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Daniel Tarr (et.al)

Elongated Skulls

- A Review -


Mark Laplume presents » Root Race Research and Brien Foerster presents » Hidden Inca Tours

Ellongated Skull

Elongated Skulls are seen by most Ufologists as proof of the alien origin of the human race. An extensive research is being carried out by many researchers in the field...

Could human beings have had larger heads at one point, and possibly greater mental abilities? The answer to this question can only be speculated on, but it is definite that some humans had larger skulls at some point. The elongated skulls of Paracas are evidence of this. These remains prove that there were those who came before us with greater skull volume who were living in what is now southern Peru. Like many mysteries of the ancients, how exactly this came about is a great enigma to present day man.

[Check out » Root Race Research]


The alternative explanation for the bizarre discoveries is that the skulls were artificially deformed as part of a tribal ritual. The practice of skull elongation - to signify group affiliation or social status - dates back 9,000 years. Common in various tribal cultures around the world (such as Mayans, North American natives and Australian Aborigines), the head moulding styles fell into three groups: flat, round or conical. To achieve the desired shape, the head was wrapped in tight cloth. In the case of cranial flattening, the head was placed between two pieces of wood. The technique would usually be carried out on an infant, when the skull is at its most pliable. The cloth would be applied from a month after birth and be held in place for about six months.

Thus orthodox scientific explanations relate Elongated Skulls to "cranial deformation" causing elongated human skulls. This was considered a world-wide phenomenon found in areas such as ancient Iraq, Malta, Melanesia (specifically near Vanuatu), Russia, North and South America, and possibly Egypt during the Amarna period, during the time of Akhenaten and Tutankhamen, but the latter is hotly debated by scholars. In terms of time period, we are looking at roughly between 4000 BC and 300 AD.

The deformation process was usually begun when a child was very young, perhaps soon after birth, and continued until complete calcification of the skull was complete. Most academics believe that this was achieved by the binding of the skull with cords and flat wooden boards. The last examples of people to perform this were in the Congo of Africa by the Mangbetu people and the Vanuatu natives in the latter part of the 19th century.

However, some cultures of Peru offer other possible examples of this, and even the possibility that individuals were born with elongated crania. An amazing detailed sketch, made by Johan Jakob von Tschudi, and published in a book he co-authored with Mariano E. Rivera in 1851 called Peruvian Antiquities shows a human fetus with a huge elongated skull. The fetus was labeled as Inca, but it's exact location was not revealed by Tschudi. Interestingly, since no portraits of the Inca were ever made prior to the arrival of the Spanish in 1532, we honestly don't know what they looked like, taking into consideration as well, that a brutal civil war which preceded the Spanish Conquest, probably in 1531 resulted in the vast majority of the royal Inca family to have been slaughtered; as much as 90% of them.

[Read more Ellongated Skulls on » Wikipedia ]

Cranial deformation

Painting by Paul Kane, showing a North American Chinook child in the process of having its head flattened, and an adult after the process


The Worldwide Mysterious Phenomena Of Elongated Skulls‏

Societies around the world portray distinct characteristics which define their culture. From the clothes worn; the language spoken and the customs and traditions that are passed from generation to generation, each of these can provide insights into a cultural group. There are, however, a number of universal customs that are practiced on each continent around the globe. They include circumcision, death and burial rituals and cranial deformation. These traditions originated in our remote past. Their purpose and meaning seemingly lost to the sands of time.

It was once believed that head modifications developed in Egypt, and then spread around the world. Researchers have concluded that this phenomenon was not isolated to one geographic area and then disseminated out into the surrounding areas. Instead, this bizarre hallmark of ancient societies sprang up around the world in different cultural groups independently. Many have come to believe it to be an inherent step in the evolution of a group's culture.

Elongated Skull

Cranial deformation is a distinct and painful tradition. The objective of cranial deformation is to elongate the shape of the head. This procedure, once performed, cannot be reversed. More importantly, individuals who have had the procedure performed, unlike circumcision cannot conceal it. It is a permanent visible marker that identifies not only a cultural group, but also select individuals within that society.

When a child is born, the infants head is fashioned or molded into a unique long and slender shape. The simplest method a caregiver employed was to put pressure on, or gently massage the child's head daily until the desired shape is achieved.

The second method constrains the child's head in a mechanical device which, over time, will produce the desired elongated shape. Head modifications are always performed during infancy. This is when the cranial bones are still tender and pliable and the sutures between the cranial bones are unfixed. This allows shaping or reshaping the head. But why would a mother or caregiver subject her child to such a painful and ongoing process?

Skulls displaying clear signs of cranial deformation surfaced in the archeological record of the early Neolithic Era starting around 10,000 BCE. The practice of head modifications during the Neolithic era (prior to 5000 BCE) appears episodic. This may be due to the number of individuals who's heads were modified or could be tied to the limited number of remains that have been unearthed. Some of the earliest examples of e longated skulls discovered were unearthed in south-eastern Australia in Coobool Creek and Kow Swamp. Remarkably, finds that date to about the same time were also found in the Shanidar Cave in Iraq. In the eastern highlands of Brazil, a skull was recovered from Confins Cave that dates back to 7566 BCE.

Starting around 5,000 BCE, the tradition of skull modification appears to have expanded. This assumption is based upon the increased number of remains with elongated skulls recovered. Some researchers believe that the convention of cranial manipulation mushroomed as early hunter-gather societies began to coalesce into urban environments. Figurines with deformed crania also begin to appear in the archeological record further supporting the antiquity and distribution of this custom.

In the modern world, the tradition of cranial deformation is often associated with ancient indigenous cultures and not with advanced western civilizations. If it was practiced in the western world, one might assume that it occurred sometime in our remote past and was abandoned by civilized society. This is far from the case. In Europe, researchers, such as neurologist and psychiatrist Achille Foville, documented the practice of cranial deformation in France. Surveying the crania of inmates at a French public asylum, in 1833, he evaluated 431 individuals at the facility. His findings revealed a remarkable 50% of the population with clear signs of deformation, with some of them being considered severe in his estimation.

Elongated Skulls

Check out the » Elongated Skulls photo gallery

Regardless of where they have been found, the majority of modified skulls possess striking similarities. Transverse grooves or depressions have been observed on the skulls indicating pressure was applied to the head. These early finds, as well as the many other more recent discoveries, all show clear signs of intentional manipulation and were not the result of genetic or congenital issues.

There are two primary forms of artificial cranial deformation - tabular and circumferential . Tabular cranial modifications involve the compression of the front or front and back of the child's skull by cradle boarding or other cephalic apparatus. It is the most prominent type of deformation found around the world and includes unintentional, yet unnatural, variations to the cranium. After birth, a board is placed on the child's head and is bound in place. This flattens the child's forehead. If the child's head is placed between two boards, both the front and the back and bound, the compression results in a more exaggerated and distinctive head shape. This type of modification causes the skull to expand laterally and superiorly. Garcilaso de la Vega writing in 1609 described the methods used by the inhabitants of certain regions of Peru. He states: "From birth they pressed their children's skull between two planks tied together at the ends, which they tightened a little every day... After three years, a child's skull was deformed for life, so they removed the apparatus."

Head modification by means of the tabular method can occur unintentionally as a side effect of child care practices. Circumferential modifications, on the other hand, are unquestionably produced intentionally. Constricting bandages are wrapped like a tight ring around the skull forcing its growth upright. This method reduces the diameter of the skull while pushing the cranium upward and backward. Up to three bands were used to produce a conical head form. Evidence, based upon skulls discovered, suggests that the number of bands applied to select individuals within a community varied. The more bands used produces a more exaggerated skull shape. Tight fitting caps or bonnets were also used to produce an elongated appearance to the head.

Surveys of cranial deformation around the world have also unveiled one other remarkable find. If the tradition of cranial deformation had originated in one location and then spread across the globe, then one would expect to find large geographic areas in which tabular head shaping methods were uniquely employed and then others that utilized the circular method. An example of this would be the discovery of only tabular modifications in South and Mesoamerica and circumferential style modifications in Egypt and the Levant. What we find are many instances where both types are being utilized within relatively close proximity to one another. For example, for the Aymara culture of the highland area near Tiwanaku, Brazil, the predominant practice was of circumferential compression. At the same time, in the coastal areas of Peru, tabular deformations were prevalent. Even in the island countries of Oceania, circular modifications have been found in countries such as Malekula and New Hebrides, while tabular modifications are practiced on the neighboring Solomon Islands and on New Caledonia. They have also discovered that the methods, customs and traditions used appear the most intense in specific geographic areas and deteriorate as one moves away from this focal point, until finally the practice is no longer performed. This dispersion suggests that this rite was established in chief cultural centers and then spread into the surrounding areas.

Egyptian Elongated Skull

In addition to the physical manipulation of the cranium, other measures were employed by many cultures to accentuate this modified form. In some cultures, the hair was pulled back and braided, put into a bun or topknot to further accentuate the elongated shape of the head. Pointed hats are also believed to have been worn to exaggerate the shape of the head. The pointed hat that adorned the head of many of the Egyptian pharaohs is an example of this tradition.

In Egypt only the nobility were allowed to wear tall pointed hats symbolizing their elevated status.

The donning of pointed hats was not limited to Egyptian royalty. Several conical brimless extremely long gold hats have been discovered in central Europe with the earliest one dating to about 1400 BCE. These obviously were not worn by the common man. In ancient Greece, slaves that were released from bondage were allowed to wear a pointed hat called a pileus. Did this indicate their increased social status? Early art also shows image after image of individuals wearing pointed hats. Were they emulating this ancient tradition with their clothing? Even today, the guest of honor at a birthday party will don a pointed hat to symbolize his importance. Could this tradition be a remnant of a long forgotten past?

Why did people around the world begin this practice? It has been concluded, especially with circumferential compression, that hats, bands or other apparatus was intentionally applied and was not the unintentional outcome to child rearing practices. Unfortunately, the original meaning or ritual significance has essentially been lost and in many cases has been replaced by the blind following of an ancient tradition. In the few traces of beliefs that have survived we do find a consistency and general theme which may reveal at least in part some of our ancestor's underlying motivations. Many cultures believe that an elongated head indicates increased intelligence. It was also thought to enhance one's beauty or was a trait to be admired. Some cultures believe it will make them look fierce in war.

A correlation between deformation and the appearance of social classes has also emerged. In many cultures, a deformed head was an indicator of increased social position. Extending throughout Europe, a large number of elongated skulls have been discovered in ancient tombs. These finds by themselves suggest that the interred individuals were viewed as having some kind of elevated social standing which warranted a more elaborate burial.

Parallel finds have been unearthed in Peru. Some of the most ill-shaped heads were discovered in some of the largest and finest tombs side by side with skulls of normal size and proportion. A chief or members of the royal family, for example, may exhibit increased deformation, while a priest, shaman or individuals with local eminence may display a less intense modification. Thus, he who has the longest head was the most noble.

Studies into indigenous cultures like the Native American Chinooks of the Pacific Northwest relay that slaves were never permitted to practice this ritual. The ancient Macrocephali people of Africa, of whom the word macrocephalic is derived, believed that men of low birth had no right to observe this custom. This may explain in part why this modification was not equally employed by all members of a community.

Some cultures report that the practice of cranial deformation was passed on as an edict from the gods. Ancient Polynesian tradition informs us that this right was brought to them by a group of light-skinned people whose home was in the sky. In Central America claims are made that this custom was employed because the gods told their ancestors to do it. They go on to state that the practice makes it easier to carry burdens. In Peru, the god Manco Cápac ordered the people to perform this strange ritual so that their children would be weak, submissive and obedient.

Elongated Skull

It is unclear why the intentional manipulation of the skull was adopted. This practice, once decided upon, takes years to unfold before a child is grown and enters into a position of power or prestige. It seems evident that this painful procedure was not a response to some innate primal impulse. It seems hard to fathom that a parent or caregiver would want to inflict years of relentless pain and discomfort on an infant based upon an ancient fashion trend. Implementation of elongation would also require long termed planning and commitment on the part of the care giver for it to ever flourish. If it were something that humanity was compelled to do as part of its social evolution, then it would only make sense that it would be found more widely distributed. This practice, however, was confined to certain classes and specific geographic areas. It seems obvious that this tradition was so important to our ancestors that it has lingered and has been passed down through time to the modern era - its meaning and real significance lost.

The willing decision to adopt this practice around the world overnight seems unlikely. Perhaps, this is not a haphazard invention of our ancestors, as is currently believed. It seems more likely this practice was imposed upon the people by an outside source. The special knowledge required by caregivers to implement this delicate procedure appears to have developed overnight. Then, when we take into account the uniformity of the methodology, tools and techniques used by cultures around the world, it is difficult to accept that the practice originated independently.

French naturalist, Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages de Bréau, writing in 1889, did not believe that the extraordinary similarities between the skulls could have come about autonomously or as a natural impulse of the human race and asserts that the evidence points to a worldwide culture in archaic times.

Who were these people who imposed the tradition of cranial deformation on our ancestors? Survivors of the great flood as recorded in the Bible? Remnants of the Atlantian legacy? Or members of an extraterrestrial race? We do not have the answer to that question right now, but as more evidence is unearthed the true origin of this practice will be revealed.

(By Dr. Rita Louise)

[ Source: Soul Healer ]


Discovering the “Elongated Skulls of Paracas”

Often the mystery of the elongated skulls of Paracas is written off as intentional body modification, possibly practiced for aesthetic reasons. This is impossible, however. With artificial cranial deformation, which is a practice of body alteration that cultures all over the world have practiced in the past, the skull is elongated by head flattening or head binding when it is still malleable in the first months or years of life. The elongated skulls of Paracas are not only longer, but they are also larger.

According to Brien Foerster, who has extensively researched and written on the subject, some of these skulls had a cranial volume that was as much as 2.5 times as large as the average human skull today. This means that the mysterious skulls must have been the result of genetics, not body modification.

The Paracas Peninsula was excavated by the great Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello in the 1920s. He found a series of tombs as well as the remains of a small underground village. Today most of these graves are filled with sand blown in from the nearby ocean. It was here that Tello found dozens of these strange skulls.

He believed the people of Paracas were related to another Andean culture, the Chavin culture, which is thought to have originated more than 3000 years ago. The only problem with this assumption is that no elongated skulls have been found within the remains of the Chavin culture. What was the genetic history of the Paracas culture?

Paracas Elongated Skull
Paracas Elongated Skull
Paracas Elongated Skull
Paracas Elongated Skull

Today about one dozen skulls can be viewed at the Paracas History Museum, which features artifacts from Inca and pre-Inca cultures. Until the elongated skulls of Paracas are more intensely researched, their origin and development will remain unexplained. Brien Foerster has taken samples from some of the skulls to try to gain more insight into their origin.

See the » 18 Elongated Skulls of Paracas

DNA results from the first 3 Paracas skulls tested, released on June 14 2012 have given us C-14 (carbon 14) dates of approximately 2300 years of age for all three skulls, plus or minus 30 years. This confirms that the skulls are ancient, and that these people existed as a genetically distinct group. The Nazca people, famous for having made the Nazca Lines moved into the Paracas area at approximately 100 AD.

The Paracas skulls are unique. They have specific features, such as two small holes in the back of the skulls that are not present on normal human skulls. These physical features indicate that these skulls were elongated at birth. The question remains then, where did the genetic code for these skulls originate, or, are they really human skulls at all?

The elongated skulls of Paracas were not the only strange skulls that have been discovered. Elongated heads were part of ancient Egyptian culture. The Olmecs of Mexico and ancient peoples of the Mediterranean and Melanesia were also thought to have these larger skulls, although they were not necessarily as large as the Paracas samples. It appears that theses other skulls were elongated artificially. They seem to have "copied" the appearance of some other more ancient alien race...

[Source » Photographing Peru’s Coneheads]


The 13 Alien-Like Skulls Found in Mexico‏

When archaeologists excavated the ancient burial site “El Cementerio,” near the Mexican village of Onavas, they made a shocking discovery. They unearthed 25 skulls, 13 of which were elongated and pointy at the back and did not look entirely human.

The burial site was first discovered by residents of the small village of Onavas back in 1999 when work was being carried out to build an irrigation system. It is the first pre-Hispanic cemetery found in the northern Mexican state of Sonora, and dates back around 1,000 years.

Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) revealed many interesting discoveries at the site – including the thousand-year-old specimen shown to the right, which at first glance seems to represent the elongated head of an extraterrestrial being.

Out of the 25 individuals unearthed, 17 of them were children between 5 months and 16 years of age and only 1 was female. The children had no signs of disease or trauma indicating a cause of death. 

Experts theorize that the deformity of the skulls were intentionally produced through the ritual of “head flattening”, otherwise called “cranial deformation”, in which the skull is compressed between two wooden boards from childhood. The grotesquely-shaped heads are the result of a ritual “head flattening” process that deliberately deforms the skull to distinguish certain social groups. The exact reasons are not entirely known, but according to the team's director, archaeologist Cristina Garcia Moreno, this practice was employed in many ancient cultures, including the Mayans. Although the practice was common among pre-Hispanic populations of Mesoamerica and western Mexico, it is the first time that elongated skulls have been found in north of Mexico.

Elongated Skull

The earliest examples of cranial deformation extend back to the Neolithic Era approximately 10,000 years ago, and the practice has existed among many cultures around the world. The reason for the practice, however, is less clear. Some tribes have reported that they believe that those with elongated heads have greater intelligence. Other reasons have included enhanced beauty, increased social standing, or making them look fierce in war.

Brien Foerster, author and expert on elongated skulls, has presented some of the most spectacular research on the subject. He has found that while most skulls show clear signs of deliberate cranial deformation, there are a percentage of skulls - those found in Paracus, Peru - which are anatomically different and which cannot be explained by practices of head flattening. These skulls, he said, have a cranial volume that is 25% larger than conventional human skulls (cranial deformation does not increase volume), and which weigh 60% more. Brien Foerster outlines further differences: “they contain two small holes in the back of the skull, perpendicular to the cranial suture present in the parietal plate of the skull. Every normal human skull is composed of 3 major bone plates; the frontal plate, which ends at the upper part of the forehead, and the 2 parietal plates which lie behind this, intersecting the frontal plate making a “T” shape. The holes are thought by Lloyd to be natural; every human jaw has a small hole on either side which is for nerves and blood vessels to exit and feed the tissue there; these 2 holes at the back of the skull may perform the same function for the elongated skull. The other factor is that there is only one parietal plate, where there should be two.”

These findings are quite dramatic, yet strangely unreported in mainstream publications and media reports. (By April Holloway)

[ Source: Ancient Origins ]


Elongated Human Skulls Of Peru: Possible Evidence Of A Lost Human Species?

Four hours drive south of Lima Peru one finds the Paracas Peninsula, part of which is an ecological reserve, where one can see wildlife such as sea lions, and a myriad of various sea bird species. The area is amazingly rich in seafood, and abundant fresh water exists just below the surface of the desert sands, suitable for irrigation free agriculture.

Therefore, it would seem to be a very liveable place for humans.  Stone tools, of various forms and styles of shaping have been found in the area, and cursory analysis has established dates of as old as 8000 years. The greatest of Peruvian archaeologists, Julio Tello, made studies in this area in 1928 and performed excavations on the north side of the peninsula, in the central area of the large semi-circular bay there. He discovered and excavated a massive and elaborate graveyard, where each tomb contained an entire family, each one ornately wrapped in multiple layers of highly stylized, woven and coloured cotton cloth. He also found the sand filled remains of subterranean houses, which turned out to be numerous; so numerous in fact, that the village stretched out for between 1 and 2 km just above the seashore.

But, the most amazing finds were the skulls, some enormously elongated. The scientific name for this is dolichocephally. Most skulls exhibiting this condition, found in many parts of the world, were clearly the result of the practice of head-binding, the process being known as cranial deformation. And so how was this achieved?

A very young child’s skull is pliant at birth, and remains in this way for months. It is therefore possible, by lashing a rope around the head, with a board placed at the back of the skull, and perhaps the front as well, to alter the shape of the head over time. Many authors state that the time period to perform this shaping was about 6 months to 3 years, but since the practice is no longer performed to my knowledge, no one really knows. Examples of this technique, supposedly last performed on infants in the Congo of Africa and the Island of Vanuatu in the south Pacific Ocean area known as Melanesia, well into the 20th century, have also been found in Egypt, during the Amarna period, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Russia, the island of Malta, as well as many places in Peru and Bolivia, and amongst the Olmecs of Mexico.

What you are capable of doing via this technique is to change the shape of the skull, but not the actual volume; you can alter the shape, but not the size. However, Tello found several skulls, at least 300 at the site called Cerro Colorado adjacent to the main graveyard in Paracas, which had cranial volume larger, and in some cases 25 percent larger (and perhaps more) than a conventional modern human skull. How is this possible? As I have said, deformation can alter shape, but not the volume of bone material.

It is therefore obvious that we are dealing with 2 different phenomena; elongation through binding, and elongation via genetics. The Paracas skulls are the largest found in the world, but from what root race stock would they have originated?  To suggest that the natural elongation was the result of hydrocephaly or some other clinical condition is ridiculous, when one takes into account that again,  at least 300 of them were found by Tello, and no one knows how many are still under the earth, in private collections, or gathering dust in museum warehouses in Peru, and beyond. Hydrocephaly would tend to make the skull expand evenly, making them more round than elongated. What is also intriguing is that these Paracas skulls, on average, weigh 60 percent more than contemporary human skulls from the same area.

Tello believed that the Paracas were related to the people of the Chavin culture, who created the famous megalithic site of Chavin de Huantar, mainly based on the fact that he saw similarities in pottery designs and motifs, especially feline figures. However, to my knowledge, no elongated skulls have been found in the area where the Chavin lived, north of Lima in the Ancash district, so that clearly is not the answer as to their origins. But, since Tello was the expert and main archaeologist at Chavin, where he placed an origin date of at least 3000 years ago, he then simply applied this for the Paracas as well, and no one has dared or bothered to refute his time line until now.

Elongated Skull

Recent DNA testing, by a German team in 2010 of nearby Nazca skulls, as well as a sampling of Paracas ones, indicate that both the Nazca and Paracas were not genetically related to any other people in what is now known as Peru.

Candelabro geoglyph of Paracas

The Paracas people, living by the coast, were clearly fishermen, as evidenced by netting which has been found buried in the sand, as well as ancient middens, which are heaps of sea shells. No actual and extensive carbon 14 dating has been performed on the organic matter of the archaeological sites, and this was certainly not done by Tello, as his work was performed in 1928, whereas carbon 14 dating was not established until the 1940s. Also, very little work has been done at Paracas since the time of Tello, and the subterranean houses have once again filled up with sand.

It seems evident, although unproven at this time, that the Paracas may be the descendants of an earlier culture that were sea farers. Since the Chavin-Paracas link set forth by Tello seems improbable, due to the lack of elongated Chavin skulls, as well as the German DNA testing, it is a worthwhile hypothesis.

I went to the excavation sites, most notably those of the graveyard and adjacent village, which stretches and hugs the shoreline for supposedly 2.5 km, in May of 2011, with the film crew from the US based Ancient Aliens television series. All of the subterranean homes and graves had become filled in with sand, due to the constant wind, blowing in off the ocean.

The site of Cerro Colorado, which was the burial place of the priestly and ruling class of Paracas people, located across the main road which takes visitors through the ecological reserve, is strictly forbidden to visit. This is mainly due to the fact that huaqueros, or grave robbers, have been looting these locations since at least Tello’s time, mainly looking for clay pots, gold and silver figurines, and the finely woven fabrics which the Paracas are famous for having made.

Paracas History Museum

Mr. Juan Navarro, owner and director of the local museum, called the Paracas History Museum, has a fine collection of artefacts from all of the cultures known and believed to have lived in this area, including the Paracas, Nazca, Chincha and Inca. Amongst his displayed collection of stone implements and clay pots is an elongated skull. Upon inquiring as to its age, he stated that he is a firm believer of the time line set forth by Tello, that the skull could possibly be 3000 years old, and not more recent than 2000. That is because the prevailing theory is that the Paracas people died out by about the time of Christ, having been absorbed into the Nazca, who were the next major culture to live there, spreading out from the area that bears their name.

What is intriguing about this, is that we see, from viewing the very large skull collection at the Regional Museum in nearby Ica, that the physical presence of the elongated skulls does dwindle as the time line of the Nazca progresses. This would indicate that either the process of head binding itself died out gradually, and/or that the genetic trait of the elongated cranium faded as fewer and fewer of the Paracas people existed. The Paracas people also seem to have occupied the Nazca area prior to the arrival of the actual Nazca tribal people, and may have been the makers of the famous animal figures on the Nazca plain; the lines themselves having been made later. Amongst the most famous of the figures is one called “The Astronaut,” and it is not only human like in form, but shows signs of having a less than normal shaped head. Whether this was the result of artistic license, or a realistic portrayal is not known.

The only way to establish the actual age, and possible genetic origins of the Paracas people is through DNA analysis of the skulls themselves. Fortunately, Juan Navarro has a somewhat large collection of the elongated skulls in his possession, and just recently put them on display at his museum, due to my urging. Numbering at least 35, and collected as the result of the huaqueros (grave robbers) leaving the skulls abandoned on the surface after looting graves,  Juan has allowed the taking of samples from 5 of the skulls. The samples consisted of hair, including roots, a tooth, skull bone and skin, and this process was carefully documented via photos and video.

The samples were sent to Lloyd Pye in the US, famous as the caretaker of the Star Child skull, who has now delivered the samples to his geneticist in Texas. A further 5 samples, those being molar teeth, one from each of 5 skulls, have just been sent to Mr. Pye, and they will be both DNA as well as C-14 tested, with results to be posted as soon as available.

As I have said, the phenomenon of the elongated skull is not unique to the Paracas area. The Egyptians, at the time of Pharaoh Akhenaton, seem to have exhibited this cranial feature, as did people on the island of Vanuatu in Melanesia, Malta in the Mediterranean, and the Olmec of Mexico, amongst other locations. However, as far as I know, most of these skulls are elongated as the result of artificial binding; whereas a number of the Paracas ones show specific characteristics that would seem to indicate that they were in fact born this way. Of the 5 physical factors, pointed out by Lloyd Pye and myself, which are not at all common to Homo sapiens, are two that I will mention. One is the presence of 2 small holes in the back of the skull, perpendicular to the cranial suture present in the parietal plate of the skull. Every normal human skull is composed of 3 major bone plates; the frontal plate, which ends at the upper part of the forehead, and the 2 parietal plates which lie behind this, intersecting the frontal plate making a “T” shape. The holes are thought by Lloyd to be natural; every human jaw has a small hole on either side which is for nerves and blood vessels to exit and feed the tissue there; these 2 holes at the back of the skull may perform the same function for the elongated skull.

The other factor is that there is only one parietal plate, where there should be two.

David Hatcher Childress and I have recently published a book, delving into the global phenomenon of cranial elongation, entitled, appropriately, “The Enigma Of Cranial Deformation” which is available both through Amazon, as well as David’s publishing company, namely Adventures Unlimited Press.

I feel very fortunate to be at the forefront of the research of the elongated skulls of Paracas. Recent information suggests that these people were much more wide spread than just the Paracas area. Many related skulls have been found near Tiwanaku Bolivia, as well as Cusco Peru and the surrounding area. Not coincidentally, these areas are also known for their mysterious and masterful ancient megalithic constructions, whose makers are presently unknown. I contend that the megalithic builders were the elongated skull people, but much more research has to be conducted to verify this.

My ongoing on site investigations have shown that the presence of ancient elongated skulls follow quite a precise geographical pattern, from the mining areas to the southeast of Lake Titicaca near Potosi, Bolivia to the city of Cajamarca far to the northwest in Peru. Curiously, the pattern of sites follows what is called the Path of Viracocha, which is the supposed route taken by very intelligent teachers from the distant past who educated the locals that they met the arts and sciences. But more of this in a future article, which will also cover the intriguing elongated skulls found in the vicinity of the Inca capital of Cusco. Special emphasis will be on the Huayqui skeleton, a mummified child whose skull is almost the size of its torso.

Elongated Skull

Photos and more information about Huayqui, who is under the care of Sr. Renato Davila, can be found if you look for the Andahuaylillas Museum or Museo Privado Ritos Andinos in a web browser...

Mark Laplume is an artist living in South America who has been making drawings of the Elongated Skulls, found all over the planet, for about 2 years. Through his keen eyes, he is able to give us a glimpse into what these people may have looked like more than 2000 years ago. You can have a look at his web site Root Race Research.

The Paracas History Museum welcomes anyone to come and explore this phenomenon, and I can be contacted through my website. (By Brien Foerster)

[ Source: Ancient Origins ]


The “Cusco Alien Mummy‏”

A strange mummy was found in the province of Quispicanchi in Cusco in 2011. The Cusco finding caused a large commotion all around the world, because the mummy is 50 inches tall, has a conical head, large eye sockets and teeth with non-human characteristics. The anthropologist who found it, Renato Riquelme Davila, said it is extraterrestrial. 

Cusco Alien Mummy

Davila said the being found is about 50 cm, with triangular head, eye sockets too large for a human being, likewise, said he has an open fontanelle (the space between the bones of the skull that have babies until the year life, as they grow, space, or fontanelle, disappears). The curious fact is that despite this division present the mummy has molars, which do not grow in humans until 4 or six years. Davila says that at first thought he was a child, however Spanish and Russian doctors have confirmed he is a being from another planet.

The discoverer, anthropologist Renato Davila Riquelme, is convinced that the mummy, which is now on display at the museum Andean Rituals, located in the district of Andahuaylillas in Cusco, Peru, belongs to an alien being.

“The head is triangular and Tremenico, indeed, the head is about the size of body and thought I was a kid, but Spanish and Russian doctors have come and we have confirmed that it is an extraterrestrial being,” said the Peruvian chain RPP.

Riquelme said he did not know any ethnic group on Earth that has physical characteristics similar to that of the child and found that the thin bone structure does not allow to speculate that it is a dwarf or a human with severe physical deformities.

“With the appreciation that made the body surface two doctors and one Russian Spanish Andahuaylillas, now we dare to give this news is going to draw the attention of the scientific community,” the anthropologist.

Peruvian anthropologist Renato Davila Riquelme has discovered what appears to be the mummified remains of an alien-like creature, including a triangle shaped skull nearly as big as its 20-inch-long body. The skeleton was found south of Cuzco, at an Apu (sacred mountain) associated with Viracocha, the creator god of the Inca civilization.

Riquelme himself posits that the remains are those of a child. There is a soft spot in the skull - called an open fontanelle - which is a characteristic of children in their first year of life, yet the skull also has two large molars, only found in much older humans.

Peruvian news site RPP however, has interviewed several (conveniently anonymous) Spanish and Russian scientists who claim the remains are actual those of an extraterrestrial, supported by the clearly alien skull. Davila Riquelme said three anthropologists, from Spain and Russia, arrived at the museum last week to investigate the findings and agreed it was ‘not a human being’ and would conduct further studies. He added: ‘Although the assessment was superficial, it is obvious that its features do not correspond to any ethnic group in the world.’

Reasoning Behind Alien Skull

The reasoning behind the anonymous scientists’ claims, which are not backed by either Riquelme or his anthropological team at the Privado Ritos Andino museum in Cusco, Peru, centers on the alien-like formation of the skull.

Specifically, the group points to the triangular shape of the head, the oversized eye sockets and the fact that the head by itself is nearly the same size as the rest of the mummy’s body as proof.

It has a non-human appearance, a statement from the scientists read. The head is triangular and big, almost the same size as the boy… yes, it’s an extraterrestrial being.

Several rational, Earth-based explanations could be given for these deformities, as blogging site Tecca points out.

Several ancient cultures practiced artificial cranial distortion, which could explain the triangular shape of the skull. Medical conditions like hydrocephalus (water in the brain) meanwhile, can cause rapid, abnormal skull growth in children if left untreated.

More Strange Finds

Luckily, a second set of remains has also been discovered, in placental form, and some shreds of eyeball have resisted complete mummification in the first skeleton's right socket. The second mummy is incomplete and is only 30cm (12in). It lacks a face and seems to be wrapped in a layer as a placenta, fetal position. DNA extracted from the remains should help determine its genetic background and put to rest, once and for all, the controversy of whether these mummies are human or not.

Cusco Alien Mummy
Cusco Alien Mummy
Cusco Alien Mummy
Cusco Alien Mummy

Other strange details about the skull also make its origins seem more out-of-this-world. Riquelme told The Mail that although the skull features a soft spot called the open fontanelle seen in children less than 2 years old, the mouth contained two adult molars.

Although the assessment was superficial, it is obvious that its features do not correspond to any ethnic group in the world, he said. Whether or not the mysterious triangular skull is that of an alien or of a human, the ancient remains are cause for excitement, and their unusual appearance not a little intriguing.

Cusco Alien Mummy

This baby is being referred to as an “Alien Hybrid Human Baby”.  Peruvian anthropologist, Renato Davila Riquelme,  found the remains in the highlands, near his home in Andahuaylillas. Reports confirm Sr. Renalto is convinced that these are the remains of  an alien human-hybrid baby, which are now on display at his private museum called  Museo Andean Rituals.

Skulls are humanity’s foremost symbol of death, and a powerful icon in the visual vocabularies of cultures all over the globe. We have some spent time with researcher Brien Forester (and interviewed him for a podcast here) who has co-authored a book called The Enigma of Cranial Deformation.

After reading about these cranial deformation and visiting the Paracas History Museum, I have started to see the subtle differences between those skulls that were elongated or deformed through a process of binding and flattening to those who may have been naturally formed that way. The baby in Andahuaylilla  presents an interesting challenge to the critics.

"The size of this baby alone, does not indicate the baby was anywhere over 6 month old. I would guess this baby didn’t live past 3 months based on it’s size and my memory of Miro at that age.  I would imagine that the deformation would would take longer than that, even considering the baby’s head is naturally soft during that stage. However there were other apparent anomalies, like the the large eye sockets, the ultra thin bone and the way the baby’s eye sockets lined up directly with the jaw bone. Besides the baby being 50 cm tall, having a conical head, large eye sockets, the baby also has fully formed molars, not congruent with the characteristics of any ethnic group on Earth." [Source: Raising Miro]

Indiana Jones: Crystal Skull Connections

UFO enthusiasts and anonymous scientists are not the only ones intrigued by the find however. Fans of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull note several eerie similarities between this real-life find and the fictional case of extraterrestrials vs. archaeologists in the 2008 Lucas-Spielberg film.

The alien skull was found in an area in Peru where parts of the movie were shot, but is definitely not a leftover prop from the set. The South American find also closely resembles the crystal skull (despite being made of bone) featured in the film, and was stumbled upon by a troop of unsuspecting archaeologists.

Atacama and other findings

The 'alien skull' in Peru isn't the only recent find in South America to be making waves. In the Atacama Desert in Chile, in what is known as the driest spot on Earth, archeologists have uncovered the fossilized bones of over 75 prehistoric whales, all of whom seemed to die around the same time.

The excavation also uncovered a sperm whale, a forbearer of the modern dolphin sporting twin tusks, an aquatic sloth and a seabird with a wingspan of roughly 17 feet.

Crystal Skull

Argentina meanwhile, offered up yet another wonder from the ancient past, according to Yahoo News. Two mammal skulls discovered in early November are said to be dated from the Late Cretaceous period. This make the skulls that of the first known mammals in the last age of the dinosaurs.

'Alien Skull' Discovered in Peru: From Indiana Jones to Real-life Find (By Melanie Jones)

[ Source: IB Times ]


My interest in the subject has led me to discover that many other strangely “deformed” hominoid skulls have been discovered all over the world.  One, called “Atacama Alien” is subject of scientific scrutiny and DNA testing and researcher Dr. Steven Greer and the Sirius team recently declared that the tiny fossilized creature found in Chile’s Atacama desert was some kind of humanoid alien. Read the review about » The Atacama Alien [Sirius Disclosure].

Another one, called  the Starchild skull found in Mexico, is currently the subject of scientific scrutiny and DNA testing and researcher Lloyd Pye has led the way in this type of investigation. Soon I will present a review on the “Starchild Alien” topic too...


» Ufology - The Atacama Alien [Sirius Disclosure]
» Ufology - Alien Species
» Ufology - Extraterrestrial Races



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