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"The Best of Easten-Europe"


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EWM Trip


EMW "East Meets West"

The Best of Easten-Europe

When you travel to Eastern Europe, you’ll peer behind the former Iron Curtain to find a region and people who are an integral part of contemporary European life. This is a vibrant world with its own deeply ingrained character and a 2,000-year-old cultural heritage that bridges the gap between the East and West. And when you discover Eastern Europe with Grand Circle in 2012, you'll enjoy several new enhancements, including an extra night in Krakow, an added included dinner in Warsaw, and a scenic Danube River cruise in Budapest — in addition to a host of rare opportunities for you to meet the people where they live, work, and play. Dine in the home of a Polish family, meet with a Holocaust survivor, and learn about Hungary’s political past and present during a discussion with a university professor.

Count on the GCT local office in Bratislava, Slovakia to oversee every aspect of your trip. The Grand Circle associates here hail from a variety of European nations, and are responsible for managing our Land Vacations throughout this historic continent. Whether it’s personally selecting and training our team of more than 100 Program Directors; evaluating every element of your discovery-filled itineraries; or establishing long-term relationships with our hotels and vendors — they do everything they can to ensure you’ll enjoy the richest and most authentic experiences, at the best possible value. And because our staff lives in Europe, you’ll benefit from their intimate knowledge of local cultures and customs, and enjoy the peace of mind knowing that there’s a Grand Circle office nearby.

[Read more: The Best of Eastern Europe (2012) ]

EMW "East Meets West"




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Last updated: 25-01-2025