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"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."


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English Literature and Linguistics

I have studied English Language and Linguistics at the Eötvös Lóránd University Faculty of Arts (ELTE BTK), Department of English Literature and Linguistics (DELL) in Budapest. Due to my deep involvement in philosophy I was more attracted to literature and especially mysticism and mystic poetry. Therefore I have specialized on the British mystics, such as John Milton and William Blake.

William Blake

Course Description



William Blake - The Book of Urizen

In my thesis I carry out a close-reading of William Blake’s The Book of Urizen. My analysis observes the accordance between Blake’s work and the hermetic traditions, especially on the philosophical side. In my analyses I draw immediate parallels between Blake’s visionary work and the teachings of various mystic and hermetic traditions and outline the obvious correspondences of the two. My aim is not to find immediate historical or referential links between the poem and the mystic teachings, but to reveal the possible meaning of the visionary epic. I wish to show the connections between Blake's visionary poetry as art and formulated philosophies both depicting the same universal truths. My point is to show the universality of the ideas expressed.

Therefore I draw immediate analogies from the traditions and teachings of Gnosticism, Neoplatonism and Greek mythology, the Sumerian and Persian mythology, Hermetic philosophy, Alchemy and Occultism, the Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, and some Eastern examples from Hindu, Buddhist and Chinese philosophy. I also draw parallels with the Bible and John Milton's Paradise Lost.

Furthermore, I don't only give a complex analyses of Blake's The Book of Urizen, but also William Blake the visionary mystic. That is why chapters I & II are included. Altogether my work is a tribute to the great master of poetry, William Blake himself – the seer of universal truths.


The Book of Urizen is Blake's Genesis, and the core of his Bible of Hell, re-shaping the Fall and the Creation of the physical universe. It is also the locus for his mythology in 'A Song of Liberty', America, Europe, The Song of Los, The Book of Ahania and The Book of Los, all of which rest on the ideas presented in this poem. Urizen, like Milton's Satan, was an angel enjoying the immoral life, though among democracy of immortals. He is not cast out for rebellion against law, but separates himself by demanding that Law be established. Los, the immortal artist, emerges to define, clarify and make sense of the disaster, by the power of imagination. Blake works in many more allusions. Los becomes Adam, and Enitharmon his Eve. Orc is born to her, like Cain, but also the Serpent.

The storyline of the poem is as follows: Urizen – a god of Reason who separates himself from other Eternals, demands obedience to his self-proclaimed principles, and falls into Chaos – is an abstract, vain and punitive deity. A body is created for him by Los, 'the eternal prophet' or Divine Imagination. But Los, exhausted, divides into male (Los) and female (Enitharmon). Their child Orc – who represents Rebellious Energy – is born but immediately chained to a rock. Urizen then explores his deadly world, and mankind shrinks up from Eternity. Finally, some of Urizen's children begin an exodus.


Here is the content of my thesis-paper (available in English in the » Library):


William Blake - The Book of Urizen

I. Introducing William Blake

II. Major Influences

The Romantic period

Protestant mysticism

Political Radicalism


Freemasonry and Secret Societies

The New Church

III. The Book of Urizen

The Chapters


Chapter I. - Urizen

Chapter II. - Prior to Existence

Chapter III. - Grasping Subsistence

Chapter IV. - Taking form

Chapter V. - Foundations of Life

Chapter VI. - Generation

Chapter VII. - Chains of Being

Chapter VIII. - The Material World

Chapter IX. - The Human Race

Appendix: William Blake - The Book of Urizen


List of Plates



Interested?   Write and I will send you a copy.

Course Description

MA equivalent course in English Literature and Linguistics

(Autumn 1993 – Autumn 1996 (Degree in 2000))

Introductory courses  (10 courses. 19 hours)



Name of Course




Language Practice I.

Márta Pellérdi

  A level (5)


Professional Language Use I.

Martin Baker

A level (5)


Language Practice II.

Pellérdi Márta

A level (5)


Professional Language Use II.

Dr. Walanne Steele

A level (5)


Introduction to British-American Literature

Prof. Aladár Sarbu

C level (3)


Intro to British-American Literature seminar

Dóra Csikós

A level (5)


Intro to British-American Culture & History

Tamás Magyarits

C level (3)


Introduction to English Linguistics

Péter Lázár

B level (4)


Introduction to English Linguistics seminar

Péter Szigetvári

B level (4)


Intermediate English Language Exam


B level (4)

Main courses  (24 courses 38 hours)


Name of Course




Language development 1.    (Film and Culture)

Julie Gray

A level (5)


Language development 2.    (Journalism)

Edit Kontra

B level (4)


Language development 3. (Media Studies)

Antonia Burrow

A level (5)


English poetry

Dr. Győző Ferencz

B level (4)


English poetry seminar

Krisztina Szalay

A level (5)


English novel and fiction

Gizella Kocztur

D level (2)


English novel and fiction seminar

Judit Friedrich

A level (5)


English drama

Erzsébet Zombory.

B level (4)


English drama seminar

Dóra Csikós

A level (5)


History of England I.

Miklós Lojkó

C level (3)


History of England II.

Andrea Velich

C level (3)


American Literature

Michael Blumenthal

A level (5)


American Literature seminar

Zsófia Bán

A level (5)


History of the USA

Tamás Magyarits.

D level (2)


English Phonetics and Phonology

Törkenczy / Nádasdy

D level (2)


English Phonetics and Phonology seminar

Péter Siptár

C level (3)


English Phrasal Syntax

László Varga

D level (2)


English Phrasal Syntax seminar

Lajos Marosán

B level (4)


English Clausal Syntax

Éva Stephanides

D level (2)


English Clausal Syntax seminar

Péter Lázár

C level (3)


History of the English Language and Dialects

Veronika Kniezsa

D level (2)


History of English Lang. and Dialects  seminar

Ádám Nádasdy

D level (2)


English Applied Linguistics

Judit Zerkowitz

D level (2)


English Language Comprehensive Exam

D level (2)

Specialized courses  (13 courses. 22 hours)


Name of Course




Literature spec. sem. (Guilt and Suffering…)

Ildikó Lányi

A+ level (5)


Literature spec. sem. (Multicultural Mosaic)

John Drew

A level (5)


American spec. sem.  (The Vietnam Syndrome)

Tamás Magyarits

A level (5)


Linguistics spec. sem. (History of Spelling.)

Veronika Kniezsa

A level (5)


Linguistics spec. sem. (Middle English)

Veronika Kniezsa.

A level (5)


Spec.sem.1. (19th century Australian Literature)

Carl Whitehouse

A level (5)


Spec.sem.2. (Patrick White)

Carl Whitehouse

A level (5)


Spec.sem.3. (Cambridge poetry loft)

John Drew

A level (5)


Spec.sem.4. (Pre-Raphaelites – English painting)

Éva Péteri

A level (5)


Spec.sem.5. (William Blake)

Ágnes Péter

A level (5)


Spec.sem.6. (John Milton - Paradise Lost)

Mark Thomas

C level (3)


Spec.sem.7. (The Death of Poetry)

Drew & Ferencz

A level (5)


Dissertation: "William Blake – The Book of Urizen"

A level (5)


Comprehensive Final Exam

B level (4)

Index No.: XLVI-0884/93




William Blake – The Book of Urizen (MA Thesis) [March 2000]
Milton’s Pradise Lost - The Fall of Man [Autumn 1996]
The Psychology of Crime in Edgar Alan Poe’s writings [Autumn 1995]
The new era of America : Walt Whitman [Autumn 1994]
W.B. Yeats - Purgatory [Spring 1994]
H.P. Lovecraft - The Cthulhu Myth [Spring 1994]
William Shakespeare - Sonnet XCIV [Spring 1994]
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Ode to the West Wind [Autumn 1993]


Text analyses of “Intended Lease for Life” 1420 [Spring 1996]
The etymology of paradise, dough, and fiction [Autumn 1994]
Heads (Linguistic difficulties of Percolation) [Spring 1995]
Parts of Speech [Spring 1995]
Stress in the English language [Autumn 1994]
English affixes [Autumn 1993]

British-American Culture

Contemporary British Mosaic (5 short essays) : Kazuo Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day ; Timothy Mo - Sour Sweet ; John Agard - English Girl Eats Her First Mango ; Stephen Poliakoff - Coming into Land ; Salman Rushdie - The Satanic Verses [Autumn 1995]
‘Nam on the Net [Spring 1996]
William Holman Hunt - The Lady of Shalott [Spring 1996]
Bias in the Media [Autumn 1994]
Personal Relationships in the U.S. - based on the films Manhattan and When Harry met Sally [Autumn 1994]
4 Short Essays : Bright and Beautiful - Environmental Problems ; Freedom of Speech ; Religion or Faith? ; Capital Punishment
Nationalism and National Minorities [Spring 1994]  

Interested?   Write and I will send you a copy.


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Check out my Education and Studies and References too.

Last updated: 21-09-2002