Number |
Class |
Title |
core |
core |
— Vision statements — |
101. |
B |
An Open Letter to those who may wish to join the Order |
O.T.O. |
The duties and privileges of brethren, organized according to the Houses of the Zodiac. |
161. |
U |
Liber CLXI - O.T.O. - Concerning the Law of Thelema |
O.T.O. |
"Concerning the O.T.O. and its solution of divers problems of Human Society, particularly those concerning Property..." |
300. |
E |
Khabs am Pekht |
O.T.O. |
A special instruction for the Promulgation of the Law. This is the first and most important duty of every aspirant of whatever grade. It builds up in him the character and Karma which forms the Spine of Attainment. |
124. |
U |
Liber CXXIV - Of Eden and the Sacred Oak - And of the Greater and Lesser Hospitality of the O.T.O. |
O.T.O. |
Concerning Profess-houses and how they are to be governed. |
The System of the O.T.O. — From "Magick Without Tears", this letter outlines the system of the Order, how it differs from the A∴A∴, and briefly addresses other matters relating to the O.T.O.
What is Freemasonry? — From "Confessions", Crowley's account of his motivations and methods in reconstructing O.T.O. and its rituals
Some Frequently Asked Questions about O.T.O. — (2014 EV) |
— Organizational policies — |
194. |
U |
Liber CXCIV - O.T.O. - An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order |
O.T.O. |
The principal document upon which modern articles and bylaws of O.T.O. are based. |
52. |
U |
Manifesto of the OTO - (» in Hungarian) |
O.T.O. |
A summary explanation of the system of O.T.O., including guidelines for advancement and historical dues & fees, by L. Bathurst IX°, Grand Secretary General. |
Camp, Oasis and Lodge (2000 EV) — A guide to O.T.O. local initiate bodies based on the O.T.O. International Bodymaster’s Handbook
O.T.O. Forms of Address (2000 EV) — based on the O.T.O. International Bodymaster’s Handbook
— Rituals and commentary — |
15. |
U |
Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae - Canon Missae - (» in Hungarian) |
O.T.O. |
The central rite of Ordo Templi Orientis and it's ecclesiastical arm, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. The Gnostic Mass is a celebration of the principles of Thelema. |
Preface to the Revised Rituals of O.T.O. (1918 EV) — Crowley's preface to his revised rituals for 0° through III°
Word of Baphomet to All Members of the O.T.O. — This memorandum or epistle is evidently Baphomet XI°'s first step towards ''thelemicizing'' the rituals of the O.T.O.
Free Will and the Right to Initiation (1986 EV) — by Hymenaeus Beta X°
The Supreme Ritual — Invocation of Horus — by Aleister Crowley, which brought about the "Opening of the New Aeon". The date is March 20. |

The Book of the Law
and Commentaries
The Stéle of Revealing
Commentaries to Liber AL vel Legis
The New Comment to Liber AL vel Legis
The Old Comment to Liber AL vel Legis
The Djeridensis Comment — "The Comment Called D" — Crowley's 1923 EV commentary on "The Book of the Law" .

About Thelema

Pertaining to E.G.C.

Pertaining to the O.T.O. Degrees
— Reading Curriculum & Instructions —
{this list is a selection and is not fully complete} |
Magick Without Tears - Letter 13 — System of the O.T.O.
The initiation into 0° to VI° requires working through the O.T.O. guided meditations that are based on the initiation ceremonies, while the initiation into VII° to XI° consists in carrying out special instructions. The reports on the accomplished work are submitted for approval and serve as a basis of the degree’s recognition, which is confirmed by the respective charter. |
1151. |
U |
O.T.O. |
0°-III° |
Being the requirements of Minerval to III° in study and work in O.T.O. in the Order as it has manifested under the Caliph |
0° — Minerval: Imparted the mysteries of attraction and conception. |
220. |
A |
Liber AL vel Legis sub figurâ CCXX |
O.T.O. |
A∴A∴ |
"The Book of the Law" - which is the foundation of our whole work, and the commentary thereon by the Master through whom it was given to the world. |
200. |
D |
Liber Resh vel Helios |
An instruction for the adoration of the Sun four times daily, with the object of composing the mind to meditation and of regularizing the practices, thus to bring conscious relation with the center of our system; for advanced students, to make actual Magical contact with the Spiritual energy of the Sun and thus to draw actual force from Him. |
6. |
B |
Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae |
Instructions given for the elementary study of the Qabalah, Assumption of God forms, Vibration of Divine Names, the Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram, and their uses in protection and invocation, a method of attaining astral visions so called, and an instruction in the practice called Rising on the Planes. (The instructions given in this book are too loose to find place in the Class D publications.) |
4. |
U |
Magick in Theory and Practice |
Chapter III of Liber ABA A general account in elementary terms of magical and mystical powers. In four parts: (1) Mysticism (2) Magical Theory (3) Magical Practice (4) The Law. |
I° — Man & Brother: Imparted the mysteries of birth. |
25. |
B |
The Star Ruby |
This is the chapter called the Star Ruby in the Book of Lies. It is improved form of the ‘Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram’. (There are two forms of this Ritual) |
46. |
U |
The Key of the Mysteries |
A Translation of "La Clef des Grands Mysteres", by Eliphas Levi. A translation by Frater O.M. {Aleister Crowley} of the masterpiece of Eliphas Levi. Specially adapted to the task of the Attainment of Bhakta-Yoga. |
800. |
D |
Liber Samekh = Liber CCCLXV |
Being the Ritual employed by the Beast 666 for the Attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel during the semester of His performance of the Operation of the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage. |
II° — Magician: Imparted the mysteries of life. |
5. |
D |
Liber V vel Reguli |
Being the Ritual of the Mark of the Beast: an incantation proper to invoke the Energies of the Aeon of Horus, adapted for the daily use of the Magician of whatever grade. A pair of alternate, earlier forms are » available « as well. |
777. |
B |
777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico Mysticae |
A complete dictionary of the correspondences of all magical elements, reprinted with extensive additions, making it the only standard comprehensive book of reference ever published. It is to the language of Occultism what Webster or Murray is to the English language. |
77. |
U |
Liber Oz |
The Declaration of the Rights of Man. A statement of human rights in words of one syllable. |
III° — Master Magician: Imparted the mysteries of death. |
IV° — Perfect Magician & Companion of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch |
P.I. — Perfect Initiate, or Prince of Jerusalem |
Knight of the East & West (K.E.W.) |
V° — Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix, and Knight of the Pelican & Eagle; Knight of the Red Eagle, and Member of the Senate of Knight Hermetic Philosophers |
VI° — Illustrious Knight (Templar) of the Order of Kadosch, and Companion of the Holy Graal; Grand Inquisitor Commander, and Member of the Grand Tribunal; Prince of the Royal Secret |
VII° — Theoreticus, and Very Illustrious Sovereign Grand Inspector General; Magus of Light, and Bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica; Grandmaster of Light, and Inspector of Rites & Degrees |
228. |
B |
De Natura Deorum ⌖ |
O.T.O. |
VII° |
Adoration of the phallus as the microcosmic counterpart to the sun is taught in this degree, including the creation of a personal 'chapel' which contains a sculpture of a phallus in silver, bronze, or another such substance. — De Natura Deorum - "Of The Nature of the Gods" is given for study and practice. |
VIII° — Perfect Pontiff of the Illuminati Epopt of the Illuminati |
24. |
B |
De Nuptis Secretis Deorum cum Hominibus ⌖ |
O.T.O. |
The "Lesser Work of Sol" — De Nuptiis Secretis Deorum Cum Hominibus - "On The Secret Marriages of Gods with Men" is given for study and practice. |
IX° — Initiate of the Sanctuary of the Gnosis |
100. |
D |
Agape vel Liber C vel Azoth ⌖ |
O.T.O. |
IX° |
Secrets instructions of the IX° O.T.O. - "The Book of the Unveiling of the Sangraal" wherein it is spoken of the Wine of the Sabbath of the Adepts. (Sex Magick.) = Liber כ ף, Αγαπη Αζοθ Sal Philosphorum - The Book of the Unveiling of the Sangraal is given for study and practice. |
367. |
B |
De Homunculo Epistola ⌖ |
O.T.O. |
IX° |
Another Secret Instruction of the IX° O.T.O. including the creation of a homunculus. |
414. |
U |
De Arte Magica - Secundum ritum Gradus Nonæ O.T.O. ⌖ |
O.T.O. |
IX° |
The Art of Magic according to the degree Nonæ O.T.O. Baphometi Epistola anno belli universalis ne perdat arcanum scripta. |
186. |
D |
Liber קוף vel Gnosticorum Missa Minor ⌖ |
O.T.O. |
IX° |
The Lesser Mass of the Gnostics. |
Emblems and Mode of Use |
O.T.O. |
IX° |
Mysteries of the Red Lion and the White Eagle. |
X° — Rex Summus Sanctissimus |
XI° — Initiate of the Eleventh Degree |
713. |
- |
Liber DCCXIII - XI° Emblems and a Hint of Immortality ⌖ |
O.T.O. |
XI° |
Operations IX° and XI° can be combined in this way (issued by Pheredur XI°) |
XII° — Frater Superior, and Outer Head of the Order |
The System of the O.T.O.
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
Cara Soror,
You inform me that the Earnest Inquirer of your ambit has been asking you to explain the difference of the A∴A∴ and the O.T.O.; and that although your own mind is perfectly clear about it, you find it impossible to to induce a similar lucidity in his. You add that he is not (as one might first suppose) a moron. And will I please do what I can about it?
Well, here's the essential difference ab ovo usque ad mala: the A∴A∴ concerns the individual, his development, his initiation, his passage from "Student" to "Ipsissimus"; he has no contact of any kind with any other person except the Neophyte who introduces him, and any Student or Students whom he may, after becoming a Neophyte, introduce.
The details of this "Pilgram's Progress" are very fully set forth in One Star in Sight; and I should indeed be stupid and presumptuous to try to do better than that. But it is true that with regard to the O.T.O. there is no similar manual of instruction. In the Manifesto, and other Official Pronunciamenti, there are, it is true, what ought to be adequate data; but I quite understand that they are not as ordered and classified as one would wish; there is certainly room for a simple elementary account of the origins of the Order, of it's principles, of it's methods, of it's design, of the Virtue of it's successive Grades. This I will now try to supply, at least in a brief outline.
Let us being at the beginning. What is Dramatic Ritual? It is a celebration of the Adventures of the God whom it is intended to invoke. (the Bacchae of Euripides is a perfect example of this.) Now, in the O.T.O., the object of the ceremonies being the initiation of the Candidate, it is he whose Path in Eternity is displayed in dramatic form.
What is the Path?
- 1. The Ego is attracted to the Solar System.
2. The Child experiences Birth.
3. The Man experiences Life.
4. He experiences Death.
5. He experiences the World beyond Death.
6. This entire cycle of Point-Events is withdrawn into Annihilation.
In the O.T.O. these successive stages are represented as follows:
- 1. 0° (Minerval)
2. I° (Initiation)
3. II° (Consecration)
4. III° (Devotion)
5. IV° (Perfection, or Exalation)
6. P.I.° (Perfect Initiate)
Of these Events or Stations upon the Path all but three (II°) are single critical experiences. We, however, are concerned with the very varied experiences of Life.
All subsequent Degrees of the O.T.O. are accordingly elaborations of the II°, since in a single ceremony it is hardly possible to sketch, even in the briefest outline, the Teaching of Initiates with regard to Life. The Rituals V°–IX° are then instructions to the Candidate how he should conduct himself; and they confer upon him, gradually, the Magical Secrets which make him a Master of Life.
To return for a moment to that question of Secrecy: there is no rule to prevent you from quoting against me such of my brighter remarks as "Mystery is the enemy of Truth"; but for one thing, I am, and always have been, the leader of the Extreme Left in the Council-Chamber of the City of the Pyramids, so that if I acquiesce at all in the system of the O.T.O. so far as the "secret of secrets" of the IX° is concerned, it is really on a point of personal honour. My pledge given to the late Frater Superior and O.H.O., Dr. Theodor Reuss. For all that, in this particular instance it is beyond a question of common prudence, both because the abuse of the Secret is, at least on the surface, so easy and so tempting, and because, if it became a matter of general knowledge the Order itself might be in danger of calumny and persecution; for the secret is even easier to misinterpret than to profane.
Lege! Juduca! Tace!
“Love is the law, love under will.”
[Excerpted from Aleister Crowley's "Magick Without Tears"]