"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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Issued by Authority:

Pheredur XI


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Under the number

All that belongs to the Eleventh Degree, its inherent Powers, privileges, as well as a list of the qualities necessary for it,
has nothing to do with what was said about any other degree. This degree is not relevant to the general plan of the Order,
it is incomprehensible and takes place in its own halls.

"Of the Eleventh Degree, its powers, privileges, and qualifications, nothing whatever is said in any grade.
It has no relation to the general plan of the Order, is inscrutable, and dwells in its own Palaces.

[ Liber CXCIV 28.]

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The operations IX° and XI° can be combined in this way: usually Charged sexual fluids are collected and transferred to others artificially From the outside through anal infusion, forming a connection with certain chakras, Which otherwise can not be fully stimulated - thus, A complete awakening of the Kundalini is ensured. This can be achieved simply Heterosexual contact between Priest and Priestess - uniting Nuit with Amon, Negative with a secret.

If you "walk in darkness", do not try to sacrifice yourself Call the sunrise, but be sure to wait for dawn, enjoying all the joys Night. Cotyte through the isolation in the anus [ per vas nefandum ] is often perceived as Something that has a non-permanent, dangerous and negative nature. In most Cases of this type of operation only create clichotic fantasies, for Experiments with which the serious Adept hardly have much time or Energy.

Here is wisdom:

"There is greatness in my name hidden and full of glory, like the sun in Midnight - forever son." AL III: 74

In the symbolism of this degree there is a reference to the redeemed redeemer , that Has some connection with the formula IAO, where Nature, ruined by the Destroyer, Then enlivened by the Deliverer-Osiris.

However, for practice of Magic XI° formula Must be IAF, as in SARAF, which is the name of Ain, eyes, what's special Is associated with the Eye of Horus.

In this respect, the reader needs to recall why The Room of the Masons is called the Room of the Black Goat. Black Goat undergoes The curse of the Priests, and then they drive him into the wilderness. The Greek word OIKOS And the Sanskrit words MAR and SRI should also be taken into account in this context.

The Eye of the Abyss is the Eye of the Sun, the Eye of Horus, which for certain magical Reasons associated with the anus. In some ancient Egyptian ritual, each Part of the body of the Initiate correlated with the part of the body of God; In one place

A ritual that was later added to Liber CXX, the Initiate Pronounced:

"My buttocks are the buttocks of the Eye of Horus."

Note the word "one", since there are nineteen more parts Body, mentioned in the ritual and thus there is no part of the body An initiate who is not also a part of the body of this or that god.

The Devil / Satan as the Goat of Mendes is the Lord of the Sabbat of the Adepts - a Consequently, the Sun. All this is closely related to the struggle of opposites - Hermetic Paradox. One kind of Magic gives life, the other - death. First - The second returns back to itself.

However, it should be noted: Which reverses the vortex of matter, above that which only works with them - but only if he is a soldier in the army of Will and Sun.

Expressing Images of the XI° degree: when the Bearer Night makes its way (through correctly Performed intercourse per Vas Nefandum), then the emanating gloom of the Phallus Unity And Oka Horus achieves perfection (see Paris Working), expelling the Seed at Night. In this respect, Eye Ain finds expression in the Arcane "Devil" - or, more broadly, in The phallic Will. This is an open entrance to the secret Hall of the King, in which Night Pan is hiding greatness.

The key to this is a complete absorption of power, for many The terrible things can be mastered by the operator through aimless and uncontrolled Emissions.

The researcher for further discoveries can be recommended Published works of Brother Baphomet: Paris Working, Bagh-i-Muattar, his Length Magical Diaries and Reports. Our predecessors, Knights- The Templars also had a profound knowledge of these secrets. On their misadventures, Along with hints of this mystery, you can learn in the work of Baron Josef von Hammer "Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum" and in the first volume "Panarium" Epiphany.

Let the serious Adept attain Light in the Darkness and love subordinate to the will.

Pheredur XI° OTO

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[Here is Chapter 175 of the Book of Aleph, or the XI, the Book of Wisdom or Folly by Master Therion]

DE OCULO HOOR - Of the Eye of Hoor

I say furthermore that this Path is of the Circle, and of he Eye of Horus that sleepeth not, but is vigilant. The Circle is all-perfect, equal every Way, but the Vesica hath bitter Need, and seeketh thy Medicine, that is of right compounded for High Purpose, to ease her Infirmity. Thus is hy Will frustrated, and thy Mind distracted, and thy Work lamed, if it be not brought to Naught. Also thy Puissance in hine Art isminished, by a full Moiety, as I do esteem it. But the Eye of Horus hath no Need, and is free in his Will, not seeking a Level, or requiring a Medicine, and is fit and worthy to be the Companion and the Ally of thee in thy Work, as a Friend to thee, not Mistress and not Slave, that seek ever with Slyness and Deceit to encompass their own Ends. There is moreover a Reason in Physics for my Word; study thou his matter in the Laws of the Changes of Nature. For Things Unlike do in their Marriage produce a Child which is relatively Stable, and resisteth Change; but Things like increase mutually the Potential of their particular Natures. Howbeit, each Path hath his own Use; and thou, being instructed in all Ways, choose thine with Discretion.


In addition, I will say that this path refers to the Circle and the Eye of Horus, not sleeping, But awake. The circle is completely perfect, but Vesica is very vulnerable, she is looking for Your medicine, rightly cooked for the highest goal, to get rid of Weakness. So your will is destroyed and your mind is embarrassed, your work loses Force, if at all does not turn into nothing. Also your power in art Loses the part that I valued. But the Eye of Horus has no needs and Free in his Will, does not seek degrees and does not require medicine, he is suitable and It is worthy to be a companion and ally in your work, to be your friend, not Mistress or slave who, by cunning and deceit, try to reach their own Own goals. In science there is also an explanation of my word, study this question. Through the laws of natural change. For things of different kinds in their union create Relatively quiet child, resistant to change; But things like Mutually reinforce the potential of their special nature. However, each path Has its purpose, and you, knowing all the ways, you can freely choose from them Your own.


Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

[ » Primary Source: LIBER DCCXIII - СИМВОЛЫ XI° И СЕКРЕТ БЕССМЕРТИЯ - Russian version « ]

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