Daniel Tarr
Baltic UFO Anomaly
by Ocean X Team
- a review -
Ocean X Team presents » The Baltic Anomaly
On June 19th 2012 the Swedish-based diving company Ocean X Team discovered something unusual on the sonar while they were exploring the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland looking for sunken treasures. They found a 197 feet diameter cylinder shaped object at the depth of approximately 275 feet. Much mystery surrounds the object.
In 2012 Ocean X released images and descriptions of an object they discovered in the Baltic Sea between Finland and Sweden which has captured the imaginations of viewers around the globe. The team actually took the original imagery in June of 2011 but only noticed the anomaly later on when reviewing the footage. Sonar images appear to show a nearly circular object, as well as what may be a long "track" along the sea-floor stretching away from the object in one direction. The team reports that the object is approximately 60 meters (close to 200 feet) in diameter.
There is also a secondary object or formation seen in the Ocean X side-scan sonar about 600 feet from the circular object. Ocean X reports that closer examination of this other formation revealed numerous right angles, as well as what appear to be large "stairs" leading up to it from the ocean floor.
Ocean X reports that both objects are elevated from the sea-floor itself, the circular object by as much as 50 meters (164 feet) and the angular object by about 10 meters (almost 33 feet).
The team has conducted two further expeditions to the site this year. Due to the visibility conditions of the Baltic Sea, which can be quite limited, visual images of the object (which rests on the seafloor at a depth of approximately 275 feet) had to be taken from quite close on these expeditions, and the team also reported electronic difficulties and equipment problems. However, divers passing close above the object photographed what appears to be a circle or ring of about 25 to 30 stones on one side of the circular object.

Baltic Sea Anomaly Still Baffles Scientists 5 Years Later Sunken Alien Spacecraft UFO Ocean X Team

15/6/2012, PRESS RELEASE - Treasure hunters confirm they have found something abnormal in the seabed (STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 15, 2012)
The Ocean X Team dove down to the circle-shaped object in the Baltic Sea and met something they never experienced before. First they thought it was just stone or a rock cliff, but after further observations the object appeared more as a huge mushroom, rising 3-4 meters/10-13 feet from the seabed, with rounded sides and rugged edges. The object had an egg shaped hole leading into it from the top, as an opening. On top of the object they also found strange stone circle formations, almost looking like small fireplaces. The stones were covered in something resembling soot.
“During my 20-year diving career, including 6000 dives, I have never seen anything like this. Normally stones don’t burn. I can’t explain what we saw, and I went down there to answer questions, but I came up with even more questions“, says Stefan Hogeborn, one of the divers at Ocean X Team.
The path to the object itself can be described as a runway or a downhill path that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of it. |
“First we thought this was only stone, but this is something else. And since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic Sea the find becomes even stranger. As laymen we can only speculate how this is made by nature, but this is the strangest thing I have ever experienced as a professional diver“, continues Peter Lindberg, one of the founder Ocean X Team.
Right now, scientists are examining samples from the circle-shaped object, and experts in sonar imaging are processing data from the ship to hopefully shed more light over the mysterious object.
[ Source » The Baltic Anomaly ]

The "Baltic Underwater UFO" Discovery
'This device dwarfs anything ever found before and is an important discovery', said the dive team which discovered the strange structure
Landing spot: The exact coordinates of the object have not been released,
but it is confirmed to be somewhere at the bottom of the Botnia Gulf in the Baltic Sea between Finland and Sweden
The Swedish team exploring the structure have been plagued with problems. The divers exploring a ‘UFO-shaped’ object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea said that team their equipment stops working when they approach within 200m. Professional diver Stefan Hogerborn, part of the Ocean X team which is exploring the anomaly, said some of the team’s cameras and the team’s satellite phone would refuse to work when directly above the object, and would only work once they had sailed away. He is quoted as saying: ‘Anything electric out there – and the satellite phone as well – stopped working when we were above the object. ‘And then we got away about 200 meters and it turned on again, and when we got back over the object it didn’t work.’
Expedition occurrences which may be of significance:
1) The satellite phone didn’t work when the boat was directly over the object, but just some tenth meters away from position they worked again.
2) Electrical problems were experienced on the last expedition and also this time, but the team is not sure if its related to anomaly, as he said it is normal for him.
3) A strong radio signal of 40-50 megahertz was picked up when they were near the object. Dennis said that it wasn’t coming from the object.
4)Strange thermometer reading: “The surface waters @ 6m of depth had approx. 15 degrees C. The -1 were actually on the way down. in mid water @ approx 40m depth then gradually warmer and around 2 @ the bottom. This was recorded on all the dives…. The thing is that the Baltic sea is surrounded by really cold climate during the winter and warm temperatures during the summer. In the middle of the summer the surface temperature goes up to around 20 degree Celsius. but that is just the 2-3 meter close to the surface. At depths from approx. 40m and deeper it is usually around 4 degrees. The heat from the warmer surface never reach down. At this time of the year it gets colder the deeper you go. During the winter the surface temperature can be really cold depending on water movements but since an exact temperature is not important we can say it is around 0 degrees. The temperature from 40m down will still be around 4 degrees celcius the year around. At this time of the year the temperature gets warmer the deeper you go. The data we got from diving at the wreck of Astrid follows this simple rule. About 20 @ the surface, 4 degrees from 40m and there after. in other words warm at the surface and gradually colder the deeper we go till it reaches 4 degrees. At the anomaly we had around 20 @ the surface, -1 @ 40m, and 2 @ 90. on every dive including the ROV dives i sent my computer on. There might be somebody out there with a perfect explanation to this but I do not have that. ~ Stefan Hogeborn
5) Measurements show that the area is radioactive. What does that mean? When the diving at the mysterious circle was finished, they measured the radioactivity of cameras and other equipment used. It turned out that the background radiation was measured to 0.3 millisieverts, mSv, says Peter Lindberg. Normal radiation to be 0.01 mSv.

The object was first found in May 2011, but because of a lack of funding and bad timing, they have were not able to pull a team together to see for themselves – just the strange, metallic outline, and a similar disk-shaped object about 200 metres away.
During their visit, the team saw a 985-foot trail that they described ‘as a runway or a downhill path that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of it’.
The discovery has sparked off several speculations.
Lindberg offered a “new Stonehenge,” though some suspect it’s a natural formation, such as the rim of a small underground volcano, which certainly create a very round, prominent ring.
Others see clear evidence that the object, whatever it is, is too perfectly round to be anything but man-made. Of course, one of the most popular — theory is that it’s a crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft. Some have even suggested it resembles the Millennium Falcon from the Star Wars series, with its distinctive front forks and round shape as Fox News reports.
As it was before the recent dive, the story behind the object is anyone’s guess, from a ‘plug to the inner world’ to the Millennium Falcon ship from Star Wars.
Part of the trouble they face, however, is that they have no way of telling what is inside the supposed cylinder- whether it is filled with gold and riches or simply aged sediment particles. They’re hoping for the former, and history seems to be in their favour. |
The sonar picture of the unidentified object resembles
the famed Star Wars ship the "Millennium Falcon"
Watch here: CNN Shipwreck hunters stumble across mysterious find |

In the past, such sonar technology has confused foreign objects with unusual- but natural – rock formations. This is not the first time an unidentified sunken object has led to conjecture. There is the famous underwater mystery of ‘Bimini Road’, a rock formation in the Caribbean that resembles a road. Even though geologists have said that the rocks are naturally formed, there are theorists who link the formation to an unknown civilization or to the lost city of Atlantis.
It is important to note that not all circular and that size is a crashed flying saucer.
Lindberg did not suggest it was a flying saucer. It does not mean that it wasn’t a natural formation, something made by humans, or be an anomaly created by the rough ocean floor and the depth at which the circular object was found. In fact, it might not be as perfectly circular as some speculate simply because the sonar being used didn’t have the ability to discriminate precisely at that depth.
Lindberg has said that he is not interested in further in investigations. While the recovery of an alien craft could potentially be worth billions of dollars, the more likely scenario is that this circular object on the bottom of the ocean is just that… a circular object that has no value at all.
Only the shape, circular, suggests that this might be of alien origin, and that is highly speculative. The most likely explanation is something mundane. Since Lindberg is the man who found it, and since he sees nothing of value there, and in fact, did not suggest it was alien, we would be wise to listen.
With nothing else reported, without further information, the logical conclusion is in the mundane.
Until the experts gives us the real analysis, let’s just call object a UO (unidentified object). |
[ Source: Daily Mail and The Santos Republic ]

The "Baltic Underwater UFO" Facts
There are THREE objects of interest – 1) the main 60 meter circular anomaly, 2) a smaller secondary object lying approx. 200 meters from the 1st anomaly with an area shaped like two “Gothic church windows” and 3) a third anomaly – a 28 meters high and 275 meters wide rock outcrop with a crack running through it, lying some 1500 metres South of the circular object, direct on the other end of the “trail”. The team has stated Anomaly 2 might turn out to be the most interesting than the first, and they plan to dive on it this time around.

- The object (the main 60 meter circular anomaly) seems to be very very old, rare and something the crew has never seen before. (Peter Lindberg feels that it could be Pre-ice age.) “I think you must think of this object being there for a very long time, natural or made in some way.” – Peter Lindberg, July 22, 2012
- “When I say the anomaly is not a rock i mean that it is not a solid block of granite or some other “stone”. (like ayers rock in Ausralia) That is the definition I have of a rock. The anomaly is made of some other material which I do not know what it is but I´m sure there are several different materials @ the sight, you have 5-10 meter deep layer of clay, that lies on top of the Scandinavian rock. On top of the clay lies this anomaly, and on top of the anomaly small stones of different kind.” ~ Stefan Hogeborn November 13, 2012
- The object lies at approx. 85-90 meter depth in international waters between Sweden & Finland
- 60 meter in diameter, 4 meters thick
- Perfectly round, somewhat flattened dome-shaped object made of a “rock-like” substance, although it is not a rock formation. There are rock formations, which appear on the surface of the object. (This is what a sample was taken of on the second expedition, NOT of the circular object itself. “They hammered off a couple of pieces from a huge rock formation on top of the circle, but it seems like that part is not really a part of the larger circular body. We were thinking that if it is a volcano the material with the smooth surface maybe was basalt and that the rocks on top were ordinary rock that has been broke and pushed up on top of the magma. But since the divers hardly could not see anything they just took samples from where they landed and that was on the highest point.” – Peter Lindberg, July 22, 2012)
- The object has rounded sides with rugged edges (not smooth). “It’s like someone has pinched the mountain at the edge, as if you have moulded together two molds, and it sticks out stones between the molds”,- Stefan Hogeborn.
- There is a domed shaped meringue which sits upon the circle.
- There are two round holes in the circle. One is 30 cm wide, and the other is approx. 2 meters wide and surrounded by a square formation of 2 x 2 meters.
- Divers said there was a “blackish” powder that had been attracted to the cameras.
- Looks like something has been very hot down there, so that the stone has melted. “The surface of the (circular) object has cracks in it in some places 1-2 inches wide, and in these cracks, it looks like something has poured out like magma…If the magma had come out before the ice age, it should have been scraped away by the ice, but now it’s there like it poured out yesterday.” – Earthfiles interview with Peter Lindberg ” As you understand it is very much in this that points toward this not being just a “stone formation”. “The cracks seams not to be irregular, they seams to go vertically or horizontally. Behind them you can see a blackish colored mineral(?) with the structure of old wooden planks.” – Peter Lindberg, June 21, 2012
- Dennis said that a volcano is possible, however according to researchers, there has never been a volcanic activity in the Baltic Sea. Also, the object they found doesn’t look like a volcano because of the perfect circular form of it and also because of the 90 degree angles. Peter Lindberg, on the other hand feels they have found volcanic activity (see below) and this volcano-like mountain will be looked at on their next expedition.
Some suggested this (arrow points) may be something worth looking at |
The "Circular Object" (enhanced image)
The "Circular Object" crashed UFO (artist concept)
The "Circular Object" (enhanced image)
The circular object rests upon a 8 meter tall “pillar”. The pillar increases in thickness to a dimension of 56 meters near the top where it meets the object. On one side of circle (front), the object is extending approximately 4-6 meters off from pillar. The object does not appear to be connected to the pillar. There is a wedge formed gap between the upper part (the circle) and the lower part (pillar foundation). Looks like granite, surface of anomaly is made of different material than pillar.
“During the last expedition it was confirmed that there is a wedge formed gap between the upper part (the circle) and the lower part (foundation/pillar). However, if the two parts are completely separated or if the upper part and the lower part are the same object has not been clarified“. – Peter Lindberg
The Ocean X-team disclosed 9 BlueView images taken from the Baltic Anomaly. Dennis Åsberg stated “from the upper part of the object… a gift for you all” and continued “do you understand me now that I can not sleep?”.
(Click on thumbnails for larger images and see the images combined on » VIDEO)
The images has previously shown defined 90 degree angles. Many 90 degree angles and straight lines: .5 – 1.5 meter high corridors within object. They appear to be like passages or walls approx. 1.5 meters in height and 3 meter wide, which are cut into the object. The walls are straight and smooth.They walls are made of stone resembling sandstone. “… the graves (passageways) are more like 1-1,5 meter wide and 0,5-1,5 meters deep”- Peter Lindberg, June 21, 2012
While it is difficult in these sequences to make out details at the level one really would like to do, they do improve on previous Sonar image which has been rather diffuse. These images are parts of a longer sequences of pictures and the really exciting thing would be to see them in a movie which would make details sharper. Even more so, if these could be combined with actual footage we could understand better why this structure is unique.

Lying on top of the object is a several strange circular formations of rocks, like “fireplaces”. They are approximately 1 meter in diameter rings of 25 – 30 hard, black “almost petrified” burnt looking stones, each stone approximately 4 inches in diameter lying side by side in a ring. These stones are covered in a black powder-like substance resembling soot. These stones were not covered in silt. This was thought to be strange, because other stones in the area had silt on them. (Two of these black stones were taken as samples and submitted to a lab for analysis at Stockholm University.
The Team collected two stones from the area. One of the stones was apparently indigenous to the region but normally found under the Earth’s crust. The other stone was common to the mid-Atlantic. ) “It is not the same objects, the stone which appears to be a part of what looks like a ring of stones can’t be larger than a couple of fists.”- Peter Lindberg, June 20, 2012
According to a video posted by Dennis on September 19th, 2012, he describes about the stones: 1st rock: Volcanic rock – Soft/possible to pick of pieces. It’s totally black inside. Apparent oxidation on it. Not magnetic. But very high density (HEAVY). Reminds him of steel (with loose rust). It has been exposed to extreme heat. Scientists say it’s highly unlikely that there’s any volcano in that area. 2nd Rock (red granite):Found on top center of the object. It’s strange… when scraping it it appears to be covered in some sort of soot (high heat again?). It’s a “normal stone” but many was found ON top of the object. Must have ended up there during ice melting “falling down). |
Dennis Åsberg posted a video on his » YouTube Channel in the Facebook group on September 19th, 2012 showing some rock samples taken which were lying on top of the object (See info under ‘Ring of Stones” in Facts below). He indicates in the video that “the object is older than 140.000 yrs. Older than that… with straight angles/lines – rounded corners… much like a “dinner plate” and separate from the base below.”

On top of the object, is a circular dome shape, which looks like a solidified meringue, appearing on the sonar scan as a little “bump” in the middle of the object. It is approximately 8 meters wide and 1.5 meters at the highest point.
The surface of the meringue is not entirely smooth, some places the “cement” is cracking. The rock isn’t covered at all in silt, which should have typically occurred on the bottom of the sea. It appears to be covered in some type of hard cement-like substance, mineral deposit. After being chipped, the interior of object is black, like volcanic rock, almost petrified inside. Material is very hard, not simple stone, described as “preserved rock”. Hogeborn describes the sense of carbonized material. The Meringue appears to have construction lines and boxes drawn on it.
“The “meringue” of which the divers have taken a picture is laying on the circle. What looks like bottom besides it is actually the top of the circle it self. There is not only straight lined formations on the circle. I’m not really sure but I think the “meringue” is the smaller round object you can see up to the right on the “original” side scan sonar image from last year. I’m not really sure because the divers did not know where they were except someone near the outer edge of the circle.” – Peter Lindberg, June 20, 2012 “The “meringue” must be like 2-4 meters in diameter and probably like 1,5 meters high…Well ok, the meringue must be larger than 4 meters.” – Peter Lindberg, June 20 -21, 2012

There are two holes on the anomaly. One is 25 centimeters in diameter, and the other is 2 meters surrounded by a square formation. It’s not yet known where the holes lead.
“What I do not believe because I know, is the fact that we found a round hole approx 25 cm in diameter going straight into the surface of the circle, how odd is not that? How deep? No idea, we just saw it for some seconds before we decided to back off to preserve the visibility for the divers that was going down later on.” – Peter Lindberg, June 20, 2012

Some suggested the "hole" could be a "hatch" |

It looks like there is a stair-like structure on the side of the 60 meter circular object. (Peter confirmed the “staircase” reference was only an example to describe what he saw and that it is comprised of 8 steps with each step a 1 meter drop starting from the missing section on the left.
“The staircase comment was slipped from my mouth, and probably to early. I have seen something that looks like a stair, or steps, on the Multi Beam raw data. And it looks like they going from the missing part on the left side of the side scan image from last year and down to the bottom. I could only count to eight of them and that should mean that every step should be like a meter high which is a bit to high for a person to use. If there actually are something that looks like steps they probably just natural.” – Peter Lindberg, – June 28, 2012
“Someone asked about the stairs, there is stair shaped formations but I do not know if I have got it right. I thought they were on one side but on the Multi beam image they appeared to be on an other side. I will come back to the stairs when I can study an image from a different angle.” – Peter Lindberg, July 22, 2012
Some suggested the "stairs" could be real stairways |

There is a second anomaly. The anomaly appears to have “gothic-like window shaped forms” (a smaller secondary object) which is located 200 meters away. It has been suggested by some members that this anomaly/anomalies are pieces that might fit at the 1st anomaly, which would complete the circle.
There is an approximately 1500 meters long trail leading to object that starts out shallow, and progressively gets DEEPER until it reaches a depth of 9 meters at the base of the object. The path to the object itself can be described as a “runway or a DOWNHILL path” that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of it. Peter Lindberg said “It looks like if a plough has been used, as if a plough has been pushed through snow, as if something has slithered across the sea floor, creating like a sand bank on one side, whereas there are lots of debris on the left side. In my world it looks as if an object has slithered along the sea floor, having an… yes, it was spinning quite simply and throw out sediment on one side. And then it slowed down and stopped. It’s laying on an edge that is about 20 meters high.”
Hefty trajectory: The Swedish diving team noted a 985-foot flattened out 'runway' leading up to the object,
implying that it skidded along the path before stopping but no true answers are clear
Peter said it has a ridge raising slowly rising to a height of approx 8 meters above the surrounding bottom.“What I have seen it looks like the ridge has its highest peak at the pillar, or foundation. It also looks like it’s synced in the sense of that the top of the ridge is in line with the center of the circle. The ridge’s sides can have different angles of its slopes” – Peter Lindberg He also believes that the ridge is made of softer material than the pillar and the circle. Peter Lindberg offered an alternative explanation to the term “ridge”, by stating “You can also look at it like the ridge is not a skid mark, it might be remains from the impact residues… It is just an other way of looking at the mystery.”

There is a third anomaly: a 28 meters high and 275 meters wide rock outcrop with a crack running through it, lying some 1500 metres South of the circular object, direct on the other end of the “trail”.
The possible skid tracks start 1500 meters (4,921 feet) south and travel north where they end at each of the two more well-known anomalies. At the point of convergence 1500 metres away there is actually another anomaly which looks like a huge rock approx. 90 feet high and 900 feet in diameter with a big crack running through it approx. 120-180 feet wide and 60 feet deep. And yes, the crack’s direction are the same as the ‘tracks.’ – quote from Peter or Dennis.
There is a is a craggy undersea mountain, possibly volcanic in origin, located south ca. 1500 metres away, at the point of convergence from the two anomalies. It is approx. 28 meters high and 275 meters in diameter with a big crack which appears to be broken and split in the middle running through it, approx. 37-55 meters wide and 18 meters deep. The crack’s direction is the same as the ‘tracks’.
It is suggested by those who believe in the UFO/USO theory, that this could be the point of impact, or separation of Anomaly 1 and 2, if in fact they were joined. It has also been “rumoured” that there is also a line marking on the side of the object reflecting what could be a “gouge” mark from hitting the mountain. (Please note: this information has not been officially confirmed!)
There is also another a “Volcano-Like Mountain” lying approx. 2 kilometers from circular object. It is a 50 meter high mountain rising off the seabed in the form of a classic volcano. It has a “smoking” a cloud of undefinable material out of the top. It could be a “black smoker”. Currently, there is no known volcanic activity in the Baltic region.

Peter Lindberg – The Mysterious Baltic Sea Object
(Red Ice Radio 2012-08-07)
You may have read in the world’s newspapers about the discovery of a “possible UFO” on the floor of the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe. A diving team first discovered a large, strange disc last year – and have now returned to the scene. One of the Expedition’s Leaders – Peter Lindberg – talks with us about what they have found in this exclusive interview.
He discusses the details and anomalies of the object. He also talks about how the object is giving off electrical interference and disturbing their research gear. Peter provides us with up to date information on their research results and current news. We speculate on what this mysterious object may be.
The interview is conducted by Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice, an excellent interviewer who has a great talent for adapting his interview questions to his guest and allowing the guest to tell his or her story, while offering insightful questions that help to bring out some of the most interesting aspects of the subject at hand.
Listen also:
Exclusive Peter Lindberg Baltic Sea UFO interview
(News Radio: The Unexplained 2012-06-28)
KevinSmithShow – Ocean Explorer Interview (27.6.2012) |
"I have no idea. The only thing I know is that I have seen something down there that is massive - stone, concrete or steal - and something round. It's not an impossibility that Germans have been there, Russians have been there, and dumped something gigantic," said Dennis Åsberg, Ocean Explorer Project Coordinator
"It's up to the rest of the world to decide what it is. It is not in our sphere of interest to go for this object since there it might be nothing we can not afford spending funds just to have a look at it, even if it might be a "new" Stonehenge standing on the bottom," Peter said.
[Source » The Baltic Anomaly]

Theory No.1. - Natural formation:
Remnants of a meteorite
The UO is a remnant of a meteorite, rock formation, volcano, magma bubble, pillow lava, or possibly a lacolith (See: Science Direct).
Another "non-human construction" explanation has been that the objects are large meteorites. Peter Lindberg points out that there does not appear to be any sort of crater around the objects on the sea-floor, but does say that if the meteorites hit during the Ice Age and struck a thick layer of ice, they might have made a huge crater in the ice and then later settled to their current location when the ice melted.
The circle could have been later carved by an ancient civilization. One theory from a Facebook group member is that it might have been used for metallurgy.

Theory No.2. - Artificial formation:
Sunken UFO/USO, or an object such as a submarine trap from WWII.
Other possible explanations which have been put forward include some kind of military project from the Second World War, perhaps the wreck of an advanced experimental German "saucer"-shaped aircraft, or some kind of an anchor for a large anti-submarine net that would have been affixed to the bottom of the sea to prevent submarine incursions into the Baltic during that war.
However, in the interview (around 34:00), Peter Lindberg points out that there are some problems with explaining it as a human construction from any recent century. For one thing, if that circle of stones on top of the circular formation was created by humans rather than being a random arrangement of stones (and it certainly appears to be deliberate), then the object must have been there for a very long time, from a time when its current location was not below the level of the sea.
One possible theory suggested that the UO is neither an extraterrestrial craft nor a natural feature but instead a rotating gun turret from a World War II era battleship. It’s possible that an explosion on the ship’s deck could have blown it out of the deck ring where it was anchored and it slid into the ocean’s depths, more or less intact. Such an explosion would not necessarily have sunk the ship, so the lack of nearby wreckage may not be a mystery.
The turret-less ship might have made it back to port, or may have continued to another location where it eventually succumbed and sank. The top-heavy turret would likely have sunk with the cannons face down in the ocean floor, and would not necessarily have been seen in the sonar image. In fact, Lindberg and his crew were originally drawn to the area in search of Swedish merchant ships sunk by the German navy in World War I. (See more below.)
Former Swedish naval officer and WWII expert Anders Autellus has revealed that the structure - measuring 200ft by 25ft -
could be the base of a device designed to block British and Russian submarine movements in the area

‘UFO’ at bottom of Baltic sea may be a top-secret lost Nazi weapon
Sonar scans have shown that the mysterious object could be a huge Nazi anti-submarine weapon lost beneath the waves since World War II.
- Object is raised about 10 to 13ft above seabed and curved at the sides like a mushroom
- World War II expert says object may be Nazi anti-submarine weapon
- Wire meshes could be used to baffle submarine radar and make them crash
- Area vital to German war machine
- Object has wire meshes – which could explain why dive team’s equipment failed
- Divers say phones and some cameras switch off when close to the object
Divers exploring a 'UFO-shaped' object in the Baltic sea say that the strange, curved object might be a Nazi device lost beneath the waves since the end of the Second World War.
Sonar scans have shown that the device, raised 10ft above the seabed and measuring 200ft by 25ft, could be the base of an anti-submarine weapon.
The weapon was built with wire mesh which could have baffled submarine radar, leading enemy craft to crash - much in the same way as turning out a lighthouse could be used as a weapon against shipping.
But now former Swedish naval officer and WWII expert Anders Autellus has revealed that the structure - measuring 200ft by 25ft - could be the base of a device designed to block British and Russian submarine movements in the area.
The huge steel-and-concrete structure could be one of the most important historical finds in years.
Autellus claims it would have been built of double-skinned concrete and reinforced with wire mesh to baffle radar - which could explain why the dive team's equipment repeatedly failed near the mystery object.
‘The area was vital to the German war machine because most of the ball bearings for its tanks and trucks came from here. Without them the German army would have ground to a halt,’ explained one expert.
‘This device dwarfs anything ever found before and is an important weapons discovery,’ they added.
Explorer Stefan Hogeborn - who is studying the images for the Ocean X diving team - agreed: ‘It is a good candidate for the answer to this mystery. The object lies directly underneath a shipping route.’ |
Sonar scans have shown that the mysterious object could be a huge Nazi anti-submarine weapon lost beneath the waves since World War II
‘It would be of enormous weight in steel and concrete. Other Nazi anti-sub anchoring devices were nowhere near as large,’ he added.
While the Ocean Explorer team is understandably excited about their potentially earth-shattering find, others are slightly more sceptical and are questioning the accuracy of the sonar technology.
Swedish submarine officer, Anders Autellus says that the most likely explanation is that the object is a German submarine trap from the Second World War.
These huge concrete structures were built to make navigation more difficult for Soviet submarines.
Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Expressen, Autellus said that similar concrete structures had been built by the British during World War II.
Autellus says it is likely that the object is built from double-skinned concrete for the purpose of holding large steel wire mesh structures, expected to disturb the propagation of radar and other signals used by any nearby submarines.
During the decades after the war, the wire mesh structures would have eroded away, leaving only the holes shown on the images provided by Ocean X.
Stefan Hogeborn, a member of the Ocean X research team states that Autellus' theory is a good candidate for the answer to the mystery.
'The object looks like as it has been formed by pouring, layer by layer. It is believable also because the object is located in the middle of a ship route'. |
These huge concrete structures were built to make navigation more difficult for Soviet |
[Source » News et al]

‘UFO’ at bottom of Baltic sea may be a crashed alien spaceship
And of course there is the most sensational explanation, that the object (especially the circular one) is related to extraterrestrial activity -- based on its "spaceship-like shape" it has invited the description of "Baltic Sea UFO." In the interview above, Peter Lindberg points out: "I should say we never have said it was a UFO" (at about 12:00), and later on he reiterates: "we don't know what it is."
Ocean X has taken samples from the site to Stockholm University and are currently awaiting results from their analysis, and they have expressed interest in conducting another expedition this year before weather conditions become too difficult later this fall, and hoping "to have some real scientists" from various disciplines accompany them to help guide the search for clues. In other words, it does not appear that Ocean X is pushing a sensational interpretation of the object's origin -- far from it. In fact, it appears that they are sincerely interested in getting opinions and analysis from those who can honestly help to come up with the explanation that best fits the evidence.
The UFO theory that dominates much of the coverage of this story does not seem like a necessary conclusion based upon what has been found so far, but for further discussion of possible evidence of extraterrestrial contact with ancient humans, see for example the previous post "Supernatural or Extraterrestrial." So far, it seems difficult to definitively argue that the object or objects must represent alien technology and could not have been built by ancient humans -- if indeed they are not natural geological formations of some sort.

Theory No.3. - Artificial formation:
The object might also be the ruins of an ancient civilization that existed before the Ice age.
In this instance, the question is, when would the oceans have been low enough to allow the possibility that these objects were built by people when the area was dry land? Over 18,000 years ago the Ocean’s were alot shallower. In fact the seas may have been as much as 300 meters lower than today. Sea water was locked up in ice sheets as thick as at least 1 mile thick and deeper. Canada was 2 miles thick. If you drop the ocean levels that low, you will see how much land pops up around continents and undersea mountains that used to be islands, and a wide band either side of the equator enjoyed a pleasant enough climate for human civilization to have flourished in many parts of the world. When the sea levels rose as the ice sheets melted, many coastal settlements disappeared under the waves and were forgotten. “Because the anomalies are at a depth of 275 feet, conventional theories can explain possible human construction by noting that the end of the Ice Age could explain sea-level rise of up to 300 feet.”

When was the sea so much lower that a point that is now lying beneath 275 feet of seawater was dry land? The answer one gives to that question depends on the geological paradigm one uses, but in any case it was a very long time ago -- certainly prior to World War II. Of course, one could argue that someone went down in more recent years and placed the stone ring there, but since it was only discovered recently, that explanation seems to be unlikely (unless Ocean X is being less than truthful about the entire object). If Ocean X is not pulling an elaborate hoax, then it would seem that the object has been there for a very long time -- and if it is indeed man-made then it would argue for a quite remote date of construction for what appears to be a fairly advanced structure (certainly not what those operating within the paradigm of conventional history would expect human beings to be building at that time).
More interesting in light of the subject matter discussed on this blog is the question of when the oceans would have been low enough to allow the possibility that these objects (or at least the stone ring, if it was put there by humans) were built by people when the area was dry land. Because they are at a depth of 275 feet, conventional theories can explain possible human construction by noting that the end of the Ice Age could explain sea-level rise of up to 300 feet.
The hydroplate theory of Dr. Walt Brown also provides an explanation for greatly lowered sea levels and higher continents as well -- conditions which were intimately connected to the causative mechanism for the Ice Age (see also this post for more discussion of that concept). The hydroplate theory, in fact, appears to explain some of the other "anomalous" sea-level-related evidence around the world (including other undersea structures that may also be man-made, and the alleged Antarctic contours shown on the Piri Re'is map) far better than conventional theories do. Thus, the ongoing examination of the Baltic Sea Object(s) is of great interest for any clues it may offer that could shed light on the explanatory powers of the hydroplate theory versus other theories.
The Baltic Sea Object (or objects) thus offers yet another example of the need for good critical, but open-minded, analysis. So far, it would appear that these structures may well invite explanations that are outside of the conventional tectonic geological paradigm, as well as outside of the conventional paradigm of ancient human history. It would appear wise to keep an open mind in this case, and investigate all the possible explanations carefully before rejecting any of them.
[Source: Mathisen Corollary ]

DRG, one of the leading independent distributors of media content in the world has now listed the Ocean X Team documentary “The Mystery Beneath”. It is being described as “The most exciting underwater story of the modern age”.
The documentary is produced by swedish Titan Television and their film-crew follow the Ocean X Teams adventures on their expeditions to find out what the mysterious object really is. It looks like one 60 minute long documentary special has been produced although there has been rumors of 2 parts.
“On June 19th 2011 the Swedish-based diving company Ocean Explorer discovered something extraordinary. They were exploring in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland, looking for sunken treasures when a very unusual image suddenly appeared on the sonar. A 197ft diameter cylindrical object was discovered at the depth of approximately 275 feet, something they had never seen before.
In this documentary special, we follow the treasure hunters and their crew on their expedition to reveal what could be the most extraordinary discovery in deep sea ever. We share the tension, the excitement and the nervousness that threats – both known and unknown – may be enforced. There is reason to believe that their ship is under surveillance.
Using advanced equipment – ROW cameras, sonar pictures and human divers, we discover that the findings really are something very strange and incredibly unique.” |

About Ocean X Team
The Swedish Ocean Explorer Team are veteran sea scavengers who search for sunken ships and not known as UFO chasers. Ocean X Team has been conducting various diving excursions in North Europe for over 20 years. Their main focus has been to search for hidden treasures such as antique high-end alcoholic beverages and historic artefacts. Some excursions include the salvaging of champagne bottles from the wreck“Jönköping” in 1997. The treasure hunters, Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åsberg have been in the maritime industry since 1995.
Peter Lindberg, one of the co-founders of Ocean X Team started his wreck career by finding an American B-17 bomber in 1992, off the Swedish east coast. |

In 1994 Peter Lindberg and his companions found information about a ship wreck loaded with champagne and cognac in local court archives. This lead to the great find of the small schooner “Jönköping” in 1997 and the salvage of the same in year 1998. 2400 bottles of Heidsieck & Co MONOPOLE Gôut Americain 1907 champagne where recovered from the wreck and raised world record prices when sold at Christie’s auction house in London. Peter Lindberg has participated in many other wreck projects and salvages and is constantly working on new projects.
The Baltic Sea is a treasure trove for shipwreck hunters, as an estimated 100,000 objects are thought to line the cold sea’s floor. The company have created a submarine that they hope will appeal to tourists and wannabe shipwreck hunters who will pay to take a trip down to the bottom of the Baltic Sea to see for themselves.
We wish Ocean X and all those involved in the analysis the very best with their continuing efforts in the Baltic Sea.
[Visit the » Ocean X Team website]

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