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Daniel Tarr

by Michael Emin Salla

- A Review -


Michael Emin Salla presents » Exopolitics , the » Exopolitics Institute and » Galactic Diplomacy


EXOPOLITICS is the evolution of Alfred Lambremont Webre's groundbreaking work as a futurist at the Stanford Research Institute, where in 1977 he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project for the Carter White House. Exopolitics may turn the dominant view of our Universe upside down. It reveals that we live on an isolated planet in the midst of a populated, evolving, and highly organized inter-planetary, inter-galactic, and multi-dimensional Universe society. It explores why Earth seems to have been quarantined for eons from a more evolved Universe society. Exopolitics suggests specific steps to end our isolation, by reaching out to the technologically and spiritually advanced civilizations that are engaging our world at this unique, challenging time in human history.

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is known as the founding father of Exopolitics, the new political science of outer space, the science of relations between human society and other intelligent civilizations. His book EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE [www.universebooks.com] is the evolution of Alfred's groundbreaking work as a Futurist at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where in 1977 he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project for the Carter White House. 

"Alfred Webre can be regarded as the founding father of Exopolitics as a field of human inquiry. His involvement with the study of the UFO phenomenon includes work with the Carter Administration and with the prestigious Stanford Research Institute, which are impressive credentials in this most controversial of emerging sciences. His book, Exopolitics, gives an overview of the field and offers a blueprint for humanity as it moves toward taking its place on a wider stage. It is a roadmap to the stars." â€" Nick Pope, UFO Desk Officer for the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense, 1991-1994 "To turn us in the direction of re-unification with the rest of creation Alfred Lambremont Webre is proposing a 'Decade of Contact' - an 'era of openess, public hearings, public funded research, and education about extraterrestrial reality.' That could just be the antidote the world needs to end its greed-driven, power-centered madness." - Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister under Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau. "TIME magazine has an annual practice of selecting The Man (or Woman) of the Year. A more appropriate ritual for the new millennium might be to select The Mind of the Year, and if that were so, Alfred Lambremont Webre would rank high on my list of suggested nominees. Among modern philosophers, Webre finds himself one of a very select few at the center of the birth of a discipline of critical importance for the future: " Exopolitics." - Paul Davids, Executive Producer of the film Roswell, starring Martin Sheen.

Exopolitics: Politics, Government And Law In The Universe



Galactic Diplomacy

[ Recovered from the Internet Archives ]

This website is dedicated to the development of 'track two' or 'citizen diplomacy' with extraterrestrial civilizations. This is a process whereby individuals and groups with no official government standing can establish contact and communications with extraterrestrials in ways that promote peace, fraternity and cooperation between humanity and extraterrestrial civilizations. This process is designed to complement 'official' or 'track one' Galactic Diplomacy that is secretly conducted by appointed government representatives without the awareness of the general population or elected political representatives.

The Galactic Diplomacy website offers resources in terms of retreats, courses, articles and communications with extraterrestrial civilizations that will assist individuals and citizen organizations in developing the necessary skills to contact, communicate and interact with extraterrestrials. A chief goal of this website is to promote diplomatic solutions to the challenges that confront humanity in becoming a galactic society while most of the human population remains unaware of the extraterrestrial presence and of secret communications, agreements and interactions between extraterrestrials and select government agencies.

To begin your journey to understanding 'citizen diplomacy with extraterrestrials' and "preparing for extraterrestrial contact", we recommend that you first read the following two articles:


The Emergence of ‘Track Two’ Galactic Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Races

The Role of Private Citizens & Groups in Establishing Communications & Agreements With Extraterrestrial Races

by Dr. Michael E. Salla

drmsalla@galacticdiplomacy.com | www.galacticdiplomacy.com | www.exopolitics.org | November 4, 2004


This paper examines the key principles of ‘galactic diplomacy’ at the unofficial level, as a form of ‘track two’ diplomacy aimed at establishing contact and communications with different extraterrestrial races. The paper analyses the nature of diplomatic representation on Earth that might be recognized by various extraterrestrial races. Particular focus will be on the representative status of different global constituencies such as politically organized humanity, cetaceans, alleged subterranean civilizations, and the role of Earth or ‘Gaia’ as a living organism. The paper examines the need for ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ as a means of complementing official diplomatic relations between major nations and extraterrestrial races. Finally, the paper examines how national security agencies will respond to ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ between private citizens/groups with extraterrestrials in terms of four key challenges confronting the practice of this form of diplomacy: 1. the extent of private communications and interactions with extraterrestrial races; 2. the coercive resources of shadow government agencies; 3. the degree to which extraterrestrial races may manipulate citizens engaging in track two galactic diplomacy; and 4. implications of initiatives and agreements reached through track two galactic diplomacy.


About the Author

Dr. Michael E. Salla is a pioneer in the development of exopolitics, the scholarly study of the political implications of an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials nor the mass media. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship with the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence. He cites evidence of as many as sixteen different extraterrestrial races currently interacting with humanity in a variety of ways, with a number of other races simply monitoring the Earth (click to read). His groundbreaking book Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004) presents the first scholarly framework for understanding the political implications of the extraterrestrial presence.

Dr. Salla is an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution, 'track two diplomacy', US foreign policy, and is the author/editor of an additional four books including The Hero's Journey Toward a Second American Century (Greenwood Press, 2002); Essays on Peace (Central Queensland University Press, 1995); Why the Cold War Ended (Greenwood Press, 1995); and Islamic Radicalism, Muslim Nations and the West (1993). He has also authored more than seventy articles, chapters, and book reviews on peace, ethnic conflict and conflict resolution. He has held academic appointments in the School of International Service& the Center for Global Peace, American University, Washington DC (1996-2004); the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96); and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C., (2002). He has a PhD in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia, and an MA in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne, Australia.

Dr Salla has conducted research and fieldwork in the ethnic conflicts in East Timor,Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka, and organized succesful 'track two diplomacy' and peacemaking initiatives involving mid to high level participants from these conflicts. He combines his experience in 'track two diplomacy' in the interational arena with his exopolitics research to produce a unique set of skills and knowledge base for 'galactic diplomacy' involving private citizens and groups. It is his unique scholarly combination of conflict resolution, 'track two diplomacy', international politics and exopolitics that provides a firm foundation for establishing key principles and practices of ‘track two galactic diplomacy'.


The Emergence of ‘Track Two’ Galactic Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Races
– The Role of Private Citizens & Groups in Establishing Communications & Agreements With Extraterrestrial Races –

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has!" (Margaret Mead)

Introduction [1]

There are dozens of different extraterrestrial races with a variety of motivations that are interacting with global humanity. These extraterrestrial motivations span the spectrum from 'benevolent' activities aimed at uplifting humanity towards a fuller expression of its collective potential’, to manipulative activities designed to undermine human sovereignty. There is extensive evidence of government agencies in the United States (US) and elsewhere having held meetings and having reached agreements with some extraterrestrial races. These official diplomatic meetings have been highly classified and suggest that ‘galactic diplomacy’ at an official level has been secretly underway for at least 50 years without the knowledge of most citizens and elected representatives. [2] A detailed explanation of the seventeen most significant extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity reveals the role played by national security agencies in the US secretly reaching agreements with some extraterrestrial races while suppressing information about these agreements, and of the existence and activities of extraterrestrial races in general. [3]

There is extensive evidence that a number of extraterrestrial races are assisting in the evolution of human consciousness, and communicating with private citizens and groups that are interested in more peaceful and harmonious policies at a global level. These communications and initiatives linking private citizens and groups with some extraterrestrial races suggests the potential for an unofficial form of ‘galactic diplomacy’ to be practiced that complements the official form of galactic diplomacy secretly conducted by government agencies.

There is also evidence that the various extraterrestrial races interacting with Earth are locked into a low intensity conflict over the direction and potential of global humanity in the wider galactic community. [4] These extraterrestrial races work through their respective 'human allies' in the form of global elites, national security agencies, private citizens, and/or non-government organizations to promote their respective agendas. Competition involving extraterrestrial races and their 'human allies' on Earth appears to mirror conflicts at the galactic level between major extraterrestrial races. [5] This makes the extraterrestrial rivalry over the Earth's population and resources something that has interest to the wider galactic community which apparently is monitoring events on Earth in large numbers.

'Track two’ or 'citizens diplomacy' offers the opportunity for private individuals or ‘citizen organizations’ to open communication channels and develop agreements between nations experiencing diplomatic impasses and/or violent conflict. Track two diplomacy has been shown to be effective process in helping establish diplomatic relations and developing suitable confliction resolution strategies for difficult global conflicts. Extending the practice of track two diplomacy from the global arena involving international actors, into the exopolitical arena involving different extraterrestrial races is both possible and necessary due to the long history of secrecy, hidden rivalries and low intensity conflicts that exist between extraterrestrial races and government agencies. Given government secrecy over the existence of extraterrestrial races; the diverse motivations, agendas and conflicts involving extraterrestrial races and various government agencies; there is an urgent need for track two diplomacy with extraterrestrial races or what might be better described as ‘track two galactic diplomacy’. There is a need for private citizens to establish communications with extraterrestrial races, play roles in mediating between different extraterrestrial races and global humanity, establishing track two diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races, and assist official diplomatic relations between government agencies and extraterrestrial races or what might be described as ‘track one galactic diplomacy’.

This paper examines the key principles of ‘galactic diplomacy’ at the unofficial level, as a form of ‘track two’ diplomacy aimed at establishing contact and communications with different extraterrestrial races. The paper analyses the nature of diplomatic representation on Earth that might be recognized by various extraterrestrial races. Particular focus will be on the representative status of different global constituencies such as politically organized humanity, cetaceans, alleged subterranean civilizations, and the role of Earth or ‘Gaia’ as a living organism. The paper examines the need for ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ as a means of complementing official diplomatic relations between major nations and extraterrestrial races. Finally, the paper examines how national security agencies will respond to ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ between private citizens/groups with extraterrestrials in terms of four key challenges confronting the practice of this form of diplomacy: 1. the extent of private communications and interactions with extraterrestrial races; 2. the coercive resources of shadow government agencies; 3. the degree to which extraterrestrial races may manipulate citizens engaging in track two galactic diplomacy; and 4. implications of initiatives and agreements reached through track two galactic diplomacy.


Three Conventional Political Models for Representing Earth in Diplomatic Interactions with Extraterrestrials

Traditional forms of diplomacy involve appointed officials of different national political systems officially representing their nations to promote their respective national interests in the face of competition from, and conflict, with other nations. Diplomacy can be defined as: “a technique of state action, [which] is essentially a process whereby communications from one government go directly to the decision-making apparatus of another.” [6] Individuals appointed to diplomatic positions are typically accountable to the executive and/or legislative branches of government of their nations. These appointed officials or ‘diplomats’ are consequently authorized to participate in meetings aimed at producing agreements that impact on the territories and citizens of their nations. This ‘official’ form of diplomacy has existed for thousands of years and early examples are found in the monarchs of early kingdoms who appointed representatives for the monarch who would meet with foreign powers and establish treaties with other kingdoms for purposes such as peace, trade and protection of each others citizens. In the recent era, diplomacy has increasingly been defined in terms of diplomats representing the national interests of their states which transcend moral principles or global imperatives.

According to Dr Henry Kissinger who wrote the influential book, Diplomacy, international diplomacy is based upon the judicious advancement of a state’s national interest above all other considerations including moral principles or global interests. [7] The concept of national interest evolved from the statecraft of Cardinal Richelieu of 17th century France who was the first ‘modern’ leader to contend that universal morality was trumped by the pragmatic concerns of the nation state.

Richelieu was Prime Minister of France from 1624-1642 and diplomatically and militarily allied Catholic France with Protestant German Princes and the Ottoman Turks against the Catholic Hapburg Empire on the basis of France’s raison d’etat (reason of state or ‘national interest’) during the Thirty Years War 1618-1648. [8] The concept of national interest has subsequently become the basis of diplomatic interactions and the chief concern of diplomats desiring to represent their nation in the global community.

There is persuasive evidence of clandestine official meetings between national governments and extraterrestrial races since at least the 1950s. The most well known involves President Eisenhower meeting with different delegations of extraterrestrial races in secret meetings held at Edwards Air Force base beginning from 1954. [9] These agreements were based on the Eisenhower administration establishing agreements with extraterrestrial races based on the national interest of the US rather than any moral imperative stemming from the profound nature of this initial contact between extraterrestrial races and a major Earth government.

The secret agreements between extraterrestrial races and the US government have subsequently been renewed every nine years according to Dr Dan Burisch who had access to classified documents detailing the existence of such agreements. [10] The meetings and consequent agreements established between extraterrestrial races and the US government have been kept secret. The information of these meetings and agreements continue to remain highly classified and off limits even to the most senior of elected political officials, including even Presidents such as Clinton and Carter who were denied access to documents detailing the extraterrestrial presence. [11]

The diplomatic meetings that have occurred so far have been between different extraterrestrial races and governments such as the US. These diplomatic meetings have thus followed the traditional form of diplomatic relations where appointed officials represent the national interests of their nations in meetings with foreign powers. This indicates that diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races have proceeded despite the secrecy surrounding the existence of extraterrestrial races and the secret contact established with the US and other major world governments. It may be assumed that the US and other world governments are by default the representatives of Earth in terms of its citizens and territory in establishing diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races, but this is not something that can be taken for granted. It’s very important to closely examine the question of who represents Earth in diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races.

As far as ‘galactic diplomacy’ is concerned, the Earth may be defined in a narrow way as the population and territory of the third planet orbiting the sun. Thus the different nation states representing the regional territories and populations on Earth would collectively represent the Earth. This narrow reading of who represents the Earth as far as galactic diplomacy is concerned would lead to three models of diplomatic representations for the Earth. The first would be that multilateral institutions such as the United Nations would have the necessary legitimacy and authority to represent planet Earth in diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races. Presumably, the United Nations would represent the global interests of all states rather than the national interests of any one particular state. The second would be dominant global powers such as the US and Russia who would represent the Earth in such diplomatic meetings and would presumably prioritize their national interests rather than the global interests of all the nations of Earth. This appears to have been the case thus far due to minor role played by the United Nations in dealing with the extraterrestrial presence. For example, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution in December 1978 (Decision 33/426) to establish “an agency or a department of the United Nations for undertaking, coordinating and disseminating the results of research into unidentified flying objects and related phenomena." [12] The requested agency/department was never created and the resolution was never acted upon vividly demonstrating the lack of support the United Nations had from major powers in seriously playing a role in the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.

The third representational model is a hybrid where major global powers establish diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial and cooperate among themselves and have these legitimized in multilateral institutions such as the United Nations. This would enable major powers to find consensus about how to promote their respective national interests in harmony with one another, and to legitimize these through the UN as ‘global interests’. Consequently, a narrow interpretation of who represents the Earth leads to the answer, major world governments and the multilateral institutions which they dominate.

There is however a broader definition of who represents the Earth which goes beyond the notion of geographical territory and population controlled by a national government, and also beyond the concept of ‘national interest’ which has become the primary focus of diplomats advancing the welfare of their nations. This broader definition involves Earth being comprised of different constituencies that allegedly have diplomatic standing among extraterrestrial races, and interests of these constituencies which go appreciably beyond the concept of national interest that pertains to modern nations and internationaldiplomacy.


The Different Constituencies that Have Representative Status for Earth

The first constituency is what has already been examined in terms of surface humanity that is politically organized into nation states with elected representatives, appointed officials and/or hereditary monarchical systems. This is a constituency which undoubtedly has representational status for extraterrestrial races as evidenced by the agreements which have already been reached between ‘shadow government’ representatives and extraterrestrial races. However, such ‘representative status’ is not exclusive which leads to the examination of other constituencies which extraterrestrials to varying degrees recognize.

I now move to the second constituency which may initially come as a shock to many readers since it is based on the idea that the Earth itself can be regarded as a sentient being and thus may have representative status for extraterrestrial races. The ‘Gaia hypothesis’ is based on the theory first promoted by a former NASA scientist, James Havelock in a 1979 book, that the Earth is a sentient being which regulates the evolution of life. [13] Havelock writes:

I recognise that to view the Earth as if it were alive is just a convenient, but different, way of organising the facts of the Earth. I am of course prejudiced in favour of Gaia and have filled my life for the past twenty-five years with the thought that Earth may be alive: not as the ancients saw her—a sentient Goddess with a purpose and foresight—but alive like a tree. A tree that quietly exists, never moving except to sway in the wind, yet endlessly conversing with the sunlight and the soil. Using sunlight and water and nutrient minerals to grow and change. But all done so imperceptibly, that to me the old oak tree on the green is the same as it was when I was a child. [14]

The Gaia hypothesis that Earth is a sentient being that exhibits consciousness and life is something that extraterrestrials would in varying degrees recognize. While Havelock doesn’t believe Gaia’s sentience is the same of the ancient Greek concept of a goddess with “purpose and foresight,” his reference to Gaia as a global tree would at minimum make it sentient enough for its interests or needs to be considered by extraterrestrial races. This makes the Earth itself or ‘Gaia’ an important constituency in diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races.

The third constituency are the various sentient species that inhabit the Earth’s surface territories and oceans. In addition to humans as a sentient surface dwelling species, can be included cetaceans such as dolphins and whales that have exhibited a high degree of intelligence and communicative skills. [15] In analyzing Dolphin communications and intelligence, Dr Michael Hyson concludes that:

the Cetacea (dolphins and whales) are self-aware, fully conscious, sentient, and have their own complex language. Because they have larger brains, more available cortex, and more processing power available (because of their lives in water) the Cetacea, including the dolphins, are more intelligent than we are. [16]

Other cetacean researchers such as Timothy Wyllie and Joan Ocean have found that dolphin/whale communications are based both on their highly complex sonar abilities and on the use of telepathic communication. [17] Consequently, the intelligence and communicative abilities of cetaceans would give them diplomatic standing among extraterrestrial races despite the lack of a technological society.

A fourth constituency appears to be races of beings that inhabit Earths subterranean realms. These subterranean races have been described to be both human descendents of ancient kingdoms such as Lemuria, and a non-human race that has reptilian characteristics. Evidence from a wide range of sources including government whistleblowers, contactees and remote viewers give credence to the existence of such subterranean races which have technologies that are more advanced than surface humanity. According to Brad Steiger, for example, these ancient human civilizations went underground many millennia ago:

The Old Ones, an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced race … have chosen to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet and manufacture all their necessities. The Old Ones are hominid, extremely long-lived, and pre-date Homo sapiens by more than a million years. [18]

Furthermore, according to Thomas Castello, a former security official at Dulce, a highly classified underground facility in New Mexico, Reptilians indigenous to Earth work side by side with humans and other extraterrestrial races:

… some 'reptoids' [Reptilians] are native to this planet. The ruling caste of 'aliens' ARE reptilian…. They were an ancient race on Earth, living underground…. Reptoids rightly consider themselves "native Terrans." Perhaps they are the ones we call the Fallen Angels - maybe not. Either way, we are [considered] the 'squatters' on Earth. [19]

Some researchers contend that most if not all UFO reports are actually sightings of the ships of these subterranean races rather than beings from other worlds. [20]

Consequently, the question of who represents Earth in establishing diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races is far more complex given the existence of different constituencies that presumably have some standing among the various courts, councils and alliances that make up the various extraterrestrial races visiting the Earth. [21]


Towards a more Comprehensive Representational Model for Earth in Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials

While it may be assumed that the question of who represents the human population of at least the Earth’s surface is easy to answer, it cannot be assumed that secretly appointed officials who comprise official delegations responsible for treaties and agreements with extraterrestrial races have the necessary legitimacy to bind all of surface humanity. While appointed officials have de facto power to participate in meetings and agreements with extraterrestrial races, these operate with great secrecy and remain unaccountable to the citizenry of different nations who remain oblivious to the existence of such meetings and agreements. Furthermore, elected political representatives are denied this information thereby raising the constitutional status of such meetings and treaties and the de jure authority of these.

For example, the US Constitution specifically states that all treaties to which the US enters needs to be ratified by the US Senate. Article II, section 2, states: “He [the President] shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” [22] However, this constitutional provision has been bypassed by a series of executive orders and congressional enactments which secretly delegate treaty making authority to the appointed committees that manage extraterrestrial affairs without the knowledge of the general public or most elected officials. [23] These extra-constitutional arrangements have dubious legal standing and while these may at most have standing for short periods such as national emergencies, it is extremely doubtful that their legal standing would be sufficient for a semi-permanent arrangement which has existed for the last 50 years or more. In short, the diplomatic representatives of major nations that meet and draw up agreements with extraterrestrial races have dubious constitutional validity at least in the US, and very likely also other democratic nations.

The next important constituency to be considered for the question of who represents Earth in diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races is the planet itself. The Gaia hypothesis posits that Earth is a living consciousness that displays sentience and thus might be considered a viable actor in diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races. If the Gaia hypothesis is true, then an important consideration is whether Gaia has an ‘intelligence’ or ‘Voice’ with sufficient complexity with which individuals can choose to align themselves. Now Havelock ’s Gaia hypothesis was based on the recognition that Gaia displayed a sentience that was similar to that of a tree and displayed an organic intelligence which was dynamically connected to eco- system: “A tree that quietly exists, never moving except to sway in the wind, yet endlessly conversing with the sunlight and the soil.” While he did not believe Gaia displayed ‘purpose’ in the ordinary sense we would understand intelligent life, he believed it communicated with the complex ecosystem in a way that sustained life for all. Thus it would be fair to say that Gaia has a voice that can be heard by organisms or sentient species sufficiently receptive to this form of communication.

In other words, just as a simple organism has a survival mechanism which influences its behavior, so too Gaia exhibited these tendencies to be communicative in terms of promoting the evolution of species on the planet. This suggests that Gaia, like any species, has at a minimum, a communicative component which makes it self-regulating, and demonstrates some degree of intelligence. In other words, Gaia has an intelligence with which sentient species can choose to align themselves with, and Gaia’s communicative role demonstrates an intelligence which humanity is only beginning to fathom.

Since Gaia demonstrates communicative abilities, it can be asked who best speaks with her voice? Put alternatively, who represents what might be called the ‘Voice of Gaia? Is it some mysterious energetic force in the center of the planet; the giant Redwood trees of the US Pacific coast; the cetaceans that circumnavigate the worlds oceans; the tribal elders that maintain traditional relationships with the Earth’s surface, individuals and groups that do energetic work with the Gaia; that portion of humanity that has divided itself in terms of states and territories or even alleged advanced sentient species that inhabit the Earth’s subterranean realms? It can be posited that the Voice of Gaia is represented by those life forms, human or otherwise, that align themselves with the intelligence and communications of Gaia. Alignment with the 'Voice of Gaia' confers legitimacy, in the eyes of some extraterrestrials. Alignment might be defined as one's personal voice 'resonating' with the planetary vibration or 'Voice of Gaia'. That resonance gives one's voice an amplitude that elevates its legitimacy. Thus human or other sentient Earth based species that are in alignment with the ‘Voice of Gaia’ have diplomatic standing among extraterrestrial races that presumably would be more willing to recognize the sentience of Earth, of Gaia, as a constituency in any agreement that had validity for the whole planet.

Recognizing the Earth or ‘Gaia’ as a legitimate constituency in establishing diplomatic relations leads to the intriguing possibility that some portions of humanity may be more genuine representatives of Earth as an organic unit than others. Rather than diplomatic representation of Earth being something that pertains solely to different nations with their elected representatives and appointed officials, it may be that individuals or groups that are in alignment with the ‘Voice of Gaia’, may have greater diplomatic standing. This of course is a revolutionary idea since it first appears odd that appointed officials of national governments would have less diplomatic standing than unappointed individuals and groups who claim to be in alignment with the ‘Voice of Gaia’. Nevertheless, the existence of Gaia as important constituency that would be recognized by extraterrestrial races raises the possibility that some individuals/groups that are in alignment with the ‘Voice of Gaia’, may have diplomatic standing among extraterrestrial races by virtue of this alignment.

The next two constituencies to be considered are the cetaceans and other sentient life forms that inhabit the Earth’s oceans, surface or subterranean regions. Thus all species that have sentience and the ability to communicate by telepathic or other means with extraterrestrial races would have some diplomatic standing among extraterrestrial races. Included among these sentient life forms are the remnants or earlier human civilizations and advanced non-human life forms that have advanced technologies and communication abilities but are based in subterranean areas. It would be reasonable to assume that sentient life forms also have diplomatic standing among extraterrestrial races.

In consequence, the question of who represents the Earth has two answers. The first is a narrow restrictive answer in terms of secretly appointed officials that represent different national governments or multilateral institutions such as the United Nations. The second is far more complex and involves recognition of a range of sentient life forms of which politically organized humanity is but one among several important constituencies including the planet herself. It is very likely that while extraterrestrial races recognize the validity of the first form of representation, they would give more validity to the second. This means that galactic diplomacy involving the Earth and its diverse populations, life forms and territories is far more open and eclectic than initially thought. This raises the possibility of non-official forms of diplomatic representation that involves portions of surface humanity that speak on behalf of other sentient species or for the Earth herself.


Who Represents the ‘Voice of Gaia’ in Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrial Races?

As already mentioned, the Gaia hypothesis makes possible the existence of Gaia as a living entity with its own communicative abilities and intelligence that directs the way life evolves on Earth. This raises the possibility that individuals, groups and even communities that align themselves with this intelligence or ‘Voice of Gaia’ and who ultimately have allegiance to Gaia rather than any nation, have the necessary authority to represent Gaia. It can even be suggested as a corollary that such individuals also have representative status for surface humanity which is politically organized into sovereign nations. Humans living on Earth’s surface are both citizens of sovereign nations and ‘children’ of Gaia, implying that both the representatives of nations and representative of Gaia, can legitimately speak on behalf of the interests of surface humanity. In order to more easily refer to those individuals/groups/communities that align themselves with the ‘Voice of Gaia’ and thus represent Gaia, I will use the term ‘awakened humanity’.

‘Awakened humanity’ is distinguished from the rest of humanity which is politically organized into sovereign nations and where private citizens and public officials give ultimate allegiance to a nation state. This suggests some tension is likely to arise as to who speaks with more authority concerning the future of Earth in diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial races. Is it ‘awakened humanity’ that has aligned with the ‘Voice of Gaia’ and also respects/consults with other sentient species on Earth to develop a unified planetary ‘Voice of Gaia’, or will it be the diplomatic representatives of sovereign nations who give allegiance to their nations rather than the ‘Voice of Gaia? This tension is likely to be compounded by the disparity in resources and legitimacy between ‘awakened humanity’ and ‘politically organized humanity’. The former has great legitimacy due to its alignment with Gaia and respect/consultation with other sentient life forms on Earth; while the latter has all the resources of the modern state to support its appointed officials in diplomatic relations with extraterrestrials. Given the telepathic nature of extraterrestrial races and their expected recognition of different constituencies representing the Earth, it is very highly likely that there will be tension between ‘awakened humanity’ and ‘politically organized humanity’ in terms of who speaks with more authority on behalf of Earth and of humanity in general.


‘Track Two Galactic Diplomacy’ by ‘Awakened Humanity’

According to former US Ambassador, John MacDonald, there are a number of different forms of diplomacy in addition to the official form which involves appointed officials who have the necessary authority to represent their nations in meetings and agreements that have binding force for their governments and nations. [24] In addition to official or what has been described as ‘track one’ diplomacy, is a track two which involves private individuals, and ‘citizen organizations’ that engage in various initiatives to promote diplomatic solutions to important global problems. The term ‘track two diplomacy’ was coined by a former US diplomat, Joseph Montville in 1981 to describe early attempts by private citizens and groups to intervene in diplomatic issues and international problems. [25] He describes track two diplomacy as: "unofficial, informal interaction between members of adversarial groups or nations with the goals of developing strategies, influencing public opinions and organizing human and material resources in ways that might help resolve the conflict." [26] In its most simple terms, track two diplomacy involves concerned individuals and/or groups intervening in diplomatic impasses or international conflicts to promote solutions and dialogue between disputing parties.

Despite initial skepticism by the diplomatic community over the participation of private citizens and groups in international diplomacy, ‘track two’ or ‘citizen diplomacy’ has grown in significance over the last two decades, and is now recognized as a legitimate process that complements government agencies in dealing with contentious diplomatic issues and resolving global conflicts. [27] In 2002, the US Department of State organized a conference on integrating ‘track one’ and ‘track two’ diplomatic initiatives which was attended by private citizens, non-government organizations and members of the diplomatic community from the US and elsewhere. [28]

Individuals, groups and organizations practicing track two diplomacy have been successful in receiving government and private grants to engage in this unofficial form of diplomacy in order to complement international diplomacy and assist in resolving global conflicts. [29] The author of this paper, for example, received two grants from the US Institute of Peace, which was created and funded by the US Congress, to conduct track two initiatives to resolve the East Timor conflict. [30] The author invited a group of East Timorese, and later prominent Indonesian citizens, to Washington DC to initiate dialogue that would produce an ongoing initiative to help promote a resolution of the East Timor conflict. In the subsequent meetings wide consultation occurred with members of the US and Indonesian diplomatic community, and with the United Nations. These meetings resulted in important breakthroughs which resulted in power sharing documents that helped stimulate a diplomatic solution to the East Timor conflict. [31]

A number of private organizations regularly raise significant funds from a range of government agencies and private organizations to perform track two initiatives along similar lines to what the author did in the case of East Timor. The most prominent citizen groups involved in track two diplomacy include Search for Common Ground, The Institute for Multitrack Diplomacy, and the Institute of World Affairs. [32]

The recognition and legitimacy given to individuals, ‘citizen organizations’ performing track two diplomacy in international conflicts creates an important precedent when examining how diplomacy might be conducted with extraterrestrial races. Individuals and citizen organizations may be expected to conduct track two initiatives involving extraterrestrials where there is a perceived need to assist official diplomacy and/or the resolution of conflicts involving extraterrestrial races. Consequently, ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ can be defined as the effort by private individuals and/or citizen groups to assist in improving diplomatic relations between extraterrestrial races and national governments, and/or to assist in resolving conflicts between extraterrestrials and/or national governments. These efforts may range from individuals contacts that promote dialogue and information sharing with extraterrestrials, to citizen groups working with extraterrestrials to promote government disclosure, and resolving conflict between government agencies and extraterrestrial races.

While any individual or citizen group can be expected to participate in track two diplomatic initiatives involving extraterrestrial races, those individuals and groups described as ‘awakened humanity’ have special significance. This significance is due to the expected recognition given to them by extraterrestrial races as representatives of Gaia and other sentient species on Earth. Consequently, individuals and groups practicing track two diplomacy may enjoy greater legitimacy and authority among extraterrestrial races due to their alignment with the ‘Voice of Gaia’, and with the aspirations of other sentient species on Earth. This alignment means that ‘awakened humanity’ are have ultimate allegiance to Gaia and her sentient species can therefore be viewed as spokespersons for a single planetary ‘voice’, and thus become de facto ‘Ambassadors for Gaia’. ‘Awakened humanity’ may thus enjoy greater status than the appointed officials representing sovereign nations when it comes to negotiating with extraterrestrial races.

Track two galactic diplomacy by ‘awakened humanity’ who are de facto Ambassadors for Gaia is an important development due to the secrecy surrounding existing meetings and agreements between some extraterrestrial races and secretly appointed officials of different nations. Such track two initiatives can result in meetings and agreements that have legitimacy among a range of extraterrestrial races and therefore significantly impact on global affairs. A key question is how national security agencies would react to agreements or communications established by awakened humanity through track two diplomacy with extraterrestrial races.


How Might National Security Agencies React to ‘Track Two’ Galactic Diplomacy by ‘Awakened Humanity’

A key facet in the secrecy over the presence of extraterrestrial races has been the degree to which key national security agencies in the US and elsewhere have controlled information and monopolized resources devoted to extraterrestrial affairs. [33] This control by key national security agencies suggests that the initial response by such agencies to ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ initiatives by awakened humanity would be regarded either with extreme suspicion or outright opposition. To a degree, the anticipated response by shadow government controllers of extraterrestrial information would parallel the initial response by foreign policy professionals and diplomatic community to the emergence of track two diplomacy in international affairs in the early 1980’s. As noted earlier, this shifted from outright skepticism and dismissal, to eventual recognition and cooperation. The response to ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ by shadow controllers of extraterrestrial affairs is likely to follow a similar pattern.

The official reaction to track two galactic diplomacy is likely to be influenced by four challenges: first, the extent of private communications and interactions with extraterrestrial races by ‘awakened humanity’; second, the willingness of the shadow government to use its coercive resources to suppress ‘track two galactic diplomacy’; third, the degree to which extraterrestrial races might manipulate unsuspecting humans to destabilize national security agencies for ‘unfriendly’ extraterrestrial agendas; and finally the implications of agreements reached through track two galactic diplomacy. I will now examine each of these challenges and how they impact on track two galactic diplomacy before finishing with some concluding remarks.


1. The Extent of Private Communications and Interactions with Extraterrestrial Races

Ever since George Adamski wrote his famous book, Inside the Flying Saucers, in 1955, there has been a succession of private citizens who have claimed to have been contacted by extraterrestrial races and had extensive communications and interactions with them. [34] Along with Adamski, some of these initial contactees included Howard Menger, Orfeo Angelucci, Paul Villa and George Van Tassel. [35] These communications and interactions with extraterrestrials varied considerably depending on the contactee but essentially all revealed that extraterrestrial races were deliberately contacting private individuals to disseminate information about the existence of extraterrestrial races, and the benevolent intentions of extraterrestrials who were making contact. Over the years, the list of ‘contactees’ has grown considerably and the more well known in the recent era include Billy Meier, Carlos Diaz, Alex Collier, Phillip Krapf. [36] These ‘contactees’ have consequently given public lectures, written books, formed support groups, and communicated with key elites, all with the purpose of conveying the information given by extraterrestrials and convincing a skeptical public of the friendly nature of these extraterrestrials. Without necessarily knowing it, these contactees were actually engaging in ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ insofar as they represented that portion of humanity described as ‘awakened humanity’ who were willing to disseminate the truth about the extraterrestrial presence and the implications for global humanity.

National security agencies have ‘publicly’ treated contactees with skepticism and ridicule, but in reality the agencies paid close attention to contactees in order to simultaneously extract whatever information could be gained from the contactees, while limiting the extent to which the contactees’ information would enter into the public arena. For example, Alex Collier claimed to have been contacted by a race from the constellation of Andromeda and was disseminating much information through a popular website and public lectures before being visited by a team of Navy Intelligence officials who intimidated him into silence. [37] Apparently Collier was releasing sensitive information despite the official government position that since the closure of Project Blue Book, no government agency is actively investigating the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon. [38]

Control of the mass media has been the chief vehicle by which the shadow government could limit the influence of the contactees as well as the UFO phenomenon more generally. [39] The prospect that many more private citizens would be experiencing contact with extraterrestrials and would be subsequently conducting ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ would be of extreme concern to government agencies. Yet it appears that just as the growth of track two diplomacy in global politics could not be prevented and was eventually welcomed by the diplomatic community, so too the growth in ‘track two galactic diplomacy’ cannot be prevented and eventually will be regarded as a complement rather than a threat by those conducting ‘track one’ galactic diplomacy.


2. The Coercive Resources of Shadow Government Agencies

National Security agencies have an abundance of coercive resources that can be used to maintain secrecy over the extraterrestrial presence. The following passage from the Special Operations Manual, an ‘alleged official document’ detailing recovery procedures for extraterrestrial craft leaked to UFO researchers, describes the official secrecy policy adopted in April 1954:

Any encounter with entities known to be of extraterrestrial origin is to be considered to be a matter of national security and therefore classified TOP SECRET. Under no circumstances is the general public or the public press to learn of the existence of these entities. The official government policy is that such creatures do not exist, and that no agency of the federal government is now engaged in any study of extraterrestrials or their artifacts. Any deviation from this stated policy is absolutely forbidden. [40]

Whistleblowers such as Master Sergeant Dan Morris outlined how key national security agencies such as the NSA would coerce individuals to maintain silence, and how these coercive mechanisms extended even up to the use of deadly force to maintain secrecy:

The National Security Agency-the killers work in that. They’re the guys that, when it becomes necessary for a problem to be removed… if you watch James Bond, they’re the double-O agents, if you get my meaning. Secretary of Defence Forestall was the first real powerful, known person that was eliminated because he was going to release the information – and nobody has ever paid for that crime. [41]

With a well known history of using even deadly force to maintain secrecy over the extraterrestrial presence, it might be questioned whether such coercive methods would be used against individuals and/or organizations conducting track two galactic diplomacy.

The key factor here is whether national security agencies would regard the widespread use of coercive force in the present information era where so much information is now freely available on the internet. It appears that soft censorship techniques such as eliminating public records, limiting major media exposure, hacking websites, etc., are the preferred methods of limiting information on extraterrestrials as opposed to the use of deadly force which appeared to be more widely used in the past. [42] Nevertheless, the prospect that extraterrestrials would regard track two galactic diplomacy as providing a mandate for their activities would be of extreme concern to national security agencies, and could lead to the use of coercive measures to prevent track two diplomacy from occurring.

The likelihood that public disclosure of extraterrestrial presence will soon occur, suggests that national security agencies are less and less disposed to the use of the most extreme forms of coercion such as deadly force due to the likelihood that there will soon be some form of accounting for past actions and decisions. Public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence would lead to a thorough review of past secret government actions in maintaining secrecy, and some accountability for shadow government officials who enforce present policies.


3. The Degree to which extraterrestrial races might manipulate unsuspecting citizens engaging in track two Galactic Diplomacy

The possibility that some extraterrestrial races may manipulate private citizens who engage in track two galactic diplomacy is quite high. Given the history of the extraterrestrial presence where a variety of agendas and activities have been conducted in order to control humanity, there is quite likely going to be continued efforts of manipulation by some extraterrestrial races who view humanity as a resource to be controlled and exploited. [43] The prospect that unsuspecting private individuals/groups might be used by ‘unfriendly’ extraterrestrial races to undermine key national security agencies performing necessary roles in monitoring extraterrestrial races is very real. This suggests that a high degree of discernment and education about different extraterrestrial races is necessary for those individuals who find themselves on the forefront of track two galactic diplomacy.

A combination of training, public education and networking by contactees and others conducting track two galactic diplomacy would go a long way to preventing any manipulation by unfriendly extraterrestrial races. This is the best safeguard to ensure the integrity of track two galactic diplomacy since the agendas and programs of national security agencies would not initially be viewed with much sympathy by contactees. Contactees and others participating in track two galactic diplomacy are largely familiar with the long secrecy and suppression of information concerning extraterrestrials, and give very little legitimacy to the actions and concerns of national security agencies despite widespread public respect for such agencies. In particular, coercive actions by national security agencies against those active in track two galactic diplomacy would be strenuously opposed by those practicing or supporting this form of diplomacy. The result would only succeed in undermining the integrity of this form of diplomacy, rather than preventing it all together. Since track two galactic diplomacy is an inevitable development in human-extraterrestrial interaction, a premium needs to be placed on maintaining a high level of integrity for this form of citizen based diplomacy in order to prevent undue manipulation by ‘unfriendly’ extraterrestrial races.


4. Implications of Initiatives & Agreements Reached through Track Two Galactic Diplomacy

It is very likely that some track two galactic diplomacy initiatives will produce agreements with, or extend permission to, extraterrestrial races to perform certain activities. This is especially likely to be the case where members of ‘awakened humanity’ participate and thereby carry special representative status far beyond their population numbers. Extraterrestrials may find special advantages in working with members of awakened humanity who might be willing to agree to initiatives or projects that positively impact on the planet. For example, in October 2003, a message allegedly from a group of extraterrestrials began circulating the internet accurately describing the exopolitical situation on Earth, and requested that ‘individuals without distinction’ decide whether they wanted the extraterrestrials to simply “show up”. [44] The “Change the World” referendum generated great interest and an internet petition granting permission to the extraterrestrials to show up is still underway and by mid October 2004 had over 650 signatures. [45]

The consequences of private citizens or citizen organizations reaching agreements with extraterrestrial races or giving permission to specific extraterrestrial activities would certainly be of great concern to national security agencies. It might be expected that those individuals and/or groups initiating such agreements or granting permission would be closely monitored and even subjected to harassment by national security agencies if this threatened to have wide impact. This appeared to be the case with the organizer of the “Change the World” referendum, Jean Ederman, who allegedly experienced harassment from national security agencies due to his work in distributing the referendum and subsequent contact experiences. [46] He has been silenced through a series of threats by French national security agencies and has temporarily ended all his public activities up to October, 2004.

It can be expected that the implications of agreements reached between extraterrestrial races and members of awakened humanity are likely to have consequences far beyond the physical numbers of such individuals and/or citizen organizations. This creates special tension since such individuals and/or citizen organizations hold no official positions and therefore have no representative status according to national security agencies for participating in any agreements or giving permission to extraterrestrial activities. Nevertheless, the representative status presumably given by extraterrestrials to such individuals and/or citizen organizations by virtue of their being spokespersons for Gaia and other sentient Earth species, makes ‘awakened humanity’ an important factor to be reckoned with in the diplomatic dialogue over the role played by extraterrestrials on Earth and the future of humanity.


Conclusion: ‘Awakened Humanity’ and ‘track two Galactic Diplomacy’

While the term ‘awakened humanity’ appears elitist, it nevertheless accurately describes a portion of humanity that gives allegiance to a wider set of constituencies on Earth rather than a national government which is more narrowly focused on its ‘national interests’. Members of ‘awakened humanity’ feel a calling to respond to what they perceive to be the best interests of Gaia as a planet, and the various sentient species that inhabit the Earth’s territories, oceans and subterranean realms. As more and more humans develop such allegiances beyond purely national political loyalties and interests, and align themselves with what might be described as the ‘Voice of Gaia’ and the aspirations of other sentient species, these members of ‘awakened humanity’ become spokespersons for Gaia. It can be expected that such spokespersons for Gaia would be regarded by extraterrestrials and other sentient Earth species as de facto ‘Ambassadors of Gaia’ and thereby carry influence far beyond their physical numbers.

Awakened humanity are subsequently more likely to experience contact with extraterrestrial races who view such individuals as having special significance due to their alignment with the ‘Voice of Gaia’ and desire to satisfy the aspirations of other sentient species. Contact with awakened humanity gives greater legitimacy to the various activities of extraterrestrial races that make contact with global humanity. Consequently, ‘awakened humanity’ is likely to find itself engaged in track two galactic diplomacy due to their significance as representatives of the ‘planetary voice’ and the aspirations of all sentient species on Earth, and the special attention they are given by extraterrestrials who view ‘awakened humanity’ as spokespersons and de facto ambassadors for Gaia.

There is very likely to be a great contrast between private citizens and appointed public officials in terms of galactic diplomacy and the recognition respectively given to the latter by extraterrestrial races. ‘Track one’ galactic diplomacy involves public officials who are secretly appointed by the shadow government and/or national security agencies to represent the national interests of their nations and deal with the extraterrestrial presence. Officials engaging in track one galactic diplomacy have all the resources and coercive potential of the modern nation state to support their activities, and collectively claim to be the official political representatives of global humanity and of the Earth’s territories. Yet in the eyes of a number of extraterrestrial races, these official diplomats enjoy less legitimacy than ‘awakened humanity’ who presumably speak with greater authority due to their alignment with the ‘Voice of Gaia’ and willingness to represent the aspirations of other sentient species on Earth. In short, the question of who speaks with greater authority as a representative for the planet Earth and her varied species is something that will directly impact on the choices made by extraterrestrial races to communicate and interact with different parts of global humanity.

While some agreements have been reached between shadow government representatives and some extraterrestrial races, other extraterrestrial races have instead chosen to contact private individuals and/or citizen groups who are more alignment with the ‘Voice of Gaia,’ and thus de facto spokespersons for Gaia. This suggests future tension as more of humanity comes to develop sympathies and outlooks which are consistent with the global interests of the planet and all sentient species. This is likely to herald a period tension between those portions of humanity respectively aligned either with their national political institutions, or aligned with a broader set of global interests that fall under the rubric of the ‘Voice of Gaia’. It can be hoped that such tension are the birth pains of a brave new world where all sentient species on the planet speak with a unified planetary voice.



[1] I am indebted to Angelika Sareighn Whitecliff for her enthusiastic support, suggestions and assistance in the completion of this paper. I also thank Hugh Matlock for identifying some typographical errors and expression of ideas concerning the 'Voice of Gaia'.

[2] See Michael Salla, “Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?” Research Study #8 (February 12, 2004 http://www.exopolitics.org. Available online.

[3] See Michael Salla, “A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the Most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with HumanityExopolitics.org (July 26, 2004) Available online.

[4] See , Salla, “A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the Most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with Humanity,” Exopolitics.org (July 26, 2004) Available online.

[5] For discussion of evidence and theories concerning the mirror relationship between human and galactic conflicts, see Michael Salla, Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004) 35-42.

[6] Said, A.S., Lerche, Jr., C.O. & Lerche III, C.O. Concepts of international politics in global perspective (Prentice Hall, 1995). 69

[7] Kissinger, Diplomacy (Simon and Schuster, 1995).

[8] See Anthony Levy, Cardinal Richelieu: And the Making of France (Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2000).

[9] See Michael Salla, “Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?Research Study #8 (February 12, 2004) http://www.exopolitics.org. Available online.

[10] “Bill Hamilton Interview with Dr. Dan BurischGreater Things News Service (October 18, 2002) ; and Sterling Allen, “The Saga of Dan BurischGreater Things News Service (April 28, 2004);

[11] For discussion of how Presidents Carter and Clinton were kept out of the loop of information regarding the extraterrestrial presence, see Salla, Exopolitics, 87-95.

[12] Don Berliner, “UFO Briefing Document: International Agreements and Resolutions - United Nations,” available online at: http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1037.htm

[13] Havelock, Gaia: a New Look at Life on Earth"( Oxford University Press, 1979).

[14] Havelock, Gaia: The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine, (Gaia Books Limited, 1991) 12.

[15] For a detailed online study of Dolphin intelligence see, http://www.planetpuna.com/dolphin-paper-html/dolphin-paper.htm .

[16] Michael Hyson, http://www.planetpuna.com/dolphin-paper-html/dolphin-paper.htm .

[17] See Timothy Wyllie Dolphins Telepathy and Underwater Birthing (Bear and Company Publishing, 1993); and Joan Ocean, Dolphins Into the Future (A Dolphin Connection Book, 1997). For online information go to: www.joanocean.com

[18] Quoted in online article: http://paranormal.about.com/library/weekly/aa090400a.htm

[19] See Branton “A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out,” in The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth (Inner Light, 199) ch. 11.

[20] See online article: Secrets of the Hollow Earth (http://paranormal.about.com/library/weekly/aa090400a.htm)

[21] For discussion of the organizational nature of extraterrestrial races, see Alfred Webre, “Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact” (2001/2002) available online.

[22] Online version of the US Constitution

[23] For discussion of the evolution of decision making concerning extraterrestrial affairs, see Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence, ch. 2.

[24] Louise Diamond and John W. McDonald, "Multi-Track Diplomacy: A Systems Approach to Peace (Kumarian Press, 1996).

[25] William D. Davidson, Joseph V. Monteville, "Foreign Policy According to Freud." In Foreign Policy 45 (1981): 145-157.

[26] Joseph Montville, quoted in Diana Chigas, “Track Two (Citizen) Diplomacy” available online.

[27] For online article on Track II diplomacy, see Susan Allen Nan and Andrea Strimling,

[28] “Integrating Track One and Track Two Approaches to International Conflict Resolution: What's Working? What's Not? How Can We Do Better?”. US Department of State. , 2002-01-01.

[29] For discussion of Track Two Diplomacy and a variety of initiatives, see Diana Chigas, “Track Two (Citizen) Diplomacy,” available online at: http://www.beyondintractability.org/m/track2_diplomacy.jsp

[30] A Political Autonomy as a Conflict Resolution Mechanism for East Timor@ Unsolicited Grants, United States Institute for Peace, USIP-042-97F (1998) sum awarded: US$44,000; ADeveloping and Autonomy Framework for the East Timor Conflict ,@ Unsolicited Grants, United States Institute for Peace, USIP-068-96F (1997) sum awarded: US$29,000.

[31] A short paper was written about the significance of the first of the workshops organized by the author, see Michael Salla, ARebuilding the >Negotiating Middle= in Intractable Conflicts,@ Private Peacemaking: USIP-Assisted Peacemaking Projects of Nonprofit Organizations: Peaceworks No. 20 (US Institute of Peace, 1998) 1-5. Available online at: http://www.usip.org/pubs/peaceworks/smock20/chap1_20.html . A report which described the series of track two initiatives which the author co-organized is available at: http://rspas.anu.edu.au/etsg/briefs/proc1.rtf

[32] The website for the Institute of Multi-Track Diplomacy is http://www.imtd.org/ The website for Search for Common Ground is www.sfcg.org ; the website for the Institute of World Affairs is: http://www.iwa.org/

[33] See Steven Greer, Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History, 21-32

[34] George Adamski’s, Inside the Flying Saucers, is available online.

[35] For discussion of experiences of an extensive number of contactees, see Timothy Good, Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization on Earth.

[36] See Gary Kinder, Light Years: An Investigation into the Extraterrestrial Experiences of Eduard Meier (Publisher Group West, 1987); Phillip Krapf, “The Challenge of Contact: a mainstream journalist’s report on interplanetary diplomacy,” (Origin Press, 2001). An online article on Carlos Diaz is available. ; A book by Alex Collier, Defending Sacred Ground is available online.

[37] Personal interview with Alex Collier (July, 2004).

[38] See “Unidentified Flying Objects and Air Force Project Blue Book

[39] See Terry Hansen, The Missing Times (Xlibris Corporation, 2001).

[40] Majestic 12 Group, “Special Operations Manual, SOM1-01 - Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal,” April 1954   Part 2

[41] “Testimony of Master Sergeant Dan Morris,” Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History, ed., Steven Greer (Crossing Point Inc., 2001) 359.

[42] For discussion of the use of disinformation and other ‘soft censorship’ strategies used by military intelligence services, see John Maynard, “From Disinformation to Disclosure,” Surfing the Apocalypse, http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.com/maynard.html

[43] For detailed discussion of the motivations and agendas of different extraterrestrial races, see Michael Salla, “Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?” Research Study #8 (February 12, 2004) http://www.exopolitics.org. Available online.

[44] For discussion of the message and its authenticity see Michael Salla, “A Message to Humanity: A Genuine Communication from an Extraterrestrial Race?” Exopolitical Comment #7 www.exopolitics.org (11/08/03)

[45] “We Are Ready to Change the World

[46] Personal email correspondence with Jean Ederman has confirmed that he has experienced harassment due to his work with extraterrestrials.


Cosmic Contact Guide

by Angelika Whitecliff

Introduction to Cosmic Contact

This is a possible, plausible and currently active model for ET contact and the establishment of mutually beneficial relationships which will assist the Earth's entry into the galactic community as a conscious, self-determining and empowered member.

Each new relationship will be founded upon the collective agreement that the loving support of the spiritual evolution of humanity is the paramount objective of contact and all subsequent interactions. In tandem all new ET associations will support and uphold the right of humanity's loving stewardship of the planet and assist our increased understanding of how to promote respectful and harmonious interactions with all of Gaia's diverse species, life forms and environments.

Contact will begin through the individual initiative of starseeds, walk-ins and those with open minds, open hearts and strong integrity - who in loving awareness of their own star heritage - project the invitation in a thought-form of light to our ET neighbor's. These thought-forms will clearly convey that we are ready to establish and take responsibility for a mutually edifying exchange.

Next, small groups of these inviting human-starseed hosts will join together in common vision around the planet. Awakened to self and in communication with the many Earthly kingdoms including but not limited to the animal, plant, mineral and delvic groups, all will honor the many voices of Gaia and unite with the goal of raising consciousness on the planet, healing the environment and goodwill for all.

These individuals and groups will reach out into our galactic community with consciousness, using the intuitive gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsensience and the other psychic abilities spiritually evolved beings all share, beginning the process of communication.

Becoming our first galactic ambassador's and diplomats of an awakened humanity, such individuals will become responsible for shepherding the planet into its galactic role as member and peer. Educational relationships will begin and be established with willing ET groups in alignment with the enlightened humanity's objectives.

Physical contact will next begin as high-minded motives and integrity are used as foundations for further activities together. Then small groups will subsequently build bases upon the land, after acquiring Gaia's permission and support, for the sites of sustained ET contact. Gaia will further provide adequate portals and vortexes for physical, inner and extra-dimensional travel and the travel of consciousness to our sister planes of reality.

These initial bases will accommodate the viewing and eventual landing of ET craft, and provide meeting and resting facilities for human-ET exchanges.

In the future we will be utilizing our combined resources in 5th dimensional light technologies and architecture. For now landing platforms, housing and all other necessary constructs will be erected and made available to the chosen ET groups in sustained contact with the site specific galactic diplomats in residence and visiting.

Eventually, the numbers involved in such ET interactions will increase and the collective consciousness will be stimulated with a new model for galactic awareness. Gently and in harmony with the evolution of consciousness upon the planet, all of humanity will awaken to perceive the new model of reality and all our brother and sister communities of space.

Angelika Sareighn Whitecliff, August 19, 2004


The Importance of Initiating Contact with Extraterrestrials

Initiating contact with ETs is not in and of itself necessary for one's own spiritual advancement. With that stated, there are several reasons why this particular subject is extremely important and I will take this opportunity to discuss a few.

ContacteeThe first looming issue is that there is a vast interaction taking place upon this planet between humans and different ET groups. But why has there been perpetrated such a through job in maligning, debasing and dismissing almost all of the contactee accounts that report respectful, non-invasive and benevolent interactions, especially with humanoid beings who only promote our own spiritual growth as our real salvation? It is difficult to find such contactee books in our country (not as true in other countries such as Germany, Italy, Mexico and South America) and the media ignores these stories. Instead it cleverly peddles cases of abduction, terror and avid manipulations to promote fear, confusion and finally numbness and non-action. People are skillfully schooled toward a victim mentality in this way.

People not only need to be made aware of inspiring and uplifting cases that are happening now, such as the Sixto Paz Wells contacts in Peru, but people need to understand that the choice is theirs to put energy into creating more abduction coverage or to instead put this energy into opening the door wider for positive experiences to come through on all levels. Initiating empowered contact is one path to opening this door. We do not know many of the ET players yet, but we do know more than enough to begin our own journey of benevolent contact.

A second reason why the action of initiating contact with ETs is of considerable merit is because of the number of starseeds currently incarnated on this world. Not all but many feel a sense of loneliness or loss because of their seeming separation from those they once knew as a beloved family. (Generally - wherever the majority of your incarnational time is spent, at least until you obtain a significant enlightened mastery as a being, this is where you will identify on deep levels as home.) So there is a great longing in many hearts. Calling in your deepest star family connections can be a powerful way to heal that inner rift and to create a bridge of support that can serve your spiritual goals as well as those of the planet.

Higher ConsciousnessThird, there are many paths to enlightenment and higher understanding. A spiritual master, such as an eastern guru can open your third eye for you to expedite your path. This is not necessary to achieving the goal, but many individuals seek out gurus and adepts to help them on their path because they can offer help in some form. There are spiritually advanced races here that can assist in the same way if you desire and accept this sort of assistance. They can act like an older brother or sister who is a little farther along the path. Because they have traveled the very path we are now on, they can hold up a light to illuminate the darkness of the unknown that we are entering. Again, this is not necessary, but it is available and the choice is ours to accept assistance or not.

There is the threat of mind control, black projects, alien abductions, this list goes on and on. How can people win a game so rigged? The answer is that through dedicated self-exploration; meditation and a personal commitment to the discipline of becoming one with your 'true' self. All these threats lose energy and are eventually rendered powerless as you connect with the one universal force, the divine oneness. Yet you do not have to be on the verge of achieving this ultimate goal to be safe, all you have to do is begin walking this path of refining your own energies and not look back. Your internal commitment will guide you to safety from within. Non-action, apathy, depression, a judgmental & dismissive attitude all leave you very vulnerable to the regressive energies.

GalacticDiplomacy.com is dedicated to the idea of empowered citizen based interactions with extraterrestrials. Many people come to this arena of information because they feel 'contact' is important to their lives in some way. For such people who are passionate about this field, for those who need to overcome experiences of feeling victimized by ETs, for those who know that this work is part of their individual purpose, and for many other reasons, this vision of initiating contact with benevolent ETs can be a valuable individual experience and manifestation for the planet.

We all can help each other and the planet by holding to our dreams of a better world and by doing something, anything, to help our vision manifest. Many who visit this web site will be the pioneers and courageous leaders who will actually create experiences of empowered and mutually edifying exchanges with our ET friends. In no way does this interaction have to remain upon the fringe or characterized by trauma or genetic engineering programs. When committed individuals and groups get together to promote a new vision, a better way, this influences our reality and offers hope and inspiration to others. This is how we step by step create a new system, one to replace the current one which does not express our highest expression of light and love upon this world.


A Guide for Initiating Contact with Extraterrestrials


Initiating Contact with benevolent extraterrestrial beings is for many a step in the positive direction of taking greater responsibility for your life¹s choices and actions. You have removed yourself from the ranks of those who remain passive, those who wait instead of using enterprise to create the new reality, and you become a catalyst for the vision of empowered and harmonious interactions that hails the advent of an 'Awakened Humanity'. Here is held the enlightened idea that all consciousness, all beings, are connected back to our originating source via love and that the creator is within all the created. Nothing separates us but our own self-awareness and this need not be an isolationist state, but a world with open borders to the galaxy and beyond.

Initiating Contact also implies that you have or are ready to embrace a framework of reality in which we are not alone or isolated, nor are we the only evolved being with the capacity for abstract thought, a desire to improve ourselves and a spirit for adventure and goodwill that impels us outward to meet our neighbors.

Spiritual study (and now the study of string theory in quantum physics), as well as telepathic and physical contact with ET friends, provides us with the tools and capacity to conceptualize the idea of life existing - not only in our dimension at a specific frequency (or life wave) that we identify by our five senses - but that life can and does exist at other frequencies and dimensions. It is possible to create a bridge of communication to such civilizations and beings through the inner senses alone. This is what the first phase of Initiating Contact is all about, expanding beyond the five senses to embrace and develop your extrasensory abilities and spiritual will power.

Physical contact is for many the ultimate goal. Such events are happening right now around the planet. Many humanoid and other types of respectful and highly developed beings are going to the greatest lengths to avoid distressing or frightening people as they reach out to those who are ready and those who sincerely hold a long term goal for such contact experience. Yet physical contact is NOT the final goal or one of the highest importance, this pedestal is held for our spiritual development alone as the highest achievement and the main reason why we are here in the first place.

Contact is only relevant if it in some way promotes a greater personal and transcendental understanding of your true eternal self. Contact is only desirable if it in some way can inspire you to live your life more fully and to hold firmer your own vision for the planet transformed into the world of your dreams. ET ships in the sky are a sign of the support and encouragement of other races. Yet a sighting in and of itself is not what is important, it is what you allow this confirmation of the vaster universe to do for your own state of mind and heart.

General Tools and Practices for Preparing for Contact

Contact preparation is an ongoing discipline that relies upon your spiritual development and the studies which support such development. In order to advance, you must be consistent, patient and put in the practice to achieve the desired results - just like in any activity that requires skills to be developed such as ballet, chess, playing a musical instrument etc.

Global Peace

MEDITATION: Meditation is the key to self-mastery, including the key to overcoming your deepest fears. A daily meditation practice is the first step to preparing and being prepared for contact at all levels. Meditation can take many forms, but basically it is a tool for silencing the mind and inner chatter so that you can learn to hear your own higher guidance. It is from this place of inner silence that you also begin to develop your ability to receive and send telepathic communications. Once you learn to hear your own divine voice you develop discernment and wisdom, and eventually it becomes very difficult for anyone or any being to deceive or manipulate you.

Recommended reading:
"Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahamsa Yogananda
"The Initiate" by Cyril Scott
"Initiation" by Elizabeth Haich

BREATHWORK: In yoga there is a disciple know as Pranayama which is designed to specifically teach how to control and manipulate the breath for heightened consciousness, greater physical endurance and developing the central nervous system to accommodate higher energy frequencies. Learning to control the breath is important to both the telepathic and physical contact experience. For telepathic communications the breath can be used to help settle the mind and to expand that inner silence to better facilitate sending and receiving messages. In physical contact, deep and focused breathing can help one to overcome the natural fears which may arise and attempt to take control of an unique experience.


Practice breathing in slowly and deeply for a count a five, pause a moment, exhale slowly to a count of five, then pause again for a moment. Bring your full attention inside yourself to that place between breaths. (This place between breaths in which all air is exhaled is the state from which inner stillness can be found.) Hold that place of stillness a moment and then breath in again slowly and deeply to the five count. Each time you come back to the place of a full exhalation and the pause, focus on bringing the stillness into more and more of the breath cycle ­ expanding the momentary pause to include the breathing in until in reaches the full breath pause.

This breathing exercise should be done every day for ten minutes prior to your meditation practice. Expand the five count over time to a six count and then a seven count and beyond ­ but do not go beyond what feels comfortable. This exercise is meant to help you increase your deep, focused breath while staying completely relaxed and at peace. Any strain means you are attempting to move ahead too quickly. Eventually a 15 or even 20+ count may be achieved.

DIET: Telepathic communications take you into an arena in which you will experience heightened frequencies in and around your body. This is not a problem for a healthy and fine tuned body, but in can create stress for those whose bodies are not adapted. In the physical contact experience, even more preparation is often needed to get the body to a state of its optimal frequency capasity. Fortunately, there are many dietary things we can do to optimize ourselves and our vibrations.

Foods & substances that lower your body¹s energy & vibration:
-Refined Sugar, sweets and candies
(Fruit, especially organically grown, is an excellent alternative to candy & sweets.)
-Soft drinks with sweeteners and corn syrup
(Do not drink beverages ice cold, this shocks the internal organs)
-Red Meat
(Most of the Humanoid ETs who visit us tell us to work our way to a vegetarian diet. First eliminate red meat, then chicken and lastly fish. The vegetarian diet of mostly vegetables and fruit brings the body to optimum health and frequency.)

*Special Note on BELIEFS: If you believe that you cannot maintain health without meat, then you may create health problems for yourself if you cut out meat from your diet without first changing this belief structure. Our minds create our reality. What is suggested in these guidelines is information that many of our own spiritual masters and several ET groups have offered us as insights to optimize the body for more refined spiritual energies. But this cannot happen without the mind, body and belief systems brought into harmony. Thus it is your own responsibility to self-examine and determine what is appropriate for your current state of health and well being.

SELF CONTROL EXERCIZES: An important part of any contact (or life) experience is feeling that you are prepared for whatever happens, and knowing that you are ultimately protected no matter what challenge presents itself. These exercises will help to establish this foundation and may be done once a week or more as possible. They are suggested specifically by the very loving humanoid beings of Ganymede through their contactee Sixto Paz Cruz of Peru.

meditation#1) Go to an isolated place in nature with a friend at night. For one hour, part ways walking in different directions and spend the time alone in the silence and solitude ­ continue strolling or find a place to sit and contemplate. In the darkness of night find and experience that inner knowing that you are protected and looked after. This exercise can be used to calm the nerves and to more deeply connect with your own inner resources.

Eventually the silence will be welcome and in it you will experience a heightened sense of unity with all life.

#2) Face your fears in meditation. Think of a thing that frightens you greatly in life and hold that thought in meditation. Follow the thought of that fear and allow it to lead you. Some people will see or experience in their mind¹s eye a story of an event that led to such a fear, and others will just feel helpless without much input. As you confront that which makes you afraid, ask yourself why you feel helpless. Envision a new way of dealing with this threat and find a way in which you are not helpless at all. In facing your inner fears, you bring greater peace and ease to your life and fortify your own sense of what you are truly capable of achieving.

HOLDING THE VISION: meditationMany of our ET friends tells us that no matter what the challenges, we must learn to hold our own vision of a better world and not let anything tear this from us. This is the hope for our future, our path out of war, hate, pollution, poverty, global warming and all our planetary ills. It is our belief that we can make a difference, that we CAN create the world of our dreams, and doing work to support this inner vision. Any and all work is important work as long as it feeds or cultivates the creation of this better world. We all have a role to play and many helpful ETs are here to support and encourage us to live to our full potential.

Contactee Reading Recommendations:
"The Invitation" by Sixto Paz Wells
"From Outer Space" by Howard Menger
"Beyond the Light Barrier" by Elizabeth Klarer
"UFO Contact from Venus" by Edward James & Wendelle Stevens

Telepathic Communications

Most ET races communicate through thought transference, also known as telepathy. Contrary to long standing myths, telepathy has nothing to do with trying to penetrate someone else's brain in order to extract what they are thinking. Trying to intrude inside another persons head will reap little in terms of information and will probably give them a headache as well (from you pushing your energy into their space). This is poor psychic etiquette and ineffective.

telepathyTelepathy follows the same guidelines as meditation. It requires a person to quiet their minds and internal chatter and once inner silence is achieved, then the 'real' communications are heard. In meditation this is the access point to the voice of the higher self. When communicating telepathically, this same silent vastness is the gateway to all the frequencies imaginable and thus the internal transfer station for sending and receiving, for exchanging ideas and information with other beings.

As stated earlier the information of what another is thinking is not found by entering them, it is found by entering yourself. It is found through the achievement of mastering your own internal clutter, by refining that which is coarse in perception within you, by creating a pathway that knowingly connects you to the all that is, that great 'oneness' that all consciousness shares.

Telepathic communications do not take only one form either. They can and do sometimes come as words, internal verbal sentences, but they also come as images, pictures that travels to your mind¹s eye as well as gestalts of pure knowing. Sometimes it is as if someone has just downloaded you with a whole block of information that you recognize as a complete structure without having to pull apart the pieces. Thus telepathy can put to work a whole array of spiritual senses in order to convey the ideas and information fully and in an accessible form.

Yet one must keep in mind that the information, even telepathically conveyed, is still subject to an individual¹s perceptions and filters of reality. If a topic is weighty or emotional for someone, it will be especially influenced by one¹s own subjective views and biases. Just as four people can witness the same event and relate very different versions of what happened, so too can a telepathic message be slanted in the same way by personal perspectives. The more internal spiritual work you have done in facing and mastering your own issues, the more universal your perceptions and truth becomes.

How to Set Up Your Own Galactic Diplomacy Contact Group


1) Form a (small) group of like-minded individuals interested in establishing telepathic communications with ET friends. Meet at least once per week. Groups create a stable and safe environment in which to embark on this journey of contact. Consistency is important. Many ET groups establish regular communications with a contact group after they have proven an ongoing commitment.

2) Ask each person of your group:

-Do you feel ready to open yourself to a telepathic exchange?
-Do you feel ready to have a visual confirmation of the ET presence? ­ i.e. see an ET ship.
-Do you feel ready to have a physical contact experience?
-Do you want the benevolent ETs to show up and make themselves known to the entire planet?

(These are important questions which will help you to determine basic parameters for your goals as a group and to identify the comfort zones of each individual ­ remember that the benevolent ETs do not push us to where we do not want to go.)

3) Identify individual spiritual goals. Contact for contacts sake is not what the benevolent ETs are interested in promoting. They offer a valuable experience to bolster your own evolutionary process (as you do for them in return), so take the time to have each member of your group state a specific spiritual goal that interests them, then create a more general group goal. This will help members of the group to focus once communications have been established.

For example, some contact groups may have a majority of members who are interested in the healing arts, thus you may focus the group intention on calling in an ET group who can offer helpful information in this field.

Whether working to assist the environment, developing your intuitive skills, interspecies communications, understanding the nature of higher dimensional planes, etc. ­ identify one or several group interests that the ET communications can support. This structure may grow and evolve naturally as the contact group and ET group get to know each other.

4) Finally, decide together what ET groups everyone is comfortable inviting in for open communications. Create a list of who you would like to work with and do some research about what the different ET groups offer in the way of their strengths and areas of expertise. (The ET Typology listed on this site is a good starting point for this sort of information) Remember that creating a safe and stable environment for all members of your contact group creates the foundation for fulfilling and long term interactions.

*However, remain open to the idea that an ET group not on your list may ask to communicate. It will be the choice of the individual(s) who receives the request if he/she accepts (depending upon how their energy feels - loving and safe or fear generating) and then later the group can decide whether to invite future dialogue.

The Meeting Place/ What You Will Need to Bring

1) Chose a QUIET meeting place. An outdoor and indoor option is preferable so that the weather can be taken into account. If you are within a city and cannot escape traffic, lights and people, you may decide to meet indoors regularly for telepathic exchanges, and then schedule a trip to the country for a camping trip with the group whenever possible. The optimal condition is to be in a peaceful rural setting outdoors, up on a mountain or out on an open plain with few remnants of civilization in sight. But even the basement of an office building will do if nothing better is available. Telepathic communications can take place anywhere ­ location, time and space are not factors, only a quiet and safe space in which to concentrate.

Most contact groups meet at night, but it is just as acceptable to meet during the day if peoples schedules permit.

2) If you meet in nature you will need outdoor chairs that are comfortable, accessible and easy to carry. Also bring flashlights and water or something to drink.

3) Dress comfortably in loose fitting clothes and make sure you have enough clothes and blankets to keep warm. It is hard to concentrate when your body is not comfortable and many people get cool while sitting in meditation for any length of time.

4) Have a CD player available and bring gentle, meditative music for the Group Contact Meditation. (The Monroe Institute sells Metamusic and Hemisync Music which is music specifically designed to promote the brain wave patterns of a deep meditation ­ these are excellent for this purpose but any non-verbal, quiet music will do well.)

quiet place

meditation5) Have a member of your group bring an inexpensive digital camera. Take plenty of pictures around the group especially after the Group Contact Meditation. Expensive digital cameras have special infra red and ultra violet filters, but the cheap ones do not carry such extras. Many phenomena, including the orbs which so many people are now taking note of can only be captured in the infra red and ultra violet spectrum. Sometimes even ships, probes or beings come up on pictures that no one noticed at the time (they were out of our spectrum of vision), but the camera caught the phenomena.

6) Optional Equipment: Crystal Bowl(s), Candles, Larger Group Crystal, Personal Crystals, Dowsing Rods

Worth Special Attention:

UFO cloud1) Pay attention to cloud formations in the sky. Some ships travel in a higher frequency state which approximates the density of our clouds. These clouds can look like near perfect saucer shapes and are fantastic to see. Such ships have been caught on film morphing from a cloud state into a more solid, physical state.

2) Pay attention for a triangulation pattern of the stars in the night sky. Often in your contact group you will establish great communications with the ETs but not see their ships. When ships are not visible take special notice of the stars above the group. Sometimes the stars will look as if they have been rearranged into a pattern of perfect triangles twinkling in all directions. It is as if the ETs are playing with cosmic geometry just to validate the efforts of the group with a beautiful display. This effect in the sky can hold stationary and then suddenly disappear, bringing the stars back to the visual state we consider normal.

owl3) Pay attention to animal sounds in the night and odd animal appearances. ET can communicate with a group in many ways, including sending animal messengers. They too are helping us to perceive nature as part of our greater reality and the animal kingdom provides another dynamic communication network to tap into. If your group is outside, take note of animal calls that take place during an important message being received from the ETs or monitor your emotional state. The screech of an owl can be a message to pay attention in some way.

4) If you suddenly feel a pressure in your ears (same as you feel when you ascend or descend in a plane) during a contact meditation, this informs you that a ship is near by or that one has even settled above your group with an energy field. Higher frequency ships are not visible to the naked eye, but are sometimes visible to clairvoyants or those who know how to use their spiritual eyes. With little practice, group members become more adept at feeling and sensing what is around them when their eyes do not reveal the full story. *And it should be noted that this is an important aspect of contact - development of the intuitive senses.

Initiating Contact Protocol

meditation circle1) Position the group in a circle formation. This creates a harmonized flow of energy through and around the group. It also allows all directions of the sky to be visible if the group meets outdoors. (Optional ­ place a candle or a crystal in the center of the circle.)

2) Clear the space and have everyone center their attention by toning, chanting or have someone play a crystal bowl for a few minutes.

3) In each meeting one person from the group will be designated to lead the Contact Meditation. It is best if everyone takes a turn at this position to promote equality and participation at all levels. At this point the leader for this meeting will begin to play the meditation music and everyone will prepare themselves to sit quietly for the next 30-60 minutes.

meditation4) The designated person will now have everyone close their eyes and envision a golden white bubble of light around themselves. This personal energy bubble will be created with the intention of only allowing in those energies which are in alignment with the individual¹s highest good. Then the leader will guide the group to create a much larger bubble which can encompass the entire group and which once again will only allow in those energies which serve the divine will.

5) Next the leader will talk the group through 10 minutes of breathing exercises (as listed in the 'General Tools and Practices for Preparing for Contact' section).

6) With everyone now grounded and centered, the leader will ask the group to open their heart centers and to envision a golden light of loving energy flowing freely into their bodies, and then all around them to fill their personal bubbles.

mandala7) Then have the group unite the energy of their hearts and send this healing light around the planet to enfold all of humanity in grace and peace. Use this same energy then to create a wave into space, reaching out in the spirit of brotherhood to connect with those ET civilizations the group chooses to invite in for communications.

8) The leader will state the group¹s spiritual goal(s) and ask for those ETs who can best assist these goals to communicate. Continue to guide the energies beyond time and space, from form into the formless. The designated group leader will learn to open herself/himself to the spontaneous influences of the moment, and to create the meditation with whatever imagery and information or guidance feels right.

9) To complete this phase, the leader will tell everyone to open themselves to connect with whatever ET being or group feels appropriate, and that they will be free to their own experience for the next 30 minutes (45 or 60 or whatever approximate time period) and that the leader will gently call them back and ask them to complete communications at the end of this period.

10) After a given period of time passes or it feels like everyone is complete, the leader will softly let everyone know to take a few more minutes to finalize any interactions. Then the leader will ask everyone to return to their bodies, taking a deep breath and opening their eyes. It is often appropriate to then sit in silence for 5-15 minutes, enjoying the lingering energies and allowing people to digest their individual experiences. It is also the appropriate time to pay attention to the sky for any aerial or unusual activity.

11) After this quiet period, everyone should be invited to share any appropriate experience, message or communication that they received. This is also a very good time to take some pictures with a cheap digital camera around the group to capture any ultra violet and infra red spectrum activity.

12) After everyone is done sharing their experiences, if the group is outdoors it is lovely to continue to sit and star gaze. Patience can sometimes yield rewards. Otherwise, decide on the next meeting time and new group meditation leader before everyone departs.


Visionary Communications

This is a possible, plausible and currently active model for ET contact and the establishment of mutually beneficial relationships which will assist the Earth's entry into the galactic community as a conscious, self-determining and empowered member.

Each new relationship will be founded upon the collective agreement that the loving support of the spiritual evolution of humanity is the paramount objective of contact and all subsequent interactions. In tandem all new ET associations will support and uphold the right of humanity's loving stewardship of the planet and assist our increased understanding of how to promote respectful and harmonious interactions with all of Gaia's diverse species, life forms and environments.

Contact will begin through the individual initiative of starseeds, walk-ins and those with open minds, open hearts and strong integrity - who in loving awareness of their own star heritage - project the invitation in a thought-form of light to our ET neighbor's. These thought-forms will clearly convey that we are ready to establish and take responsibility for a mutually edifying exchange.

Next, small groups of these inviting human-starseed hosts will join together in common vision around the planet. Awakened to self and in communication with the many Earthly kingdoms including but not limited to the animal, plant, mineral and delvic groups, all will honor the many voices of Gaia and unite with the goal of raising consciousness on the planet, healing the environment and goodwill for all.


These individuals and groups will reach out into our galactic community with consciousness, using the intuitive gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsensience and the other psychic abilities spiritually evolved beings all share, beginning the process of communication.

Becoming our first galactic ambassador's and diplomats of an awakened humanity, such individuals will become responsible for shepherding the planet into its galactic role as member and peer. Educational relationships will begin and be established with willing ET groups in alignment with the enlightened humanity's objectives.

Physical contact will next begin as high-minded motives and integrity are used as foundations for further activities together. Then small groups will subsequently build bases upon the land, after acquiring Gaia's permission and support, for the sites of sustained ET contact. Gaia will further provide adequate portals and vortexes for physical, inner and extra-dimensional travel and the travel of consciousness to our sister planes of reality.

These initial bases will accommodate the viewing and eventual landing of ET craft, and provide meeting and resting facilities for human-ET exchanges.

In the future we will be utilizing our combined resources in 5th dimensional light technologies and architecture. For now landing platforms, housing and all other necessary constructs will be erected and made available to the chosen ET groups in sustained contact with the site specific galactic diplomats in residence and visiting.

Eventually, the numbers involved in such ET interactions will increase and the collective consciousness will be stimulated with a new model for galactic awareness. Gently and in harmony with the evolution of consciousness upon the planet, all of humanity will awaken to perceive the new model of reality and all our brother and sister communities of space.

Angelika Sareighn Whitecliff, August 19, 2004

More articles on initiating contact: http://www.galacticdiplomacy.com/GD-Vis-Comm-home.htm



Exopolitics Institute

[ to be continued... ]


Further Reading:

Related sites:


» Ufology - Extraterrestrial Races



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