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TAROT - The Meaning of the Cards

The Four of Swords


The Four of Swords is the card of "stoppage", the inhibition of activity, the card of restraint. In this respect, it resembles the Hanged Man (XII), who is different from being more event-oriented: the obstacles and difficulties shown here are more tangible and understandable, and can go without requiring a change in our lives. Especially in the case of illness, the meaning of the card is clear, and it may also refer to it. Unfolded from our activities and forces us to rest. Whether or not we are suffering from the resignation depends on us, or we use the excellent opportunity to calm ourselves. It means that although we can use the resting phase as a meditative break, we do not want to.


Crowley Thoth Tarot - The Root of The Powers of Air - The Four of Swords : Truce
Tarot Swords 4


These cards are attributed to Chesed. The connection between the number Four and the number Three is extremely complex. The important characteristic is that Four is “below the Abyss”; therefore, in practice, it means solidification, materialization. Things have become manifest. The essential point is that it expresses the Rule of Law.

The Four of Swords is called Truce. This seems rather on the lines of “the strong man armed, keeping his house in peace”. The masculine nature of air makes it dominant. The card is almost a picture of the formation of the military clan system of society.

The number Four, Chesed, is here manifested in the realm of the Intellect. Chesed refers to Jupiter who rules in Libra in this decanate. The sum of these symbols is therefore without opposition; hence the card proclaims the idea of authority in the intellectual world. It is the establishment of dogma, and law concerning it. It represents a refuge from mental chaos, chosen in an arbitrary manner. It argues for convention.

The hilts of the four Swords are at the corner of a St. Andrew’s cross. Their shape suggests fixation and rigidity. Their points are sheathed — in a rather large rose of forty-nine petals representing social harmony. Here, too, is compromise.

Minds too indolent or too cowardly to think out their own problems hail joyfully this policy of appeasement. As always, the Four is the term; as in this case there is no true justification for repose, its disturbance by the Five holds no promise of advance; its static shams go pell-mell into the melting-pot; the issue is mere mess, usually signalized by foetid stench. But it has to be done!

  [Source: The Book of Thoth]


Raven's Tarot - The Four of Swords (The roots of the powers of Air)
Tarot Swords 4


Tree of Life - Chesed

Astrology: Jupiter in the 3. decan of Libra
Tree of Life: Chesed through Air

The Four of Swords has reached the fields of Chesed, manifestation and condensation, the winds of mind have settled and the powers of the element are well-balanced in themself. 

The mind has solved a problem, found a solution, completed a process, or has come to a good, satisfying compromise. Jupiter keeps the scales of the libra in harmonious balance, and the truce can be enjoyed full-hearted. 

Though, for the Air stability means stagnity, therefore the restful truce should be used for reflection and reconsideration, the idea that has become full circle in the calm realms of Chesed needs to proceed to further levels.

Drive: Manifestation, balance of powers 

Light: A chance to reflect, a rest from fighting, tolerance, generosity 

Shadow: Cold truce which means no peace at all, isolation, forced restriction

  [Source: Raven's Tarot Site]


Tarot Swords 4

THE FOUR OF SWORDS - Armistice - Saturn 5th-6th House - Disabled

Keywords: Jupiter in Libra, tranquility, focus, mental purification, integration, expansion, expansion, balance, clarity

Advice: Your inner purity is enough to successfully complete your plans. Always be sure that what is happening makes you feel good.

Question: What supports and blocks your lightness?

Suggestion: Take control of your environment and rearrange it to keep you calm and focused.

Revelation: I live in peace with myself.


Ji-Ching: 9. Xiao Ch'u (The Tendering Power of the Little, Attention to detail)

Mythology: The Known Heroes (Arthur, Barbarossa)

Keywords: obstruction, illness

Don't be afraid to face your own sword.


Four of Swords
Tarot Swords 4


General Meaning

A Four in this suit sends a message to take some time out, surrendering worldly concerns and retreating to a sheltered place of serenity away from the hustle and bustle. The oldest Tarot card images suggest a visit to the tombs of our ancestors, a place to contemplate your mortality and breathe in the dust of those who brought you here.

A vision quest or pilgrimage to one's own center allows us to contemplate our roots, values and goals. Here you will see your place in the flow of time ... and unfolding generations.

In the Reversed Position

The Four of Swords reversed suggests that even though solitary contemplation can be a great pleasure, it should be balanced with appropriate interpersonal communications. Isolation in this situation can, in some cases, be counterproductive.

It may be necessary to seek help or counsel to intervene with an energy-draining pattern. Try to supply yourself with enough human contact, preferably of a therapeutic or, at the very least, a supportive kind, so if you get stuck in an emotionally painful position, you will have a safety net in place.

In the Advice Positon

The Four of Swords in this position strongly urges that you keep your own counsel in this situation. There may be too much fear and hostility in the environment for you to be heard. It might be that your ideas are not ripe enough or that you are not ready to listen to feedback from others.

If you spend more time in contemplation, you may successfully disregard the emotional occupations and biases of others. For now, closely observe inner events. The time for sharing will come later.

  [Source: Tarot.com]


Read more:

  • » The Book of Thoth - A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians by Aleister Crowley.
  • » Liber LXXVIII - On the Tarot - A complete treatise on the Tarot giving the correct designs of the cards with their attributions and symbolic meanings on all planes. - A description of the Cards of the Tarot, with their attributions, including a method of divination by their use.
  • » Manuscript N - The Tarot - A Golden Dawn Manuscript - A Theoricus Adeptus Minor Paper.
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