TAROT - The Meaning of the Cards
Princess of Wands

The Page cards mean chances and opportunities that cross our path. The chance represented by the Page of the Wands corresponds to the Fire element, which is a fascinating impulse or suggestion that we welcome. An opportunity beyond our previous experience: an opportunity that awakens adventure, demands courage and risk-taking, increases the tension of our lives, because you get rid of the paralyzing routine of everyday life. It may be a strenuous sporting activity, an occasion to measure our own border areas or to experience less exciting everyday experiences and experiences. |

Crowley Thoth Tarot - Court Cards - Dignitaries - The Princess of Wands |
The Princesses represent the He’ final of the Name. They represent the ultimate issue of the original Energy in its completion, its crystallization, its materialization. They also represent the counter-balancing, the re-absorption of the Energy. They represent the Silence into which all things return. They are thus at the same time permanent and non-existent. An audit of the equation 0=2.
The Princesses have no Zodiacal attribution. Yet evidently they represent four types of human being. They are those numerous “elemental” people whom we recognize by their lack of all sense of responsibility, whose moral qualities seem to lack “bite”. They are sub-divided according to planetary predominance. Such types have been repeatedly described in fiction. As Eliphaz Levi wrote: “The love of the Magus for such creatures is insensate, and may destroy him”.
The Princess of Wands represents the earthy part of Fire; one might say, she is the fuel of Fire. This expression implies the irresistible chemical attraction of the combustible substance. She rules the Heavens for one quadrant of the portion around the North Pole.
The Princess is therefore shewn with the plumes of justice streaming like flames from her brow; and she is unclothed,
shewing that chemical action can only take place when the element is perfectly free to combine with its partner. She bears a wand crowned with the disk of the Sun; and she is leaping in a surging flame which re-calls by its shape the letter Yod.
This card may be said to represent the dance of the virgin priestess of the Lords of Fire, for she is in attendance upon the golden altar ornamented with rams’ heads) symbolizing the fires of Spring.
The character of the Princess is extremely individual. She is brilliant and daring. She creates her own beauty by her essential vigour and energy. The force of her character imposes the impression of beauty upon the beholder. In anger or love she is sudden, violent, and implacable. She consumes all that comes into her sphere.
She is ambitious and aspiring, full of enthusiasm which is often irrational. She never forgets an injury, and the only quality of patience to be found in her is the patience with which she lies in ambush to avenge.
Such a woman, ill-dignified, shews the defects of these qualities. She is superficial and theatrical, completely shallow and false, yet without suspecting that she is anything of the sort, for she believes entirely in herself, even when it is apparent to the most ordinary observer that she is merely in the spasm of mood. She is cruel, unreliable, faithless and domineering.
In the Yi King, the earthy part of Fire is described by the 27th hexagram, i. This shows a person omnivorous in passion of whatever kind, entirely reckless in the means of obtaining gratification, and insatiable. The Yi commentary is packed with alternate warning and encouragement. |
[Source: The Book of Thoth] |

Raven's Tarot - The Princess of Wands (Princess of the Shining Flame) |
Astrology: Venus in the Fire signs
Element and world: The Earth in the Fires of Aziluth
Tree of Life: Malkuth |
The Princess of Wands represents the Earth in the element of Fire, far from the Queen's depth and the Prince's Air. She's the Fire's daughter, with all the flaming energy of the Knight, unaffected from deeper emotions. The only heritage from her mother is the good memory for insultings and the thirst for revenge.
Though, while dancing in the flames, the Princess of Wands has her own beauty with her unsatiable hunger for life and her endless, powerful energies. Her passion is hot, explosive and fast, burning down the object of desire and forgetting about it as soon as a new one comes in sight. Almost like Bizet's Carmen, she's irresistable in her seductive carelessness, in all her lust and anima.
At the shadow side, the Princess of Wands can lack all true warmth of the heart, faithless and self-indulgent, theatralic and unable to feel real compassion and understanding. At the worst, she can sink down in pure greed and cruelty, too cold and numbed to recognize the own emotional poverty and emptiness.
Drive: Passion, joy of life
Light: Enthusiasm, courage, beauty
Shadow: Greed, arrogance, poverty of true feelings, superficial, theatrical, cruelty, instability, domineering, a gossip
[Source: Raven's Tarot Site] |

THE PAGE OF WANDS - (Knave / Princess of Wands) - Venus - Moon - Sagittarius - Luck
Keywords: earthly aspect of fire, getting rid of fear, new beginnings, optimism, increased perception
Advice: Your old fears have lost control of you. Their ashes don't scare you anymore. Now think about your greatest strengths.
Question: What's the next step in your life? Find it without fear!
Suggestion: Study the path of transformative feelings filled with fear. Get involved, for example, in dance, trans practice, or ecstatic meditation.
Revelation: If I accept my fear, it becomes love.
Ji-Ching: 16. Yu (Enthusiasm)
Mythology: The Adventurers (Jason)
Keywords: suggestions, opportunity, agitation, enthusiasm, excitement, adventure, boldness
Everything can make sense, so it is there. |

Page of Wands |
General Meaning
This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.
This card is traditionally entitled the Page, but in some modern decks appears as a Princess. This archetype is that of a unique individual, a nonconformist, often something of a bohemian, definitely independent by nature. He or she requires little in the way of affirmation or approval. Perhaps a mischief-maker, often an innovator or inventor, the energy represented by this card will only serve others until he or she figures out how to get others to serve him/her.
This person's freedom is so important they would rather go as a peasant among strangers than inherit a fortune with strings attached. Don't be fooled by this humble appearance. This person is a future captain of industry or world leader, now serving an apprenticeship. These people are sometimes seen planting a staff like a flagpole into the earth in the far off wilderness (where they can start fresh without having to make any compromises). You could think of this card as a wild card.
In the Reversed Position
Rather than worry about your image, emphasize the beneficial contribution you could make.
When the Page of Wands is reversed, you may be overly concerned with your reputation or image. You don't want to be seen as a source of controversy or conflict.
Don't overlook the positive contribution you could make. It is urgent that someone stands up for peace, compromise and harmony even if these values had been pushed into the background.
In the Advice Positon
This card is traditionally entitled a Page, but in some modern decks as a Princess. In this position, this card suggests that you cannot know how to facilitate communication until you have studied your environment. Your task may be to blend into your surroundings so you can gather information and get a clear sense of what is going on around you.
Think of yourself as a secret agent for the greater good. In due time, others may recognize the role you play in the transformation from divisiveness to unity. However, right now you are being asked to watch quietly from the sidelines. |
[Source: Tarot.com] |

Read more:
- » The Book of Thoth - A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians by Aleister Crowley.
- » Liber LXXVIII - On the Tarot - A complete treatise on the Tarot giving the correct designs of the cards with their attributions and symbolic meanings on all planes. - A description of the Cards of the Tarot, with their attributions, including a method of divination by their use.
- » Manuscript N - The Tarot - A Golden Dawn Manuscript - A Theoricus Adeptus Minor Paper.

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