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The Cactus


Unclassified A∴A∴ Publication

An elaborate study of the psychological effects produced by Anhalonium Lewinii (Mescal Buttons),
compiled from the actual records of some hundreds of experiments.

— Unpublished —

Liber CMXXXIV (Book 934) entitled "The Cactus" is listed in Liber IV (Liber ABA) Book 3 - Appendix 1 (Bibliography and Curriculum of the A∴A∴). It is listed as an "Official publications of the A∴ A∴" in Section 3. of the "CURRICULUM OF A∴ A∴". However (according to our knowledge) it was never published.

In Frater Shiva's book, "Coruscatio – The Magical Cactus Voice" (2011), which was designed to replace the “lost” Cactus book, he repeats the “usual” statement of Aleister Crowley [Equinox, 3.1 (1919), p. 16.] by saying:

“Dedicated to the Lost Liber: “The Cactus, Liber CMXXXIV – 934 – An elaborate study of the psychological effects produced by Anhalonium Lewinii (Mescal Buttons), compiled from the actual records of some hundreds of experiments; with an explanatory essay."

All known copies of The Cactus appear to have gone missing sometime after World War II. It is generally believed that no copy survives.”

But then the Peyote Papers announced this amazing profundity:

“In 1928 Crowley wrote to his close friend and student, the English writer Gerald Joseph Yorke (1901 – 1983), saying:

The Cactus was never written. What existed was a package containing something like 100 records of people who experimented with anhalonium lewinii.”

“Apparently these ‘records’ were destroyed by British Customs during the 1920s.”

[quote from – "The Cactus and the Beast(by Patrick Everitt, 2016.)]

— Ed.


Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

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