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Daniel Tarr

The Raelian Movement
by Rael (Claude Vorilhon)

- A Review -


Rael presents » Intelligent Design - Message from the Designers


Raelian Movement

Download » Intelligent Design - Message from the Designers (Free PDF E-Book)



The Message

For centuries, scholars have been debating the two main possibilities for the origin and meaning of life. Some aspire to a higher philosophical dimension, which they can't find in the theory of evolution, while others dismiss as irrational any reference to an almighty god.

But what if another theory, one both rational and with philosophical depth, were to be available?

This is what the “Message” proposes: Thousands of years ago, scientists from another planet came to Earth and created all forms of life, including human beings, whom they created in their own image. References to these scientists and their work can be found in the ancient texts of many cultures. Due to their highly advanced technology, they were considered as gods by our primitive ancestors and often referred to as 'Elohim' which in ancient Hebrew meant 'Those who came from the sky'.

Despite being a plural word, Elohim was mistranslated over time to the singular 'God' reference that appears in modern-day Bibles.

Nevertheless, these people who came from the sky (the Elohim) educated humanity through the ages with the help of various messengers (also called prophets) with whom they had made contact. Each messenger was given a message suitable for the level of understanding prevailing at the time, with the primary purpose of instilling basic principles of non-violence and respect. Once humanity reached a sufficient level of scientific understanding, the Elohim decided to make themselves more visible in UFO sightings and to conceive their final message. Rael was given two missions: spreading that last message on Earth and preparing an embassy to welcome the return of our creators.

The atheist 'Intelligent Design Theory' offers a rational solution to the age-old debate between God-believers and evolutionists. It’s compatible not only with today's scientific discoveries but also with the ancient historical accounts of all cultures.


What if, out of the thousands of UFO sightings that occur each year, one person actually met the occupant – the “driver” of one of these UFOs? And what if this person were given information by this space-being that explained the secret history of life on Earth and its pending future? And, what if all this information had been published decades ago and acknowledged by thousands of people, including scientists and historians?

Wouldn't you want to read such a book?

The Raëlian web site gives you the opportunity to read for yourself the extraordinary “Message” that comes from beyond the stars.

At the age of 27, Claude Vorilhon (now known as “Rael”) was living his passion as a race-car driver and journalist. That was to change on December 13, 1973, when, on his way to work, he had the UFO encounter that transformed his life forever. From that day forward, he has toured the world recounting his astonishing experience in media interviews and conferences.

During his extraterrestrial encounters, Rael received a series of messages that touch on all aspects of human life. Whether your interest lies in ancient history, modern science, UFOs, religious scriptures or even sci-fi, you’ll gain new perspective from taking the time to read them.

Message from the Designers
This video summarizes some of the main points conveyed to Rael by the extra-terrestrial.

Download » Intelligent Design - Message from the Designers (Free PDF E-Book)


Rael: Messenger of the Elohim

At the age of 27, on the morning of December 13, 1973, while he was still leading his successful racing-car magazine, RAEL had a dramatic encounter with a human being from another planet, at a volcano park in the center of France, known as "Puy de Lassolas". This extra-terrestrial gave him a new detailed explanation of our origins and information on how to organize our future, as recorded in the book:Intelligent Design. After six consecutive meetings in the same location, Rael accepted the mission given to him, to inform humanity of this revolutionary message and to prepare the population to welcome their Creators, the Elohim, without any mysticism or fear, but as conscious and grateful human beings. After a few months considering this huge task, Rael almost developed a stomach ulcer before finally deciding to give up his much loved career as a sports-car journalist and devote himself fully to the task assigned to him by Yahweh - the extra-terrestrial whom he met.

Within the year following the encounter, he managed to print the book reporting about the event and appeared on two of the main TV and Radio shows in France, announcing a public conference. This first public conference held in Paris on September 19, 1974 attracted more than 2000 people. Shortly after, he founded the association MADECH - a group of people interested in helping him in his huge task- that would later become the Raelian Movement. By the end of the year 1974, the association counted 170 members. They are now more than 70000 members in 97 countries.

The Encounter of December 13th, 1973 
Rael recounts his extraordinary encounter with an extra-terrestrial.

On October 7th, 1975, he had a second encounter and was given additional information recorded on his second book, also part of Intelligent Design. Since that time, Rael has been touring the World, giving conferences and seminars on every continent, gathering those who share the desire to welcome our Creators.

He also authored several other books like Sensual Meditation which is a central part of his teachings, "Geniocracy" advocating for a more intelligent management of the planet and "Yes To Human Cloning" explaining the possibility of becoming eternal and the beautiful future one can expect thanks to Science.

Over the years, Rael has inspired several public actions from the promotion of the use of condoms in schools to the promotion of masturbation; from worldwide campaigns in support of minorities with the slogan "to tolerate differences is not enough, one should love differences" to the disturbing request to have all Religious books censured where they don't respect Human Rights; from the support of Human Cloning through the founding of Clonaid, to the promotion of GMO as the only chance for all human beings on Earth to have food; from the creation of Clitoraid, an association to help women who have been circumcised to have their clitoris repaired so that they can experience pleasure again to the call for the gathering of all African traditional chiefs to create the United States of Africa.

Rael has been a guest on most of the major TV programs worldwide like 60 minutes, CNN, FOX, and BBC news programs, as well as programs likeBreakfast with Frost and Entertainment Tonight, to name a few. He has been invited to explain his vision of science to the American Congress and has been the guests of many leaders of this world, with the President Denis Sassou N'Guesso of Congo being the first to welcome him officially in 2000. Many artists acknowledged him as well like the French author Michel Houellebecq and Hugh Hefner.

In every culture on Earth, a messenger is expected, whether it is the Maitreya of the Buddhists, the Messiah of the Jews, the Paraclet of the Christians, or any other name that has been given by the many tribes around the world. This expected messenger, like all the previous ones, isn't supposed to please everyone, but to state what our Creators are expecting from us. This is what RAEL has been doing for more than 30 years now, traveling relentlessly while making the vow not to own anything, but to give everything towards welcoming our Creators in the Embassy they requested be built before 2035.


Elohim Embassy

The Raelian Movement is a non-profit, international organization. It unites those who wish to inform humanity of its true origins and tell people about the very special messages sent by the Elohim, highly advanced extraterrestrial scientists who created life on Earth, including human beings. 

Raelian Elohim Embassy

But spreading this knowledge is not the only goal of the Raelian Movement. Another primary mission of our organization is to prepare an official embassy to welcome the return of our creators. 

Through their messenger, Rael, the Elohim have respectfully expressed a desire to come and meet with us. But since they wish to come only if their presence here is welcome, they ask that we first demonstrate our desire to invite them by building an appropriate embassy in advance of their arrival.

That embassy would become the Third Temple as predicted in the ancient scriptures. According to specifications provided by the Elohim, it must be built in a neutral location that has been granted rights of extraterritoriality and guaranteed neutral air space. Providing such an embassy and obtaining the necessary guarantees for the rights of its occupants will prove that humanity is ready for an official meeting with its creators.

The Raelian Movement recently asked a number of countries to consider hosting the embassy project, and several have indicated an interest in allocating space for such an endeavor. Preliminary discussions are already under way! 

As shown in the document presented to the various governments approached, the Embassy for Our Fathers from Space will bring substantial financial benefits to the country hosting it. The fortunate nation will also enjoy the special protection of the Elohim and become the spiritual and scientific center of the planet for millennia to come.

Elohim Embassy plan

Detailed plans and specifications for the requested embassy are available at » www.ElohimEmbassy.org .


It is now 24 years ago that, through the mouth of our prophet, RAEL, our beloved son, we gave to the Men and Women of the Earth our final message. The one which, as predicted, cameto destroy the "Mystery of God".

It has been 24 years during which you Raelians, who have officially and publicly recognized us as your Creators, have worked so that we may be welcomed in the requested Embassy. Your devotion and your efforts have warmed our hearts, and the most devoted among you are among those who will be rewarded.

In all the religions, there are people who deserve our love, but Raelians are the ones closest to us. They are our new Chosen People and will one day have a new Promised Land, because their love is based on consciousness and understanding, and not on blind faith.

Those who loved us as one or several supernatural gods were precious to our eyes, and they did not have a choice in prescientific times; but those who, knowing that we are not supernatural but created in their image, continue to love us and even to love us much more, touch us to a greater extent and will be rewarded more, because they love us with their consciousness and not only with their faith. And it is consciousness that makes them similar to us.

We asked that an Embassy be built to welcome us near Jerusalem, and the authorities of the stiff necked people have refused several times to grant the necessary authorizations and extra-territorial status. Our preference for Jerusalem is merely sentimental, because for us Jerusalem is everywhere where human beings love us, respect us and wish to welcome us with due respect, and the chosen people are those who, knowing who we are, want to welcome us, meaning the Raelians. The real Jews on Earth are no longer the people of Israel but those who recognize us as their creators and wish to see us return.

The link we have with the people of Israel is about to be severed, and the new Alliance is coming to an end. They have very little time to understand their mistake before being dispersed once again.

In the meantime, we must from now on ask for the necessary permission and extra-territorial status from all nations on Earth for the erection of our Embassy, and the radius of one kilometer can be composed of water as well as firm land, with the condition that navigation be prohibited.

When a country grants this authorization, Israel will have, for the last time, a short period of reflection to grant this authorization and will keep the privilege, or the Embassy will be built elsewhere, and the people of David will lose our protection and will be dispersed.

The country which will build the Embassy on its territory or on a territory it will give or sell to this effect, with the necessary extra-territorial status, will have a guaranteed and flourishing future, will benefit from our protection and will become the spiritual and scientific centre of the whole planet for the millenniums to come.

The hour of our Great Return is near, and we will support and protect the most devoted ones among you. Your enemies will witness our might more and more, most especially the usurper from Rome, his bishops and all those who act in our name without being appointed.

[ See more: » Elohim Embassy ]


About Raëlism

Raëlism (or the Raëlian Church) is a UFO religion that was founded in 1974 by Claude Vorilhon, now known as Raël. It is numerically the world's largest UFO religion. An adherent of Raelism is a Raelian.

The Raelian Movement teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials, which they call the Elohim. Members of this species appeared human and when having personal contacts with the descendants of the humans they made, they were mistaken for angels, cherubim or gods. Raëlians believe messengers, or prophets, of the Elohim include Buddha, Jesus, and others who informed humans of each era. The founder of Raëlism, members claim, received the final message of the Elohim and that its purpose is to pacify and inform the world about Elohim and that if humans become peaceful enough, they wish to be welcomed by them.

Within the Raëlian Church has a quasi-clerical structure of seven levels. Joining the movement requires an official apostasy from other religions.

Raelian ethics include striving for world peace, sharing, democracy and nonviolence. Sexuality is an important part of the Raëlian doctrine. The Raëlian Church has attracted some of its priests and bishops from other religions despite having liberal views of sexuality.

Raël founded Clonaid (originally Valiant Venture Ltd Corporation) in 1997, but then handed it over to a Raëlian bishop, Brigitte Boisselier in 2000. In 2002 the company claimed that an American woman underwent a standard cloning procedure that led to the birth of a daughter, Eve (b. December 26, 2002). Although few believe the claim, it nonetheless attracted national authorities, mainstream media, and young adults to look further into the Raëlians' cult status.

The Raëlians frequently use the swastika as a symbol of peace, which halted Raëlian requests for territory in Israel, and later Lebanon, for establishing an embassy for extraterrestrials. The religion also uses the swastika embedded on the Star of David. Starting around 1991, this symbol was often replaced by a variant star and swirl symbol as a public relations move, particularly toward Israel.

[ See more: » Wikipedia: Raëlism ]


to be continued...


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