The Initiatory Structure of the F∴A∴M∴
At first glance (especially for someone who is not familiar with Masonry) the structure of Freemasonry seems complex, overwhelming and mysterious. In some ways it can be, given the many orders and sub-social aspects that have been added over time and considering the different traditions throughout the world. To explore all of the structural history and traditions that have evolved since the beginning of Freemasonry would involve writing a book and there are countless volumes written on this subject over hundreds of years for one so inclined to explore. One thing is the same, and that is that every man starts in Masonry at the same place; The ‘Blue’ or ‘Symbolic’ Lodge, also known as ‘Craft Masonry’.

Craft Masonry
Craft Masonry (the Symbolic Lodge) is the starting point and ‘The Cornerstone’ of all masonry. These are the small lodges that you see in almost every city and town throughout the globe. Some "Blue lodges" share a larger building with other lodges and each lodge has it’s own separate space within these larger buildings and share a dining hall, kitchen and other facilities. This is where a man works through the first 3 degrees of Masonry to finally become a ‘Master Mason’, which is the highest degree in Craft Masonry. Once a Master Mason, one can start working his way up ‘through the chairs’ (which are all the different roles/officers in the Blue Lodge) to eventually become the ‘Master’ of his lodge (these internal offices will not be covered in this summary on structure). Any man regardless of social status, income, race, color, religion or age can become Master of his lodge and a man is not required to work his way up ‘through the chairs’. The ‘York Rite’ branch of Masonry also meets in the ‘Blue’ lodges.
The three starting degrees are:
1° Entered Apprentice
2° Fellowcraft
3° Master Mason
Once a man becomes a ‘Master Mason’ he is entitled to join one of the 2 branches of Freemasonry (the York Rite or the Scottish Rite) to continue his Masonic education. A Master Mason can join both branches if he chooses. Also, joining a branch is not required. The York Rite chapters meet in the Blue Lodge buildings, while the Scottish Rite branch has its own building. A Master Mason may also join one of the many social, fundraising or co-ed orders such as The Order Of The Eastern Star (OES) or the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners). The wives of Masons can join several orders and sons & daughters of Masons can join masonic youth orders. There are many social clubs and dining clubs that one can join.

Scottish Rite Branch
The Scottish Rite (AASR) is one of the two paths or body of Freemasonry in which a Master Mason may proceed to supplement his Masonic path. The Scottish Rite is sometimes called the “Masonic University” of Freemasonry.
Symbolic Lodge (1°-3°)
= "Craft Masonry" or "Blue Lodge Freemasonry"
1° Entered Apprentice
2° Fellowcraft
3° Master Mason |
Lodge of Perfection (4°-14°)
4° Secret Master
5° Perfect Master
6° Confidential (or Intimate) Secretary
7° Provost and Judge
8° Intendant of the Building
9° Elu (or Elect) of the Nine
10° Elu (or Illustrious Elect) of the Fifteen
11° Elu (or Sublime Elect) of the Twelve
12° (Grand) Master Architect
13° Royal Arch of Solomon (or of Enoch)
14° Perfect Elu (or Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason) |
Chapter Of The Rose Cross (15°-18°)
15° Knight of the East or of the Sword
16° Prince of Jerusalem
17° Knight of the East and West
18° Knight (or Sovereign Prince) of the Rose Croix (Cross) |
Council of Knights Kadosh (19°-30°)
19° (Grand) Pontiff
20° (Grand) Master of all Symbolic Lodges
21° Noachite or Prussian Knight
22° Knight of the Royal Axe, or Prince of Libanus
23° Chief of the Tabernacle
24° Prince of the Tabernacle
25° Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26° Prince of Mercy
27° Knight (or Grand) Commander of the Temple
28° Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept
29° Grand Scottish Knight of St. Andrew
30° Knight Kadosh, or Knight of the White and Black Eagle |
Consistory of Masters of the Royal Secret (31°-32°)
31° (Grand) Inspector Inquisitor(Commander)
32° Master (or Sublime Prince) of the Royal Secret |
Honorary Degrees
32° Knight Commander of the Court of Honour
32° Inspector General Honorary
33° Grand Cross of the Court of Honour |
Grand Supreme Council
33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General |

York Rite Branch
The York Rite is one of the two paths or bodies of Freemasonry in which a Master Mason may proceed to supplement his Masonic path. The York Rite amplifies the Blue Lodge degrees. The York Rite takes its name from the old English city of York. The York Rite is not a religion in itself, it does, however, develop themes based on the Medieval Crusades.
The York Rite confers degrees beyond the Blue Lodge’s three degrees. In the York Rite, A Master Mason may become a member of three bodies that consists of nine additional degrees. The York Rite is made up of three distinct organizations, each with its own local, state, and national structure:
The Symbolic Lodge is the first of the four York Rite Bodies of Masonry, where the first three Degrees of Masonry are conferred:
- Entered Apprentice
- Fellowcraft
- Master Mason
The Royal Arch Chapter is the second of the four York Rite Bodies of Masonry. Chapters confer four degrees:
- Mark Master
- Virtual Past Master
- Most Excellent Master
- Royal Arch
The Council of Cryptic Masonry is the third of the York Rite bodies.
A man must have completed the Symbolic Degrees and have taken the Degree of Royal Arch before he can become a Cryptic Mason. Cryptic Masonry consists of three Degrees:
- Royal Master
- Select Master
- Super Excellent Master
Commanderies of Knights Templar is the fourth and last of the York Rite Bodies of Masonry.
In the Commandery, there are three ‘degrees’ or steps, which are called Orders. These are:
- The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
- The Mediterranean Pass and Order of Malta
- The Order of the Temple
to be continued...
[Read more about the progress in the F∴A∴M∴ Curriculum section.]