relic - John Lennon

John Lennon relikvia

Price of relic : 50.000 Euros

Click picture for detailed pictures of the relic.

In the end of March in 1961 the Beatles went to Hamburg and they stayed there till July. This was the time, when they signed a contract with their first big publisher, EMI, and started their world-famous career. That was also the time John Lennon met a German girl named Brigitte Bauer, in whose apartment in Wedel (near to Hamburg) they spent days together. In the memory of the time they spent together they created a special work of art. This creation holds the gypsum imprint of John Lennon's and Brigitte Bauer's foot. The sides and upper part were decorated in crayon and pastel by Lennon and Bauer with instruments, hearts, flowers, and German and English flags. They also autographed their footprints. The time, date, and place are written in Bridgitte's footprint. On the top of the work, there is a half-burnt candle, which indicates that the art-work was initiated and sanctified by the couple. This unique relic was found by a fan in 1973 in the junk market of Hamburg. After buying it, he took it to Budapest. Currently it is one of the most unique John Lennon relics and one of the oldest memories available for sale. The uniqueness of the relic is boosted by the fact that it is from a lesser known chapter of his life.

Download expert testimony about originality here

Some links about the actions of Beatles in Hamburg:

- The Memory Homepage of the Star Club (German and English text)
- The Beatles in Hamburg
- The Beatles in Germany and in German
- B.I.G.: Beatles in Germany

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