"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

                         Family Photo Gallery



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Family Photo Gallery


Relatives from the past...

Ferenc Tarr (Papa)
Köbling Terézia
Dr. Tarr Károly (Nagypapa)
Köebling Ferenc
Gizinger Terézia
My father
Dr. Ferenc Tarr (Papa)

My grandmother
Terézia Köbling

My grandfather
Dr. Károly Tarr

My great-grandfather
Ferenc Koebling
(my grandmother's father)

My great-grandmother
Terézia Gizinger
(my grandmother's mother)
Mária Kristóf (Mama)
Teréz Szuppán (Dedács)
Dr. Kristóf Imre (Papó)
Goldschmied Szeréna
Krón Ádám ifj.
My mother
Mária Kristóf (Mama)
My grandmother
Teréz Szuppán (Deda)
My grandfather
Dr. Imre Kristóf (Papó)
My great-grandmother
Szeréna Goldschmied
My great-grandfather
Ádám Krón
Wilhelm Suppan
Margit Ihrig - Mimi
Dr. Ihrig Lajos
Bertha Kineast
Krón Ádám
My great-grandfather
Wilhelm (Ámin Károly Rezső) Szuppán (Vilibusz)

My great-grandmother
Margit Ihrig (Mimi)

My great-great-grandfather
Dr. Lajos Ihrig
My great-great-grandmother
Bertha Kineast

My great-great-grandfather
Ádám Krón (senior)
My great-great-grandmother
Róza Feiszthammel

Wilhelm Ignatz Primus Suppan
Gyertyánffy Teréz
Franz (Johann Heinrich) Kineast
Elizabeth Meyer (Grómi)
Anna (Maria Regina) Haas
My great-great-grandfather
Wilhelm Ignatz Primus Szuppán
My great-great-grandmother
Teréz Gyertyánffy
My great-great-great-grandfather
Franz (Johann Heinrich) Kineast
(Grópi) (1843-)
My great-great-great-grandmother
Elizabeth Meyer (Grómi)
My great-great-great-great-grandmother
Anna (Maria Regina) Haas



Ancestor Photo Gallery

Matrilinear Ancestors

Elizabeth Meyer - Grómi (1852-)*** & Margit Ihrig - Mimi* (1895-1975) & Bertha Kineast** (1875-) & Anna Maria Regina Haas (1829-1901)****

**** the woman on the right is my great-great-great-great-grandmother (six generations up)
*** the woman on the left is my great-great-great-grandmother (five generations up)
** the woman in the middle is my great-great-grandmother (four generations up)
*the small girl in the middle is my great-grandmother (three generations up)

Ihrig Margit and Terez Szuppan

Teréz Szuppán - Dedács* (1925-) & Margit Ihrig - Mimi** (1895-1975)

** the woman on the right is my great-great-grandmother (three generations up) - the same person as the small girl above
*the young girl on the left is my grandmother (two generations up)

Emese, Marcell, Deda, Mom

Emese Héjjas - Mesi** (1970-) & Marcell Tarr* (2000-) & Teréz Szuppán - Dedács**** (1925-) & Mária Kristóf - Mama*** (1951-)

**** the woman in the middle is my grandmother (two generations up) - the same person as the small girl above
*** the woman on the right is my mother (one generation up)
** the woman on the left is my first wife (my generation)
*the small boy in the middle is my first son (one generation down)



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Last updated: 25-01-2025