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Ordo Α et Ω


(Based upon the Lotus Wand Formula)

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Adaptation and Footnotes by:
Frater Alastor


(Based upon the Lotus Wand Formula)

The following Ceremony is based upon the Lotus Wand Formula. It is not an official or original document. The original Order requested from the Zelator Adeptus Minor to create his own Ceremony to consecrate the Phoenix Wand, this was as part of his test to become a Theoricus Adeptus Minor. We now this was the case at least in the temple of the Morning Star as is shown in a Letter wrote to Israel Regardie commenting and giving instruction on how to. The Ceremony that follows is of my own creation following the Correspondences the Adeptus Minor had learn earlier in his studies. The Colors should be visualized in the Queen Scale.

First provide:

1. A private room
2. A white triangle
3. A red cross of six squares
4. Incense and a rose
5. Lamp, or a vessel of Fire
6. Water in a vase
7. Salt on a platter
8. Astrologic figure of the heavens for the time of consecration.
9. Ritual of the Pentagram
10. The new Wand
11. White linen or silk wrapper
12. A table for an altar with
13. Black cover and drapery.

Second, find the position of the East.

Third, prepare an invocation of the forces of the Planetary Forces..

Fourth, place the Altar in the middle of the room, cover and drape it with a black cloth.

Fifth, arrange upon it the Cross and Triangle, the Water at the base of the triangle, the Incense and Rose in the East above the Cross, the Lamp at the South.

Sixth, illumine the Lamp.

Seventh, stand holding the Wand at the West of the Altar facing the East.

Eighth, grasp the Wand by the Black portion and

Ninth, say 'Hekas, Hekas, este Bebeloi.'

Tenth, perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Eleventh, deposit the wand upon the Altar.

Twelfth, light the Incense from the Lamp.

Thirteenth, sprinkle some Salt into the Water

Fourteenth, purify the room, first with water, and then with fire, as in the Neophyte grade, repeating as you do so these two passages from the ritual of the 31st Path: With water:

So therefore first the Priest who governeth the works of fire, must sprinkle with the lustral waters of the loud resounding sea.

Fifteenth, with fire:

And when after all the phantoms are banished thou shalt see that holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe, hear thou the Voice of Fire.

Take up the Wand again by the white portion, circumambulate the room three times and at West, facing East repeat the adoration.

Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe!
Holy art Thou whom Nature hath not formed!
Holy art Thou! the Vast and Mighty One!
Lord of the Light and of the Darkness!

Sixteenth, perform the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram at the four quarters of the room, tracing the proper pentagram at each quarter.

Seventeenth, stand then in the Eastern Quarter; face the East; hold the Wand by the white portion; give the sign of Adeptus Minor. Look upward, hold the Wand on high and say:

O Osiris[1], Lord of Rebirth and Resurection, Thou who slain the evil serpent Apep with thy Wand,[2] 0 Lord of Life and Resurection! In the name of YHVH let the Divine Light descend.

Eighteenth, facing consecutively the quarter where each Planet is, repeat in each of the 7 directions the Invocation which follows, using the appropriate Divine and Angelic Names for each special planet. Begin with Luna. Hold the wand at the appropriate coloured part, and in left hand the element from off the altar which is referred to the Planet (Luna) and say:

The Heaven is above and the earth is beneath, and between the Light and Darkness the Colours vibrate.

I supplicate the powers and forces governing the realm and place and authority of the Sphere of Levanah[3] by the Majesty of the Divine name Shaddai El Chai with which in earth life and language I ascribe the letter Gimel[4], and over which is the Archangel Gabriel governing over the Choir of the Kerubin, and the angel Gabriel who presides over the Inteligence Malka he Tarshisim and over the Spirit Schad Barschemoth ha Shartathan to bestow this present day and hour and confirm their mystic and potent influence upon the Purple band of this Phoenix Wand, which I hereby dedicate to purity and to occult work. May its grasp strengthen me in the work of the character of the Moon and his attributes.

Nineteen, as this is recited, trace in the air with the Phoenix end the invoking Hexagram of the Planet required, and hold the corresponding element from the Altar in the left hand, while facing in each of the 7 planetary directions.

Twenty, then lay the wand on the Altar, the Phoenix pointing towards the East. Stand on the West side of the Altar, face the East and say:

O Horus! Great God of the above, let Thine influence descend and consecrate this Wand which I dedicate to bring into action the powers of life, the vital heat of existence, whenever the fiery powers of Geburah are called for, and for the performance of the works of the Magic of Light.

Twenty-first, wrap up the Wand in silk or linen.

Twenty-second, purify the room by Water and by Fire as at the first, then performing the reverse circumambulation.

Twenty-third, standing at the West of the Altar, face the East and recite:

In the Name of Yeheshuah I now set free any Spirits that may have been imprisoned by this Ceremony.

Preferably perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.


Hierarchy Table

Sephirah Egyptian Divinity Divine Name Sphere Archangel Choir Angel Inteligence Spirit
Binah Nephtys Yhvh Elohim Shabbathai (Violet) Tzaphqiel Aralim Cassiel Agiel Zazel
Chsed Amoun El Tzedek (Blue) Tzadqiel Chashmalin Sachiel Iophiel Hismael
Geburah Horus Elohim Gibor Madim (Red) Kamael Seraphim Zamael Graphiel Bartzabel
Tiphareth Ra Yhvh Eloah Vedaath Shemesh (Orange[5]) Raphael Melekim Michael Nakhiel Sorath
Netzach Hathoor Yhvh Tzabaoth Nogah (Green) Haniel Elohim Hanael Hagiel Kedemel
Hod Thoth Elohim Tzabaoth Kokab (Yellow) Michael Beni Elohim Raphael Tiriel Taphthartharath
Yesod Shu Shaddai El Chai Levanah (Purple) Gabriel Kerubim Gabriel Malkah he Tarshisim Schad barschemoth ha shartathan


[1] The Phoenix Wand is Sacred to Osiris Lord of Rebirth.

[2] This line should be change to one suitable to the Egyptian God governing the Wand. In this case it was change from “O Harpocrates, Lord of Silence, who art enthroned upon the Lotus.” To Osiris Thou who slain the evil serpent Apep with thy wand.

[3] The italic lettering has to be replace with the appropriate names as you move on to the next color band as illustrated on the Hierarchy Table.

[4] Jupiter Caph, Venus Daleth, Mercury Beth, Sun Resh, Mars Peh, Saturn Tau.

[5] On some illustrations, the color assign to the Sun is orange, I believe this to be a mistake, according to the original correspondences in the Knowledge Lectures, Mercury is Orange and the Sun is Yellow. However the initiation ritual states that the colors here follow the order of the rainbow hence not of the sephiroth.

Adaptation and footnotes by Frater Alastor.

Rose Cross

Proof read and edited by Frater D.M.T. © Thelemagick.

[ » Primary Source: Ordo Α et Ω - Consecration of a Phoenix Wand « ]

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