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TAROT - The Meaning of the Cards

The Ten of Disks


The Ten of Disks (Coins) denotes abundance, wealth, security, stability and the carelessness of our daily lives. It symbolizes both internal and external wealth. However, achieving spiritual completeness requires vigilant attention. In this regard, the card calls for the important spiritual aspects not to be neglected because of our business effort and our zeal. It shows that we just have to open our eyes to see and experience what the alleged gray everyday days offer.


Crowley Thoth Tarot - The Root of The Powers of Earth - The Ten of Disks : Wealth
Tarot Disks 10


These cards are attributed to Malkuth. Here is the end of all energy; it is away from the “formative world” altogether, where things are elastic. There is now no planetary attribution to consider. So far as the Sephira is concerned, it is right down in the world of Assiah. By the mere fact of having devised four elements, the current has derogated from the original perfection. The Tens are a warning; see whither it leads-to take the first wrong step!

The Ten of Disks is called Wealth. Here again is written this constantly recurring doctrine, that as soon as one gets to the bottom one finds oneself at the top; and Wealth is given to Mercury in Virgo. When wealth accumulates beyond a certain point, it must either become completely inert and cease to be wealth, or call in the aid of intelligence to use it rightly. This must necessarily happen in spheres which have nothing whatever to do with material possessions, as such. In this way, Carnegie establishes a Library, Rockefeller endows Research, simply because there is nothing else to do.

But all this doctrine lies behind the card; it is the inner meaning of the card.

There is another view to consider, that this is the last of all the cards, and therefore represents the sum total of all the work that has been done from the beginning.

Therefore, in it is drawn the very figure of the Tree of Life itself. This card, to the other thirty-five small cards, is what the twenty-first Trump, The Universe, is to the rest of the Trumps.

The number Ten, Malkuth, as always, represents the final issue of the Energy. Here is great and final solidification. The force is completely expended and results in death. Mercury rules this card in Virgo; and this may imply that the acquired wealth, being inert, will be dissipated unless put to further use by devoting its power to objects other than mere accumulation.
The disks, or (as they have now become) coins, are arranged on the Tree of Life, but the Tenth coin is much larger than the rest; the image indicates the futility of material gain.

These disks are inscribed with various symbols of mercurial character except that the coin in the place of Hod (Mercury) on the Tree is marked with the cipher of the Sun. This indicates the only possibility of issue from the impasse produced by the exhaustion of all the elemental forces. At the end of matter must be complete stagnation, were it not that in it is always inherent the Will of the Father, the Great Architect, the Great Arithmetician, the Great Geometer. In this case, then, Mercury will represent the Logos, the Word, the Will, the Wisdom, the Eternal Son, and Virgo the Virgin, in every implication of that symbol. This card is in fact a hieroglyph of the cycle of regeneration.

Among the Geomantic figures, Mercury in Virgo is Conjunctio. The meaning, conjunction, is shown plainly by the attraction of the descending (female) Triangle, the cipher of the Yoni, to the ascending (male) Triangle, that of the Lingam. This union completed, they appear interlaced, forming the figure of Capricornus, the Sign in which the Sun finds his rebirth. It is the holy Hexagram, the symbol of the uniting of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, the accomplishment of the Great Work, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness. Sic sit vobis!

  [Source: The Book of Thoth]


Raven's Tarot - The Ten of Disks (The roots of the powers of Earth)
Tarot Disks 10


Tree of Life - Malkuth

Astrology: Mercury in the 3. decan of Virgo
Tree of Life: Malkuth through Earth

With the Ten of Disks the element of Earth has reached Malkuth, the final place of active manifestation - Assiah meets Assiah - and the Disks are in their very own homeworld. 

Therefore, the Ten of Disks are at the point where their richest potentials unfold, getting settled and staid, realizing the complete amount of material gain. Also, the Ten of Disks is the very last of the numbered cards, representing the completion of work, the full circle of Earth. 

On the dark side, the Ten of Disks become fat, lazy, blinded by wealth and even greedy for more, then being busy with grabbing together more riches. When richdom gets big, it needs a ventile to not become dull, a concentration on science or emotion to not get buried in nothing but earth.

Drive: Wealth, security 

Light: Completion of success, material security, well-being 

Shadow: Greed, laziness, poverty of feelings, dullness of mind

  [Source: Raven's Tarot Site]


Tarot Pentacles 10

THE TEN OF DISKS - (Ten of Coins / Pentacles) - Wealth - Jupiter 2nd House - Riches

Keywords: Mercury in Virgo, inner and outer riches, visibility of inner wealth and ability to share it with others

Advice: You have attracted everyone who is part of your life to you. You have created every situation in your life and you have created your own reality. The riches you hold in your hands when you do what you want with it. The responsibility is yours and you are infinitely rich.

Questions: Do you know about your inner wealth? Are you generously sharing with others?

Suggestion: Write down on a piece of paper all the qualities that make up your inner wealth.

Revelation: I am rich internally and externally and free, I surrender myself, I enjoy everything.


Ji-Ching: 14. Ta Yu (Abundance, Wholesale Ownership)

Mythology: The Rich (Solomon)

Keywords: wealth, abundance, security, stability, undisturbed

When the treasure chest is full, there is not much room for what comes next.


Ten of Pentacles
Tarot Pentacles 10


General Meaning

The Ten of this suit represents the final result of cumulative efforts — perhaps after generations of effort — resulting in such abundance that it directly and indirectly supports a lot of people. One layer of meaning refers to the pride of supporting your own lineage of well-loved souls.

Imagine a flow of abundant resources so abundant that you are filled with not only pride but self-respect and gratitude. Such bounty can impact the destiny of many families and generations. Nobility obligates is possessors, and the obligation must be passed down from generation to generation along with the abundance and freedom.

In the Reversed Position

The Ten of Coins reversed suggests that having to make an entirely new start is sometimes a blessing. You may feel as if you have experienced a terrible loss or a fall from grace. This may be true, but both the having and the losing are part of the fluctuating evolution of human consciousness. Sometimes you just have to begin again.

In the Advice Positon

The Ten of Coins in this position advises that you think of yourself as one who may be of great benefit to people. No matter whether it be a service, an invention or an idea — you know you are holding a storehouse of value. Your potential treasure is enough to take care of you and yours for a long time. Exactly how are you going to administer the rewards of your talent?

Recall the time when you began this current path or endeavor. Remember your sincerity, your innocence and your original vision. Can you reproduce success and sustain inspiration as the administrator of your present abundance? Think of every act of spending and investing and securing as the sowing of seed that will sprout and produce another money tree in somebody else's yard. How can you get really clever and inventive at throwing those seeds? This is your next assignment.

  [Source: Tarot.com]


Read more:

  • » The Book of Thoth - A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians by Aleister Crowley.
  • » Liber LXXVIII - On the Tarot - A complete treatise on the Tarot giving the correct designs of the cards with their attributions and symbolic meanings on all planes. - A description of the Cards of the Tarot, with their attributions, including a method of divination by their use.
  • » Manuscript N - The Tarot - A Golden Dawn Manuscript - A Theoricus Adeptus Minor Paper.
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