TAROT - The Meaning of the Cards
The Prince of Disks

The Knight of Disks (Coins) embodies the mood in which we create tangible and timeless value with diligence, perseverance and persistence. Expresses a sense of trustworthy and durable things. It displays the solid, reliable ground, the foundation in which we can rely on what we can build on. It represents the atmosphere of the Earth element, the physical reality that creates security in which the tangible result, the pragmatic action counts, and which, last but not least, forms the frame of our sensual experience. Only the exaggeration of all these leads to stubbornness and rigid attachment, to a hard robot, or to the opposite, impolite laziness and sensual dereliction. |

Crowley Thoth Tarot - The Dignitaries - The Prince of Disks |
The Princes represent the Forces of the letter Vau in the Name. The Prince is the Son of the Queen (the old King’s daughter) by the Knight who has won her; he is therefore represented as in a chariot, going forth to carry out the combined Energy of his parents. He is the active issue of their union, and its manifestation. He is the intellectual image of their union. His action is consequently more enduring than that of his forbears. In one respect, indeed, he ac quires a relative permanence, because he is the published record of what has been done in secret. Also, he is the “Dying God”, redeeming his Bride in the hour, and by the virtue, of his murder.
The Prince of Disks represents the airy part of Earth, indicating the florescence and fructification of that element. He rules from the 21st degree of Aries to the 20th degree of Taurus.
The figure of this Prince is meditative. He is the element of Earth become intelligible. Clothed in light armour, his helmet is crowned with the head of a bull; and his chariot is drawn by an ox, this animal being peculiarly sacred to the Element of Earth. In his left hand he holds his disk, which is an orb resembling a globe, marked with mathematical symbols as if to imply the planning involved in agriculture. In his right hand he bears an orbed sceptre surmounted by a cross, a symbol of the Great Work accomplished; for it is his function to bring forth from the material of the element that vegetation which is the sustenance of the Spirit itself.
The character denoted by this card is that of great energy brought to bear upon the most solid of practical matters. He is energetic and enduring, a capable manager, a steadfast and per severing worker. He is competent, ingenious, thoughtful, cautious, ‘trustworthy, imperturbable; he constantly seeks new uses for common things, and adapts his circumstances to his purposes in a slow, steady, well-thought out plan.
He is lacking almost entirely in emotion. He is somewhat in sensitive, and may appear dull, but he is not; it so appears because he makes no effort to understand ideas which are beyond his scope. He may often appear stupid, and is inclined to be resentful of more spiritual types. He is slow to anger, but, if driven, becomes implacable. It is not very practicable to distinguish between the good and evil dignities in this card; one can merely say that, in case of his being ill-dignified, both the quality and quantity of his characteristics are somewhat degraded. The reaction of others to him will depend almost entirely upon their own temperaments.
In the Yi King, the airy part of Earth is represented by the 53rd hexagram, Kien. The commentary concerns the flight of wild geese, “gradually approaching the shore”, then “the large rocks”, then “advanced to the dry plains-the trees-the high ~ finally, to “the large heights”. It thus symbolizes slow, steady emancipation from repressive conditions.
The description is even happier than that given by the Qabalah, although in every way congruous with it. Practical considerations are never absent from Chinese thought, even at its most abstruse and metaphysical. The fundamental heresy of the Black Lodge is con tempt for “the world, the flesh, and the devil”, all which are essential to the plan of the Universe; it is cardinal to the Great Work for the Adept so to order affairs that “even the evil germs of Matter shall alike become useful and good”.
The error of Christian Mystics on this point has been responsible for more cruelty, misery, and collective insanity than all others put together; its poison can be traced even in the teaching of Freud, who assumed that the Unconscious was “the devil”, whereas in fact it is the instinct which expresses, beneath a veil, the inherent Point-of- View of each, and, properly understood, is the key to Initiation, and a hint of what seed may blossom and fructify as the “Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel”. For “Every man and every woman is a star”.
But no doubt the judgment of the Adepts Exempt (for it is they who determine, under the guidance of the Masters of the Temple, all such details of doctrine) in respect of this card has been influenced by its transition from Aries to Taurus. It is too often forgotten that Taurus is the House of Venus, and that Luna is exalted therein. The new doctrine set forth in this present Essay makes the primary colour of Earth not black, but green; it insists that every Disk is a living and revolving symbol.
The central thesis of the Book of the Law asserts the Perfection of the Universe. In its pantheistic conception all possibilities are equal in value; each and every Point-Event is “a play of Nuit”, as it is written in the Book of Wisdom or Folly, “Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt. But whose availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!” Liber AL. 1. 22. Or, yet more comprehensively and simply: “Every number is infinite; there is no difference.” Ib I.4. |
[Source: The Book of Thoth] |

Raven's Tarot - The Prince of Disks (Prince of the Chariot of the Earth) |
Astrology: 21° Aries to 20° Taurus
Element and world: The Air above the Earth of Assiah
Tree of Life: Tiphareth
The Prince of Disks represents the Air in the element of Earth, he is stable and industrious and also thoughtful and inventive when it comes to improve matters.
Nevertheless, the Earth puts the brakes on the Air, therefore the Prince of Disks is slow in following and developing his plans and ideas, yet he is steady and unwavering - once on his path, he is going forward towards his goal.
The Prince of Disks can seem a bit cold in his emotions sometimes, yet he values his comfort and beauty. He is patient and tolerant, but once in rage, he hardly forgives.
On the shadow site, the Prince of Disks can get stubborn and ignorant, overly piqued on anything not belonging to his related surrounding, and phlegmatic up to total stagnation.
Drive: Solidity, increased material, growth
Light: Unwavering, industrious, enduring, reliable, practcal, reasonable, careful
Shadow: Stubbornness, corruption, avarice, phlegma, dullness, coldness |
[Source: Raven's Tarot Site] |

THE KNIGHT OF DISKS - (Prince of Coins / Pentacles) - Jupiter - Taurus - Reliability
Keywords: Earth's Airy Aspect, Structure, High Energy in Material Matter, Unshakable, Caution, Meditation, Physical Activity, Steadiness
Advice: It's time for action, as you do so, you will gain important experience.
Questions: What activities do you enjoy? What activities can help your self-realization?
Suggestion: Find a creative physical activity in which you will find joy and fulfillment.
Revelation: I find a job that I can accomplish myself and that satisfies me.
Ji-Ching: 32. Heng (The Endurance, Constancy)
Mythology: The Trusted (Hephaistos)
Keywords: constant, reliable, and mature values; strength; enduring value created by perseverance
Even in the tightest of places, we can have all the infinity. |

Knight of Pentacles |
General Meaning
This card is usually called The Knight, but in some modern decks appears as the Prince. Traditionally, this card in this suit pictures an overseer of fertility and growth. His period of ascendancy is during the quiet years between conflicts, when everybody can collaborate in raising the collective standard of living. His horse is usually huge and thickset, more suitable to pulling a plow than riding swiftly into battle. His temperament is easygoing and relaxed, he's moving at the rate of the flow, because he knows that you can't hurry time.
Seeing the bigger picture, like a farmer planning for the future, he doesn't allow momentary fads or fancies to distract him, and he doesn't take seriously those who do. One can feel his stability and dedication — he is totally responsible and even somewhat predictable when it comes to his projects. He is earthy and gentle, as simple and deep as the soil he tills and the flowers he loves.
In the Reversed Position
The Knight of Coins reversed suggests that you should stop wasting energy on people who can't appreciate you. Stop throwing good money after bad.
Cease wasting your blood, sweat and tears on enterprises dominated by people who can't appreciate you. In this instance, you would benefit the whole situation by moving on instead of being so loyal and true.
In the Advice Positon
When the Knight of Coins (in some decks, The Prince) falls in this position you are being advised to offer up your services to some project or enterprise in front of you. Your willing participation can make the difference between a marginal performance and a great one.
The entire endeavor will be enhanced significantly by the resources you bring to it and you will be blessed tenfold. Expect to supervise and guide the project as well as influence the outcome of events. Without you on board, this endeavor is just another good idea. |
[Source: Tarot.com] |

Read more:
- » The Book of Thoth - A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians by Aleister Crowley.
- » Liber LXXVIII - On the Tarot - A complete treatise on the Tarot giving the correct designs of the cards with their attributions and symbolic meanings on all planes. - A description of the Cards of the Tarot, with their attributions, including a method of divination by their use.
- » Manuscript N - The Tarot - A Golden Dawn Manuscript - A Theoricus Adeptus Minor Paper.

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