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Daniel Tarr et al.

"Sirius Disclosure"
by Dr. Steven Greer

and the Disclosure Movement and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

- A Review -


Dr. Steven Greer presents » Sirius Disclosure, the » Disclosure Project and » The Orion Project


Atacama Alien

The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. They use energy propulsion systems that can bring us to a new era. Humans have also developed these systems but those in power have suppressed them in order to keep us at the mercy of fossil fuels. It is time for you to know… and this documentary will let you in.



“Sirius” is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency Medicine doctor turned UFO/ New Energy researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experiences with UFOs and with the cover-up.

In the course of his research Dr. Greer is asked to look at an amazing find: a humanoid specimen, 6 inches long from the Atacama Desert. Not until 2012 was he given permission to take bone samples and DNA from the specimen. At that same time a pre-eminent geneticist, hearing of this find, offered to do DNA testing. He enlisted an MD from the same university,- world renowned for his work with skeletal anomalies, to view the x-rays and CT scans. Their expertise along with Dr. Greer’s expansive knowledge of the subject bring more questions than answers. Where did this “Atacama Humanoid” come from? Are there others like it? What does it say about the origin of the human species?

While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.


Sirius : The Movie from Dr. Steven Greer on Vimeo.

“Sirius” is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency Medicine doctor turned UFO/ New Energy researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experiences with UFOs and with the cover-up.

In the course of his research Dr. Greer is asked to look at an amazing find: a humanoid specimen, 6 inches long from the Atacama Desert. Not until 2012 was he given permission to take bone samples and DNA from the specimen. At that same time a pre-eminent geneticist, hearing of this find, offered to do DNA testing. He enlisted an MD from the same university,- world renowned for his work with skeletal anomalies, to view the x-rays and CT scans. Their expertise along with Dr. Greer’s expansive knowledge of the subject bring more questions than answers. Where did this “Atacama Humanoid” come from? Are there others like it? What does it say about the origin of the human species?

While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.



The documentary promises to show an alleged, tiny "alien" being that was found a few years ago in Chile's Atacama Desert. And when we say tiny, we're talking six inches from head to ET toe. Don't be fooled by the apparent size of the creature in the picture above, as the image below shows its true 6-inch stature.

» 2012 | SIRIUS - Documentary presented by Dr. Steven Greer

(Magyar felirattal is megnézhető! Kattints a felirat gombra!)


“Sirius” is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency Medicine doctor turned UFO/ New Energy researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experiences with UFOs and with the cover-up.

In the course of his research Dr. Greer is asked to look at an amazing find: a humanoid specimen, 6 inches long from the Atacama Desert. Not until 2012 was he given permission to take bone samples and DNA from the specimen. At that same time a pre-eminent geneticist, hearing of this find, offered to do DNA testing. He enlisted an MD from the same university,- world renowned for his work with skeletal anomalies, to view the xrays and CT scans. Their experise along with Dr. Greer’s expansive knowledge of the subject bring more questions than answers. Where did this “Atacama Humanoid” come from? Are there others like it? What does it say about the origin of the human species?

While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.

» See more SIRIUS Documentary presentation videos



A new documentary on UFOs, extraterrestrials, and advanced clean energy, hopes to provide evidence that the government has figured out how UFOs operate and are hiding advanced technology that can provide clean energy. The film also features the discovery of an alleged humanoid body whose DNA has been sequenced and found to be of an “unknown classification.” Photos of the being were released today with the announcement of the Hollywood premiere of the film scheduled for later this month. It was also announced that the film is narrated by actor Thomas Jane, who is known to have in interest in UFOs.

The film is titled Sirius, and features the work of Dr. Steven Greer. With a similar goal as the film, Greer brought together a panel of highly credible witnesses who testified in front of representatives from all of the major media outlets at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. in May of 2001. At that time he filmed hours of testimony from hundreds of credible witnesses. His work has been very influential in convincing people that the government knows more than it is sharing, and as he puts it, “Once people understand that classified projects have figured out how UFO’s operate, they will realize we no longer need oil, coal and nuclear power. This is the truth that has driven the secrecy.”

One of the most shocking claims put forth in the film is that they have obtained, “paradigm shifting physical evidence of a medically and scientifically analyzed DNA sequenced humanoid creature of unknown classification found in the Atacama desert, Chile.” According to the filmmakers the credentials of the group of scientists and the medical team behind this claim are “eye-opening.” They believe that the announcement of their discovery could be “potentially profound and historical.”

The film is directed by Emmy Award winning Amardeep Kaleka. He won his Emmy in 2011 for his short film Jacob’s Turn, on a child with Down Syndrome.  He explained why he would chose to work on such a controversial topic:

“Given the possibility that there was something profound to explore here – something that could potentially open minds to new realms and new possibilities – we seized the opportunity to take on this project. For every story we told, we found hundreds of others. Our goal is to initiate our audience on the same journey – to open their minds and inspire them to search – and freely consider that there is more in this world than we may ever know.”

Atacama Alien

Actor Thomas Jane, most recently known for his leading role in the HBO’s Hung, also shared why he chose to participate:

“The Sirius documentary is a powerful and important film that I encourage everyone to watch with an open mind, as it truly speaks to the heart of the people who like me, are probably okay with the government keeping secrets from its people in the name of national security, but are not okay with a secret government.”

The film is set to premiere in Hollywood on April 22, 2013 and will then be followed by a limited theatrical release. It will also be launched video on demand on the Yekra video platform and Yekra’s Affiliate Connect customized social media networks. The film’s funding was mostly obtained through crowd sourcing on the Kickstarter website, and according to the filmmakers press release it has been the “highest documentary crowd-funding raise in history.”

[ Source : Open Minds ]


“Sirius,” which has its Hollywood debut on April 22, 2013 and limited release at select theaters across the nation shortly after, begs the ever-so-intriguing question if life exists beyond Earth.

Whether you believe in extraterrestrial life or not, a new documentary -- “Sirius” -- will have you in awe, as scientists promise to reveal a tiny alien creature measures six inches from head to toe.

Atacama Alien

true 6-inch stature of the tiny alien humanoid

And the man behind it all?

He's Washington D.C.-based physician Steven Greer, director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, a “research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy & propulsion systems,” according to its website. The site also states: “We are interested in the development of a peaceful relationship with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI) which has been visiting planet Earth for decades if not centuries.”

"What people need to understand is the secrecy around UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence really has nothing to do with ETs,” Greer said in an on-camera interview. “It has to do with humans and the power that is resting in large corporations and financial interests that do not want you to know the truth.”

The film is Greer’s latest attempt in shedding more light on the issue, saying extraterrestrial visits “has been kept secret,” on the project’s website.

Not only will “Sirius” unveil the alien creature, which is supposedly a humanoid entity of “unknown classification,” it will also explore how these visitors travel from their home to Earth using readily available forms of alternative energy technology, like zero point or quantum vacuum energy generation systems instead of harmful energy sources like the burning of fossil fuels.

"This really is the greatest story never told," Greer said. "Once people understand that classified projects have figured out how UFOs operate, they will realize we no longer need oil, coal and nuclear power. This is the truth that has driven the secrecy."

To learn more about Greer and his documentary, connect with him on Facebook and Twitter @DrStevenGreer. [ Source: IBTimes]


The documentary film about UFOs claims it will offer evidence of aliens, including cutting-edge scientific analysis of a recovered body.

The film, which premieres April 22, 2013 is titled Sirius and showcases the claims of Steven Greer, a prominent UFO researcher who has dedicated years of his life — and a small fortune — to proving that the U.S. government is actively covering up hard evidence of extraterrestrial life.

The project has taken several years, and money to fund it was raised from donors and UFO buffs. In an urgent, breaking news update to the crowdfunding project, Greer asked his donors for more money because:

"There is a chance that we may be able to include in the film “Sirius” the scientific testing of a possible Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) that has been recovered and is deceased. This EBE is in the possession of a cooperative institute desiring further scientific evaluation of the possible ET. We cannot reveal at this time the location of this being or the name of the person or persons who possess it….I have actually visited the group that possesses this EBE and have personally and professionally examined the being. It is indeed an actual deceased body, and most certainly is not plastic or man-made.

It has a head, 2 arms and 2 legs and is humanoid. We have seen and examined X-Rays of the being. Its anatomy however is not homo sapien (modern human) or any known hominid (predecessors to humans). As you can imagine, the security and scientific issues surrounding the further testing of this potentially explosive and world-changing evidence are mind-boggling. However, we feel we simply must proceed expeditiously but cautiously. The cost of doing proper MRI testing, full and dispositive forensic-level DNA testing and carbon dating with other isotope testing are considerable and certainly not currently funded."

The cute little EBE alien-thing is about half a foot long. It looks like something you might stir your coffee with if you broke off one of its bony little arms. It was recovered not from Area 51 nor a hidden base near Roswell, N.M, but instead, supposedly, from Chile’s Atacama Desert several years ago.

This revelation raises all sorts of questions: If ETs aren’t much larger than your cell phone then why are their spacecraft so big? If the thing really is an alien body found in a South American desert years ago, why are we only finding out about it now? Why didn’t it make international news at the time, and why weren’t the scientific tests that will supposedly prove its extraterrestrial origins done years ago? What would a single alien body — without a spaceship, other occupants or even any G.I. Joe-scale helmet or ray gun — be doing alone in the desert? And why is all this suddenly being brought up when Greer is trying to raise money and publicity to complete a movie?
Actually I think I know the answer to that last question.

This is of course not the first time that a “documentary” has surfaced promising definitive proof of extraterrestrial life. If the whole alien autopsy theme seems familiar, it should be. It was done back in 1995 and broadcast on the Fox network as Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction

Atacama Alien

The show centered around 17 minutes of supposedly top-secret grainy black and white footage filmed by the military and showing a post-mortem dissection of an alien body. To much of the public it looked credible, though skeptics pointed out many signs that it was a hoax. Those suspicions were soon verified, and the filmmakers admitted the footage had been staged.

So what is the Latin American, alien-leprechaun thing that Greer found? It looks a lot like a sculpted model, and fairly realistic faked aliens, animals and other creatures are widely available, including on eBay. Maybe all the questions will be answered when the film premieres, and scientists will finally have the “potentially explosive and world-changing evidence” they need to confirm extraterrestrial life.

[ Source: Fox News ]


» Sirius, a provocative crowd-funded documentary film from Emmy winning director Amardeep Kaleka (‘Neverending Light Productions’), producer J.D Seraphine, and narrated by actor Thomas Jane (HBO series ‘Hung’), will have its contributor, VIP & celebrity premiere on April 22 in Hollywood, CA. The movie premiere will be followed by a limited theatrical release and concurrent VOD launch via the Yekra video on demand platform on » Sirius Disclosure and Yekra's Affiliate Connect customized social media networks.

Atacama Alien

’Sirius’ is a film of the people, by the people, and for the people, as it is the result of the highest documentary crowd-funding raise in history.

'Sirius' deals not only with the subject of UFO and ET visitation disclosure but also with the advanced, clean, and alternative energy technology that's getting them here. 'Sirius' goes into eye-opening detail regarding how the disclosure of such technologies, some of which have been suppressed for decades, can enable humanity to leave the age of the polluting petrodollar, transform society and improve mankind's chances for the survival.

The film includes numerous Government and Military witnesses to UFO and ET secrecy. It also explains the connection to Free Energy and provides not only the vision of contact with ET civilizations as regularly witnessed by the CE-5 contact teams featured therein, but also the paradigm shifting physical evidence of a medically and scientifically analyzed DNA sequenced humanoid creature of unknown classification found in the Atacama desert, Chile. Additionally eye-opening, are the credentials and pedigree of the science and medical team behind this potentially profound and historical announcement.

Never before has this wealth of information and footage been shown to the public.

“This really is the greatest story never told” says Dr. Greer, “Once people understand that classified projects have figured out how UFO’s operate, they will realize we no longer need oil, coal and nuclear power. This is the truth that has driven the secrecy.”

Carl Sagan, author of 'Contact' once stated that "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" and 'Sirius' has been crowd-funded precisely to provide that evidence at a never before achieved level of scientific credibility.

Indicative of the integrity of the Sirius disclosure effort, is the fact that 100% of the net proceeds that SiriusDisclosure receives from the distribution of 'Sirius' will go into building a free energy lab. Learn more about this aspect and how one can not only help promote the important message of 'Sirius,' but also how one can benefit from doing so at » Sirius Disclosure.

According to actor and 'Sirius' narrator Thomas Jane, “The Sirius documentary is a powerful and important film that I encourage everyone to watch with an open mind, as it truly speaks to the heart of the people who like me, are probably okay with the government keeping secrets from its people in the name of national security, but are not okay with a secret government.”

As to why an Emmy Award winning director would tackle such a controversial film, 'Sirius' director Amardeep Kaleka has stated; “Given the possibility that there was something profound to explore here - something that could potentially open minds to new realms and new possibilities - we seized the opportunity to take on this project. For every story we told, we found hundreds of others. Our goal is to initiate our audience on the same journey - to open their minds and inspire them to search - and freely consider that there is more in this world than we may ever know.”

[ Source : PR Web ]


The documentary Sirius raised over $500,000, which is the largest crowd funded documentary in history. The support from this community of donors made possible the investigation of a potential Extraterrestrial Biological Entity called the Atacama Humanoid, found in the Chilean desert. DNA samples were isolated by a researcher at a prestigious American university and sent off to three separate centers for interpretation. The full details of the team behind the investigation will be revealed in the film, but the Sirius team has already come forward with some of the initial findings – for instance, this 6 inch long being is definitely male and was 6-8 years old when it died.

The film, called "Sirius," will also depict how readily available forms of alternative energy technology are what extraterrestrials may be using to travel here from the cosmically improbable distances between their home world and ours.

"Sirius" includes graphic footage of the supposedly humanoid entity of "unknown classification" by DNA sequencing. If this is all true, and that's a very big IF, it will certainly answer the ages-old question of whether or not humans are alone in the universe.

Atacama Alien

A side view X-ray of the miniscule creature was also released to reveal its internal structure



“Sirius” is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal and murderous suppression. He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experience with the cover-up. Though he feels the pressure of an imminent assassination attempt, he comes upon an amazing find: a possible ancient E.T. skeleton, 6 inches long, is discovered in the Atacama desert. Dr. Greer, along with his team, backed by crowd funding supporters, travel to Europe to get a sample of bone fragment in order to have an IVY league university run genetic tests on the skeleton. What they find will completely change the reality of human existence.

While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations who have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.

I. The first section of the film will share the vast scope of evidence that ET’s exist, from official government documents, high-level witness testimony and audio and visual evidence. Disclosure and CSETI have the largest library of never before seen footage gathered over 20 years of study.

II. Next, we interview a group of brilliant scientists who aim to expose long-held secret technologies. They show us how energy can be derived from the fabric of space around us, and how industrial cartels have suppressed this information. What did Nicola Tesla know, and why did the FBI seize his papers upon his death? Man-made anti-gravity vehicles have been in use for over half a century, some even used to perpetuate the ET abduction hoax in order to control the masses. Now is the time for these technologies to be acknowledged and developed for peaceful energy purposes.

III. In the final section, we explore CONTACT: the CE-5 principles and how to build a bridge to a trans-dimensional universe. We will also share how the average person can make contact with people from other worlds. They are only a thought away…



Watch a 14 minute introduction about the Atacama "Alien" Mystery:

 » The Atacama Mystery



The Sirius documentary team has stepped up their marketing research and have released new information about Ata, the Atacama alien.  Dr. Steven Greer and the Sirius team recently declared that the tiny fossilized creature found in Chile’s Atacama desert was some kind of humanoid alien. This week, the team has stepped it up a notch and went a bit further by releasing the thing’s name, sex, and even age.

Ata is said to be a male between the ages of six and eight years of age.

The Sirius team is calling the creature “Ata,” and claim that their analysis has revealed that the mysterious humanoid is male and survived 6 to 8 years, post-birth. Their findings are the result of bone density and epiphyseal plate studies. They had previously disclosed that their DNA sequencing studies have determined the creature to be a “humanoid of unknown origin.”

The analysis has been conducted by a “top research scientist at a prestigious American university.” However, they are not releasing the name of the university or the researcher for “security purposes.” They do say they will announce this information, along with the DNA analysis, on or before the premiere of the film on April 22.

The team does not give any explanation as to what security concerns they are afraid of, or why these concerns will be resolved within the next few days. However, this isn’t the first time the filmmakers have noted their concerns with safety. In the movie’s summary, they write that UFO researcher, Dr. Steven Greer, “feels the pressure of an imminent assassination attempt.” [ Source: OpenMinds.tv ]

That’s a bold move for the Sirius team. They’ve been revving up their findings as the film’s premier looms closer, but at what cost? The Atacama alien was found in 2003 and since then has been debunked by several websites and researchers are pure bunk:

The current owner of the Atacama Humanoid is Barcelona entrepreneur Ramon Navia-Osorio, who heads up a UFO organization, the Institute for Exobiological Investigation and Study (IIEE). Navia-Osorio recently wrote a lengthy report, “The Anthropomorphic Being From Atacama,” that was posted by Julio Gonzalez in the Argentina news website, » Realidad OVNI (UFO Reality).

Atacama Alien
Atacama Alien

‘Ata’ – The Atacama Humanoid. (Credit: S.T.A.R. Research)


[ Source: Ghost Theory ]

Navia-Osorio’s account includes steps he took to have the creature analyzed and how he got differing opinions about its identity. One study conducted by three doctors concluded that, whatever the creature turns out to be, they didn’t think it was a hoax.

Analysis of the Atacama humanoid alien

We posted earlier this week a story outlining the origin of the alleged tiny ET creature to be showcased in Dr. Steven Greer’s Sirius documentary to be released later this month. We chronicled how this creature was none other than a case known in Chile as the La Noria ET from 2003; the name comes from a ghost town of the nitrate era in this part of Chile’s northern Atacama Desert region. We left the story sort of in a cliff hanger as to what happened to it once it was acquired by a Spanish businessman from Barcelona.

We’ve discovered since a number of things, including the original 7 minute TV program about the case aired by Chile’s Megavisión Channel V shortly after the creature’s discovery was published in the local press. You can now see this program on YouTube in Spanish, and it shows exactly the location where the creature was discovered, as well as interviews with Oscar Muñoz, the man who found it, Alejandro Dávalos, the first one to photograph the being, and well known Chilean ufologist Rodrigo Fuenzalida, director of the AION UFO research group.

It’s clear that this program was done in the early stages of the La Noria case, when the little being was owned by the pub owner from the provincial capital of Iquique. He didn’t appear in the program because he probably wanted money to allow filming the creature (that was his modus operandi according to the newspaper La Estrella de Arica) and the TV channel didn’t go along with it.

More importantly, we discovered who bought the creature and what happened once it left Chile and traveled to Spain, where it has remained ever since. It turns out that its owner is Ramón Navia-Osorio, a wealthy entrepreneur from Barcelona who runs the IIEE (Spanish acronym for Institute for Exobiological Investigation and Study), a UFO organization formed in 1975. Navia-Osorio was a member for many years prior to becoming the group’s director. We found a very long report, »El Ser Antropomórfico de Atacama” (The Anthropomorphic Being from Atacama), written by Navia-Osorio himself and posted by Julio González in “Realidad OVNI” (UFO Reality), a large UFO news website from Argentina specialized in cases from Latin America, just six days ago, on April 5, 2013.

» Extraterrestre de La Noria-asombroso

Atacama Alien - Spanish Research Team

The Spanish team in La Noria in 2003. (Credit: IIEE)

Navia-Osorio begins by recounting his trip to northern Chile ten years earlier, in late 2003, and how he met Oscar Muñoz in the ghost town of La Noria itself, and later Alejandro Dávalos, the young worker who took the first photos of the creature, and other people from the area. The contact between the Chilean and Spanish ufologists was Raúl Núñez Gálvez, a well known Chilean ufologist who lived in Spain for many years and was a member of the IIEE He, too, traveled with Navia-Osorio to La Noria. The Spanish researcher provides initially some additional historical and paranormal details about this area with ghost towns from the booming nitrate industry of the late 19th century. One curious historical detail is that Charles Darwin, the famous father of the theory of evolution, visited La Noria in 1835. We also mentioned in our previous story that paranormal activities seem to be common in this area, and the Spanish researcher mentions this fact as well. He specifically claims that one of the things seen by the locals are ghostly apparitions of 19th century funeral processions, which then vanish.

Navia-Osorio also provides the name of the Iquique pub owner, Ricardo Clotet, explaining that the original transaction with Oscar Muñoz took place through his brother, Ricardo Muñoz, who in turn contacted Clotet. The details of the transaction between Clotet and Navia-Osorio are not discussed, but the rumor in Chile was that it was a fairly substantial sum, probably tens of time higher than the paltry amount of less than $100 that Clotet paid Muñoz. In any event, by 2004 the transaction took place and the creature was moved to Spain.

Inconclusive scientific backing

To his credit, Ramón Navia-Osorio made an earnest effort to have the creature analyzed by reputable scientists and medical doctors, although most of them seemed reluctant to get involved and specially to put their names in a signed report with conclusions. On July 5, 2004, the creature was presented to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Barcelona, where it was examined by several doctors, biologists and zoologists whose names are given in Navia-Osorio’s report. He complains about the close-minded attitude of many of the scientists from the prestigious Complutense University in Madrid and other academic institutions. He claims that some of these professors would admit off-the-record that there was something truly unique and strange about the creature, but would refuse to state the same thing in a written report or even in an audio or video recording.

Navia-Osorio provides the text of two scientific documents in his report. The first one is the “radiological” report signed by doctors E. Feijoo, C. López and J. M. Colomer. It basically consists on a detailed description of the creature itself but it obviously avoids giving any conclusion about its origin. It is clear from this report, however, that the creature is not a crude hoax as was cavalierly suggested by a Complutense scientist who suggested (while remaining anonymous) that the whole thing was a hoax made with bird bones.

The second transcribed document is a forensic medical report written by Dr. Francisco Etxeberria Gabilondo, a professor of Legal and Forensic Medicine in the Basque Country University, and specialist in Forensic Anthropology with the Complutense University, who wrote the study at the bequest of the IIEE (probably for a fee, although that is not mentioned). Dr. Etxeberria wrote that, “it’s a mummified body with all typical the characteristics of a fetus. The body has a length of 14 cm and displays all the structures and anatomical links normal for the head, trunk and extremities.” He continues with a detailed description of each part of the body and finally gives his overall view:

Atacama Alien

Atacama Alien Xray. (Credit: IIEE)

“Taken as a whole, the proportions of the anatomical structures (skeleton and softer parts), the level of development of each one of its bones and its macroscopic configuration, allow us to interpret it without any shadow of doubt as a completely normal mummified fetus…Both based on the total length of the body as well as the length of the bones, it can be estimated that it’s a fetus in an approximate gestation period close to 15 weeks.”

The next question is how did this fetus, if that’s what it is, showed up in the abandoned area near the old church of La Noria where it was found by Oscar Muñoz wrapped in a cloth. Obviously nobody knows but Dr. Etxeberria speculates that it could a bit old but probably not an ancient mummified fetus. He explains that due to their lack of “bacterial flora in the digestive tube, which is where the putrefaction of corpses begin,” and other factors, fetuses can be preserved quite well. To this we must add the environmental conditions of the Atacama region, which is the driest desert on Earth, and is perfect for the preservation of objects of various kinds. In fact, the area near the city of Arica is famous for its 10,000-year old mummies far older than those from Egypt, but Dr. Etxeberria explains that it’s unlikely to be very ancient, meaning by that hundreds of years.

The Greer connection

The final part of Ramón Navia-Osorio’s long article describes briefly how Dr. Steven Greer became involved in this case. The link was made by Dr. Bravo, a female doctor from Dallas, who brought Dr. Greer to the IIEE office in Barcelona. The Spanish researcher mentions here some of the claims contained in the promotional material released by the producers of the Sirius documentary, including DNA sequencing which allegedly found the Atacama being had an “unknown classification.” Until we see the film, we can’t judge how valid is the scientific evidence presented.

That, in essence, is the saga of the little mummy from its early days in the Chilean ghost town to Spain’s scientific labs. In his final conclusions, Navia-Osorio writes that, “we are not among those who claim that it’s an ET, although morphologically speaking it really looks similar to some of them. We can’t deny that, but before asserting it we must consider other possibilities. In summary, we don’t have conclusive proof that can determine the nature of the specimen.”

Sirius filmmakers release Atacama humanoid sex and age

[ Source: Open Minds ]

As the days count down to the premiere of the UFO documentary, Sirius, the filmmakers have announced they will release their findings on the Atacama humanoid, bit by bit. Today they have released the creature’s name, sex, age, and more pictures.

The Sirius team is calling the creature “Ata,” and claim that their analysis has revealed that the mysterious humanoid is male and survived 6 to 8 years, post-birth. Their findings are the result of bone density and epiphyseal plate studies. They had previously disclosed that their DNA sequencing studies have determined the creature to be a “humanoid of unknown origin.”

The analysis has been conducted by a “top research scientist at a prestigious American university.” However, they are not releasing the name of the university or the researcher for “security purposes.” They do say they will announce this information, along with the DNA analysis, on or before the premiere of the film on April 22.

The team does not give any explanation as to what security concerns they are afraid of, or why these concerns will be resolved within the next few days. However, this isn’t the first time the filmmakers have noted their concerns with safety. In the movie’s summary, they write that UFO researcher, Dr. Steven Greer, “feels the pressure of an imminent assassination attempt.”

Dr. Steven Greer Examines ‘Ata’s’ X-Rays

Dr. Steven Greer Examines ‘Ata’s’ X-Rays in a scene from ‘Sirius’ (Credit: S.T.A.R. Research)

The creature has had several owners since its discovery in Chile in 2003, including a bar owner and a wealthy entrepreneur from Barcelona, Spain. Neither has voiced concerns over their safety for having been in contact with the curious carcass. Either way, the slow release of information, and the curiosity over who may want to assassinate Dr. Greer and why, will surely pique the interest of potential moviegoers and help the Sirius team’s promotional efforts.

Dr. Steven Greer Examines ‘Ata’s’ X-Rays

A CT scan of ‘Ata’, from a scene from ‘Sirius’ (Credit: S.T.A.R. Research)

As Open Minds reported in an earlier story, a previous analysis by a forensic anthropologist in Spain came to a more mundane conclusion. Several years ago the humanoid was examined by Dr. Francisco Etxeberria Gabilondo, a professor of Legal and Forensic Medicine in the Basque Country University, and a specialist in Forensic Anthropology at Complutense University. Dr. Gabilondo concluded:

Taken as a whole, the proportions of the anatomical structures (skeleton and softer parts), the level of development of each one of its bones and its macroscopic configuration, allow us to interpret it without any shadow of doubt as a completely normal mummified fetus…

The Sirius filmmakers have said they believe the findings in their analysis of Ata will “completely change the reality of human existence.” So far they have only mentioned the findings of one researcher, and for any significant scientific discovery, it is necessary that several reputable researchers and laboratories confirm the findings of the first. The research of one lab may get the ball rolling, but it is usually a long road to scientific confirmation.

[ Source: Open Minds ]


Stanford University Research: Atacama Humanoid Still A Mystery
Steven M. Greer MD
22 April 2013

After six months of research by leading scientists at Stanford University, the Atacama Humanoid remains a profound mystery

Dr. Steven Greer Examines ‘Ata’s’ X-Rays

The humanoid was first discovered in 2003 in the remote Atacama desert region of Chile, but I did not learn of the existence of the specimen until 2009, when invited to examine the mummy-like remains of the humanoid in Barcelona Spain. In the summer of 2012, Ramón Navia-Osorio Villar, President of INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES Y ESTUDIOS EXOBIOLÓGICOS graciously permitted our team to do further tests on the humanoid.

We traveled to Barcelona Spain in late September 2012 to obtain detailed X Rays, CAT scans and take genetic samples for testing at Stanford University.
Dr. Garry Nolan , the Rachford and Carlota A. Harris Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine, headed up the team examining the human-like specimen . He suggested the protocol for taking the DNA samples and, in consultation with Dr. Ralph Lachman, also of Stanford University, suggested precisely which X Rays and CT scan images would be needed for proper evaluation of the skeletal anomalies.

Dr. Lachman, who is a visiting scholar and visiting professor at Stanford University and author of “ Radiology of Syndromes, Metabolic Disorders and Skeletal Dysplasias” and is one of the leading experts in the world on skeletal dysplasia and abnormalities, examined the X Rays, CAT scans and photographs of the humanoid.

We obtained excellent DNA material by surgically dissecting the distal ends of two right anterior ribs on the humanoid. These clearly contained bone marrow material, as was seen on the dissecting microscope that was brought in for the procedure. The bone marrow and other material from the skull were obtained under sterile, surgical procedures and placed directly into sterile containers provided by Dr. Nolan.

Using forensic documentation procedures, this evidence was then hand-delivered by me to Dr. Nolan in Washington DC in October, 2012. Dr. Nolan proceeded to set up a very detailed protocol needed for examining "ancient" or old DNA. This is a highly specialized area of research and the leading scientists in the world with expertise in this area consulted with Dr. Nolan in this endeavor.

CAT scan of the Atacama Humanoid

The Atacama Humanoid is a 13 centimeter, or 6 inch, body that is very desiccated but completely intact. The CAT scan clearly shows internal chest organs (lungs and what appears to be the remains of a heart structure). (See CAT scan here) There is absolutely no doubt that the specimen is an actual organism and that it is not a hoax of any kind. This fact has been confirmed by Dr. Nolan and Dr. Lachman at Stanford.

The specimen has only 10 ribs, a finding not yet found in humans, and a very unusual cranium. It is noted that the cranial vault is, proportionally, much larger than is found in normal humans. The bones are quite well developed and are not those of a fetus (see below). There are multiple skeletal anomalies seen throughout the specimen. Importantly a mature, not fetal, tooth is seen in the mandible (jaw bone) A fracture of the right humerus (upper arm) is seen as is a concave fracture of the right posterior-lateral skull, which was most likely the cause of death.

Human Fetus

Illustration 1: Human Fetus, 2 Months

Atacama Alien - ‘Ata’s’ X-Rays

Illustration 2: Atacama Humanoid

Importantly, Dr. Lachman has concluded that the humanoid is NOT any known deformity, genetic defect, skeletal dysplasia or any other known human abnormality. However, the most startling conclusion to date is that Dr. Lachman concluded the humanoid lived to be 6- 8 years of age. (See Dr. Lachman's full report here...). This was assessed by examining the epiphyseal plates in the knees and comparing these to normal humans of various ages.

Knee comparison of ‘Ata’s’ X-Rays

He noted that there is no known form of human dwarfism that has this presentation and set of findings. No human is known to be able to live for 6-8 years and remain only 6 inches in length.

It should be noted also that Dr. Manchon, of the Manchon Radiology Center in Barcelona, also examined the X Rays and concluded that the specimen was most certainly not a fetus and had lived for a year or more and probably several years.

Previously, there had been false reports published elsewhere that the humanoid was a fetus.

This is clearly not the case as can be concluded from the research of Dr. Lachman and the examination by Dr. Manchon. A comparison of fetus X Rays shows a remarkable difference between human fetus skeletal development and the X Rays of the Atacama humanoid.

Human X-Ray comparison of ‘Ata’s’ X-Ray

Painstaking and expert DNA extraction was done by Dr. Nolan at Stanford University. A very high quality and quantity of DNA was successfully extracted and analyzed. Only Preliminary analysis of the DNA has been done to date, and Dr. Nolan notes that it may be a year or more before full manual analysis and confirmation can occur. Dr. Nolan notes: “The DNA was of high quality, showing little to no serious degradation.” Dr. Nolan also notes that: “Sequence analysis definitively rules out the specimen as an example of a New World primate.”

Importantly, Dr. Nolan has found that: “Preliminary results demonstrate no statistically relevant alterations of genes encoding proteins commonly associated with known genes for primordial dwarfism or other forms of dwarfism. Therefore, if there is a genetic basis for the symptoms observed in the specimen the casual mutation(s) are not apparent at this level of resolution and at this stage of the analysis.“

It should be noted that Neanderthals are 99.5% genetically identical to humans, and chimps and apes are 96-97% identical. As of this date, the genotype does not seem to match the phenotype (meaning physically expressed form of the genetics).

The answer to this mystery will lead in further analysis of the DNA and confirmation of the findings through the peer review process. Dr. Nolan’s report. (See full preliminary comments here NOTE: DNA testing continues and is not complete)

The DNA research on the specimen is in it's very early stages and incomplete. Much research remains. There is a paradox between initial DNA tests, which are largely computerized data bases, and the clinical findings in X Rays and CAT scans, and Dr. Lachman's conclusion that the specimen is 6 years of age and only 6 inches in length. To date, the DNA data cannot explain these perplexing findings. While human-like, it continues to represent an undefined specimen and a least a year of further genetic analysis will be needed by DNA experts. The un-matched DNA (approximately 2 million base pairs of DNA that are un-matched) will need to be carefully explored, and to date this has not been accomplished. - [Dr. Greer]

Chile Specimen
Report and Summary by Dr. Garry Nolan

There is a need to bring modern biomedical, transparent and verifiable analysis to a variety of arenas. In the Fall of 2012 biomedical analysis was initiated of a mummified specimen claimed to have originated in the Atacama Desert of Chile, South America. High resolution photographic, X-Ray and Computed Tomography evidence was taken, along with purification of DNA for whole genome sequence (WGS).

The first stage of the study involved analysis by medical experts specializing in pediatric growth abnormalities, with primary expertise in the genetics of bone disorders. The objective of these initial studies was to rule out, or in, previously known syndromes or rare disorders that could explain the symptoms observed in the specimen. A second consideration was to determine the “age at time of death”—given that its size would suggest that the specimen was a pre-term fetus, stillborn, or a deformed post-natal child. A third, but important, consideration was to determine if the specimen was a nonhuman hominid such as a South American primate.

Morphologic features include that the specimen has only 10 ribs, mild mid face hypoplasia, and shows abnormalities of the skull. The observed abnormalities do not fall into any standard or rare classification of known human pediatric disorders. As represented by a specialist in pediatric human bone and growth disorders (see attached report), the 6 inch specimen is a human that was likely 6-8 years of age at the time of death (age based on epiphyseal plate X-Ray density standards). X-Ray imaging and CT scan results confirmed the specimen is biological and is not a non-human primate. The specimen was concluded by the medical specialist to be a human child with an apparently severe form of dwarfism and other anomalies.

To further investigate the specimen, and to determine possible genetic drivers of its observed morphology, tissue from the specimen was subjected to whole genome sequencing. 3 milligrams of tissue was used to prepare 12.5 micrograms of purified genomic DNA. The DNA was of high quality, showing little to no serious degradation. DNA was subjected to Illumina library preparation and sequencing on Illumina Miseq (PE250x2), Genome Analyzer IIX (SR36x1), and Hiseq 2000 PE100x2) sequencing platforms according to manufacturer’s protocols.

Over 560 million paired end sequence reads passed automated quality control filters and provided an estimate 19.6X coverage for the whole genome. Approximately 509 million (~91%) reads were mapped to the human reference genome hg19 (providing a 17.7 fold coverage of the genome). The presence of ~9% “unmatched” DNA should not be interpreted to represent anything unusual about the specimen itself. Reasons for the lack of match can include artefacts generated during library preparation, low quality reads from the instrument, or insufficient data to allow computational alignment against the human reference standard. Further, since this sample is likely to be at the least a few decade olds, and possibly older, DNA degradation resulting in apparently “false” mutations can occur. For instance, degradation of cytosine (C) via deamination to uracil (U) would result in false interpretation of a C residue as thymidine (T) and a resulting guanine (G) misread as adenine (A) on the opposite strand.

Reconstruction of the mitochondrial DNA sequence and analysis shows an allele frequency consistent with a B2 haplotype group found on the west coast of South America, supporting the claimed origination of the specimen from the Atacama Desert region of Chile. Sequence analysis definitively rules out the specimen as an example of a New World primate.

Preliminary results demonstrate no statistically relevant alterations of genes encoding proteins commonly associated with known genes for primordial dwarfism or other forms of dwarfism. Therefore, if there is a genetic basis for the symptoms observed in the specimen the casual mutation(s) are not apparent at this level of resolution and at this stage of the analysis. As the current list of human disorders is far from complete and many human disorders are polygenic, there might remain to be found a combination of mutations working in concert that lead to the observed defect(s).

Dr. Nolan’s report concludes by stating further research is needed:

“This preliminary report demonstrates how currently available biomedical technologies can be readily applied to the analysis of archeologically and anthropologically relevant human specimens with genetic disorders of unknown origin. This report is not a formal conclusion on the nature of the mutations or the underlying cause of the disorder in this human specimen. Currently the data represents (conservatively) a 15 fold whole genome reading and as such is insufficient for definitive conclusions. Future plans include continued study of this specimen to establish up to a 50 fold WHS read that could point to targeted sequencing of hypothetical causal mutations. Comparison of the observed sequence variations against recently developed ethnically focused genome databases is planned. Full analysis of the DNA, and attempts to link genetics to morphology, will eventually follow in an appropriately peer-reviewed article in an accredited scientific journal. The results will be independently verified before publication.”

Atacama Alien - ‘Ata’s’ X-Rays
Atacama Alien - ‘Ata’s’ X-Rays

Clinically, given that this humanoid lived many decades to centuries ago (exact date remains unknown but it is not a recently living specimen) it is hard to understand how a 6 inch baby or child could have lived to be 6-8 years of age in such a remote and undeveloped part of the world. Even in today's best Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) we would hardly be able to keep such a specimen alive. As an emergency physician, I have delivered premature infants, as well as a significantly deformed one with anencephaly, and am struck by how small and fragile this humanoid is. Medically speaking, IF this is merely a deformed human, it does not seem feasible that he would have lived to be 6-8 years of age. Speaking as a clinician, I, as well as other doctors with whom I have spoken, doubt he would have lived 6 hours. consistent with a human fetus of this size.

Given how long ago he lived and how primitive that area would have been- totally lacking in modern medical technologies and facilities- how would this child have lived? And with whom? Certainly there are many more questions than answers at this juncture.

The mystery is further compounded by the reports from Ramon Navia-Osorio Villar and his associates who traveled to the region and obtained information from local native peoples of sightings of UFOs and very small living creatures fitting the general description of this humanoid. There are also reports that other intact humanoids may be stored in various remote sites and locations. These reports have not been confirmed, however.

It is necessary to do much more thorough research into this case. The DNA work is really in it's early stages, and we need to take a scientific expedition to the Atacama desert to see if there are more examples of this humanoid- and to see if indeed there is on-going UFO/ ET activity in that region as reported.

Atacama Alien

Illustration 3: Atacama Humanoid closeup


If the genetics continue to show a human connection to this humanoid, what does this mean? We cannot say the Atacama Humanoid is an ET. Nor is he any known – or clinically conceivable - human that could have lived. So who is he? He remains a mystery, and perhaps- just perhaps- a doorway to discovering much about who we are.

Recently, some scientists (see here) working on DNA and computer analysis found that DNA has been around for over 10 billion years- but earth has been here for less than half that time. Perhaps life is indeed universal, and Contact spreads life from world to world...

I have discussed with other scientists the possibility of epigenetic augmentation of the human genome. Is the Atacama Humanoid a so-called hybrid? Are we all some type of hybrid? Could this have occurred via contact with other extraterrestrial civilizations over millions of years? A source who refuses to be identified stated to me several years ago that he had seen a National Security Agency document that concluded that there had been 64 epigenetic augmentations of the human genome in the past that has resulted in modern humans. Could this be possible?

A Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) scientist once told me that the reason the objects found on and near Mars - like the obelisks that Astronaut Buzz Aldrin want us to go back to Mars to examine- would show an ancient connection between ETs and humans- and that this is why that information is being kept classified. When I asked why, he said "Because the foundations of every fundamentalist orthodox belief system on earth would be up-ended".

To pursue science is to pursue the truth of matters. What is needed from this point going forward is an open mind so that, together, we may discover the truth about many things yet hidden.

[ Source: Sirius Disclosure]




The force behind "Sirius" is Steven Greer, a former emergency medical physician. He's actively pursued avenues to get the U.S. government to reveal information about alien reality -- information that the powers-that-be have always maintained doesn't exist.

The film is Greer's latest effort to shine a light on the supposed cover-up about visitors from other planets.

In 1993, Greer created The Disclosure Project with the goal of getting the government to fess up its alleged UFO and ET knowledge as well as information about advanced energy and propulsion methods.

"What people need to understand is the secrecy around UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence really has nothing to do with ETs. It has to do with humans and the power that is resting in large corporations and financial interests that do not want you to know the truth," Greer said in a video statement.

[ Source : Huffingtonpost ]


» Sirius Disclosure is a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy & propulsion systems. We have over 100 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first-hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret. Learn more at » Sirius Disclosure.


Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of » The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Orion Project.

Father of the Disclosure movement, he presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001. Over 20 military, government, intelligence and corporate witnesses presented compelling testimony regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the planet, and the reverse engineering of the energy and propulsion systems of these craft. Over one billion people heard of the press conference through the original webcast and on subsequent media coverage on BBC, CNN, CNN Worldwide, Voice of America, Pravda, Chinese media, and media outlets throughout Latin America. The webcast had 250,000 people waiting online- the largest webcast in the history of the National Press Club at that time.

A lifetime member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the nation's most prestigious medical honor society, Dr. Greer has now retired as an emergency physician to work with » CSETI, The Disclosure Project and The Orion Project. During part of his career, he was chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina.

Dr Steven Greer

Dr. Steven Greer in a scene from the movie, ‘Sirius’ (Credit: S.T.A.R. Research)

He is the author of four insightful books and multiple DVDs on the UFO/ET subject. He teaches groups throughout the world how to make peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, and continues to research bringing truly alternative energy sources out to the public. Dr. Greer has studied the Sanskrit Vedas extensively and has been teaching mantra meditation for over 30 years. He has also been a part of the films ‘Ancient Aliens’ and ‘Thrive.’

Dr. Greer has been seen and heard by millions world-wide on CBS, the BBC, The Discovery Channel, the History channel, The Joe Rogan Show, and many other news sources. Learn more at » Sirius Disclosure.

Amardeep Kaleka

[ Source : PR Web ]

Amardeep Kaleka is the director of the upcoming documentary. While production on the film was still underway, on August 5 2012, Amardeep’s father Satwant Singh Kaleka was killed by a white extremist in a mass shooting at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin. Satwant was a true example of the American Dream – arriving in America with no more than $20 in his pocket, then building a successful business, starting a family, and using the money he had earned to build a Sikh temple for his growing community. It quickly became one of the largest temples in the Midwest.

On August 5, when a Neo Nazi white extremist came in during Sunday morning worship and began firing at the congregation with a semi-automatic pistol, Amardeep’s father confronted him in an attempt to wrestle the gun from his hands. He successfully slowed the shooter down, preventing him from reaching those who were hiding in another room. But as a result of this heroic act, Amardeep’s father was shot five times. He died as a result of his injuries, along with five other members of the congregation.

As Amardeep and his community turned towards advocating for peace and interfaith service as a means of recovering from the tragedy, Amardeep continued his work on Sirius as a way to focus on spreading a message of hope to the world. The passionate community of Sirius supporters helped drive him and his team forward, sending their thoughts and words of support, and keeping spirits up for Amardeep and his team. The power of crowd funding is this: thousands of people coming together to bring forth a project that would otherwise not be made. ‘Sirius’ truly is a film for the people, by the people.

[ Source: Dash Radio ]


Order DVD

Order the biggest crowdfunded documentary in history -- "Sirius," based on the pioneering work of Dr. Steven Greer. Buy your DVD through Sirius Disclosure by clicking » HERE

DVDs are available in both NTSC and PAL formats. Available in both NTSC (North & South America, Japan) and PAL (Europe, most of Asia, Australia). If you are unsure, click here for a full list of countries supporting NTSC and here for a full list supporting PAL.

Orders will ship on May 22, 2013. 

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Run time: 103 minutes
  • Directed By: Amardeep Kaleka
  • Executive Producer: Steven M Greer, MD
  • Produced By: J.D. Seraphine
  • Co-Executive Producer: Riz Virk
  • Edited By: Laurie Knapp
  • Sound Design By: Noah Woodburn, Brandon Jiaconia
  • Music By: Todd Richards, Peter Kater
  • Narrated By: Thomas Jane
  • Cast:
  • Steven Greer , Ted Loder , David Wilcock , Michael Cremo , Emery Smith , Tom Valone , Paul Murad , Morgan Boardman , Paola Harris , Kosta Makreas , Linda Willitts , Jack Auman , Will Miller , Lynne Kitei , Jonathan Dover , Adam Curry , Jan Bravo , Jan Harzan , Garry Nolan , Marilyn Gewacke , Sarah Mulhall , Diane Saunders , Ramon Naria-Osono Villar , Jaume Ametller Vintamata , Salvador Freixedo , Jore Lao , Birgitie Knaus , Eva Romo , Pilar Manchon Gabas , Euaenk Mallone, Jack Auman , Shiloh Boss , Andrew Fitts , Theresa Fornalsk , Judy Gilmore , Sean Kehoe, Brucs Leutwyler , Matthew Marnitz , Jennifer Westacott , Jennifer Moss , Jennifer Myrick , Deane Parkes , John Sistrunk , Darwin Stoeber , Michael Vouglaropoulos , Ricky Butterfass, Richard Crerie , Harry Jordan , Bill Uhouse , Gordon Creighton , Franklin Carter , Donna Hare , Corrado Balducci , Edgar Mitchell , Robert Jacobs , Lord Hill-Norton , Ross Diedrickson , Merle Shane McDow , Robert Salas , Nick Pope , Dwynne Arneson , Larry Warren , Clifford Stone , John Callahan , Carol Rosin , Paul Czysz , Eugene Mallove , Col. Philip Corso , Arnoid House , Gordon Cooper , William Hodges, Tom Beardan

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    Sirius Disclosure

    to be continued...


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