This table is based on Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa's book "Of Occult Philosophy" but is corrected and extended at many points.
Source: [ » Occulta Philosophia (Book II - Celestial Magic VII.) ]
Regarding the "Four Great Archangels" and their links with the four Cardinal Directions and attributions to the Sefirot there is simply no general agreement on this topic to be found throughout the primary texts of Traditional Kabbalah. The 4 directions is often termed the "Four Winds" (Ruchot) in Jewish Mysticism. The main problem appears to be the differences between the attributions found in Judaism and those generally employed in Hermetic Kabbalah.
Source: [ » Practical Kabbalah and Self Creation ]
Below is a diagram of the Kingdom of Spirits rulership, presided over by the Four Powerful Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. The Seals of the Four Emperors are taken from the Clavis Inferni.
Source: [ » Practical Solomonic Magic ]
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The 7 Archangels
Eastern Orthodox Tradition mentions "thousands of archangels however, only seven archangels are venerated by name. Uriel is included, and the other three are most often named Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel (an eighth, Jeremiel, is sometimes included as archangel).
The earliest reference to a system of seven archangels as a group appears to be in Enoch I (the Book of Enoch) which is not part of the Jewish Canon but is prevalent in the Judaic tradition, where they are named as Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Ramiel and Sariel. While this book today is non-canonical in most Christian Churches, it was explicitly quoted in the New Testament (Letter of Jude 1:14-15) and by many of the early Church Fathers. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church to this day regards it to be canonical.
In the late 5th to early 6th century, Pseudo-Dionysius gives them as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel. [1]
The earliest Christian mention is by Pope Saint Gregory I who lists them as Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel (or Anael), Simiel, Oriphiel and Raguel. A later reference to seven archangels would appear in an 8th or 9th century talisman attributed to Auriolus, a "servant of God" in north-western Spain. He issues a prayer to "all you patriarchs Michael, Gabriel, Cecitiel, Oriel, Raphael , Ananiel, Marmoniel ("who hold the clouds in your hands"). [2]
The Catholic Church recognizes three archangels, the three mentioned in its canon of Scripture: Gabriel and Michael, mentioned in the New Testament, and Raphael, mentioned in the book of Tobit, where he is described as "one of the seven angels who stand ready and enter before the glory of the Lord", [3] a phrase recalled in Revelation 8:2-6.
Some strands of the Eastern Orthodox Church, exemplified in the Orthodox Slavonic Bible (Ostrog Bible, Elizabeth Bible, and later consequently Russian Synodal Bible), recognize as authoritative also 2 Esdras, which mentions Uriel. Yet the Eastern Orthodox Church accepts only Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.
As well as Uriel, the Book of Enoch, not regarded as canonical by any of these Christian churches, mentions (chapter 21) Raguel, Sariel, and Jerahmeel, while other apocryphal sources give instead the names Izidkiel, Hanael, and Kepharel. [4] The Book of Enoch, deuterocanonical in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, names the remaining four archangels Uriel, Raguel, Zerachiel, and Ramiel. Other sources name them Uriel, Izidkiel, Haniel, and Kepharel. [16] In the Coptic Orthodox Church the names of these four archangels are given as Suriel, Sedakiel, Sarathiel and Ananiel. Several other sets of names have also been given.
In the Coptic Orthodox tradition the seven archangels are named as Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Suriel, Zadakiel, Sarathiel, and Ananiel. [5]
Chapter 20 of the Book of Enoch mentions seven holy angels who watch, that often are considered the seven archangels: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, and Remiel. [6] The Life of Adam and Eve lists the archangels as well: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Joel. Although in the Book of Enoch, Remiel is described as one of the leaders of the 200 Grigori, the fallen angels, the leader is identified as Semjaza and therefore this is a different angel. Other Names derived from pseudepigrapha but not recognized by Christian churches are Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Raguel.
Source: [ » Wikipedia: Archangel ]
To give several lists of seven archangels, I present the following table, which (besides Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael) is not meant to directly associate or imply an association between the other angels across traditions. The first column is taken from Agrippa’s Scale of Seven (book II, chapter 10), which he associates with the seven planets. The second column is given from the works of Pseudo-Dionysus the Areopagite, a Christian theologian and philosopher, and the names of which are common in many folk and Hispanic magic circles. The third columns gives name from the Christian Gnostic and Orthodox traditions, which are popular in more ecclesiastic and personal practices in the eastern part of Europe. The fourth column gives the names of the seven archangels from Enoch I, and the last gives the names attributed to the archangels from Pope Saint Gregory I “the Great” from the 6th century.
Source: [ » The Digital Ambler ]
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The 7 Archangels and hermetic correspondancies

Names of Archangels and Days from Francis Barrett: The Magus
[ Source: Barrett, Francis, F.R.C.: “The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer (Book II)” (1801) ]

The 7 Planets |
The 7 Archangels |
Seals of the 7 Archangels
(Sefer Yetsirah) [7]
[Shoshan Yesod Olam] |
Seals of the 7 Archangels
[Armadel] [9] |
Seals of the 7 Archangels
[Magia naturalis et innaturalis] [11] |
Keywords |
1 |


Michael |

Michael |
Michael |
Accomplishment, Vitality, Power, Dominance, Leadership, Creativity |
2 |


Gabriel |

Gabriel |
Gabriel |
Instinct, Psychism, Shrewdness, Security, Environmental, Emotion |
3 |


Tzidkiel |

Camael (Thavael) |
Samael |
Martial, Action, Courage, Force, Construction, Destruction |
4 |


Raphael |

Raphael |
Raphael |
Perception, Communication, Intellect, Distribution, Process, Trades |
5 |


Anathiel |

Zadkiel |
Sachiel |
Abundance, Luck, Profession, Growth, Wisdom, Expansion |
6 |


Samael |

Anael |
Anael |
Equipoise, Harmony, Love, Beauty, Possessions, Diplomacy |
7 |


Kaphziel |

Uriel |
Cassiel |
Structure, Discipline, Control, Time, Caution, Form |

The 7 Planets |
The 7 Archangels |
Seals of the 7 Planets
[Agrippa] |
The 7 Olympian Spirit
[Arbatel de magia veterum] |
Seals of the 7 Planetary Spirits
[Occulta Philosophia] |
Rulers of the 7 Heavens |
1 |


Sun |

OCH (4.) |

Sorath |
(4th Heaven) |
2 |


Moon |

PHUL (7.) |

Hasmodai (Chashmodai) |
(1st Heaven) |
3 |


Mars |

PHALEG (3.) |

Barzabel |
(5th Heaven) |
4 |


Mercury |

OPHIEL (6.) |

Taphthartharach |
(2nd Heaven) |
5 |


Jupiter |

BETHOR (2.) |

Hismael |
(6th Heaven) |
6 |


Venus |

HAGITH (5.) |

Kedemel |
(3rd Heaven) |
7 |


Saturn |

ARATRON (1.) |

Zazel |
no ruler
(7th Heaven) |

The 7 Planets |
The 7 Archangels |
Seals of the 7 Archangels
[ Agrippa ] [10] |
Seals of the 7 Planetary Spirits
[ Agrippa ] [10] |
Seals of the 7 Intelligencies
(Choir of Angels)
[ Agrippa ] [10] |
Secondary Intelligences
(Presidents To The Planets)
[De Septem Secundeis] |
1 |


Michael |

Sorath |

Nakhiel |
2 |


Gabriel |

Chasmodai |

Shelachel |
3 |


Kamael |

Bartzabel |

Graphiel |
4 |


Raphael |

Taphtartarath |

Tiriel |
5 |


Tzadkiel |

Hismael |

Iophiel |
6 |


Haniel |

Kedemel |

Hagiel |
7 |


Tzaphkiel |

Zazel |

Agiel |
The Seven Archangels can also be compared to » Amesha Spentas referring to the great six "divine sparks" of Ahura Mazda. In Zoroastrian tradition, these are the first six emanations of the noncreated Creator, through whom all subsequent creation was accomplished. This fundamental doctrine is only alluded to in the Avesta, but is systematically described in later middle Persian language texts, in particular in the Bundahishn (3.12), an 11th or 12th century work that recounts the Zoroastrian view of creation.
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The 10 Archangels
In the Kabbalah there are ten archangels, each assigned to one sephira: Metatron, Raziel (other times Jophiel), Tzaphkiel, Tzadkiel, Khamael, Raphael, Haniel, Michael, Gabriel and Sandalphon. According to the Golden Dawn's interpretation of the Kabbalah, there are ten archangels, each commanding one of the choirs of angels and corresponding to one of the Sephirot. The system is based on the Jewish angelic hierarchy.
Source: [ » Wikipedia: Jewish angelic hierarchy, Book II. (part 2) ]

Archangels and Angelic Orders in Jewish Angelology
Rank |
The Seven Archangels |
Angelic Order
(Yad ha-Hazakah, Yesode ha-Torah) |
Chief Angel |
Angelic Order
(Zohar, Exodus 43) |
Chief Angel |
Angelic Order
(Maseket Azilut) |
Chief Angel |
1 |
- |
Hayyot |
Metetron |
Arelim |
Michael |
Seraphim |
Shemuel [Kemuel] / Jehoel |
2 |
- |
Ofanim |
Ruziel |
Ishim |
Zephaniah |
Ofanim |
Raphael / Ofaniel |
3 |
(7.) |
Arelim |
Zabkiel |
bene Elohim |
Hofniel |
Cherubim |
Cherubiel |
4 |
(5.) |
Hashmallim |
Zadkiel |
Malakim |
Uriel |
Shinannim |
Zedekiel / Gabriel |
5 |
(3.) |
Seraphim |
Samael |
Hashmallim |
Hashmal |
Tarshishim |
Tarshish / Sabriel |
6 |
(4.) |
Malakim |
Michael |
Tarshishim |
Tarshish |
Ishim |
Zephaniel |
7 |
(6.) |
Elohim |
Anael |
Shinannim |
Zadkiel |
Hashmallim |
Hashmal |
8 |
(1.) |
bene Elohim |
Raphael |
Cherubim |
Cherub |
Malakim |
Uzziel |
9 |
(2.) |
Cherubim |
Gabriel |
Ofanim |
Raphael |
bene Elohim |
Hofniel |
10 |
- |
Ishim |
Soul Of The Messiah |
Seraphim |
Jehoel |
Arelim |
Michael |
Source: [ » Jewish Encyclopedia: ANGELOLOGY ]

Angels and God-Names from Meteorologica Cosmica by Robert Fludd
Rank |
The Seven Archangels |
God-Name |
Sephira |
Angelic Order |
Chief Angel |
Ethereal Circle |
1 |
- |
Ehieh |
Kether |
Seraphim |
Metetron |
Primum Mobile |
2 |
- |
Iah |
Hokhmah |
Cherubim |
Ruziel |
Fixed Stars |
3 |
(7.) |
Elohim |
Binah |
Thrones |
Zabkiel |
Saturn |
4 |
(5.) |
El |
Hesed |
Dominations |
Zadkiel |
Jupiter |
5 |
(3.) |
Elohim Gibor |
Geburah |
Power |
Samael |
Mars |
6 |
(4.) |
Eloah |
Tifereth |
Virtues |
Michael |
Sun |
7 |
(6.) |
Jehovah Sabaoth |
Netsah |
Principalities |
Anael |
Venus |
8 |
(1.) |
Elohim Sabaoth |
Hod |
Archangels |
Raphael |
Mercury |
9 |
(2.) |
Sadai |
Yesod |
Angels |
Gabriel |
Moon |
10 |
- |
Adonai |
Malkuth |
Souls |
Soul Of The Messiah |
Elements |
Source : [ » Angels & Demons (by Palmyria) ]
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The Countless Number of Archangels
The system of archangels is a very old tradition originating in Judaism. In the science of angelology different sources disagree on the names and identities of the Archangels. Various occult systems associate each archangel with one of the traditional seven luminaries and the ten kabbalistic sephiras but there is disagreement as to which archangel corresponds to which sphere...
The Names of Archangels according to different Bibilical & apocryphal & gnostic sources:
Source : [ » Angels & Demons (by Palmyria) ]

With all the different sources in mind, I have managed to reduce the number of archangels to 28 however this number is subject to change. These archangels are listed in the earliest cannonical sources of the biblical period.
Archangels in hierarchical order:
Archangels in alphabetical order:
[ For other angel correspondancies see seperate page on » Angelology ]

The first eleven archangel names are in hierarchical order:

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Michael, “who is like God”. Often shown conquering a dragon with lance or sword. Spiritual leader to holiness, spiritual offense and defense, protection from harm and evil, courage, preservation from danger.
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Gabriel, “strength of God”. Shown with horn, scroll, shield, scepter, or light. Wisdom, revelation, messages, nurturing the young, and communication.
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Raphael, “medicine of God”. Shown with a crook and container of medicine, such as a gourd of salve. Healing, health, wholeness, guidance, exorcism, and guidance.
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Uriel, “light of God”. Often shown with a set of scales, flaming sword, or flame. Protection, enlightenment, illumination, and resolution of conflict.
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7. ANAEL ( HANIEL ) & Ananiel
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The following other archangel names are in alphabetical order not in hierarchy:

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Barachiel, “blessing of God”. Shown holding a white rose or white rose petals, or a basket overflowing with bread. Blessings of all kinds, luxuries, wealth, nourishment, growth, harmony, love, humor, success.
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Jehudiel, “praise of God”. Shown with a sword, staff, or three-pronged whip, often crowned or holding a crown. The angel of work, labor, employment, leadership, and government, especially as it pertains to one’s True Will and the Will of God. By working, we praise God, and by praising God, we reap the power and station given to us.
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Raguel Raguil, Rasuil, Rufael, Raquel, Reuel, Akrasiel is an angel mainly of the Judaic traditions. His name's meaning is considered to be "Friend of God".
Raguel is referred to as the archangel of justice, fairness, harmony, and vengeance. In the Book of Enoch Raguel is one of the seven angels who watch, and his function is to take vengeance on the world of the luminaries who have transgressed God's laws. Raguel is also mentioned in the first writings ever found of Enoch who was the first man who ever started writing and the sentence is "Word of blessing of Henok, wherewith he blessed the chosen and righteous who would be alive in the day of tribulation for the removal of all wrongdoers and backsliders." Raguel brings a course of fire which persecutes all the fallen luminaries. Raguel also shows Enoch The Seven Mountains and in the midst of it- the high mountain which is the throne of God where the Lord of Glory will sit along with the tree of wisdom. Raguel brings all the other angels to account for their improper deeds. Before the Son of Man arrives he will inhabit a man to take vengeance on the luminaries. (Zohar)
Raguel is not mentioned in the canonical writings of the Bible. In 2 Enoch, when the patriarch Enoch visited heaven as a mortal, it was Raguel who carried him to and from the mortal world, along with the angel Sariel or Samuil.
In the Council of Rome of 745, pope St. Zachary condemned the worship of non-Biblical angels, among them Raguel.
Possible historical references to a similar figure from other cultures can be found in Babylonian culture as "Rag" (some translations say Ragumu), and in Sumerian as "Rig" which means to talk or speech. Thus, these similar characters represented balance in those cultures as well.
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Sealtiel or Selaphiel, “prayer of God”. Shown in devotion or contemplation, sometimes with arms folded or clasped together in prayer, sometimes with a thurible or censer. Focus in devotions and prayers, concentration, steadfastness and resolution in prayers and all worshipful acts, as well as wisdom and skill in magic, exorcisms, and all divine arts.
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Other interesting angel classifications:
» Hermetic Magick - Angelology
» The Grimoire of the Archangels
» Hafapea : Angels (Hafapea : Archangels) (Hafapea : Planetary Angels)
» The Grimoire of Armadel (by Ben Padiah) (chart)
» Angels & Demons (by Palmyria)
Read more at:
» Wikipedia : Archangel (Wikipedia : Seven Archangels)

[1] A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels by Gustav Davidson, 1980, Free Press Publishing
[2] Julia M.H. Smith, Europe After Rome: A New Cultural History 500-1000. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Page 77
[3] Tobit 12:15
[4] James F. Driscoll, "St. Raphael" in The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York 1911)
[5] Tasbeha.org Doxology of the Heavenly Orders
[6] Metzger & Coogan (1993) Oxford Companion to the Bible, Oxford University Press, p.54, ISBN 9780199743919
[7] Seals of the Seven Angels: These seals were done by Asterion to reconstruct the figures attributed to the seven angels found in Aryeh Kaplan s Sefer Yetsirah, fig.44, page 171. They are taken from the treatise Shoshan Yesod Olam, circa 1727.
[8] Planetrary Characters: These characters were discovered by Mihai Vârtejaru. These characters are a little known series of planetary characters found in one of Chaim Vital s little known manuscript works called Sefer HaPeulot, through the ever-surprising help of Rabbi Cohen.
[9] The Seals are from The Magic of Armadel by Mathers, S. L. MacGregor (Samuel Liddell MacGregor), 1854-1918.
See another version of the Seven Main Angelic Seals of ARMADEL by Buffalo Bob redesigned to reflect the Golden Dawn attributions and coloring scheme. They are passport portals into the Arch Angelic realms within the Worlds of Briah, used for skrying and developing relationships of Planetary Consciousness. Merkabah Tradition. Here laid out in the scheme of the Ze'ir Anpin, the Ruach. Corresponding to the emotive faculties of the soul, the work at this time of developement is to balance the influences of the planetary fields. That one may descend and then ascend the Ladder of Lights. [Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition, No. 18, Vol. 2. (Vernal Equinox 2010.)]
[10] The Seals are by Jason Augustus Newcomb based on Henry Cornelius Agrippa : Three Books of Occult Philosophy
[11] The Seals are based on Doktor Johannes Faust : Magia naturalis et innaturalis
[12] Maimonides, in his Mishneh Torah or Yad ha-Chazakah: Yesodei ha-Torah, counts ten ranks of angels in the Jewish angelic hierarchy, beginning from the highest.
Maimonides, in his "Yad ha-hazakah, Yesode ha-Torah," ii., counts ten ranks of angels, beginning from the highest: (1) hayyot; (2) ofanim; (3) arelim [
, Isa. xxxiii. 7]; (4) hashmallim [Ezek. i. 4], explained in hag. 13bas hayyot, who are sometimes silent [hash], and who sometimes speak [mallel]—they are silent when the word emanates from the Holy One, blessed be He! they speak when he has ceased speaking; (5) seraphim; (6) malakim, "angels"; (7) elohim or godly beings; (8) bene Elohim, "sons of God"; (9) cherubim, "like blooming youth," karabia [hag. 13b]; (10) ishim, "manlike beings" [Dan. x. 5]. See Rapoport on Maimonides' "Maämar ha-Yihud," ed. Steinschneider, p. 10; Jellinek, "Beiträge zur Kabbala," p. 61, note; Bacher, "Bibelexegese Moses Maimuni's," p. 69.
The cabalists (Zohar, Exodus, 43) have a different list: (1) Arelim, with Michael as chief; (2) ishim, with Zephaniah as chief; (3) bene Elohim, with Hofniel as chief; (4) malakim, with Uriel as chief; (5) hashmallim, with hashmal as chief; (6) tarshishim, with Tarshish as chief [after Dan. x. 6; see hul. 91b]; (7) shinannim, with zadkiel as chief [after Ps. lxviii. 18]; (8) cherubim, with Cherub as chief; (9) ofanim, with Raphael as chief; (10) seraphim, with Jehoel as chief.
Still more elaborate is the description of the seven heavens with their angelic chiefs, and of the twelve degrees of angels instead of ten, in "Sode Raza," quoted in Yalk. Reubeni to Gen. i. 1.
In "Maseket Azilut" the ten ranks of angels are given in the following order: (1) Seraphim, with Shemuel [kemuel] or Jehoel as chief; (2) ofanim, with Raphael and Ofaniel as chiefs; (3) cherubim, with Cherubiel as chief; (4) shinannim, with Zedekiel and Gabriel as chiefs; (5) tarshishim, with Tarshish and Sabriel as chiefs; (6) ishim, with Zephaniel as chief; (7) hashmallim, with hashmal as chief; (8) malakim, with Uzziel as chief; (9) bene Elohim, with hofniel as chief; (10) arelim, with Michael as chief.
These are the ten archangels that were created first; and over them is set Metatron-Enoch, transformed from flesh and blood into flaming fire.
Source: [ » Jewish Encyclopedia: ANGELOLOGY ]
[13] "Strong's Hebrew: 691. אֶרְאֵל (erel) - perhaps a hero". Biblesuite.com
[14] "Strong's Hebrew: 2830. חַשְׁמַל (chashmal) - perhaps amber". Biblesuite.com
[15] "Strong's Hebrew: 3742. כְּרוּב (kerub) - probably an order of angelic beings". Biblesuite.com
[16] James Hastings, A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume IV, Part I: Pleroma–Shimon, 1898, reprinted 2004 by the Minerva Group, ISBN 1-4102-1728-0, p. 202 (RAPHAEL).
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» Hermetic Magick - Angelology
» Hermetika - Isten 72 Neve (Shem ha Mephorash)
» Ezotéria - A 4 Évszak Angyalai
» Ezotéria - Az Angyal Válaszol
» Ezotéria - Angyal Kártya