Daniel Tarr (et.al)
Mayan UFO Artifacts
- Mayan Revelations and Hollywood Lies -
- A review -
The Mayans used to construct one pyramid over another. In the site at Calakmul, workers discovered rooms inside the pyramid that have never been seen or explored before. Featured in this film are some of the finds found in these newly discovered rooms, plus some finds that have been held by the Mexico Government. These items clearly depict UFOs and Alien Life Forms.
» Mayan UFO Alien Connection
For those who still had doubts in regards to extraterrestrial contact with our ancient civilizations, this time could not be more clear! The Mexican government has struck a blow in the hidden history of mankind. In the archeology section forgotten the country publicly unveil a series of pieces Mayas discovered there about 80 years by a team of National Institute of Anthropoly and History (INAH) on the site of » Calakmul , Mexico.
The video shows » Mayan artifacts depicting aliens and alien craft. According to unverified sources some of the artifacts have been protected by the Mexican government for 80 years. Many images of individual artifacts are shown in this video. In addition, » this video also contains analysis of some of the artifacts by Nassim Haramein and Klaus Donna.
These exceptional pieces have been presented last year and will be the subject of a documentary to be released and will be produced by Raul Julia-Levy and directed by Juan Carlos Rulfo , the winner of the 2006 Sundance festival with his film “In the Pit”. This documentary examines the provisional name “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and beyond.”

The Mayan UFO Artifacts
Scientifically speaking the “Mayan UFO Artifacts” are best described as an “urban legend” and “internet hoax” that has been circulating the web since 2011. What makes them a case for scientific UFO investigation is that evidently there are a high number of “real objects” that have been “manufactured” or “produced” and have been subsequently photographed. The artifacts are truly interesting and depict a lot of scenes from ufology as well as having a unique artistic style.
Until there is a serious investigation concerning these artifacts there will be no end to the mystery surrounding them. According to popular belief the...
Newly released Mayan documents, i.e. artifacts, dating back at least 1300-years reveal that the human race is not alone and highly advanced technologies including space travel have likely existed for quite some time.
Not only does this documentation released by the Mexican government show the existence of an explorer race, it may also reveal the roots of mankind.
Some consider the government’s presentation of the information to be a major step forward for humanity as the truth is finally being slowly let out. Hopefully this will prompt other governments around the world to be more forthcoming with such information, turning the tide in the UFO and extraterrestrial research community for good.
[1] The two circles near the center of the artifact appear to be earth. [2] This appears to be a spacecraft of some type. [3] This appears to be a massive comet or asteroid headed toward earth. [4] Appears to be a specially designed spacecraft capable of deflecting a large comet or meteor, such as NASA “Deep Impact”. [5] Appears to be an astronaut in control of a craft. [6] What appears to be an intelligently controlled spacecraft.
[Source: Altering Perspectives] |
Below is a selection of the "Mayan UFO artifacts" collected from numerous websites from all over the internet. What is peculiar, that I was unable to find any reference to where these artifacts come from or where they are kept...
The biggest question to date is: where are these artifacts? Who owns them? And why are they not subject to scientific investigation?
Do you know where these artifacts are? Let us know! Send me an » e-mail.

Did the Mayans experience Alien Contact in Ancient Mexico?
According to Ancient Astronaut theory Intelligent extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth in antiquity or prehistory and made contact with humans. Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of human cultures, technologies, and religions. A common variant of the idea is that deities from most, if not all, religions are actually extraterrestrials, and their advanced technologies were wrongly understood by primitive men as evidence of their divine status.
Many people have speculated that the Maya were visited by extraterrestrials and that at least one of their deities, Kukulcan (also known as Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs), may have been a galactic visitor who taught the Maya about agriculture, mathematics, medicine and astronomy. How else could one explain the Mayan calendar, a calendar that to this day can accurately predict every lunar eclipse within 30 seconds? They were also the first civilization to use the “zero” in mathematics.
The Maya knew of planets that were not “discovered” until many centuries later. Interestingly, while Quetzalcoatl was described by the as appearing to be Caucasian, having blonde hair and blue eyes, some of the artifacts appear to have African characteristics, thus giving credence to the hypothesis that our civilization was seeded here from various star nations. |
» Mayans had Alien Contact! New reavalations |
The demise of the Maya civilization came in 1521 when Hernán Cortés invaded the Maya during the Spanish Conquest of the Yucatan, funded by the Roman Catholic Church. Cortés believed the Maya were a pagan civilization and ordered his Conquistadors to raid the Mayan buildings. Books, biographies, musical compositions, histories, genealogies and other Mayan works were burned, thus destroying nearly every trace of this great civilization.
Now, the Maya may hold the ultimate answers to UFO disclosure. Additionally, according to Drunvalo Melchizedek, there are 1000’s of Mayan codices that were discovered in the basement of a museum library after many people believed that all but four codices were destroyed.

The Mayan city of Calakmul, Campeche
» Calakmul (which also spells Kalakmul , as well as other less common variants) is the modern name of one of the oldest and most powerful cities Mayan discoveries in the lowlands . It is located on the 180 000 km 2 of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in the Mexican state of Campeche, deep in the jungle of Big Basin region of Petén , in the center of the Yucatán Peninsula , 35 km north of the border of Guatemala . In ancient times the heart of the city was known by the name of Ox Te ‘tuun 3 .
This powerful Mayan city was inhabited for more than a millennium before being swallowed by the jungle after its abandonment. At its peak, Calakmul administered a large domain marked by the widespread inclusion of its emblem glyph , which is characterized by the sign of the snake head which read Kaan .Calakmul was the seat of what was called the “Kingdom of the Serpent”. The Kingdom of the Serpent ruled as Tikal , during the greater part of the classical period . It is estimated that Calakmul itself had a population of 50,000 people and controlled localities located at a distance of up to 150 km 2 .
There are 6,750 ancient structures identified at Calakmul, the largest of which is the great pyramid site. Structure 2 is over 45 meters high, making it one of the highest pyramid of the Mayan civilization. Four tombs were located in the pyramid. Like many temples or pyramids of Mesoamerica , the pyramid at Calakmul has grown based on the existing temple to reach its current size . The area of the central monument of Maya architecture is about 2 km2 and the whole site covered essentially a dense residential housing, is about 20 km2 . |
Rediscovered by aerial exploration by biologist Cyrus Longworth Lundell of the Mexican operating Chicle Company on 29 December 1931 , its existence was reported to Sylvanus Morley of the Carnegie Institute at Chichen Itza in March 1932 . According to Lundell, who named the site, ”” ca “in Maya means” two “,” lak “means” next “and” mul “means a hill or artificial pyramid, so ‘Calakmul’ is the “city of two adjacent pyramids” “ .

Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond
Sundance film festival winner Juan Carlos Rulfo’s Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond also touches on ancient maya technology. “Producer Raul Julia-Levy said the documentary-makers were working in cooperation with the Mexican government for what he said was “the good of mankind”. He said the order to collaborate had come directly from the country’s president, Álvaro Colom Caballeros.
“Mexico will release codices, artefacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact, and all of their information will be corroborated by archaeologists,” he said. “The Mexican government is not making this statement on their own – everything we say, we’re going to back it up.”
Caballeros himself was conspicuous by his absence from the statement released by Julia-Levy. So far, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, Luis Augusto García Rosado, appears to be the highest-ranking government official to go on record confirming the discovery of extraterrestrial life, but he’s not holding back.
The » Maya "Dresden Codex" . Also see » Maya codices
In a statement, Rosado spoke of contact “between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time”. In a telephone conversation with the Wrap, he also spoke of “landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old”.
These secrets have been said to be “protected” by the Mexican government for as long as 80 years.

In September of 2011, filmmaker Juan Carlos Rulfo announced that he was producing the documentary "Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond" due to be released in 2012, just in time for the end of the Mayan calendar.
The Mexican government is releasing state-held secrets about the end of the Mayan calendar to the makers of a documentary, "Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond," » TheWrap has learned. The information -- protected for 80 years -- is expected to reveal Mayan beliefs in future catastrophes and wisdom characterized as "shocking," producer Raul Julia-Levy, son of actor Raul Julia, told TheWrap. The end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012 has long given rise to theories and speculation about the end of the world.
The agreement will allow Julia-Levy to film in never-before-seen locations.
"The Mayans used to construct one pyramid over another," tourism minister for the Mexican state of Campeche Luis Augusto Garcia Rosado told TheWrap. "In the site at Calakmul (pictured below right), workers for INAH [the National Institute of Anthropology and History] have discovered rooms inside the pyramid that have never been seen or explored before.
"And we're letting this documentary film there, to see what has been discovered inside the pyramid."
Julia-Levy said he'd been made aware of the secret Mayan information by former Mexican president Vicente Fox -- a friend of his family -- and that it took four years of phone calls to finally get the OK from current president Felipe Calderon.
"This is very important for humanity, not just for Mexico," said Julia-Levy. "This information has been protected for 80 years, and now it's important for people to understand the series of events that are coming, and the consequences for all of us."
The English-language documentary will be directed by Juan Carlos Ruflo (whose other films include the 2006 Sundance winner "In the Pit"), and will begin shooting later this year. Elbert said the filmmakers are talking to investors and waiting for the government to give them their first look at the material and the site.
One big condition from the Mexican government was that the film get an initial theatrical release, which is planned for next fall, said Ed Elbert who is co-producing along with Julia-Levy and Sheila M. McCarthy and executive producer Eduardo Vertiz. |
» New Artefacts proves alien contact with Mayas |
"It has to be released before the end of the Mayan calendar, which is Dec. 21, 2012," said Julia-Levy.
That’s the date that the Mayan calendar -- which some believe predicts a worldwide cataclysm -- comes to the end of a 5,126-year cycle, and resets for another cycle.
Julia-Levy has been specifically ordered not to talk about any of the more mystical possibilities that might strain credulity as Mexico prepares to launch the far-reaching (and tourism-inducing) 2012 Mayan World Program.
At one point, Rosado was quoted in a press release talking about contact between the Mayans and extraterrestrials. That statement has been recalled, and Rosado now paints this as a simpler, more archaeological-oriented documentary.
"At the moment, talk of the Mayans is a big thing," Rosado said. "We've counted over 3 million websites talking about the end of the Mayan calendar, and we have been contacted by a lot of producers who want to come and film on our sites."
The project is similar in some ways to a novel Julia-Levy was writing, variously entitled "Chronicles of the Mayan Tunnel" and "Secrets of the Mayan Time Machine." He and co-producer Elbert were also going to make a 3D movie from that novel starring him and Wesley Snipes, he said in the summer of 2010.
Several reports from that time said the novel was being written with the help of "secret information" never before released by the Mexican government. But in their conversations with TheWrap, Julia-Levy and Elbert dismissed that project as a "Harry Potter"-style piece of fiction with no connection to the current documentary.
That film has been set aside, they said, because Snipes is serving a prison sentence for tax evasion. "We put that film on hold," said Elbert. "Dollar-wise, this documentary might be smaller, but it is based on the release of new and important knowledge from the Mayans."
Asked if the movie will involve aliens, mystical elements or doomsday scenarios that have fueled the popular imagination, Julia-Levy declined to elaborate.
"I'm not allowed to speak about that," he said. "Everything is going to come out in time, but I can't comment on aliens or on 2012.
"I can just say that the Mexican government is preparing to tell humanity and the world things that are critical for us, for the way we live, for the way we've been handling the planet."
[Source: Reuters]

» Mayan Alien Contact, Raul Julia Levy 2014 |
The Mayan Hollywood Lies
In September of 2011, filmmaker Juan Carlos Rulfo announced that he was producing the documentary "Mayans 2012 and Beyond", due to be released in 2012, just in time for the end of the Mayan calendar.
According to the Guardian, Juan claimed that Mexico would be releasing “codices, artifacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact”. He went on to explain that all of their information would be fully corroborated by archaeologists.
At the time, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Compeche, Luis Augusto Garcia Rosado, supported Juan’s claim by announcing that contact between the Mayans and extraterrestrials was supported by proof in the form of “certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time”. The minister of tourism told journalists that there were actually landing pads located in the middle of the jungles of Mexico. |
Did Juan’s documentary – complete with all of this amazing evidence – ever materialize in 2012? Did the evidence prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ancient Mayans came in contact with extraterrestrial beings from outer space?
These are the questions that Ryan Dube is exploring and answering in this article.
Empty Promises of Extraterrestrial Evidence
Ryan Dube has been involved in exploring claims like these for almost a decade now, and the most common pattern these stories follow are always the same. A filmmaker or an author makes extraordinary claims about what amazing evidence is going to be revealed. The claims produce much fanfare and, such as in the case of Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond, plenty of mainstream news coverage.
Countless mainstream media sources jumped on the press release distributed by the filmmaker, including » Reuters, the » Guardian, and even NBC News. These are all outlets that should have journalists intelligent enough to perform due diligence on the producer. They didn’t.
Countless Ufology sites jumped all over the claims – dreaming about what evidence might be revealed in the documentary.
That’s to be expected, but to see mainstream journalists announce the claim in 2011, and then never follow up on those claims to see what became of them – that’s disappointing.
The best attempt came from » NBC News, where Benjamin Radford aptly wrote:
“History is full of promised earth-shaking revelations that didn’t pan out, including the discovery of Noah’s Ark (claimed to have been found in 1973, 1993, 2006, 2010, etc.); the discovery of a Bigfoot body (in 2008); and discovery of proof that the 1947 Roswell crash was real (found in April 2011). Each of these claims came and went, and it seems likely that this latest proof of Mayan/extraterrestrial contact will be added to the list.”
Claims Fall Apart Amid Legal Troubles
After all of the hype had died down by May of 2012, the problems started. The executive producer of the film » Elisabeth Thieriot - allegedly packed the two dozen hard drives and ten computer systems, and left Mexico.
Producer Julia Levy made all sorts of claims against Thieriot, including that the Mexican attorney general had issued an order to Thieriot and her supporters to return the footage to Mexico. He told a reporter at The Wrap that an archaeologist at the Mexico National Institute of Anthropology and History, issued a letter to Thieriot, warning her that:
“The use of all footage in both the archeological zones in Calakmul and in the Island of Jaina is unauthorized… cannot be used and is to be returned immediately.”
The situation left followers wondering whether the footage – and the alleged evidence – would ever see the light of day.
» Thieriot sued The Wrap for publishing the claims, and then a month later, Julia-Levy issued even more public claims against her, stating he had sued Thieriot in a Mexico court, and that she owed him $500,000 for the film.
According to Julia-Levy, Thieriot had actually allegedly transferred $70,000 from the production company’s account to her own bank account, before she “absconded” with the footage. [Source: Courthouse News] |
Arbitration Reveals Truth About Alien-Mayan Claims
If the courts are the barometer for truth, then Elisabeth Thieriot won a boost of credibility early in 2013 when, in January, the International Film and Television Association (IFTA) arbitration board ruled in favor of Thieriot. The arbitrator determined that it was Julia Levy who was the fraud after all, and stated in its findings:
“…for breaching material obligations of the Operating Agreement, for fraudulently inducing Thieriot to enter into the Operating Agreement, for continuing to defraud Thieriot throughout the production of the documentary and for Levy breaching his fiduciary duties owed to Thieriot.”
The arbitrator found that the Mexican Government was not investigating Thieriot, that there was no such case against Thieriot in the First District Court of the State of Campeche, Mexico, and that the statement from the Mexico National Institute of Anthropology and History had never been made. [Source: PR Newswire]
Thieriot was thrilled, and issued a press release stating:
“These rulings prove that I was the innocent victim of fraud. My reputation has finally been restored and Mr. Levy’s deceit has finally been exposed and proven.”
Her win was the final nail in the documentary’s coffin. If Levy’s credibility was so poor from the start, and since he was the original producer of the film itself, the credibility of the documentary and its claims is called into question by these findings.
Remember, those early claims in 2011 were made in large part by Julia-Levy, including alleged statements from Mexican officials about alleged alien artifacts. If he could lie so easy about official statements regarding the Thieriot case, then how likely is it that Julia-Levy was telling the truth about those claims in 2011?
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