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"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."


Ministry of Education

Home Up


            MR. DANIEL M. TARR

Hungarian Ministry of Education

Department for International Co-operation and Strategic Planning

Development  Policy Task Force 

Head of Task Force

  Address: H-1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 10-14.
Phone: (36-1) 473-7702
Fax: (36-1) 269-3629
Internet: www.om.hu
e-mail: daniel.tarr@om.hu

I have worked for the Hungarian Ministry of Education in 2001, leading the Development Policy Task Force of the Department for International Co-operation and Strategic Planning. Our major task was to participate in the processes promoting European integration and to partake in the strategic planning and creation of such highly important strategic issues as the first Hungarian White Book on Education and the first European Social Fund related Hungarian National Development Plan. Unfortunately I couldn't bare the office-based work and left rather early...

] Check out The Hungarian Ministry of Education's Website

Job Description Selected work Selected Presentations

Job Description

Responsible competencies:  
Higher Education
Presentation techniques and media
Other competencies:

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Internal Information Technologies
Culture, art and tourism
Cultural Diplomacy Institutions 
Language policy
Open and vocational training
Equal opportunities

Development Policy Portfolio Committee
Human Resource Development  Task Force
National Development Plan - Human Resource Development Committee
Information Technologies Portfolio Committee (Ministry of Education)
"Szechenyi Plan" Evaluating Committee (Ministry of Economics)
Human investments:

  1. "The European Social Fund" - ESF Hungarian Training Center (01-06/2001)
  2. Special Preparatory Program (SPP Non-Twinning) - National Development Plan Study Tour in Portugal (18-25/03/2001)
  3. "Common Policy Modeling" - Hungarian Institution for Executive Civil Service (24-27/02/2001)


Selected Work

Strategic Documents:

Hungarian White Book on Education (Sections on "Culture & Quality of Life", "Lifelong Learning & Key Competences" and "Quality Assessment")

National Development Plan - Human Resource Development (Sections on "Education and Training")

Education and Science - The work of the Hungarian Ministry of Education and its correspondence with the Government's Program

Educational Policy Development - Strategic Ideas for 2001

Phare 2000 Roma Equal Fiche - Promoting Social Integration of Disadvantaged Youth with Particular Emphasis on the Roma Minority (Phase II.)

Proposal for the Hungarian Government - The Reconciliation Process of the National Development Plan with the Regional and Social Partners

Informative Summaries:

Higher Education Policy in the European Union

Adult Education and Vocational Training Policy in the European Union

The making of Regional Development Plans and the National Development Plan in Portugal

Quality Assessment and Quality Development in Education

The 2001 OECD Meeting of Ministers of Education

Evaluative Summaries:

The Technological Herald Program's Human Resource Development Scenario (08/05/2001)

Eurydice - Aims and strategies underlying policies for incorporating ICT into the education system (27/04/2001)

Proposal for the Hungarian Government - The Participation of the Hungarian Republic in the European Environmental Agency and the European Information Monitoring Network (25/04/2001)

The National Development Plan - Employment and Human Resource Development Strategy Coordination (17/04/2001)

World Trade Organization - Communication from the United States: Higher (Tertiary) Education, Adult Education and Training (12&23/04/2001)

The National  Financial Support Map and Community Outcomes (10/04/2001)

Adam Smith Institute - The Changing Role of Government in Education (07/04/2001)

Educational and Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Parliament - On the necessity of long-term Human Resource Development Strategy (05/04/2001)

Tourist Area Settlement in the Balaton Region (03/04/2001)

The South Trans-Danubian Regional Development Plan and Phare 2000 (26/03/2001)

The Teacher Training Comprehensive Final Examination (02/03/2001)

The teaching of visual art in secondary education (14/02/2001)


Selected Presentations

The European Dimension of the Quality of Education - National Conference on Quality Assessment and the Education of Art (23/02/2001 Budapest)

Higher Education Policy in the European Union  - {for János Martonyi, Minister of Foreign Affairs} (05/02/2001)

Adult Education and Vocational Training Policy in the European Union - {for István Vilmos Kovács, Head of Department for International Co-operation and Strategic Planning} (26/01/2001)

Lifelong Learning and Higher Education -  {for István Vilmos Kovács, Head of Department for International Co-operation and Strategic Planning} (15/01/2001)



Want to know more?

Check out my Education and Studies and References too.