Freemasonry or Masonry is the oldest fraternal organization in the world. Though its origins can be traced to the stonemasons and cathedral builders of Medieval times, Freemasonry remains a vital force in the daily lives of millions of men across the globe.
Through a series of degrees and ceremonies, the values of Freemasonry are passed from generation to generation, Mason to Mason, in a timeless and tireless effort to make good men better. These degrees provide a framework that affects every aspect of modern life and are based on the values of brotherly love, relief, and truth.
Every year in virtually almost every big city and town across the globe, thousands of men join the ranks of Freemasonry. Men of honor and integrity. Of charity and obligation. Each with a vow to be the best they can be. To be more than just a man. To be a Mason.
A Freemason is a man who has taken an obligation to uphold our timeless principles of Brotherly love, relief, and truth. Beyond these basics, being a Freemason means so much more. A Freemason is a man who is committed to bettering himself and his community, having taken a solemn vow to help and mentor his Masonic Brothers do the same. A Freemason is a man eager to be part of something bigger than himself, with a reverence for history, compassion in his heart, and a desire to create a better future.
The core ethical principles of Freemasonry are about compassion and tolerance for all mankind. Freemasons do not use their position in the fraternity to advance an agenda, whether it be political, professional, religious, or secular. THE THREE TENETS OF FREEMASONRY INCLUDE: BROTHERLY LOVE: Devotion to and caring for each other and our community. RELIEF: Concern for and selfless giving to those in distress. TRUTH: Using knowledge, honesty, and understanding to build ourselves into better men.

The process of becoming a Mason is not complicated, but three degrees, or stages of membership, are indeed required in joining. These are learning experiences. It takes time to learn and develop any skill, even the skill of productive living. The degrees of Masonry teach progressive lessons in morals, ethics, and philosophy. To understand these lessons and use them in our daily life requires that we invest some individual time and thought. But that’s what makes being a Mason so special.
The process of becoming a Mason involves three evenings. There is some homework that goes with each degree that is worked out with another member of the Lodge. But, after a man becomes a Mason, the time he gives to the fraternity is entirely up to him. There is no requirement that a man participate in the meetings and projects of his Lodge. Each man determines for himself the time he wants to give to the fraternity.
The experience of becoming a member of a Masonic Lodge is divided into three ceremonial stages that Masons call “degrees.” These three degrees are loosely based upon the journeyman system, which was used to educate Medieval Craftsmen. Symbolically, the degrees represent the three stages of human development: youth, manhood and age.
The 1st Degree is called the Entered Apprentice. This is a candidate’s first experience with the ceremonies of the Fraternity, and like all Masonic ceremonies, it is a solemn and meaningful event. Once a candidate completes the Entered Apprentice ceremony, he takes his first step as a Freemason and enjoys the title of “Brother.”
The 2nd Degree is called the Fellow Craft. The second ceremony exposes a Brother to more of the symbolism and philosophy of the Fraternity. For skilled Craftsmen, this degree would have marked a person’s progress from an apprentice to a journeyman.
The 3rd Degree is called the Master Mason. The last of the Lodge ceremonies, the Master Mason degree, makes a candidate a full member of the Fraternity, enjoying both the rights and responsibilities of membership.
During all three ceremonies, a candidate is treated with complete respect. At no time is he ever made to feel uncomfortable or harassed in any way. Masonic ceremonies are a wonderful tradition shared by men such as George Washington, Harry S. Truman, Dave Thomas and other men of integrity. These ceremonies are always conferred in such a way as to bring pride to the candidate and the members of the Lodge. The degree ceremonies of Masonry are both serious and meaningful.
[Source: Freemason]