the element Air i.e. the air in the world of Yetzirah, created by the Fire of Yetzirah and born in the waters of Yetzirah.

This might sound a bit complicated at first sight, but in the end has an almost simple logic that helps a lot to understand the cards.

Princes stand as Knights or Pages in other decks.

The Princessess finally are the daughters of the Knights and the Queens, the earthly side of their elements. They represent - in short - the process that the numbered cards show going down from Kether to Malkuth, bringing the original spirit of each element down to the grounds of Assiah.

Crowley writes of the Princesses:

The Princesses have no Zodiacal attribution. Yet evidently they represent four types of human being. They are those numerous "elemental" people whom we recognize by their lack of all sense of responsibility, whose moral qualities seem to lack "bite". They are sub-divided according to planetary predominance. Such types have been repeatedly described in fiction. As Eliphaz Levi wrote: "The love of the Magus for such creatures is insensate, and may destroy him".

[Source: Raven's Tarot Site]



Swords Knight

[ » Knight of Swords « ]

Swords Queen

[ » Queen of Swords « ]

Swords Prince

[ » Prince of Swords « ]

Swords Princess

[ » Princess of Swords « ]



Wands Knight

[ » Knight of Wands « ]

Wands Queen

[ » Queen of Wands « ]

Wands Prince

[ » Prince of Wands « ]

Wands Princess

[ » Princess of Wands « ]



Cups Knight

[ » Knight of Cups « ]

Cups Queen

[ » Queen of Cups « ]

Cups Prince

[ » Prince of Cups « ]

Cups Princess

[ » Princess of Cups « ]



Disks Knight

[ » Knight of Disks « ]

Disks Queen

[ » Queen of Disks « ]

Disks Prince

[ » Prince of Disks « ]

Disks Princess

[ » Princess of Disks « ]


[« top ]




As for the connection between Tarot and the Tree of Life, the numbered cards are attached to the 10 Sephirot, like 1 to Kether, 2 to Chokmah, 3 to Binah and so on.

1. KETHER - The eternal, the spiritual perfection





- Crown -

Liberation, Redemption

Kether is the first emanation, the level of pure unity, a pure existance with no dependance on anything but itself. It represents the uniqe essence of a subject, regarding to the four elements it is the 'source substance', the very beginning, the first spark of the flame that comes out of universal nothingness.

Kether is the eternal source as well as the spiritual perfection, it is the begin of everything as well as its completion that makes the circle perfect. It corresponds to Yechidah, the all embracing level of soul that stands for the universe itself. It is the ultimate point, total unity, complete unto itself without dimensions or external definition. The journey of manifestation begins and ends with Kether.

The spirit of Kether emanates directly into Chokmah and then into Binah, these three forming the Supernal Triangle.

In the Minor Arcana, Kether is represented by the Aces, which are the roots and entity of the elements they stand for. They imply the unity of the number 1 and are the pureness of their elements, but also they are just the seeds.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Kether - the Aces:

Swords 1

» Ace of Swords «

Wands 1

» Ace of Wands «

Cups 1

» Ace of Cups «

Disks 1

» Ace of Disks «


2. CHOKMAH - Power of creation, energy, wisdom





- Wisdom -

Insight, Inner Knowledge

Chokmah is the point where the pure unity splits into two so a first manifestion of the pure idea is achieved. It creates a viewpoint, an energy, a first concept of the universal nothingness that was represented by Kether. It is a very raw power, uneffected by analysis and specification, and thus so strong and effective. Chokmah is the idea of masculinity, as opposed to the femininity in Binah and the androgyny of Kether. It is the Supernal Father and therefore not only corresponds to the Deuces but also to the Knights of the Thoth Tarot (Kings in other decks).

As the first distinguishable expression of the energy emanating from Kether Chokmah embodies the pure essence of the substance. As the Number Two it represents the balance and interaction of opposites which is present throughout the Tree and originates in the opposition of Chokmah and Binah, the latter being the Supernal Mother. It is not an opposition of fixed entities, rather fluid polarities like waxing and waning, growing and shrinking, building up and tearing down.

Chokmah corresponds to the World of Atziluth, Chiah in soul, the general living spark that generates vitality. In the Twos of the Minor Arcana Chokmah is the first definition of what the Suit is all about, its purest and unchanged expression. In the Knights it embodies the Fathers of the element, the raw uncompensated power that wants to procreate.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Chokmah - the Twos and the Knights:

Swords 2

» Peace «

Wands 2

» Dominion «

Cups 2

» Love «

Disks 2

» Change «


3. BINAH - Understanding, realization





- Understanding -

Decision, Will

Binah represents the female potency of the Universe as Chokmah represents the male, both will be better understood when watched in correlation with each other. The are the first manifestation of the principle of polarity, the opposites that are to be seen as a unity. Chokmah is the force and Binah the form, the receiving of Chokmahs power, its perception and understanding. Without Binah the unrestricted, formless power of Chokmah would be but an empty combustion in nowhere's land.

Binah is thus the Great Mother, the Great Sea, the archetypal womb from which all life comes into manifestation. But she also means restriction, binding and limitation - which is why she heads the Pillar of Severity and not that of Mercy which one might be attempted to view as more 'mother-like'.

Here we must understand that birth is the beginning of death. The unrestricted powers emanating from Kether are immortal and timeless, those emanating from Chokmah are undefined and not even born into any substanstial existance. Binah receives these unbinded forces and forms them into being. But as soon as being begins it is subjugated to time and age and ultimately death.

Binah is thus connected to Saturn, the Father of Time who in his Greek form of Kronos had the unpleasant habit of eating his children. Therefore Binah is not only the Bright Fertile Mother but also the Dark Sterile Mother, and the proverbial Terrible Mother who subjects her children to the merciless circle of birth and death, age and illness, rise and fall.

However, Binah is the will to form, the actual form takes place not in Binah but in Chesed. Like the Element of Water which receives but leaves the actual birth to someone else Binahs children will only see the light of day on the other side of the Abyss.

Binah represents Neshamah of the soul, the World of Briah, where individual potentials and powers are identified and specificated. It combines perception, realization and understanding, the first initiation of consciousness.

In the Tarot Binah is associated with the Threes and the Queens. The Three is the number associated with the manifestation of matter with matter being just about anything that is manifest. The Queens are the Mothers of their elements and Suits.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Binah:

Swords 3

» Sorrow «

Wands 3

» Virtue «

Cups 3

» Abundance «

Disks 3

» Work «


4. CHESED - Condensation, the power of growth and stability





- Mercy -

Forgiveness, Kindness

The fourth Spehirah Chesed is the beginning of manifestation, the externalization of the combined potencies of Kether, Chokmah and Binah. It is the first Sephira below the Abyss, the beginning of the Microprosopus as the realm of actual existance, the first manifestation of the human consciousness as it corresponds to Ruach - the intellectual mind.

Chesed is the central Sephirah in the Pillar of Mercy, situated directley under Chokmah. Emanated from Binah it is the son of those two Supernals, organising and preserving all of the power that was born by Binah from Chokmah's semen. It is the form that Binah had determined for existance and that now becomes actual and real.

Associated with Jupiter (Zeus), Chesed is a benevolent ruler whose name translates as 'kindness', it is the power of growth and expansion, stability and extension, willing to provide structure and stabilty. Kind of nature, it also represents charity and generosity.

In the Tarot Chesed is represented by the Fours and Four is its mystical number. We have seen that Kether is the point, Chokmah the line, Binah the two-dimensional plane, and as noted in the » Naples Arrangement the next figure in the order is the three-dimensional solid body. Hence the symbol assigned to Chesed is the pyramid, a tetrahedron which brings together four sides.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Chesed - the Fours:

Swords 4

» Truce «

Wands 4

» Completion «

Cups 4

» Luxury «

Disks 4

» Power «


5. Geburah - Movement and changing, the power of destruction





- Discipline -

Strenth, Power

Geburah is probably the least understood Sephirah in the Tree of Life, least appreciated in its mostly desastrous representation in the Fives in Tarot, quite often seen as the evil power destroying the harmonious stability of Chesed (in the Fours).

Yet Geburah is the inevitable counterbalance to Chesed and we must not view one of them without considering the second. True to the Principle of Polarity that already showed in the relation between Chokmah and Binah the same mutual balance exists between Chesed and Geburah, albeit on a lower arc in what is called the Ethical Triangle.

On the Pillar of Severity Geburah is placed directly under Binah and like Binah who binds and restricts the energies of Chokmah Geburah does the same to the powers of Chesed. And like above this is not just due to wanton rudeness but serves a purpose.

Geburah is the one sorting out the obsolete, the excess and the redundant, cuts down on the fruits of overabundance and superfluity and quite rudely 'cleans up the place'. Ruled by Mars which is responsible for its aggressive recklessness it also shows the Saturnial influence of its mother Binah, weighing the status quo achieved and preserved by Chesed against the judgement of time and deciding what can remain and what has to go. As painful as this can be it is still a necessity on our way to perfection.

When watching both Sephiroth as Kings, we see Chesed as the peaceful ruler sitting comfortably on his throne governing his expanding kingdom, while Geburah is the Warrior King in pure Spartanic tradition. Any trouble at the borders, any discrepancies within the realm, any signs of sloth here or neglect there and the Warrior King is up in arms putting things straight.

While Chesed prefers to sit back contentedly in what he has achieved Geburah is meant to move and change, never satisfied with any status quo, tearing old things down so that new things can be built, causing (temporarily) instability and imbalance as a result. We might be forgiven when we watch him as a pain in the .. err.. back yet we should not forget that we need him nonetheless.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Geburah - the Fives:

Swords 5

» Defeat «

Wands 5

» Strife «

Cups 5

» Disappointment «

Disks 5

» Worry «


6. TIPHARETH - Consciousness and harmony, the balance of the middle, beauty





- Beauty -

Love, Compassion

Tiphareth completes the Ethical Triangle in the Tree of Life, it is the balance and the equilibrium between Chesed and Geburah. Tiphareth has learned that the two seemingly so different kings - the benevolent ruler and the merciless Warrior King, are in fact one and the same, or as the Principle of Polarity would say: the two contrasting sets of qualities are actually just two aspects or phases of the whole.

This triad (Chesed, Geburah and Tiphareth) represents the concept of analysis. Chesed stands for the richdom of growth, Geburah as its quintessence exposes its faults and restrictions, and Tiphareth gets it all back to harmony, drawing the best out of both extremes.

Located in the middle of the Tree of Life, in the Pillar of Mildness which is also the Pillar of Consciousness, Tiphareth stands for the harmony of the middle, the beauty of itself, the consciousness reflecting on itself, having experienced both positive and negative heights and got out of it matured and wisened. It is the center of the Microprosopus.

Tiphareth is Kether on a lower arc and Yesod on a higher level. Watched from the higher planes of the Tree it is the child emanating from the spheres above, watched from the lower planes it is the King closest to the skies. As we will later see Tiphareth also provides a balance between Netzach and Hod.

The Sephirah Tiphareth stands for devotion - devotion for a higher spiritual purpose or devotion to whatever one may be concerned with. The planet associated with it is the Sun in all its beauty and glory.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Tiphareth - the Sixes and the Princes:

Swords 6

» Science «

Wands 6

» Victory «

Cups 6

» Pleasure «

Disks 6

» Success «


7. NETZACH - Creativity and anarchy, sensitivity





- Victory -

Perseverance, Persistence

With the seventh Sephirah Netzach we are entering the Astral Triangle, the realm of personality and our own consciousness. Netzach represents the instincts, the emotions caused by those, it is sensitivity and creativity on an instinctive, umconscious level.

The white light that shone so bright in Tiphareth is split into thousands of coloured rays in Netzach, almost like in a prism but yet unsorted, anarchic, flowing about in uncontrolled, ever-shifting shapes. Ruled by Venus which never was an influence known for order and practicability, Netzach is a peculiar sphere. It is located at the bottom of the Pillar of Mercy where, as we remember, all the growing, expanding and unrestricted powers arise. It reflects the Fire of the warlike Geburah through Tiphareth, providing even the Fire with Venusian splendour (we might think of Venus flattering around Mars here). It doubtlessly wants nothing but beautiful good and yet its direct manifestation in the Sevens of the Tarot are seldom good news.

As all the Sephirah in the Pillar of Mercy need their balancing counterpart in the Pillar of Severity Netzach rather badly needs Hod, the eight Sephirah. While Netzach is the uncontrolled instinct Hod is the conscious mind. Netzach is pure, archaic emotion and Hod is the rational intellect. Netzach is wavering, dissolutive anarchy while Hod is wellthought structure.

Netzach with its manifold, differing and confusing shades and facets is often considered the Sphere of Illusion when it is this very anarchic and emotional nature where illusion florishs. It is also called the Sephirah of Destiny, breaking out of the wellbalanced harmony of Tiphareth with neither care nor concern. Netzach is moving no matter what, it cannot stand still.

We need Netzach for in it lies all artistry, all passion, all emotion that makes our being worthwhile, but woe to us if the balance of Hod is missing.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Netzach - the Sevens:

Swords 7

» Futility «

Wands 7

» Valour «

Cups 7

» Debauch «

Disks 7

» Failure «


8. HOD - intellect and logic, structure





- Splendour -

Glory, Radiance, Openness

The counterbalance of the anarchic Netzach on the Astral Plane in the Tree of Life is Hod, the eigth Sephirah. While Netzach is the Force, Hod is the Form, providing organization and structure to the uncontrolled power of its counterpart from which it emanates. As a couple, Netzach and Hod are often referred to as 'time' and 'place'.

Like Netzach was reflected from Geburah through Tiphareth, Hod is reflected from Chesed through Tiphareth, representing its coagulating principle. Hod is also called the Sphere of Magic(k) since it is the sphere of the formulation of form, change imposed by will and intellect. Quite naturally it is also restriction and discrimination or - as Crowley's Eight of Swords so aptly put it - interference. You cannot form anything without restricting it in one way or the other, once you tame a wild thing its freedom is limited. This is the primary effect of any Sephirah on the Pillar of Severity hence its name.

Hod is ruled by Mercury and thus associated with Hermes aka Mercury aka Thoth, the god of wisdom and scripture. The Tarot as 'Book of Thoth' is referred to Hod as well as all language since both can be considered as carriers of messages and meanings. Hod is the conscious thinking, the intellectual logic and the rationality of mind. It is the explorer and scientist, the magician and researcher, but also the god of trickery and deceit. Just remember that Netzach is the Sphere of Illusion - what becomes of an illusion once it is rendered into servable portions?

Hod is quite often not much appreciated by people enthusiastically throwing themselfes into the 'mysteries of occultism' when its rather unmysterious rationalism seems so much less attractive than the iridescent fluidity of Netzach, yet without Hod one would be hopelessly lost in what is actually nothing but an unsorted mess of primeval instincts.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Hod - the Eights:

Swords 8

» Interference «

Wands 8

» Swiftness «

Cups 8

» Indolence «

Disks 8

» Prudence «


9. YESOD - Reflection and imagination





- Foundation -

Outcome, Result

In Yesod we find the equilibrium of the Astral Plane, the Sphere in which both Netzach and Hod find their balance and perfection. At first sight Yesod seems to be a contradictory Sephirah. At one side it is all fluidity, ruled by the Moon in a constant state of waxing and waning, of flux and reflux. On the other hand it is called 'the machinery' of the universe, being the receptable of all emanations of the other Sephirah above it on the Tree of Life, and the only transmitter of these emanations to Malkuth.

When we think of it it is not so contradictory as it appears. A machine has to move, at least something in it has to, in order to function. With no movement and rhythm whatsoever there is nothing the machine could empower. Unlike Netzach Yesod is no uncontrolled mess of instincts, it is the Sphere of reflection and imagination emanating from Hod, the wisdom and the structure. Yesod can be compared with a giant image gallery storing the images of past and present, of below and beyond, beautiful ones and ugly ones, soothing and frightening, dreams and nightmares. They're floating and shifting, moving like figures on an old silent movie screen.

And that's what they are considering that Yesod belongs to the Astral Triangle, the realm of illusion. With the Moon being seen as the ruler of the tides and thus Water Yesod is related to the Seas of Binah and in fact it can be also compared with a deep sea. And like the Moon who has no light of its own the light we see in Yesod is but a reflection of Tiphareth which lies above it on the Pillar of Mildness. Yesod is called the 'Vehicle of Life' because it is the vehicle that channels all life into Malkuth.

Given that Yesod receives all the emanations from above while securely resting in the Pillar of Mildness, also called the Pillar of Harmony, it is a very powerful Sephirah which in turn renders the Tarot cards assigned to it into powerful cards.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Yesod - the Nines:

Swords 9

» Cruelty «

Wands 9

» Strength «

Cups 9

» Happiness «

Disks 9

» Gain «


10. MALKUTH - the root, the origin, the Kingdom





- Kingship -

Finish, Realization

At the very bottom of the Tree of Life we find Malkuth, the Bride of Microprosopus, also called the Kingdom, the final phase of active manifestation. While Yesod is the machinery sorting and combining all emanations from the upper levels of the Tree, it is in Malkuth that these emanations finally find a solid base to materialize.

Malkuth is associated with Nefesh, the animal soul, and to Assiah, the world of making. It is in Malkuth were we are grounded and have our actual life, it is from Malkuth that we can look at the upper spheres at all. Being the very ground and body in which we are existent it is of utmost importance to our being, without Malkuth we simply would not be here at all. All spiritual exercise we will ever engage in has to be rooted and secured in our own Malkuth.

While Malkuth is securely anchored in the world of Assiah it combines all four elements in it, which becomes quite natural when we look at all life in and on our Earth. Take a little blade of grass for example.The grass itself is matter that is Earth, it was brought to life by the spark of vitality that is Fire, it is nurtured and fed by Water and it is Air in which it breathes. You could not take one of the elements away without destroying the being of this blade of grass, and it is likewise with all other life on Earth.

In the nice game of climbing the Tree of Life upwards and downwards in order to explore one's self, the desire is mostly focussed on the shining crown of Kether, believing that when the crown is reached the big goal is achieved. But, people forget that the biggest mystery is hidden in the own inside, and only very few have really seen the own Malkuth, let alone explored it.

See below the Tarot cards corresponding to Malkuth - the Tens and the Princesses:

Swords 10

» Ruin «

Wands 10

» Oppression «

Cups 10

» Satiety «

Disks 10

» Wealth «


[Source: Raven's Tarot Site]


[« top ]




(The Jester)

The Fool

[ » The Fool « ]

0. (XXII.) THE FOOL (The Juggler) - Mercury / Uranus - Neptune - Madness

The Fool personifies the child in us. Spontaneously represents a fresh start and an open-minded openness. The expression of playful, life-like carelessness shows that we are entering a new area of ​​our lives with astonishment, strong expectations and often without prior knowledge. It may also refer to the mood of a child, and therefore to carelessness, foolish naivety, playfulness, but it can also mean foolishness, or the simplicity of wise and humble insight, which we can only come at the end of a long and often arduous journey. The Fool can embody the copy, the blatant fraternity, but even the only honest court advisor as the king's alter native. In all cases, living in the present, expressing openness and spontaneous honesty, is always ready for new experiences.

Keywords: Openness, trust, risk-taking, loyalty to ourselves, freedom, independence, creativity, performance, leapfrogging, follow-up of the heart.

Advice: Instructions: You are ready for a new start, perhaps for a quality change. Let yourself go, take a break even if fear tries to hold you back again and again. Trust the voice of your heart.

Question: What do you have to do to get rid of it? What is the role of the "tiger of fear" in your life? How do you imagine the bold jump into something new? Where's your heart calling?

Proposal: If the answers are not clear to you, draw another cards.

Confirmation: Now I'm following my heart's suggestions. I'm open and I'm going wherever you may lead me.


Ji-King: 25. Wu Wang (The Innocence - The Unexpected)

Mythology: The Fool (Parcifal)

Keywords: openness, curiosity, spontaneity, insanity, guiding, defencelessness

Anyone who dares to enter the unkown is either fool or wise. One question is the first step towards the answer.


(The Magician)

The Magus

[ » The Magus « ]

I. THE MAGUS (The Magician) - Sun - Mercury - Will / Uranus - Neptune - Madness

The Magician symbolizes deity, skill, self-consciousness, and an active lifestyle. It indicates a period in which we can overcome difficult problems, with increased awareness and a vigilant wisdom to face challenges. Although this card represents the power of our consciousness, it does not express that emotions and other subconscious forces are negligible. On the contrary, the extraordinary power and efficiency exemplified by the Magus is based on the deep harmony between consciousness and subconsciousness. Only the resulting internal security can move mountains. The first human act of life is born from nothing, without experience and learning: this is the first instinctive creation. Spontaneous creation without goals and interests, in which one tries his strength and experiences his abilities.

Keywords: Mercury, communication, fun, easy communication with all possible forms of communication, flexibility, sharpness, genius

Advice: Brilliant capabilities are available to share with other people. It is an important task to find or create the right environment for your activity.

Questions: How talented are you? In which areas can your talent be found? In what ways, in what environment can you pass this on and share it with others?

Suggestion: Visualize your ideal location for your activity and write it down.

Revelation: The full expression of my creative power is filled with me and makes me happy and satisfied.


Ji-Ching: 1. Ch'ien (The Creator)

Mythology: The Creator (Daidalos)

Keywords: creativity, creativity, self-consciousness, flexibility, skill, action

You must go through the search for truth through reason and emotion.


(The Female Pope)

The Priestess

[ » The High Priestess « ]

II. THE HIGH PRIESTESS (Priestess / Female Pope) - Moon - Feeling

The High Priestess denotes unconscious power, tenderness, sensitivity, and often inexplicable but deeply rooted certainty. She is the key to the mysterious truth that cannot be approached with a logically thinking mind. She knows that the truth that can be spoken is never the eternal truth. Her clear side is the expression of patience, understanding, apology, goodness and forgiveness, as a helper, a healer, or a visionary for the power of the unconscious. But her shady side is the "dark nurse", the embodiment of the witch who uses the power of her spiritual power to seduce, paralyze or harm others. However, Tarot's interpretations emphasize only a friendly, helpful side.

Keywords: Moon, Road to Intuitive Forces, Healing, Independence, Internal Balance, Enhanced Self-Confidence

Advice: Now connected with your intuitive forces. Continue to develop them completely. Pay attention to your independence!

Question: Are there any areas in your life where you let others influence you, rather than relying on your own intuition?

Suggestion: Find water as often as you can. Meditate on water and learn as much as you can.

Revelation: I trust in my intuitive abilities.


Ji-Ching: 2. K'un (The Host)

Mythology: Queen of Heaven (Matriarchin, Creatrix, Initiatrix)

(Eurynome, Maya, Nut)

(Isis-Nephtys; Eva-Lilith; Inanna-Ereschkigal; Demeter-Persephone)

keywords: lunarism, compassionate power, power of our unknown powers, mystery, mystery

Knowledge comes from concentration, from prayer to concentration.


(The Empress)

The Empress

[ » The Empress « ]

III. THE EMPRESS - Venus - Taurus - Life

The Empress embodies the inexhaustible power of nature that always gives new life. It symbolizes vitality, fertility, development and new birth. He is the inexhaustible source of all life, indicates our creativity and responsiveness, our ability to absorb and rebuild new impulses. At the level of physical reality, growth and fertility, and at the artistic level, artistic creativity, spirituality and ingenuity at the intellectual level, and at the level of consciousness, the increase of cognition. The birth of a new constant is a constant change in our lives, and it means that we have to bear the pain of these births.

Keywords: Venus, beauty, love, motherhood, femininity, wisdom, the relationship of spirit and matter, inner and outer riches

Advice: The beauty that you see in others and that attracts them is the kind of beauty that you carry within yourself. You are on your way to exploring and developing your femininity. This may be the right moment to analyze and resolve unresolved mother conflicts.

Question: Is there a beautiful, strong woman in your life who you want to learn from?

Suggestion: Imagine the ideal woman for you. Describe your ideal properties. Try to find these qualities in others and in yourself. Surround yourself with beauty and abundance.

Revelation: I am filled with power and beauty.


Ji-Ching: 48. Qing (The Fountain)

Mythology: The Great Mother Queen (Innana, Istar, Anat, Astarte, Aphrodite, Demeter)

(Mother Earth: Gaia, Rhea)

Keywords: fertility, development, nature, vitality, vitality

The perfect bride is like the ideal mother. She is not a queen, but a queen, and her heart must be pounding with her own desires and not with others.


(The Emperor)

The Emperor

[ » The Emperor « ]

IV. THE EMPEROR - The Sun - Capricorn - Power

The Emperor symbolizes the structural element, stability, desire for security and continuity. It symbolizes our endeavor to isolate ourselves from natural conditions, from all their unpredictability. Even if we occasionally shoot too much at the target, it does not mean that we appreciate the positive sides of this often suspicious card. The Ruler also refers to our sense of order, common sense, discipline, responsibility, and pragmatic procedures, but also exaggerated in the form of stiffness, inanimateness, domination and a desire for steel power.

Keywords: Aries, Pioneering, Discovery, Leadership, Initiative, Creative Wisdom, Outstanding Leadership, Call to Action, Boldness, New Beginnings, Paternity, Authority, Tenderness, Desire for Adventure

Advice: This is the right moment for a change or a new beginning. Trust your own energy and move along with it.

Questions: What kind of revitalization do you need for your life? Are there any steps you want to climb upwards?

Suggestion: Examine yourself critically, especially regarding your relationship with your superiors and subordinates.

Revelation: I trust in my power, I serve, I serve.


Ji-Ching: 7. Shih (Army)

Mythology: The Patriarch (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob)

Keywords: responsibility, order, security, structure, continuity, stability

Authority comes from man, not from clothing. But he has to wear his clothes to be recognized.


(The High Priest)

The Hierophant

[ » The Hierophant « ]

V. THE HIEROPHANT - (High Priest / Pope) - Sun - Sagittarius - Knowledge

The Hierophant (High Priest) embodies the deep confidence in the world of faith and religious certainty. This interpretation is favorable in many respects because the power of trust it expresses applies to our own self-confidence, our belief in the deeper meaning of our lives, and our consequent belief in the future. The card is also a guide to ethics and virtue, as well as personal intentions derived from our moral values. The High Priest is one of the moral teachings of the tarot. Although not after the High Priestess, he still represents a similar line of thought. The High Priest is the mediator of spiritual content that moves away from the earthly life, and the High Priest represents a spiritual, abstract search for the great questions of life.

Keywords: Taurus, Spiritual Leader, Teacher, Counselor, Initiate, Inner Leader, Supreme Transformation, Spiritual Father

Advice: Finding yourself leads you to spiritual realms. This page may indicate a meeting with a spiritual master. Be open to meeting him!

Question: Is there a wise teacher (past or present) who you feel attracted to?

Suggestion: Immerse yourself in the teachings of spiritual teachers. Look for the presence of a teacher or teacher. Join groups for your personal growth. Be honest, open, and ready to embrace these groups. Listen to your heart's instructions.

Revelation: There is only one voice I need to listen to and it is the voice of my own heart.


Ji-Ching: 45. Cuj (The Assembly)

Mythology: The Wise (Cherion)

Keywords: wisdom, tradition, faith, religious certainty, protection, teaching

The True Man does not have to be afraid, especially not of himself.


(The Lovers)

The Lovers

[ » The Lovers « ]

VI. THE LOVERS - Venus - Jupiter; Venus - Mars - Love

This card combines two themes. It refers to significant love experiences, but also realizes that this requires a decision: to abandon the limits of our lives (parental home, bachelor life, flirting) and to commit ourselves to our love. Only this step will lead to the overwhelming experience of the Lovers Card. That's why this card was called the Decision Card earlier. It may also represent necessary decisions that have nothing to do with or have little to do with love. In this case, it means having to decide with full heart without resentment and leaving openings. Which of the two topics the card refers to depends on the background of the question asked. In all cases it represents the great, unscrupulous yes.

Keywords: Gemini, love, attraction, rapprochement, relationship, relationship, dissolution of contradictions in love, becoming conscious through human relationships

Advice: Pulling out this tab indicates a wonderful and stirring love affair. Your current relationship will either deepen or end. Your personal development and the integration of your own opposing aspects accompany your contact with a partner or group.

Question: What are you looking for in the ones you love? What does a satisfactory relationship entail for you?

Suggestion: Play Tarot with your partner. Use the card to learn more about your relationship. See Figure 7 under Methods.

Revelation: I'm ready to meet a partner I've been waiting for a long time.


Ji-Ching: 8. Pi (The Unity)

Mythology: The God of Love (D Aphrodite, Innana, Venus) (Eros, Cupid, Cupidus, Paris)

Keywords: love decisions, necessity decision, yes

When you are alone, you are not enough. Opposites have to come together to create something new.


(The Chariot)

The Chariot

[ » The Chariot « ]

VII. THE CHARIOT - Aries - Pursuit

The Chariot is a great leap forward. It shows that we get away from our usual environment and walk our own way. For this, the desire for freedom, the search for lost paradise, or simply our pursuit of purpose, is the driving force behind this. The Triumph of the Triumph is the only Tarot card that depicts this journey as hopeful and joyful. In all other cases, we say goodbye to the heart and fear. Here, however, it is a matter of feeble, disobedient advancement, entrepreneurship and risk-taking. The card shows great skill in driving the car, but it also reflects our inexperience in the unknown world. Therefore, we must also interpret it as a warning not to overestimate our own power, not to be euphoric. Let's see in time that we have a lot to learn.

Keywords: Cancer, New Beginnings, Good Change, Self-Examination, Meditation, Spiritual Path

Advice: The change ahead of you promises a fulfilling life for you. So be prepared and organize your relationships so far. There will be what you leave behind.

Question: What areas of your life are affected by change? Are you ready to close the old and pay attention to the new?

Suggestion: Find or create an environment of loving safety. Plan a shift or travel there. Now your body needs attention and purification.

Revelation: I am putting my life in order and getting ready to start over.


Ji-Ching: 4. Meng (Young Foolishness, Youthful Folly)

Mythology: The Sunshine (Phaeton, Ikarus, Bellerophon)

Keywords: breaking forces, pushing, pushing, hopeful departure, explosive force

Violence is the will of flesh dressed in metal. There is no protection against violence.


(The Justice)


[ » Adjustment « ]

VIII. ADJUSTMENT - (Justice) - Jupiter - Mars; Venus - Libra - Judgement

Keywords: Balance sheet, balance, focus, balance, balance of contradictions, truth

Advice: Notice the places in your daily life that tend to knock you out of your balance. Discover the circumstances in which you can find your harmony again. Carry this quality more and more as you do your daily activities.

Question: Who helps you reach your meditation center and stay there? What happens if you lose your focus?

Suggestion: Regularly devote time to some form of meditation that focuses you. Breathe in the Hara center (one palm above your navel) and gather your energy here.

Revelation: I am at peace with my own focus.


Ji-Ching: 21. Si Ho (The Cross Bite, Biting through)

Mythology: The Horse (Dike, Eunominia)

Keywords: judgment, balance, decent action, indestructible

No wrong can contaminate what is right. Be it good or bad, everything is doomed.


(The Hermit)

The Hermit

[ » The Hermit « ]

IX. THE HERMIT- Saturn - Aquarius - Wisdom

The Hermit is the card of retreat and turning into ourselves. It depicts an introverted phase of life, separating ourselves from foreign influences, so that we find ourselves again in peace and out of our zealous activity and, above all, ourselves. Thus, Remete refers to significant experiences in recognizing who we are, what we want and how we can achieve it. It combines two valuable extremes: the depth of experience and the high level of recognition. Many people are unfounded about this card. Fear of loneliness and abandonment only appears when they are misunderstood. Anyone who follows the call of Remete voluntarily enriches with light, strength and the happy experience that she can be alone.

Keywords: Virgo, finding our own inner light, moving inward, fertility, perfection, finishing, harvesting, being at peace in our inner center, wise leader

Advice: Accept your privacy! Don't worry about those who don't understand, who would rather you were part of the crowd. If you meet a wise leader or teacher, join him.

Question: Are there any open situations or relationships in your life?

Suggestion: Make a list of the situations you want to solve now or somehow end. Whoever starts out in search of inner light should not be burdened with unresolved conflicts. The profits must be lasting.

Revelation: I enjoy solitude. Whenever I want to end my loneliness, I relax.


Ji-Ching: 52. Ken (Keeping Still, Mountain)

Mythology: The Hermit (Nestor)

Keywords: wisdom, independence, retreat, turning inward, calm

Through his own power, one can take on a terrible figure as if he had an angelic vision.


(The Wheel)


[ » Fortune « ]

X. FORTUNE (The Wheel) - Saturn - Lesson

According to how we face our destiny, the card refers to our helplessness and helplessness or to the life experience that helps our development and maturation. At the level of events, the Whee of Fortune often shows situations that we are not able to influence yet. The descending side of the Wheel means that our plans simply fail, weather, road traffic, airport strike, revenge of objects, or other "higher power" destroys our plans. The Wheel of Fortune then shows that it is not (yet) time to realize our intention. In other places, the card in this case provides valuable guidance on how to get to the other, ascending side of the Wheel. This is lucky, pleasant, and even surprising.

Keywords: Jupiter; new beginnings, expansion, creativity, big breakthrough; self-realization; unexpected luck, growth

Advice: If there are no miracles in your life, then something is wrong! You're in for a big breakthrough! Take advantage of the moment.

Question: Are you really ready for great luck, wealth, success? Who's on your way?

Suggestion: Write down or list to someone you trust what luck means to you in this situation. Then make a list of everything that can prevent you from experiencing Fortuna now.

Revelation: I'm ready for the miracle of my life.


Ji-Ching: 50. Ting (The Cauldron)

Mythology: God of Fate (Tyche, Fortuna)

Keywords: time, destiny, experience, experience opportunity

Wisdom can be achieved by not allowing ourselves to suffer the suffering of the world. Wisdom can be found in continuous reflection.




[ » Lust « ]

XI. STRENGTH - (Force) - LUST (Crowley) - Lion - Lord

The Strength (Lust) Card, in a sense, has a relationship with the Magician. As there, there is a secret, deep, inner harmony as the basis of special power. While the power of the Magician is influenced by the harmony of conscious and subconscious forces, the power, courage and passion of this card expresses the reconciliation of civilized man with his own animal nature. This card makes it clear that we cannot hide our instinct behind pale virtues, but we must openly face the sometimes scary archaic forces in us, accepting them slowly, tame by gentle violence. In this way, we have not only these ancient forces available, but all our resources that have been used to suppress our instincts.

Keywords: Lion zodiac sign; passion, multidimensional creativity, talent, power, animal energy; overcoming old fears and innuendo

Advice: When you are ready to accept what you find within yourself, you will be able to go through all of it with deep sensitivity, alertness, love and understanding.

Questions: Which areas of your life do you want to live more fully? What has prevented you from doing so in the past? Are you ready to do this again?

Suggestion: Handle everything with greater alertness, awareness. Emotions such as love, sadness, pain, looseness or fear are often experienced as obstacles, simply because we have never learned to use them as potential energy.

Revelation: I totally enjoy life.


Ji-Ching: 26. Ta Chu (The Power of the Great Tamer)

Mythology: The Lioness (Hebe, Heba, Istara, Urduk, Kyrene)

Keywords: vitality, courage, pride, passion, passion, instinct

The weakness of a seemingly invulnerable enemy is manifested when we stop fleeing and surrender.


(The Hanged Man)

The Hanged Man

[ » The Hanged Man « ]

XII. THE HANGED MAN - Sun - Pisces 12th House - Compulsion

The superficial meaning of the Hanged Man is that we are stuck, we are in a dog clutch. However, looking deeper, the external immobility of this forced resting state is indispensable. It is also possible to change our world view and our whole life with in-depth analysis. This episode of condemnation can be characterized by the image of the disease, which is often indicated by the card. The other names of the 12th card are: the world set on his head, the crucified, the victim, the trial. The male figure on the card is upside-down, with two legs hanging by his feet. However, this uncomfortable posture makes it easy: the man crouches one of his legs playfully, holding a flute in his hand. This condition causes more joy than pain.

Keywords: congealment, ending a stuck situation or relationship, releasing, giving up, giving up, learning to see from a new perspective, the need to break old patterns of behavior

Advice: Now it is possible for you to recognize where you are stuck and which areas of your life are frozen. Nothing needs to be done. The mere fact that you have a clear sense of the reality around you will bring about a possible transformation.

Questions: In what areas is your life stuck? Are you ready to recognize and give up your petrified thoughts and behaviors?

Suggestion: Pull another card to see what awaits you after your surrender.

Revelation: I let go and understand, follow and accept in my life the divine will that is revealed to me step by step.


Ji-Ching: 12. P'i (The Stagnation, Slump)

Mythology: The Handcuffed Hero (Prometheus, Odin, Attis, Semchasai, Jonah)

Keywords: twist, inspiration, compulsion, captivity, profound turn

Everything is hidden behind something else. We have to go up and down to liberate ourselves.




[ » Death « ]

XIII. DEATH - Saturn 8th House - The Border

Death means farewell, the great release, the end. At the same time, it is preparing the new way of coming; the card itself, however, primarily exposes us to the end. Within this, it may mean the long-awaited, liberating ending, but it may of course also refer to our most painful experiences. Unlike the Swords, which is a voluntary and thus premature end, this card always marks the natural end and the time has come to let go of something. Death is unreasonably one of the dreaded cards. Those who wear pink glasses will only interpret the card as their new messenger and want to deprive us of the profound experience of farewell and the associated life-long experience.

Keywords: Scorpio, death and rebirth, transformation, scorpion-snake eagle, liberation from old temptations, external changes, passing away, renewal

Advice: Are you ready to make the necessary changes in your life? Accept the suffering that can accompany getting rid of old things.

Qusetion: What kind of situation or relationship do you have that you have over time?

Suggestion: "Die before you die." This ancient Sufi saying warns us to learn the art of death. As long as we have any fear of death or any fear of complete remission, we cannot live life to the full. Every attachment, any "no", prevents us from becoming a part of the natural flow of Life.

Revelation: Every attachment, any rejection, prevents my life from going naturally. Now I say yes to Death, yes to Life, yes to myself.


Ji-Ching: 59. Huan (Unlocking, Dispersion)

Mythology: The Sons of the Night (Sons of Nyx; Thanatos and Hypnos)

Keywords: border, end, parting, farewell

The evil which we all carry within ourselves.




[ » Art « ]

XIV. TEMPERANCE (Balance) - ART (Crowley) - Venus - Harmony

This card is the healthy counterpart of the next Devil (XV) card, who is the embodiment of incapacity. Harmony, balance, calmness and spiritual peace are the hallmarks of Measurement. This means a happy experience of health and spiritual balance, that is, we treat ourselves well, we love ourselves and therefore live in harmony with our environment. Depending on the background of our question, it may mean healing or recovery. This card is an expression of a state of equilibrium, the creation of which presupposes the balancing and temperamental ability of man. In this life situation, one tries to find a realistic middle ground between his desires and possibilities.

Keywords: Sagittarius, reconciliation of contradictions, balance, inner change, transformation, alchemy, creative power, quality change

Advice: The Art Card is a challenge to look inside, inviting you to turn inward. At this stage of the unification of opposites, the transformation process does not tolerate any new impulse or impetus from the outside. In order to find the hidden stone, the diamond, you have to look inside.

Question: What kind of contradictions do you want to reconcile in yourself or in your life now?

Suggestion: Close your eyes and imagine a source of energy in your body, a fountain. Take a little bath at this rejuvenating price.

Revelation: I surrender myself to the transforming forces of love. I'm an open channel for creative energy.


Ji-Ching: 15. Ch'ien (Modesty, Humility)

Mythology: The Divine Order (Nemesis)

Keywords: balance, order, moderation, correct measure

Small actions can bring great results, so you should never give up hope.


(The Tempter)

The Devil

[ » The Devil « ]

XV. THE DEVIL - Pluto - Disorder

Depending on the nature of all the Tarot cards, the Devil is the most difficult to grasp because it shows a different face to everyone. In his experiences, the common feature is the addiction, the willlessness, the failure of good intentions, and the actions that contradict our conviction.The Devil corresponds to the Dark Side of many Tarot Cards: Unlike Magus (I), he is the Black Magician. Part of the dark side of the High Priestess (II), he is the hypocrite of the High Priest (V), the admirer of the material world; He embodies the unbridled greed of Lust (XI), he is the opposite of Temperance (XIV), the inferiority, he dominates the other parts of the Moon (XVIII). As haunting, of course, it often appears in an attractive form. The card shows that we are playing with the fire and we have to pay attention to hell (!) to avoid burning ourselves. At a deeper level of interpretation it means that we have to face our own shady side of the question.

Keywords: Capricorn, creative energy, procreation, humor, sensuality, sexuality, creative energy, individuality

Advice: There may be people who look at you like a demon who claim to be Satan. Approach them with humor and ease. Accept what life gives you. Keep yourself straight! Stay on Earth!

Question: Do you have a wish or desire that you do not recognize yourself?

Suggestion: Sit comfortably for meditation. Listen to your breathing. Imagine that with every exhale a stalk grows out of your spine and penetrates deep into the middle of the earth, it happens quickly. Now feel that every breath you breathe has earth energy flowing into you. Fills your whole body. Then look at the top of your head. Open in front of the golden yellow cosmic energy. Feel as you blend in with earth energy and fill your body.

Revelation: I am the master of my life.


Ji-Ching: 36. Ming Ji (Darkening of the Light)

Mythology: The Haunting (Shemachasai, Azazel, Helel, Samael, Lucifer, Satan)

Keywords: disharmony, chaos, volatility, addiction, failure, darkness

Evil also comes from the pleasure of evil, but man is not born of this pleasure.


(The Tower)

The Tower

[ » The Tower « ]

XVI. THE TOWER - Uranus / Saturn - Change

The Tower shows that the walls raised around the perceived security are suddenly swirling. It is usually about structures and dimensions that have become too narrow for us. This can affect our beliefs and principles as well as our professional and financial security ideas, not least our friendly and other personal relationships. In any case, the tower represents a concept that has previously provided us with benevolent security, perhaps even a defense, but from which we have now grown. Usually surprising experiences, sometimes sparkling ideas that ruin the old concept. Since this is primarily about the perceived base of our security, these sudden changes are often seen as disasters. Only after the first shock is over is we relieved that we have been freed from the old burden. This breakthrough can be triggered either by our own recognition or by an external event.

Keywords: Mars, profound transformation, healing, old destroys to make room for new, spiritual renewal, self-knowledge

Advice: In the middle (or threshold) of an extremely intense transformation process, or. Whatever is lost or shaken in you serves to purify it and give room for something new. Let go!

Question: Are you ready to look at yourself and your life in a different way?

Suggestion: Observe yourself in your daily life. Some situations may seem to be repeated, but you will not repeat the old, restrictive patterns of behavior.

Revelation: Everything in my life is for the best, for my benefit.


Ji-Ching: 51. Chen (The Exciter, The Arouser, The Thunder, The Shaking)

Mythology: Self-Destruction (Menetekel, Kronos, Jericho, Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah)

Keywords: sudden outburst, pendulum, collapse, sudden change in disaster

The once beautiful ruins are now inhabited by devils.


(The Star)

The Star

[ » The Star « ]

XVII. THE STAR - Jupiter 11th House - Faith

The Star is a card of discovery of hope, wisdom, and deeper relationships. It shows that we are designing or launching dogs that go far into the future and whose positive development can be rightly hoped for. At this early stage, we are often not yet aware of the far-reaching effects of our actions. It is only by looking back at the events that it becomes clear to us how decisive the change of direction the Star was at that time. As the greening of sowing, the recognition of the results of this action also takes time. The traditional interpretation considers Star as one of the three protective cards, which promises joyful success.

Keywords: Aquarius, stimulation, crystallization, self-knowledge, radiance, clairvoyance, self-confidence, relation to universal intelligence

Advice: Let your star rise and stay in touch with the earth. Trust your environment and try to find ways to share it with others. It will be a test of what you achieve and will be recognized.

Question: Is your current activity completely satisfactory?

Suggestion: Make sure you do your best to bring your ideas to fruition.

Revelation: The creative power of my imagination and my connection to the all-encompassing consciousness show me how to realize my thoughts.


Ji-Ching: 61. Chung Fu (The Inner Truth)

Mythology: The God of Knowledge (Saturn ♄, Binah, Sophia, Isis)

Keywords: trust, hope, vision, seeing deeper relationships

The beauty of the whole sky lies in the details.


(The Moon)

The Moon

[ » The Moon « ]

XVIII. THE MOON - Moon - Scorpio - Deep Vision

The Moon card guides you into the darkness and the night, into the mysterious worlds of the soul, showing our beliefs, desires, and dreams. The bright side of the moon denotes romantic dreaming, vivid fantasy and highly sophisticated sensitivity. Still, the card shows the dark side, the depths of the soul. It symbolizes our fears, insecurities, nightmares, dark conjectures, the horror of the invisible, elusive things, and the shiver. We feel this fear when we pass through the night forest, which we cut through in the daytime, but in the dark it teaches fear. It may also be the fear of old-time demons that have been given a new name in our enlightened age: bacteria, virus, milirem, becquerel, lead-contaminated air, acid rain.

Keywords: Pisces, Final Trial, Bad Turns, Illusion, Delusions, Karma Fulfillment, Facing the Unconscious, Threshold for New Levels of Consciousness

Advice: You heard an unknown call. You're on the brink of new experiences. Listen to the voice of your heart. Examine carefully and calmly the opportunities available for your help and guidance.

Questions: Which inner areas do you feel strange, alien, or unknown? Where are your blind spots? What experiences are you most afraid of?

Suggestion: Meditate regularly! Choose a technique that is comfortable with this and practice it daily for at least three months. Pay attention to the quality of your thoughts, your imaginations and occasionally write, paint or draw them. Listen to your night dreams as well.

Revelation: It is darkest just before dawn.


Ji-Ching: 29. K'an (Depth, Abyss)

Mythology: The Ascension (Pluto ♇, Teseus, Orpheus, Odysseus, Heracles, Psyche, Aeneas)

Keywords: dark knowledge of the fundamentals of the soul, underworld, occult knowledge, vivid imagination

The fantasies we devote ourselves to, divert us from the path.


(The Sun)

The Sun

[ » The Sun « ]

XIX. THE SUN - Sun 5th House - Illumination

The Sun card is the embodiment of great joy of life, vitality, warmth and confidence. It also means the enlightening power of consciousness, with which we get a clear picture and overcome our troubles, irritating factors and our ghostly fears. It gives you youthful freshness and a feeling of rebirth. It symbolizes the sunny side of life. At a deeper level of interpretation, he calls for us to overcome the darkness, unfold our sunny nature, redeem our dark brother or sister, helping the light.

Keywords: Sun, High Level Creative Energy, Awareness, Fulfilled Love Relationship, Wisdom, Spirituality, Transformation, Spirituality

Advice: Your wishes can be fulfilled here and now. Relax and give yourself a dance. True companions find each other.

Question: What kind of task or plan is waiting for implementation?

Suggestion: Visualize the light and warmth of the sun in your chest and heart. Remind yourself several times a day for the next few days that the sun is shining through and through you.

Revelation: I am in harmony with the divine Light that fills and guides me.


Ji-Ching: 24. Fu (The Return - The Turning Point)

Mythology: The Sun God (Ra, Helios, Sol) (Gilgames, Parcifal)

Keywords: Discovery, Joy, Vitality, Creativity, Playful Fun, Warmth, Confidence

The reality we devote to others illuminates the path.


(The Aeon)

The Aeon

[ » The Aeon « ]

XX. THE JUDGMENT (Rebirth) - AEON (Crowley) - Jupiter / Uranus - Sun; Aquarius - Freedom

The Judgment card is easily misunderstood if we start from its name. The punishment, the damnation, and consequently the fear and fright, are the main reasons for the judgment, especially the final judgment here. The meaning of the card, however, can only be interpreted on the basis of its symbols and the underlying spiritual and mythological images. The resurrection depicted here illustrates the captivating experience of salvation, showing the liberation of the things that have been buried or detained so far, that the divine stands out from the darkness of the prisons and comes to light. This proves the happy meaning of the card. By becoming self, it represents the decisive step of a successful process of alchemical change that creates a higher order from the lower order. At the ordinary level, it means all forms of liberation: liberation from troubles, necessity, ungrateful situations and relationships, inhibitions and shyness. It may also refer to the real "treasure" of our card's intention.

Keywords: good judgment, open to criticism, critical self-analysis

Advice: You have been invited to break your "Frog perspective" to take things from a higher level. As you recognize longer time spans and other relationships (which you are increasingly ready to do), you will tend to become more aware of things in your own existence: to see without estimates.

Question: What methods will you follow to gain deeper insight and greater wisdom?

Suggestion: Meditate on the following statement: Belief in injustice and unhappiness is a sign of ignorance.

Revelation: God is the Unknown, the Mysterious. The more I know that I do not know, the closer I am to the Divine.


Ji-Ching: 40. Hsieh (The Liberation, Deliverance)

Mythology: The Liberation (Innana, Osiris, Orpheus, Odysseus, Herakles, Psyche, Aeneas)

Keywords: liberation, dissolution, redemption, enlightenment

To move forward in the future, we must end everything that came from our past.


(The World)

The Universe

[ » The Universe « ]

XXI. THE UNIVERSE - (The World) - Jupiter - Pisces / Jupiter - Saturn - Happiness

The World (Universe) card shows the newly found unit, the experience of profound harmony and the joyful completion of a development process. Words to grab the beauty of this card would be to put a happy end on an emotional story. During the hero's journey, he represents the happy ending, the newly found Paradise, which simply means to achieve our goal in everyday life. Rarely, this is the real purpose of our life, but it is usually an important intermediate station. At the level of our external experiences, we have found our place in the world, the place we really belong to. In the field of our spiritual experiences, the card of the world refers to the fact that we have made a significant and even decisive step towards becoming ourselves, our true credibility, our own fullness. It is a happy time for events, in which we enjoy our existence openly and with full vitality. It may also mean that we care or travel internationally.

Keywords: Saturn, completion, cosmic union, liberation from bondage, closure of karma

Advice: It is now possible to see things as they really are. The color is right for a fresh start or a favorable finish. The events of your life are in harmony with the universe.

Questions: Which aspects of your life are those that are time to get rid of? Is there any travel or business that would start this?

Suggestion: Trust Your Perceptions! Make a list of any unfinished situations that you can solve.

Revelation: I am one with the Universe!


Ji-Ching: 55. Feng (Abundance)

Mythology: The Paradise

Keywords: unity found, happy end, happy end, getting to goal

We need to be able to accept everything about ourselves, everything in the shade and in the light.

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The Suit of Swords

The Swords represent the Element of Air, the world of Yetzirah, Ruach in soul.

Yetzirah is the world of formation, of synthesis and analysis, where the amorphous flames of Atzliuth and the subconscious emotions of Briah are analysed, seperated and formulated. It refers to Ruach, the spirit of human intellect and consciousness of mind.

So the Swords represent the qualities of intellect and rationality, but also to every considerated achievement like culture, science, philosophy or any ongoing process that later ends up as 'history'. This almost explains by itself why the Swords can be blessing and malediction the same time.

From their elemental dignities, Swords do not harmonize too well with Disks when the airy spirits have not much patience with the passive stillness of the Earth. The get along well with both Wands and Cups.


Some thoughts over Swords

It might not be the most usual sight to see the suit of the Swords attached to Uranus, and in the beginning of my studies I usually grabbed for Mercury or Mars just because everybody else did. But, the more I thought about the Swords, and the more I began to see them against the background of nowadays, I began to notice that there was much more behind it than just intellect and aggression - it was science and revolution.

In most writings, the Swords are stigmatized as the 'agressive, difficult' suit. This is somewhat understandable when considering the fact that a sword is a weapon and implies the association to war. Intellect usually is attached to coldness, and science is not the most pleasant thing to deal with, either. Long ago, science was damned because it had a nasty habit of ridiculing dogma and belief. Nowadays it is damned for it revealing the embarrassing fact that mankind's ethics and mental processes are limping along some seven centuries behind its scientific progress.

Uranus is the planet of change and revolution, independence and new inventions, usually attached to the Tower (sudden realisation, destruction), and also symbolizing the Fool (innocent spirit) and the Devil (anarchy of mind).

All this fits to the Swords, especially today. Einstein was a 'Fool', swooping down on all and sundry from the clouds when he noticed that people had found nothing better to do with his great work than to build a bomb with it. Almost all physicists are, complaining about the sad fact that the only way to receive more research funding is to work for the defense industry in one manner or another.

Then, there is the revolution of Uranus, the destruction of the Tower. Science today is far more revolutionary than ever before.

We lived so happily in our Newtonian world, relying on the divine truth that an apple is an apple and will fall down on the ground when moved by a power. And today? We can't even be sure what an apple is anymore. What exactly is the difference between us and the apple when both are nothing but a mass of spinning particles that accidentally happen to form such figures as an apple, or a mountain, or a washing machine or a human being? Our comforting view of time got cracked by a twin paradox, our trust in Einstein sabotaged by the EPR experiment and we desperately strain the limits of our sorely limited imagination in order to figure a Mobius strip in four-dimensional-space.

And finally, there is the Devil, the anarchic scientist, uneffected by fear and doubt, with no beliefs, no religions, ever able to freely and uncompromising go on his way.

The suit of the Swords is not at all a 'bad' suit, nor are the Swords dangerous, difficult or aggressive. We cannot blame them for the way we are.

[Source: Raven's Tarot Site]

  [ » TAROT & ELEMENTS « ]

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(The Knight of Swords)

Swords Knight

[ » Knight of Swords « ]

THE KING OF SWORDS - (Knight of Swords) - Mercury - Gemini - Craftsmanship

The King of Swords represents the masculine side of the Air Element. The power of the clever, quick, brainwashed mind that appears here in its ingenious, witty, versatile, contradictory, even ironic and cunning manner. This ability makes it possible to recognize, understand, analyze, logically follow, abstain, calculate and calculate things, to circumvent and understand problems from all sides. If these forces take control, their dark side is revealed: reasoning, emotional coldness, corrosion, cynical criticism, duality, butterfly-like variability.

Keywords: airy fiery aspect, goal oriented, ambition, passion, ambition, flexible thinking

Advice: You are in a good position to set up plans, set goals, and make them fruitful.

Questions: Do you know your purpose? What if you reach it once? Will you enjoy it?

Suggestion: Imagine how you will be most happy with your success.

Revelation: I am aware of my purpose and know what I am doing to achieve it. Each goal is only a milestone on the road to my final destination.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Cunning (Odysseus, Sisyphos)

Keywords: witty, skilled, cunning, tricky

The calm power of reasoning is unstoppable like a storm.


(The Queen of Swords)

Swords Queen

[ » Queen of Swords « ]

THE QUEEN OF SWORDS - Sun - Aquarius - Independence

The Queen of Swords represents the female form of the Air Element. It displays wisdom, alertness, independence, richness and quick understanding. It expresses our ability to solve problems with the help of reason, and to achieve a higher level of knowledge without losing our ideas or mardos. In contrast to the older interpretation of the card, which saw only the wicked woman or, in the best case, the widow in the Queen of the Swords, the motif of the paper is the woman's (or male's) side, who frees herself from her dependence on the power of her mind. There are only a few cases where the shaded side of the card should be taken into consideration, the queen of ice, whose charming charm lies behind the calculated coolness and almost invincible distance.

Keywords: water aspect of air, discarding old masks and roles, lightness, intellectuality, objectivity, logic, purity, rationality

Advice: You are on a path where you are increasingly breaking away from old roles and behaviors. It can be a painful experience, but it's worth it! The light you are getting into is liberating.

Questions: What are the roles that you most easily and most often hide behind? Are you ready to throw them away?

Suggestion: Observe yourself in different roles. Some of you will continue to play, but now with greater awareness. You will play these until you identify with them.

Revelation: My only duty in life is to remain true to myself.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Independents (Atalanta)

Keywords: independence, individuality, alertness

There is only consolation in threat, no answers.


(The Prince of Swords)

Swords Prince

[ » Prince of Swords « ]

THE KNIGHT OF SWORDS - (Prince of Swords) - Saturn - Venus - Harshness

The Knight of Swords indicates an atmosphere of frost, hardness, deceit, strife and controversy that can spoil pleasant areas of life so far. Although cooling can result in clear vision and common sense, usually the negative side of the air element of the card is detected. This can mean a cool distance, debates on the tip of the knife, pity, corrosion, and bitter irony. That is why the Knight of Swords is often a precursor of divorce, strife, sharp hassles and thoughtful humility.

Keywords: airborne aspect of the air, creative thinking, cutting through all complex, backward issues, getting rid of limited thoughts and models, clear perception

Advice: Free your mind and soul from all barriers. But be sure that you express your thoughts and plans so that others can understand them. Accept their opinions humbly. Your thoughts may be ahead of your age, but you can adjust them to the situation so that your vision works in the present without sacrificing anything.

Question: What beliefs, feelings, relationships, or programmed thoughts do you allow you to limit?

Suggestion: Make a list of the factors that limit your life, either internally or externally, and choose the ones you want to get rid of now.

Revelation: The limits of my creative potential are only those in which I believe in myself.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Boreas

Keywords: coldness and hardness

A sword does not turn a baker into a warrior.


(The Princess of Swords)

Swords Princess

[ » Princess of Swords « ]

THE PAGE OF SWORDS - (Knave / Princess of Swords) - Mars 3rd House; Mars - Mercury - Debate

The Princess (Page) of the Swords, like the other little ones, means an impulse, opportunity or experience coming from outside. In the case of the Princess of the Swords, this impulse sometimes illuminates things, touches it as a fresh breeze, and suddenly we see it clearly, help us analyze and understand complex relationships. Usually, however, it also denotes conflict, strife, or even a quarrel ending with a break. In this sense, he warns us that we should observe the clouds that carry hail in time, or that the conflict that arises should not be increased unnecessarily, but rather mitigated through clearer discussions.

Keywords: earthly aspect of the air, bringing clouds to light, victory over your mood, rebellion

Advice: Your thoughts and insights can sometimes break down "holy" altars. Do not allow yourself to be buried by rising debris. Don't let your moods rule you. Stay true to your true ideals.

Questions: What old altars are present in your environment, in your life? Do you have the courage to destroy these?

Suggestion: Look inside yourself to see if your rebellion is rooted in love.

Revelation: My rebellion is positive, constructive and creative.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Debaters (…)

Keywords: debate, unevenness

The smaller the enemy, the greater his anger.


(The Ace of Swords)

Swords 1

[ » Ace of Swords « ]

THE ACE OF SWORDS - Mercury - Mars / Mercury - Jupiter - Decisiveness

Every Ace embodies the inherent chances of us. The Sword of Sword corresponds to the principle of higher intelligence, which here leads to light, clarity and determination with the power of knowledge. In contrast to the next card (Kardsok Two), which expresses the disruptive power of doubt, the power of intellect appears here in a way of exploration, clarification, and liberation. The sharp mind penetrates to the root of the problem by analyzing it, not losing sight of it, not talking to the brain, not bagatellizing it.

Keywords: spiritual purity, original thinking, brilliant thinking ability, divine inspiration, spiritual purity

Advice: Your current illumination is a great opportunity for your business. You will be able to recognize certain facts and name things that others would rather sweep under the rug. This is a great responsibility on your part. Be sure you do not heartily express your good insights. But when you are in full contact with Love, use your sword, do not spare yourself or others.

Question: What supports and blocks your lightness?

Suggestion: Meditate on the following statement: “The truth you say has no past or future. It's just there and that's all you need to have it. "

Revelation: I trust my pure senses.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Finals (Sándor Nagy)

Keywords: sharpness, decisiveness, recognition, appearance of a higher sense

You can't fly after your own weaknesses.


(The Peace)

Swords 2

[ » Swords 2 - Peace « ]

THE TWO OF SWORDS - PEACE - Moon - Gemini - Doubt

The card shows stubborn, desperate, insane situations. It refers to the desperate attempt to make a clear attitude and decision on the intellectual plane. Actual conviction can only be achieved if our findings are emotionally well-founded. The subconscious area symbolized by the sea and the moon on the card is unattainable to us. The swords crossed, the limitations of the intellect cut the way. This shows the bad situation that we get into when we strive hard for clarifying recognition without having to listen to the inner voice. The Sword is the opposite of the High Priestess (II) card. A common motif is the sitting position of the figures. Blue tones depicting the intuitive power of the High Priestess fall into the background of this card. The background of the person is gray, which perhaps expresses the fuzziness of the thought, the indecision, the "gray theory". In the tale, the wolf is often embedded in the fairy tale of doubt.

Keywords: Moon in Libra, inner peace, decision-making, decisions on relationships or situations that result in peace.

Advice: Inner peace is a special donation. Watch out for it, but never try to cling to it too much.

Question: Which areas of your life are of particular interest to you? Now you can make the right decisions.

Suggestion: Take time to relax deeply. You're in a good position to examine your past, your present, and your future. Write down your insights.

Revelation: My heart is filled with deep peace.


Ji-Ching: 38. K'uei (The Opposite, Opposition)

Mythology: The Unbelievers (Tamás Faith)

Keywords: internal doubt

Battle makes us what we fight against.


(The Sorrow)

Swords 3

[ » Swords 3 - Sorrow « ]

THE THREE OF SWORDS - Sorrow - Mars - Moon - Consistency

The Three of Swords card, based on its pictorial meaning, can be easily interpreted unilaterally and hastily as a painful experience, especially as a depiction of love sorrow. This is an important aspect of the card, but not the main thing. The Three of Swords is above all a decision made in spite of emotions. To refer to this action, or to liberation, can only be judged on the basis of the background of the question and the interpretation of the other cards. If tyrannical intelligence suppresses emotions, the card's message should be considered. However, when we release the power of addiction and the bondage of dubious habits, it refers to a painful but necessary step.

Keywords: Saturn in Libra, annoyances, doubts, lack of light, lethargy, jealousy, depression, tripartite obsession, troubles, uncertainty, anxiety

Advice: This page prompts you to make clear, unambiguous decisions. This is the only way to rebalance the balance (equiibrium).

Question: What are some decisions you find difficult or difficult to make?

Suggestion: Use the Tarot to reveal what your decisions are. Drag another tab that will show what awaits you when facing your problems.

Revelation: Every problem has its own solution.


Ji-Ching: 23. Po (The Crack, Splitting apart)

Mythology: The Consequences (Abraham, Antigone)

Keywords: hurt feelings, painful experiences, decisions made despite our feelings

Whoever does not show both hands does not show his heart.


(The Truce)

Swords 4

[ » Swords 4 - Truce « ]

THE FOUR OF SWORDS - Armistice - Saturn 5th-6th House - Disabled

The Four of Swords is the card of "stoppage", the inhibition of activity, the card of restraint. In this respect, it resembles the Hanged Man (XII), who is different from being more event-oriented: the obstacles and difficulties shown here are more tangible and understandable, and can go without requiring a change in our lives. Especially in the case of illness, the meaning of the card is clear, and it may also refer to it. Unfolded from our activities and forces us to rest. Whether or not we are suffering from the resignation depends on us, or we use the excellent opportunity to calm ourselves. It means that although we can use the resting phase as a meditative break, we do not want to.

Keywords: Jupiter in Libra, tranquility, focus, mental purification, integration, expansion, expansion, balance, clarity

Advice: Your inner purity is enough to successfully complete your plans. Always be sure that what is happening makes you feel good.

Question: What supports and blocks your lightness?

Suggestion: Take control of your environment and rearrange it to keep you calm and focused.

Revelation: I live in peace with myself.


Ji-Ching: 9. Xiao Ch'u (The Tendering Power of the Little, Attention to detail)

Mythology: The Known Heroes (Arthur, Barbarossa)

Keywords: obstruction, illness

Don't be afraid to face your own sword.


(The Defeat)

Swords 5

[ » Swords 5 - Defeat « ]

THE FIVE OF SWORDS - Defeat - Mars - Scorpio - Destruction

The Five of Swords is the most common card in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. It refers to fierce conflict, disagreements, under-belt shocks, nonsense and humiliation. At the same time, the card leaves open the question of whether evil hate comes from us, or if we are trapped, we are the victim. Only the other cards that are embedded can provide more information. The Five of Swords always marks a "victory of Pyrrhos", where the winner will not be happy for long.

Keywords: Venus in Aquarius, fear of loss or failure, fear of awkward situations or experiences

Advice: Drawing this card indicates that you are ready to see your fear of failure. Fear is irrational and does not necessarily reflect reality. By recognizing this, you are releasing all the energies that your fear has tied up. If you are afraid that control is slipping out of your hands, remember that feeling that you are in control is just an illusion! By seeing, understanding, accepting and releasing your fear, you will be free.

Question: What do you think of "failure"?

Suggestion: Write down the answer to the question above or tell someone you trust. If the old wounds break, let them feel the pain. Only in this way can the wounds heal.

Revelation: I accept and release my fear.


Ji-Ching: 6. Sung (The Strife, Conflict)

Mythology: The Gods of War (Ares, Eris, Styx)

Keywords: destructive power, cowardice

One sword weapon, more than one sword is already packed.


(The Science)

Swords 6

[ » Swords 6 - Science « ]

THE SIX OF SWORDS - Science - Mars 4th House - Mercury 9th House - Suffering

The Six of Swords always indicates change, through which we reach a new shores. As the card of setting off on the road, the hero's happy start, the Chariot (VII) and the heavy-hearted journey, is located between the Eight of Cups. In the case of the Six of Swords, it depends to a great extent on ourselves whether the indicated change makes us curious, whether we find it attractive, or causes fear. In any case, we are about to get out on a new shore, and we have to leave the old shore without knowing what will be there. Accordingly, it indicates the pain of farewell, the uncertainty, the fears and the troubles, but it also represents an excited curiosity that we look to the future. It is important to know that the unknown land to which we are directing our ship does not necessarily mean leaving our relations so far, it can indicate the internal step: stepping into a new area, taking over the rules of the unknown so far, getting to know an unusual way of life, meeting other cultures and religions. Crossing the water in the Ji Ching and myths always symbolizes the transition from the multitude to the unity.

Keywords: Mercury in Aquarius, analytical skills, ability to unite thoughts, all-round vision, all-inclusive understanding, objectivity

Advice: You can sense it at different levels and from different perspectives. Understanding things connects many different aspects.

Question: Where are templates in your life, and what are they?

Suggestion: Trust your insights. Communicate in a way that others understand. Allow the rose to open.

Revelation: The rose of knowledge blossoms in my heart.


Ji-Ching: 3. Chun (The Initial Difficulty, Problems At The Beginning)

Mythology: The Crossings (Gilgames, Moses)

Keywords: get started, search

When you whip someone, he runs as far as he can.


(The Futility)

Swords 7

[ » Swords 7 - Futility « ]

THE SEVEN OF SWORDS - Falsehood - Mercury - Greed

The Seven of Swords card shows the mystery of the Magician (I), the golden background in them. The power of recognition and clear-minded sharp sense appear in a negative way: in the form of cunning, insidiousness, humility, and fraud. In a more innocuous sense, the card is marked by boredom and refinement, the stamina, "don't look", "don't notice" or "hang out". It is not clear at all that who is going to play, whether to play the role of a thief or a prey. Usually we are the perpetrators.

Keywords: Moon in Aquarius, discouragement, despair, unsteadiness, fear of existence, negative expectations

Advice: Your fears have nothing to do with reality! Wake up and see what is really happening!

Questions: In what areas of your life do you reduce yourself to your own limiting thoughts? What are your restrictive belief systems?

Suggestion: Pull another tab on this question: What will my life be like when I get rid of my doubts?

Revelation: I have all the practices and tools I need to get what I want most.


Ji-Ching: 44. Kou (Going Ahead, Coming to meet)

Mythology: The Thieves (Hermes)

Keywords: cunning, cheating, filth, dishonesty

A battle trophy for someone who has never fought.


(The Interference)

Swords 8

[ » Swords 8 - Interference « ]

THE EIGHT OF SWORDS - Intervention - Saturn 4th House - Obstruction

The Eight of Swords card shows that we do not allow an important part of our being to live. In this sense, it often expresses inhibitions and prohibitions that are almost always self-induced, but which we prefer to project to our environment. The typical "Yes, but ..." attitude, which Reverend Ike writes in his famous speech: "I'd like to do this or that, but ...", "I'd love to be this or that, but ..." if this or that could be mine, but ... "In all cases we have only our own" but "idea and what we want to do, own or become. The card calls for recognition that restrictions, hardships and prohibitions do not originate from the outside world but reflect our own internal fears and inhibitions. The Eight of Swords in any case means that we are pushing something of value. Of course, temporary cancellation or reasonable restrictions may also apply.

Keywords: Jupiter in Gemini, problems with endurance, suffering from tearing, decision making difficulties

Advice: Leave it for a while, let things go their own way. As long as you have doubts about these decisions, do not engage in anything new! Jupiter is a messenger of an unexpected change in the right direction. The seemingly insoluble problem now offers its own solution.

Question: What alternatives are you tensioning with now?

Suggestion: Relax and let it happen. Drag additional tabs for possible alternatives.

Revelation: I relax and trust in Life.


Ji-Ching: 39. Chien (The Obstacle, Obstruction)

Mythology: The Disabled (Danae)

Keywords: internal inhibitions and prohibitions, taboos

You cannot refresh by whipping the air. Only one thing at a time.


(The Cruelty)

Swords 9

[ » Swords 9 - Cruelty « ]

THE NINE OF SWORDS - Cruelty - Saturn - Moon - Concern

The Nine of Swords is the card of the awake nights, showing serious troubles and lethargy. This may indicate a poor conscience, threatening our existence, illnesses or painful loss of our dream. It shows the fears of long nights when we wake up from trouble and are eager to see the sun rise. Meanwhile, the question is whether shame and guilt, or our own fear of difficult tasks, deprive us of our nightly dream, or something that threatens our lives. The card shows only depressing feelings, deep concern, the scare of sudden awakening, the nightmare.

Keywords: Mars in Gemini, cruelty towards yourself and others, self-accusation, self-punishment, self-torture, heartless passion, bigotry, revenge, martyrdom

Advice: This page indicates your tendency to cruelly trample yourself. You need to recognize and fully see this pattern of behavior before you can get rid of it.

Questions: Who has judged you before? How do you judge yourself now? Are you ready to forgive your parents, others and yourself?

Suggestion: Pull another tab to see what your life will be like when you accept yourself as you are!

Revelation: People love me, I'm just a martyr.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: For Erin and the Weird (Allekto, Teiziphone, Magaire)

Keywords: anxiety, distressing feelings, remorse

Offended innocence is the worst execution.


(The Ruin)

Swords 10

[ » Swords 10 - Ruin « ]

THE TENTH OF SWORDS - Failure - Mars - Saturn - Violent End

The Ten of Swords, like the Death (XIII), symbolizes the end and the departure, the great layoffs. Unlike the Death card, which marks the natural end, the Ten of Swords is an arbitrary, possibly violent death, and sometimes an early ending. Although this experience is often associated with severe life experiences, it is not necessary. The mass of swords symbolizes the unified power of the mind, which makes a violent end to something. This makes it vital for us to end up with very valuable experiences, or to end up with unpleasant situations, to leave us with bad habits, or to end a depressing life cycle. In all cases it means painful farewell. Whether we are experiencing overwhelming feelings or ultimately being relieved as a surgical intervention, it can only be decided on the basis of the card's environment. Whether the displayed end is necessary or incorrect, absurd or hasty, is revealed from the other cards.

Keywords: Sun and Moon in Gemini, fear of insanity, broken heart, fear of the destructive energy of accumulated anger, negative thinking

Advice: The first step is to realize your fear of insanity and collapse. The second step is to understand the negative energies that lie behind your fears. If you want them, you can overcome these fears by recognizing them.

Questions: What are your biggest fears? What would a total collapse of your life be like?

Suggestion: Once you have identified the areas of your fear, formulate your own specific statement and use only positive concepts to help yourself "reprogram" yourself.

Revelation: Negative thinking hinders the natural momentum of my life. When I turn to myself with love, I open up again to life.


Ji-Ching: 18. Ku (Restoration, Working on Depravity)

Mythology: The Border Guards (Terminus)

Keywords: downfall, deadline, border; end position; an arbitrary violent end

To face the fight, you need more than one weapon.

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The Suit of Wands

The Wands represent the element of Fire, the world of Atziluth and Chiah of the soul.

Atziluth is the world of pure emanation, the world which flows directly out of the infinite, and so the Wands stand for the human soul in general, the spirituality which lives within us. This fire - the living light - motivates us to strive for consciousness and action. In the positive aspect, Fire manifests as will, inspiration, the wish and power to achieve honor and victory. Negatively, these last qualities become pride, egoism, despotism, and tyranny. In a literal sense, Fire is the provider of warmth and light, but uncontrolled is the most destructive of the elements.

Chiah is the 'general living spark', the vitality itself, connected with all life and being held for the level closest to the 'Divine' itself. Chiah is best described as the general instinct to live, but on a much higher level than just the instinct to exist as represented by the animal soul of Nefesh.

From an elemental aspect Wands don't go very well with Cups since Fire and Water eaken each other. They goes along quite fine with Swords since both are active and can harmonize well with Disks.

[Source: Raven's Tarot Site]


  [ » TAROT & ELEMENTS « ]

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(The Knight of Wands)

Wands Knight

[ » Knight of Wands « ]

THE KING OF WANDS - (Knight of Wands) - Sun - Lion - Confidence, Self-sufficiency

The King of the Wands depicts the male side of the Fire Element, the creative power of which is the Sun King, it represents the form of Louis XIV.. Self-confidence, life-giving, wealth, power and greatness. These qualities are not necessarily superficial, enjoying our own greatness, but exemplary, for the benefit of all participants. The card is an expression of willpower, development, perfection of personality, and aspiration to maturity. Only in the case of negative exaggeration, it becomes self-embracing, indulgence, splendor, and bragging.

Keywords: fiery aspect of fire, dynamic forward movement, increased insight, imminent changes

Advice: Be alert, ready to receive people or situations that can bring about dynamic changes in your consciousness. Be grateful for this gift of existence. Accept it and don't insist.

Questions: Does your current situation allow your energies to evolve and unfold? If not, what needs to be moved or changed?

Suggestion: Find situations, opportunities that are challenging for you. Get into it with all your energy.

Revelation: All the challenges I face help my growth. Every storm reinforces my roots.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Nobles (Arthur, Artus, Solomon)

Keywords: self-confidence, self-belief, life-affection, greatness

What teaches is more valuable than what can.


(The Queen of Wands)

Wands Queen

[ » Queen of Wands « ]

THE QUEEN OF WANDS - Moon - Lion - Self-confidence

The Queen of Wands embodies the female power of the Fire Element. Meaning self-confidence, self-determination, cat-like simulation, which is more of an expression of wisdom than adaptability. The Queen of Wands is open, enterprising, and has strong will. Its source of power is its pride, which, in turn, sensitizes criticism, demands recognition and admiration. It represents a level of vitality and lifestyle that is already bordering on the insane bursting, and it can also devote itself to excessive spending. His acting talent and life-spaning passion make him the queen of drama, mostly expressed in the form of Carmen.

Keywords: water aspect of fire, self-knowledge, change, sympathy

Signs: You worked for yourself and made progress. Time to learn how to share this with others. Let your self-realization be expressed in everyday life!

Question: How can you share what you find yourself with others?

Suggestion: Meditate on the following statement: “To learn is to figure out what you already know. The action is to show that you know. To teach is to let others know what they know as well as you do.”

Revelation: I am a radiant being filled with light and love.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: Self-Confidence (Hyppolytha, Pantezilea, Artemis)

Keywords: indomitable, self-confidence, pride, joy of life

Learning without understanding does not bring any benefit.


(The Prince of Wands)

Wands Prince

[ » Prince of Wands « ]

THE KNIGHT OF WANDS - (Prince of Wands) - Mars - Aries - Business

In the warm and even hot atmosphere of the Knight of Wands, life-longness, passion and enthusiasm for the fan are buzzing, but there is no lack of impatience, hot-bloodedness, impulsiveness, and unbridled exaggeration. That is why it depends to a great extent on the living space characterized by the card that we enjoy our caressing warmth or fear of heat and variability. The card expresses impatience, we want everything, right away. If that doesn't work or we don't get what we want, we will be agonizing, angry, aggressive. On the other hand, the stimulating and captivating warmth radiated by the Knight of Wands can unleash the frosty atmosphere and move the jammed matter away from the deadlock.

Keywords: airy aspect of fire, intensity, flourishing love, intuitive creativity, from darkness to light

Advice: You've got everything you need! Don't hold back and keep yourself restrained! Don't let yourself slow down! Life is ready for your bet. Trust your unlimited creative potential!

Question: What challenges are you facing right now?

Suggestion: Open your arms and breathe deeply into your heart.

Revelation: I love life and life loves me.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Entrepreneurs (Notos)

Keywords: entrepreneurship, hunger, temperament, impatience, impertinence

Learning without understanding does not bring any benefit.


(The Princess of Wands)

Wands Princess

[ » Princess of Wands « ]

THE PAGE OF WANDS - (Knave / Princess of Wands) - Venus - Moon - Sagittarius - Luck

The Page cards mean chances and opportunities that cross our path. The chance represented by the Page of the Wands corresponds to the Fire element, which is a fascinating impulse or suggestion that we welcome. An opportunity beyond our previous experience: an opportunity that awakens adventure, demands courage and risk-taking, increases the tension of our lives, because you get rid of the paralyzing routine of everyday life. It may be a strenuous sporting activity, an occasion to measure our own border areas or to experience less exciting everyday experiences and experiences.

Keywords: earthly aspect of fire, getting rid of fear, new beginnings, optimism, increased perception

Advice: Your old fears have lost control of you. Their ashes don't scare you anymore. Now think about your greatest strengths.

Question: What's the next step in your life? Find it without fear!

Suggestion: Study the path of transformative feelings filled with fear. Get involved, for example, in dance, trans practice, or ecstatic meditation.

Revelation: If I accept my fear, it becomes love.


Ji-Ching: 16. Yu (Enthusiasm)

Mythology: The Adventurers (Jason)

Keywords: suggestions, opportunity, agitation, enthusiasm, excitement, adventure, boldness

Everything can make sense, so it is there.


(The Ace of Wands)

Wands 1

[ » Ace of Wands « ]

THE ACE OF WANDS - Sun - Mars - Courage

Like the rest of the Aces, the Ace of the Wands also signify the potential that we must recognize and develop. This Ace is an entrepreneur with enthusiasm, courage, risk-taking, but also enthusiasm and momentum. The Ace of Wands often refer to the fulfillment of our inner being. According to the Fire element depicted by the Wands, it may mean the development of our will, beliefs and moral power, or refer to other internal emotional, maturation, and developmental processes. In addition, the Ace of Wands can symbolize lifestyles, optimism and vitality, and at such times a lingering period due to lack of patience.

Keywords: fire, high or strong energy, transformation

Advice: You are full of power and energy. Start exploring where and how you can and want to use this.

Questions: What attracts you most, what do you like to do? What do you find most enjoyable? In what framework can you fulfill your dreams?

Suggestion: Draw more cards for the above questions!

Revelation: I express my power and energy openly.


Ji-Ching: 46. Seng (Pushing upward)

Mythology: The Mighty (Moses, Hercules)

Keywords: courage, determination, risk taking, self-fulfillment, unfolding

Confinement is not fruitful in itself.


(The Dominion)

Wands 2

[ » Wands 2 - Dominion « ]

THE TWO OF WANDS - Rule - Mars - Libra - Surface

The Two of Wands card combines a state description with a call. He points out that we have taken a neutral stance, but we have to take clear and unambiguous behavior instead. The situations indicated by the card are often paralyzed. There is nothing to justify our obsession or despair, and yet we firmly feel that something is not right. The card shows times when we find everything simply "nice". The background to this is that we have returned to a neutral state and keep ourselves away from everything. We were so aloof that nothing inside us was touched, and we were almost indifferent to the way life flies next to us. From this state, we can only break through if we turn our ideas into beliefs, intentions, and truly commit ourselves to them.

Keywords: Mars in Aries, warlike energy, dynamic pioneer, domination of the situation

Advice: Pay attention to concentration. If you are in a relationship with yourself, you will definitely be in control. Trust your energy! Do not accept any false compromise.

Question: What situations and tasks are you facing?

Suggestion: When you're in a challenging position, sit upright and comfortable. Take a deep, abdominal breath. Wait until the air is soft and calm and you feel quite relaxed. Now visualize the situation. See for yourself how you continue to focus on the problem.

Revelation: Inside me, I find the power I need.


Ji-Ching: 43. Kuai (Breakthrough, Determination)

Mythology: The Indefinite (The Limbo of Dante's Inferno)

Keywords: theoretical judgment without internal principle or practical inference, neutrality, indifference, detrimental distance

Not to be afraid of those in power and insecure situations. These make you whole.


(The Virtue)

Wands 3

[ » Wands 3 - Virtue « ]

THE THREE OF WANDS - Victory - Mercury - Leo - Insight

The Three of Wands connects two significant and valuable experiences. It shows that after a long and arduous journey, we reached the top, and from our high altitude we can take a wide look at the glowing horizon. The solid ground under our feet and the welcome view of our future are the main features of this all-positive card.

Keywords: Aries Day, Virtue, Integrity, Straightness, Honesty, Self-Confidence, Restart

Advice: Pay attention to your own being and your inner peace. Focus and win!

Questions: Do you have reason to doubt yourself? Do you still doubt your virtues?

Suggestion: If you are not well collected and have long-standing doubts inside, pull a sheet to illuminate the origin of the work that remains to be done.

Revelation: I have the strength and the values to think and know.


Ji-Ching: 20. Kuan (The Look, Observation)

Mythology: People with Line of Sight (Moses)

Keywords: looking ahead, reliable base, landmark, looking ahead

Master of all things.


(The Completion)

Wands 4

[ » Wands 4 - Completion « ]

THE FOUR OF WANDS - Closure - Venus - Moon - Calm

The Four of Wands card indicates the period of peace in which we open and leave ourselves to enjoy life. As a result of this sense of security, we are eager to step out of our defenses and our mystery to participate in the world. This means social life, conversation, entertainment and increased vitality, as well as an inner opening, through which we will be directly involved in the life around us and in our relationships we live in deeper togetherness.

Keywords: Venus in Aries, completion, unification, possibility of new beginning, perfection

Advice: There's something nice about you in your relationship. The first thing to recognize is that certain familiar circumstances are questioned and openly discussed. The condition of a new unity, a new beginning, is to clarify old things.

Questions: Are you ready to accept your partner in your own otherness? Which areas need urgent clarification or closure?

Suggestion: If there is any tension between you and somebody else, now is the time to illuminate and resolve the relationship and finish what needs to be completed.

Revelation: Completing old things frees me up to open up to new things.


Ji-Ching: 22. Pi (The Charm, Grace)

Mythology: The Calmers (Hore Eirene, Noah)

Keywords: protection, relationship, joy, play, fun, peace, opening

We need to know how to be wild, to protect ourselves when they are unfair to us.


(The Strife)

Wands 5

[ » Wands 5 - Strife « ]

THE FIVE OF WANDS - FIGHT - Mars 5th House - Race

The Five of Wands card is the challenge, the strength test, the sporting competition card. It depicts situations that force us to prove our strength. There is no question of hostility, even less destructive opposites. It is a test of strength that comes from teasing and cheerful scabies, manifested in a competition-like or all-encompassing task. It is a playful character that only becomes serious in a few unfavorable situations. The card experience should not be avoided, as it is a good and generally exciting opportunity to raise awareness of our skills.

Keywords: Saturn in the Lion, unfulfilled desire, desperate, timid, futile struggle, inhibition

Advice: In this situation, there is a great danger of giving up on yourself. Saturn reminds you to approach everything carefully, step by step. Don't let them run you down. Always look at the flame behind the stick, which is enough despite the obstacles. That you draw this card is a sign that you are ready to face the situation and do something about it.

Questions: What are the insurmountable obstacles that seem to exist between you and your goals? What does the mountain of tasks and responsibilities look like now?

Suggestion: Step by step! Buy everything a little easier! Draw another card on top of this one!

Revelation: As I work, I am increasingly able to express my feelings and creativity.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Competitor (Dactyl{os} Heracles)

Keywords: competition, challenge, test of strength (but more player than serious)

Look carefully at ourselves. Do and repeat every day to improve.


(The Victory)

Wands 6

[ » Wands 6 - Victory « ]

THE SIX OF WANDS - Victory - Jupiter 10th House - Win

The Six of Wands card is a card of victory, success, fame and recognition, in this respect the expression of joy, satisfaction, and in some cases satisfaction. Specifically, it shows the announcement of success and the announcement of victory. In everyday things, there may be a reference to a good, but noisy news. It is, however, an absolute necessity to crown our efforts and efforts to succeed. In some cases, it may also refer to a surprising "undeserved" success.

Keywords: Jupiter in the Lion, victory, success, joining forces, purity

Advice: Do what you do. The moment promises success.

Questions: What do you really want to achieve? What does Victory mean to You?

Suggestion: Draw cards for the above questions. Allow clear answers to appear. Then, draw another card that will show you what is helping or hindering your path to victory.

Revelation: I'm ready to enjoy the successes of my life. Every event in my life brings me closer to my ultimate goal and my victory benefits all concerned.


Ji-Ching: 63. Chi Chi (On the Way to Realization, After Completion)

Mythology: The Victor (Niké, Victoria)

Keywords: success, recognition, victory, fame, joy, satisfaction

You can even learn to laugh and laugh.


(The Valour)

Wands 7

[ » Wands 7 - Valour « ]

THE SEVEN OF WANDS - Courage - Mercury / Mars - Saturn - Resistance

The Seven of Wands means someone is attacking us and we have to face our competitors, those who envy us or other opponents who are often stronger than us or in the majority. At the same time, the card also shows that we still have good prospects for success because we are fighting for our fight from a favorable position. It also warns us to be clever and alert, and not to play our position advantageously. Of course, this is the rarest case of implicit attacks, it is more about interfering in our personal world, or threatening something that we have achieved or want to achieve.

Keywords: Mars in Lion, courage, boldness, effect, risk-taking, no compromise

Advice: Being loyal to yourself also means you stand up for your own righteousness, even if you face tremendous resistance. Trust the fort. In this situation, you have to prevail at all costs.

Questions: Are you ready to accept any consequences. Be aware of the fears that have stood in the way of your case so far.

Suggestion: Make yourself aware of the warrior! What positive qualities this aspect of your being embodies.

Revelation: I openly and honestly express my own reality.


Ji-Ching: 33. Tun (The Retreat)

Mythology: The Resistant (David and Goliath)

Keywords: attack, rival, envy, enemy, combat, ingenious defense

Fear of others 'self-confidence, agonize over others' abilities.


(The Swiftness)

Wands 8

[ » Wands 8 - Swiftness « ]

THE EIGHT OF WANDS - Speed - Progressions, Transits… - Vision

The main meaning of the Eight of Wands card is the temporal aspect. The only one of the 78 Tarot cards that clearly indicates that we are facing of an event. In addition, there is no deeper meaning. It shows that something is moving, something is in the air, something is happening faster than expected, and that some developments have already begun without noticing. Usually, it is a forerunner of some good news or events.

Keywords: Mercury in Sagittarius, clear, direct, fast communication, clearing up misunderstanding

Advice: The time has come for you to determine where you stand. If you are open and continue to focus, misunderstandings will clear up.

Question: Is there someone you dare not say openly where you stand?

Suggestion: Take this opportunity to open up more to the people who mean something to you. Talk to them or write them a letter!

Revelation: My openness and self-confidence opens the hearts of those I love.


Ji-Ching: 35. Chin (The Advancement, Progress)

Mythology: The Diviner (…)

Keywords: forecast, progress, alert for an immediate event

Everything must be done at the right time and in the right way. Shouting does not work.


(The Strength)

Wands 9

[ » Wands 9 - Strength « ]

THE NINE OF WANDS - Power - Saturn - Venus - Reluctance

The Nine of Wands card present defy and resistance against a threatening situation or experience. At the same time, it points out that in reality there is no objective threat (as opposed to the Seven of Wands), only the memory of our past painful experiences evoke these fears and the defensive reaction. It indicates a closure, often referred to as "cone heart" in the tale. In general, he says that we do not want to take steps that are important for our own development. In some cases, however, it refers almost completely to the opposite: we have just made a decisive step, and now we are closing the door with full force, cutting off the path of retreat. In this case, it's meaning is much more positive and developmental, but it shows that we did not do something right: we ran away and we fear that the past will catch up. However, true farewell means that we have already closed the given period of experience in our lives, we have already defeated it and no longer fear the past.

Keywords: Sun in Sagittarius, power, perfection from the combination of conscious and unconscious energies

Advice: You are on the path where you discover your true strength. Trust your inner leader! Perhaps you would like to participate in groups that can help you develop and develop your potential.

Questions: Do you feel some fear about your own strength? In which areas of your life does this fear come to light?

Suggestion: Listen to your dreams, what are you dreaming about lately!

Revelation: I know more and more who I am. This realization leads to the full development of my potential strength.


Ji-Ching: 47. Kun (The Exhaustion, Anxiety)

Mythology: The Reluctant (Tobias)

Keywords: protective armor, defensive behavior, countermeasure, reaction to perceived threat

Learning to protect someone's back does not guarantee protection.


(The Oppression)

Wands 10

[ » Wands 10 - Oppression « ]

THE TEN OF WANDS - Oppression (Depression) - Saturn - Sun; Saturn 11th House - Burden

The Ten of Wands is the card of despair, showing that we have overestimated our strength and thus lost the broad perspective. In addition, you can also express the clumsy handling of things. It often means that we skipped a few degrees on the ladder of development, and in our new environment, we feel overwhelmed first. Our task and responsibility is to push our shoulder with the weight of the mill wheel. We may fail. To the extent that we grow up to the requirements of our new living space, we reduce our overload and despair, and learn to handle our tasks more skillfully.

Keywords: Saturn in Sagittarius, suppressed emotions, withheld energy, isolation, aggression, separation

Advice: You suppress your energies, you want to express, live, enjoy and celebrate many things. Dare to express the fire that flies in you!

Questions: There are some things you always wanted to tell certain people. What are these things and who are these people? Since this moment is just right for you, you can now express these things.

Suggestion: Drag another tab to this question! What will my life be like if I'm ready to liberate myself?

Revelation: I have the right to follow my feelings and pulses of life.


Ji-Ching: 28. Ta Kuo (The Great Overweight, Preponderance of the great)

Mythology: The Load (Atlas)

Keywords: difficulty, lethargy, missing perspectives, clumsy decisions

Carrying the burden of every human being is a task beyond anyone's power.

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The Suit of Cups

The Cups represent the element of Water, the world of Briah, Neshamah of the soul.

Briah translates as "creation", and like Neshamah, Briah is the stage where the human soul creates individual personality and identity, to define a specific form and function from the amorphous energies of Atziluth. The creation done in Briah is not the creation of a conscious thought like in Yetzirah, let alone any physical creation like in Assiah, it's rather the first creation of a precondition that is needed to create anything at all.

The Cups like the Water also represent the qualities of passivity, dependency and receptivity, typical for emotion, passion and desire, because those feelings are always dependent on outside influences, they need a goal or an impulse to come alive.

In the field of the Elemental Dignities Cups don't go all too well with Wands since Water and Fire weaken each other. They do go well with Disks and Swords where the Disks are a bit more familiar to the Cups due to their earthy passivity.

In common Tarot, the Cups are mostly taken for the emotions or definitions regarding human relations, and this is somewhat understandable when our human emotions most often aim at someone else. Nevertheless, a Cup card should not be viewed with any restriction such as this, because sometimes we really might miss the point when wondering all the time 'What the hell has Keith got to do with it??'

[Source: Raven's Tarot Site]


  [ » TAROT & ELEMENTS « ]

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(The Knight of Chalices)

Cups Knight

[ » Knight of Cups « ]

THE KING OF CUPS - (Knight of Chalices) - Sun - Pisces - Secret Knowledge

The Knight of Cups embodies the man's side of the Water Element, the transcendental experiences, the salvation, the mystical unification with the ancestors, the indescribable. He is aware that this knowledge will always remain inaccessible to the intellect, only one who can open up to an intuitive approach and ready to find and touch. The Knight of Cups also embodies the will to provide space for our feelings and media abilities; The use of force in a dilettly or reckless way distorts the image, displays the ridiculous contour, the unrealistic fool or the totally unreliable man, not once unkind. Due to the lack of ability to separate, the forces become a toy, so they get involved in complications and intrigue.

Keywords: fiery aspect of water, surrender to loved one, ability to give, reaching higher emotional levels, spiritual relationships, family of choice

Advice: You want an intense relationship with those who think similarly, have a similar attitude.

Question: How can your relationship be enriched?

Suggestion: Find your true family, the community where you feel at home. There you will find the quality of communication you desire.

Revelation: Now I find companions whose closeness and support brings me closer to my inner reality.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Secret Wise Men (Nerseus, Proteus, Phorkys)

Keywords: mediality, intuitive knowledge, secret, mysticism, union, helpfulness

Anyone who has a lot of experience already understands and can share their experience with others.


(The Queen of Chalices)

Cups Queen

[ » Queen of Cups « ]

THE QUEEN OF CUPS - (Queen of Chalices) - Moon - Pisces - Sensitivity

The Queen of Cups represents the female side of the Water element, indicating meditation and sacrifice. The helper, healing power, the expression of inner vision. As such, he is dominated by our subconscious spiritual power, he is the Good Fairy and Wise Wizard living inside of us, a visionary dreamwriter and a visionary through the fog. Characterized as dark and mysterious, the wisdom is an inaccessible source of science for science.

Keywords: water aspect of water as above, open emotions, emotional independence, motherhood

Advice: By expressing your emotions openly, you will be beautified. Some may not understand, but don't worry! There are enough others to share your feelings with.

Question: Are you open to your feelings and instincts?

Suggestion: Trust Your Feelings! Live in harmony with them!

Revelation: My openness and vitality beautify me.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Medium (Kassandra, Pythia, Sibylle, The Lady of the Lake)

Keywords: sensitivity, tact, helpfulness, media, deep-seated sacrifice

Sometimes we have new experiences from old memories when we look at ourselves.


(The Prince of Chalices)

Cups Prince

[ » Prince of Cups « ]

THE KNIGHT OF CUPS - (Prince of Chalices) - Venus - Moon - Harmony (Caring)

The Prince of Cups symbolizes a loving, peaceful atmosphere, fun and wisdom of smile. Contemplative lessons, harmonious harmony, romantic dreaming, the mood when we become lovers. If there has been a conflict and an upheaval so far, the card shows reconciliation and peace. It is a dreamy hour of relaxation and daydreaming, when we are pleased with the beauty of life, the arts and especially music.

Keywords: airy aspect of water; our desires, wishes, cravings; opportunity for transformation

Advice: Accept your sexual desires and afflictions, live them wisely. You will make many discoveries during this process. Give yourself full experience and observe yourself.

Questions: What secret wishes do you not want to accept?

Suggestion: Spend some time each day analyzing your desires without losing them.

Revelation: I accept my sexual desires. It makes life fuller and more charged.


Ji-Ching: 11. T'ai (Peace and tranquility)

Mythology: The Fond (Zephyros)

Keywords: intimate mood, cheerfulness; peaceful atmosphere; wise laughter; harmony; romanticism

The ability to express our experiences and share them with others is as important as the direct experience that comes from them.


(The Princess of Chalices)

Cups Princess

[ » Princess of Cups « ]

THE PAGE OF CUPS - (Knave / Princess of Chalices) - Venus 1st / 5th House - Peace

Like the other three Pages, the Princess (Page) of Cups also shows impulse, opportunity, chance. In this case, either an invitation to a fun event or a gesture of love or peace. In all cases, the impulse comes from others, it is about our feelings and we are grateful and satisfied. The card represents a peace offer after a period of quarrels and insults, compassion from others in painful times, and last but not least the moment of loving contact when we fall in love with someone. The impulse is generally positive and sincere, and it is only necessary to accept healthy doubts if the other cards are predominantly unfavorable.

Keywords: earthly aspect of water, emotional freedom, overcoming jealousy, self-confidence

Advice: Trust your feelings and values, you are on the right track.

Questions: Is there anything else that prevents you from being completely free? Now is the time to go beyond that.

Suggestion: Imagine being surrounded by water and dancing the salvation and freedom with light, floating movements.

Revelation: The more I love myself, the more I can share with others.


Ji-Ching: 57. Sun (The Gentle - The Transparent - The Wind)

Mythology: The Peace-maker (Esau)

Keywords: pacing impulse; gesture; offer; playful fun

Everyone chooses to treat the world as friends or enemies.


(The Ace of Cups)

Cups 1

[ » Ace of Cups « ]

THE ACE OF CUPS - Neptune / Jupiter - Sun - Fulfillment

The Ace of Cups is one of the Tarot's most lucky cards. With the rest of Aces, it shows the great potential in us, which can lead to the highest fulfillment. The personal significance of this depends on the person's relationship with life. The spectrum of the card extends from the feeling of joy, gratitude, and satisfaction over external success to the deepest happiness of living in unity with everything. In the foreground, there is undoubtedly love, in every form of expression: charity, parental love, sensual, erotic love, love of ourselves and love of God. Of course, the card may also indicate other, more common forms of joy and luck, although the material side of this concept is expressed by the Ace of Disks. In any case, keep in mind that there is a great potential for our intentions, or that it occurs in the realization of our plan. Not intrusive, waiting for exploration and unfolding.

Keywords: exuberant love, emotional purity, deep self-love, true devotion and acceptance

Advice: In touch or with all-embracing love. It fills you up, and you can pass it generously, generously.

Question: How do you express your love?

Suggestion: Let the page affect you for a while. Reread the last two paragraphs of the description and close your eyes. You feel that you are open to the channel or divine energy.

Revelation: Comprehensive love fills me and my environment.


Ji-Ching: 64. Wei Chi (Before Realization, Before Completion)

Mythology: The Completion (The Holy Grail)

Keywords: highest luck, highest fulfillment

Fear of seeing, feeling, or loving should not cause us to protect ourselves.


(The Love)

Cups 2

[ » Cups 2 - Love « ]

THE TWO OF CUPS - Love - Venus Asc. - Being together

The Two of Cups card shows a loving meeting. It may be a precursor to a sympathetic, new acquaintance, but it may be a sign of reconciliation or loving treatment within an existing relationship. The card undoubtedly emphasizes the area of personal things. You can refer to flirting, "at first sight" love, a happy sight or a gentle relationship, a friendship. It may also mean that you are welcome to spontaneous help when traveling, doing business or other intentions.

Keywords: Venus in Cancer, inclusive love, happy relationship, mutual emotions

Advice: Your ability to accept love makes you attractive. Hand it over to yourself, to others, to life!

Question: In what environment can you share your love?

Suggestion: Listen to the love that comes to you. Stay open, let it enter and penetrate deep within you.

Revelation: There is nothing else to do but enjoy what life gives you. I am ready to allow the love that will fill me into my life.


Ji-Ching: 31. Hsien [Xi'an] (Courtship, Courtesy, Impact)

Mythology: The ones who agree (The Concordia)

Keywords: affectionate togetherness, meeting, reconciliation, gentle relationship

We carry some of our emotions, others carry us. But to become human, the first ones are the most important.


(The Abundance)

Cups 3

[ » Cups 3 - Abundance « ]

THE THREE OF CUPS - Abundance - Venus - Joy

The Three of Cups card is the triumph of joy, carelessness, and gratitude that is best expressed by the grace of the feast of harvest. It indicates that we have achieved something valuable, beautiful, or received as a gift, and therefore we are happy, satisfied and grateful. At the soul level, it shows joy and fulfillment, and can be a joy at external level.

Keywords: Mercury in Cancer, giving and receiving love, rare, valuable feelings and perceptions that can be passed on in confidence

Advice: You have something particularly valuable to share. Be open to the people with whom you can share these wonderful feelings. They are also gifts: you don't have to look for them.

Question: Are there any people, who you have not yet expressed the love you have for them?

Suggestion: What you want to give now is in full awareness of your boundless wealth.

Revelation: Life today gives me everything I need to be happy.


Ji-Ching: 58. Tui (Joy, The Cheerful - The Lake)

Mythology: The Three Chorita or Grazia - the Charming Goddesses (Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thaleia)

Keywords: cheer, gratitude, joy, carelessness

The way to inspire others lies in emotions, both positive and negative.


(The Luxury)

Cups 4

[ » Cups 4 - Luxury « ]

THE FOUR OF CUPS - Luxury - Mars - Cancer - Grouch

The Four of Cups card is an overwhelming atmosphere of radiance. It refers to the impotence of our feelings. In one minute, we desire something with the greatest desire, and in the next moment, from the fulfillment of the (abundant) fulfillment, it will turn into the opposite, reject, disgust and disgust. The bad mood shown here can range from chattering to dullness, bickering, dac and bitterness. In these cases, the card is a wake-up warning, so that our bad mood does not turn into a deep apathy and ignore the obvious opportunities and the peaceful gestures.

Keywords: Moon in Cancer, love, tenderness, emotional richness, care

Advice: You get a lot of love and dedication lately. Enjoy it, but without becoming addicted to it.

Questions: Do you have a relationship where you feel limited? Do you show adoration for someone?

Suggestion: After you have answered the above questions in a self-critical way, pull another card that will show you how to handle the situation.

Revelation: I enjoy being together x.y., full of gratitude and joy.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Upset / Sulker (Pelide Achilleus)

Keywords: dislike, annoyance, saturation, rejection, disgust

Sometimes it's difficult to breathe even when the cleanest air is around.


(The Disappointment)

Cups 5

[ » Cups 5 - Disappointment « ]

THE FIVE OF CUPS - Disappointment - Saturn - Venus / Moon - Grief

The Five of Cups is the card of trouble, pain, grief and melancholy. It shows that something that was very valuable to us has suffered a shipwreck. It also means that we are not alone with our pain, we can count on our friends' understanding and compassionate help. These consoling messages of the card should not be misunderstood, the cause of our pain is not only apparent and the feeling of cheerfulness does not come back soon. Often the tabernacle refers to our own covetousness, something that has been downgraded and destroyed. It always shows that there is a way out of the situation. He calls on us not to be unnecessarily long in this dark wilderness.

Keywords: Mars in Scorpio, unfulfilled hopes, lost sense of balance, problematic relationships, old wounds

Advice: Either some of your over-ambitious hopes have collapsed, or your fear of disappointment lies deep within you. It's time to learn the lesson.

Questions: In what areas of your life do you fear disappointment? What have you learned from the disappointments that you have experienced so far? How can you prevent disappointment?

Suggestion: Draw one card for each of the above questions.

Revelation: By seeing where I trick myself, where I deny my inner voice, I begin to know my own inner reality.


Ji-Ching: 54. Kuei Mei (The Married Girl)

Mythology: The Mourning (Psyche)

Keywords: farewell, anxiety, pain, grief, grief, melancholy

Every port we leave has a port to which we return.


(The Pleasure)

Cups 6

[ » Cups 6 - Pleasure « ]

THE SIX OF CUPS - Enjoyment - Moon - Pisces / Cancer - Remembering

The Six of Cups card leads to the past. It shows us a breakthrough memories of romantic dreaming or longing for nostalgia. This painful, sentimental vision can increase, but also distort, the perception of the present. Because the card often cites past times, it may refer to our childhood or to the experiences of early childhood in a given question.

Keywords: Sun in Scorpio, desire, enjoyment, pleasure in sexual relationships, rich in sexual and love-energy-giving, emotional renewal, sensuality

Advice: Enjoy everything you get from life. This is the best way to express your gratitude.

Question: Do you hold on to old beliefs that prevent you from enjoying the pleasure?

Suggestion: Enjoy your own emotional wealth and share it with someone.

Revelation: I am open to a partner with whom I can share the joys of love at all levels.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Rememberers (Mnemosyne - the Mother of the Muses)

Keywords: longing, melancholic memories; romantic daydreaming; sentimentality

The most important moments are as peaceful as children's play.


(The Debauch)

Cups 7

[ » Cups 7 - Debauch « ]

THE SEVEN OF CUPS - Discovery - Neptune - Deception

The Seven of Cups is a deception and illusion, a miracle and a twilight card. It shows that we feed false hopes and ideas, deceive ourselves and let ourselves be deceived. Usually a forerunner of disappointment, he is vigilantly warned of dream images. There is also a joyful aspect of the card, promising unexpected help if we are able to break away from the imaginations of our desires and hopes and focus on one realistic plan.

Keywords: Venus in Scorpio, high activity, annoyance, disgust

Advice: It's time to open your eyes and face the (possibly painful) reality. You can become free only by realizing your own inner reality. Any further attempts to avoid this will only add to the stagnation of your emotional energies.

Questions: Do you have a disappointment that you haven't worked on yet? Have you experienced something that was a little too good? Did you not chase yourself too much, or did you over-exploit certain things?

Suggestion: Drag another tab to the question: How can I change my current situation?

Revelation: As I recognize and accept my shadows, they gradually lose their strength.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Illusionists - (Ate, The Lotophangs -Lotus Eaters-)

Keywords: illusion, deception, twilight, Fata Morgana; escape from the world

What is impossible becomes real or at least looks like it.


(The Indolence)

Cups 8

[ » Cups 8 - Indolence « ]

THE EIGHT OF CUPS - Indolence - Saturn - Moon - Farewell

The Eight of Cups is one of the three cards of the Tarot expressing setting out on the way, showing goodbye to the heavy heart. It shows that we are leaving our usual environment, leaving people and things close to our hearts behind, and moving towards an uncertain future. In any case, we go out of our own will, we were not sent, although we may have no choice. The extremely serious meaning of the card lies in the double burden: we have to give something up that was dear to our hearts and our way leads to the unknown.

Keywords: Saturn in Pisces, restraint, restraint, uncertainty, emotional inhibition, laziness, swamp, need for clear distinctions

Advice: It's time to assess what you are capable of and say no. Perhaps an old pattern of behavior causes you to always direct your love towards people you receive nothing in return. It may also be a sign that you may not dare to accept love.

Questions: Who thinks about this? Are you ready to stand up for yourself and be brave? In what situations did you hide your true feelings?

Suggestion: Draw another tab asking what will change if you learn to say no.

Revelation: Develop your own statement according to the cards drawn afterwards.


Ji-Ching: 56. Lü (The Wanderer)

Mythology: The Travelers (Lot)

Keywords: goodbye with hard heart; divorce, divorce, resignation, insecurity

Each emotion is individual and must be lived differently.


(The Happiness)

Cups 9

[ » Cups 9 - Happiness « ]

THE NINE OF CUPS - Happiness - Moon - Taurus - Company

The Nine of Cups card symbolizes a period of life deeply enjoyed from the heart. Perhaps this lifestyle will occasionally go into exaggeration, lust, greedy life, but the meaning of the card is pleasantly easy: joy of life, carelessness, socializing and "enjoying pleasure".

Keywords: Jupiter in Pisces, happiness, passionate love, deep joy, blessing

Advice: This moment is filled with harmony and inner happiness, fully open before it! Don't miss it!

Question: Where do you look for true happiness and where do you find it?

Suggestion: Breathe and Feel! If you are alone, enjoy the solitude. When you are with others, enjoy their presence. If you have something to do, do it with quiet devotion.

Revelation: Happiness is my natural state.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Societies (Roundtable)

Keywords: social life, pleasures, ridicule, greed; marriage?

The structure we build on stolen emotions is vulnerable.


(The Satiety)

Cups 10

[ » Cups 10 - Satiety « ]

THE TEN OF CUPS - SATISFACTION - Jupiter - Moon - Marriage

The Ten of Cups card is the highest expression of harmonious harmony, deep, happy love. It shows that we feel safe and protected that our feelings are real and we are not victims of deception or illusion. It represents a friendly basic mood, good neighborly relations, love and joy in relations with us, gratitude and happiness with our partner and in family relationships.

Keywords: Mars in Pisces, satisfaction, fulfillment, radiation, gratitude

Advice: Let things change by themselves. Everything happens to you at the right moment.

Question: What does satisfaction mean to you in this situation?

Suggestion: Relax, close your eyes and breathe deeply, calmly. Let them come up with an image that shows you in a state of complete fulfillment. Repeat this exercise often and relate this feeling more and more to your own reality.

Revelation: Life gives me everything I need to be happy.


Ji-Ching: 37. Chia Jen (The Big Family)

Mythology: The Married (Kadmos and Harmony)

Keywords: safety, blissful closeness, harmonious harmony, deep love

The family is not without rawness, but emotions hold it together.

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The Suit of Disks

The Disks represent the element of the Earth, the world of Assiah, Nefesh in soul.

Assiah is the world of making, literally translated as 'action', the actual material area in which all things live and grow physically. It is the final ground that all the preceding worlds need to become real. Assiah is stable and predictable, though it would be dead without the warmth of the Fires of Atziluth, without the Waters of Briah and the Air of Yetzirah.

So the Disks stand for the material world, the human body, the 'animal soul' that rules a far bigger part of our being than we usually like to admit. It often can be watched that the Disks are disregarded, looked upon as 'material only', with Assiah taken as profane and Nefesh as 'primitive'. But where would be the beauty of a lily without the earth in which it grows? What is a lily, anyway?

On the elemental plane Disks go well with Cups and Wands but don't harmonize with Swords.

In most other decks the Disks are called 'Pentacles' or 'Coins', referring to their material meaning. Crowley preferred the name 'Disks', most likely to stress the relation to the earth (in old times the earth was taken as a disk).

[Source: Raven's Tarot Site]


  [ » TAROT & ELEMENTS « ]

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(The Knight of Disks)

Disks Knight

[ » Knight of Disks « ]

THE KING OF DISKS - (Knight of Coins / Pentacles) - Sun - Bull - Sensual Pleasures

The Knight (King) of Disks (Coins) embodies the male side of the Earth Element, represents the pursuit of property, security, and material values, and displays our sense of reality. He evaluates actions, not words, wishes, or goodwill. It expresses our endeavor to persist, our persistence, the sure occurrence of known things. In addition, it has a sophisticated sense of feasibility and expediency, and instincts attention to beneficial business opportunities. Our time-consciousness represents the consciousness of the slow arrival of long-lasting values, our ability to wait patiently, to avoid hesitation. The King of Coins expresses the nature of a person who enjoys sensual pleasures, pleasures, and satisfaction of our sensual desires. The shady side of the card is the insatiable lifeguard, the heartless kufar and, last but not least, the comforting lounger, "the Oblomov in us", as Goncharov brilliantly portrayed.

Keywords: fiery aspect of the earth, doctor, healer, financial investment, harvest, work and fatigue

Advice: It's time to put your ability to work at the service of something. There are difficult tasks ahead of you that require you to use all your strength. If you make the necessary efforts, the harvest will reward you richly.

Question: Are there any tasks in my life that I want to avoid?

Suggestion: Whenever things seem too worrying to you, focus on the positive results of your actions for you and others. Your inner learning and growth process is the most important result, more important than what you do with your work.

Revelation: With every task I encounter, I also get the energy I need to solve it.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Hedonists (Dionysus, Zeus, Minos, Sons of Europe)

Keywords: hedonism, desire for property, sensual pleasures, objectivity, hand grasp

Attention to others is more important than gold.


(The Queen of Disks)

Disks Queen

[ » Queen of Disks « ]

THE QUEEN OF DISKS - (Queen of Coins / Pentacles) - Moon - Bull - Fertility

The Queen of Disks (Coins) embodies the female side of the Earth element. Persistence, well-being, reliability, realistic thinking, diligence, fertility, emotion and sensual pleasure. He has a good sense of nature and fertile land, which is best illustrated by the image of a peasant woman. You can show a strong sense of material value, coupled with astringency and propriety, by the shape of Kurazsi's mother-in-law. Although her fertility and sensuality make her a great family caring mother, she can become a talented artist or a woman looking for sensual experiences, open and sensitive to all the fun of life. The exaggeration of such tendencies can lead to bitter hardness or shameless, lustful laziness.

Keywords: water aspect of the earth, fertility, nutrition, overcoming the bleak, barren past, physicality

Advice: You have crossed a dry stretch of road and are now entering a more fertile area. Now you can relax and pay some attention to yourself and your physical needs.

Questions: How did you neglect your body and your other self? Are you pampering yourself? Do you enjoy yourself?

Suggestion: Pay more attention to your health and physical beauty than ever before.

Revelation: I give my body the loving attention and my body gives me life energy, joy of life and health.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: Fertility Goddesses (Apis, Isis, Europe)

Keywords: fertility, earthquake, family, permanence, well-being

We need to know how to make our own what others do.


(The Prince of Disks)

Disks Prince

[ » Prince of Disks « ]

THE KNIGHT OF DISKS - (Prince of Coins / Pentacles) - Jupiter - Taurus - Reliability

The Knight of Disks (Coins) embodies the mood in which we create tangible and timeless value with diligence, perseverance and persistence. Expresses a sense of trustworthy and durable things. It displays the solid, reliable ground, the foundation in which we can rely on what we can build on. It represents the atmosphere of the Earth element, the physical reality that creates security in which the tangible result, the pragmatic action counts, and which, last but not least, forms the frame of our sensual experience. Only the exaggeration of all these leads to stubbornness and rigid attachment, to a hard robot, or to the opposite, impolite laziness and sensual dereliction.

Keywords: Earth's Airy Aspect, Structure, High Energy in Material Matter, Unshakable, Caution, Meditation, Physical Activity, Steadiness

Advice: It's time for action, as you do so, you will gain important experience.

Questions: What activities do you enjoy? What activities can help your self-realization?

Suggestion: Find a creative physical activity in which you will find joy and fulfillment.

Revelation: I find a job that I can accomplish myself and that satisfies me.


Ji-Ching: 32. Heng (The Endurance, Constancy)

Mythology: The Trusted (Hephaistos)

Keywords: constant, reliable, and mature values; strength; enduring value created by perseverance

Even in the tightest of places, we can have all the infinity.


(The Princess of Disks)

Disks Princess

[ » Princess of Disks « ]

THE PAGE OF DISKS - (Knave / Princess of Coins / Pentacles) - Uranus - Venus - Taurus - Opportunity

The Princess (Page) of Disks (Coins) indicates an opportunity, an impulse coming to our way. The Earth element displayed by the Disks (Coins) is a concrete, feasible, usable proposal. Due to the permanence of the Earth element, the offer can be considered reliable and fair. Depending on the question asked, it refers to the possibility of concluding a good deal or performing a new job. It may mean sensual experiences or a very useful suggestion that can pull out of the cat. The card's impulse and occasion are always obvious, tangible.

Keywords: earthly aspect of the earth, pregnancy, Mother Earth, birth, renewal, harmony

Advice: Something new is entering your life. Get ready!

Question: What do you need to do to get ready for the next step in your life?

Suggestion: Meditate for a while over the image of the Princess. Breathe calmly, rest your eyes on the yin / yang symbol. Then close your eyes and feel the new quality that enters your life.

Revelation: I'm ready for the new beauty of my life.


Ji-Ching: 53. Chien (Development - Gradual Progress)

Mythology: The Opportunities (Ariadne)

Keywords: surprising, valuable opportunity; feasible proposal

Create what you don't have and know how to leave what you have.


(The Ace of Coins)

Disks 1

[ » Ace of Disks « ]

THE ACE OF DISKS - (Ace of Coins / Pentacles) - Venus 2 nd House - Opportunity

The Ace of Disks (Coins), like the other Aces, refers to the possibility of dormant in us. It indicates the recognition of the potential inherent in us or in our position, which, according to the Earth element represented by the Disks (Coins), leads to tangible positive results, external but even more inner wealth. Besides the Ace of Cups, this is the most important "fortune teller" in the Minor Arcana. This luck is not intrusive, it must be discovered. Searching, as in the case of a treasure hidden in a vineyard, may be a lot of trouble. But the result is not only reliable and durable, but also promises deep happiness.

Keywords: inner and outer riches, great success, body and soul, matter and spirit, union of heaven and earth, wholeness

Advice: The ace of pucks reflects that you are ready to live a rich life both internally and externally. You have everything you need. Give yourself the fullness of life and learn to use your wings.

Question: Which areas of your life do you want to enrich?

Suggestion: Work intensively to discover and develop your hidden potentials, your inner health. Stay open to all forms of enrichment in your life.

Revelation: Health is my natural state. It allows me to express my spirit and creative power in this world.


Ji-Ching: 34. Ta Chuang (The Great Power, The Power of the Great)

Mythology: The Chance (The Golden Wool)

Keywords: wealth, happiness

Our first things are gifts.


(The Change)

Disks 2

[ » Disks 2 - Change « ]

THE TWO OF DISKS - (Two of Coins / Pentacles) - Change - Moon - Mars - Persistence

The Two of Disks is a player's decision and a carefree indecision card. It shows that we are adapting to the stream of life, through the waves and valleys we get through without difficulty. Depending on our lifestyle and the area displayed by the card, this player attitude can be judged to be skillful, smooth, fun, spontaneous, and refreshing, but it is also a nonsense, willingness to compromise, unsteadiness and adaptive flexibility. This will give the card a very wide spectrum, from the mentality of the swimmers to the deep wisdom of the fool.

Keywords: Jupiter in Capricorn, change, transformation, continuous progress

Advice: Your life is constantly changing, and it allows you to grow, to expand and expand, which ultimately enriches you. Give yourself the confidence to change!

Questions: What internal and external changes are taking place in your life? What are you still dependent on?

Suggestion: Meditate on the following statement: The only constant thing is change.

Revelation: I am getting better and better every day and in every way.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Stunts (Hermes as a Trickster)

Keywords: adaptation, unsteadiness, attitude, compromise

What we have gained must be enjoyed now.


(The Work)

Disks 3

[ » Disks 3 - Work « ]

THE THREE OF DISKS - (Three of Coins / Pentacles) - Work - Jupiter - Mars - Advance

Due to the black colors of the Disks (Coins), the Three of Disks (Coins) is often interpreted as a card of concern. In contrast, it successfully passed the exam and expresses a joyful experience. Unlike the Eight of Disks, which represents the inert, the image of the master is displayed here. With this, the card expresses that we are entering the field of new experiences, where - unlike the Eight of Disks - we are already carrying the right skills and knowledge. It shows the successful completion of a given period of our studies or development, followed by a high level of resumption.

Keywords: Mars in Capricorn, work, fatigue, progressive development, duty to self, self-confidence

Advice: A certain situation requires you to be ready to work smoothly. Fuck yourself in, it's worth it!

Questions: What are some areas where you are still restrained? In which areas could you use more energy?

Suggestion: To direct all your energy towards the goal, find and remain aware of what you want!

Revelation: I am ready to give and receive everything.


Ji-Ching: 19. Lin (Approach)

Mythology: The Entry into the Deep (Heracles)

Keywords: successful creation, start of a new life cycle, successfully passed exam

It is not easy to sit on our laurels if we do not deserve it.


(The Power)

Disks 4

[ » Disks 4 - Power « ]

THE FOUR OF DISKS - (Four of Coins / Pentacles) - Power - Saturn 2nd House - Penetration

The Four of Disks (Coins) refers to the excessive need for security and the resulting desire for possession, wickedness and deep-seated fear of change. There is always a lifetime in the behavior represented by the card, an endeavor to adhere to the existing state, and thus to futile confrontation with the flow of life. In each case it shows that we are on the road to stiffness. He is often a forerunner to the Tower (XVI), which is breaking down the horrible armor. If the space occupied by the Four of Disks (Coins) calls for this behavior, then we must moderate ourselves, but it may also mean that we cannot expand on this subject.

Keywords: Sun in Capricorn, domination, openness

Advice: The meaning of this tab depends on the background of the person who drew it. Can be a warning: the person needs to confirm his or her character and integrity. Or it may be a challenge to subordinate its rules and principles to life and the impulses of the heart.

Questions: Is your life and behavior comparable to a rigid fortress? Or should you bring more order, structure, solidity into your life and behavior?

Suggestion: Study the Different Aspects of Power!

Revelation: I put my power into the service of love.


Ji-Ching: 60. Chieh [Yia] (The Restriction, Limitation)

Mythology: The Insurers (Midas)

Keywords: compulsion, overinsurance, stinginess, fear of change

There is no unattainable goal.


(The Worry)

Disks 5

[ » Disks 5 - Worry « ]

THE FIVE OF DISKS - (Five of Coins / Pentacles) - Problem - Saturn 2nd House - Needs

The Five of the Coins is a card of crisis, deprivation and uncertainty. It symbolizes the narrow passages of life in which we feel miserable, unhappy, abandoned and truly pathetic. However, it is less of a forerunner of real losses and material failures, but rather shows that we are on insecure feet, we are afraid that the unstable soil will not hold. It shows all the conditions that characterize a developmental crisis, in which we leave areas of stability and security to address the new challenges and the risks involved.

Keywords: Mercury in Taurus, trouble, pondering, pessimism, problematic communication, fear of existence

Advice: If you draw this card, you are ready to look at your situation as it is. Now you have the opportunity to liberate yourself by starting the necessary discussion (with others or yourself). Only clear and open communication will facilitate development.

Questions: In what area or situation are you not clear and definite? Who do you need to clarify your business with?

Suggestion: Drag another tab to see what will change if you talk openly with someone or if you allow them to confront the truth of the situation.

Revelation: I am now purifying my life.


Ji-Ching: 41. Sun (The Fall, Decrease)

Mythology: The Poor (Job)

Keywords: crises, bottlenecks, deprivation, uncertainty

What is not ours is more dazzling than anything that is our own.


(The Success)

Disks 6

[ » Disks 6 - Success « ]

THE SIX OF DISKS - (Six of Coins / Pentacles) - Success - Jupiter - Pisces / Lion / Aquarius - Help

The Six of Disks (Coins) represents helpfulness, generosity and tolerance. It may mean exercising these virtues, but also enjoying the generosity, understanding, and helping of others. It is not a spontaneous donation mood, which may be delayed in the next moment, or indifference that looks tolerant, but a balanced, reliable property. In everyday life, it is a reward, a rewarding business.

Keywords: Moon in Taurus, inner and outer manifestation, success, transformation

Advice: Be open to your success. It is a gift that you can learn with grateful heart and humble acceptance. Real success comes only after you've learned to serve. Success under these conditions enriches every level of your being.

Question: What does success mean to you right now?

Suggestion: Visualize as precisely as you know your success will be.

Revelation: Self-acceptance and self-confidence are the keys to true success.


Ji-Ching: 27. Ji (The Nutrition, Nourishment, The Corner of the Mouth)

Mythology: The Helper (Prometheus)

Keywords: helpfulness, generosity, tolerance, support

What was not originally intended for us gives us more warmth.


(The Failure)

Disks 7

[ » Disks 7 - Failure « ]

THE SEVEN OF DISKS - (Seven of Coins / Pentacles) - Failure - Jupiter / Saturn - Patience

The Seven of Disks (Coins) card represent patience and slow growth. It calls for a calm look at the matter, leaving enough time for development and development. The result is definitely positive if we do not hurry and restrain our over-zeal with our disturbing influence. The Seven of Disks (Coins) with the Hanged Man (XII) and the Four of Swords are time delays. In contrast to the other two cards, progress is ongoing here.

Keywords: Saturn in Taurus, restraint, hesitation, resignation, hesitation, seemingly insurmountable obstacles, fear of failure

Advice: Your ability to handle things is hampered by difficult and fearful expectations. Now you can carefully look at their content and quality.

Question: Which areas of your life are you most concerned about?

Suggestion: Write a complete list of your worst expectations. Grab a new sheet of paper and turn all your fears into positive opposites. Work on these lists, change them as needed, and make conscious decisions. Find someone to support you in this. Draw another card in the knowledge that you can accept your fears and put an end to them.

Revelation: I have the courage to believe that everything in my life is for the best.


Ji-Ching: 5. Hsu (The Waiting, Nourishment)

Mythology: Horus - Goddesses of the Seasons (Thallo, Auxo, Karpo)

Keywords: patience, slow but steady growth, slow growth

Gold cannot be devoured. All gold must be meaningful in order to profit from it.


(The Prudence)

Disks 8

[ » Disks 8 - Prudence « ]

THE EIGHT OF DISKS - (Eight of Coins / Pentacles) - Prudence - Mercury 3rd House - Learning

The Eight of Disks (Coins) is a promising start. This is the card of the dad, who is beginning to solve a long but successful task. In this sense, the page connects its starting position with a joyful outlook. It also shows that our motivation is good, we are delighted with the thing and we are proud of our first results. In a sense, it also means luck for beginners.

Keywords: Sun in Virgo, inner and outer riches, wisdom, development, care, caution

Advice: It is the beauty and delicacy of what blooms within you. Give him the protection and nutrition he needs. You must not force anything! Everything will unfold when the time comes.

Questions: Do you give yourself the protection and nutrition you need to grow now?

Suggestion: Meditate on the well-known phrase of the Zen tradition: "If you sit in silence and do nothing, spring and grass will come spontaneously."

Revelation: I relax and trust in Life.


Ji-Ching: 17. Sui (Following)

Mythology: The Disciples (Talos, Neffe, Daidalos)

Keywords: desire to learn, dexterity, good start to the prospect

Our own desires can become more of a burden than the heaviest chains.


(The Gain)

Disks 9

[ » Disks 9 - Gain « ]

THE NINE OF DISKS - (Nine of Coins / Pentacles) - Profit - Jupiter / Venus 5th House - Growth

The Nine of Disks (Coins), in the traditional sense, were the card of material luck, which promises large, mostly unexpected prizes. It means surprisingly good progress, sudden luck and situations that are spoken by "the big catch" in common language. Alongside this undoubtedly strong side, which refers to the external prizes, the other interpretation of the card is the experience of a perceptible inner enrichment.

Keywords: Venus in Virgo, Growth, Growth, Profit, Cuff of Love, Wisdom, Creativity, The More I Give The More I Get

Advice: If your knowledge and creativity is filled with love, you will gain something from every situation. The deeper you delve, the more comprehensive your insights will be.

Question: Do you know what your highest goal is?

Suggestion: Carefully review whether what you call profit is completely in line with your ultimate goal.

Revelation: Everything that happens today serves my growth. The more I give, the more I get.


Ji-Ching: 42. Yi (The Growth, Increase)

Mythology: The Prosperous (Petrus)

Keywords: big profits, financial fortune, unexpected gains, winnings

Even those who have more than need to remember to give a helping hand.


(The Wealth)

Disks 10

[ » Disks 10 - Wealth « ]

THE TEN OF DISKS - (Ten of Coins / Pentacles) - Wealth - Jupiter 2nd House - Riches

The Ten of Disks (Coins) denotes abundance, wealth, security, stability and the carelessness of our daily lives. It symbolizes both internal and external wealth. However, achieving spiritual completeness requires vigilant attention. In this regard, the card calls for the important spiritual aspects not to be neglected because of our business effort and our zeal. It shows that we just have to open our eyes to see and experience what the alleged gray everyday days offer.

Keywords: Mercury in Virgo, inner and outer riches, visibility of inner wealth and ability to share it with others

Advice: You have attracted everyone who is part of your life to you. You have created every situation in your life and you have created your own reality. The riches you hold in your hands when you do what you want with it. The responsibility is yours and you are infinitely rich.

Questions: Do you know about your inner wealth? Are you generously sharing with others?

Suggestion: Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities that make up your inner wealth.

Revelation: I am rich internally and externally and free, I surrender myself, I enjoy everything.


Ji-Ching: 14. Ta Yu (Abundance, Wholesale Ownership)

Mythology: The Rich (Solomon)

Keywords: wealth, abundance, security, stability, undisturbed

When the treasure chest is full, there is not much room for what comes next.

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Read more:

  • » The Book of Thoth - A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians by Aleister Crowley.
  • » Liber LXXVIII - On the Tarot - A complete treatise on the Tarot giving the correct designs of the cards with their attributions and symbolic meanings on all planes. - A description of the Cards of the Tarot, with their attributions, including a method of divination by their use.
  • » Manuscript N - The Tarot - A Golden Dawn Manuscript - A Theoricus Adeptus Minor Paper.

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