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Frater Hermit

Wicca istennők

- Wicca Goddesses -


A számos jelentős wicca-istennő között található ARADIA, az ANYAISTENNŐ, vagy Magasztos Anya, akit a titokzatos HERODIA-val azonosítottak (állítólag ebből a névből származik az Aradia név), akinek neve bizonyos XIV. századi itáliai boszorkányperek során merült fel, mint az imádat tárgya, és állítólag DIANA, a holdistennő egyik neve volt ezekben a perekben. Egy modern tanulmány a középkori itáliai falusi fehér-boszorkányságról, amit BENANDANTI vagy "jó gyaloglók" (akik szellemi és testtelen állapotban harcoltak a sötét boszorkányok ellen) segítségével folytattak, feljegyzi, hogy Herodi-át a "mulatság úrnőjé"-nek nevezték.

A "származtatott" Aradia nevet Charles Leland, egy amerikai folklórkutató diák tette népszerűvé. Aradia, a boszorkányok evangéliuma című könyvében, amely alapjában véve az észak-itáliai varázslások és cigány tudományok gyűjteménye, "páratlan ismeretek pompás kavalkádja, tele démonokkal, ördögökkel, táncokkal, dalokkal, szexszel, varangyos béka ismerettel, tojásismerettel, és hasonlókkal", amely nem váltotta be a címben foglaltakat. Ez talán különös, mert Leland feljegyzi, hogy gyerekként egy holland boszorkány dajkálta, aki mágikus szertartásokat végzett rajta, hogy tudóssá és varázslóvá fejlődhessen. A különös név, amit a wiccára hagyományozott, nem származhatott a Herodiaból, mert a név nem úgy tűnik, mint ami felbukkanna a boszorkányságról szóló régebbi feljegyzésekben. Alighanem új keletű – két, egymással összekapcsolható latin szó, az "ara"("oltár") és "dea"("istennő") eredményeként jöhetett létre.

Leland szerint Aradia Diana és Lucifer lánya volt (vagyis a Hold és a Nap szülötte, mivel a Lucifer név jelentése "fényhozó", és létezése következésképpen olykor összekapcsolódik a Nappal), és azzal a küldetéssel bízták meg, hogy tanítsa meg az Ősi Vallást az emberiségnek. Mivel Aradia a Holdistennő, Diana szülötte, és a hangsúly a kultuszban a női princípiumon van, a modern wicca gyakorlatait és szertartásait olykor HOLDMÁGIÁ-nak nevezték, az anya iránti tiszteletből. Számos modern wicca-szertartásban bukkan fel a Hold.

Wicca Istennők

A Leland által feljegyzett varázslatok közt volt egy, amelyik némileg átalakult, hogy részét képezze az ISTENNŐ OLTALMA nevű wicca-szertartásnak. Ez a varázslat megköveteli a Mesterség követőitől, hogy meztelenül találkozzanak teliholdkor egy kietlen helyen vagy erdőben, hogy imádják Aradia anyjának, Dianának "hatalmas szellemé"-t – más szóval imádják azt a szellemet, amely a föld holdjának külső megjelenése mögött rejtőzik. Lehetséges, hogy Leland találta ki ezt a mitológiát, és mint annyi sok egyéb elképzelését, ezt is eklektikus okkultizmussal körítette, és még mély befolyást gyakorolt a wicca eredetének és céljának modern látásmódjára.

A meztelenséget, amit a Mesterség modern gyakorlói közül oly sokan támogatnak, azzal magyarázzák e varázslatokban, hogy ez annak a szimbóluma, hogy ők "valóban szabadok". Számos wicca-csoport azonban úgy hivatkozik a meztelenség állapotára, mint MENNYEI RUHÁ-ra, ami azt jelenti, hogy "csillagokba öltözött", vagyis "asztrális állapotban van" (mivel "aster" jelentése: "csillag"). Tehát amíg a beavatatlanok csupán a meztelen testeket látják, a wicca-csoportok maguk arra törekszenek, hogy meglássák a rejtett belső lényt, az asztrális formát vagy CSILLAGTEST-et.

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Az alábbi táblázatban Wicca istennőkről találunk rövid leírást angol nyelven. [ Egyszer talán majd lefordítom magyarra... ]








Gallic Diana, Goddess of woods and springs; protectress of hunting and beasts. From her name, the name of the English river "Avon" is derived.



Continental Celtic Goddess of springs; may be equated with Sul.



British war goddess, presiding over the fate of wars between the Welsh and the English. Her shrine was at Glydyfrdwy on the River Dee. Tradition says three human sacrifices had to be drowned there every year to ensure success in battle. (J.+S. Farrar: The Witches Goddess)



"Lady of Sexuality". Among the Celts of Ireland, Aeval was the Fairy Queen of Munster. She held a midnight court to determine if husbands were satisfying their wives' sexual needs, or not, as the women charged.



Scottish Warrior Goddess who stole a magick alphabet from the deities and gave it to humans. For this act and her meaness she was turned into a crane. Sacred to Aife: The crane, the lance.


Aine of Knockaine

Moon Goddess in Southwest-Ireland. (Munster)
Patroness of crops and cattle. She gave the meadowsweet its scent. Connected with the Midsummer festival. May be identified with Anu.



Wargoddess of the Vocontier. A Gallic warrior and fertility goddess in Celtic France.



Gallic Goddess of moon, woods and hunting in the Ardennes. "Lady of the Forests": The Celts of Gaul (France) honored Her as Goddess of Justice and Childbirth. The Ardennes Forest, named after Her, were Her special domain. She is accompanied by a boar, her sacred animal. The Romans equated her with their Diana.



Goddess of war and victory. Her cult was celebrated in a holy grove. Boudicca, the british queen, called for her aid, when making war against the Romans. In 61 AD the leader of a rebellion against the Roman occupation, the Queen Boudicca, sacriced captive Roman women to this goddess.



Irish Mothergoddess. She was the ancestor and mother of the Tuatha de Danaan. She is identical with Danu. Two hills near Killarney are called "Da Chich Anann" (The two breasts of Ana)




"Silvery Wheel": Major Kymric/Welsh Goddess; daughter of the Mothergoddess Don and her consort Beli.



Early Contiental Celtic Bear-Goddess. She was worshipped in the North-East of Gallia. The bronze statue of Muri shows her as a woman carrying in one hand a bowl, in the other flowers and fruits; next to her sits a bear under a tree. She was found mentioned in inscriptions in the Bern region (Switzerland).



Badhbh / Bobd

"Battle" - Irish Wargoddess, who appears as a crow in battle. She is a sister of Macha, Morrigan and Anu. In some contexts, Anu, Badb and Macha appear as a Triple Goddess of Fate, collectively known as Morrigan. Messenger of death.

Badb is the Irish (Celtic) Goddess of war. She often assumes the form of a raven or carrion-crow (her favorite disguise) and is then referred to as Badb Catha, meaning "battle raven". Not only did she take part in battles themselves, she also influenced their outcome by causing confusion among the warriors with her magic. The battle-field is often called 'land of Badb'. She formed part of a triad of war-goddesses with Macha (Nemain) and the Morrigan. (Encyclopedia Mystica online)



The goddess who represents the spirit of Ireland, and who is the wife of king MacCuill. She was thought to be the first settler in Ireland. She is part of a trinity of goddesses, the daughters of Fiachna, together with Fodla and Eriu. Amergin, son of Miled, promised her the honor of naming the island after her. Banba is also a poetic name for Ireland. Initially, she could have been a goddess of war as well as a fertility goddess. (Encyclopedia Mystica online)



"Mistress of the Well": The Irish Celts said Beag owned a magic well, the Well of Wisdom.


Belisama / Belisma

Another name of the Gallic Minerva. The Gaulish/Celtic goddess of light and fire, the forge and of crafts. She is the wife of the god Belenus.




"...And though I laugh, and speak and move, when you look in my green glass eyes, you see your own reflected love."

('Flower Face') Welsh Virgin Goddess of spring, all made of flower-buds, her beauty disguising a personification of the blood-hungry soil waiting to be fructified with the lifeblood of the sacred king. Her totemic form was an owl, the same bird of wisdom and lunar mysteries that accompanied or represented ancient Goddesses like Athene and Lilith. Owls were almost invariably associated with witches in medieval folklore. She was also the Ninefold Goddess of the western isles of paradise, otherwise known as Morgan, the Virgin blnding into the Crone of death. She said: "Nine powers in me combined, Nine buds of plant and tree./ Long and white are my fingers, As the ninth wave of the sea." (The White Goddess, Graves., p. 41-42).

Blodeuwedd was created out of flowers by Gwydion to wed Llew Llaw Gyffes. She betrayed Llew, either because she had no soul, being non-human, or because she resented being his chattel, or because the triplet of one woman and two men must play itself out in Welsh myth, and Llew Llaw Gyffes must die. At any rate, she fell in love with Goronwy and, wishing to be rid of Llew, she tricked out of him the clearly supernatural and ritual manner in which only he could be killed: neither by day nor night, indoors nor out of doors, riding nor walking, clothed nor naked, nor by any weapon lawfully made. She asked him to explain this, and he did: he could be killed only if it were twilight, wrapped in a fish net, with one foot on a cauldron and the other on a goat, and if the weapon had been forged during sacred hours when such work was forbidden. Blodeuwedd convinced him to demonstrate how impossible such a position was to achieve by chance, and when he was in it, het lover Goronwy leapt out and struck. Llew was transformed into an eagle and eventually restored to human form, after which he killed Goronwy. Blodeuwedd was transformed into an owl, to haunt the night in loneliness and sorrow, shunned by all other birds. (Encyclopedia Mystica online)


Boann / Boand

Goddess of the river Boyne. Wife of Elcmar and mother of Angus. Her name means "Mistress of the white cows". She is the wife of the water god Elcman. The Dagda desired her and sent Elcmar of an errand which seemed to take one day, but actually lasted nine months. In that period, the Dagda fathered Angus Og with her.

Boann is a Goddess of bounty and fertility, whose totem is the sacred white cow. She was the wife of Nechtan, a water deity. The father of her son Angus was Dagda. To hide their union from Nechtan, Boann & the Dagda caused the sun to stand still for nine months, so that Angus was conceived and born on the same day.



Her name means "White Breasted"  (welsh: Bronwen) or "White Crow." The ancient Welsh worshipped Her as the daughter of Sea, and as Goddess of the Moon and Love. Her story can be read in the Mabinogion.

Discription from user email: Bran means Crow. The suffix wen, white, makes the feminine form, Branwen or White Crow.

Branwen ("white crow/raven") a daughter of Llyr and Penarddun, and sister of Bran, and Manawydan, and half-sister of Nisien and Efnisien. Matholwch of Ireland sued for her hand, and gave horses to Bran. Efnisien mutilated the horses, nearly precipitating warfare, but Matholwch was appeased by the gift of a cauldron that could resurrect the dead. Branwen wed him, and went to Ireland, where she bore him a son, Gwern. But the Irish began to complain about their foreign queen, and she was banished to the kitchen, where she was a slave and boxed on the ears by the butcher daily. This lasted three years, during which Branwen trained a starling to speak and sent it to Wales, where it told Bran of her plight, and he sailed to rescue her.

Matholwch was terrified at the sight of a forest approaching Ireland across the sea: no one could make it out, until he called for Branwen, who explained it as Bran's navy, and Bran himself wading through the water. He sued for peace, they built a house big enough for Bran, and Matholwch agreed to settle the kingdom on Gwern. Some Irish lords objected, and hid themselves in flour bags to attack the Welsh. But Efnisien, scenting Irish treachery, cast them into the fire, and then cast Gwern himself in (avoiding the geas against shedding kinsmen's blood thereby). A war broke out, and the Irish replenished themselves through the cauldron. Efnisien, repenting, sacrificed himself by feigning death and being thrown into the cauldron, which he then broke, dying in the process. Only seven Welshmen survived, and Bran was fatally wounded. His head, which remained alive and talking, was returned to Wales and buried, and soon afterwards Branwen sailed to Aber Alaw and died. She is one of the three "matriarchs of Britain", along with (probably) Rhiannon and Arianrhod.

The Celtic goddess of love and beauty. Also of Manx and Wales. She is the sister of Bran the Blessed and Manannan mac Lir, daughter of Lir, and wife of the Irish king Matholwch. She is similar to the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus. After the death of her brother Bran, due to a war caused by Matholwch, Branwen died of a broken heart. (Encyclopedia Mystica online)


Brigit / Brigid

Her name means "High One." Main Goddess of Ireland. Daughter of Dagda. She has three aspects: Protectress of the bards, healers and smiths. Her festival Imbolc is at the 1st of February.



The Celtic (British) tutelary goddess of the Brigantes in Yorkshire and the goddess of the rivers Braint and Brent, which were named after her. Brigantia was also a pastoral goddess associated with flocks and cattle. During the Roman occupation she was associated with the Roman goddess Caelestis as Caelestis Brigantia.



The hag; also seen as the Triple Goddess; controller of the seasons & weather; Sacred to Cailleach: The raven, the staff, waning moon, winter, apples.

Cailleach is referred to as the "Mother of All" in parts of Scotland. Also known as Scotia, she is depicted as an old hag with the teeth of a wild bear and boar's tusks. She is believed to be a great sorceress.

One superstition regarding Calliach is that the farmer who is last to harvest his grain would be the person to "look after" Caileach for the rest of the year, until the next harvest. The first farmer who finishes harvesting would make a corn-dolly from the grain he has harvested. He would, then, pass it on to the next farmer who finishes. It would keep going until the corn-dolly ends up with the last farmer. That last farmer would be obligated to watch the "old woman".

She is also known to have created the earth.

"With her hammer she alternately splinters mountains, prevents the growth of grass, or raises storms. Numerous wild animals follow her..." -- Encyclopedia of the Occult, 1920 Another name for her is Skadi. >>(Encyclopedia Mystica online)



"Lady of Inspiration": To the Celts of the British Isles and Brittany, She was Goddess of Wisdom, Poetry and Grain. Her annual slaying of Gwion mimics the change of the seasons. She is often depicted with Her Cauldron of Wisdom.

Moon and grain goddess who possesses the great cauldron of knowledge. Sacred to Cerridwin: cauldron; vervain; dark moon.

Mother of Taliesen, greatest and wisest of all the bards, therefore she is patron of poets. Caridwen corresponds with Brigit. She is connected with wolves, & some believe that her cult dates to the Neolithic era. Originally a corn goddess.



Rivergoddess, whose cult was centered at a temple in Carrawburgh/ Northumberland. Her image was shown three-bodied, carrying and pouring water-jugs. The Celtic (Britain) goddess of water and springs.



"Great Mother": She is the "Mother of the Gods" of the Tuatha De Danaan, one of the ancient people who settled in Ireland. Her children and followers were transformed into the Banshee. Under a variety of names, including Anu and Don, Danu was worshipped through pre-Christian Europe and the Middle East.



"The Great Cow": Gallic Goddess in the shape of a cow.



Habondia, the ancient Celtic Goddess of hearth, home, fertility and the harvest, who was of old bonded with Cernunnos.  Her worshippers were gradually absorbed into the folds of Brigid worship, and she has been muchly forgotten, who at one time was sacred to every Celtic home.



Irish Mothergoddess; one of the mothers of Ireland.



A Celtic (Gaul/France) goddess associated with nature and especially with water; for example springs in the vicinity of dolmens and other megaliths. In daytime she appears as an old, wrinkled crone yet at night, at the height of her powers, she seems a beautiful and young woman. Her worship involved sacred prostitution.



Celtic goddess. Macha appeared in three shapes: the red Macha ( Macha Mongruad) was a wargoddess. Macha is also seen as an aspect of the Morrigan.



(Irish, "intoxication", "drunken woman") (other spellings: Maebh, Meave, Mebhdh) A Celtic/Irish goddess connected to Tara, the island's legendary, mythical and magical center. Part of her service was concerned with the use of drugs, with "wanton" sexuality and sacred prostitution. The legends concerning her speak of "Queen Maeve" as a mighty warrior, who nevertheless was also known "to buy victory with her willing thighs" and to stop "the battle whenever she was menstruating" [Monaghan 1981, p. 188].



"Lady Justice": She is the Basque Goddess of Rain and Drought. Via the latter, She punishes those guilty of lying, stealing and pride. She assumes many different forms.



A group of three nature-goddesses worshipped in Gallia, Britannia and Cisalpina. Image: Two are seated and carry bowls with fruits; while the one in the middle holds a baby. This cult is not found in Ireland and Wales; but it survived until the Roman Times.



Earth and Fertility-Goddess in Ireland. She symbolised the earth and the Irish king had to marry in a ritual.

In ancient Ireland, a king was ritually wed to this Goddess (in the person of Her Priestess) to legitimize Her reign. She was considered a Triune Goddess who oversaw sovereignty, war, sexuality and intoxication.


Morgan, Morrigan, Morrigu, Morrighan,
Morgana le Fay

"The great queen". Archetypical form of the mother goddess in Ireland. She was three-shaped: Badb, Macha and Nemainn. She fought aiding the Tuatha de Danaan. Manly seen as a goddess of war and love. Some references to the sumerian goddess Inanna.



Goddess of the flowers and plants. (Arthuslegend)



Gallic Goddess of fertility and the Underworld. She was worshipped in Germany/Saar.



Irish Wargoddess married to the Wargod Net.



Gallic Goddess of Roman times. She was the consort of Mars; therefore some historians see her as a wargoddess. She was the main goddess of the tribe Nemeter - living between Rhein and Mosel.


Rhiannon (rhee-AHN-nohn)

Rigantona = " The great Queen", Mare-Goddess in Wales. (see Epona)



A goddess of plenty who was found accross South-western Britain, Gaul and long the rivers Rhone and Rhine. Often shown (as it is only the stone Roman altars which have survived) as part of a couple with Mercury. It's a bit tenuous but she may have been linked with dairy production in Britain (the brass bound bucket) as suggested by Ellis-Davidson.

ROSMERTA- Gaul- All celtic tribes
A Celtic goddess of fertility and wealth, whose cult was widely spread in Gaul. She is the wife of the god Esus, but also of the Gaulish Mercury. Her attributes are a cornucopia and a stick with two snakes.



Thanks to Daibhidh ap Scathach for this information:

She is the patron of blacksmiths and warriors alike.  She teaches unto her children martial arts, discipline, how to work iron and steel, magick, the ways of the seer, and the way of the sword, spear, and bow.  She is the Goddess in her destroyer aspect.  Her name means "She Who Strikes Fear" or "The Shadowy One".



In case you have not heard about it, a new Roman Goddess has been discovered in a hoard of gold and silver in England. Her name is Senua, and Her origin may have been derived from a combination of a local British Goddess and the Roman Minerva. They believe that the site was dedicated to Her, as many offerings were found with the silver statue of the Goddess. (Email from Annina) She is portrayed as a graceful woman with hair coiled in a bun. The breast, arms and face of the goddess rotted away in the soil centuries ago. 



Goddess of the Seine



Gallic Goddess of Roman times; consort of Apollo Grannus. She was a fertility and spring-goddess.



Goddess of the thermal-baths of Bath. She was also a goddess of the Underworld, Wisdom and Fortunetelling 



Irish Earth-Goddess, who was the stepmother of Lugh. In her name the celtic festival Lughnasadh (1st August) was celebrated. 



Forrás: [ » Shrine of the Forgotten Goddesses ]


» Hermetika - A modern boszorkányságról

» Ezotéia - A Holdistennő Három Arca

Aleph Mem Shin


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