Daniel Tarr (et.al)
Alien Species
started in 2013.
based on » Malevolent Alien Abduction Research (MAAR)
» Planetary Activation Organization (PAO) and » B.U.F.O


Some people call these the first humans, possibly first hybrid descendants of the Anunnaki . It is believed that the Adam / Eve theme shows up in many cultures over every continent in in many ancient texts.
It is also believed that there are two races of beings within our universal locale; Draconian's (reptiles) and the Evadamic (human) which battled for domination of Terra, or Earth.
They would look somewhat middle eastern or Native American, black, dark brown hair, dark eyes, olive eyes, in rare cases blue eyes. Or are these mythological creatures in world history?
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AGHARIANS - (or Aghartians)
A group of Asiatic or Nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the Gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with other-planetary systems up until current times.
Professor de Souza, in his capacity as leader of the Brazilian Theosophists, had for years been interested in the Agharti legend, and the more he pondered over the underground kingdom and its network of tunnels, and how it was conceivable that anyone might utilize them without a very special form of transport, the more he came to the conclusion that the Flying Saucers were the answer. That the subterranean dwellers were an advanced people seemed beyond doubt, so if they were capable of living and thriving beneath the Earth's surface there was surely no reason why they should not have developed a form of transport far more sophisticated than anything known on Earth. And the very shape, manoeuvrability and speed with which these craft were credited seemed to make them ideally suited for traversing the network of tunnels that lead to and from the underground kingdom.
In 1957, the ideas of de Souza and Strauss were carefully examined by a writer named O. C. Huguenin in a book called "From The Subterranean World To The Sky: Flying
Saucers". After declaring that `the hypothesis of the extra-terrestrial origin of the flying saucers does not seem acceptable', Huguenin wrote: We must consider the most
recent and interesting theory that has been offered to account for the origin of flying saucers: the existence of a great Subterranean World with innumerable cities in which live millions of inhabitants. |
This other humanity must have reached a very high degree of civilization, economic organization and social, cultural and spiritual development, together with an extraordinary scientific progress, in comparison with whom the humanity that lives in the Earth's surface may be considered as a race of barbarians. According to the information supplied by Commander Paulo Strauss, the Subterranean World is not restricted to caverns, but is more or less extensive and located in a hollow inside the Earth large enough to contain cities and fields, where live human beings and animals, whose physical structure resembles those on the surface. Huguenin then describes how these people, far in advance of the rest of humanity in terms of scientific development, devised machines called Vimanas that `flew in the skies and the tunnels like aircraft, utilising a form of energy obtained directly from the atmosphere'. They were, he says, 'identical with what we know as Flying Saucers'.

See: Extraterrestrial Races - Alpha Centaurians
A humanoid species that has aquatic qualities such as gills, webbed feet an hands allowing them to live beneath our seas. They possibly inhabit our deep ocean depths and piloting UFO's often seen coming out of our oceans. They have been accredited with cattle mutilations, possess such an advanced weapons systems that other specie swill not war with them. Yet others claim they are here to enlighten our consciousness. Also they've been described as being a luminous bluish gray in color of various height.
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See: Extraterrestrial Races - Draconians
Reptilian beings who are said to have established colonies in Alpha Draconis. Like all reptilians, these claim to have originated on Terra thousands of years ago, a fact that they use to 'justify' their attempt to re-take the earth for their own. They are apparently a major part of a planned 'invasion' which is eventually turning from covert infiltration mode to overt invasion mode as the "window of opportunity" (the time span before International human society becomes an interplanetary and interstellar power) slowly begins to close. They are attempting to keep the "window" open by suppressing advanced technology from the masses, which would lead to eventual Terran colonization of other planets by Earth and an eventual solution to the population, pollution, food and other environmental problems. Being that Terrans have an inbred "warrior" instinct the Draconians DO NOT want them/us to attain interstellar capabilities and therefore become a threat to their imperialistic agendas .

Alleged Reptilian inhabitants of the Altair stellar system in the constellation Aquila, in collaboration with a smaller Nordic human element and a collaborative Grey and Terran military presence. Headquarters of a collective known as the "Corporate", which maintains ties with the Ashtar and Draconian collectives (Draconian).
Supposedly a reptilian ( have seen them described as humanoid/reptilian) species that is associated with the Constellation Aquila, in the Altair solar system. Almost romantic descriptions have been given, they are nomads among the stars, friends to some species of Nordics, Greys Other planetary military (including ours) and actually help defend Draconian's. Also league with The Ashtar Command. There are both positive and negative thoughts about The Ashtar Command. My cult groups also channel these entities.
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Similar to the Saurians or Reptiloids, yet being hominoid creatures with reptilian AS WELL AS amphibian-like features and are semi-aquatic in nature. May have once lived on land, yet became more aquatic over the centuries. 'They' have been encountered near swampy regions, rivers, etc., and have been known to attack people without being provoked. It is interesting that some types of Greys AND Reptiare believed to be semi-aquatic, having webbed fingers and toes (Draconian).

Anakim are also referred to the 'Els', short for 'Elder Race' or simply as the 'Giants'.
Referred to in ancient Hebrew tradition, this race is allegedly tied-in with a branch of ancient humans who broke-off from mainstream humanity because of their vast size which had developed over the centuries, possibly as a result of a genetic anomaly. They are said to range anywhere from 9-11 ft. and in some cases even 12 ft. in height, although in configuration they are remarkably similar to 'International' humans. Are said to possess a means of molecular condensing and expansion which allows some of their kind to mingle among humans on the surface. They have allegedly been encountered in deep and extensive cavern systems below the western part of North America, as far north as Alaska, as far south as Mexico, and as far east as Texas. They are believed to have interstellar traveling capabilities.
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Supposedly the first species to come to earth and taught humankind the ability to grow crops and organize in communities. They are connected to the Phoenicians, Egypt and referenced in the Bible.
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See: Extraterrestrial Races - Andromedans
The Andromedan Council has ordered all extraterrestrial presences on the planet, in the planet, and on the moon to be completely out of our space. They want everything that's ET, benevolent or not, off the planet. This will be very interesting since there are over 1,833 reptilians living in our planet and over 18,000 grays living underground and on the moon. The council would like to see how we will live with each other when we are not being manipulated by ETs, as we have been for the last 5,723 years
Are they myth or reality? Ancient Greek mythology suggest these 'beings' are in association with the gods from the star system Cassiopeia. The brave Hercules had to kill Medusa (a reptilian?) and other Beings, only then to kill himself by fire in the end. God "Zeus", supposedly fathered many offspring, well know are: and then took Andromeda's hand in marriage. There is more fiction based info on the Internet than dealing with UFO alien being related information.
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This is allegedly a secret area of operations for both human and reptilian beings. It is said by some that Aryan-Nazi scientists actually developed disk-shaped aircraft capable of very advanced aerial performance, and that swastika's have been seen on a few aerial disks. They may be piloted by a 'pure-bred' blond, blue-eyed Aryan race. There appears to be more than one 'Blond' human society involved in the UFO scenarios, and especially subterranean human societies may have developed 'blond' hair due to lack of sunlight. There does not seem to be anything more than a peripheral connection between the Antarcticans, the Telosian and the Pleiadean 'blondes' (i.e. we will refer to the Antarcticans as the 'Aryans'; the Telosians as the 'Blondes'; and the Pleiadeans as the 'Nordics' in order to discourage confusion).
The Antarcticans may consist largely of 'batch consigned' pure-bred blue-eyed, blond Aryans who became victims of Hitler's obsession to create a super
race, and as suggested by Harbinson and others most of these may be controlled through mind manipulation and implants, being 'human drones' who are used to keep this hidden society functioning. A massive joint humanoid-reptiloid underground system called the "New Berlin" is said to lie below the mountains of Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica. It is said by some sources that this joint human-alien force has spread terror through this sector of the galaxy, conquering and committing untold atrocities against the peaceful inhabitants of other worlds. The famous abductee Barney Hill who along with his wife
Betty was abducted by "Zeta Reticulan Greys" in 1961, stated under regressive hypnosis that he had encountered an evil-eyed "German Nazi" working with the Greys on board the craft. It is claimed that the original "treaty" with the Greys was established by the Bavarian Thule and Illuminati societies as early as 1933, and this collaboration was brought into America via the CIA, which was established with the help of American Nazi fifth column agents as well as European Nazi's who were brought into America through "Project Paperclip" and other operations.
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A humanoid species associated with underground bases on earth under Antarctica and associated with fair haired pale almost bluish skinned races. I believe there are at least two other blue skinned races. In some explanations, it's said that these creatures also have reptilian qualities, they have slits instead of regular pupils and eye colors ranging from pale yellow to bright green more in tune with a cat or snakes eyes. In other explanations it is said they may be a pure Aryan race and have the swastika on their ships.
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See: Extraterrestrial Races - Anunnaki
Described in the Bible and other ancient text as the sons of heaven who came down to mate with women of earth because they found them fair. There is mention of the Anunnaki / and Nephilim in ancient Sumerian writings as the sons of God. Zechariah Sitchin in his series of books called 'The Earth Chronicles' writes that the Anunnaki are a race of beings that come from our solar systems 12th planet called Nibru. (See also Nephilim)
The planet is supposedly on an elliptical orbit with earth and comes around every 3500 years. Its also suggested that these aliens are the ascendants of the latest version of Cro-Magnon Man, mated with human species because they found us genetically compatible. In other words they are supposedly the missing link.
Nimrod and Iraq
Nimrod was a worshipper of Anu. Nimrod unlike Abraham did not believe in an unseen deity. Nimrod wanted Abraham to worship Anu, The Most High known
as ELYOWN ELYOWN EL. Nimrod was the founder of the city of Babylon, and his most renowned architectural influence was the construction of the Tower of
Babel. Nimrod also had a city named in honor of Anu. It was to be called Calneh or Kalneh (Genesis 10:10), meaning "fortress of Anu."
It used to be an ancient city in Babylon, Mesopotamia. Calneh is often associated with Nippur, which is one of the seven cities that was inhabited by the
agreeable Anunnaqi. Nippur was also known as Kodesh. It was originally called "Nibruqi" meaning "Earth place of Nibiru". It was the city of Enlil,
the Anunnaqi Eloheem, son of Anu and Antum. Not only was Calneh one of Nimrod's cities, there was Babel or Babylon, the ancient site and capital of
Babylon near the Euphrates. Erek a city 40 miles northwest of Ur, toward Babylon on the left bank of the Euphrates; and Accad or Akkad“ a city in North
Babylon and a part of the district around it are all a part of the land of Shinar called by many "The Country of Two Rivers," literally meaning "plains
of the flatlands. |
In the land of Shinar, today called Iraq, is the place where the Ancient Sumerians came to set up an advanced civilization where you'd find pictograph
cuneiform writings.
[ Excerpted from "The Spell of Leviathan 666" (Spell of Kingu) by Dr. Malachi Z. York]

See: Extraterrestrial Races - Arcturians
"Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in our entire galaxy. Want to know what NDE's really are?" (Edgar Cayce)
According to Edgar Cayce, the Arcturians are supposedly the most advanced beings in our Galaxy with the ability for dimensional travel. Their society which is a similar structure to that of earth. Apparently they are supposed to bring peace among warring planets. My thought is ALL Aliens have the ability to enter our earth by dimensional means. Or possibly some species have been here before humankind.
The Arcturians are small and favor a deeply blue complexion. Their bodies are an amalgam of organic and synthetic systems. Their focus and purpose is one of knowledge and investigation, at any cost. They are frequently bewildered by (or at best indifferent to) the objections of others to their techniques used in furthering their explorations.
Nominally individuals, they also have such a strong commonality of purpose and a strong telepathic ability (as Earthlings would describe it, at least) that it is debatable whether theirs is truly an individual or group (collective) consciousness. |
Also nominally peaceful and contemplative, they also have such an overriding passion for exploration that they will frequently completely fail to respect the "rights" of another, if that other is between them and their goal, or if that other is the goal.
This is the origin of the persistent stories among human abductees of the invasive procedures experienced during abduction experiences.
They also never grow tired of verifying results, of collecting additional data for "further corroboration" no matter how many decimal places the data is already accurate to.
All these characteristics put together are why they are listed as "unpredictable" rather than neutral. Neutral by disposition, their actions often anything but.

These are humans, usually described as being benevolent by comparison to other groups, who are said to inhabit vast and complex cavern-cities beneath southern Brazil and surrounding regions.
The term 'Atlantean' or 'Atlan' in reference to these races, has been placed upon them because of the fact that these cavern networks along the east coast of Brazil were reportedly once a part of the antediluvian 'Atlantean' empire. The present inhabitants have no direct GENETIC relation to the ancient 'Atlantean' society which is said to have controlled these cavern systems several millennia ago, but are referred to as 'Atlanteans' simply because they are descendants of those who re-discovered and inhabited the ancient Atlan installations.
As in North America and other continents, both common and gnome-like humans have been encountered here, some of which possessed advanced aerial or 'disk' technology.
The Telosians claim to have some connections with South America, especially the Matto Grosso region where a sister city named POSID exists in a large cavern system underground.
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BIGFOOT - (Sasquatch)
Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is the name given to a cryptid ape- or hominid-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid. The term sasquatch is an anglicized derivative of the Halkomelem word sásq'ets.
Bigfoot is described in reports as a large hairy ape-like creature, in a range of 2–3 m (6.6-9.8 ft) tall, weighing in excess of 500 pounds (230 kg), and covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair. Purported witnesses have described large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla. Bigfoot is commonly reported to have a strong, unpleasant smell by those who claim to have encountered it. The enormous footprints for which it is named have been as large as 24 inches (60 cm) long and 8 inches (20 cm) wide. While most casts have five toes — like all known apes — some casts of alleged Bigfoot tracks have had numbers ranging from two to six. Some have also contained claw marks, making it likely that a portion came from known animals such as bears, which have five toes and claws Proponents claim that Bigfoot is omnivorous and mainly nocturnal
To read about the origins of Big Foot click here.
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Inhabitants of the 'Bernard's Star' system. Although not much has been written about them, it seems that human beings at least in part control this star system, along with "The Orange". Whether the Saurians have any influence or not is uncertain, however some sources indicate a possible collaboration similar to that within our own SOL system.
The inhabitants of the systems near Bernard's Star, known (therefore) as Bernarians, among the Humans, are in fact humans, themselves. They come from the previous cycle of Human civilization, when Bernard's Star was co-colonized with the aid of some other races, mostly technological.
Having moved away from the Earth and it's sun, with that 24,000 year cycle (due to its orbit around a dark companion star), they freed themselves from the trap of rising and falling awareness / consciousness / civilization. This puts them in considerable advance of the parent race they left behind (Earth) so long ago.
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They've been described as short and stocky as in Whitley Strieber's book, 'Communion'. They are uniformed have wide faces and a darker blue color with almost comic movements, appearing to float or glide along. In Whitley's experience, they were behaving like medical doctors and examined him. Others have described as looking like a typical Grey except for the coloration and even humanoid varying from dark to brilliant blue. The was a 7 year-olds rendition.
The (so-called) Greens are cousins of the Zeta Reticulans and the Greys. Possibly an off-shoot or the descendants of an old Zeta Reticulan colony, though none of the three will comment on this directly.
Less agressive than the Greys, they are more agressive than the Zetas. At the same time, though prone to doing "rude" things, they are yet more sympathetic to individuals and their pains and trials and have a high regard for those who seek wisdom, regardless of race, planet or current level of understanding. Intheir own way this makes them less predictable than either the Greys or the Zetans. There appear to be many sub-groups or operating missions, including not a few individuals operating here entirely for their own reasons.
Browns are rarer, like the rare blues and there are several grey-brown species. Browns have been describes as 3 -7 feet tall, in various shades of brown to a tan color. Skin has been described in some cases a leathery, wrinkled appearance and eye size varies from a large almond shape to small and reptile like.
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Reptilians from the 'Bootes' system. These and other reptilian entities from the 'Draconis' system are allegedly involved with the 'Dulce' scenario as well as the infiltration- implantation-control of human society on earth in anticipation of their planned takeover at some point in the future (Draconian).
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Another mutation of the saurian or serpent race that is capable of burrowing through the earth. Possibly quadrupedal as well as be-pedal, these have been known to use their natural 'boring' abilities to create artificial tunnels like moles, or even spontaneously produced 'cave-ins' (the latter has allegedly been used in attempts to entrap or kill unsuspecting intruders into the underground domains). These may possess a highly- developed 'bio-sensing' system.
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Being that dwells in spiritual darkness. The person may be intellectually developed. The Buttah are normally associated with nightmares, abductions and the taking of small children. They usually come around at night. The Grey aliens who do abductions falls into this category. The Reptilians are also part of this group. They are usually not very physically attractive. Apparently long ago there was a visitation long ago by Buttahs called Wacshashas who were negative, powerful, aggressive beings.
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The Cassiopaeans are supposedly a highly advanced intelligent race of humanoids from the star system of Cassiopeia.
Several New Age groups proclaim to channel these beings via telepathic communications. This is possibly another race based in more myth than fact. They have be described as beings of light, beings with halos or appearing in a dimensional energy form surrounded by light.
Note: Coming form a former channeling cult. I cannot place much stock in depending on channeled information as a source for credible information dealing with entities or aliens, or future selves....)
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CETIANS - (Tau Cetians)
See: Extraterrestrial Races - Tau Cetians
A human race of 'Mediterranean' or 'South American' appearing, tan-skinned humans. Very similar to Caucasian humans on Terra except for SLIGHT differences (slightly pointed ears, higher physical 'density' for their size, slightly broader nose, 5' 5" tall on average, and often wear short 'Roman' or 'crew' style haircuts). Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani are said to be a major 'convergence' of exterran 'human' activity, and are said to be in alliance with the Pleiadeans (who in turn, according to contactees, have 'Federated' alliances with the Vegans, the Ummites, and others.). The Cetian alliance with the Pleiadeans and 'other' societies who have been 'victimized' by the 'Grey' predators is based on a desire to establish a common defense against their reptilian nemesis.
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Reptilians genetically bred to enable themselves to appear 'human'. Also less-humanoid appearing Reptiloids who use a form of technosis, molecular shape-shifting and/or laser holograms to produce an outward "human" appearance. Reports of these have surface from underground joint-operational facilities near Dulce, New Mexico; Dougway, Utah; Groom Lake, Nevada; Deep Springs, California; and Fort Lewis, Washington and elsewhere. They are reportedly involved in some type of infiltration agenda. These 'infiltrators' can appear remarkably human outwardly , however at the same time retaining reptilian or neo-saurian internal organs. Often described as appearing 'bulge-eyed' with scaly, hairless skin behind their 'disguise'. One report alleged that the 'Chameleons' may utilize artificial 'lenses' to conceal "slit-pupiled iris'". Some claim they are genetically bred 'mercenaries' who are part of an advanced guard of a planned silent invasion-takeover of human society.
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Chupacabra drives its name from the term 'goat sucker' because is literally drinks the blood of its victims. The physical descriptions vary in height. But is generally described as about four feet tall with large red elongated eyes, grey skin that is part fur and part feathers, short arms with claws, legs like a kangaroo, and a line of sharp spikes down the middle of it's back. They are supposedly very powerful animals. Some reports indicate it has wings and can fly. It's been reported in both North and South America as well as the Caribbean. And appears in conjunction with UFO sightings.

An underground species. Some believe them to be human while others see them as non-humans. These are the beings from which comes our legends of leprachauns and trolls. Unlike the Teros, this 'little' beings are considered 'demented' and cannot be trusted. The Teros try to keep them under control and keep them from having excessive power. The Deros live in underground tunnels, cities and under the sea.
This group of insane cave dwellers were called Sumuwnean meaning "the obese ones," or Saamiym, and Abandonderos or as they are called today "Deros," which is a combination of the words â"detrimental" and â"robots." These Sumuwneans or Deros really exist. There Chief is Yabahaan. The Sumuwneans are constantly in conflict with the group of beings called the Duwaanis who hold the same belief, that they too will take over the planet one day. They are born by hatching from eggs that are four to six feet in diameter. They grow to seven feet and are extremely obese. The Deros who live in the caves are degenerated so much that, they don't have much intelligence. They have two stomachs and their digestive system is the same as that of a cow. Deros and cows both chew the cud, meaning when they eat, they chew their food and it goes through the initial stages of digestion where it reaches a large sac that is before the true stomach. The food is then regurgitated to the mouth for further chewing; this is called chewing the cud.
The Deros have no fingernails, toenails, nipples, navel or rectum. Their eyes are silver grey and they glow in the dark. They have blonde eyebrows and a pinkish grey color skin, much like the corpse of a Caucasian, and a pig, having not being exposed to the inner or outer Sun. Other than their eyebrows, they have no hair on their bodies because of a disease called trichotillomania, and are responsible for the diseases trichinosis and trichiniasis. They have no teeth. Their mouth appears to be full of a gummy, slimy substance. They are nocturnal and hear extremely well.
They're not very peaceful and have a strong dislike for human beings. They are very human in appearance, yet far from it. Their noses are long, trunk-like which is very similar to that of an elephant. They contend that the Planet Earth was theirs originally and will be theirs again one day. Many people today who are obese are descendants of the Deros. I'm talking about those people who have a serious weight problem, weighing over 300 pounds, which is abnormal for human beings. It is obviously a hereditary glandular problem and is caused by over active glands. Certain endocrine gland disorders, such as hypothyroidism or tumors of the adrenal gland, pancreas, or pituitary gland, can cause obesity. It is a trait of who they are from, the Deros.
Source: 1996 Nuwaubian Calendar, "Extraterrestrial Amongst Us"
Related Information: Webpage: Codename Falcon
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DINOSAUROIDS - ("Human Dinosaurs" or "Saurians")
From: The "NEVADA AERIAL RESEARCH JOURNAL" for Summer, 1989.
Re-print a UPI news item which appeared in a Berkley, California newspaper:
"Dale Russell, curator of fossil vertebrates at the National Museums of Canada in Ottawa, has developed a theory that intelligent life forms could have developed from the large reptiles that roamed the earth (in ancient times).
"Russell calls his imaginary creature a 'Dinosauroid' which would look like a hairless, green-skinned reptile with a bulging skull, luminous cat-like eyes and three-fingered hands...
"The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually developed a culture that ran its course or was destroyed in an Atlantis-like catastrophe--just after they had begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers. Certain UFOnauts, then, may be the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture RETURNING from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on the HOME planet."
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DRACONIANS - (Draconian Reptilian)
See: Extraterrestrial Races - Draconians
The Alpha-Draconians, or "Dracs" hail from the Alpha-Draconis star system. They are reptilian primarily, and possessed of high intelligence and a unique technological base.
There are, in fact, many reptilian groups, offshoots and splinters scattered throughout this part of the galaxy. The term "Dracs" is usually refers to the main body originating at and around the Alpha-Draconis star system, and their organized activities.
They are meat eaters and find humans "tasty." They also find cats, dogs and cows to be very tasty. Their fondness for earth-based proteins is certainly part of the reason for their pursuit of Earth right now.
They also traffic in various rare metals and even some of the manufactured goods humans are capable of making at this time, some of which do have value in certain markets, particularly among the Syndicates and black market zones.
There is a minor political group among the Dracs who contend that the Earth is actually theirs, anyway, because their biologic ancestors originated on Earth itself, though something over 70 million years ago, prior to the last major impact event.
MIBs: this is a view spoken of only by a minority group of the Dracs. Though not denied by any, most seem to hold it as irrelevant. MIB archivists are unable to verify this claim, in any case. Nor does it seem likely that any species on the Earth during that time would have been capable of space fight, thus preserving themselves in spite of the impact event that devastated the planet for millennia afterwards.
Will describe all forms of reptilian beings... so many species that each has it's own category. These are called Drac's for short and have a reputation of being cunning, highly intelligent, are very predatory warlike creatures. These are not the good guys, although many people would argue the point. They have been connected to Roswell, New Mexico cover-up and Dulce Caverns in New Mexico, to underground military bases supposedly in connection with our government and MILABS. |
They have webbed fingers, nails which resemble talons, with various shades of dark greenish grey scaly skin and have reptile eyes in various colors. They have the ability to shape shift and mask as human. They seem to feed off human energy, off of our fear or other highly charged emotions. Several sources claim they are the original inhabitants of Earth and were driven from the planet by the visiting Adamic / Evadamic (humanoid species) race who may have been part of the Anunnaki and headed for the Draco Star System, many thousands of years ago and will return to take over earth again.
Winged Draconians
They are tall, over seven feet, reptilians with dark reptile scales, elongated hands with thick black talons on 4 fingers. Their features are pointed and angular, large reptile eyes and thin but muscular bodies. They are very dragon like in appearance. They have the ability to shape shit to propagate. They are hostile in their abductions, they've been known to manipulate and invade dreamscapes. They feed of the emotions and energies of fear, anger and use hypnosis, mind control. A very cunning aggressive reptilian species with the ability for trans-dimensional as well as Interdimensional travel. It appears that their sole agenda is to destroy the souls of humans, humanoid species throughout the universe.
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The leader elite of the Reptilians are the 'Draco'. They even have special 'wings', which are flaps of skin, supported by long ribs. These can be folded back against the body. They are also known as the "Dragon Race" and their symbology usually includes the Winged Serpent.
There are elements of their species which do not have wings -- the "soldier class" of the species and 'scientists'.
Dracos are also mistaken with the Mothmen.
See also: MOTHMEN

Cybernetic forms controlled by reptilian entities. These would also include those forms which are animated by fallen supernatural or paraphysical entities, whether of 'gray,' 'human-like', 'mechanical' or other configuration.
There are some who suggest that human-appearing 'infiltrators' of this type may exist in our society, and that certain characteristics might give them away--i.e. the eyes, a slightly sulfurous smell, unrefined features such as no fingerprints or ears or other 'body' parts which seem to have a slight 'artificial' appearance.
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These creatures are largely subterranean and have been reported on very rare occasions. Although a mutation of the serpent race which lost the use of it's limbs through centuries of atrophication, it is nevertheless apparently a part of the reptilian 'conspiracy'.
The 'Dragonworms' are reportedly very intelligent, according so certain sources. 'They' have sometimes been described as appearing similar to a giant reptilian 'worm' or 'slug'.
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Humanoid type. Ave Heighth 3-4 foot. Crashed on the Sino-Tibetan Border in 10,000 B.C.
Tribe of this culture still exists today.
High in the mountains of BayanKara-Ula, on the boarders of China and Tibet - a team of archeologists were
conducting a very detailed routine survey of a series of interlinked caves. Their interests had been excited by the
discovery of lines of neatly arranged graves which contained the skeletons of what must have been a strange race of
human beings; strange because they had unnaturally spindly bodies and large, over-developed heads.
At first, it had been thought that the caves had been the home of a hitherto unkown species of ape.
But as the leader of the team - the Chinese archeologist, Professor Chi Pu Tei - pointed out, "Who ever heard of
apes burying each other?"
It was while studying the skeletons that one of the team stumbled on a large, round stone disk, half buried in the dust
on the floor of the cave. The team gathered round the discovery, turning it this way and that. It looked, absurdly,
like a kind of 'Stone Age Gramophone record'. There was a hole in the center and a fine, spiral groove radiated to
the rim. Closer inspection, however, showed that the groove was, in fact, a continous spiralling line of closely written
characters. The object was a 'record' ... in more ways then one. Only nobody at the time - the year was 1938 -
possessed the key to its incredible message.
The » Dropa stones, otherwise known as the Dzopa stones, Dropas stones or Drop-ka stones, are said by some ufologists and pseudoarchaeologists to be a series of at least 716 circular stone discs, dating back 12,000 years, on which tiny hieroglyph-like markings may be found. Each disc is claimed to measure up to 1 foot (30 cm) in diameter and carry two grooves, originating from a hole in their center, in the form of a double spiral. The hieroglyph-like markings are said to be found in these grooves. There is no concrete evidence of the discs' existence.

Diminutive humans who have allegedly been encountered in or near caverns in various parts of the world, including northern California and the south-eastern Arizona / south-western New Mexico region and in some in connection to UFO's, although most reported 'dwarf' sightings in connection to UFO's are actually sightings of the saurian 'greys'.
These should not be confused with the small 'elementals' or 'nature spirits' which some believe are ethereal in nature yet have the ability to appear in solid or semi-solid form at times.
The Dwarf races are allegedly just as human as surface peoples but average between 3 to 4 ft. in height, although at times they have been seen as small as two feet. As with the 'giants' or 'Els' this diminutivity may have resulted in a genetic anomaly which ran it's course due to the separation of their race(s) from the International 'gene pool'. They allegedly live in subterranean systems to a large extent as a 'protective' measure. And as we've said, some allegedly possess 'aerial disk' technology and interplanetary travel capabilities.
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This is the oldest group of aliens in the universe that we know of. They are the ones that are at war with the Orions, which are the ones that manipulate the Greys.
Elohim occurs frequently throughout the received text of the Torah. In some cases (e.g. Exodus 3:4, "... Elohim called unto him out of the midst of the bush ..."), it acts as a singular noun in Hebrew grammar, and is then generally understood to denote the single God of Israel. In other cases, Elohim acts as an ordinary plural of the word Eloah, and refers to the polytheistic notion of multiple gods.
The word Elohim occurs more than 2500 times in the Hebrew Bible, with meanings ranging from "god" in a general sense (as in Exodus 12:12, where it describes "the gods of Egypt"), to a specific god (e.g., 1 Kings 11:33, where it describes Chemosh "the god of Moab", or the frequent references to Yahweh as the "elohim" of Israel), to demons, seraphim, and other supernatural beings, to the spirits of the dead brought up at the behest of King Saul in 1 Samuel 28:13, and even to kings and prophets (e.g., Exodus 4:16). The phrase bene elohim, usually translated "sons of God", has an exact parallel in Ugaritic and Phoenician texts, referring to the council of the gods.
Elohim occupy the seventh rank of ten in the famous medieval Rabbinic scholar Maimonides' Jewish angelic hierarchy. Maimonides said: "I must premise that every Hebrew knows that the term Elohim is a homonym, and denotes God, angels, judges, and the rulers of countries...

ELS or EL Hybrids
These are godlike beings of super human strength intelligence and abilities often thought to be the first peoples or akin to a mating of sky gods and mankind. It's possible that these are what many ancient mythologies are based upon. There are several descriptions that would fit early Greek accounts of humans with super human powers such as Cronus ( the father of the universe) and Rhea who are the parents of Zeus.
The El's are said to be related to the Phoenician and Canaanite gods called the Elohim which is found in conjunction with Ezekiel's Wheel, and the pillars of fire that many claim is proof of extraterrestrial visitation.
The word EL, translates into meaning, powerful -- "The Strong (or Powerful) One." [ » More information on the Ancient Astronaut theory ] |
Giants are defined as 'Els', El Anakims, based on the mythed 'EL-der Race, tied-in with the ancient Hebrew traditions, Evadamic heritage, having a very tall stature. Nephs or Nephli. Also known as the Titans. Not to be confused with the Elohims El (Could be 'elite') May be from the Orion group with an outpost base inside the Planet Mars.
Some prophesize that there will come a time of a great battle between the Els and the Serpent Race and use Revelations for the reference. REVELATION 12:7: 'Now war arose in Heaven, Michael and his Angels fighting against the Dragon and his Angels...'
The "Book of Enoch" from the Dead Sea scrolls says how these men married Earth women, who bore 'giants 3000 cubits high'. (Note, a cubit is 1 Sacred Jewish inch, so 3000 cubits would be about 250 feet.). These people may have helped build the pyramids.
The Men of Renown - the red and blonde haired Aryan giants of that epoch are dug up today all over the world, including the United States. *Red and fawn -haired mummies - 8-11 feet tall. [ See: Giants ] But the words for red and the red haired race have found their way into biblical names - all of the following denote the Race that formerly ran the 'Garden of Eden' Adamites Scythians, Phoenecians - from the root phoinos or blood red. The Garden of Eden in Greek literature - the Garden of the Hesperides and as Dionysius Periestis once said '.. in the Hesperides whence tin comes dwell the sons of noble iberes' - tin comes from south UK at cornwall. The garden was known as the Fortunatae Insularae, the fortunate isles of Bretannides, or Ultima Thule - "the farthest land".
Biblical History and Prophesies of the Els:
Enoch in his Gospel suggests that this Kingdom of Ruling Aryans, proud, arrogant and cruel were stockpiling weapons of immense sophistication and power for conflagration - the Satans - or Saturnians as referred to in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch were fomenting rebellion and conflagration. Amongst them, the Cabiri necromancers who created abominable things led by the group of fallen angels such as Azazel, Samael etc
The War between the false Gods of Eden and the Powers lasted 13 years it is said, and Greek myth shows Athene dragging off shapechanging giants. The Titans were defeated finally when 2 great meteorites struck the Atlantean kingdom of Thule, reversing climate and ocean and the continental plates. That place now known as Scotland, the epicenter Scotlands western isles at Staffa - near to where the evil capital was said to be - is now very cold and wet.
Still commemorated in the local place names - Ben Cruachan, Argyll Mount of the Bloody Serpent. Or the land of Mhor/giants - Morayshire. What we thought we knew about Egypt according to Beaumont is the result of the more contemporary migration of 1 million 'Scottish/Thule' survivors - taking their surprisingly similar legends of floods, high tek and alien hybrid unions to every corner of the planet - and the memory that somewhere in the land of the pharaoh a nordic word for chief or prince or Aryan or noble - are the real Faroe islands or the isles of Fergus. to the north of Scotland. [not Egypt - a land named after a latter day King] |
As Roman Historian Pomponius Mela said ' the pharusii dwelt by the Atlantic where they stretched as far as the hesperides' [hesperides = farthest ultimate west] (North American)Vitrified Forts blasted by laser and nuclear activity scatter the globe and are found in Moray in Scotland - the land of the giants - at the Center of the universe - eastern Scotland. The Pictish pre Celtic stones eg. Golspie stone illustrate the twin meteorite strike - whilst the Tartan wanderers, the displaced turn up in stone dolmens all over the world taking their tartan even to China.
Io, or Isis, the Mother of the race as it were is commemorated by the holy isle of Iona very near the epicenter of the strike on the corrupt capital, an unassuming island next to the holy of holies on the Isle of Mull.
Homer states that the saved Noah and his crew rested in Boggie and indeed Tap O Noth is Glen Noe in the Bogie District of Scotland now a massive vitrified fort on a 2000 foot high artificial hill.
Another claim to linguistic ancestry comes from the claim that the Ethiopians were the first men and women that knew sex/gender differentiation - but Beaumont suggests that it was an error by Herodotus that placed them in Africa and denoted them negroid. He suggests that the Ethiopians of legend were Red haired, bronzed and ruddy sailors. Akin to the Canaanite sailors. They were the Anthropoi, the earliest race, the Adamites, Atlanteans.
Britain in myth was always known as the land of the dead or Hades and it is suggested that Hades, the isle of Skye, the Styx and many western place names and practices are still commemorated in place names and folklore. The earliest race/Aryan/ reds/ Ethiopians - were also collated under other names such as Meropes, Meru, Meroe [Merovingians] and merope it is suggested is the root of Europe. Lenormant in his L'Histoire Ancien de L'Orient suggested that the human race originated in Upa Meru - Northern Europe. The source of evil Aryan splendor that corrupted the Garden of Eden with gorgons, titans etc is said to be North Scotland, moray and the Orkney islands or Orcus - the dragon family.
The Culhua - serpent race or giants/ Aryans/ Ethiopians/Phoenecians/ reds/ Edomites may have had it coming. The leader of the Satans was imprisoned underground, though the evil machinations of the dark Cabiri sorcerers that practiced later in Denmark and founded the very early practices of masonry with which Solomon and David would become familiar - may yet to this day plan their revenge on the offspring of that very first interracial marriage.
This ancient fear of menstrual blood and the occult practice of drinking it, and its causal connection with contemporary anecdotal and early mythological shapeshifting - may be one reason that in masonic practice women are thought unclean vessels and not allowed within the hallow of the Lodge - where some of the participants may get a very nasty surprise if their best friend changes into a very large Reptilian Being and tears all his good clothes.
It may be that the Cabiri plan to reunite and repossess their inheritance, to reclaim the territory that was taken from them as punishment long long ago. To that end, they may incite all the damned prejudice that fomented the Atlantean cataclysm so long ago
It may be that Edinburgh , Scotland, City of Theion and tribe of Gad, the highest most noble Jewery may wish to reclaim all that is best and noble in Interstellar Fraternity - and it may be as Nostrodamus predicted x66-68 that Michael will also await to gather for a test of strength one more time as the Els of that most Noble and High line strive to assert the Judgments of the Emperor God over the darkness that comes to thwart it. The prize is nigh and the Angels of Light have returned to counter the machinations of the evil Cabiri. Templars, Merovingians, Bloodlines, Theosophical Aryan 6th Root Races that are once again pure and hermaphroditic - cleansed of the ancient flaws; culls, cleansing, world convulsions, cloning, evil scientific practice and injustice - nothing may have changed since those times - but lets not lose hope that nothing will ever change.
We may have fallen in disgrace - but we shall rise again and touch the stars, ignoring the pretension and vanity that keeps us from our birthright. The human race may turn out to be the only reason this planet could ever have been called a home.
But what of the Atlantean Kingdom of Thule, buried so long ago by the revenge of the Gods for the desecration of their bloodline. We may note that all the columns and splendors of what we thought Greece to be are but recent demonstrations of the art in a place that was not historically called Greece, and that the majesty of the Cheops pyramid was built after the Scottish catastrophe - yet there are only the remnants of nuked vitrified forts in the land of the Giants at Moray in a place traditionally called 'the Center of the Universe' We know from all subsequent renaissance art that the Goddess IO of Iona, aka, Isis or Aphrodite is traditionally represented as coming from the sea, the clam being her symbol. [even L Ron Hubbards Wall of Fire Initiation in scientology maintains that man is descended from clams - mind you he also said that DC10 airliners flew between the stars] The aquatic connection of Atlantis and Scotland persists in the area of the detonation - 'the blue men of the minch' [Kirk 1697AD], the folk myth 'I am a man upon the land, I am a silkie upon the sea' and the connection of the God Poseidon, God of the Sea depicted in his chariot pulled by aquatic dragons. The Sidh or She tradition of Scotland remembers that the most gifted seers with advanced powers of spirit resided amongst Scotlands Western Isles, the area of the Original palace of the Gods. Scotlands largest city in the west, Glasgow, takes its name from the root of the Gaelic word for blue. And around the Hebridean Isles, eg. The Flannan Isles there are still stories of the peoples that stay underwater in the Minches.
Elsewhere in Templar records and in folk myth, there are records of great technological stockpiles under the Scottish Mountains; robots or 'dollmen', particle weapons, and great 'alchemical laboratories'. It may be that much of the splendor of Atlantis was partially submerged and inhabited by a semi aquatic species from which came the princess of the original dynasty that mated with the original Aryans. The marriage of the Mero and the Vingians, and the subsequent creation of humanity - a sexual gendered species happened in Scotland.
The symbol of the Bloodline and the Goddess descent is indeed the clamshell a device used by Robert the Bruce a King of Scotland. Indeed the historic pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella in Celtic Spain actually more anciently went farther to the port of Finistere also known anciently as the End of the Earth - the pilgrim traveled clamshell in hand to what must have been a muster point at which to take flight to the stars. The pilgrim route is known as the Milky Way. From the Center of the Universe in the land of the Giants or Mero in Moray northeast Scotland to the End of the Earth - folk history records that these people took ship to the stars.
It may then be that after the fall and the destruction - the remainder of the architects of Eden took their skills and deployed them amongst the cultures they then wandered into.
It is a truth that History belongs to the victors - and over the millennia - much of what we take today for history has been distorted and edited to glorify the interests of the strongest and the few - usually covering up crimes of great magnitude.
The truth about the Holy Land of Scotland went to print by an author called Barry Dunsford - who amongst other things pointed out that Pontius Pilate was born in central Scotland at a place called Fortingale, near Killin. It always seemed strange that a family - the Pilate family central to the destruction of one of Gods and Histories central characters was located not very far from Edinburgh, Scotland.
Dunsfords source was the books by W Comyns Beaumont on the riddle of prehistoric Britain, and Britain - the key to World History.
It is therein suggested that the ancient Merovingians wandered the planet but that the origins of the Jews may well be rooted in the Scottish Atlantean Mystery. After the deluge - the ruling tribe of Aryans returned. These people were known historically as the People of the Cat, the lion rampant their symbol - the popular flag of Caledonia Scotland and also of the King of Norway - also anciently a country part of Atlantean Thule. Edinburgh, having a very sphinx like hill later called Arthurs Seat, which looks like a lion couchant was also known as the City of the Lion. The patron Saint of Edinburgh is David.
It is pointed out by these authors that the biblical references to Jerusalem refer to a fertile land, full of mines and minerals and crops with a seaport called Joppa. That fits exactly the locality of Edinburgh - not the Jerusalem in Palestine - which has a very distant port called Jaffa and whose only extract in a barren land may be salt or potash.
Given that history favors the victor - then something sure must have gone real wrong to make us all think the things we now think about Jerusalem. But the records show that Rome built a boundary chain around Jerusalem some 80 miles and indeed, there exists the chain of forts called the Catrail that is almost exactly 80 miles. The People of the Cat, or the Gadeni or the Gad were the ruling tribe of Jews, and the entire fertile area of Edinburgh and the Lothians was populated by some 1 million people - a place which was biblically recorded to be a hub of civilization. Today, all the Roman signposts have been defaced and deleted for something terrible happened in Edinburgh . At a time of serious instability in the Roman Empire, the Jews of the tribe of Gad, the Silurians, revolted and the retribution from Rome was terrible indeed. There was a massacre of some 80-100,000 people by the Legions and the Emperor ordered that not a stone remain standing and that salt be put on the Earth.
Beaumonts book details the map of Edinburgh /Jerusalem as it was. The citadel being Edinburgh Castle on the impregnable rock of 3 precipitous sides - more ably conforms to biblical descriptions than our current understanding of the citadel in Jerusalem in Palestine. The Dung Gate corresponds with the Cowgate in Edinburgh, the Temple Mount on the way of God, Edinburghs Royal Mile, the Temple Mount there stands St Giles Cathedral and a commemorative Heart in the cobbles outside which signify the Heart of the Lothians. Opposite St Giles on the Temple Mount - the law courts. And one of the oldest Masonic Lodges also stands near the Royal Mile, whilst the Mount of Olives was Arthurs Seat, Golgotha was Gogar, and Holyrood Palace was the Palace of Cedars - and Joppa has always been a port of Edinburgh.
The broad estuary upon which Edinburgh stands, City of the Lion, of the Gad, of the sovereign tribe of Jews, is called the Firth of Forth, translates as the way of ways - and this crossing of a broad estuary at Jerusalem is noted in the Bible. With Pontius Pilate staying just North of the Roman Fort chain which fenced the area in like some ancient Ghetto comprised of one of the richest and most powerful hubs of civilization in the ancient world with its lead and silver mines, fertile lands and rich people - the Scottish Jerusalem was a powerful place. It is recorded that King David, on the run from Solomon consulted a seer of Gad. Edinburgh has had many names; Kaer Eden, Dun Gad, Giudi-ail-Guarth Place of the Jews of Gad, Chaonia - place of Chaos. In 134AD, the Jews proclaimed a new 'messiah', Bar-Cocheba, son of the star, and the chief rabbi anointed him King of the Jews. A coin was minted showing him horsed with a crown, and on the reverse side was a Thistle - the symbol of Scotland - the coin symbolized the first year
of redemption.
Beyond the Boundary Forts, near the Pilate family residence that place was known as Epidamnus - beyond the damned. The tribe of Illyna - the Silurians were mercilessly and brutally put down by the Romans in an ancient act of genocide - and the city of Edinburgh today remembers those ancient constructions by its very old underground workings, not the brickwork of the later city fathers. Today, Edinburgh is still known for its seven hills, the ancient lineage of the Aryans and Giants, the Earl of Orcus or Orkney, descendent of Thule and Atlantis, keeper of the Bloodline and his Rosslyn Chapel.
It may have been that the Templars brought vast treasure here to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem in the City of the Gad, and it may also be that the prophesy of the Brahan Seer 'as Rome was, London is and Edinburgh shall be' is part of the future of the destiny of Mankind.
In popular press, Rosslyn Chapel is a repository of all the worlds ancient artifacts; spear of destiny, cup of destiny, grail, Excalibur, scrolls, treasure, but in reality the truth is far stranger than the fictions.
My recent activity in Edinburgh, Scotland has brought me a lot of attention. MI5 Dept of Parapsychology, Special Branch - all seem to be keeping tabs on me as my group continues to put stuff out about shapeshifting reptoids - and the true historic and global significance of Edinburgh, Scotland. Draco, Scotland, Edinburgh, Bloodlines and MI5 all seem to go together. Edinburgh was a holy city at the time of Atlantis - and the remains have been carefully enshrined in masonic secrets and buildings in and around Edinburgh.
An 18th Century architectural folly on an aristocratic estate just outside Edinburgh uses technology and design to calculate the shadows of latitude. The Theory being that Jerusalem in Palestine, nearer the equator produces a different length of shadow from a cubit rod, than a Jerusalem in Scotland - due to the curvature of the Earth - this shadow is called the Tena Brosa and all part of the big secret of masonry and perhaps even the Scottish Rite itself.
It is most likely that the original dispute that sparked the war amongst the shining ones or Els happened in Edinburgh - for that part of Scotland was also once part of Thule of Atlantis. The author Comyns Beaumont describes the real significance in his 1946 book 'Britain key to World History' the rights to which are owned by the CIA and an International Esoteric Temple called the Star Temple What is on the cards is probably that Scotland will again revert to being an ancient priest kingdom and Edinburgh will again revert to being a Holy City. - in this New World Order.
The Prophesies of the Brahan Seer 'as Rome was, London is and Edinburgh shall be' and of Nostradamus of the political frost that exists between the Windsor dynasty and Scotland, the UK-USA agreement and the king of terror [stanzas 66-68] also predict the return of the Els - the angels of god which, by the way, many many people are seeing in and around Edinburgh , NASA are filming them etc etc. The pearls of great price - the shining angels or star beings of the Magi. These Stars or Angels are interdimensional beings - and witnesses and abductees alike note that they have appeared in Edinburgh and elsewhere in Scotland - sometimes very up and close. The witnesses say that these are the Angels of God - returned to pass Judgment on the Earth and its various human and non-human races.
So also being on top of the shapeshifter thing in the UK - we have found ourselves the target of some mysterious enquiries. One such happened recently.
A very strange lady on the pretext of wanting to find out about the angels and shapeshifters, describing herself as a freelance researcher met me at lunch time today - and she asked me various questions. She appeared to know nothing about anything - but asked many many almost personal questions about aliens, my abduction, the angels, Edinburgh and tried to get all the evidence I had for shapeshifters in the UK. An attempt to see what we had. She parted on the note that how did I get into all of this - I said that many heavy people over the course of the years who have accused me of all sorts of dirty criminal deeds made me curious for it was as if I was supposed to know something that I didn't know and that this made me find out the stuff that has made me today what I am - 'ah its come full circle' she said. But I wasn't convinced that this was a spook agenda and when I got home I felt so tired and weary that I fell on my bed and started having a lucid dream as if I was being scanned. And I'm pretty sure I heard her say that she was going to tell the truth, and was interested in the Humans and the North Star. Its true that in my eyes at night when I close them, I see the constellation of Orion and that these light move and coalesce into one pearly shining light.
The old temple mount of Calton Hill in Edinburgh had Greek style temple pillars erected there in the 18th century to signify the Disgrace of Edinburgh - as is there an architectural folly on the outside of Edinburgh that shows Edinburgh s position as the Jerusalem of Atlantis.
I am hoping beyond hope that these light, these beings being seen now by many of us around here, are the returning forces of good. I was told by Russell Penman - who calls these beings down from the sky at will in front of witnesses that when the cataclysm came we should walk towards these lights and be saved or translated ie. beamed up ----- so it may be that various parties are starting to catch on to the possibility of something incredible happening again in Edinburgh as it rises from its Age Old disgrace.
The returning King is celebrated by Tolken in his Lord of the Rings and not to be confused with the disinformation newly published in Laurence Gardners book on the Ringlords.
The returning King and EL called Aragorn/Elessar of the tribe of elder people called the Dunedain [the ancient name for Edinburgh ] retake the Earth after the last battle, their Kingship returned from the last of the human stewards or Stewarts. This 'alleged fiction' actually fits in with the various prophesies AND the architecture, geography and ancient history of Edinburgh /Dunedain. Non-human politics in Edinburgh have just taken a new step forward.
Thus I had to ask myself that if she was interested in the Humans and the North Star - so who might the North Star be?? All the Stars may well be Angels - the Els - some may have power to materialize - some may just be physical, some shapeshifters, all, powerful. The pearly stars may have guided the Magi to Bethlehem, and recent research points to the burial place of Mary in the Isles of Britain.
I've heard about Stars in the East, the West, the morning star and the evening star, usually always associated with the Satans and the bad guys and the Fallen Angel Lucifer, so the North Star had to be the exiled leader of the Merovingians, the returning 'Christ' or King, Leader of the Peoples of the North.
Lets hope that this is the good guy, maybe its Uriel - guardian of the gates of Hell, for it was said that hell or Hades referred to the underground prisons and damnation of the fallen in Scotland and perhaps the El called Uriel - is a guardian of the interests of Humanity policing the Underground society as it strives to regain dominion.
For their punishment, the Fallen were put underground - the Satans/red peoples were put in 'hell'. The other part of the enigma is the red dragon that will point many researchers to the two meteorites and their fiery tails. However, the secret thirteenth house of astrology, the red serpent points to the constellation of Serpens - a fact secretly commemorated in star maps as making all constellation plus or minus to the ground zero of the Serpens constellation. Ophiucus, its other name was the 'Greek' God of medicine - depicted as a big guy in a toga with a serpent coiled around him.
It is possible that the Reptoid bluebloods from Serpens were red in color, and that this may be a fact commemorated by the Red of the Lion Rampant of the Peoples of Gad, Scotland.
Lets hope that the North Star returns soon, he is probably not the El called Michael who most likely will or has returned with the Interstellar contingent - but the North Star probably refers to the exiled King, the Fallen Angel who has worked to redeem the sins of Atlantis over the millennia.
The local variation on the Global theme of the fall and the desecration of the Blueblood princess has a variation in the Lothians. For King Lot of the Lothians [Tolkens Lothlorien] was given the title by King Arthur. Lot was a descendant of the Atlantean Dragons and Magicians of Thule and Orkney [Tolkens Orcs] The princess has been called Enoch, or Thenew or Denw or Thanay, and the prophecy goes as I read it, that it was said that the new hybrid human dynasties would breed and out reproduce and outfight the Aryan lines, and that the princess - mother of the human species was to be destroyed by crashing her flying vehicle into a local mountain.
She escaped but was again caught and cast adrift on a raft to die - but was saved by a contingent of her relatives who rescued her - and probably took her to a ship from whence she headed back to the stars
This same story is told in countless ways in countless cultures the world over - but all remember the Mother of the Human Race pictured with Clams throughout history.
In Edinburgh, though, the Emperor Hadrian instructed that the city be raised to the ground AD70 and its name forever struck from history and that Jerusalem would be somewhere else of his choosing. It was decreed by the Emperor that the locality of Jerusalem would be renamed - and it would then take its name from the farthest north boundary fort at Falkirk, Scotland.
I don't know how that fares with the modern Jerusalem that we know of today, other than the biblical descriptions accurately fit Edinburgh - though I have always suspected that one day the New World Order will again claim Edinburgh to be the Spiritual Center of the World after the destruction of Christianity.
But the Jury of History is still out on that one.
Having been captured by overwhelming force, the reds or Satans, Aryans or Nobles were imprisoned underground initially under the remaining lands of Thule or Scotland. Scotland was anciently known as the land of the dead or Hades. The Exiled Star or Angel of the North was set a task of watching and policing the Gates of Hell. His was the wandering Nobility given that task that he may redeem himself in the days and millennia that were to follow before the return of the Galactic Empire.
The Fallen, however, were to regroup and re-organize, setting themselves the task of revenge and the retaking of their Empire. In the underground halls, they reassembled their social structure and equipment, taking inventories - and set about the surreptitious task of the recovery of their stockpiles and any and all high tech equipment they could find.
Then became the task of rebuilding their manufacturing capacity and arsenal for the day that they would again fight the war with the Gods.
In the meantime, Humanity, the freely spreading virus that they foresaw would one day overwhelm them - Humanity the cause of the War - was to be their next target. They reasoned that Humanity would spread and populate the planets surface in the next few millennia, so they made sure that that species would never come to the knowledge that would make them HiTek and an outright competitor. For if that happened, then humanity would make Interstellar Allies and representation before the Fallen were ready to fight.
So the ideas of bad beliefs and misleading cosmologies were planted and the seeds of disinformation sewn. Everywhere, the physics of free energy and interstellar travel arose the inventors died, from the 16th century till the 21st century - knowledge and truth would die on the vine. Only the inner school of the Illuminati sorcerers taught the truths of the cosmos, and many Humans there were that paid dearly for those. The ancient systems theory, holistic in its approach was suppressed and even today modern science creates knots and paradoxes by having been taught to reduce down and decontextualize. Everywhere the hated Human Race would be encouraged to war and be ignorant - for the enemy divided, could be conquered. There the alleged forgeries of the protocols of the learned elders of Zion ring true - for the political systems theory in use in the protocols appears to be the ancient systems theory that have led Tesla, Plichta and others to Free Energy. A systems theory also taught by the Secret School of the Theosophical Illuminati - these alleged protocols speak of the body politic as an organism and its means of operation in terms of a functional relativity that is indeed highly advanced and never taught in any human University.
As far as the Protocols were used to encourage anti-semitism it is fair to say that in reality NO HUMAN BEING could EVER be one of Gods Chosen People - for the Master Race that probably wrote these protocols are asexual, Hermaphrodites and Non-Human - these are probably the only original Jews at least as far as they are concerned. The protocols of Zion are the most hateful anti-human and intelligent masterpieces of antiquity, forgery or not, they are betrayed by their advanced use of an alien systems theory - and therefore most likely the work of the Satans, the imprisoned Aryans of Atlantis - the Hidden Masters of Theosophy.
Where that puts the whole Jewish thing - I am unsure - for I suspect, as the prophesies tell, that the Satans will re-emerge soon - and the whole matter of where Jerusalem really was - and why many learned Human Jews believe what they do will come into question - as part of a Satanic Takeover.
The Satans or Aryans or the Fallen have not been idle as they labored to divide and rule humanity for they also sought to forge interstellar links with other civilizations. They were working to a timescale - for they knew that Humanity would be destroyed by Earth Movement - and had to ensure that they held all the keys by the early third millennium AD - the schedule of the return date for the Empire.
The Interstellar Civilizations they sought out would all have chips on their shoulders and be sworn enemies of the Empire - however it was never in the Satans minds that they would escape in ships for the Interstellar Entities who uphold the Empire can reach Intergalactic space in a matter of seconds and quite simply there isn't a ship anywhere that could outrun them.
The stupid brute civilizations they wanted to engage the Empire above the planet Earth were to provide merely a diversion - whilst the Fallen made their escape through a portal or 'stargate'. in the meantime, the Human Race on the surface was partly used to supply the allies of the Fallen as bargaining counters - produce, software, hardware, DNA, artifacts - they sold it all.
The stockpile of the Satans was supplemented and increased, and their intelligence network kept tight control of human military power and research, whilst suppressing every instance of the truth. This in anticipation of the return of the anointed one - the King of the World - Chief Satan - Rex Mundii - as per the 19th Century Tibet pronouncement at Llasa.
The Human Race, however, source of all their ancient hatred and angst were to be set up for a hideous Cull - and indeed conspiracy evidence of; poisonous food and water, corrupted food chain, new diseases, bad learning, HAARP and MK - has emerged. Such poisons would leave their ancient foe helpless.
But the ambitions of the Satans may never be fulfilled for the returning Empire would simply crush them as they had before. Illuminati folklore is full of references to opening of ways and gates and its probable that the hermaphroditic Aryans - those that are evil intend to go.
They probably could have gone already, but their use of any gate would have been detected and found them unready to create a diversion or shield.
The shield invasion was more recently bought with Human Labor and Industry.
Like any couple of punks involved in a drug store heist caught by the police - they would naturally want to hold a gun to the shop keepers heads and demand a fast car etc.
They have some options however, and taking hostages is definitely one of them.
Recent leaks from US military intelligence suggest that soul capture technology has been recently manufactured, and this coupled with the other forbidden technology that they salvaged would also create a useful personal shield for the escaping thugs.
Where can they go - time travel, dimension travel, intergalactic travel, or a rusty old ship trying to outrun the Angels? Surrender or peace was never on their agenda - and indeed their all-consuming hatred may well be their undoing.
They may wish to completely destroy the planet when they leave, however.
What are the Empire options though - to infiltrate their ranks, take hostages, sabotage their stargate project or their anti-human works, or conduct a species specific technological or biotechnological warfare of their own and maybe ultimately, making them an offer that they can't refuse.
One thing is for sure - both sides will be lining up their targets - organizers, administrators, politicians, leaders, lieutenants - all put into lucrative isolation whilst they maximize their intelligence for the coming conflagration.
There may be Interstellar war above the Planet soon but it won't last long - for the Fallen will be trying to make their escape - perhaps even jostling for a place higher up in the queue at the stargate, for the first wave out may well be the last - for the remainder will be swiftly taken for another head to head with the Emperor.
Andrew T Hennessey
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ENERGYZOA - (Sky Critters)
See: Extraterrestrial Energyzoa Hypothesis
Energyzoa are a kind of biological lifeforms also refered to as "sky critters" or "solar jellyfish" or "atmospheric beasts". These lifeforms are a new species of animals living in interstellar space. They are called "energyzoa", because they are made up of pure energy. They are not highly intelligent beings, but primitive lifeforms similar to the the » deep sea lifeforms of planet Earth...
Could it be, that some of the orbital extraterrestrials are indeed some kind of plankton like energy creatures, with the difference of relative size and makeup. What if they are not flying saucers or mechanical spacecrafts flying in hyperspace, but in fact "primitive" energy beings gathering around an energy source - Planet Earth. As small and tiny the plankton may seem to us, as big and giant these orbs and disks may seem also. Giant they may seem, in fact these lifeforms may easily be different kinds of cosmic planktons of space...

Cybernetic forms controlled by 'human' entities. OR humans who have been implanted or surgically altered to such an extent that they have become cybernetic in nature, yet still retaining a soul-matrix
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Millions of years ago, before what we call 'modern' man an ancient race with high intelligence, advanced technology and aerospace capabilities lived on earth. Great earth catastrophies wiped out much of this race , mutated some and drove many more underground. While waiting out the effects of what an ancient nucleur war created on the surface, man went back to a more natural or should I say 'simplistic' culture. By the time they once again surfaced to the earth or even came back from distance planets the Age of Man had changed. Knowledge was lost and the old technology was gone. Man had to start over. ..as they had done in previous Ages.
Today we still remain very ignorant of our past. Until 1847, almost nothing was known about fossil man. Science ignored the study of ancient man. It was only thorugh the bible and traditions that the western worlds had any reference to these wonderous races. One such race was the race of Giants who were "in the earth in those days" of old.
H.P. Blavataksy, The Secret Doctrine, points out to us references in the Bible and in our tradition about the Rephaim (Giants,(the mighty ones), the spectres (Phantoms), the Nephilim, or the fallen ones.. they are shown "as if identical, though they are all men, since the Bible calls them the primitive and the mighty ones" -- e.g., Nimrod. These names, which belong by right only to the four preceding races and the earliest beginning of the Fifth, allude very clearly to the first two Phantom (astral) races; to the fallen one -- the Third; and to the race of the Atlantean Giants -- the Fourth, after which "men began to decrease in stature."
Although Science has come a long way since 1847, they, for their own reasons, have not shared this information with the world populas. We have been kept in the dark. Not only kept in the dark, but conditioned and trained through the educational system, media and peers to scoff and shut out alternative ideas about the history of man.
Again the same similarities in Sumerian and Babylonian Culture
Science is not infallible and many ideas they scoffed at have actually come true. For example , did you ever consider that Homer's Illad is true? Troy was considered a fantasy and science would not recognize that such a wondrous place such as this could have actually existed. Thanks to the determination in the late 1800's of German-American archeologist, Professor Heinrich Schliemann , it was alas proved that the accounts of the Trojan War were indeed true. That Agamemnon, after his return from theTrojan War was slain by his wife Clytemnestra , who in turn was murdered by her children, Orestes and Electra. While excavating in Troy he had found, in the treasure house of Priam, an exquisitely wrought bronze vase bearing the inscription: From King Chronos of Atlantis. Ten years later, while wandering through the Louvre in Paris, he came across its mate,
which had come to light in Tiahuanaca, on the South American continent.
Schliemann's discovery validated thel writings of H.P.Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. Blavatsky wrote that the Trojan War coincided with the cycle of events described in the Mahabharata, and that Homer's Iliad was but a copy of the Ramayana. Blavatsky's work was in, her time, an outrage and was condemned by men of science and theology. I found it quite interesting however that both Hitler and Einstein studied her writings in depth. What were they looking for if not the hidden knowledge within these books.
Homer declared that Agamemnon and Clytemnestra had lived in Mycenae, and, according to Pausanius, they were buried there. Based on this information Schliemann began his excavations. In the hillside tombs he found a number of skeletons wearing golden crowns, masks and girdles, and a vast treasure house filled with golden ornaments which, he believed, had once adorned fair Helen of Troy. No longer was the Iliad regarded by scholars as mere fairytale!
After Schliemann, Professor Sayce of Oxford went further to suggest the word Tiryns come from an ancient pre-Aryan language spoken in the penisula before the Greeks arrived. Based on this new found history, we then come to realize also that these prehistoric settlers were called by the Greeks Pelasgians. These people lived in the time of the building of the great Lion Gate of Mycenae, with a slab weight of a hundred tons, poised twenty feet above ground level. They were also the race that existed during the time of the building of the great hillside tombs of Mycenae with their 45 foot domes built without a keystone. The magnificent architech were equal to the pyramids in their grandeur.
The excavations of Sir Arthur Evans in Crete proved that these early settlers belonged to a highly cultured race. We have evidence that they had built a road across the island upon which they travelled in wheeled chariots. Their palaces were equipped with bath-rooms, running water, drainage systems, heating devices, and even elevators! Their artificers in ivory and bronze "wrought masterpieces which remain today among the world's greatest works of art."
Our belief structure today consists of 'IF you can't touch it, feel it ..or smell it...It doesn't exist. We , because of our conditioning through education and media, we are content in believing we came from 'monkeys' . The Greeks however veiwed things differently and proudly traced their lineage to the Gods. These gods were divided into three distinct classes: the Immortals, who dwelt on Mount Olympus; the inferior gods, who animated Nature; and the demi-gods, half mortal and half immortal.
The Gods of Olympus may be regarded in seven different ways. The meaning of the myths depends on the personification of the gods, which may be any of the following: of the noumena of the intelligent Powers of nature; of Cosmic Forces; of celestial bodies; of self-conscious gods; of psychic and spiritual powers; of Divine Kings on earth; and finally, as actual historical characters. A historical character that was seen as a god , for example, was Odin. Odin's lineage can be traced through the Tribe of Dann and we can show his travels even into the Mayan Traditions. Other examples of demi-gods
In Mary Sutherland's book, Living in the Light, she describes Four Ages of man and his evolution from the Gold Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age in more detail. But following is a brief description of these Ages. [ Ref: H. P. Blavatsky , "The Secret Doctrine" ]
The Golden Age was the period when the First Race lived in the "Sacred Imperishable Land" which capped the North Pole. The forms of this Race were ethereal. They could
walk, run, fly, and see objects at a distance. They were sexless and the principle of Karma had not yet been developed.
The Silver Age occupied the Hyperborean Continent. The Greeks called it the "land of the gods," for it was the favorite abode of Apollo, the god of light, and its inhabitants
were his beloved priests. The story of this Race is contained in the myth of Uranos, the King of the Second Continent. He personified the creative forces of nature, while his wife Gaea represented matter, the basis of all forms. According to the legend, Uranos produced giants and nymphs from drops of his own blood, suggesting the method of reproduction in this Race. When the new gods arrived, , they began experimenting on the creation of mankind, creating the new age.
The Bronze Age was inhabitied by the Third Race of Man in Lemuria. This Race was itself divided into three periods. The early Lemurians were sexless, producing their young by exuding drops of vital fluid, which formed an egg-shaped ball. The myth of Leda, whose twin sons were gestated in an egg, refers to this early method of procreation. Then came a cycle of bisexuality. Plato gives us a description of the Third Race at this point of its evolution. "Our nature of old," he wrote, "was not the same as it now is. It was then androgynous. Our bodies were round, and the manner of their running was circular. Hence Zeus divided them into two." Finally mankind became male and female, and since that time the reincarnating Ego has depended upon the union of the sexes for the production of its physical vehicle. *Adam and Eve and E DIN
At the beginning of the Fourth Round on this globe, every class of being was one-eyed. The "one-eyed Cyclops" of Greek mythology, those giants fabled as sons of Coelus and Terra, three in number, represented the last three sub-races of the Lemurians, for the two front eyes, as physical organs, did not appear until the beginning of the Fourth Race.
The myth of Ulysses, who visited the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus and destroyed his vision by means of a fire-brand, symbolizes the atrophy of the "third eye." The adventure of Ulysses with the pastoral Cyclops, a giant race, is an allegorical record of the gradual passing of the Cyclopean civilization of stone and gigantic buildings to the more physical and sensuous culture of the Atlanteans, which finally caused the "eye of wisdom" to disappear.
In the middle of the Third Race, the "lighting up of Manas" occurred. At the beginning of our evolution the Monad (the "vivifying agent" present in every atom in the universe) had been plunged first into the lowest form of matter, the mineral. Gradually, by the passage of the Life Wave through the vegetable and animal kingdoms, a superior form was evolved -- ready at last for the Host of Manasaputra whose destiny it was to incarnate upon this globe. Some of these mindless human forms were neither ready nor suitable for occupancy and remained destitute of higher knowledge until the Fourth Race. Into those forms which were half ready, a spark of intelligence was infused. Into those forms which were ready, the "Lords of the Flame" entered, kindling the germ of mind in the "mindless men" and adding to them the flame of their own Manas.
The Secret Doctrine
Blavatsky adopted the nomenclature for the geological periods devised by Sir Charles Lyell, the "Father" of geology. To this she applied a proportional calculation based on thickness of strata that was proposed by Professor Lefevre, which harmonized with occult data regarding the true age of the strata. Thus, the Pleistocene (Lyell's Quaternary) began about 1,600,000 years ago. The Cenozoic Era (Lyell's Tertiary), or that of Atlantis, began about 10-12,000,000 years ago; and the Mesozoic (the old Secondary) about 37,000,000 years ago (Cf. S.D., 2:693-711). These are the time-periods intended to be understood in talking of Atlantis and Lemuria, and the present fifth race. The latter was formerly identified by Western scholars as the Aryan peoples, but now is termed the Indo-European speaking peoples of the world.] This theosophical interpretation can explain why certain aboriginal Indian traditions emphasize a "fourth" and others a "fifth" world. Those, like the Hopis, who say they have "one foot in the fifth world" and, by proper living, can bring in "the other foot" as well, really are telling us that although their roots derive from the previous stock-race they have survived beyond its natural term into the present or Aryan world and so can in some important sense fully enter it. Others apparently by reason of more recent racial origin believe they are an Aryan or fifth-race stock.
In chapter 15:18-21 they are enumerated and named among Canaanite Peoples: "Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, and the Amorites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites" (Genesis 15:19-21; compare Exodus 3:8,17; 23:23. Deuteronomy 7; 20:17. Joshua 12:8).
These were to be cut off, and driven out, and utterly destroyed (Deuteronomy 20:17. Joshua 3:10). But Israel failed in this (Joshua 13:13; 15:63; 16:10; 17:18. Judges 1:19,20,28,29,30-36; 2:1-5; 3:1-7);
As to their other names, they were called Anakim, from one Anak which came of the Nephilim (Numbers 13:22,33), and Rephaim, from Rapha, another notable one among them.
From Deuteronomy 2:10, they were known by some as Emim, and Horim, and Zamzummim (verse 20,21) and Avim, etc.
(a' nak) HEBREW: ANAQ
A race of giants called the Anakim traced their ancestry to Anak, the son of the Canaanite Arba, founder of Kiriath-Arba (the city later known as Hebron).
*Hebron, the land Caleb received for his inheritance, is the focus of contemporary land conflict between Palestinians and Jews, and is much in the news
Anak's descendants were conquered and displaced by Caleb, one of the scouts whom Moses had sent decades earlier to spy out the land of Canaan.
Giants like the Anakim were also known as Nephilim, thought to be superhuman progeny of the sons of God and the daughters on men cited in Genesis 6:4.
{E2 Dictionary of Biblical People}
These creatures could speak the local language and were friendly. They were called "Nommo" meaning "the monitors" and their home planet was in the Sirius system orbiting
Emme Ya. The Nommo stayed on Earth for some time teaching.
They are described as having arms and legs but also a fish tail, that they breathed through 2 holes in their back, had a slimy skin, and pointed teeth. These holes however
could have been some artificial breathing apparatus that they needed due to the fact that they could not breath our air.
Dagon was the fish-god of the Philistines. Dagon was the founder of Sumerian, Babylonian, and Chinese civilizations.
It was recorded by the ancient Greeks that the Babylonian civilization had been founded long before the great flood by amphibious beings called Oannes, Musari, or Annedoti.
The latter 2 names mean "abominations" and "repulsive ones". Despite the names these rulers were greatly loved and credited with providing us with all knowledge and
learning and the founding of civilizations.
The monitorial duties of the Nommo may have included helping to save Noah by providing him with his Ark. The book of Enoch says the ark was built by the Angels or "watchers". Some of these Watchers "fell to earth" (came from the sky ) and became the gods of the olden times - best known to us from the Greek legends and the Indian
The Greeks preserved the tradition of the sinking of Atlantis in the myth of Deucalion. The legend says that after the fourth race had passed its apex of development, a change occurred in men. Modesty, truth and honor fled, and in their place came crime, fraud, cunning and the wicked love of gain. Seeing the condition into which the earth had fallen, Jupiter determined to destroy it and form a new land where men would have fresh opportunities to live a virtuous life. So the waters came and covered the land, leaving only Mount Olympus above the waves. There Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha found shelter, and from them sprang the new, fifth race. * This story was later mimicked by the Hebrew in the story of Noah and the Flood.
The People of Cain
Cain went to the land of Nod, and produced giants. They were smart educated, intelligent, builders, inventors and scientists and knew the art of metal. The Scripture says one of those giants had fourteen inch fingers. Now, your finger is just as long as your closed hand -Open it up; that would be a twenty-eight inch hand! In short, that's a men's tungsten wedding bands size of a whopping 448! The God of Moses commanded Moses to exterminate the whole race of these people from the Land of Canaan whom He said would corrupt their morals and pervert their heart to paganism if they intermarried or made agreements with them. Here we find the 2 opposing gods , Enlil and Enki, in the war of the gods with the people of earth being caught right in the middle , being forced to take sides.
On his historic round the world trip, Captain Magellan made an interesting reference in his ship's logbook. He mentioned a race of giants living on the Pacific coast of South America. But even a stranger event happened in this area. Captain Cooke wrote of actually capturing one of the giants and tying it to his ship's mast. This human was reported to be over nine feet tall. The giant freed himself from the ropes, and was last seen when he dived overboard.
H.P. Blavatsky -
The Secret Doctrine
The Secret Doctrine teaches that the Aryan nations of the present are in their fifth root-race. Hence the Aryan nations could trace their descent through the Atlanteans, who constituted the fourth root-race, from the more spiritual races of the Lemurians who preceded the Atlanteans, and in whom the "Sons of Wisdom" had personally incarnated. *See Leumurian1 . It is taught that with the advent of the divine Dynasties, ... Referred to, the first civilizations were started. Under the guidance of their divine Rulers, the third-race built large cities, cultivated arts and sciences, and knew astronomy, architecture and mathematics to perfection. Such divine Dynasties among men were claimed by the Egyptians, Chaldeans, Greeks, etc., as being those which preceded their human kings; they are still believed in by the modern Hindus, and are enumerated in their sacred books.
The primeval civilization, that of the Lemurians, did not, as one may think, immediately follow their physiological transformation (i.e., that of the separation of the sexes from the hermaphroditic condition which preceded). Between the final evolution and the first city built by the third-race Humanity, many hundred thousands of years had passed. We find the Lemurians in their sixth sub-race building their first rock-cities, out of stone and lava. One of such great cities of primitive structure was built entirely of lava, some thirty miles west from where Easter Island now stretches its narrow piece of sterile ground, and was entirely destroyed by a series of volcanic eruptions. The oldest remains of Cyclopean buildings were all the handiwork of the Lemurians of the last sub-races; and an occultist shows, therefore, no wonder on learning that the stone relics found on the small piece of land called Easter Island by Captain Cook, are "very much like the walls of the Temple of Pachacamac or the Ruins of Tia-Huanuco in Peru," and that they are in the CYCLOPEAN STYLE. The first large cities appeared on that region of the continent which is now the island of Madagascar. It is further asserted that there were civilized people and savages in those days as there are now.
GIANTS (by Immanuel Velikovsky)
The traditions of peoples all over the world are quite unanimous in asserting that an an earlier time a race of giants lived on the earth, that most of the race were destroyed in great catastrophes; that they were of cruel nature and were furiously fighting among themselves; that the last of them were exterminated when after a cataclysm a migration of peoples brought the forebears of the peoples of today to their new homelands.
The Japanese narrate that when their forefathers after a great catastrophe about two and a half or three thousand years ago, came from the continent and invaded the isles, they found there long-legged, furry giants. These giants were called Ainu. The forefathers of the Japanese were defeated in the first encounter, but in the second encounter they were victorious.
Ixtlilxochitl described the wandering of peoples of the western hemisphere in the four ages of the world. The first age came to its end in the Flood. In the second age, called "the sun of the earthquake", there lived the generation of the giants, which was destroyed in the cataclysm that terminated this age. The third peiord was the sun of the wind, called so because at the end of this period terrible hurricanes annihilated everything. The new inhabitants of the new world were Ulme and Xicalauca who came from the east to find a foothold at Potouchan: here they met a number of giants, the last survivors of the second catastrophe. The fourth age was called the fire sun, because of the great fire that put an end to this epoch. At that time the Toltecs arrived in the land of Anahuac, put to flight by the catastrophe: they wandered for 104 years before they settled in their new home.
Also F. L. Gomara in his Conquista de Mexico, in the chapter about cinco soles que son edades, wrote:
The second sun perished when the sky fell upon the earth; the collapse killed all the people and every living thing; and they say that giants lived in those days, and that to them belong the bones that our Spaniards have found while digging mines and tombs. From their measure and proportion it seems that those men were twenty hands tall a very great stature, but quite certain.
The Hebrew scriptures as preserved in the Old Testament and in the Talmud and Midrashim, narrate that among the races of the world in a previous age were races of giants, "men of great size and tremendous strength and ferocity, who were destroying other races, but also were turning upon each other and destroying themselves".
The Book of Genesis (6: 4) narrates that in the antediluvial time there were giants in the earth in those days. The Greek Book of Baruch narrates that over four hundred thousand of the race of giants were destroyed by the Flood. After the Flood there were only a few districts where some of them remained alive.
When after a number of centuries another catastrophe ruined the world and the Israelites left Egypt and sent a few men to explore Palestine, those reported that the people of the land were generally of tall stature, and that besides there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which came of the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so were we in their sight.
This description clearly differentiates between the people of a tall stature and the giants, and the supposition that the Israelites found in Palestine a normal race only taller than themselves, and thought them to be giants, is not supported by the text.
A similar distinction is made in Deuteronomy (1: 28): "The people is greater and taller than we . . . and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakim [giants] there. "There a few families lived in Hebron" (Numbers 13: 22).
At the time when the Israelites approached the fields of Bashan in the Transjordan, only Og king of Bashanremained of the remnant of the giants (Joshua 13:12 and Deut. 3:11). The other individuals of monstrous size had been annihilated in the meantime. "Behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits is the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man." The text implies that at the time the book of Deuteronomy was written the bedstead of Og was still in existence and was a wonder for the onlookers.
The giants were the remnant of a race close to extinction. Og was of the remnant of the giants that dwelt in Ashtaroth and Edrel (Joshua 12: 4). They were also called Emim, or the furious ones. The Emim dwelt therein [in Moab of the Transjordan] in times past, a people great and many, and tall as the Anakim, which also were accounted giants, as the Anakim; but Moab calls them Emim. This branch of the giants was already extinct; but two cosmic ages earlier, in the days of Amraphel, king of Shinar, and Abraham the Patriarch, Eimim flourished in the Transjordan (Genesis 14: 5).
Immanuel Velikovsky)
The present state of the Moon and of Mars and other celestial bodies does not imply that in the past they were equally desolate. Concerning Mars and Moon we have the testimony of our ancestors, supported by modern observations, that these bodies were engaged in near-collisions only a few thousand years ago. It is not excluded that under conditions prevailing on their surfaces prior to these events, life could have developed there or elsewhere in the solar system to an advanced stage.
Working in the early 1940's on Worlds in Collision, which in its original form covered also the cataclysmic events preceding the Exodus, I wondered at a certain description that sounded like a visit from space. (1)
The sixth chapter of the book of Genesis starts this way:
"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God [bnei Elim] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose."(2)
The story told in Genesis VI about the sons of God (bnei Elim) coming to the daughters of men is usually explained as referring to an advanced priesthood that mingled with backward tribesmen. (3) When Columbus discovered America, the natives, according to the diary of his first voyage, regarded him and his crew as having arrived from the sky.
(4) A similar occurrence could have taken place in predeluvial times, when some invaders from a remote part of the world came and were regarded as Sons of God.
But if we are today on the eve of interplanetary travel, we must not declare as absolutely impossible the thought that this Earth was visited, ages ago, by some people from another planet. Or was this earth alone populated by intelligent beings? In my understanding this passage from the book of Genesis is a literary relic dealing with a visit of intelligent beings from another planet.
It appears that the extraterrestrial visitors made their landing as if in advance knowledge of the impending catastrophe of the Deluge.(5) It could be that Jupiter and Saturn were approaching each other ever closer on their orbits and that a disruption of one of them was expected.(6)
Possibly many centuries, or even millennia, passed between the landing and the Deluge. The mission could have been undertaken to ascertain the conditions on Earth. If it was an escape it could also have been from another catastrophe in the solar system, one of those that preceded the Deluge, like the one described as the dethronement and emasculation of Uranus by Kronos. If the ancient legends of a battle between the gods and titans, so persistent in the Greek world, but also in the mythologies of other civilizations, have any historical value, we may try to find what may have been the substratum of this fantasy. It seems that following great convulsions of nature observable in the celestial sphere, giant bodies were hurled on the earth. They arrived burned and were crushed by impact.(7) But at least one group of escapees succeeded in safely reaching the earth.(8) They descended on Mount Hermon or Anti-Lebanon.(9) Of the extra-biblical traditions dealing with the subject some reach hoary antiquity, antecedent to the composition of the Biblical texts. The Book of Enoch narrates that the group was composed of males only, two hundred in number, under the leadership of one by the name of Shemhazai.(10) The Aggadic literature says that the Sons of God tried to return to heaven from where they had come, but could not.(11)
The new arrivals were probably of gigantic stature . Their progeny with women of the earth were giants:
"The Nephilim were on earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown." (12)
Having fathered giants, they themselves must have been not of human size. (13)
The planet from which they came I would not know to determine. El would refer to Saturn. (14) The great size of the visitors would suggest a smaller body where the gravitational influence would be less. (15)
Ten thousand years is only an instant in the life of the cosmos; ten thousand years ago man was only in a rude stone age; today he contemplates to visit other planets. If such progress is made in a time as short as this, who knows what secrets are concealed in the past or in the future?
(1) Because the story seemed so fantastic, I made up my mind at that time not to publish anything on the subject when discussing the Deluge and still earlier events. I came to this idea in 1940-41. In the 1950's many people reported sighting UFO's, which were claimed to be vehicles of visitors from other planets (a view which does not find any credence with me). In 1957 the space age began, and by the late 1960's, when the proposal that there were ancient visitors to Earth from other star systems found its way into print, the idea provoked little ridicule.
(2) Genesis 6:1-2
(3) Cf. S. R. Driver, The Book of Genesis, 6th ed. (New York, 1907), pp. 82f. [J. Morgenstern, however, considered them to be heavenly beings (The Mythological Background of Psalm 82) Hebrew Union College Annual XIV, 1939, p. 95.)]
(4) The Journal of Christopher Columbus, tr. by C. R. Markham (London, 1893)—October 14th, 1892: "They asked us if we had come from heaven. One old man came into the boat . . . To come and see the men who had come from heaven."
(5) Their story in fact precedes that the of Deluge in the Scriptures.
(6) [Later in this book Velikovsky traces the cause of the Deluge to a disruption of Saturn by Jupiter. See below, Part II: Saturn and the Flood.]
(7) [Velikovsky seems to be referring to the passage in Ovid's Metamorphoses describing the crushed bodies of the defeated giants: "The terrible bodies of the giants lay crushed beneath their own massive structures" Transl. by M. Innes (London, 1955)]
(8) [Analogous accounts are reported from the New World. Cf. The Inca account recorded by Pedro Cieza de Leon in the fifty-second chapter of his La Cronica del Peru.]
(9) In 1960 a Russian physicist and mathematician, M. Agrest, came to the conclusion that the Baalbek stone was a platform for ascent by ancient space travelers, and that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by atomic weapons. (Literarnaya Gazeta, February 9th, 1960). At the time I saw some alluring points in this thesis ”but I would strongly question the implication that extraterrestrial visitors came to Earth as late as the Old Kingdom in Egypt, because this is the time to which the Patriarch Abraham, a contemporary of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, belongs.
(10) The Book of Enoch VI. 6-7, transl. by R. H. Charles (Oxford, 1912).
(11) Ginzberg, Legends V. 172; Aggadat Bereshit.
(12) Genesis 6:4
(13) Previously several correspondents engaged me on the subject; one correctly observed that in order to procreate the visitors must have been of the same species as man.
(14) [Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica IV. xvi; bnei Elim would more correctly be rendered as Sons of the Gods and may possibly be taken in the sense of Sons of the Planets, or
Those who Came from the Planets.
(15) [Several sources, including The Book of Enoch and Clement of Alexandria (Eclog. Proph. iii. 474, Dindorf ed.) maintain that the Nefilim brought with them much astronomical
and technical knowledge which they imparted to mankind.]
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GIZAN - (Gizahn)
The 'Gizeh People' have been referred to by the Pleiadians (Billy Meier contacts) as well as others. This 'may' have some connection with the strange 'people' and technology allegedly encountered in deep labyrinthine recesses beneath Egypt, who were sometimes reportedly seen by explorers, and who are said to dress like 'ancient Egyptians'. There is allegedly, according to Leading Edge Research, a huge cavern deep beneath Egypt which is inhabited by people with close ties with the U.S. 'secret government'. Some sources indicate that the 'Giza People' may be a 'controlled' society with the reptilians being the dominant power, although there is still much mystery as to what the "Gizeh Empire" is all about.
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These are saurian 'grey' type entities which are apparently somewhat taller than the usually-encountered greys yet with extremely thin 'rail-like' torso and limbs yet very strong.
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Humans of 'normal' size, yet who possess an olive-green skin color. They claim to be from a subterranean or cavernous realms beneath Europe which they refer to as 'St. Martin's Land'.
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GREYS - (Zeta Reticulans)
See: Extraterrestrial Races - Greys
There are a number of alien races that have only one variant, but the 'grays' are not one of them. Grays can be found from one foot to even seven foot. Some have mushroom-white skin, others with brown and even others with black skin. There are grays whose large eyes have a thin membrane which can extend across the eyes, grays with wispy fine small amounts of hair on their heads, grays with four fingers, others with three or four fingers and another finger positioned where the human thumb would be and there even those whose finger end with suction-cup-like tips. There has been reports of the aliens having a large process of folds along the back of their heads, a series of deep creases or crevices along the top of the head, sloping down forward towards the front, and with a strongly pronouced brow-ridge above the eyes.
There are believed to be actually twelve different variants of this one race. Possibly, like humans, the variants are based on their evolution in different climactic zones on their planet. Another possibility is that the grays have left their genotype through the cross-breeding of other alien cultures throughout the various star systems. on some planet. We are just in the process now of filtering information on this species. Anyone that does have the answers is not giving it out to the public, so we must for now rely on our own ingenuity for seeking truth. Below I have tried to sort out some of the information I have come across. Anything you may want to add to this would be appreciated. Just contact us at Burlington UFO and we will happy to add your information to our data files. |
The Greys. It seems that they are trying to save their dying race by using mankind through absorbtion. Instead of destroying mankind, they imbred their kind into ours, thus through generations of imbreeding they become us and we them. To reproduce, the grays must obtain host females (containers). since utilizing the native population of humans currently carries little risk of interdiction, and no requirements for maintaining the host, this method is preferred. Specialized grays (taller and slender) developed specifically to work in genetic engineering labs, oversee these operations as well as the effort to cross-breed their race with humans in an effort to overcome their built-in limitations. Females are taken, the DNA evaluated, and if acceptable, the female is tagged for future recovery. Males are also evaluated and if found suitable may be used to impregnate current stock of host females in order to assure the transfer of desirable traits to future hosts females. Other activities involve evaluating the nervous and other systems and tissues in order to optimize the ongoing development of the cross-breed's capacities.
Bellatrax Greys : Possibly where the folklore of 'the little people' come from. Being that this variation of Greys stand only 1- 1 1/2 feet tall. Shorter than the Type B Gre, Zeta Reticuli. This fellows are shorter, much like dwarfs. More indirect, but sometimes known to be vicius towards humans. Both Bellatrax Grays and the Zeta Reticuli are related genetically from the same root race and look very much alike except for their size. In Medieval times they may have been what the Christians thought of as 'demons'. These medieval aliens were both then Reptoid and the Grey whom now make their homes underground and are known as the 'Deros'.
Deros are the demented forms of however of the Zeta Greys, living underground to avoid the direct sunlight of the surface. These entities may also have been the ones we think of as the 'Little People', sometimes as gnomes, leprechauns and trolls. Legend has it that they lived in Dragon Holes , which were shafts leading into the inner earth and from there into a great tunnel system.. Although Ireland holds the tale of the leprechauns, these little people can be found in almost all folk lore around the world. The Native American Indians tell of a time when the Giants appeared on the Earth, 'Little People' went into Inner Worlds of Mother Earth.
Zeta Reticuli Greys : This is the type most commonly referred to as the greys. Also known as Zeta Reticuli from the Zeta Reticulan star system (the Bernard star) neighboring the Orion area. They function in a mode that is apparently military in nature with a rigidly defined social structure that holds science
and "conquering worlds" to be the prime movers. They are normally between
3 1/2 to 4 feet tall with large heads and black "wrap around" eyes. They have limited facial features, slit mouth and no nose to speak of. They have evolved beyond the need for reproductive systems or digestive systems and reproduce by cloning. These cloning techniques have been given to our government in exchange for 'favors'. Their genetics are partly based on insectoidal genetics, close relative to the insect family.
The Zetas are the ones involved in the cattle mutilations. They absorb certain substances from parts of the cattle that stabilize them during the cloning process. THis can be placed under the tongue to give substance and stability for some time. It is a substance that comes from certain mucus membraines ie lips, nose, genitals , rectum and certain organs. These glandular substances serve as nutrients in lieau of eating. Resting the substances under the tongue is not the ony way they get nutrition. If you remember, cattle mutilations generally result in blood being drained from the body. The Zetas have in their bases canisters and vats in which animal and human organs float along with a purple liquid to hold thee parts in suspension. They swim in the mixture thus absorbing the nutrients through their skin. Elimination of waste is through their skin, just as plans eliminate through their skin or outer shells. The Zetas have also been referred to as 'the little green men', which they turn a shade of if they have not received sufficient food. When they are in this stage, they become very vicious.
Their science deals largely with the study of other life forms and
genetic engineering. They have supposedly had a part to play in the
alteration of human genetics over thousands of years. It seems that they
may be trying to cross breed with humans in order to create a "mixture race"
that would be better than either. (I've read that they are a dying
species, that have cloned so much that now, with each successive cloning,
the species grows weaker. They are trying to infuse new life into their
species by creating the mixed breed.) Hmm , reminds me of the movie 'Taken'.
There seem to be two main social classes. One is the more hawkish and is
more abrupt, crude and blunt. The more dove-like ones are more refined and
capable of a business-like behavior towards humans, and prefer to use
more "diplomatic" behavior to gain control over human's. This type of Grey is
what I believe is being referred to as the "Orange" class of Greys.
They apparently can use certain substances of the human body for their sustenance and therefore appear to be
carnivorous in regards to humans. (I also read that they extract fluid from
some part of the human brain during intense emotional response [fear] and are
able to use it like a recreational drug.) |
These greys have their best known bases in New Mexico and Nevada but are
also known to have bases in many countries around the world.
Type C Greys : Tall, big-nosed, Greys from Orion. Usually about 7 to 8 ft. tall with facial feature somewhat similar to grey type A and B with the exception of the large nose. These greys also have technologies that allow them to perform certain actions that appear "miraculous." These greys are less viscous
towards humans than type A and B greys (but are still considered "hostile".) They tend to influence more through political controls and negotiated agreements with those in power. They give the impression they are beneolent towards humans but are heavily involved in genetic engineerin. Their main bases seem to be in the Aleutian Islands. These are the type seen not long ago in Eastern Russia.
Written and Compiled by: Dragonbane (8-6-1995)
Among the mysteries of modern ufology is the origin of the entities known as the Greys. These small beings are the most commonly observed entities reported by abductees aboard extraterrestrial craft, and are believed to be the ones most responsible for human abductions. There are many things that we do know about the Greys, derived mostly from abductee reports, but there is far more that we do not yet know or understand. Using the evidence at hand, including a collective of abductee reports and stolen government files, it is now possible to make accurate estimates of several aspects of the lives of the Greys, including physiological and mental aspects.
Current Theories:
The » Majestic Twelve :
One of the currently held beliefs about the Greys is that they are connected somehow to the United States government, and that this intimate relationship has resulted in many of the technological leaps of the last fifty years made by military and government science, including the F-117 stealth fighter and B-2 stealth bomber, as well as a weapons systems known as Joshua, a ultrasonic weapon, of which a recently declassified research-wave study variant was displayed to the public. The theory goes something like this: A secret group within the government (known as the Majestic Twelve, or the Jason Society, or the Jason Scholars) has given the Greys several large tracts of land in the American Southwest, near the Four Corners area, on which to build large underground bases, know as DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases). From these locations, the Greys are able to abduct their targets with much more ease and less observability than they would otherwise be able to do, resulting from a closer location to the abduction sites, thus resulting in decreased flight time, which translates to less time available for detection by others.
This is known as the 'Alien-United States Government Technological Exchange Theory,' and is currently popular, in varying degrees, among many researchers and others, who believe that the government is constantly lying about its involvement in the UFO phenomenon, and is keeping much information secret, while using disinformation tactics to make all eyewitnesses appear to be fooling. The disinformation appears in various forms, from government propaganda, lies about activities, and threats to silence witnesses, to the more vocal and outspoken of 'researchers' who attempt to convince others that there is no UFO phenomenon, and no such thing as extraterrestrial life. These 'debunkers' use any explanation, no matter how unlikely and impossible, to explain any and all sightings. |
There are many documents and eyewitnesses currently available that directly and indirectly implicate the government in conspiracy after conspiracy, the least of which are the event at Roswell and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. These documents do tend to point towards a "Secret Government" which controls much of what we perceive to be our benefactors. Congress, to the best of our knowledge, has not been deeply infiltrated, due to the fact that the members are elected by the people. This makes it possible for any involved officials to be voted out of office. It is possible, however, that various government agencies may set up these candidates and rig elections to gain Congressmen who favor their plans. Congress's activities, however, do not appear to be suspect, except for the usual political logrolling and campaigning. State governments are also for the most part safe from very deep infiltration, due to the fact that the "Secret Government" must be a small group in order to remain secret. Taking over state governments would not only increase the chances of detection, due to an increase in the number of people directly involved, and the proportionate number of people indirectly involved, but also cause problems in the maintenance of the government. The number of people who have direct access to the leaders of such a group would increase exponentially as the number of leaders increase. This would have the effect of drastically increasing chances of accidental public knowledge of their existence. Thus, a "Secret Government" could function at its best on a nation level. The end result of such as large project would be:
A population who, as a whole, tends to consider any who study this phenomenon, as well as most witnesses, as 'crackpots and lunatics'
A group of trained disinformation agents used to keep the public's mind off of such matters
Relative security in operations that would otherwise be viewed with great mistrust. This would be the precise effect wanted by this group, because its motives, as well as its actual operations would be hidden from the population in general, as well as to the rest of the government.
Beings of Light:
Another popular theory held by many involved in New Age philosophy is that the Greys are truly the benevolent race they claim to be, and that they are here to guide humanity into the next millennium with spiritual understanding of each other, in order to create a more perfect society. It also finds support among those who claim to be in contact with the Greys, and claim to receive information about what they are doing, as well as why. This information, however, seems to be too much like propaganda as well as disinformation to the author. This theory holds that the Greys come from a society whose gene pool has become overly inbred or otherwise has become depleted. It is somewhat similar to the old science fiction scenario, with a dying Mars coming to Earth in order that they can survive.
This theory is much simpler, as well as much more direct in its thought process, than the one above, and is entertained more by various groups devoted to the spiritual and mental evolution of mankind. Supporters of this theory say that the same Greys have spoken to them, and told them the reasons that they are here. According to these individuals and groups, the Greys are trying to help humanity save itself by saving the planet, because the death of Earth is soon to come, and tell of great storms, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, as well as war, pollution, famine, and starvation that will soon to sweep across the face of our planet. The Greys claim that they know these things will happen because they aren't limited by time flowing in a single direction, but can move forwards and backwards though time. While they cannot stop it, they only want to prevent as much suffering as possible. While they are here, though, they could use some of our DNA, because their supply has been drastically reduced, for a reason rarely told to the contactees who communicate to them.
Analysis of Theories:
These theories both have their various sources, and both have evidence that supports one theory, while detracting from the other. The author's personal views lean towards the first theory, due to several key points of evidence. Most of the evidence for the Grey-government conspiracy comes from sources within the government, and from careful observation and analysis of government activities over the past 50 years. The benevolent Grey belief comes directly from the Greys, who have implanted into their abductees' minds certain instructions and ideas to give to society at various times, as they determine. Using the abductees as 'virtual recorders,' the Greys claim that they are here to 'help humanity realize its potential,' and to 'watch over humanity.' The government files, on the other hand, claim the Greys are adept liars, and they are not to be trusted. This data comes from the few applicable documents gleamed from the military using the Freedom of Information Act, as well as former and current government workers who claim to have broken their oaths of silence and come forward to tell the truth. Admittedly, the government is also run by accomplished liars, so it is a choice of whether to believe a totally alien group, or to believe the US government (Many would have a difficult time with this, and the author is one of those).
If the Greys are telling the truth, then we have little to be worried about, except for our own government, and the occasional abduction in the middle of the night. If they are lying, then we are faced with a great dilemma: the people of the world are being manipulated without their knowledge by at least two forces, the Greys and at least one major world government, that of the United States.
Analysis of Reasons for Human Abductions: |
From the various documents, informants, and abductee reports, we can postulate what the Greys are. There are many reports that can be found today, if one knows where to look: Some theorize that the Greys are descendants of modern humans from the future; others state that the Greys are a totally different lifeform not related to Terran humans. This document will hopefully finalize the various theories, and weed out those hypotheses that are deemed highly unlikely due to contradicting evidence and reports.
Abductions and Cloning:
First of all, the fact must be established that the Greys truly are clones. This is not a new theory, simply a modification of others that have been circulating for a while. There are several reasons why they appear to be clones, if one takes into account behavioral patterns and visual appearances, as deduced from abductee testimonies and other related reports. However, the most intriguing evidence is their abduction plans themselves, and not merely second- and third-hand reports from semi-reliable witnesses about 'tanks of human and alien body parts' somewhere in the deserts of New Mexico.
The Greys are abducting human males and females for the purposes of extracting sperm, ova, and other samples of our genetic sequences for reasons unknown. There does appear to be an answer as to why they do so, if the relevant data is taken into consideration, as the reader shall soon see.
The Greys must be clones, and the best evidence is in the conduct of the abductions. One can extrapolate from the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle (which refers to quantum mechanics and the uncertainty of the location and momentum of an electron in an orbital) that genetic sequences break down and begin to have errors in the sequence after several generations of continuous cloning from clones, which is what many believe is occurring with the Greys. The result of cloning from clones, after several generation, is equivalent to inbreeding, where errors creep up in the code, so to speak, and eventually, clones are created that are unable to function, i.e., stillborn. This phenomenon is also likened to the recording of a audio or video cassette from another recording. As copies are made from copies, the overall quality decreases. This postulate can be extrapolated from the fact the as the human DNA chain is very long, and contains much data. If the Greys have a similar genetic code, this hypothesis will still stand. Humans have great genetic variation, and mutations from one generation to the next increase the diversity. However, the mutations that are created generally don't involve the function of major systems of the body. Sexual reproduction is also a buffer to radical mutations affecting the entire body in drastic ways from the norm. With clones, however, the mutations, while small individually, will be copied from one generation to another, and as the number of mutations build up, the greater the chance of a fatal mutation. The sheer complexity of the DNA molecule (in humans) makes it exceedingly difficult to keep tract of every bit of genetic code, and so errors will slip past investigations. There is another problem In this situation: While the Greys seem to be able to successfully cross-breed their genetic material with that of Terran humans, their actual knowledge of truly advanced genetic engineering concepts seems to be lacking. They are not able to manipulate their (or human) genetic code beyond that necessary for the mixing of the two types of replicating molecules. This implies that they either lost the knowledge somehow, or never had it in the first place. Either way, it appears what the Greys don't have very much control over the genetic code of the hybrid created. Thus, cloning from clones creates a dilemma that is fatal to a species dependent on cloning as a method of survival. The way that they propagate is also the method of their death as a species.
However, it may be possible, with the genetic engineering techniques that the Greys seem to possess, to infuse viable DNA or other genetic material, suitably modified, into their own next generation of clones, thus creating hybrids and others much like those often reported by abductees. While some may say that if they have the technology to do all that, why not create the genetic materials they need and repair their genetic code themselves without resorting to abducting humans? The answer is very simple, and is a matter of economics: It is by far cheaper, energy- wise and time-wise, to 'harvest' the DNA needed, rather than create the genetic materials themselves. Why spend energy and time building factories, setting codes of purity, as well as finding a source of raw materials for the creation of the replicating molecule, and then reconstruct an entire, functional molecule, when there is a planet of six billion humans which do the job themselves, naturally? The strategic location of underground bases could make this far more economically advantageous, but even a civilization that is FTL-capable, traveling from a distant star, would save time and energy as opposed to massive efforts create a replicating molecule from scratch. Thus, this theory would not only explain current abductions, but also past visitations as well, due to the premise that the abductions are for the purposes of harvesting DNA and other genetic materials for infusion into their own genetic code. There does appear to be a problem in this situation: While the Greys seem to be able to successfully cross-breed their genetic material with that of Terran humans, their actual knowledge of truly advanced genetic engineering concepts seems to be lacking. They are not able to manipulate their (or human) genetic code beyond that necessary for the mixing of the two type of replicating molecules. This implied that they either lost the knowledge somehow, or never had it in the first place. Either way, it appears what the Greys don't have very much control over the genetic code of the hybrid created. The reason for this deduction comes from an analysis of the fact that abductions are occurring: If the Greys had advanced genetic engineering knowledge that they actively used to the extent that they appear to, then it would be plausible that they would be able to repair the errors in the genetic code as they appeared. This is contrary to the fact that abductions are occurring, and so other hypotheses must be made to account for this deviation from the expected.
One possible explanation is that the Greys do not do the genetic engineering themselves, but that the system is completely automated, with or without a supervisor. In this manner, the genetic engineering involved in combining both types of genetic code would be contained in a computer of some type, and would create a hybrid embryo from human ova or sperm, with the addition of Grey genetic material suitably modified to be compatible with Terran DNA. One possible method, which would explain the taking of both sperm and ova, would be the following scenario: The ova are modified only very slightly, to make sure of no compatibility problems with the new set of genetic code. The DNA from the human sperm is then removed, and replaced with the Grey genetic material modified to interact accordingly. The sperm is then allowed to combine with the ova, 'mixing' the two gene patterns, and if the code is viable, the resultant embryo grows and divides. At a certain time, the embryo would be put into stasis, by freezing or by another means, for storage, and implanted into a human female mother for further development whenever convenient. This scenario would circumvent the apparent 'hole' in the theory, and would explain why the Greys seem to have advanced genetic engineering technology at their disposal, yet be unable to repair errors in their genetic code, nor diversify their own code through such manipulation. They have either lost the knowledge sometime in the past, or simply used the knowledge that another civilization gave them, without understanding what exactly was going on.
Physical Appearances:
Other evidence comes from abductee reports on the physical appearance of the Greys. According to abductees and certain government informants, the following physical profile can be deduced about the Greys: The average height of 4 ft. to 4 ft. 6 in. for the 'doctors,' or the leaders of the abductions, and 3 ft. to 3 ft. 6 in. for the workers or 'drones,' with an overall humanoid shape. Their skin coloration is light grey to dark grey and appears to be non-porous. The head is proportionally large and an inverted triangular shape in the vertical plane. The rear skull area is large and rounded, and the eyes being large and slanted upwards toward the rear of the skull. The arms and legs appear to be very thin, with a neck that appears to be far too thin to support the weight of the head. There is no genitalia visible on the ones that appear to be male, nor is there a pubic bulge seen through the clothing. These reports seem to point to the same conclusion: The Greys are sterile mules, with no sexual organs. Descriptions of Grey bodies illustrate their sameness: very similar bodies, with only slight changes in proportions, and stylistic differences being observed in their heads. However, even without sexual organs, the Greys seem to have gender, and are not simply neuter. The genders, however, appear to be completely determined by the mind, with the bodies being almost identical. Abductees report that some Greys 'feel' or 'seem' feminine, while others are very masculine. This seems to point to a time of sex differentiation, which was bred out physically, leaving only the mental pattern to demonstrate the differences between males and females in the Grey social infrastructure. It should also be noted that female Greys are very rarely seen, and are reported to be sterile and incapable of giving birth to offspring. The males are the ones most commonly observed, and simple deduction will show that there is one scenario possible: the Grey females are few in number, and must be isolated for some reason, perhaps to prevent their loss or for genetic repositories. Nevertheless, because Greys cannot breed naturally, due to a lack of sexual organs, artificial methods must be incorporated into their society on a massive, if not simply large, scale to prevent their demise as a species. |
Origins from Cetaceans:
Based on the evidence of their physical appearance, the following hypothesis can be made: The Greys are descended from a dolphin-like or cetacean-based life form. There are several reasons for this supposition. The answer can be found in the similarities between cetaceans and Greys, using physical and behavioral aspects.
Physical Aspects and Similarities:
First, let us examine the physical characteristics. The skin of a Grey is very similar to that of dolphins in texture, and in most cases, coloration. On Terra, cetaceans evolved legs and arms to function on land, but when they returned to the oceans, the arms and legs evolved into flippers and tails. X-ray analysis clearly show the residual appendages in modern day dolphins and whales as being comparable in skeletal structure to that of land-dwelling mammals in placement and types of bones. It is possible that the Greys evolved much like Terran dolphins did, but did not return to the oceans, but continued to develop as a land based mammal. Next is the skull shape: The Greys have a large rounded skull region area on the upper anterior and posterior sections of their skulls. An examination of the dolphin skull shows very similar large, rounded anterior and posterior areas. The eyes of Greys are described as large and black, with what appears to be a protective shielding covering the eye. Many Terran aquatic animals have developed protective outer eye shields for underwater use. It is possible that this is a left-over attribute from the Greys' ocean origins which has not been bred out, perhaps due to several unknown advantages of the shield. Another factor is the dark coloration of this eye shield. It suggests an eye structure suited for a reduced light environment. In the oceans, this would be natural for a creature living underwater were the planet's primary's light does not penetrate very deep. The dark coloration would in indicative of eyes that absorb nearly all the light that enters it, creating the appearance of blackness. On Terra, dolphins and other cetaceans developed sonar ability as their primary navigational aid, and thus do not rely as much on sight while underwater.
Behavioral Aspects and Similarities
There are also several similarities in the behavior of Greys and dolphins. Terran dolphins use sonar both to navigate and stun prey and enemies. The stun affect is of particular interest in this case. Dolphins can emit very powerful and focused ultrasonic bursts from the anterior section of their skulls, from an organ known as a 'melon'. This is used to stun prey and enemies, such as sharks and barracuda. There has been an excellent film created by a group of students while diving, illustrating a group of dolphins utilizing this ability on a very large barracuda. The barracuda was swimming towards a group of very young dolphins. Four large adult dolphins turned so that there heads were directly aligned with the barracuda, and emitted a sustained ultrasonic burst. The effect on the barracuda was astounding. It literally froze, completely paralyzed in the water, and even the gills ceased to move. The dolphins stared at it for about thirty seconds, during which time the barracuda remained totally immobilized. As soon as they turned their heads away, the ultrasonic beam was no longer focused on the barracuda, whereas it fled at a very high rate of speed from the scene. Obviously, this beam was tightly focused, and required the dolphin's head to be pointed directly at the target. The strength of the beam could be changed as well. When hunting, the ultrasound beam could be directed at small fish and amplified to lethal levels, causing instant death. Some cetacean researchers believe that this is also used when dolphins ram sharks. Autopsies of the shark corpses after a dolphin attack reveal the sharks internal organs have been visibly shattered. The beam can also be controlled so as to produce a stun effect, as in the case of the barracuda. The result was physical paralysis and disorientation. This phenomenon is very similar to the technique used by the Greys as an aid to telepathic control of abductees. The similarities are almost overwhelming. Nearly every abductee states that when they are abducted, they are paralyzed by the Greys, and become mentally disorientated. The most striking thing most recall is what is known as the 'Stare.' This occurs when a Grey looks directly at an abductee, whereas the large, dark eyes capture the abductee's attention immediately. Abductees then report being unable to move, and a feeling of great mental disorientation. On some rare occasions, abductees report a lessening of these effects when a Grey looked slightly away from them. This clearly indicates that the intensity of the effect was directly proportional to the direction or focus of the front portion of the Grey head. This evidence leads to the hypothesis that the Greys use a kind of ultrasonic sound beam in conjunction with telepathy to paralyze an abductee during an abduction. |
The 'Stare" as abductees call it, is merely the positioning of the Grey's anterior skull area, the projection area where the Grey equivalent to the cetacean 'melon' is located, to achieve maximum beam concentration on the abductee. When the Grey looks away, the beam would naturally become less focused and the effect would diminish, just as it appears when the Grey is distracted momentarily. The description of the Grey's head is usually large, triangular and rounded in front and back. This suggests a large and rounded rear and frontal brain lobe structure. This is exceedingly similar to the physical structure of a cetacean brain. It is the main difference between cetacean and human brains. This large rounding is thought to be an adaptation of the cetacean brain to handle the enormous data flow received from echo-location and other sound-based communications faculties. It should also be noted that on the rare occasions that abductees hear verbal sounds from Greys, it is described as high-pitched, sometimes chattering or staccato clicks or beeps. These are all similar to the air vocalizations of dolphins. While the brain structure of the Greys has remained basically constant, it can be assumed that the echo-location ability of the Greys would have been decreased or atrophied almost completely. After all, there is probably little use for echo-location is such a society, thus it could have been bred out of the species during cloning.
Origins of Greys:
Due to no knowledge at all of the origins of the Greys, either as simply evolved cetaceans, or as a cloned slave society, several possible avenues must be explored. A few that might be possible are simple evolution with later genetic self-manipulation or manipulation of cetaceans by an outside species. Since there is no evidence, albeit no data at all, any possible origins theory that can be developed should be judged as possibly faulty, until more data can be gathered.
Evolved Cetaceans:
A simple explanation for the origins of the Greys would be and evolutionary process similar to that of humans, but from a cetacean ancestor as opposed to a primate ancestor. At one point, instead of returning to the oceans, or perhaps leaving the oceans, cetacean simply evolved as a land-dweller, while retaining the vestigial features of it's ancestors, much as humans still retain body hair, an appendix, and a group of fused tail bones. At another time, the species evolved more rapidly, created a technological base of fire (not possible underwater), and created a complex society. Some time later, the Greys either had a large accident or other event that severely degenerated its genetic pool, or decided that the random genetic mixing of sexual reproduction was inadequate for their society, and embarked on cloning as a means to overcome their problem. After a period of time, the knowledge of advanced genetics, as well as the technology needed to created more advanced versions of their genetic machines were somehow lost, and the result is a society that depends on its machines for species survival, but who cannot recreate the technology. This theory is supported by the reasons behind the abduction phenomenon, as is very streamlined, without involving other species as manipulators.
The Masters:
Another of the theories possible begins with a cetacean life form evolved on another planet. Unlike Terran cetaceans, they did not return to the oceans, but were discovered and later altered and cloned by another species. This species (called the Masters for argument's sakes), needed a source of slave labor, and thus searched for an intelligent lesser species that they could genetically manipulate in order to be used effectively. Arbitrarily assuming that this period of time was about one million years ago, the most evolved species at that time on Terra would have been dolphins and whales. This might also have been possible on another planet, where a similar species evolved instead of a primate-like organism. Under this theory, the cetacean ancestors of the Greys were taken and genetically altered into an upright, bipedal species capable of doing labor for the Masters. After a time, however, the Greys apparently rebelled, and are now on their own, using the technology of the Masters, but since they were created to simply operate them, and not to design them, their knowledge of the technology's operation is lacking. |
This theory would explain the lack of knowledge of genetics that the Greys seem to suffer from, and why they can't simply make their own genetic code artificially more diverse. They are able to manipulate the technology, and use it to their advantage, but are unable to understand the actual theoretical aspects and operations behind the use of their equipment, thus resulting in a need for abduction of humans.
(Another possibility is the Grey's may not be independent of their Masters, who may continue to control and manipulate the Greys for their own reasons. In this scenario, the Masters are often considered to be the Reptilians.)
The final conclusions deduced from the evidence at hand is that the Greys were artificially developed either by persons or beings unknown, or by themselves, and that the Greys evolved from a cetacean-like life form on another world. A cetacean-like life form developed naturally on that planet, and either evolved naturally, or was accelerated in their evolution artificially though genetic engineering, and later cloning, which became their only form of reproduction. Because of the cloning, their genetic sequence degrades after each cloning of a clone, thus leading to the reason for the abduction of Terran humans, as a method of repairing the damage in their own DNA (or other genetic material), as well as adding new sequences to the cloning gene pool.
Apparently, the Greys were much more human-looking at one time. What happened was that they, as a race, were captured 891,000 years ago while leaving Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 to go off and do their own thing. This is very common, and it is how Earth became colonized. What happened is that they got captured by a group in Orion that was already genetically altered and under control of the Alpha Draconians. According to Morenae, the first thing this Draconian-altered Orion group did was slaughter almost all of the females of the captured race in order to control the birth process. They then genetically altered the remaining females, so that all the children born after that were genetically altered. The males were enslaved, made to work in mines and slaughtered by the Draconian-controlled Orion group, who had absolutely no regard for life. What we know now as the Greys became a natural resource.
Time Travel Permits Altering Consciousness of a Race:
Now, I am told that the Greys would love to be absolutely free of this hierarchy, but what they have done is that they have continued to propagate the problem. Now, we have been told that the Greys have been here for thousands of years.?According to the Andromedans, however, the Greys got here in 1931. Because of their ability to time travel, it looks like they have been here thousands of years - they can go backwards in time. If you can go backwards in time you can literally alter the consciousness of any race. You can alter any event. That?s exactly what they have done. They are not the only ones who have done this. There is also a group from Sirius B who have also done this. It took me a long time to understand why it was that they wanted to do this. The bottom line is that they wanted to control us. We have things that they want. We have the benefit of having been on 11th density, which means that we have covered a very large area of spiritual evolvement - which is why our range of emotion is so large. They want that information. Not only that, but with the new frequency coming in and third density beginning to implode on itself, the Greys are trying to save their race. According to Morenae, there are only 2000 real Greys left -- all the rest are clones - organic robots. They do not carry a spiritual essence. Folks, we are talking about a technology thousands of years ahead of where we are now. |
The Abduction of Humans:
The reason the Greys are doing so many abductions is (1) for genetics. They are trying to bring the races together. They are creating hybrids, most of which are females. There are very few male hybrids. The problem is that they have a hard time keeping them alive because spirit will not attach to it. The life force will not attach to it. So, they are abducting the human mothers and children and peeling off the vital body, containing the energy and feeding it to the hybrids of the same lineage. They are trying to create a soul, and they just can?t do it, and they are desperate, which is why there are so many weird things happening. This is just one of the things that are happening. There is a huge Grey complex conspiracy behind it. Why we agreed to do this I haven?t a clue. [Editor Note: the permission to do it from the governments was in trade for manipulative technology for humans to use against humans, ultimately for upper hierarchy alien benefit of further repression of the human ?threat?].
So this is not working and the races are dying. Now, what the Greys have done because they are having problems with this is that they have been abducting large groups of human children. This is why children are vanishing without a trace all over the world. Some of them are being taken by the Greys. In Westchester County, New York, over 5,000 childern have vanished without a trace over the last three years. The government knows what is going on but they are helpless to do anything about it. The reason they don?t want to bring it up is because they let the bastards in here in the first place. They cut a deal. They sold us out.
[ » More information on Greys ]
Sergeant Clifford Stone's Description of the Grays
Various descriptions of the ALF's relate the following characteristics. Between 3 to 5 feet in height, erect standing biped, small thin build, head larger than humans, absence of auditory lobes (external), absence of body hair, large... eyes (slanted approximately 35 degrees) WHICH ARE OPAQUE BLACK WITH VERTICAL SLIT PUPILS, ARMS RESEMBLING PRAYING MANTIS (normal attitude) which reach to the knees, long hands with small palm, CLAW-LIKE FINGERS (various number of digits - often two short digits and two long, but some species have three or four fingers), tough gray skin WHICH IS REPTILIAN IN TEXTURE, small feet WITH FOUR SMALL CLAW-LIKE TOES... a non-functioning digestive system; TWO SEPARATE BRAINS; movement is deliberate, slow and precise; ALIEN SUBSTANCE REQUIRES THAT THEY MUST HAVE HUMAN BLOOD AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES to survive. In extreme circumstances they can subsist on other (cattle, etc.) animal fluids. Food is converted to energy by Chlorophyll, by a photosynthetic process (this supports results gained from autopsies at 29 Palms underground base where it was seen that their 'blood' was greenish and the tissue was black). Waste products are secreted through the skin. The two separate brains are separated by mid-cranial lateral bone (anterior and posterior brain). There is no apparent connection between the two (could one be an 'individual' brain while the other works as a 'collective consciousness' brain? - Branton). Some autopsies have revealed a crystalline network which is thought to have a function in telepathic (and other) functions which help to maintain the group consciousness between members of the same species. Functions of group consciousness in this species does have a disadvantage in that decisions in this species comes rather slowly as the matter at hand filters through the group awareness of those who must make the decision..."
The larger Grays apparently have some vestigial reproductive capability, and some of the hybrid species that have been cross-bred with the [taller] reptilian species have full reproductive capability. The brain capacity is estimated to be between 2500 and 3500 cc, compared to 1300 cc for the average human. Due to the cloning process, the neural matter is artificially grown brain matter, and the Grays have known technology that enables them to insert memory patterns and consciousness into clones in any manner or pattern that they wish.
The Greys consume nourishment through a process of absorption through their skin. The process, according to abductees who have witnessed it, involved spreading a biological slurry mixture that has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide [which oxygenates the slurry and eliminates bacteria] onto their skin. Waste products are then excreted back through the skin. Many abductees have noted that the Greys have a distinct series of odors...
The larger Greys have a more pronounced nose... According to some government sources, these extraterrestrial biological entities called themselves the EBAN. It is with the larger Grays that elements of the government made a series of diplomatic agreements in the 1950's, 60's and 70's...
There are as many descriptions of Greys as there are shades of gray. Other species include heights ranging from 2 to 12 feet tall, willowy to muscular bodies large eyes to small humanlike eyes. Skin textures have been describes as fine scales, to the feeling of eel skin and human hairless skin. |
[Alien Life Form]: Term used by the government to describe the Greys in terms of being a malevolent life form.
The deal with the Greys is that their field around their body is different to ours to the point where merging of the fields ends up creating physical symptoms [the "body terror" mentioned by people like Whitley Strieber]. The field around them is in direct opposition to ours. It is an ANTI-LIFE field, as these specific species are on a devolutionary spiral. They are akin to soldiers of fortune, and 'offer' their advanced technology in trade for things they require. They are experts at manipulation of both the human body [through manipulation of the fields] and the human mind. They require blood and other biological fluids to survive. They abduct humans and animals in order to acquire these fluids. They implant small devices near the brain which potentially gives them total control and monitoring capability. These devices are very difficult to detect. The analysis of the devices by technical staff has produced a description that involves use of crystalline technology combined with molecular circuitry and these ride on the resonant emissions of the brain and the various fields of the human. Information is entrained on the brain waves. It appears that all attempts to remove the implants [1972] have resulted in the death of the human...
(This is usually due in part to the fact that the implants are attached to major nerve centers, and once attached the nerve tissues grow in and around the implant essentially making the implant a PART of the nervous system. When relatively unsophisticated medical procedures are used in an attempt to remove the implants, major nerve centers are damaged as a result, causing severe injury or even death. - Branton)
Various descriptions of the ALF's relate the following characteristics: Between 3 to 3 1/2 feet in height, erect standing biped, small thin build, head larger than humans, absence of auditory lobes [external], absence of body hair, large tear-shaped eyes [slanted approximately 35 degrees] which are opaque black with vertical slit pupils, arms resembling praying mantis [normal attitude] which reach to the knees, long hands with small palm, claw-like fingers [various number of digits -- often two short digits and two long, but some species have three or four fingers], tough gray skin which is reptilian in texture, small feet with four small claw-like toes, organs that are similar to human organs but have obviously developed according to a different [mutational] process; a non-functioning digestive system; two separate brains; movement is deliberate, slow and precise; alien subsistence requires that they must have human blood and other biological substances to survive.
(Other indications suggest that originally they did not 'require' human blood, but once having used human blood for this purpose they have since acquired a racial 'addiction' to this 'vital' substance. This goes far beyond just mere physical hunger, since the Grays/Reptiloids tend to feed off the human life-energies resident within human blood plasma, in what may be considered a vampirial type of hunger for human vital fluids. - Branton).
In extreme circumstances they can subsist on other [cattle] animal fluids. Food is converted to energy by chlorophyll by a photosynthetic process [this supports results gained from autopsies at 29 Palms underground base where it was seen that their 'blood' was greenish and the tissue was black]. Waste products are secreted through the skin. The two separate brains are separated by mid-cranial lateral bone [anterior and posterior brain]. There is no apparent connection between the two. Some autopsies have revealed a crystalline network which is thought to have a function in telepathic [and other] functions which help to maintain the group-consciousness between members of the same species. Functions of group consciousness in this species does have a disadvantage in that decisions in this species come rather slowly as the matter at hand filters through the group awareness to those who must make a decision... |
This is the group of aliens who abducted Betty and Barney Hill in 1958. and these are the ones who have supposedly been doing the majority of the abductions. They are said to have no emotions and little regard for human life .
The dim point of light known to us as Zeta Reticuli is actually a binary star system, and its two stars are each very much like our own yellow sun. It is not visible in the northern hemisphere. In our (Earth) sky, it is approximately equidistant between the constellation Orion and the Celestial South Pole. The constellation Reticulum is a fairly small collection of faint stars, of which zeta is barely visible to the naked eye even though it is relatively close to us at approximately 40 light years ~ right around the corner in Galactic terms. [See Star Map]
They 'feed' off of human and animal vital fluids by rubbing a 'liquid protein' formula on their bodies, which is then absorbed through the skin. Like typical reptiles which shed their skins the 'waste' is excreted back through the skin. The Greys range from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 ft. tall on the average, with skin colors ranging from gray-white to grey-brown to gray-green to grey-blue. Aside from feeding off of human and animal proteins and fluids, they also allegedly feed off the 'life energy', the 'vital essence' or 'soul energy' of humans as do other reptilian species. This is why those humans seen working with the Greys (implanted and programmed 'drones', whether willingly or unwillingly) have appeared 'lifeless' and 'emotionless' to the witnesses who observed them. The Zeta's or Greys live in the Constellation "Reticulum" by the Star "Zeta 2 Reticuli'. A planet was discovered there and then suddenly taken off the list!
The Greys are primarily situated as 4th density beings, although there are a small number that are 3rd and 6th density. To 3rd density humans they appear cold, cruel and heartless. They are, in fact, extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly analytical and devoid of sentimentality. They can experience emotional manifestations radiated from the terrestrial 3rd density human, and use this ability generally as a mood-elevator. The Greys manipulate humans in order to create situations of conflict or extreme pain and emotion to acquire these sensations. They are, in effect, sensation junkies.
The Greys have the ability to pick out our emotions, thoughts and experiences. For them, this is the closest they can come to experiencing feeling.
To those beings who have some form of ethical conduct, the Greys appear psychotic and degrading. They are masters of mind-control and mental implantation technique. Their physical attributes reflect their psychotic souls - we could easily consider them to have anti-social attributes as well as tendencies toward meglomania and schizophrenia.
They have been described by some as being absolutely mad. To make matters worse, they are performing other actions with terrestrial humans that are quite perverse.
The Greys are playing a game with us that depends heavily on maintaining a situation where humans view themselves as limited, fatalistic beings with no control over their own destiny. They continually manipulate humans.
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Some reports refer to the Gypsies as having a connection with the UFO mystery or knowledge of alien races. The Gypsies purportedly hold knowledge of an ancient war, UFO crafts and technology, etc. It is supposedly a carefully guarded secret among various Gypsy tribes. Some claim to have traced the Gypsies back to ancient India, Egypt and other middle eastern regions. Many gypsies are scattered across Europe .
Several sources refer to the Gypsies as having some connection with the UFO mystery. Other sources suggest a connection with high-tech subsurface kingdoms such as Agharti, etc. The knowledge which the Gypsies allegedly possess of an ancient war, UFO craft, and so on is supposedly a carefully guarded secret among various Gypsy tribes. Some claim to have traced the Gypsies back to ancient India or surrounding regions. The infamous Philadelphia Experiment information source, Carlos Allenda, was allegedly part of a Gypsy clan with knowledge of past and present "history" on alien cultures which have interacted behind the scenes in Terran affairs.
[ » More information on "Alien" Gypsies ]
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HAV-MUSUVS - ("Saurians" or "Suvians")
Prominent in Paihute Indian tradition, the Hav-Musuvs were allegedly an Egyptian or Grecian-like sea-faring race who discovered huge caverns around 3 to 5 thousand years ago within, and later deep beneath the Panamint Mts. of California. Within these they then established their vast underground cities. When the inland sea (now Death Valley) which connected the ocean in ancient times dried up, they had no way to carry on trade with other parts of the world. As a result of this, according to Paihute Indian tradition, they began to build and fly 'silvery eagles' which became increasingly advanced as time went on. They then evidently established interplanetary and later interstellar travel, exploration and colonization. This huge facility is now operating as a MAJOR Federation base on earth, and possesses huge chambers with differing environmental, atmospheric and even gravitational conditions to accommodate the various visiting Federation dignitaries.
[ » More information on Suvians ]
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Homins" is the name given to large, human-like creatures that are reported across the world.
[ » More information on Homins ]
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'Hybrids' possessing reptilian and human genetic coding yet who possess a human soul-matrix.
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The Hyades in the constellation Taurus, like the Pleiades and Vega, are said to have been the destination of yet another group of refugees from the ancient Lyran wars.
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There are many accounts of hybrids with just about every alien species. Below are a few that have been aptly described.
The Grey/Human Hybrid
Many abductees describe accounts of seeing half human/ alien children in which they are periodically made to bond with. Children are often described as having oversized heads, large human or alien eyes small noses, small mouths and sparse hair in various colors. Their skin color varies between grey to pale white body type is slim to emaciated but there's been a few descriptions of seeing children who are of normal weight. Many abductees also remember seeing living fetus hybrids in tanks apparently waiting to be born.
The Reptilian/Human Hybrid
Apparently reptilian human hybrids don't look much different from other humans. There are accounts throughout history of a serpent race of beings who mated with mankind to create a new bloodline. Some people believe that the human race of homo-erectus IS the genetic coupling of reptilians and humanoids. There is evidence of a godlike race (in some descriptions a serpent race) which visited earth and coupled with humans. There are many accounts written on clay tablets from the Sumerian era. This theme permeates many cultures. It's also believed that these reptilian hybrid bloodlines are aristocratic and comprised of kings, royals and noblemen starting in the middle east and spreading to every continent. Some people claim they have the ability to see through the human outer shell into the reptilian underneath.
Since human and reptilian beings are genetically so different in their physical make-up a natural 'hybrid' between the two is impossible. However an unnatural GENETIC alteration, in essence 'splicing' human and reptilian genes, has allegedly been attempted. Even if this were accomplished the offspring would not be an actual 'hybrid' (half human - half reptilian) but would fall to one side or the other. Since reptilians possess no soul-matrix as do humans but instead operate on a 'collective consciousness' level, the 'hybrid' would be human or reptilian depending on whether they/it was born with or without a soul-energy-matrix. In most cases one might tell the difference if the entity had round-pupils as opposed to black opaque or vertical-slit pupiled eyes; or five-digit fingers as opposed to three or four; or external genitalia as opposed to none. This may not always be the rule, especially when the 'chameleons' are considered. Some of the hybrids without souls are 'fed' with human soul-energy in an attempt to engraft an already existing human soul-matrix into the hybrid.
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The following description is of a hybrid female, approximately 15 years old. Height is five feet, three inches; skin color is pale white/grey. The head is slightly largr and rounderthan normal. Hair is dark, high above the forehead and worn in a long ponytail. The face is veryfine featured and attractive. Method of communication is telepathic. They consider themselves human, not Grey, in almost all respects. They care about the Greys, as any child would a parent, but find them boring. The desire for human contact is great. Their capacity for emotion is as great, if not greater than, humans. Their intellectual capacity is well above human standards Very likely to except the capabilities of both races.
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HYDRA - (Hydra Reptilian)
An aquatic reptilian species that lives in or near water, are around 5 feet tall, they have scaly webbed feet and hands. as well as gills and began reportedly coming from the constellation Hydra (also called 'The Sea Serpent') which is comprised of three star systems of Beta Hydrae, Epsilon Hydrae and N Hydrae. In Greek mythology there are the dragons Hydra, Python, and the dragon Typhon, all serpent like.
There are many names of serpent gods and goddesses for that matter throughout every continent including hybrid prototypes engraved on tombs, on walls of unearthed ancient cities in the middle east.
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HUMAN TYPE A: These are of a genetic base similar to humans of earth. They appear of "normal" height (5-6ft?) and tend to be fair-skinned with blonde hair. These entities have been abducted by the greys or are the offspring of abductees and have been trained by the greys as servants. These entities are totally subservient to the greys.
HUMAN TYPE B: These are aliens of similar genetics to earth humans and also, it seems, of the humans that serve the greys. These are from the Pleiades and are also of the blonde, fair-skinned appearance. This type is of a genuine highly evolved, spiritual, benevolent variety and have a kinship toward humans and are the only aliens to be truly trusted by earth humans at this time. They had at one time offered to be of assistance to earth leaders in dealing with the alien situation here but were rebuffed and so have taken a kind of "hands off" approach for the time being. These aliens are supposedly the forefather race of humankind. These are apparently not on earth much at this time due to serious problems in the area of their home.
HUMAN TYPE C: Very little is known about these. They are supposedly another of the highly evolved, spiritual type of great benevolence to earth humans. I understand that their appearance is similar to other human-type aliens. They are from Sirius and don't appear to be much involved with earth happenings at this time other than being concerned about the Grey scenario. They could desire to be of help to humans.
There are other known human type aliens of this "more highly spiritually evolved" nature that are apparently aware of the situation on earth and considering some possible course of action. These are from Arcturus and Vega.
The following article appeared in the summer 1993 edition (vol. 3 no. 2) issue of UFO Universe magazine.
[GROUP A] Non Earth-Born Humans
This GROUP consists of three peoples from three distinct colony zones, namely Sirius, Pleiades and Orion. Genetically, they are nearly identical to Earth-born humans with the following exceptions. Abductees refer to these beings as the talls. Males average up to approximately seven feet in height; females, six and a half feet. They are extremely fine featured, pale in complexion. Eyes are almond shaped, slightly slanted with a natural black liner, much like the renderings of ancient Egyptian royalty. There are three hair colors apparently related to colony origin: blonde (Pleiades), red (Orion), and black (Sirius). The insignia of these combined human races is a triangular arrangement of three spheres. This symbol has deep significance, and is found throughout Earth history. History records these beings as goddesses, gods, devas, etc. A subgroup of GROUP A females is in command of most Terran projects.
[GROUP B] Earth-Born Humans
These are Homo Sapiens whose origin is the planet Earth. They can be divided into two separate classes.
[Class A] (Ancient) - These humans were the companions and house servants of a GROUP A military mining and occupation force. When this force left the Earth sometime between 1,000 BC and 3,500 BC, it was decided to remove all humans that had been in close proximity with them. It was felt that leaving them would only further disrupt normal human development. Class A humans are on an equal level with GROUP A and cooperate fully in all Earth projects.
[Class M] (Modern) - These humans are working on the same cooperative level as Class A. They were taken from the Earth in modern times. During some abduction projects, twins (either identical or fraternal) are induced in a female subject. During the first trimester, one of the fetuses is removed. It is then grown to maturity by GROUP A. Abductees will meet their twins during some abductions. Very limited contact has been made by these humans.
[GROUP C] Genetically Modified Earth-Born Humans
These humans are comprised of two classes and should not be confused with GROUP D Greys.
[Class W] (Workers) - This class is the smallest in physical stature. They are described as approximately three and a half feet in height, large head and eyes, pale white in complexion. These workers were created by GROUP A through genetic modification of Earth human fetuses. Their function is to perform menial tasks requiring limited reasoning abilities. In mental capacity, they are equivalent to a five year-old child. They are incapable of violence and, in some cases, are kept as companions by GROUP A individuals.
[Class T] (Technicians) - These humans are basically the same as Class W. they are slightly larger, at approximately four and a half feet in height. Their complexion is tan or yellowish. Their reasoning and deductive abilities are higher. This allows them to perform more complex operations. They are often seen operating ship controls and in transport activities.
Both Classes W and T are telepathically camouflaged to appear as Greys to abductees. This is done to conceal the true nature of GROUP C.
It is felt that perception of GROUP A maintaining a human slave population would hinder future contact efforts.
This point will undoubtedly be a source of much heated debate in the near future.
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Approximately 4-5 ft. tall, with 'Iguana-like' appearance yet 'hominoid' configuration. They have sometimes been seen wearing black, hooded 'monk' robes or cloaks which conceal much of their saurian features, which include tails. These have been reported as being extremely dangerous and hateful towards humans and lesser-ranking Reptiloids such as Greys, and like all other branches of the 'serpent' race they utilize black witchcraft, sorcery and other forms of mind control against their enemies. They appear to be a dimension-hopping sorcerer or priest class among the reptiloid species.
Approximately 4-5 ft. tall, with a thick base tail which touches the ground, much like an Iguana as well a hominid exterior. Abductees have often described them as seen wearing hooded monk type robes as well, capes which conceal there reptilian look which include tails. They seem to have a malevolent agenda, and some claim they are associated with sorcery, black magic. They have reddish, more sanguine colored eyes.
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Insect like beings, with big bug like eyes and thin mantas like bodies. They have been described as being 4 to 7 feet tall and are usually accompanied with small neonatal types of dark skinned grays. Some have been described as wearing hooded capes or robes. According to reports, both malevolent and benevolent agendas are being administered.
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Small hairy humanoids with cloven hoofs which inhabit deep caverns beneath South America and elsewhere. They may be members of a fallen pre- Adamic race which possessed angelic, animal AND humanoid characteristics. Now allied with the reptilians. They have been known, according to natives, to 'kidnap' women and children down through the ages and many stories are told of South American tribes who have battled these creatures with machetes during certain of their forays to the surface in search for women, children or food.
Satyrs are small hairy humanoids with cloven hoofs which inhabit deep caverns beneath South America and elsewhere. According to some reports, They may be members of a pre- Adamic race which possessed angelic, animal AND humanoid characteristics. Now allied with the reptilians. They have been known, according to natives, to 'kidnap' women and children down through the ages and many stories are told of South American tribes who have battled these creatures with machetes during certain of their forays to the surface in search for women, children or food.
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Residents, either permanent or temporary, of the various different secret-society-connected top secret-government 'underground installations', bases or colonies throughout the United States and the World. Some of these groups may possess advanced technology enabling them to travel to various other planetary bodies in the solar system. This group is international in scope and may be tied-in with the Alternative 2 and 3 scenarios.
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This is allegedly a planet on which human beings live or once lived. They apparently arrived on that planet some thousands of years ago according to certain 'contactees', and had all along retained dim memories and legends concerning their ancient home world, planet earth, where their ancestors lived long before their colonization of the planet 'Janos'. They are said to be like Terrans, although somewhat oriental and slender. A group of refugees is said to have left Janos centuries ago in a huge carrier vessel of roughly donut-shaped configuration after an asteroid or meteor shower devastated the surface of their planet, causing a chain-reaction in their nuclear power grid, loosing deadly radiation into the atmosphere and unto the underground tunnels and 'cities' which they had built beneath Janos. They apparently remembered the star-route back to earth, and the latest reports stated that they were in a high orbit somewhere 'near' the earth and are seeking contact with earth governments to exchange technology for a place to live on (or below?) the earth, in the tradition of the TV series ALIEN NATION. In light of other revelations and lack of confirmation from other 'contactees', this might be a 'staged' Draconian propaganda operation; on the other hand the account MAY be legitimate.
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Another group of extraterrestrials has been termed the 'Jawas', after their resemblance to the creatures in the film "Star Wars".
This groups is distinguished by their clothing. They wearhoods and robes, are generally short, 3-4 1/2 ft. tall and
their faces are concealed by the shadows thrown by their hoods. There has been reports that this species has glowing
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Humans allegedly living on a colonized planet known as 'Korender'. Perfectly 'human' in proportion yet 4-5 ft. tall on the average. Gabriel Green described alleged contacts with this group in publications during the late 1950's - early '60's. The accounts published by Gabriel Green were rather fantastic, although perhaps no less so than some other accounts. Robert Renaud is one of the main "Korendian" contactees, and he claims that they have a large underground facility somewhere in Massachusetts. The Korendians claim alliance with the Arcturians and are part of a massive collective Alliance of worlds who lean more to non-Interventionism than to direct Interventionism.
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LACERTIANS - (Lacertian Reptilian)
A species of aquatic reptilians from these have been described as lizard-like creatures 4- 6 feet tall, with gills, scales on various colors and are of the reptilian order. Some believe they were once depicted as ancient half fish/human gods of Syrian decent. They are reported to possess telepathic abilities as well as the ability to place thoughts inside humans. They are supposedly from the constellation Lacerta, the called the lizard, which extends from the head of the constellation Cepheus to the foot of the star system Perseus. Women experiencers have described being deceived and raped as these creatures had the ability to mask as movie or rock stars in dream-like experiences. They've illustrated scenes of tepid enclosed rooms with warm pools of water that are used to mate with both male and female humans. There ships have been described as either wormlike or triangular.
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LEMURIANS - (Lemurian Hybrids)
Lemurians are a humanoid species that hale from Pleiades. They are humanoids, dark hair and olive skin, usually brown almond-like eyes and supposedly settled in India and other areas of the middle east. They are supposedly here to enlighten the consciousness and traveled here many millennium ago because of the vibrant natural resources of what they call Terra (earth). There are several groups of people who claim to be channeling Lemurians message of peace.
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Sea saurian 'sea serpents' such as the so-called 'Loch Ness Monster'. Loch Ness has been the site of much occult or paranormal activity including UFO activity, 'Grey' sightings, etc. Aliester Crowlay, the Satanist-Illuminist founder of the O.T.O. or Ordo Templi Orientis, claimed to be in contact with 'The Beast' of the Loch. He owned a mansion on the shores of the loch and this same mansion later became the residence of the British occultist Jimmy Page, who not only played with the British Rock group Led Zeppelin but also owned a large bookstore dealing with witchcraft and the occult. Being aquatic in nature and having lost the use of their limbs via atrophication and mutation, this branch of the "serpent race" is allegedly used for long-range 'psychic' warfare and occult manipulation of the human race.
Light Beings & Light Workers
Listen to Mary Sutherland interview John Meloney as he describes these Light Workers, Where they are from, his and his wife's work with them as they learn how to use the human body as a tool to work on this earth plane.
Part One Audio File of Alien Odyssey
Part Two Audio File of Alien Odyssey
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They've been described as the demonic manifestation of the the alien races and have been depicted as looking like earth bound demons but have the ability to mask as human. Others have stated they are a dominant species with intent on taking over earth and enslaving humans and are supposedly connected to the Illuminati. Most likely they are reptilian in origin, as the description implies.
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See: Extraterrestrial Races - Lyrans
Supposing that the human inhabitants of Lyra (who are said to have a common origin with Terran humanoids) were driven out of that system several thousand of years ago, then it is likely that some of the present day inhabitants of the 'Lyra' constellation may be of reptiloid descent. During the Lyran wars which are mentioned in several 'contactee' accounts, a mass exodus' of humans reportedly left the system and escaped to the Pleiades, the Hyades [which are 130 light-years from earth in the Taurus constellation], and to Vega which is also in Lyra. This region, like our own system, may still be a 'battleground' between saurian greys and humans.
The human inhabitants of Lyra, who are said to have a common origin with earths human species, and the species of Terrain who are supposedly bent on taking over our galaxy. They come in all shapes, sizes from dark-skinned to Caucasian there is supposedly a red haired, light skinned giant race, with rather large features. Lyrans were evidently driven out of their star system several thousand of years ago and relocated to many areas in the galaxy.
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Martians are obviously supposedly form our solar systems planet Mars. They been described as small little green men with antennae, or as an lizard like reptilian inner planet species, even humanoid. Most every description has been given. Some schools of thought think that Mars was once inhabited by humans, and they escaped to earth when resources dried up. Other believed that a Martian planetary upheaval war/planetary changes due to a pole shift. Surprisingly recent discoveries of water underneath the poles, and clear evidence of river channels, etc. as well as water on the surface makes one wonder. There is a school of thought that we once inhabited Mars and teraformed Terra known as Earth because of WAR.
Inhabitants of the planet Mars, both human and non-human, including the alleged inhabitants of the two Martian 'moons' (which many believe to be artificially-hollowed asteroids, one of which -- phobos -- is said to be under the control of the "original" Greys, or self-reproducing Greys which are the "hosts" for the Grey "clones" which operate from various space stations that are disguised as planetoids. (It is from these"carrier" ships that the abduction, implantation, programming, mutilation, infiltration and other projects are carried out against planet earth). It has also been suggested that thousands of years ago the surface of LUNA and Mars were much more 'habitable', that the surfaces of these bodies may have been decimated after passing through the asteroid belt or an 'asteroid storm' (consisting of debris which 'may' have been torn from a planet which apparently existed between Mars and Jupiter at one time -- possibly destroyed by a close encounter with another planetary body in the tradition of Velikovsky's theories). It is believed that ancient 'ruins', possibly thousands of years old, have been seen on both 'planets' and that these attest to such a cataclysm. (Refer to Reticulians)
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Also referred to as the 'Men In Black' or 'Horlocks'. These are apparently in many cases humans who are controlled by draconian influences, although other 'MIB' have been encountered which do not seem human, but more reptilian OR synthetic. The 'MIB' have been encountered often after UFO sightings, usually intimidating witnesses
into keeping silent about what they've seen (many of the witnesses may be 'abductees' with suppressed memories of the event). Their 'threats' appear to be motivated by attempts to utilize 'terrorism', 'fear' or 'intimidation' as a psychological weapon against witnesses. This 'weapon' may not only be used to keep the human 'MIB' under control, but by the human MIB's themselves. 'They' are often, though not always, seen in connection with large, black automobiles, some of which have been seen disappearing into mountains -- as in the case of one basing area between Hopland and Lakeport, California -- canyons or tunnels or in some cases apparently appear out of or disappear (cloak?) into thin air. Most humanoid MIB have probably been implanted by the Draconians and are essentially their 'slaves'. Bio-synthetic forms possessed by 'infernals' also seem to play a part in the MIB scenario, as do subterranean and exterran societies. Sirius, at only 9+ light years away, has been identified as a major exterran MIB center of activity, with a subterran counterpart existing in ancient antediluvian 'Atlantean' underground complexes which have been 're-established' beneath the Eastern U.S. seaboard.
These could be considered 'Almost Humans'. Made with animal tissue and depends on a computer to simulate memory. A memory the computer has withdrawn from another human being. The Almost Humans may also fall under the catagory of the 'zombie' type aliens.
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A race of peaceable humans some 7-8 ft. tall, with pale-blue skin and large 'wrap-around' eyes which are extremely sensitive to light. They MAY be the same as the large humans allegedly encountered on the moon by our 'astronauts' according to John Lear and others, who in turn were silenced and not allowed to tell what they saw. These people may, according to some accounts, be allied to the 'Nordics' and/or 'Blondes'. They claim to be descendants of Noah who traveled to the Western Hemisphere a few centuries following the deluge and discovered ancient antediluvian cavern systems and ancient technologies which had been abandoned by the antediluvians in deep subterranean recesses. They have been encountered mostly in deep cavern-systems beneath the general region of the Ozarks-Arkansas and surrounding regions. The only real evidence we have on their existence is an early report of the Cherokee Indians telling of a blue-skinned race that they encountered.

Largely subterranean, pterodactyloid-like hominoids with bat-like wings. Sometimes describes as possessing 'horns' and thus are considered very similar to the traditional depiction of the 'devil', according to certain individuals who have encountered them. Although often referred to as 'Mothmen', this title might be a little misleading. These creatures -- which have also been referred to as the Ciakars, Pteroids, Birdmen and Winged Draco -- have been encountered near underground systems near Mountauk Point, Long Island; Point Pleasant, West Virginia; and Dulce, New Mexico.
(identical to the Sumero-Babylonian UTUKKU, a demon of the KI GAL or underworld)
Ufologist Jerome Clark writes that many years after the initial events, members of the Ohio UFO Investigators League re-interviewed several people who claimed to have seen Mothman, all of whom insisted their stories were accurate. Linda Scarberry claimed that she and her husband had seen Mothman "hundreds of times, " sometimes at close range, commenting, "It seems like it doesn’t want to hurt you. It just wants to communicate with you. " [13]
Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman claims that sightings of Mothman continue and told USA Today he re-interviewed witnesses described in Keel's book who said Mothman was "a huge creature about 7 feet tall with huge wings and red eyes" and that "they could see the creature flapping right behind them" as they fled from it. [14]
See also: DRACOS

Also referred to as the 'Reptoids', 'Reptiloids', 'Reptons', 'Homo-saurus', 'Lizard-men', or the 'Large Nosed Greys'. They play a significant role in the legends of India and Tibet where they are considered by some to be demoniacal residents of a subterranean realm.. They are described as being around 7-8 ft. tall and of various colors, grotesque, but most often moldy greenish with scaled crocodilian 'skin'. Allegedly descended from a branch of bipedal sauroids which existed thousands of years ago on earth and via mutation and natural selection developed the brain-body coordination necessary to develop a technology. Some species still reportedly retain a visible 'tail' although much atrophied from their supposedly extinct' saurian ancestors. Some abductees claim that the "lizard" people resemble a humanoid version of a Velociraptor. After a reputed battle in ancient times between a "pre-Scandinavian" race from the Gobi region and a Reptiloid race based in Antarctica, the reptilians allegedly lost the battle for domination of the surface world and were driven into underground networks in which they eventually developed aerial and space technology. Refer to Agharians, Tarzissians, Dracos
A) The Naga's are said to have appeared at the birth of Guatama Siddharta, who later became "Buddha".
B) The ancient "well" of Sheshna in Benares, India, is traditionally where the YOGA APHORISMS OF PATANJALI, a classical guide to students of Yoga, was written." This "well" is said to be an entrance to one of the Naga's underworld lairs.
Sherman Minton states that "Sheshna's well", an alleged opening into the underground reptilian underworld of "Patalas" [consisting of seven worlds or cavern levels], may be seen today in Benares, India, and "...It has forty steps leading down into a circular depression to a stone door covered with cobras. This is said to lead to PATALA, the reptile netherworld
legend of the Nagas, the "serpents" which live in extensive underground palaces in the rocky Himalayas. It is believed that these creatures are able to fly in space and that they possess amazing magical powers and intelligence. They are not too fond of man if he is a curiosity seeker, explorer or mountaineer. According to the sacred(?) tradition of the Hindus, the deep caverns of the Nagas contain fabulous treasures, illuminated by flashing precious stones. The subterranean abodes are known to be in certain parts of both the Himalayas and Tibet, particularly around the Lake of the Great Nagas - Lake Manosarowar."
[ » More information on the NAGAs ]
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The Neonates are an alien species with extreme intelligence. Neonates are three to four feet tall, have a fetus-like facial appearance with a large oversized cranium. They are thin muscled and spindly, have light gray to dark cream-colored skin, five digits on each hand and are reported to possess telepathic abilities. Neonates are often times mistaken for Greys, another similar alien species in stature and color. However, the Neonates (unlike the grays) have pupils and retinas in their unusually large eyes. The eyes of Alien Greys are large too, but they are entirely black and have no distinguishable pupils or retinas in them. Alien Greys have only four digits on each hand as opposed to the five digits on each hand of the Neonate.
It was the Neonate species that was reportedly involved in the Roswell New Mexico UFO crash in 1947. It is also the Neonate species that allegedly abducted Betty and Barney Hill in 1962; the first documented ‘Alien Abduction’ case on record. During that abduction Betty Hill was told by these Neonate aliens that they originated from the Zeta Reticuli star system.
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The fallen 'Angels of Heaven' perhaps, some claim they are the hybrids of the 'Watchers' and inter-mated with the women of earth during the time of Noah. They were giants that were seven to ten feet tall. According to some research The Anunnaki and Nefilim might be one and the same species.
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NORDICS - (Agathartians or "Wingmakers")
A tall race of blond haired, blue eyed humanoids often related to the star system Pleiades'. Both male and females are well built with muscular athletic bodies and stand over 6 feet tall. Facial features are humanoid, with eyes, nose and lips that vary in size. They are described as a benevolent race in connection with contact experiences.
Blonde, Blue-Eyed, Angular Faces. Commonly refered to as the Elohim. Nordics are a humanoid star culture often referred to as the Elohim. They have angular faces with bottomless
blue-eyes that project light from them, capable of lighting an entire room. This race of Ancient Star Travelers could very well be THE WINGMAKERS reportedly discovered in Southwestern United States. This also could be the same race living within the Inner Earth of the Poles and the ancestors of some of the Native Americans and Vikings.
[ » More information on the Nordics ]
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These entities largely converge beneath southern Nevada, northern New Mexico and possibly Utah. Some sources refer to a [1] 'human' race with stalky yellow, red or orange hair, others of [2] a genetically-altered, humanoid-reptiloid strain or hybrid. They are often described often as having a humanoid form yet certain 'reptilian' genetic features. They are also said to possess human-like reproductive organs, and possibly (or not) a human 'soul-matrix', and therefore a divergent branch of the human race, or reptiloid race depending on which 'type' of Orange one is referring to. as some accounts suggest there MAY also be [3] orange-colored reptilians which possess no soul-matrix. (Refer to 'hu-breds and hybrids' )
Some of the "Orange" allegedly have connections to Bernard's Star. These may also be the Native Amerian's Sitecah or Red Giants. In 1911, miners were digging out layers of bat guano froma cave located about 22 miles southwest of Lovelock, Nevada, when they happened upon the mummified remains which would have stood 6 1/2 feet tall alive. The mummy was still crowned with 'distinctly' red hair. The ancient legends of the local PaiuteIndians described a race of red-haired giants who were the enemies of many Indian tribes of the region .

As the Nordics are light haired and eyed, the Orions have been reported to be tall, dark haired with brown almond shaped eyes and have a malevolent war like personas. Others claim they are the keepers of the heavens and actually prevent the malevolent Draconian species from attacking earth while other reports claim they are in conjunction with other warlike malevolent species.
Some claim that 'negative' entities have been associated with some of the stars in the Orion constellation. Other sources claim that the Orion Nebula is a cosmic 'doorway' to 'infinity' or the realm of the Creator, which transcends the time-space-matter universe. Some astronomers claim that a huge, beautifully-illuminated multicolored 'light' has emerged from the "nebula" and is on an intercept-course with Earth, although at a rather leisurely pace and at this rate this 'light' or 'star' will reach earth approximately 3000 AD (give or take a hundred years). Could this have something to do with the prophecy in Revelation 21? Since the Draconians are attempting to conquer the 'heavens', they may have made futile attempts to enter the 'Eternity Gate' and intercept the emerging 'Light' ('War In Heaven' between Michael and the 'Dragon'? - see: Rev. ch. 12). This may explain the alleged presence of the Draconians in the Orion constellation, although certain 'human' groups have allegedly become curious of the 'Eternity Gate' as well. The Orion open cluster itself is the base of a joint Reptiloid - Grey empire called the Unholy Six, which has been working out of NEMESIS in an effort to sabotage the human presence in the SOL system. Many of the "planetoids" that have entered this system and have made observable "course alterations" are arriving from NEMESIS and the Orion-Draconian EMPIRE.
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PLEIADANS or Pleiadians
See: Extraterrestrial Races - Pleiadians
Usually tall and human looking , Pleiadans have been described as the other humanoid race of the universe with varying hair and eye and skin colors, One species is supposedly look human, but with luminous blue skin a thick wooly red hair.
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See: Extraterrestrial Races - Procyons
Most of the Rigelians who fled their planet traveled to the star system of Procyon to restart their civilization. Procyon is a binary star system about 11.4 light years from Earth, and it was apparently the fourth planet in this system that the Rigelians established their new colony. According to Andrews, the colony of Procyon flourished until it became embroiled in sinister effort by the Grays that now populated Rigel to subvert Procyon.
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See: The Raelian Movement by Rael (Claude Vorilhon)
Human people posing as aliens, formed in the mind of cult guru Rael (The Clonaid people, who've have unsubstantiated claims of cloning the first human.) Raelians are supposed to ascendants be our human race and the missing link. Supposedly this group seeded earth with another indigenous species which made humans as we are today. A whole subculture of world wide believers have grown around the leader. Similar to the Uranthans.
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See: Extraterrestrial Races - Reptilians
There are a variety of Reptilian species that are non hominid, bipedal and literally cool or cold blooded. There have been rare reports of a positive interaction with them. Descriptions vary, but a commonality seem to be the reptilian features of greenish grey reptile flesh colored skin with eyes that have slits. They range in all heights as well, including tails and sheaths which hide their sexual organs. A Majority of reports claim they are perpetuating malevolent agendas. There are a number of reptilian species such as:
Subterranean Reptilians
A species of Reptiods that is said to inhabit the subterraneous areas of Earth, the Moon and Mars. Apparently they claim to be earths original inhabitants and say the were driven underground by rogue aliens called Terrans. There is a whole sub culture of people who believe that they are from these reptilian/human bloodlines.
Serpentine Reptilians
Reptilians that are snake like in appearance with yellow to red colored irises and elongated pupils. They have been reported to being dark greenish gray, over several feet tall with viper shaped heads, long tails and snake like scales. They have snake like movements. Others have reported them to be giant snakes, larger than the Anaconda, and they are sentinels, guards that will capture or kill humans who get too close to discovering subterranean reptilian species.
Sirius Reptilians
This is an aquatic reptilian species supposedly from our neighboring Dog Star Sirius. They have been described as bipedal, average in height with webbed hands and feet with gills, and others believe they are associated with the half human, half fish or mermaids and mermen. Supposedly the species have underwater bases on earth.
Vampuria Reptilians
Supposedly a species of reptilian that sustains its life force by siphoning off human energies and emotions. They are several feet with a bulb like hump between their foreheads, elongated arms and legs, eyes are red with slits for pupils, the bodies are reptile like bipedal and hands have four digits with dark talons. They are a hybrid species.
[ » More information on the Reptilians ]
According to TAL:
Having been within arm length of REPTOIDS, I did get to observe various details. They wore no clothes. But, they did have a "UTILITY BELT", with several unusual things on it. One "device" had a small orange light on it. When this is touched, they simply "disappear". I have quickly moved into the spots where the REPTOIDS were, instantly after they disappear. There was no temperature anomaly in the ZONE. I had expected it to be "cooler" in the area(if they were draining energy to manifest, like happens in various kinds of apparitions). They did change density at times. They made heavy footsteps, in the hallway, on the wood floor. And could walk through the walls. They "glow" an electrical blue/greenish color, like some kind of AURA. The head is similar to the Reptilian Humanoids on the TV Program "BABYLON 5". The head was more cone shaped, like the "YETI" kind of have. In fact, the REPTOIDS are built like Big Foot. The one has SCALES, the other has HAIR. The Eyes are "slit" SERPERT-like. Very strange, "flame-like" and flickery. Three fingers and an opposing thumb. With claw-like Talons(on fingers and feet). A small tail. Large Scales, like a "Breast Plate" on the chest. The scales were smaller where the body is flexible, like around the elbow. The Scales were like a SNAKE. I guess that is why some call them "The SERPENT Race". The Scales were mostly green to very dark green, on each scale(a variation of color). They are "Telepathic". Very quick thoughts.
IDEAS driven by Images and geometric Impressions. NOT a "linear" form of communication, like words. More, of a Symbol or Image Language. They DO react to your "thoughts". They can "overwhelm" you with DATA(it seems like "thought compression". It can take you a long time to assimilate their "TRANSMISSION" and integrate it. After awhile I "saw" the language, as FRACTAL "Mandelic" Hyper-Spheres or "THOUGHT FORM" constructs, to pass DATA. These sucks are data freaks. Highly Intellectual. Limited Emotional response(Hate, Fear and a "short circuit" Confusion state(mild Panic). You can think or do "the UNEXPECTED" and they do "freak out". So...stay calm and centered. They RESPECT that. Then they "THINK" you are dangerous. But, if you Fear them, they will taunt your weakness and will DISrepect you. Careful, don't DIS-"REP" them either. They are no better than you. I "glean" they want something WE have. Something in our SOUL Nature. We can "Shift" to Theta "BALANCE" and LINK to the SOURCE. They are TOO far into analyzing. Unbalanced. They like DRUGS like cocaine, opium, Magic Mushrooms and "milking" humans for endorphins. They can't get INTO your Mind without you having the opportunity to get into their REPTILIAN Brain, too. They KNOW alot about the outward form of creation. They KNOW the "Force"...but, behind that is "The SOURCE". They NEED us, we don't need them.
(But what do they need...Our Vital Source...Our Life Source..Our Soul Force ...Sutherland)
"...[Brazilian] Jefferson Souza claims that the following revelations are from the personal notes and scientific diaries of a scientist who was commissioned by the U.S. Government over a period of several years to visit all crash sites, interrogate captured Alien Life Forms and analyze all data gathered from that endeavor. Eventually this person was discovered to have kept and maintained personal notes on his discoveries and was therefore scheduled for termination [not just "job termination"!]... which he narrowly escaped. Following 33 years of investigations, he went in to hiding in 1990:
Here is some data which this anonymous informant reportedly gathered on the Reptilian type alien entities:
Average Height: Male - 2.0 Meters; Female - 1.4 Meters
Average Weight: M - 200 Kilos; F - 100 Kilos
Body Temperature: M - Ambient Temperature; F - Ambient Temperature
Pulse/Resperation: M - 40/10; F - 40/10
Blood Pressure: M - 80/50; F - 80/50
Life Expectancy: M - 60 Earth Years; F - 23 Earth Years
Cold-blooded like all reptiles, the Reptiloid is found to flourish in a warm, tropical clime [normally artificial... big caves]. With imperfect respiration providing just enough oxygen to supply tissues and maintain the processing of food and combustion, their temperature can be raised only a few degrees above the ambient [this suggests that 'heat' weapons, like flame-throwers and so on, may prove to be very effective and fatal to this species under battle conditions]. The reproductive system is ovouniparous, with eggs hatching in the oviduct prior to birth. The underdeveloped Reptiloid [for faster activities, physical activities] cerebellus results in a slowness and simpler city of movement. The Reptiloid eye is composed of thousands of microscopic facets, each facet with its own independent protective lid. The eye is almost never closed entirely during waking hours; rather, sections of the organ are shut down in conjunction with the dominant light source. The reptiloids survived 'hidden' inside the Earth [within] Big Caves Underground.
"The black magic rituals we know as Satanism are the modern expression of the rituals and human sacrifice in ancient Babylon and the Brotherhood infiltrated societies of the Sumerian, Phoenician, Hittite, Egyptian, Canaanite and Akkadian, peoples, among many others across the world. It has been a seamless procession through history of the same rituals to the same deities and this remains of fundamental importance to the initiates of the Brotherhood today.
My use of the term Satanism has nothing to do with the Christian version of Satan. I use it only to describe a system of ritual sacrifice and torture which, staggering as it may seem; to most people, is commonplace all over the world today. Satanism is just another name for the worship of a highly destructive, negative force which has been given endless names over the centuries. Nimrod, Baal, Moloch or Molech, Set, the Devil, Lucifer, there is no end to them. Satanism perverts everything positive in the same way that the Nazis took a positive symbol, the swastika, and turned it around to symbolise the negative. This is why the Satanists invert the pentagram and why they use black to symbolise the darkness, hence their Black Mass. But they also reverse the symbolism of white and that is a powerfully negative colour to them. The Satanic networks, under the names of their various deities, were created by the Babylonian Brotherhood to serve their needs. We have seen that the accounts of the Watchers and their off spring, the Nefilim, include references to their blood drinking activities. The Brotherhood know that blood contains the life-force energy. Drinking menstrual blood has always been a feature of the reptilian bloodlines because they need blood to live in this dimension. It was known as the Star Fire, the female lunar essence. The female menstrual cycle is governed by the cycles of the Moon and the blood contains that energy. Its ingredients are supposed to ensure a long life. In India it was called soma and in Greece it was ambrosia. This was said to be the nectar of the gods and it was the reptilian gods who are genetic blood drinkers. The 'holy grail' chalice or cup is also symbolic of the womb and ~ drinking menstrual blood, as well as being a symbol of the reptilian 'royal' bloodline itself. Menstrual blood was provided for the Elite of the reptilian 'royal' line by virgin priestesses and this is the origin of the term 'Scarlet Woman' or, to the Greeks, 'Sacred Woman'. The Greek word for this, Hierodulai, was eventually translated into English as harlot and into German as 'hores", the origin of whore. The word ritual derives from this practice (ritu = redness) and so do the words rite and red. Menstrual blood is one reason why the colour red is so important to Satanists and it is another reason for the constant use of the colour gold by the 'royal' bloodlines. Gold is called the metal of the gods, but to the Anunnaki of the Sumerian Tablets, menstrual blood was the 'gold of the gods'.
The reptilians and their crossbreeds drink blood because they are drinking the person's life-force and because they need it to exist in this dimension. They will often shape-shift into reptilians when drinking human blood and eating human flesh, I am told by those who have seen this happen. Blood drinking is in their genes and an Elite high priestess or 'Mother Goddess' in the hierarchy, who performed rituals for the Brotherhood at the highest level, told, me that without human blood the reptilians cannot survive in this dimension. Her name is Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Ann Green. Interestingly, she said that the reptilians had been pursuing the Aryan peoples around the universe, because the blood of the white race was particularly important to them for some reason and the blondhaired, blue-eyed genetic stream was the one they wanted more than any other. They had followed the white race to Mars, she said, and then came to Earth with them. It is far from impossible that the reptilian arrival on this planet in numbers was far more recent than even many researchers imagine. An interbreeding programme only a few thousand years ago between the reptilian Anunnaki and white Martian bloodlines already interbred with the reptilians on Mars, would have produced a very high reptilian genetic content. This is vital for the reasons I have explained earlier. They appear to need a particular ratio of reptilian genes before they can shape-shift in the way that they do. But when the interbreeding happened is far less important than the fact that it did happen.
Satanism is based on the manipulation of energy and consciousness. These deeply sick rituals create an energy field, a vibrational frequency, which connects the consciousness of the participants to the reptilians and other consciousness of, the lower fourth dimension. This is the dimensional field, also known as the lower astral to many people, which resonates to the frequency of low vibrational emotions like fear, guilt, hate and so on. When a ritual focuses these emotions, as Satanism does, a powerful connection is made with the lower fourth dimension, the reptilians; These are some of the 'demons' which these rituals have been designed to summon since this whole sad story began thousands of years ago. This is when so much possession takes place and the reptilians take over the initiate's physical body. The leading Satanists are full-blood reptilians cloaked in human form. These rituals invariably take place on vortex points and so the terror, horror, and hatred, created by them enters the global energy grid, and affects the Earth's magnetic field. Thought forms of that scale of malevolence hold down the vibrational frequency and affect human thought and emotion. Go to a place where Satanic rituals take place and feel the malevolence and fear in the atmosphere. What we call 'atmosphere' is the vibrational field and how it has been affected by human thought forms. Thus we talk about a happy, light or loving atmosphere, or a dark or foreboding one. The closer the Earth's field is vibrationally to the lower fourth dimension, the more power the reptilians have over this world,and its inhabitants. Satanism is not just a sickness and a perversion, although, it is that also, its main reason for existence, from the Brotherhood's point of view, is to control the Earth's magnetic field; to worship and connect with their reptile masters; to drink the lifeforce of their sacrificed victims; and to provide energy for the reptilians who appear to feed off human emotion, especially fear. These sacrifices are, literally, s acrifices to the 'gods', the reptilians, and they have been happening for thousands of years. The mass sacrifice of people by the Aztecs in Central America, and so many others, were to provide food for, the physical reptilians and crossbreeds who eat the bodies and drink the blood, and energy nourishment, for the non-physical reptilians of the lower fourth dimension. Phil Schneider, a builder of US underground bases, told the writer and researcher, Alex Christopher, that when children reached the point where they could not work anymore in the slave conditions underground, they were consumed by the reptilians. They prefer young children because they are not contaminated like adults. Hard to accept isn't it? I'm sure your mind is screaming 'nonsense' at you because who wants to face a truth like this? But unless we do, how is it ever going to be stopped?
Satanic rituals generally take place at night because that is when the magnetic field is most stable. During, the day the electrically charged particles of the solar wind cause turbulence in the field and make interdimensional connection more difficult. It is most stable during total eclipses and this is when native peoples held their most important ceremonies to contact and manifest other-dimensional entities. The tribal shamans know this. Satanic rituals and human sacrifice, especially of children, are performed on a vast scale and involve some of the most famous politicians, business people, media owners and entertainers on the planet.
Of course they do. It would be amazing if they did not, given the background. These rituals and human sacrifice have always been the foundation of the Brotherhood 'religion' since ancient times. And the Brotherhood manipulates its Satanic initiates and 'gofers' into the positions of political, economic, business, military, medical and media power, and into influential positions in the world of entertainment.
Therefore the ratio of Satanists and child sacrifices at the top of these professions and institutions is staggeringly high compared with the general population. Apparently, according to former Satanists I have met and read about, some world politicians are addicted to blood taken from a victim at the moment of sacrifice because of the adrenaline which is produced at that time. I am told this addiction is quite common among Satanists, and researchers into the reptilian question suggest that this is the substance the reptiles also want. It all fits."
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A grey species , generally around 4 feet tall in various shades of gray, with large heads and large shiny black eyes. there body structures are thin, and they have the ability to telepathically communicate with each other as well as humans. Zetas who are largely responsible for abductions. Some claim they have a benevolent intent while other claim they are like drones who do lab work and other experiments possibly for another species.
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RIGELIANS - (Nordic Rigelians)
See: Extraterrestrial Races - Rigelians
One of the many human space colonies spawned by the Lyrans was eventually established on planets in the Rigel solar system in the Orion Constellation. At some point in its history, Rigel with its Nordic population presumably underwent a destructive civil war and was taken over by Grays. According to George Andrews, a Nordic from the star system of Procyon, Khyla, revealed much information about the Rigelians, Procyons and Grays to a human contactee whose information was consistent with other sources and Andrews concluded was credible.
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RODS - (Tubes)
See: The Flying "Rods"
This "anomaly" occurs near or around many UFO sightings. It is an elongated tube shape anomaly that erratically moves in all directions.
It's been captured on camera and video film footage and isn't a film glitch or camera anomaly often unnoticed until film is developed or video footage is played back.
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Tibetans and American Indians both refer to 'shining beings' they encounter in isolated spaces during secret religious rituals. They are humanoid and 'lit within'. They guard sacred sites on earth, 'holding them in trust for a future of wonders' and are bearers of great wisdom. These may be the counterparts of the Celtic fairy traditions. Some abductees , including Betty Andreasson have reported such beings.
Science fiction writer PHILIP K. DICK wrote letters at great length beginning in February 1978 referring to encounters with just such shining beings. He wrote half a million words on incidents between him and the light beings over a four year period before his death in 1982. Dick found himself kept awake at night by 'vilent phosphene activity...within my head it communicated with me in the form of a computer like or Artificial Intelligence system like voice, quite different from any human voice, neither male nor femaile, and a very beautiful sound it was , the most beautiful sound I ever heard. ..the imposition of another human personality unto mine produced startling modifications in my behavior...Some living, highly intelligent entity manifested itself inside me and around me, but what it was , what its purpose was, where it came from...eatch theory leaves some datum unexplained...and '"I know this is not going to change'. I have the impression that a 'master gameplayer and magician and trickster' is involved." Dick's insistence that it was both another 'human personality and that it had a computerlike voice, supports the theories being presented here. If the shining beings that 'imposed' itself was both a robot and an emissary from a human source, this makes perfect sense.
PHILIP K DICK was a very influential writer, so much so that an ANNUAL AWARD IS GIVEN IN HIS NAME. His stories were made into movies such as BLADE RUNNER AND TOTAL RECALL. featuring ACCURATE UFOLOGICAL ELEMENTS.
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SIRIANS - (Sirius Beings)
See: Extraterrestrial Races - Sirians
The Dogon peoples of Sudan, Africa believe that they received their vast knowledge of the stars from visitors to Earth, called Nommos - who are amphibian beings sent to Earth from Sirius for the benefit of humanity. The Sumerians depicted their gods as half human/fish and claimed these gods fell from the sky.
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SONS - (Sons of Darkness & Sons of Light)
Son's of Darkness
This is a species that has supposedly perpetuated a war within our universe to battle for the human soul, and domination over all humanoid species since the beginning of time. It's unclear if they are a true alien species or demonic as both sides of the Bible and UFO camps claim them as their own. There has been reference to them in the Bible, and in other religious texts. My Research suggests they may be a little of both.
Son's of Light
This is a species that fights the Sons of Darkness within our universe to battle for the human soul, and supposedly sent to protect all humanoid species since the beginning of time. It's unclear if they are a true alien species or angelic. There has been reference to them in the Bible, and in other religious texts including the Keys of Enoch.
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See: Extraterrestrial Races - Ummites
The Ummites are described as extraterrestrials from the planet Ummo which is claimed to be 14.6 light years away, and possibly located in the star system Wolf 424. They played a significant role in disseminating scientific technical literature and objects through Spain and then relayed to the rest of Europe in the 1960s and 1970s from a hidden base near a small town in the French province of ‘Basses Alps’ (Lower Alps). The Ummites contacted a select number of individuals and distributed to them detailed technical information on different technologies and revolutionary theories that would expand scientific knowledge beyond the prevailing orthodoxies.
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The Teros, which is short from integrative or constructive, are a subsurface race that usually keep the Deros in check. The Teros, were the original tribe of the Lunarians who came to this planet to dwell beneath the surface of the Earth. They are referred to as the Sunaynans, meaning "The Yearly Ones" The Deros were for disagreeable people and the Teros, were for agreeable people. Their chief is named Laamsa (the photo). The Teros came from the planet Jomon in the star constellation Arcturus which is in the Bootes constellation. Arcturus, the red giant, the fourth brightest star in heaven is where much mixing took place. The Sunaynans have 48 chromosomes instead of the normal 46 that Earth people possess. The Tero's chromosome structure is so different from Earthlings that when mixed with certain humans, it caused a defect of 47 chromosomes which today is called "Down's Syndrome" Their children are usually born with breathing defects as well as congenital heart disease and they also have poor digestive systems. Their immune system is unable to function properly and they are more apt to developing leukemia. The Teros that have an abundance of pigmentation in their skin are descendants of the Shuyukh. Those who are lacking pigmentation are descendants of the Halaabeans, Flugelrods or Hulub. The Teros bored further into the Earth and were able to keep their sanity. Because of cross-breeding, the Teros took on different forms. Some look so human they can come to the surface and not be noticed.
Source: 1996 Nuwaubian Calendar, "Extraterrestrial Amongst Us"
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URANTHIANS - (Urantian)
According to believers the Urantia Brotherhood are benevolent teachers of the universe and are human looking. They are described as humanoid, in all shapes, colors and sizes. They were sent to help humanity to recover before the end times They will supposedly manifest before humans destroy themselves. A whole subculture of believers have formed around the Book of Urantia. Very similar to the the structure and belief of Raelians.
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See: Extraterrestrial Races - Vegans
Supposedly a couple of Vegan species exist. The humanoid species descended as refugees from the Lyran Wars, they work closely with other refugee-colonists now living in the Pleiades. They look human are said to be gentle and peaceful.
The second group is also humanoid but with the characteristics of a reptile or insect like, they are described as having a greenish tint to their skin, but colors range from flesh to black. Both species are said to have large eyes.
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Brought into popularity by the late George Adamski, Venusians are supposedly humanoid looking with various skin and eye colors. They wear military type uniforms and working with the world governments as well as monitoring earthlings progress. They supposedly have underground bases in the Nevada desert.
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These are supposedly humanoid beings that are comprised of brilliant light bodies in various shimmering colors. They are supposedly covertly helping humankind to become spiritual peaceful race. They apparently are teachers , do not have direct physical communication and prefer to channel their information.
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ZETAS (Zeta Reticulians)
There is much confusion, especially on Earth, concerning the Zeta Reticulans. They are not inherently an agressive or even impolite race. But they a complex society and a complex emotional pattern that, like Earthlings (more on that later), causes a wide variety of outlooks and behavior patterns. Primarily a unified people, there are nevertheless splinter groups and factions who operate with considerable gusto. The most important of these splinters is "the Greys" whose purposes here on Earth are radically different from the Zetans as a whole.
It is the Greys, working closely with the Dracs (Alpha-Draconians) who are the "bad aliens" in most of the Earthling news reports and "UFOology.
"The Zeta Reticulans are not here to harm Earthlings, harvest them, control, eat them, or any other such purpose. There is a long (and long) history, some of it rather dramatic, for the Zeta Reteiculans and the Zeta Reticulus star system, including the famous Lyan / Orion wars and the Alpha-Draconians. Large portions of it read like a (very long) Earthling science-fiction action/adventure story ("space opera" being the old term, but rather applicable here).
The Zetans are neutral (mostl) concerning Earth and Earthlings. Part of their purpose is the preserve the Eartlings largely untouched, uninfluenced, for purposes of study. The simple fact is that Earthlings -- Earth Descended ("ED") Huamns -- remind them an awful lot of themselves. Not physically, of course, certainly not technologically, but emotionally. They hope that in watching and learning about the ED Humans they can perhaps understand themselves just a little bit better.
So, in short, the Zetans have two purposes here. First, to study the Earthlings, observe and learn. Secondly, to preserve the Earth in its "natural" state, so that Humans may continue unfolding on their own, for good or bad, survival or death.
This puts the Zetans some what at odds with all the other Council member races -- especially the Greys and Dracs, but even with the Pleiadians, though the Pleiadians and Zetans certain get along and are quite civil to each other (these days, at least -- the Lyran wars were (after all) a very long time ago. In wanting to preserve Earth as it is, or at least to hinder outside influences upon it, they are more likely to support some of the rogue mission groups, than they are the major groups. That is, the Gangsters and Joy-Riders are more likely to receive help from the Zetans than are the Harvesters, Manipulators or Light Workers (see the Mission category summary articles).
This puts the Zetans into a difficult position, actually. Ideally they want to study the Earth totally natural and unaffected. In reality, because there are already so many outside influences active here they end up having to take a very active hand in attempting to keep things as they are, restore things to how they "should be" (using a best-guess approach, of course), and so forth. Naturally, this causes a fair amount of criticism and the expectation that any results gleaned from a study of the Earthlings can not possibly be pure science, any longer. |
The Zetans, however, remind their detractors that, first of all, ED Huamsn are not even natice to the planet anyway, secondly that outside influences have been active on the planet for thousands of years, and thirdly that the (so-called) "Yuga Cycle" the Earth regularly goes through is most definitely an outside influence already. So why not study anyway? Yes, it's a complex system to study, but so is every thing worth the effort of understanding.
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Humans with alien brain implants programmed to help overthrow Mankind in the NEAR FUTURE.
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» Ufology - Extraterrestrial Races
» Ufology - Exopolitics
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