Daniel Tarr
SOHO Satelite "Solar UFOs"
- A Review -

These UFO pictures were released by NASA's sun-watching Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, known as SOHO. SOHO, the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory, is a satellite built to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind. SOHO was launched on December 2, 1995.
On May 2012, SOHO satelite captured a huge metallic Mothership-like object near the sun. Before that, in April 2012, the satellite also took pictures of a similar object. Other objects were observed in November 2012 too and the "Angel UFO" or "Ikarus Mothership" was observed in February 2013 again. And all of these objects mentioned are able to withstand the Sun’s temperature that can reach up to 9,900 degrees Fahrenheit.
The suspicion is that NASA is not only keeping silent about this phenomena, but also trying to cover it up. That suspicion was raised when NASA removed the May 3 photos after there was a hot public discussion on the internet. This suspicion has even grown to the accusation that NASA is actually studying aliens with SOHO.
NASA has not been responding to this phenomenon despite the demand for an explanation from millions of people who have been watching such videos on the internet. Scott C. Waring, the founder of UFO Sightings Daily, criticizes this silence stance. “These phenomena were first announced several years ago, yet up until now NASA has not published any comment or explanation on this at all.”
Stereo A & B, Secchi, Soho and UFO'S by Flat Earth Light

Giant Angel Returns To Our Sun For Second Time In NASA PHOTOS, Feb 20, 2013.
Date of sighting: February 20, 2013
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun
Location in Video: 6:08 into it.
At 6:08 into the video we see the angel has returned to our sun. This is the second time I posted about this angel, (for the first event click here). This angel may be a giant ship from its balanced proportions or it may actually be a giant living angel. The only thing we can be sure of it that it's headed directly for our sun...perhaps to harvest something or perhaps this is its home. Many have even speculated that the sun is actually a massive planet like earth with a forcefield that projects heat outward not inward leaving the surface unscathed and habitable, which may account for digital cameras seeing a solid black object when looking directly at the sun. Digital cameras don't lie. SCW
Official photos at NASA: LASCO C2, LASCO C3, SOHO STEREO ahead & Behind EUVI 195.
Eyewitness states:
Giant alien face 4:55, Giant Angel - Alien 6:08
You can see the different types of unidentified objects. Objects have different shapes and sizes. UFOs are in different points in space near the Sun. These objects have a material structure. Attention skeptics, religious fanatics and those who believe the tales NASA! Objects shown in the video are the real origin!
This is not interference in the satellite, not broken pixels, not meteorites, not the solar particles and other qualifications that tries to convince NASA. Interference, broken pixels, meteorites, the charged particles can not have the correct complex geometries can not travel on different paths with the correct motion vector change! All objects - a UFO different forms and sizes!. These many UFO near our Sun are real unidentified objects. UFOs are of different sizes, different structures, different forms. Many UFOs are around some "energy" field. "UFOs are always near our sun.
Giant Angel Flies Next To Sun 2012 HD by Alien Disclosure Group
[ Source : UFO Sightings Daily ] |

Angelic UFO Travels Toward Sun In NASA Photo, Oct 15, 2012.
Date of sighting: October 15, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun
Look at this breathtaking object recently caught by the NASA/SOHO photos makes us think that only two possibilities could explain this sighting.
First, this could be a UFO in the shape of an angel headed directly into the sun… probably harvesting its energy.
Second, it is an angel who's size would be bigger that twice Earths size. What they call a light being which may live in or be part of the sun itself. Also note that it leaves a trail behind it which tells us the direction it was traveling at the time of the photo.
[ Source : UFO Sightings Daily ]
We are truly living in the most fascinating times in human history and a giant angel three times the size of the Earth adds to the mystique. NASA SOHO satellite captured this giant angel rocketing out of the Sun. I am very interested to hear NASA’s response to what exactly this could be. It clearly is not the standard filament shape phenomenon NASA has used to debunk giant UFOs around the Sun.
The sheer size of the “angel” is mind-boggling itself.
This growing criticism is natural, especially as such a public sighting is newly recorded phenomenon. In 2012 alone, there have been several photographic indications of UFO’s orbiting the sun. Last month, UFO Sightings Daily also posted a photo from the same NASA satellite, which captured an unidentified object in the shape of an angel, heading towards the sun.
“From the analysis, this angel shaped object is the size of two earths. It moved directly to the sun, very possibly to harvest the sun’s energy,” said Waring, commenting on the photo that was taken on October 15, 2012.
Looks like an Angel? by Streetcap1 |

Did Nasa satellite capture giant UFO surfing the hellish surface of the sun?
I took a screenshot and added light to it and you can see another part of the ship. It has another third arm that goes down. So strange.
An enlargement of the object makes the enormously large UFO look like a ship straight out of a Hollywood movie |
Date of sighting: April 24, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun
A strange object flying close to the sun looks unnervingly like a huge, metallic 'mothership' familiar from Hollywood blockbusters.
‘The unidentified flying object, which bears no resemblance to anything ever spotted near the Sun, somehow manages to withstand the blazing heat thrown off by solar flare activity and the incredibly high temperatures emanating from nuclear fusion generated on the surface of the star. What is it?' asked the site.
UFO fan site Gather News said: ‘An unusually shaped, gigantic UFO was spotted on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and posted in a video on YouTube.
UFO fans on YouTube have been highly enthusiastic about the object, with many claiming it as a definite 'spot'.
Alien spacecraft? Observers pointed out that the 'jointed' arms of the object near the sun are very similar to fictional interstellar craft
Others are more sceptical, claiming such artefacts are often the product of distortion hitting SOHO's sensors.
‘There is no way this object is merely vapour, as the shape of it is rigidly straight and grooved and appears to be manufactured in some way,' says the UFO fan site. 'Also, there seems to be some intelligent design involved. It's beyond human engineering to create.'
[ Source : Daily Mail ] |

This massive UFO was captured on NASA SOHO images on May, 3rd 2012.
What is really disturbing that the same image (2012-05-03 13:19:41) on Helioviwer.org does not contain the UFO anymore. Is NASA hiding something? |
Date of sighting: May 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun
This massive UFO was captured on NASA SOHO images on May, 3rd 2012. Since then NASA SOHO appears to have gone offline. No other images have been made available on their website for any of the days past May 3rd to date.
Several days ago I made a video documenting the activity for most of the day on May 3, 2012 that video can be seen on my channel. These images have been obtained by NASA SOHO and have not been altered in any way. They were obtained from the » Helioviewer itself.
It's last image caught on the third before SOHO went offline. The date shows as the 11th but that's only because the helioviewer will always show the last image taken as the most current image. It will show the same image no matter how much you go forward in time and if you go back in time it will show that image until the 3rd of May 2012 when it first appeared.
[ Source : Universal Trek ]
UFO by the Sun before NASA SOHO Goes Offline by UniversalTrek
A SOHO "Solar and Heliospheric Observatory" watcher on YouTube claims a new NASA UFO coverup after their live streaming video was disabled in the last few days.
What's it all about?
The poster to the YouTube channel,rob19791, is claiming that after another video he'd posted went viral, the live streaming images from the solar observatory were disabled, ostensibly due to what NASA calls a "false trigger" on the detector.
Here's NASA's official announcement:
"SOHO went into 'Emergency Sun Reacquisition' mode on Friday May 4, 2012, caused by a false trigger of the Coarse Sun Pointing Attitude Anomaly Detector. We are working on the recovery of the spacecraft to normal mode."
This incident was supposedly triggered, claims the poster on YouTube, after a new image of a gigantic UFO was spotted on Thursday, May 3, 2012.
The image above shows another immense, oblong, seemingly manufactured object, similar to one spotted in April, which doesn't seem to be affected by the solar furnace, hovering just above the surface of the star.
Since the live streaming capability was lost, other observers are reporting that still photographic images are being posted by NASA, but the live video cam remains offline.
[ Source : National Paranormal Association ]
UFO May 3rd 2012 by the sun

This image was captured by NASA’s sun observation satellite SOHO (the Solar and Heliosperic Observatory) and brought to the public’s attention by Scott C. Waring. SOHO is the main satellite for NASA to study the sun. It has been operating since December 1995.
Date of sighting: November 16, 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Sun
Recent footage from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) revealed a giant UFO orbiting the sun. This footage was taken on November 14, 2012, and actually is not the first time such phenomenon has been captured, but up until now, NASA was not commenting about it.
The video posted on UFO Sightings Daily on November 16, 2012, and also published in The Canadian, shows the full image of the sun. And on the close up angle, the video clearly shows the appearance of several unidentified objects orbiting the sun. When the video zooms in on the objects, viewers can see that all the objects are satellite-shaped, possibly resembling a space ship. They have a core of bright lights, and the panels on the side are various colors, from blue, red, to green.
This image was captured by NASA’s sun observation satellite SOHO (the Solar and Heliosperic Observatory) and brought to the public’s attention by Scott C. Waring. SOHO is the main satellite for NASA to study the sun. It has been operating since December 1995.
NASA has not been responding to this phenomenon despite the demand for an explanation from millions of people who have been watching such videos on the internet. Scott C. Waring, the founder of UFO Sightings Daily, criticizes this silence stance. “These phenomena were first announced several years ago, yet up until now NASA has not published any comment or explanation on this at all.”
Rob Waugh writing for the DailyMail.Co.Uk reports that,
"A strange object flying close to the sun looks unnervingly like a huge, metallic 'mothership' familiar from Hollywood blockbusters. The picture was released by Nasa's sun-watching Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, known as SOHO - and has become an immediate cult hit on the internet. UFO fan site Gather News said: ‘An unusually shaped, gigantic UFO was spotted on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and posted in a video on YouTube."
[ Source: Agoracosmopolitan ]
Browse Images NASA - Anomalies and Huge UFOs orbiting the Sun February 20, 2013.
The video, posted on UFO Sightings Daily on November 16, 2012, shows the full image of the sun. And on the close up angle, the video clearly shows the appearance of several unidentified objects orbiting the sun. When the video zooms in on the objects, viewers can see that all the objects are satellite-shaped, possibly resembling a space ship. They have a core of bright lights, and the panels on the side are various colors, from blue, red, to green.

Location of sighting: Earth's Sun
Here are two examples of SOHO "Eclipses", but I am sure there are plenty more examples... What is blocking the view? Or why is SOHO blinking?
SOHO "Eclipse": 2013/03/03 06:58:46-07:26:46
SOHO "Eclipse": 2013/03/04 06:51:46-07:36:46
[ Source: Helioviewer ]

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