"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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Ordo Α et Ω


According to the traditional teachings of the Order Α et Ω

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Vincit Qui Patitur


The Consecrating Officers should be members of the Second Order, and may be of either sex. They consist of a Consecrating Adept, who occupies the Hierophant's Throne, and two Assistant Adepts, Senior and Junior, who occupy the places of the Hiereus and Hegemon respectively. So that there are only three actual Consecrating Officers. Other Adepts present may occupy seats in the East as usual.

Neither the 3 Consecrating Adepts nor others present, wear Robes or use Insignia or Laurens; but simply the crossed sashes of first and second Orders, and at discretion, such ornaments as a Past Hierophant's Jewel, etc., so long as such Jewels or Decorations do not imply a grade above 5=6 Similarly, members of the First Order only wear the sash of the First Order, etc.

The Future Temple is then opened in the following manner in the 0=0 Grade of Neophyte.


The place designed is prepared as for an ordinary Temple meeting in the 0=0, as regards Pillars, Altar, and the places of the Censer with Incense, and the Cup of Water; only that the seats of the Kerux, Dadouchos and Stolistes are vacant, and that the Consecrating and Assistant Adepts replace the ordinary positions of the Hierophant, Hiereus and Hegemon. Neither are the places of the Chief of the Future Temple as yet occupied as such.

Cons. Ad.:

(Rises, without quitting his place)

Ekas! 'Ekas! Este Bebeloi!

(All rise.)

Initiates of the Rosicrucian Order of A.O., assist me to constitute this place designated for the Temple of _______No.___ as in the 0=0 Grade of Neophyte.

V.H. Junior Assistant Adept, see that the Guard of the Limits be properly set.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

(Visits the Limits, and if required stations a Sentinel, etc.)

V.H. Consecrating Adept, the Guard of the Limits is properly assured.

(Returns to place.)

Cons. Ad.:

V.H. Senior Assistant Adept, assure yourself that those present have known the Rising of the Dawn.

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

Initiates of the Rosicrucian Order of the A.O., give the Signs of a Neophyte. (Done.) V.H. Consecrating Adept, there be none present who have not that knowledge.

Cons. Ad.:

(Returning the Signs)

Whence is the title A.O. and what is the signification?

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

It is the root of the ancient names for the Dawn.

Cons. Ad.:

Alpha — First — Beginning

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

Omega — Last — Ending

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

And the Path of the WORD between!

Cons. Ad.:

Dawn — Isis — Star of Morn

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

Twilight — Nephthys — Star of Even

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

And the Path of the LIGHT between!

Cons. Ad.:

Youth — Increase — (Prometheus Fore-Thought)

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

Age — Decrease — (Epimetheus After-Thought)

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

And the Path of MAN between!

Cons. Ad.:

V.H. Senior Assistant Adept, establish by the Elements of Purification and Conservation, the Cardinal Points, within the Limits designated for the Temple.

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

(Takes Salt from Altar, goes to the North, leaves Salt there, takes Cup of Water, sprinkles some grains of Salt therein, passes to the East, salutes and sprinkles towards the East, saying either at this point, or in passing from East to South:)

So therefore first, the priest...

(He salutes again at South and sprinkles towards South, saying either there, or in passing from South to West:)

Who governeth the works of Fire...

(He salutes again at West and sprinkles towards West, saying either there, or in passingfrom West to North:)

Must sprinkle with the Water...

(He salutes again at North and sprinkles towards North, saying either there, or in passing from North to East again:)

Of the Loud Resounding Sea.

(Arrived again at East, he does not salute nor sprinkle, but says:)

With Salt and with Water I purify, and the Cardinal Points are established.

(He returns with the Sun, to North, replaces the Cup still leaving the Salt there, and returns to his place.)

Cons. Ad.:

V.H. Junior Assistant Adept, establish by the Elements of Consecration and of Prayer, the Cardinal Points within the Limits designated for the Temple.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

(Takes the Red Lamp of Fire from Altar, goes, with the Sun to South, leaves Fire there, takes Censer, ignites the Incense from the Fire, passes, with the Sun, to East, salutes, and censes towards the East, saying either at this point, or in passing from East to South:)

And when after all the Phantoms have vanished...

(He salutes again at South, and censes towards South, saying either there, or in passing from South to West:)

Thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire...

(He salutes again at West, and censes towards West, saying either there, or in passing from West to North:)

That Fire whose arrows dart and flash...

(He salutes again at North, and censes towards North, saying either there, or in passing from North to East again:)

Through the hidden depths of the Universe.

(Arrived at East, he does not salute nor cense, but says:)

Hear thou the voice of Fire.

(Pauses a moment)

With Fire and with Incense, I consecrate, and the Cardinal Points are established.

(He returns with the Sun, to South, replaces the Censer, still leaving the Fire there, and returns to his place.)

Cons. Ad.:

Vau ו Assistant Adepts, aid me now to establish the places of the paths of the Forces therein.

(Quits Throne, passes, with the Sun, to West, i.e. to Altar, then by West to North, taking from Altar the Rose and the Cup of Wine; passes on with Cup in left hand and Rose held vertically above it, in right hand, to North, where he halts. He salutes, i.e. by extending the arms horizontally forward, but the hands in the same position, and bowing. The Junior and Senior Assistant Adepts rise andfbllow him as he passes their stations; the rest present fall in behind them as for the Mystic Circumambulation, and in the following order: Consecrating Adept, Junior Assistant Adept, Senior Assistant Adept, Imperator, Praemonstrator, Cancellarius designate, followed by Officers of New Temple, but all without Robes, Laurens or Insignia; then other members in order of rank.)

GD Cross


Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(All face North and salute towards North.)

Water and Salt; Purification and Conservation.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

And the path of the Offering of Sacrifice between.

(Procession moves to East.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(Salutes to East. All face East and salute.)

Rose and Wine; Blossom and Transformation.

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

And the path of the Offering of Sacrifice between.

(Procession moves to South.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(Salutes to South. All face South and salute.)

Fire and Incense; Consecration and Prayer.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

And the path of the Offering of Sacrifice between.

(Procession moves to West.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(Salutes to West. All face West and salute.)

Height and Depth; Aspiration and Abasement.

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

And the path of the Offering of Sacrifice between.

(Procession returns to North.)

Cons. Ad.:

It is the path of Man and of the Body; and the first of the Circumambulations is completed.

GD Cross


Cons. Ad.: (Still at North) Vau ו

(Salutes to North. All face North and salute.)

And the Earth was formless and void, and Darkness was upon the Face of the Deep.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

And the path of the Birth of Creation thencefrom.

(Procession moves to East.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(Salutes to East. All face East and salute.)

And the Ruach Elohim moved upon the Face of the Waters.

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

And the path of the Birth of Creation thencefrom.

(Procession moves to South.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(Salutes to South. All face South and salute.)

And the Elohim said: Let there be light. And straightway there came forth the Light.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

And the path of the Birth of Creation thencefrom.

(Procession moves to West.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(Salutes to West. All face West and salute.)

Except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

And the path of the Birth of Creation thencefrom.

(Procession returns to North.)

Cons. Ad.:

It is the path of the Light and of the Soul; and the second of the Circumambulations is completed.

GD Cross


Cons. Ad.: (Still at North) Vau ו

(Salutes to North. All face North and salute.)

Thine, Vast One, is the Earth in its Eternal Stability.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

And the Revolving Path of the Name therein.

(Procession moves to East.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(Salutes to East. All face East and salute.)

Thine, Vast One, is the Air, in its unresting movement.

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

And the Revolving Path of the Name therein.

(Procession moves to South.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(Salutes to South. All face South and salute.)

Thine, Vast One, is the Fire, with its Flashing Flame.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

And the Revolving Path of the Name therein.

(Procession moves to West.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(Salutes to West. All face West and salute.)

Thine, Vast One, is the Water, with its Flux and Reflux.

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

And the Revolving Path of the Name therein.

(Procession returns to North.)

Cons. Ad.:

It is the path of the Word and of the Mind, and the third of the Circumambulations is completed.

(Returns to East, placing the Rose and Cup of Wine upon the Dais, the Rose further to, and flower pointing eastward. All resume their places.)

Thus are the Cardinal Points and the Places of the Paths of the Forces established, within the Limits designated for the Temple. Very Honoured Junior Assistant Adept, yet again assure yourself that the Guard of the Limits be properly set.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

(Again visits the Limit or Limits.)

V.H. Consecrating Adept, the Guard of the Limits is properly set.

(Returns to place.)

Cons. Ad.:

The Triple Circumambulation is accomplished. Let us invoke the Lord of the Universe. Vau ו

(All rise and face East.)

GD Cross


Holy art thou, Lord of the Universe
Holy art thou, Whom Nature hath not formed
Holy art thou, the Vast and Mighty One Lord of the
Light and the Darkness

Look thou with favour on this our undertaking, and grant that this Temple which we are about to consecrate in Thy Name may be established unto Thy Glory, both for the Good of the Order and for the benefit of its Members. Grant Thine Aid unto all upon whom the privilege of Initiation herein may be conferred, so that they may prove true and faithful Associates among us, unto the Glory of Thine Ineffable Name. Amen.

(All face usual way.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

In the Name of the Universe, I declare that this place designated for the Temple of________No.__is duly constituted in the 0=0 Grade of Neophyte.

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו — Sen. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Jun. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו
Cons. Ad.: Vau ו — Khabs
Sen. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Am
Jun. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Pekht
Sen. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Konx
Jun. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Om
Cons. Ad.: Vau ו — Pax
Jun. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Light
Cons. Ad.: Vau ו — In
Sen. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Extension

Cons. Ad.:

I consecrate this Temple under due dispensation and authority from the G.H. Archon Basileus, the Chief or Head of the Order.

(If necessary, Cons. Ad. now may read said dispensation.)

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

(Reads or delivers any convenient address, according to the circumstances of the case, and the time at disposal.)

Cons. Ad.:

V.H. Junior Assistant Adept, I delegate upon you to read the Warrant for the Establishment of this Temple of the Order.

Jun. Ass. Ad.: (Does so.)

Cons. Ad.:

Let the Robes, Collars, Laurens and Insignia, be placed upon the Dais here before me.

(Done by Chiefs - or Chiefi designate - of the Temple)

Senior and Junior Assistant Adepts, aid me in the performance of their consecration.

(Rises, taking the Rose and Cup of Wine, holding them in same relative position as in the Circumambulations, and standing East of Robes, etc. on Dais and facing West. Sen. Ass. Ad. takes Cup of Water and goes with Sun, to East of Black Pillar, and facing East. Jun. Ass. Ad. in same way takes Incense and places himself East of White Pillar. Cons. Ad. extends his hands with Rose and Cup of Wine above the Robes, etc. saying:)

With the Symbols of Blossom and Transformation, I bless.

Sen. Ass. Ad.:

(Sprinkling with Water)

I purify with Water.

Jun. Ass. Ad.:

(Censing with Incense)

I consecrate with Fire.

Cons. Ad.:

Let the Elements be replaced upon the Altar.

(He replaces Rose and Cup of Wine on Altar; the Ass. Adepts, the Fire and the Salt, leaving the Cup of Water and the Censer in the North and South as usual. The three return to their places.)

V.H. Assistant Adepts, the Robes, Laurens and Insignia being thus hallowed, purified and consecrated, I call upon you now to purify the actual Temple itself with Water, and to consecrate it with Fire.

(The Ass. Adepts do so in the usual manner of the Stolistes and Dadouchos.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

(All rise and face East.)

Creator of the World, and Lord of the Universe, we entreat Thee to bless us in the purpose of our present Assembly. Grant unto us Wisdom, Strength and Knowledge, so that this Temple may be erected to Thy Glory and consecrated to Thy Service.

Grant Thou unto the Chiefs of this (new) Temple, Wisdom to instruct and guide its members in the Paths of Occult Knowledge. May they ever act together in unbroken accord and harmony, as far as may be possible to imperfect mortals; dealing justly in all things without fear or favour; and ruling this Temple alike to the benefit of the Order, and to the Glory of Thine Ineffable Name. Bless Thou the Members of this Temple. May fraternal love and harmony ever prevail among them; may they progress in Occult Knowledge and support and work harmoniously with their Superiors in the Order, without discord or jealousy.

May harmony and peace prevail among the various Temples of this Order, wherever they may be found throughout the World.

And finally may we all at length attain to that perfect and Divine Wisdom, without which all worldly Wisdom is as nothing. Amen.

(All face usual way.)
Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

If the figure or representation of that Goddess or God to Whom the Temple is dedicated by Name be present, all face towards it; but if not, all face East.

And seeing that this Temple No.___ is called after the Name of the Goddess (or God) _________, I hereby solemnly dedicate this Temple thereunto, calling it by the Name of the _________ Temple of the Rosicrucian Order of the A.O.; and I invoke by the Ceremonies herein before performed, the God (or Goddess) __________to act as the Genius and Watcher hereover, and patron (or patroness) of this Temple.

(All salute with the Signs, and then face usual way.)
Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

Fratres and Sorores, you will form in procession in the North led by your three Chiefs (or Chiefs designate), and thrice circumambulate the Temple, in sign of respect and homage to the protecting Guardian Genius of the Temple and to the Authorities of the Higher Order. You will, therefore, salute as you pass each Cardinal Point.

(Done. All resume places.)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו

Fratres and Sorores of the Rosicrucian Order of A.O., by the dispensation which I hold from the Head of the Order, I am empowered to proclaim that this Temple is now constituted a regular Temple of the First Order in the Outer, by the title of the ______________Temple, No.____, to be holden in , under the Rule and Authority of our V.H.

Fratres (Sorores) __________as Imperator, _________________as Praemonstrator, and ___________as Cancellarius; with the power to work the five grades constituting the First Order, from 0=0 to 4=7 inclusive; and on receipt of, or in accordance with, due Dispensation and Authority, to initiate and advance Candidates who are duly qualified for the purpose.

And from henceforth, this ________________ Temple, No.____, is fully empowered to exercise all its due rights and privileges, agreeably to the tenure of the Warrant, and the Laws and Customs of the Order. And so may be the blessing of the Lord of the Universe be upon you, and upon your labours.

(All salute with Signs)

Cons. Ad.: Vau ו — Sen. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Jun. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו
Cons. Ad.: Vau ו — Khabs
Sen. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Am
Jun. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Pekht
Sen. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Konx
Jun. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Om
Cons. Ad.: Vau ו — Pax
Jun. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Light
Cons. Ad.: Vau ו — In
Sen. Ass. Ad.: Vau ו — Extension

Vincit Qui Patitur

Rose Cross

Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

[ » Primary Source: Ordo Α et Ω - Ceremony of Consecration of a Temple « ]

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