I humbly ask you to support this Library's independence.
Since 2010 this site had over 2.5 million visitors and over 40 million page views. However 99.99% of my visitors don't give support; they simply look up what they are looking for and then move on. If you are an exceptional reader who has already donated, I sincerely thank you. If you donate this Library could keep thriving for many more years. Most people donate for a simple reason — because this Library is useful. If the Scientific Ufology Library has given you some worth of knowledge, take a minute to donate. Support my work to bring you reliable information and top quality publications and show me that this project matters to you.
I want to thank you for your donation, on behalf of a world of people seeking free knowledge. Your donation keeps this web project growing, which has been under development for over 20 years.
I used to run campaigns to motivate people to support my work without any success. In time I stopped trying to guess what motivated you to give, but the longer I do this work, the more I realize I can’t put your curiosity in a box. There is no one singular experience of this digital codex. Curiosity is as diverse as we all are, and it looks a little different for each of us.
When you venture into the Scientific Ufology Library next, I hope you feel that it also belongs to you. Because without you, and without the thousands of people who come back to this website day to day, the knowledge gathered here would be lost and it turn to nothing.
Thank you for giving this project shape, and purpose, and momentum. Thank you for fitting knowledge into your life.
With gratitude,